INOC DEU IMST International Congress “Estuaries & Coastal Protected Areas“ ECPA 2014 04 - 06 November 2014, Izmir – TURKEY Welcome to ECPA 2014 The Inter Islamic Sciences & Technology Network on Oceanography (INOC) and the Institute of Marine science and Technology (IMST) of the University of Dokuz Eylul announce the organization of an international congress on " Estuaries and Coastal Protected areas ". It will be held from 04 to 06 November 2014 in Izmir - Turkey. Coastal Protected Areas theme will be addressed for the second time by INOC after the international workshop which was held in the city of Meknes (Morocco) from 23 to 25 March 2005. This Congress is enriched by a major theme "The Estuaries". The estuaries, shifting ecotones with hardly significant limits, are physical and ecological dynamics and unique systems, including wetlands, meanders endlessly reshaped via currents, suspended loads of solids carried by rivers, where certain pollutants will settle down preferentially and can be focused. Estuaries are habitats where you can find marine, fresh-water and endemic species. When pollution does not affect and overfishing not overexploits them, biomass produced there is unusually high. Estuaries are characterized by a complex trophic structure originally for many food chains. They are irreplaceable spawning and feeding areas for many species. Increased human activities in recent years in coastal areas, which are facing the impact of several changes as well as the complex nature of the coastal ecosystems, requires greater collaboration of the entire scientific community and concern INOC members for a close and most important cooperation. The ECPA 2014 Congress will bring together experts, managers and users of the coastal areas in addition to other stakeholders from both the private and public sectors interested in order to share experiences in the management of the coastal zone; This meeting will also provide us a valuable opportunity to assess and monitor what has been accomplished since the first Meknes workshop of 2005. On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we welcome you to the congress ECPA 2014 congress and look forward to your participation in the discussions, presentations and special events where we can collectively work towards understanding the challenges facing the coastal zone — and ultimately recommending solutions. Objectives of the congress Through a rich program of interactive sessions, debates and discussions, ECPA congress aims to: Promote exchange of information on recent developments in the protection, restoration and management of coastal areas including estuaries, Stimulate interaction between coastal oceanographer’s, engineers, researchers, managers, and representatives of civil society to share knowledge’, experience, and expertise. emphasize the urgency for action, to revitalize scientific activities in coastal areas, to define strategies for the management of coastal regions, and Provide a forum for junior scientists and engineers where they feel comfortable in presenting and testing their ideas. Congress themes Local coastal communities are more and more confronted with difficult decisions due to multiple factors that affect their areas: demographic pressure, socio-economic developments, risks natural, climate change, pollution, invasive species, and many others. It is essential that protection, restoration and the coastal zone management strategies put in place are effective in the field, and they take charge of overall planning and action for a sustainable development policy. The sub-themes below will form the main topics during the sessions and round tables discussions: 1. Coastal ecosystems: understanding the physical and biological complexity of coastal environments. Biodiversity of marine and estuaries ecosystems, species distribution Coastal geomorphology, coast, dynamic, transit of sediments, Instability of coastal, vulnerability, adaptation and coastal resilience, Monitoring of ecosystems 2. Environmental impacts: coastal hazards Physical and chemical changes of estuaries and coastal habitats, including the acidification of the oceans, climate change and related impacts: Storm, flooding and sea-level rise, Water quality, pollution threats, Invasive species and / or harmful species and their spread. 3. The impacts associated with human activities and responses to coastal change • Change of estuarine habitats, wetlands and oceans. • Integrated management and marine protected areas. • Management of biological resources (fisheries, aquaculture) in relation to climate change, • Protection and conservation of biodiversity, • Restoration of wetlands, coral, mangroves, beaches and coastal areas of adjacent ecosystems and ecotones... • Human and social aspects impact related to demography in the coastal area and the solutions • Use and development of: coastal Infrastructure, tourism, navigation, exploitation oil and gas, wind energy, etc. • Exploration and scientific research. *Suggested sub-themes are not limited only to these included topics. Key Dates Call for Proposals: Presentations, and Posters: Submittal deadline: 01 May, 2014 • • • • Deadline for abstract submission: 01 May 2014 Notification of abstract acceptance: 20 May 2014 Deadline for full paper submission: 1st October 2014 Congress Dates: 04-06 November 2014 Abstracts Submission You are invited to submit your one-page, free formatting abstracts (no figures!) via email until 01 May 2014, in MS-Word format. *Pay attention in the key dates These Abstracts for the Congress program will be printed from your electronically submitted material. Therefore, please