$urasffisrsst lll $ltlbffi filrs*s NoveueeR EvgNts r 4 - Nov 5 - Nov 9 - Nov u - Nov E$$l S*$smt llrlus ffis'grafiwns$ $nlifnrr*$m TRIPS & GLUBHOUSE EVENTS - KinIcU Boots - ALMOST - Hallows Eve FUII! - Nov Center Orchestra Seating at the Orpheum Theatre in San Francisco. Dinner at McCormick's Kuleto's. Wednesday, December r7th ,4pm - $r4o - - Safety Tips - $*G?ffi - Travel Presentation - Singles Meeting - Robert Stanton Performs - Kare Bear Meeting Nov r3 - Safety Tips from Police Nov r3 - Bunco Nov r7 - Billiard's Tournament Nov zr - Cemetery Club Nov z5 - Book Club Nov z5 - Party Bridge For Sentiors presented by the Kare Bears and the Brentwood Police Departrnent Thursday, November r3th - Free - Travel Presentation Australia, Maine's Rugged Coast, & Italy. Tuesday, November 4th at 4:gopm. Frrnress - Musical Per{ormanee by Robert Sunday, November 9th at 2pm - $ro - BG's Golf - Thurs roam - Chi Ball - TThS roam - Line Dancing - Fridays 9:3oam - Strength/Cond. - M rpm WF roam - Stretch & Tone - MWF Bam Stanton - CIIAMPAGNE AI\TD SNOWFI.AKES Saturday, December 6th at 5:3opm - $+o - Singers - Tai Chi - Sat 9am - Tango - Thurs 4a5pm Holiday Concert Friday, December reth at 7pm - g8 -Tennis-W9am - Singles Holiday Luncheon Wednesday, December roth at rz:3opm - $e7 - Zumba Gold- TTh g:roam - Total Body Fitness - MW 9x5am - ChairAerobics - MW loam Talks by Rick Deutch - The Panama Canal Sunday, January rrth at zpm - $8 - - CAAeademy of Sciences - Skulls lhursday, January r5th at gam - $79 GRurs & Anr ClRsses - Bridge Lesson - 3rd Tues 6pm - Bridge - Tuesdays 7pm Tnpr-e - Bunco - znd Th 7pm - Card Bingo - No Card Bingo in Nov - Cribbage - WTh rpm - Dominos - Fridays rpm - Drawing - Tuesdays p:3opm - Men's Poker - znd & 4th Th 63opm - Men's Billiards - Everyday lpm - Poker - znd & 4th Tue 7pm - Water Color - Fridays rz:3opm "1r;;rt.-$,;1.,; ' - ; - .r Gomes li Activities Director In-Office Hours - 9:3o to rr:45 i & r:45pm to 3:3opm ; st6-Tg97 Weesrre :!! The New Summerset III Website is Coming Soonlll & [email protected] Sally F{ansen i Manager gr6-g7to Properly l !t Gatehouse . 513-6596 CglYreN,Ts Advertisements Helpful Contacts Jennifer or ' ffi-36 Calendar 20 Contacts 19 Club/Class News 11 - 18 il i i[ *;: Events & Trips From the Board Sign-Up Slips ss I, u, [v 2L - 32. 2 - 10 5o 37-49 Board of Directors November 2Ol4 Presidnilt'$ hmfrtmm Have you ever asked the question "Where has this year gone"? That's the way I feel about now as I look at the calendar and see that Thanksgiving is only 27 days away, followed soon thereafter by Hanukkah and Christmas ! Before long we will be celebrating the start of a new year! The expression "time flies" certainly seems true especially as we "mature" (sounds better than "age")! In just a very few days, November 4th, we get to exercise one of our most important civic duties and that is to VOTE. I would urge all of you to cast your vote in this very important election. Your vote counts and can make a difference. The month of October was a busy month. We held our Town Meeting and had the opportunity to answer many of tlre concems raised by residents. Your Board will take action in a number of areas to help alleviate some of these concems and to instill confidence in our homeowners that our community is working to become the "best place to live" in Brentwood. We also spent time working with the City of Brentwood to alert them of our concem for the need of traffic signals at our entrance and exit gates for the safety of our residents. This was in conjunction with our effort to support Joel Keller's suggestion to consider an altemative site for the new college campus. We attended CCCCD Board meetings and expressed our concerns, in addition to doing the same at the Brentwood City Council meeting. In the October Board Meeting, we established a Capital Improvement Fund so we can actually fund the purchase of some new items to enhance our clubhouse and surrounding area. The committee to renovate the Clubhouse will be meeting with a professional interior decorator this month as that project moves along. We will be installing the new projection system and moving our sound equipment from the hallway closet to the new cabinet location in our main room at the Clubhouse. We hope to have this up and operating properly before the year ends. The KARE BEARS are working on a new exciting project, which was the idea of Joan Ivarson, to better support the infrastructure of our cornmunity. and to involve COMMIIMTY in watching and caring for one another. You can read more about this in the article concerning the KARE BEARS in this month's newsletter. Did you know that you can read the Summerset Newsletter on our website at www.summersetuista.org as well as viewing our CC&R's and RULES? We have a team working to prepaxe and upload an entirely new and updated web site by January 1,2015. This will give all of us access to items like a message board, club news and happenings at Summerset Vista. I have seen the site outline and it will be a wonderful enhancement to our community and a place that you will want to check on a regular basis to keep updated on events and stories of interest to our community. This, along with the many other changes and additions we are working on, will enhance our Community and make us proud to be residents of Summerset Vista! 2 ��oard o� Directors �__.. 4 1 o 2 r b e e rn = . v � o : N ; :: ;;;:::��:::: .......... �" '. ber Orrnatt- on '"" Contact � Pre�ident j; Y ON VACANC F BOARD O RS DIRECTO Vice Pre�ident as a cu rrently h of Directors d ar o B e Th et III ny Summers vacancy. A ding who is in good stan r e n w o e m o h m aining 20 ving the re er s in d te d to interes term is aske e two-year th of s th e on th m est to etter of Inter sub mit a L later than irectors no B oa rd of D 14. In your Mon day, Nov Board Inf4 Mem George S;chmidt 513-9378 schmidt.g c@ gm al. '1 Com Bill Del Purgatono . 207- 1 414 billdel @comca Trea�urer (CFO) st.net Zoe Lighty 698-4635 mlighty@com cast S;ecretary '"" Ginny Fahimi . net 516-1375 0 ember 10,2 Member-at--L . arge ed in are interest in why y ou pla x r e e tt y le d what our e Board an th on g in r serv ase put you ns are. Ple of qualificatio e Bo ard terest in th Letter of In the wer outside e Directors dra lo ce be w th ector's Offi Dir s ie vit w vie Acti ard will re ard. The Bo se a oo bulletin bo ch will nte rest and I of s r te et all L r. on thereafte candidate so gfahimi@Yahoo .com Ope n s irector D f o d Boar Meeting D 3 day, Wednes 7p m 10th at r e b m e ec Board of Directors November 2Ol4 tmm ffimd*nm* $ollsge Updatg Pntianc0f Udcarthlrwsre talrnfrw thu l"W mHs tr/l!/lp On October 8th the Contra Costa Community College District Goveming Board met in Martinez. This was the same day as our Board Meeting here in Summerset III. At its meeting the CCCCD agreed to move ahead with a feasibility study regarding the proposal to move the Los Medanos College location from the planned Trilogy at the Vineyards site, on Marsh Creek Road, to a parcel next to a possible future eBART station near the Mokelumne Trail. This was a propoSal originally suggested by Joel Keller and backed by CCCCD Board member Greg Enholm. John Nejedly, who was appointed along with Greg Enhotn, to an ad hoc committee by President John Marquez at the September district board meeting, reported it was agreed that an 'tnbiased and objective" feasibility study should be done to move the location closer to public transportation. In a conference call on September 30 with District Chancellor Helen Benjamin, it was decided to hire Real Estate Consultant Howard Sword, who reportedly was familiar with the project, to conduct a feasibility study and to report his findings at the November 12 district board meeting. Greg Enholm voiced his concems with having a real estate consultant create the criteria for a study regarding a college campus site and urged the board to meet to discuss what aspects Sword should consider in his investigation. While the district board decided to move ahead with the feasibility study, despite Enholm's objection, Enholm stated the following moming that he and Nejedly agreed to meet on September l0th to seek an