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For more detailed information about any story in this bulletin; or for tailored sector-specific monitoring contact: [email protected]; [email protected]) Local Daily News November, 11,2014 *Xanana calls on OJETIL to lead Timor-Leste *Radio Timor-Leste, November 11, 2014 language source: Tetun Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao has called on OJETIL [Timorese Youth and Student Organization for National Liberation] members to make preparations to lead Timor-Leste in the future. The Prime Minister made the call during his speech marking for the opening congress of OJETIL yesterday in Dili. Xanana said the old generations had not more powers to continue ruling the country; therefore the young generations had to be prepared with the experiences which they had since the resistance time of the country’s liberation. “This organization’s spirit must be always young and should look at its new mission,” Xanana said. *Court of Appeal refused to be audited *Radio Timor-Leste, November 11, 2014 language source: Tetun President of the Court of Appeal, Guilhermino da Silva affirmed that the Council of Judicial Magistrate would not be subjected to the resolution of the Parliament, asking for audit into judicial institutions in the country. Mr. Silva affirmed that the resolution was against the democratic rule of law and the Constitution of TimorLeste about separation of powers. In response, Minister for Justice, Deonisio Babo said the Government would set up a commission to hold audit into the country’s judicial institutions. “I think the Court of Appeal President did not make such comments as he is very calm and always thinks carefully before speaking. But we need coordination, although there is separation of powers,” he said. *Appeal for tax payment case is now in Court of Appeal: Court of Appeal President *Televizaun Timor-Leste, November 11, 2014 language source: Tetun President of the Court of Appeal, Guilhermino da Silva said the Government of Timor-Leste had made an appeal to the Court of Appeal regarding the tax payment case which was won by ConocoPhilips Company in Dili District Court. Mr. Silva said the appeal had been submitted to the Court of Appeal by the Government of Timor-Leste as the Dili District Court’s decision was no the final one. “This not the final decision as the party which lost in the case has made an appeal, in this case is the State of Timor-Leste. It is clear that the decision which was announced is not the final decision,” he said. *It is important to invest in public infrastructure: Alkatiri *Televizaun Timor-Leste, November 11, 2014 language source: Tetun President of Social Market and Special Economic Zone (ZEEMS), Mari Alkatiri said to create a special zone in the country, investment for infrastructure building in Oecusse-Ambeno was necessary. Alktiri made the call after taking part in the ceremony of launching the first-laying foundation of ZEEMS project in Oecusse. The ex-Prime Minister said it was important to create public investment for infrastructures in the area. “If we want to create a special zone, we should create public investment for infrastructures. It is not only about roads, ports, but it is also about clean water and sanitation,” he said. *Peace torch arrives in TL to strengthen peace *Televizaun Timor-Leste, November 11, 2014 language source: Tetun The Peace Torch has arrived in Timor-Leste to strengthen the peace and stability in the country through its program known as peace run. Representative of the Peace Torch said he was proud of visiting Timor-Leste as the torch would better strengthen the peace in the country. “We were in Indonesia and now we are here to anticipate and strengthen the peace in the country,” he said. Minister for Tourism, Francisco Kalbuady Lay explained that Sri Sin Moi was the hero who loved the peace and had contributed to the peace in the world, including Timor-Leste; therefore his name had become symbol for the peace. *Commander Lere calls on F-FDTL soldiers to stay away from HIV/AIDS *Televizaun Timor-Leste, November 11, 2014 language source: Tetun The Timorese Defense Force (F-FDTL) Commander, Major General Lere Anan Timur has called on F-FDTL soldiers to stay away from HIV/AIDS. As the country’s security authority, its soldiers must be healthy, says Lere. The commander made the call during a meeting with the executive secretary of HIV/AIDS Combat Commission. Lere said as the country security force, F-FDTL soldiers had to be free from such virus, so that they could contribute to the country’s development. The Executive Secretary for HIV/AIDS Combat Commission, Daniel Marcal said HIV/AIDS had been a threat to the people’s lives; therefore it ought to be prevented by sensitizing the country’s people. *Xanana and Portugal’s Ambassador discuss about new cooperation in justice