be sure to carefully check your abstract for content errors, spelling, names, etc. before submitting. Successfully submitted abstracts will be acknowledged with an electronic receipt. Notifications of abstract receipt will be sent to the abstract submitter’s email address only. The submission of an abstract carries with it the obligation that it is actually presented at the congress by the author or one of the co-authors. Detailed information on the presentation format and submission procedures (i.e. duration and timing of the presentation, size of poster, accepted file type for digital poster, uploading information, etc.) will be emailed to all authors whose abstracts have been accepted by the Scientific Committee between 20 May to 01 June 2014. Accepted abstracts will be published in the ECPA 2014 abstracts book which will be distributed to participants, to the sponsors, special guests, together with the Congress registration bag. Accepted abstracts will also be available online on the INOC website or Dokuz Eylul university:, prior to the Congress. We strongly encourage the participation of students. Awards will be presented to the two best oral and two best posters presentations. Congress Languages The languages of the Congress will be English, French and Arabic. No simultaneous translation facilities will be available. Fees for registration and accommodation Fees (in euro) will cover participation to the different sessions, abstracts book and CD proceedings, coffee breaks, lunches, dinners & accommodation (Hotel 4 stars) from the 03 evening to 07 November 2014 morning. Cultural visit will be organised on 07 November2014 to Ephesus and to the house Virgin Mary followed by a Diner at Kusadasi . Additionally , 1 extra night in the Hotel to those taking part in the cultural visit. Double Room (Euro) Single Room (Euro) Author with oral presentation 200 300 Author with poster presentation Author from non OIC member countries 220 320 250 350 Students 170 270 * Cultural visit to Ephesus 80 100 For participant form Turkey, the registration fee is 50 Euros without accommodation. Registration and accommodation fees must be paid upon arrival at the reception of the hotel or the first day during registration prior to the opening session of the Congress. INOC General Body and CPAE 2014 Program-at-a-Glance Monday 03 November Tuesday 04 November Wednesday 05 November Izmir- TURKEY, 03-07 November 2014 Thursday 06 November 08:30 INOC General Body 10:30 10:50 Opening Ceremony Break coffee Opening Plenary 12:30 14:30 15:30 15:50 Lunch Opening Reception & Welcome Lunch Dinner Sessions Break coffee Break coffee Sessions Sessions Lunch Lunch Sessions Sessions Break coffee Break coffee Break coffee Poster Session and Reception Recommendations & Congress Closing Dinner Dinner Dinner Field Trips to Ephesus & The House of the Virgin Mary Sandwich Sessions Sessions 20:00 Sessions Friday 07 November Field Trips to Ephesus & The House of the Virgin Mary Diner at Kusadasi Scientific and Advisory Committee Advisors Pr. Abdelouahab CHOUIKHI (I.N.O.C, Izmir-TURKEY) Pr. Erdeniz ÖZEL (IMST, Izmir, TURKEY) Scientific committee Pr. Marie ABBOUD ABI SAAB Pr. Abdeselem ARAB Dr. Sujjat AL AZAD Dr. M. Khaleel AL-ZIBDAH Pr. Nour-el-Islam BACHARI Pr. Ali BAKALEM Pr. Şengül BESIKTEPE Pr. Amel CHAFFAI Pr. Mustafa ERGUN Pr. Patrick FRANCOUR Dr. Harun GÜÇLÜSOY Pr. Amir IBRAHIM Pr. Indra JAYA Dr. Ehsan KAMRANI Pr. Talib A. KHALAF Pr. Ahmed KERFOUF Dr. Samina KIDWAI Dr. Hratch KOUYOUMJİAN Pr. Wagdy LABIB Pr. Sami LAKKIS Pr. Sahar F. MEHANNA CNRS / NCMS, Batroun- LEBANON U.S.T.H.B, Algiers- ALGERIA University Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu-MALAYSIA Univ. Aqaba-JORDAN U.S.T.H.B, Algiers- ALGERIA INA, Algiers- ALGERIA IMST, Izmir- TURKEY University of Sfax - TUNISIA University Dokuz Eylul, Engineering Faculty-Izmir -TURKEY University of Nice- FRANCE IMST, Izmir- TURKEY Tisrhreen University, Lattakia- SYRIA Faculty of Fisheries &Marine Sciences, Bogor University-INDONESIA University of Hormozgan, Banddar-Abbas- IRAN MSC, Basra University- IRAQ University of Sidi Bel Abbes-ALGERIA National Institute of Oceanography, Karachi- PAKISTAN INOC, Beirut/London- ENGLAND National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Alexandria- EGYPT Lebanese University, Beirut-LEBANON National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Alexandria- EGYPT Pr. Mohammed MELHAOUI Dr. karim MEZALI Pr. Samia K. MIKHAIL Pr. Mohamed MOUHIDDINE Dr. Fereidoon OWFI Pr. Orhan USLU Dr. Chloë WEBSTER Pr. Kamaruzzaman YUNUS University of Oujda -MOROCCO University of Mostaganem- ALGERIA National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Alexandria- EGYPT University Hassan II, Mohammedia- MOROCCO IFRO, Tehran- IRAN INOC, Izmir- TURKEY MedPAN, Marseille-FRANCE Faculty of Sciences, IIUM, Kuantan -MALAYSIA Organizing Committees Pr. Abdelouahab CHOUIKHI Pr. Erdeniz ÖZEL Pr. Gökdeniz NESER Dr. Harun GÜÇLÜSOY Dr. Gökhan KABOĞLU Dr. Remzi KAVCIOGLU Dr. Idil AKÇALİ INOC, Izmir- TURKEY IMST, Izmir- TURKEY IMST, Izmir- TURKEY IMST, Izmir- TURKEY IMST, Izmir- TURKEY IMST, Izmir- TURKEY IMST, Izmir- TURKEY INOC DEU IMST Registration Please Complete the form (Word file) below and send it by e-mail to the ECPA 2014 Secretariat before 01 May 2014: Prof. A. CHOUIKHI INOC, Baku Bulvari no: 100 Inciralti- Izmir- TURKEY Tel: +90232279 15 22 ; Fax: +90 232 278 50 82 E-mail: [email protected] Abstract Submission Form Name: Title: Organization: Address: Country: E-mail: Abstract title: Conference topic: Co-authors (names, affiliation, e-mail): Form of presentation
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