agreement on the specific criteria to be considered by Sword in his feasibility study. During the public comment portion of the October 8th meeting Joel Keller, BART Board President and Summerset resident, spoke to the assembled board advising that they had a moral obligation, if not a legal one, to conduct a study regarding how a move of the LMC campus from its current site in downtown Brentwood to its proposed site in the Vineyards property would impact students. Keller noted that at lhe current LMC downtown Brentwood site 30% of the students are Hispanic, 60/o are AfrrcanAmerican and,6Yo are Asian: He further reminded the CCCCD Board that the President of TriDelta Transit, at its September meeting, had advised the CCCCD Board that the company would not be able to service the campus if it was moved to the parcel near Trilogy. Joel further advised the CCCCD Board that "changing the prospects of the most vulnerable students in Eastem Contra Costa County of their ability to obtain an education" would be the result of moving the campus site 3.6 miles away from where it is currently located on Sand Creek Road. Joel further contended that relocation of the Brentwood Center site to the Marsh Creek Road location might be in violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. Title VI 'prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin in progfirms and activities receiving federal financial assistance". 4 Board of Directors November 2Ol4 No architectural designs have thus far been submitted although 19 architectural firms have submitted statements of qualifications in the hope of being eligible to provide architectural design services for the project. The proposal to swap land for a more transit-oriented location closer to the students being served has been viewed by most of the CCCCD board as an 1lth hour proposal. The CCCC Districts Chief Facilities Planner, Ray Pyle, has indicated that "owning land and having a plan for a new building was an essential element in obtaining approval from the California Community College Chancellor's Office." A site relocation now would require the district to submit a change request to the California Community College Chancellor's Board of Governofs and would require the CCCCD to show the move would not change the "sfudentrelated planning elements of the application package" originally submitted. There are some who believe that there were material errors made when this document was presented. Hopefully clearer heads will prevail and the "unbiased and objective" report to be made ot the CCCCD Board, at its scheduled meeting on November 12,2014, will add support to the proposal made by Joel Keller. Our own Jerry Marks told the CCCCD on September 10th that"it may be the 1 l th hour but if you see the bus going over the cliff you better do something to stop it" ! NOVEMBER 4th IS ELECTION DAYI Be sure you exercise your civic duty... Vote! lf you do not vote you have no right to complain! 5 Board of Directors November 201_4 $umm$r$st lll llpen furuilr On October I 5, alarge number of Summerset gathered in the Clubhouse to hear and discuss a number of issues raised by residents and addressed by the Board and appropriate committee members. Some of the issues could be resolved, while others will take some study before making an appropriate response. III homeowners In conjunction with this, the Residential Advisory Committee (RAC) has been tasked with the job of investigating the feasibility and potential costs to install cameras at both the Regent and Baldwin gates to monitor traffic in and out of the community. According to the Brentwood Chief of Police, Mark Evenson, this has the effect of deterring crime in communities where cameras are installed. This could be beneficial and will be considered and the RAC will report its findings back to the Board at a future meeting. The Board, along with members of the Finance Advisory Committee, the Resident Advisory Committee and the Architectural Committee addressed a number of issues that had been submitted for discussion at the meeting. These included safety issues, including what could be considered reckless driving on the part of some residents and guests, speed bumps and the proper identifi cation of contractor vehicles. There were a number of issues surrounding the use of the swimming pool, its use by nonresidents and the liabilities that exist when nonresidents attend classes. The Board has discussed a disclaimer that would be signed by non- The issue of the hours of our gate attendants was discussed and whether we could eliminate a third shift, thus saving some money. The Board must discuss this and make a recommendation to the homeowners and then the homeowners must vote. It would require a 51,Yo vote of homeowners in favor of the change to eliminate a shift. This is due to the fact that our CC&R's call for the gates to be manned 2417 unless changed by the Board, based on a majority vote of the residents. The vote would equate to one vote per household in a vote for or against such an action. It was pointed out that our gate entry system would need some modifications and each resident would require a four digit code to be established so that, if any change is to be considered, they could enter during non-manned hours using the Regent gate. residents using our facilities that limits our liability. This must be reviewed by our attorneys prior to any implementation. Another area of concern is the condition of some of our streets and the use of guest parking spaces by residents. Sally Hansen reported that a recent study of all of our streets provides the Board with a solid reference point for future repairs and ongoing maintenance. The Board will be enforcing the guest parking use by residents and the Architectural Committee will be placing warning notices on cars that violate the parking of resident vehicles. A potential fine of $50.00 could be imposed for the first violation and it could increase thereafter if the violation continues. We thank all of the residents who participated. The Board plans to do this again in 2015. 6 Board of Directors November 2Ol4 0etongr Proucd -; tobsa Busy lUlontlt! ldt: l',rll[r$:,H*\iliil.il$}i'ii lStllll,|.?!,1il'1* ..wt) Your Board and its committees had a very busy October with regular monthly meetings, special meetings, meetings with Brentwood officials and our Town Hall Meeting! Add to this the meetings some of us attended that concerned the Contra Costa Community College District (CCCCD), along with the large group that attended the October 14 Brentwood City Council meeting. I believe it is fair to say that many of our residents are becoming involved in issues that involve the betterment of our community. It takes a lot of interested people to be involved to make our community shine and become the "Best Place in Brentwood to Live". For that we thank you and encourage others to join in where you see you can help. l:l UoluiltBor/[duisor -trirr,-ffi*ri*ii+4,4ir .liiltii [l ggdgd ..::) r;, ii,,,;';,i:ri;N ry :i.-...xi{' -XSno :i ff..l{li The SS III Board of Directors is in the process of reviewing our residents' security needs with a Safety Committee, video equipment and upgrading the Regent Gate Entry equipment being considered. The Residential Advisory Committee (RAC) has been asked to research and make recommendations on these three issues. While a RAC member will write the report with recommendations to the Board, we would appreciate someone with a background or experience in any of these areas to advise us. If you have a background in video equipment, the Regent gate entry type equipment or crime preventionA.{eighborhood Watch, we could use your help. Your advice or suggestions may simply take an hour or so working with a RAC member. This advice will assist the RAC member to complete a final report to the Board. Please contact Russ Pitkin, RAC Chairman, at 5 13- 1595 or [email protected] or contact Ginny Fahimi at 516-1375 or [email protected]. 