sector *Suara Timor Lorosae, November 11, 2014 Language source: Tetun Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao on Monday 10 met with Portugal’s Ambassador to Timor-Leste, Manuel de Jesus Gonçalves, talking about new cooperation in justice sector. According to Minister for Justice Dionisio Babo, PM Xanana’s meeting with Portuguese Ambassador to Timor-Leste is to define new policies, especially in justice sector. “The meeting is to define new policies especially in justice sector regarding pro and contra about the National Parliament’s Resolutions to terminate the Portuguese judges, lawyers, and advisers’ contracts recently,” Babo told journalists at Governmental Palace yesterday. *Woodside opened to resolve oil and gas LNG Plant with Timor-Leste *Independete, November 11, 2014 Language source: Tetun An Australian Oil and Gas Company, Woodside is discussing with Timor-Leste about Oil and Gas Field, Greater Sunrise project which will be canalized through Pipeline building to Timor-Leste. This gas and oil field is estimated to generate millions of dollar to Timor-Leste’s revenue. Woodside Company Executive Director, Peter Coleman said as a Partner of the Greater Sunrise Project, Woodside and Timor-Leste were discussing about the possibility of LNG Plant in Timor-Leste’s land or Floating LNG in Timor Sea which the Company preferred floating LNG and Timor-Leste against it. “We discussed with the Timorese people about the concept of LNG of Greater Sunrise, floating LNG or in land Plant of LNG,” Coleman told Reuters which Independente accessed yesterday. Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resource, Alfredo Pires said Timor-Leste and Woodside were discussing about LNG Plant of Greater Sunrise and Woodside had an open-minded about TimorLeste’s preference of the land LNG Plant. *Timor-Leste loses in some cases of tax payment, Tilman blames American lawyers, Pires defends *Independete, November 11, 2014 Language source: Tetun Private Lawyer and former the National Parliament member, Manuel Tilman said Timor-Leste lost in tax payment cases in Dili District Court (TDD) because TimorLeste’s American lawyers did not know about the end date of tax payment cases process. “From my viewpoint, Timor-Leste loses in tax payment cases in TDD because Timor-Leste appointed wrong lawyers from America because these lawyers did not know about the end date of the cases in TDD,” Tilman said in his office. However, Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resource, Alfredo Pires said the Government continued trusting in its American lawyer Pierre Prosper to defend TimorLeste in the Arbitration Court of Singapore regarding the tax payment cases with ConocoPhillips Company because he had good knowledge about the cases. *Terminating contracts of International judges impacts ties: Lasama *Timor-Post November 11, 2014 Language Source Tetun: The acting Prime Minister, Fernanado Lasama said the termination of the international judges and prosecutors impacted individual relations not bilateral ties with Portugal and Cape Verde. Lasama is confident that the resolutions of the Parliament, asking for terminating the international judges and advisors for the Anti-Corruption Commission will not impact bilateral ties of Timor-Leste, Portugal and Cape Verde. He affirmed that the cooperation of the three countries was still going on and said it would always be continued. “We have problem with citizens [Judge from Portugal and Cape Verde]. We made decision for the citizens not for the two countries,” he said. palace, on Sunday (09/11) November, 10,2014 *President TMR calls for dialog to resolve dismissal of international legal practitioners *Televizaun Timor-Leste, November 10, 2014 language source: Tetun The President of the Republic, Taur Matan Ruak (TMR) has called on the Government of Timor-Leste to seek for solutions to the dismissal of the international judges and prosecutors in the country. Head of the office of the President of the Republic, Fedelis Maghalaes made the comments during a press conference which held last Friday. Mr. Maghalaes affirmed that the president of the republic would make efforts to strengthen bilateral ties with Portugal and Cape Verde. The recent resolution of the National Parliament has effected Timor-Leste’s relations with Portugal and Cape Verde which are also the members of Portuguese Language Speaking Community (CPLP), being led by the country. *F-FDTL commander, US and Australian ambassadors inaugurate new building *Televizaun Timor-Leste, November 10, 2014 language source: Tetun The Timorese Defense Force (F-FDTL), Deputy Commander, Brigadier General Filomeno Paxao, representative of US and Australian ambassadors last Friday inaugurated two dormitory building which was constructed by naval engineering soldiers. F-FDTL Deputy Commander, Paixao said this building was constructed by