7 Board of Directors November 2Ol4 Irea$urgr'$ Feilort Morgan Stanley balance at end of September 2014 is $1 ,I51,614. On Sept. 9,2014 we purchased a CD in the amount of $130,000. It will mature 9llll15 at .60% .Our Operating Account continues to pay expenses in a timely manner and the HOA usually has a surplus averaging about $4,500 a month. A Capital Improvement Fund was established as a subaccount of the Reserves at the October gth gOn meeting The BOD directed that the Comcast Funds for 2014 in the amount of $ 1 0,786 be used to open the Capital Improvement Fund. f $ $ 2015 Budget This Budget was based on records of actual expenses in2014 since January. There will be ongoing efforts to lessen our costs in 2015. The 2015 Budget does not increase the monthly assessments for homeowners. . In 2014, we have lessened costs in Workmen's Comp Insurance, some AT&T accounts, and in the Landscaping Contract. . The Utilities have an expected3o/o increase for 2015 Budget. . . The Tax Prep amount was increased since the Board new CPA to review our taxes. will be hiring a The RepairsAvlaintenance category was increased since we no longer have SCAMPS to perform maintenance in the Clubhouse. o { new line item was added called CIF Contributions. This is for the Capital Improvement Fund in the amount of $27,504. This fund is a subaccount in the Reserves. . . . The Addition to Reserves follows the Board commitment to increase funding every year. This represents a 4o/o rncrease for 2015. The line item that used to read Taxes/Licenses has been changed. There is a line item for just Licenses and two line items have been added for taxes: Operating Income Tax and Comcast Income Taxes. This breaks the taxes down rather than lumping them together. TWo line items from the 2014 Budget have been designated as Reserve items. These are Irrigation Repairs and Light Maintenance which refers to the replacement of lights in the street light poles. The Reserve Committee stated that these items had been included in the new Helsing Reserve Study and should be paid from the Reserves Account. 8 Board of Directors November 2Ol4 llare Bear$ lnitiate ilsi$llhilr]loo$ [nnnsst The KARE BEARS involvement in our COMMUNITY goes back many years. "The mission statement of the Summerset III VISTA KARE BEARS is to welcome new residents, provide information, support selected local charitable organizations, visit the sick, lend mobility assistance equipment and assist with memorials." Ifyou have resided in Summerset Itr Vista for any length of time, the chances are good that you or one of your neighbors has been the recipient ofcare or support from our KARE BEARS. Joan Ivarson has come up with tle'idea of 'NEIGHBORIIOOD CONNECT". This was motivated by a number of concems including'the fact that KARE BEARS was getting the information necessary to fulfiIl their Mission Statement in a haphazard manner and residents were missed. In addition, some residents were isolated and didn't have a support group to check in on them. There was no 24/7 emergency contact information available. This concem led to the hope that KARE BEARS could imFrove communication between themselves and the residents. It is hoped that everyone has at least one support person ifthey desire it. The KARE BEARS hope to improve their responses to residents and disseminate information in a more efiicient manner. According to Jeanne Bennett, KARE BEARS current President, they will have divided up the community into groups of approximately 10 to 12 homes each and would seek a "Neighborhood Connector" (NC) who resides in the immediate group of 10 to 12 homes. This individual / family would assist in identifuing and welcoming new residents within their assigned area. They would then inform the Bear Hugs Welcoming Committee Chair who would follow up. The "Neighborhood Connector" (NC) would also advise the Sunshine Committee Chair in the case of illness or surgery and the F amily Support Chair in the case of a deceased resident. The "NC" would also maintain a list of contacts for neighbors in case of an emergency. A'heighbor check" could be established for those who live alone and would like a daily phone call. Jeanne noted that it is important that the "NC" maintain the confidentiality of their neighbors while informing those who can help. This is a fine line and the 'NC" must remember not to share stories that are not theirs to share! It is anticipated that the time commitment is approximately % to 2 hours for the initial contact and minimal after that. The KARE BEARS hope to initiate this program sometimg in October. If you are interested in participating, you can contact tle KARE BEARS or they will contact you as a resident in one of the groups. One of the goals of the KARE BEARS is to develop and sfreamline the means of comnunicating with residents. It is hoped that our Summerset web site can be used in a more effective way in this regard. In conjunction with the program described above, the KARE BEARS will be disfributing new "Vials of Life", into which you would place important medical inforrnation that can be placed in a prominent location in your home in the event of a medical emergency. Remember the KARA BEARS are open to all residents who wish to be involved! 9 Board of Directors November 201_4 $ummsr$Bt Pre$idont$ S lntiulty Mrmtltor$ Mrewffi milew ffiWtrffimffimffiw O/n October 10th, the presidents and activity directors of all four Summersets met with Interim City Manager, Steve Salomon; Chief of Police, Mark Evenson; Director of Public Works / City Engineer, Bailey Grewal; Director of Parks and Recreation, Bruce Muldeer; Assistant Finance Director, Kerry Breen, and Senior Planner, Jeff Zilm. The items under discussion varied from an update on the Sonic agreement with the City of Brentwood, to water coniervation. Ofparticular interest were the details ofthe Sa:nd Creek interchange and the Balfour Road interchange with Highway 4. By the time you read this, the new interchange at Saad Creek Road should be open aad easing some oftle congestion due to the construction over the past year. Plans call for the beginning of construction on the Balfour Road overpass by this time next year (2015). Highway 4 will be widened to two lanes each way between Sand Creek Road and Balfour Road with only one lane each way east of Balfour Road. The actual overpass will have two lanes, one in each direction. Future expansion into four full lanes east of Balfour Road is contemplated for some time in the future when deemed necessary and funds become available. JeffZilm gave an update on the development at the SE corner of Balfour Road and Highw ay 4. He indicated there would be 62 homes built, along with an approximate 5 acre senior apartrnent complex and a seven acre commercial development. Jeff also advised that no further recent communication had been received from ttre golf course regarding plans for the relocation of their maintenaace building. They are currently on a month-to-month lease at the curent location of the maintenance building. Bailey Grewal advised that the City of Brentwood has installed a pedestrian-operated crossing signal warning light at the intersection ofBacchini and ConcordrAvenues. This is part ofthe safety measures being taken as more of the trail system in our area is opened to the public. Summerset IV has requested that the city post parking limits and signs reading 'No Ovemight Parking" at the lot adjacent to Wolfe Road. A car parked there overnight was recently broken into aad items stolen. Some RV owners have also parked there and this is not desirable. Chief of Police, Mark Evenson, reported that Brentwood will be adding officers to tle force in the coming montls as graduates of the Police Academy become available. Brentwood is being very particular in its hiring practice to make certain the new offrcers hold to the highest standards. ChiefEvenson indicated that the public safety and trust were top priorities. We asked him to comment on the value of security cameras at our gates and he advised that they were ofvalue to his department and also acted as a deterrent. He cited the case of the Sterling Preserve complex in Brentwood where no burglaries have been experienced since the cameras were installed. Summerset III is investigating the practicality of such cameras, as is Summerset 1. 