F-FDTL, US and Australian naval engineering units through military cooperation. “They constructed two barracks which will be used by new recruits during their training,” he said. Representative of the Australian ambassador said this was the opportunity for three countries’ forces to share experiences and skills to strengthen the three countries’ cooperation in the future. *Indonesia’s representative elected to lead CTI *Televizaun Timor-Leste, November 10, 2014 language source: Tetun CTI [Coral Triangle Initiative] Senior Meeting last Friday held an election to elect Indonesia’s representative, Widya Agus Patikno to lead CTI as regional director of the organization. Speaking to journalists, Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries (MAP), Marcos da Cruz said CTI was set up in 2009 to help protect coral reefs in the sea. “CTI director was elected to lead the organization and make coordination among the member states to protect coral reefs,” he said. *SEFOPE and IOM hold seminar on migrant workers *Televizaun Timor-Leste, November 10, 2014 language source: Tetun The State Secretariat of Professional Training and Employment Policy (SEFOPE) and IOM last Friday held one-day seminar to identify challanges and opportunities of management for migrant workers in the country. SEFOPE representative, Rufino dos Santos said the seminar was important for the country on how to regulate foreign nationals, working in the country and how Timor-Leste could send its workers to be employed in the other countries. Mr. Santos affirmed that the migrant workers could not be employed as waiters at hotels and stores in Timor-Leste. *PLAN International provides medical treatment for children in Aileu *Televizaun Timor-Leste, November 10, 2014 language source: Tetun PLAN International is in cooperation with SISCA [Integrated Community Health] provides medical treatment for the children in the district of Aileu. The Plan and SISCA also transmits information to the parents of the children about how take care of their children properly from now on. “We want all the children here in the area can get benefits from the program which we provide,” a PLAN’s representative said. Community members in the area were pleased with the provided health program as it could help develop the children’s capability. *KSMJ calls on Govt to withdraw their resolutions, Govt says no *Independente, November 10, 2014 Language source: Tetun Judiciary Magistrate Superior Council (KSMJ) calls on the Government and the National Parliament (PN) to withdraw resolutions they issued recently and calls for setting up a team to evaluate judicial sector of the country. “I am calling on the Government and PN not to meddle in Justice Sector because it is incorrect and is against our constitution and laws, therefore, I am calling on the Government and PN to withdraw the Resolution they issued recently,” Appellate Court President Guilhermino da Silva said at his office on Friday 7. In response, Deputy Prime Minister Fernando “Lasama” de Araujo said the Government would not withdraw the resolutions and would keep up with its plan to set up an independent team to audit the justice sector. *F-FDTL Naval Unit, US Navy, and Australian Force rehabilitate several buildings *Independente, November 10, 2014 Language source: Tetun The Timorese Defense Force (F-FDTL) Naval Component, United Stated of America’s Naval Force, and Australian Force, working together to rehabilitate two buildings for F-FDTL Maritime Unit in Metinaro and Hera’s Village Chief Office. These buildings were inaugurated by F-FDTL Commander, Brigadier Filomeno Paixao, Australian Ambassador’s Representative Toby Lendom and American Ambassador’s Representative Kathrine Duffy Dueholm on Friday 7. After inaugurating Hera’s Village Chief Office, Brigadier Filomeno Paixao said that that this work of rehabilitation named Build Together and Build Together Team had successfully built two buildings for F-FDTL’s Naval Component, Hera’s Village Chief Office as well as fixing several engines at F-FDTL Training Center and rehabilitating F-FDTL’ Warehouse in Matinaro. The Australian Ambassador Representative, Toby Lendom said the work of the rehabilitation of these buildings was second engineering exercise of the Timorese, Australian, and American Forces and he congratulated the three forces on their cooperation during the rehabilitation process. *CPLP members finalize exchanging data before Petroleum Consortium established *Independente, November 10, 2014 Language source: Tetun Timor Gap Company President Fransisco Monteiro said that recently Portuguese-Speaking Countries (CPLP) member had finished the exchanging data before establishing Petroleum Consortium. Monteiro said that Petroleum Consortium establishment was Timor-Leste’s Initiative, therefore, the Ministry for Petroleum and Natural Resources had oriented Timor