3 10 Club & Class News Social Club Donna Bokman IHAIIPAfiIU AI{D $I{OW}I,AIfi S OUR IOI,IDAY ]XIRAVAfiANUA D[C]llBln 6 AI 5:30 A TYINITR WOI{DTNI,ANI) IRTAI]II BY OUN OIAIRIIAN, III{IIA RIZAO Come see what the Social Club trus parties offwith a "bang!" The decorations will be outstanding -- you will not recognize the Clubhouse. This will be an elegant sit down dinner catered by Fresh Catering, featuring your choice of Grilled Salmon with champagne vanilla sauce or Beef Tenderloin with roasted mushroom Madeira sauce, and beginning with amazing hors d'oeuvres and ending with a delicious dessert. "Noteworthy 3" will provide the music for your dancing pleasure. Cost is $40.00 per person. Doors open at 5:30, dinner; will be served at 6:30. Early reservations are encouraged because our Annual Holiday Party is always a sell out! Reservations will be limited to 104 oeonle. Reserve vour table of 8 earlv./r\ (with a list of names and comnlete Davment): reservations |r--are oDen to Summerset Vista residents onlv until November 18. then oDen to all until December 1. so set vour reservations in as -- as nossible. earlv -oA big thank you to Sharol -r Terranova and her committee for a great HALLOWS' EVE event. Beware of all those "Naughty" people. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllD- FEBRUARY 14,415 CAPTAINIS DINNER ON THE LOVB BOAT Co-chairmen Rene Copping and Patty Johnson have lots of surprises in store for you on this very unusual event. A Cruise Night is being offered right in our very own Clubhouse. Food will be provided by Christine's Cuisine; you will feel that you are on a Cruise Ship. Come see what these ladies have planned. Reservations will be handled as always; tables for 8 can be reserved. Cost is $35.00 per person and, of course, there will be dancing. This will surely be a sell out!! APRIL 4.2015 PRIMAVERA ITALIAN DINNER New resident Alice Dolan will be -Chairman of this event. This will be a classy evening and one you won't want to miss. Be sure and read your next newsletter for additional details and future Social Club events. NEW RESIDENTS -- We have a special gift for you? This year we are offering FREE ADMISSION for two people to an upcoming Social Club event. Contact any Social Club Board Member for details. The Social Club includes all residents of Summerset III and we encourage everyone to participate in thefun! Help is always welcomed and we appreciate any and all volunteers ! Whichever woy you participate, attending a Social Club event is a great way to meet new people! The Social Club wishes you all a Happy Holiday season!! Social Club Board Members include: - Donna Bokman, President 516-7824 [email protected] 11 - Ron Heyman, lst Vice Pres. 240-7785 [email protected] - Patty Johnson, Treasurer 513-2354 p atty20 5@ sb c glob al. net - Patty Hank, Secretary 516--2829 [email protected] Kare Bears Barbara LoConte We have some events coming up that we think will be of interest to our community. Please mark your calendars and try to be there. We also welcome your feedback after our presentations. We want to present topics that will,be of interest to you. Thursday, November 13 - 2:00 PM in the Vista Clubhouse - Lt. Doug Silva from the Brentwood Police Department will touch on how your police department works and safety tips for Seniors. He will also address crime in the area and the commitment they have to the quality of life of our seniors. FEED THE CHILDREN FOOD DRIVE - Thursday, December 4th from 8AM-12PM. Kare Bears are once again sponsoring this event. The grocery bags will be found in your November newsletter with instructions. You may drop your bags at the curb in front ofthe clubhouse or if that is not convenient, you may call Dave or Joan at 679-7113 and they will be happy to pick up your bags. We thank you so much for your past generosity and hope you will be able to help again. Let's make a difference for the Brentwood children ! ! We have picked up a few new members, and we are grateful, but we are still waiting for YOU!! We Club & Class News do a lot of good things; wouldn't you like to be apart of that? All residents of Summerset III are welcome. If you have any Kare Bear questions, please call our President, Jeanne Bennett at 763-783-r8r2. Bocce Club Leo Loranger Some of you may have noticed the new golden-shirted bocce players playing bocce. The new shirts were introduced for the first time at our annlral inter-club bocce tournament. Event chairperson Ken Wheat, along with Norm Jackson, assembled over 24 players into two person teams in an elimination game tournament. Starting at 8am, 4 players per court, with the winning team scoring 10 points. Some players, like myself, were eliminated almost immediately. Others persevered and continued to play until eliminated. After a long morning of bocce, five separate rounds, the winning couple emerged. We would like to congratulate Anita Jacobs and Brian Lancaster as the official Bocce Champions and winners of the Summerset III Bocce Tournament held on Sept.l3. The champs, along with runners up Jim McNary and Harry Shaw, were presented with a beautiful trophy ( provided by Ken Wheat ) at the Ice Cream Social. The winning foursome were also honored by having their photo printed in the Brentwood Press. On October 2nd at our annual 'Thank You' Ice Cream Social, members enjoyed the traditional banana split with all the toppings and good old-fashioned ice cream cones with sprinkles. This is our final event with two milestones, nomination and election of board candidates for 2015 and the end of the 2014 bocce season. It is with mixed emotions that we say goodbye to Sally and Bob Brown, who are moving to Seattle, and both of whom have been wonderful bocce helpers. We will miss them and wish them well. As we reflect back on the start of the season with our Lasagna Dinner in April, a salad potluck in May, followed by a catered BBQ in July, our salute to Labor Day BBQ, the 2014 Bocce Tournament and finally the Ice Cream Social, we would like to thank all those who contributed to making all of the Bocce events a success. Not only have the games been fun but the social activities have been great! We are pleased to announce the following members elected to our 2015 board; President Louise McKay, Vice President Leo Loranger, Treasurer Ted Reinke, Secretary Frankie Spitaleri. As we start to plan for our 2015 events, remember all Summerset residents are welcome to join by attending our annual April kickoff Lasagna Dinner for a modest cost. Watch the newsletter for details and sign-up sheets. We encourage bocce players and community residents to offer fresh ideas for our fufure events and volunteers to help with any event. Let's continue a great 2014 as we anticipate an even greater 2015 and we will see you on the courts. Bridge Club Nancy Briggs All bridge players are welcome to the Vista clubhouse every 12 Tuesday night from 7-9 p.m. Please sign up by Sunday, Novemb er 23rd on the Summerset III Activities bulletin board for Party Bridge on Tuesday, Novemb er 25th. Bring a dollar for the kitfy and a sweet or savory snack to share. There is usually quite a delicious variety of snacks ! We play with a different partner every round of four hands. If you do sign up for Party Bridge, please treat it as your commitment to be there. Please give Barbara at least 24 hours notice if you find you are unable to come. Many thanks! The other Tuesdays, we stay with the same partner the whole evening, and it is not necessary for you to prearrange a partner. Duplicate bridge is played on the lst and 3rd Tuesdays, which are November 4th and 18th this month. Grand Slam bridge is on the 2nd Tuesday, November llth. On Grand Slam night, please bring one dollar ($ 1) for the kitty (50 cents for the highest scoring pair and 50 cents for the grand slam kitty). There is currently about $75 in the grand slam kitty! If you and your partner bid and make a grand slam, you will split the accumulated grand slam kitty, and the highest scoring pair of the evening will split the other kitty. Beginning in November, Barbara will be presenting a bridge lesson on the third Tuesday of each month from 6:00-6:45, which will be on November 20th this month. Please let her know in advance if you plan to