Gap and Petroleum National Authority (ANP) to contact national companies of CPLP countries to share ideas on exploring oil and gas of the land. “Exchanging data and information have been done and currently the National Companies of CPLP Countries in process of evaluation,” Moneitro said at Governmental Palace on Friday 7. *ConocoPhillips case, TL to win *Diario, November 10, 2014 Language source: Tetun Lawyer Manuel Tilman who defended Oil and Gas Tax Payment Case between Timor-Leste and ConocoPhillips Company said Timor-Leste would win if it withdraws all cases which are being processed in the International Arbitration Court in Singapore and made an extraordinary appeal. He explained that Singapore Court should confirm with Dili District Court before making final decision because there should not be two different final decisions regarding the cases if it happened the final decision of Singapore Court would not implement in Timor-Leste. “Dili District Court has decided that Conocophillips win the cases and Timor-Leste lost because Timor-Leste’s American Lawyer made wrong appeal, however now we could make an extraordinary appeal to the Appellate Court and we withdraw the cases being tried in Singapore Arbitration Court to be processed in Dili District Court so that we can win,” Manuel Tilman said recently at Garden beach Hotel recently. November, 07,2014 *JSMP calls on Parliament to remove Emilia Pires’ political immunity *Radio Timor-Leste, November 7, 2014 language source: Tetun The Acting Director of Judicial System Monitoring Program (JSMP), Casmiro dos Santos has called on the National Parliament to remove Minister for Finace, Emilia Pires’ political immunity to respond to the court. Mr. dos Santos made call regarding Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao’s letter, asking for the Parliament not to remove the political immunity of the minister. He affirmed that judicial process in the country had not truly followed the existing laws as certain parties put their hands into the process. “If it is not removed, it would be difficult as they have immunities, so sometimes the process is impeded. According to the law, the immunity must be removed, but this case is being intervened, so think it does not help,” he said. *Fretilin wants equal justice for all Govt officials *Radio Timor-Leste, November 7, 2014 language source: Tetun MPs Fretilin Party in the Parliament have questioned removal of the Minister for Finance, Emilia Pires’ political immunity, saying justice for all the Government officials must be up righted. The Fretilin MP, Eladio Faculto said his party was subjected to justice and the laws and said they would make efforts to remove Minister Pires’ political immunity to appear in the court. “This process is valid for all and for all the Government members. We all have to be subjected to the justice and the laws which we produced it ourselves. The Parliament will decide to hold a plenary session,” he said. Another MP from the Fretilin Party, Inacio Moreira said his party disagreed with the recent resolutions of the Parliament and called for the Parliament to take a fair decision on removing Ms. Pires’ immunity. *International judges and prosecutors leave Timor-Leste *Televizaun Timor-Leste, November 7, 2014 language source: Tetun The international judges and prosecutors yesterday began leaving the country after the National Parliament issued resolutions to terminate their contracts of supporting the courts and the Public Prosecution Office. Six prosecutors who had contributed to the country’s Public Prosecution Office yesterday left the country. An international prosecutor, Felisberto Cardoso whose name was not in the list of dismissal decided to resign from his post and has left the country. A Portuguese prosecutor who was in charge of corruption case in the country also left after the Government terminated her contract. *Asosiasaun Brigada Negra says yes to Govt and Parliament’s resolutions *Televizaun Timor-Leste, November 7, 2014 language source: Tetun Asosiasaun Kombatente Brigada Negra said it supported the Government and the National Parliament’s resolutions to defend the sovereign of the State of TimorLeste. The association was referring to the tax payment case legal process, causing Timor-Leste lost in 16 cases in the court. “We have lost about 16 cases in our own country, so it has great future implications. Therefore; the Government and the Parliament had to use all tactics to save the country’s interest,” Spokesperson for Brigada Negra, Nelson Correia said during a press conference. Brigada Negra also called on all the Timorese people to support the Government and the Parliament’s decision to unite and form a nationalist force to defend the country’s interest. *State secretariat of environment holds international conference on climate change *Televizaun Timor-Leste, November 7, 