attend, so she will have the right amount of handouts and cards for everyone. Remember: 6 p.m. If you learn that a friend or new neighbor hasn't played bridge in a long time, please invite them to come with you on Tuesday nights. Come and enjoy an evening of bridge with long-time friends and new ones at the Summerset Vista Club & Class News Bridge Club. Invite your friends from Summersets I, II and IV as well. If you haven't come for a while, please think about joining us again. We look forward to seeing you soon! Singles Club Ginny Fahimi The Summerset Singles Club is for all Summerset residents on their own. We usually meet on the FIRST Wednesday of each month at the Summerset III Clubhouse. Our next nleeting will be on Wednesday, November 5 at 6:30pm beginning with our Potluck. Members are requested to bring a dish to share, either soup, salad, or a dessert. Upcoming Meals: Our regular monthly meals with separate checks for November are: . LUNCHEON: SECOND WEDNESDAY (November 12): is at Digger's on Balfour at l2:45pm. . BREAKFAST: THIRD TUESDAY (November 18): is at MJ's Downtown Caf6 at 655 First Street downtown Brentwood at 8:45am. . DINNER: Due to Thanksgiving holiday, dinner will be on the THIRD Thursday (Novemb er 20) at Sweeney's on Oak Street downtown at 5:00pm. No need to reserve a spot ahead of time for ony of the meols - just show up! Potluck Dinner at November meeting on Wednesday, November 5. Bring a salad, soup, entrde, or dessert to share. Complimentary wine, soda, and bread will be provided by Club. We will eat at 6:30pm, followed by our regular monthly meeting. Annual Holiday Luncheon: Wednesday, December 10 at the Lone Tree Golf & Event Center at l2:30pm. See flyer in newsletter for details. If you have questions about the Summerset Singles Club, call Ginny Fahimi at 516-137 5. full morning of tennis was followed by a luncheon of pizza. salad, desserts, and beverages with good conversation and laugher. Our Club looks forward to our biannual tennis events with our Rio Vista friends. The Tennis Club has several activities scheduled for the rest of Cribbage the year: - Novemb er 2: Summerset/Trilogy Vineyards Tennis Social at the Les Foley Cribbage is played every Wednesday and Thursday in the Summerset III clubhouse at lpm. The regular players would like a few more Summerset residents to join us. All Summerset residents are invited. There are no fees for prizes nor are there any prizes. We play just to enjoy the game and for the camaraderie. A little rusty on the score counting procedure? Not to worry. We welcome all levels of skill, and the more experienced players always help the other players, partners and opponents alike, count their scores. No reservations are necessary. Just drop in and a place will be made for you. If you would like to talk to anyone or ask questions, you can contact Duane Lent of Summerset III at 234-1632 or Les Foley of Summerset I at 516-5865. They will be happy to assist you. Tennis Club Darrel Fiske The Tennis Club hosted an enjoyable tennis social tournament with the Trilogy Rio Vista Tennis Club on Friday, October 10. All eight Summerset tennis courts were used to accommodate our event. It was a fun day with the Rio Vista contingent of 25 club members. A 13 Vineyards. - Novemb er 7: Tennis Club's Annual Meeting/Election of Officers and Potluck Dinner at SS III Activity Center. - December L2: Holiday Luncheon/Installation of 201 5 Officers at Cap's Restaurant. With the end of daylight savings time and cooler mornings, the start time for round robins will be 9:00 a.m. effective Monday November 3. The round robin days and locations are: Mondays at SS IV; Tuesdays (novice) at SS II; Wednesdays at SS III, and Saturdays at SS I. For additional information contact Darrel Fiske, 513- 17 69. Pool CIub Jim Pinterich The winners of the September Pool Tournament were Lee Eastman in First Place, Larty Foglestrom in Second Place, Jim Rankin in Third Place. The winners of the October Pool Tournament were Gino Ranalli in First Place, Frank Heinisch in Second Place, Jess Samudio in Third Place. The next Pool Tournament will be on Monday, Novemberl7th, at l pm in the Summerset III Pool Room. The sign-up sheet will be posted one week prior to the Pool Tournament. Club & Class News For information or questions, III Pool Coordinators, Jim Pinterich at 240-6421 or Jim McNary at 240-9293. please contact Summerset Gomputer Glub Ardel Bert We use computers, video projection, and Internet access to present information on computers (PCs and Macs), software, tablets, smart-phones, the Internet, and related technology. Presentations range from tutbrials to the introduction of new sofbware, equipment, and electronic processes showing how and why they can be useful. Residents ofALL the Summersets are welcome - anyone can benefit from participation regardless of their level of technical expertise. Participants often bring problems from home for discussion. We encourage active participation and suggestions for future programs. Meetings are held on the second & fourth Thursday of each month at 7 p.m.in the Craft Room of SSII club house. Please note that there will only be one program in November and December due to holidays. Programs for the rest of the year will be: November 13 - Jeff Hensel Money Saving Coupon Apps and Web Sites December 11 - Ron Fugazzi Should You Switch from Computer to Tablet Visit the Club website, http:ll ssccb.wordpress.c od, for latest program information. We consult on technology problems. Those receiving significant help are asked to make a donation to Friends of the Brentwood Library. Address questions/requests to: Ron Fugazzi, 513-2928, rlfb 1 @comcast.net or Jeff Hensel, 699-3 8 8 8, henselj@gmail. com Don't suffer with technology issues; come to a meeting and/or contact us. Card Bingo Ginny Fahimi There will be NO Card Bingo in November and December due to the holidays. We will resume on the fourth Wednesday of January. If you have questions, call Ginny Fahimi at 51 6-137 5. Singers projected harmony just gets better and better...look out Mormon Tabernacle Choir, here we come! If you are looking for a great outlet for your singing talent, love camaraderie and want something to do every Monday evening at7 p.m., come on out to Summerset Vista's clubhouse and join us. No interview or audition required. And now, if you have been waiting for a notice about our annual, fabulous Summerset Singers Crab feed, place Saturday, January 3lst on your calendar. We'll have a flyer in next month's newsletter that will give you all the information you need to enjoy this scrumptious event that's always a sell-out. Questions? Call Ernie Macintyre at 925-813-0996. "Music gives a soul to the Universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything."- Plato Nancy Kruger-Gregory Our Holiday Season concerts are rapidly approaching and the entire Summerset Singers chorus is energized about the music selections we will offer this time around. We are now rehearsing l6 numbers (alphabetically) from "Angels We Have Heard On Highr" to "White Christmas." We are also excited about the fact we will be performing in all four Summerset subdivisions this season. . . something that didn't happen last year. Thu. Dec. ll - 7 p.m.@ Summ. IV; Fri. Dec. 12 - 7 p.m. @ Summ. III; Sun. Dec. 14 - 3 p.m. @ Summ. II and Wed. Dec. 17 -7 p.m. @ Summ. I. Our chorus is still growing and now has close to ninety singers and support personnel. As we continue to grow, the quality and of our 14 Drawing Peggy Magovern During class, the sfudents are taught technique and the use of various mediums. The approach of this class focuses on the use of graphite, colored pencils and chalk pastels. Subject matter is the student's choice. Possibilities range from landscapes to still life affangements, portraits, or even animal portraits. Photographs will be provided if you need them. In class, we'Il create dynamic images with the use of strong, wellsculpted shading, and enhance with detail and color. Beginners are very welcome to attend! Class is casual and you work at your own pace. $15 for sfudents, free for non-sfudents. Club & Class News RV Club Jerry Marks This year's Christmas Parfy will be held on December 18th, so mark your calendar. More information will be in the December Newsletter as to the time. This year's party will be held at Summerset III. Look forward to seeing members that couldn't make it out this year to the outings. We welcome new people interested in going RVing to come join us at the Christmas Party or join us at one of our outings. Remember we are looking for Wagon Masters for 2015, so put on your thinking caps for new locations. For more information about the Summerset RV Club please contact Jerry Marks - President , Joe Lewis - Vice President. Women's Golf Linda Cicala Fall has finally reached us. What a long, hot summer. Thanks to our members who hung in there and played throughout the hot times. Our course has received some attention and we hope this will improve our course for next year's play. The winner of last months Club Championship is Debbie Taylor. Congrats Debbie on a game well played and also to the others who played so well. Our winners low gross play are Laura Simpson, Netti Riebli and Candace Hodson. Low Net winners are Deanna Hauser, Robin Austin and Kay Richmond. Thanks to all the members who played for your loyal support. Our new board members for 2015 are - Pat Reed - Captain, Roseanne Jones - Co-Captain, Candace Hodson - Treasurer, Susan McClanahan - Secretary Ruthanne Barber - membership. I hope everyone will step forward and welcome our board and give them support over the next year. Our club dues of $60 are due by November 15th and late after December lst. There is a $5 late fee after that date. Turn your checks in at the pro shop. Thanks to all who played in our Halloween day. A big thank you to Callie who always oversees these special events. Our year is coming to an end, but there is still time to get a few more birdies in! Birdies for last month are Phyllis Youn g - 2, Robin Austin 2,Barbara Stewart, Debbie Culbertson, Susan McClanahan, Barbara Sharp, Dor Dillion 3, Kay Richmond, Janet McCarthy, Helga Marshall, Marilyn Butterfield2, Debbie Taylor 5, Ruthanne Barber, and Connie Clark. Great playing ladies! Our club meets on Thursdays at 9:00 a.m. (new fall-winter time) at Brentwood Golf Club. If you wish to join, contact Ruthanne Barber at (925) 5 13-6583. Happy Golfing. Ladies Nine Tees Geri Peterson Later tee times, cooler weather, it must be Fall. I'm sure everyone is happy not to play in the hot, hot summer weather we have had. The hot weather didn't seem to bother Susan Hall; she is the most improved player for the month of September. Good job Susan! The September PWGA Playday was a great success. There were 9 15 clubs participating in the tournament. The winners from our very own Nine Tees are: Sandra Banke, lst place; Chris Sims, 2nd place; Dixie Lee Mattos and Pat Lanthier, 3rd place; and Yvonne Morse and Janet Pisciotta, 4thplace. Nice job ladies! Mark your calendars for our Christmas Party, December I st. There will be no golf that day. GOLF can be best defined as an endless series of tragedies obscured by the occasional miracle, followed by a nice glass of wine. GOLF! You hit down to make the ball go up. You swing left and the ball goes right. The lowest score wins, on top of that she is the winner. The Nine Tees are a fun group of ladies that enjoy playing t holes of golf on the Diablo Course on Monday. A maximum GHIN index of 36 is allowed, which is in the range of 72 on the Diablo Course. If you are interested in learning more about our golf group, please contact one of the following members for more information.; Janet Thompson at 634-2495, Geri Peterson at 240-0177 , Sandra Banke at 513-1422. Book Glub Shirley Beck This month we read Sara and Eleanor by Jan Pottker. It's an historical story of Sara Delano Roosevelt and her Daughter-in-Law Eleanor Roosevelt. Our meetings are held the last Tuesday of each month at lpm in the clubhouse library. If you would like to join please call Pat Long at 679-7026 or Shirley Beck at 5 13-7803. Happy Reading! ! Club & Class News Diabetic Support Group Diane McLean The Diabetic Support Group does not meet in November. Our next meeting is December 4. BG's Ladies Golf Patty Johnson The BGs are a very friendly group of ladies playing golf at many levels. Some' ladies are beginners, some are more'advanced with a handicap, and others are just playing for fun and not keeping their score. During these waffn summer months we are playing t holes on Diablo at 8AM. When the weather cools, we will return to the 10AM tee time. Donna Baird has been gracious to do the scheduling. You may contact her at 240-7817 . For any other questions regarding joining our group, contact Patty Johnson at 513-2354 or p atty 2O 5 @ sbc global .net. Tango Page Binkley Well, summer's over and it's dance time again! For those of you who are missing out on all the fun of dancing, now is the time to stop and think of dancing just for a moment. If you can't dance, why would anyone want to ask you to go to a dance or dance with you? I personally take advanced classes at the Allegro in Emeryville. They have beginning, intermediate and advanced classes. The advanced class had 40+ students. The beginners class was nearly as large, with about 30 people. The classes I take in Old Sacramento are between 20 and 25 students both beginning and advanced. If my partner can attend the class this Thursday at 4:15pm, I would like to demonstrate how versatile the Tango can be danced and the fun you can have with it. So we would like to dance a little of each Tango Fusion, Tango, and tango to Fox trot and Waltz, too. I love to dance to just about anything and have fun doing it. Hopefully you can attend! Please contact me with any questions or concerns before the lesson. I hope to see you there! (g2r 68aaT6 Chi Ball Jennifer Gomes Chi Ball targets the whole being: the physical, emotional and spiritual. Participants hear and absorb the positive, oldies-inspired, rhythmic, and beautiful music. Classes are Tuesday and Thursday at 1Oam and Saturday at l0: 15am. Purchase your l0-class punch card for $35. Make checks payable to CheryI Ortiz. Don't miss out! ! ! Stretch & Tone Jennifer Gomes Zumba Gold Jennifer Gomes Anyone can do Zumbal People of all ages, backgrounds and fitness levels have discovered this fun new way to lose weight, feel good, and look better, all while having a great time! Zumba Gold is based on the same dance moves used in the original Zunfra class. The Gold class, however, is less intense, with dance routines designed for beginners and older adults using modified movements. This class was designed to teach the basic dance steps to anyone and provides an appropriate workout for those just beginning a fitness program. Feeling the music happens when one suddenly forgets they are dancing in a class and the music is the reason to move with jov. Zumba Gold on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:10am to 9:55am. Purchase an 8-class punchcard from your instructor before or after class for $32. $5 drop-ins are welcome. 