2014 language source: Tetun The State Secretariat of Environment yesterday held one-day international conference to talk about the impact of climate change on the country. State Secretary for Environment, Nominando “Buras” Martins said the conference was very helpful as it could increase the people’s conscience at both national and international levels on the environment. Buras affirmed that Timor-Leste had now experienced about the impact of the climate change where numbers of natural disaster occurred, such as landslide, droughts and floods. Elisabeth from South Pacific University said all the people had to unite and cooperate on how to adopt and reduce the climate change which all countries faced. “It is very important for everyone to come together at the conference like this to discuss and find out what solutions would be,” she said. The conference was financially funded by Care International, the Government, UNDP, AusAid and GIZ. *TL and Singapore talk on ties *Televizaun Timor-Leste, November 7, 2014 language source: Tetum State Secretary for ASEAN Affairs, Roberto Soares and Singaporean Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister talked about the two countries’ bilateral ties and Singapore’s supports for the country to join ASEAN. Speaking to journalists, the State Secretary Soares said the meeting was aimed to strengthen the two countries’ bilateral ties and also how to secure Singapore’s supports for Timor-Leste to go into ASEAN. “We talked on how to better tighten the country’s state building, how to strengthen the two countries’ bilateral ties and as well as how to secure Singapore’s supports for the country to join ASEAN,” he said. *Portugal suspends cooperation with Timor-Leste *Timor Post, November 7, 2014 language source: Tetun Following the recent resolutions of the Parliament to terminate the contacts of all the international judges and prosecutors, the Government of Portugal has suspended its bilateral cooperation with Timor-Leste in the field of justice. Portugal’s Minister for Justice, Paula Texeira da Cruz said there were no conditions to continue political cooperation with Timor-Leste in the justice sector. “There are no conditions to keep up political cooperation with Timor-Leste in the field of justice,” da Cruz said. Portugal’s Superior Council of the Public Prosecution has mailed the Government of Timor-Leste, asking for all its international judicial officials to get back home. *Govt saves corruptors with national interest *Diario, November 7, 2014 Language source: Tetun The Opposition party FRETILIN considers the Fifth Government which is led by Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao saves corruptors with national interest. FRETILIN MP Francisco Miranda Branco says currently many government members are accused of committing acts corruption, but the Parliament issued resolutions to terminate the international judges and prosecutors’ contracts with the reason for national interest to save those government members. “All people can see that many government members are being legally processed in the court. Parliament,” he said. *Govt has no good will to combat corruption: civil society organizations *Diario, November 7, 2014 Language source: Tetun Civil society organizations through Timor-Leste’s Non Governmental Organizations Forum (FONGTIL) and Human Rights Association consider the Government has no good will fight against acts of corruption which has been flourishing in the country. Human Rights Association Acting Director, Rogerio Soares said the recent resolutions of the Parliament, showing clearly that the Government had no initiative to combat corruption in the country. Prime Minister Xanana’s request, asking for the National Parliament not to remove the Government members’ political immunities were against Timor-Leste’s constitution, Soares said. In regard to PM Xanana’s letter, FONGTIL’s Director Arsenio Pereira said PN ought to analyze and learn the letter properly because it protected the corruptors, but not save the national interest. *Bobby Boye to pay back US $ 3 million to TL *Diario, November 7, 2014 Language source: Tetun Former Ministry of Finance’s advisor Bobby Boye who has illegally transferred Timor-Leste’s money to his own bank account, totaling US $ 3 million will be paid back the country. “I hear that they have sold the things that he bought with our money and will return the money to us and we expect it would happen,” Minister for Finance Emilia Pires told the people’s representatives at the National Parliament yesterday. She added that the investigation into Bobby Boye’s case in America had not yet finished and was ongoing and Timor-Leste also needed response from the Norwegian Government regarding the case as Norway was the country which sent Bobby Boye to work for Timor-Leste.
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