16 Firm, tone, strengthen! Classes are slow-paced and you'll be encouraged to work within your own range of motion. Classes are $32 for an 8-class card. Cards do not expire until you complete your 8 classes. Purchase your punch card from the instructor, Cheryl Ortiz, at the beginning of class on Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays at 8am. Bunco Ursula Modeleski We had a full house of 20 players for Bunco. Welcome to Carlina Santos, Rosetta Sampson and Rosemary Kelley, first time players! We hope you join us again. Kate Buchanan took the Pot for most Baby Buncos. Center Case and Dennis Wagerman shared the money for most wins. Virginia Valladon and Wanda Ferell split the win for most losses. Most Bunco Winners were Andrea Jorgensen and Rosemary Kelley. Congrats to all who took home money. That's fun! Perhaps it is my turn next time. Club & Class News Thanks to all for setting up and to those who stayed to clean up It is much appreciated. See you all in November. Stay well! Tai Chi Mary Gibbs It is officially Fall. Leaves are beginning to blow in the wind and the rain and cold weather is not far ahead. Although our outside activities will soon be coming to an end - consider a form of exercise that you can'do outdoors and also take indoors with you. Consider taking Tai Chi. Age related health conditions improve, such as: . Stabilizes bone density . Lowers blood pressure, cholesterol and stress . Improve quality of life . Improve balance and coordination . Increase range of motion and mobility ' . ' . Boost the immune system Increase breathing capacity Fibromyalgia Sleep Disorder Tai Chi is easy and classes at Summerset will provide you with... . Individual attention for beginners . You're made to feel comfortable while learning you won't feel embarrassed or awkward . Immediate health and balance benefits . Energy to start your day . Helps to improve your golf and tennis game Sign up for your medicine in motion at the clubhouse today so you can have a better tomorrow. Bowling contact me at 240-6943 or email 3 3 @.gr.r.rail,-gqfn. I' ll be glad to get you started. gshultZ.3 Fred Critchfield At the end of six weeks of League play, Team SOS was in first place with a total of l8 points. Team members include Lotti Rother from Summerset Orchards, Eric Maier from Summerset Orchards, Liz Castle from Summerset Vista, and Janine Gordon from Summerset I. Team SOS led second place Team 4ArUS by one-half point. Summerset bowlers are establishing impressive statistics. For example, Shirley Davis from Summerset Palms had a league high handicap game of 283, Elizabeth Castle from Summerset Vista had a season high handicap game of 710, and Mary Hershberger from Summerset Palms had a high scratch game of 559. Wes Van Beveren from Summerset Palms had a league high Handicap Game of 287 andArt Solomon from Summerset Palms had a league high Handicap series of 735. Congratulations to all. Rough Riders Greg Shultz November has arrived and with it the end to Daylight Savings Time. Shorter days and cooler weather means the Rough Riders will be moving our starting time to 10 a.m. This will give us a few extra winks and a second cup of coffee before hitting the course. During November we are planning a trip to Lone Tree for t holes and Discovery Bay for 18 holes. So, if any of this sparks an interest to get out of the house for a few hours and play nine holes on Wednesday morning, 17 Soles For Souls Submitted by Kermit Sween Hi my name is Zack Allen. I am inTroop 927 of the Boy Scouts ofAmerica, and for my Eagle Project I am doing a shoe drive. I will be collecting lightly worn shoes and giving them to an organization called Soles4Souls that sends shoes to impoverished people all over the world, including here in the US. Your donations will help give these children and adults the opportunity to go to school or get a job, and eventually get out of poverty. You may bring your shoes to the Summerset III Clubhouse, placing them in the Soles for Souls box; or bring your shoes to these locations: Sports Authority LDS Churches Old Navy His & Hers Formal Wear Brentwood Press Building Ross Oakley City Hall Freedom High School Oakley Chiropractic Heritage High School To make a monetary donation, please make checks out to: Me OR Soles4Souls & send to: 18 Oak St, PO Box #581, Brentwood, CA 94513 Thanks for your help! (e2s) ses-2414 Zack.p . all en@ gmail. c om Club & Class News Veterans Club Jim Rankin On 13 October, at the Veteran's Club meeting, wo had a new President at the head table. It was still President Loren Fitzgerald, but not the single Loren any more. We now have a newly wed, President Loren. The Veterans club acknowledges his newly obtained status and CONGRATULATES him on his ability to choose a beautiful lady name Luz for his bride, Mrs. Luz F itzgerald. Our congratulations to them both! . At this writing, to update you on our program, the club offrcers are still involved in coordinating with the VA Hospitals in getting some of the tablets out to their patients. Unfortunately, it takes time to plow through all of the government paperwork. The club will become actively involved a lot more after we get the preliminaries out of the way. PresidentFitzgerald ask me to announce an upcoming FILM Documentary; the Korean War Documentary Called'oChosin". It's being shown for Veteran's Day, November 11 , @ 6:30 pm at the El Campanil Theatre, at 602W Znd Street, Antioch, CA., and again on Wednesday, November L2 @ 6:30 p.m. in the Orinda Theatre, at 4 Orinda Theatre Square, Orinda, CA. Our Next Meeting will be held on NOVEMBER 10,2014 @ Summerset I, at 1l:00 AM! Our Annual Veterans Day Program. For more info call Loren @ 240-9415, Leo @ 240-9112 or Jim @ 240-9397. Strength & Gonditioning Jennifer Gomes Certified Fitness Trainer and Summerset Resident, David Orr, is offering a strength & conditioning classes; however, currently all classes are fuIl. Please contact David directly at 510-861-0832 to let him know you're interested. Watercolor Jennifer Gomes The Watercolor class meets every Friday at l2:30pm. For more information about the class, contact Linda Hyatt at 626-4338. New Fitness Glasses Jennifer Gomes New classes are on the calendar; Total Body Fitness and Chair Aerobics! Total Body Fitness will improve your strength and balance. We will use weights and bands. This class includes mat work. Chair Aerobics class is designed to challenge your strength and endurance. Both classes are held every Monday and Wednesday; Total Body Fitness at9:15am and Chair Aerobics at 10am. Contact Tammy, the instructor, at 408-0514. 18 Club & Activity Contacts Architectural Committee Shidev Foster 244-5647 ffi#ded ,BG's Ladies' Golf Donna Baird 24A-7817 Seasonal Thursdays 1Oam Louise McKay 240-9916 Seasonal: WS 8:30am, 1st & 3rd W Pat Long 679-7026 Last Tuesdav Bridqe Club Barbara Crandall 244-0417 Tuesdav 7 Bunco Louise McKay 240-9916 2nd Thursdav 7 Card Bingo Ginny Fahimi 516-1375 4th Wednesdav 7om Chair Aerobics Tammy Cruze 408-0514 !Chi Ball Cheryl Ortiz 244-6418 TTh 10am & Saturdav 10:15am lCribbage Club Duane Lent 234-1632 Wednesdayffhursday 1pm ;Dominoes Club Margaret Evans 240-9994 Friday 1pm i Bocce lBook Club { 1 & 1 Oam I Drawi Class Peggy Macgovern omacqovem(Oiuno.com Tuesdays 12 iFAC Zoe Lighty iKare Bears Jeanne Bennett :Ladies 9 Tees Golf Geri Peterson 24A-A177 Mondays 12pm iLine Dancing Nellie Jenks 513-6553 Fridays 9:30am ;Men's Poker Club Larry Foglestrom 513-8358 2nd & 4th Thursdays Jim McNary 240-9293 Poker Club Jim McNary 244-9293 2nd & 4th Tuesday 7pm RAC Russ Pitkin 513-1595 3rd Tuesday 1:30pm, Alt. Greg Shultz 244-6943 Wednesdays ,RV Club Jerry Marks 244-5M7 TBA iSingers Susan Stuteville 5164692 Mondav 7 Ginny Fahimi 516-1375 1st Wednesday 7pm iSocial Club Donna Bokman 516-7824 Events throughout the year tStretch and Jbne Cheryl Ortiz 244-6418 MWF 8am istrength & Condition David On Tai Chi 698-4635 763-783-1812 Varies 2nd Tuesdav 10am 6:30pm i :1 lMen's PoollBillards 1 i I h Riders Club Months ,i 1 1 510-861-0832 Varies Gum Young 513-3077 Saturday 9am rTango Page Binkley 684-9716 Th 4:1Spm ?Tennis Club Darrel Fiske 513-1769 MTWS 8am ifotal Body Workout Tammy Cruze 408-0514 MW 9:15am lVeterans Club Loren Fitzgerald 244-9415 2nd Watercolor Class Zoe Lighty 6984635 Fridav 123A Women's Golf Ruth Anne Barber 513-6583 Thursday 9am Tammy Cruze 408-0514 TTh 9:1Oam il 1l rZumba Gold 19 _ .. __fr MONDAY SUNDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 gAM TAI CHI Summerset, III November 10:15AM CHI BALL 3O14 Cafendar 12:30PM MEN'S POOL 5:30PM HAIIOWS'EVE - clennifer Gomes, Activities Director Phone: 516-?59? Email: vistas,ctivities@€rnail. com 2 3 4 12130PM MEN'S POOL 8AM STREICH &TONE 9:10AM ZUMBA GOLD 9:15PM TOTAT EODY FITNESS 1OAM CHI SALL 1OAM CHAIR AEROBICS 123OPM DRAWING CLASS 12:30PM MEN'S POOL 10AM STRENGTH/CONDTTTON 12:30PM MEN'S POOL 7PM SINGERS PRACTICE 4:30PM TRAVEI PRESENTATION 7PM BRIDGE 5 8AM STRETCH &TONE gAM TENNIS 9:15PM TOTAL BODY FITNESS 1OAM CHAIR AEROSICS 10AM STRENGTH/COND|TTON 12:30PM MEN'S POOL NAUGHTY OR NICE zo o F{ F{ ,- ct o Ft 6 7 8 9:10AM ZUMBA GOLD 8AM STRETCH & TONE 9AM NOTAI CHI 1OAM CHI BALL 1OAM LINE DANCING 10:15AM CHIBALL 10 AM BG'S GOLF 12:30PM MEN'S POOL 12:30PM MEN'S POOL 12:30PM MEN'S POOL 1213OPM WAT€RCOLOR CLASS 1PM CRIBBAGE 1PM DOMINOS 4:15PM TANGO o H A 1PM STRENGTH/CONDITION TENNIS CTUB EVENT 1PM CRIBBAGE \s o 5:30PM SINGLES MEETING Fe I\) o 9 12:30PM MEN'S POOL 10 T7 t2 13 t4 15 8AM STRETCH &TONE 9:10AM ZUMBA GOLD 9:10AM ZUMBA GOLD 8AM STRETCH & TONE gAM TAI CHI zPM ROBERTSTANTON 9:15PM TOTAL SODY FITNESS KARE BEAR MEETING 8AM STRETCH & TONE gAM TENNIS 1OAM CHI BALL 9:30AM BEGINNER LINE DANCE 10:15AM CHI BALL MUSICAT CONCERT 1OAM CHAIR AEROBICS 1OAM CHI BALL 9:15PM TOTAL BODY FITNESS 10 AM BG'S GOLF 1OAM LINE DANCING 12:30PM MEN'S POOL 1OAM STRENGTH/CONDMON 12]3OPM DRAWING CLASS 1OAM CHAIRAEROBICS 1PM CRIBSAGE 12:30PM MEN'S POOL 12PM VETERANS MEETING 12:30PM MEN'S POOL 10AM STRENGTHICONDTTrON 2PM SAFETV TIPS FOR SENIORS 12:30PM WATERCOLOR CLASS 12:30PM MEN'S POOL 7PM GRAND SLAM BRIDGE 12:30PM MEN'S POOL 4:15PM TANGO 1PM DOMINOS 7PM SIN6ERS PRACTICE 7PM POKER 12:45PM SINGLES LUNCH OUT 6:30PM MEN'S POKER lPM STRFNGTH/CONDITION 1PM CRIBBAGE 7PM BUNCO 17 18 19 20 2L 22 8AM STRETCH &TONE 8AM SINGLES EREAKFAST OUT 9:10AM ZUMSA GOLD 8AM STRETCH &TONE gAM TAI CHI 9:15PM TOTAL BODY FITNESS 9:10AM ZUMBA6OLD 8AM STRETCH & TONE gAM TENNIS 1OAM CHI BALL 9:30AM BEGINNER tlNE DANCE 1OAM CHAIR AEROBICS 1OAM CHI BALL 9:15PM TOTAL BODY FITNESS lOAM 1OAM LINE DANCING 10r15AM CHI BALL 12:30PM MEN'S POOL 12:30PM DRAWING 1OAM CHAIR AEROBICS 12:30PM MEN'S POOL 12:30PM MEN'S POOL 6PM BRIDGE LESSON 10AM STRENGTH/CONDtTtON lPM IPM POOI.TOURNAMENT 7PM BRIDGE 12:30PM MEN'S POOL 4115PM TANGO 1PM CRIBBAGE sPM SINGLES DINNER OUT CLASS 7PM SINGERS PRACTICE CRIBBAGE 12:30PM MEN'S POOL 12:30PM WATERCOLOR CLASS 1PM DOMINOS 1PM STRENGTH/CONDTTTON zPM CEMETARYCTUB 23 24 12:30PM MEN'S POOL 8AM STRETCH &TONE 9:10AM ZUMBA GOID 26 t7 28 8AM STRETCH & TONE gAM TENNIS ):10AM ZUMBA GOLD 8AM STRETCH & TONE 9:30AM BEGINNER LINE DANCE 9:15PM TOTAL BODY FITNESS TO 9:15PM TOTAT BODY FITNESS 1OAM CHI BALL 1OAM CHAIR AEEOBICS t2:30PM DRAWING 1OAM STREN6TH/CONDITION 12:30PM MEN'S POOL 1OAM CHAIR AEROBICS t2:30PM MEN'S POOL 12:30PM MEN'S POOL 123OPM MEN'S POOL 1PM BOOKCLUB 10AM STRENGTH/CONDIT|ON I"PM CRIBBAGE 12:30PM WATERCO|OR CLASS 7PM PARTY BRIDGE 12:30PM MEN'S POOL lPM l:15PM TANGO i:30PM MEN'S POKER 1PM DOMINOS 7PM POKER 7PM SINGERS PMCTICE CLASS CRIBBAGE 7PM NO CARD BINGO 30 12:30PM MEN'S POOL TOAM CHI BALL AM SG's GOLF {APPY THANKSGIVINGIII 1OAM LINE D.ANCING 1PM STRENGTT.|/CONDtTtON P g f.t 12:30PM MEN'S POOL 10AM STRENGTH/COND|TION o F{ Fe 16 BG'S GOLF Fi 29 gAM TAI CHI 10:15AM CHI BALL 12:30PM MEN'S POOL Clubhouse Event Summerset Vista Social Club Presents HALLOWS'EVE wtLL c* $ $ you gE Nquqw oR NtoET d t ENJOY SOME SPOOKY FUN WITH YOUR FRIENDS PRIZES FOR,,NAUGHTIEST'' AN D'NICEST" NO HOST COCKTAILS 5:30 DINNER BY FRESH CATERING MUSIC BY'SOLID GOLD' SSO.OO PER PERSON MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: SUMMERSET lll SOCIAL CLUB AND PLACE IN SOCIAL CLUB BOX IN CLUBHOUSE 21 Clubhouse Event SUilIIITR$TT III ITIRT B]RNS PRT$]JIT... I{ow your Brentwood Police DeparAment Operates & S afery Tips For Seniors Thursday, Novernber r3th art2prn Summerset III Clubhouse All $ummerset Residents are InvitedtoAttendtlre Event. Lt. Doug Silva of the Brentwood Police Department will speak about crime analysis, the senior population in Brentwood and the Police Departemnts Commitment to the quality of life our seniors deserr/e. In you plan to attend, please RSVP to Dottie Bangs al516-5610 or Rosetta Sampson at 516-5703. 22 Clubhouse Event Musical Perforn once by Robert Stunton SundilyrNovember 9 at zpm Summerset III Clubhouse $ro per person Music described by some as "haunting" "memorable" and "passionate" artist and composer Robert Scott Stanton has taken his love for creating emotive music released for all to enjoy on his CD "By the Wing of an Angel." Robert's musical education began at age 5. He studied briefly in his early yeaf,s at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music and later studied privately for several years with composer and pianist Julian Maurice white. Later he enrolled in Piano Performance and Composition at San Francisco State University wittt William Corbet Jones in addition to Master classes with Karl Ulrich Schnabel and private sessions with world renowned composer and pianist Robert Helps. To sign up, please send or drop a check to Summerset lll Clubhouse. Make checks payable Robert's performing experience spans 30 years in both Contemporary and Classical music in venues throughout the western United States and Ewope. With music influenced by such artists as Chopin, Debussy, The Beatles, Jean Luc Ponti and a host of others Stanton has orchestrated arrangements that have been called Smooth Jazz, Modern Classical and New Age. Composer Robert Scott Stanton brings music to radioo television, and film and through live performances he touches listeners in a powerful and intimate way. to Summerset lll. Contact Jennifer Gomes for more information. 23 Clubhouse Event Kare Bears Medical Equipment If you need to borrow a walker, transport chair or wheelchair for a limited period of time call Barbara Crandell at (925) 240-04L7 Memorials If you wish to hold a Memorial atthe Summerset Vista Clubhouse, and the Clubhouse is free that duy, there is no charge and the Kare Bears can assist you. Call Peggy Soares at (925) 240-78L2, Basha Graff at (925) 24A-5393 or Shirley Beck at (925) 513-7803 I\ew To The f{eighborhood? Name: Phone # Address: Place this bottom portion into the Kare Bears drawer atthe clubhouse so we may welcome you with an informational 24 Clubhouse Event '. ... : .\' SUmmerset Vista Social Club Presents O|=IAMPA qN 6 A ND .S N O WF,L_A KES ftoLlDAYPARlr\r DECEMBER'.b,zOL+ NO FIO.ST COCKTIAIL.S 5:3o Dt N NER, BY FRSS ft CAIER l Nq M tl.S I C BY " N 2TEWORT-HY $+o.oo PER,PER^soN MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE T€ SUMMERSET III SOCIAL CLUB AND PLACE IN SOCIAL CLUB BOX IN CLUBHOUSE 25 s' Clubhouse Event FEED THE CHILDREN THURSDAY DECEMBER 4,2014 8AM TO 12 NOON SUMMERSET III CLUBHOUSE LOOK FOR A GROCERY BAG IN YOUR DECEMBER NEWSLETTER. PLEA$E FILL IT FULL WITH NEW NON-PERISHABLE FOOD. (NO PERSONAL OR pApER PRODUCTS PLEASE!!) DROP YOUR BAG OFF AT THE CLUp-HOVS.F, OR CALL DAVE OR JOAN AT 679.7113 FOR PICK.UP. YOU CAN ALSO WRITE A CHECK PAYABLE TO: DEUTA COMM U N ITY SERVICES PLEASE HELP TO MAKEA DIFFERENCE SUMMERSET VISTA KARE BEARS 26 Clubhouse Event s**xr**sss*s******* (For Singfe Summerset fusifuents ant S S Summerset Singhs Ctu6 presents tfr.e . . S Xi fr Lone tree Qotf & Event Center S r"'::,::i:?i,f|!;i#i'! *|fll of: ,6o,r,f#m-o4o# ffiffi##*o, It eitf lcgetaflf,cs $t 'i S c'ttri' cfroicc llrthfuofs qaviof,i S $ fr * ___ Luncfr^incfudes S Caesar safad entrie ant sif,e tegetailfes, * ,:::,::;"::,': -_ ,o--oset ,'l{"i,i,i,'":#h fr :::: ::Y ::':Y :?:'!'-!: _Y: _"Y!!_ tft Singles Annual Holiday Luncheon at Lone Tree Golf & Event Center in AnUoA * #,#m''*ffi lf, *"-",",. iil S lhednes[ay, (Decem4er 70, 2014, 12:30 gt,m. * * . Luncfreon Banquet s Sk * Fftfr Annuaf ttofi[ay F # fi Quests) :::::lTl.jl_ **Tffi,**" !'KXf **_ "#:!:#:1 '$2z.perpe'onbvl2/4 or, $ f ^ffiffi ".""u, wTteg Shrimp & Hot Link P€me -RoastB.uripsreak -chickenw/lrurr'oome A:tichoke Ravioti ifi * $ *t ss*sxk***s*s****s** * - - 27 |fl! Clubhouse Event Summerset Singers [Jnder the direction of Ernie Macintyre present A CIIRISTMAS REJolClilo Come to enjoy an evening of Christmas music from Jingle BeIl Rock, Christmas on Broadway, to the Messiah Friday, Dec. l2r20l4 @ 7:00 PM at Summerset $8 per person Make checks payable to Summerset lll III Contact the Activities Director at your desired location to insure seating availability 28 Summerset III Trip Wednesddy, December LTth 4pm $r+o per person Center Orchestra Seating at the Orpheum Theatre in San Francisco. Dinner at McCormick & Kuletos KINKY BOOTS is the exhilarating Broadway musical that will lift your spirits to new high-heeled heights! Winner of six Tony Awards@ including BEST MUSICAL, this inspirational story follows a struggling shoe factory owner who works to turn his business around with help from Lola, a fabulous entertainer in need of some sturdy stilettos. Together, this unlikely pair finds that they have more in common than they ever dreamed possible... proving that when you change your mind about someone, you can change your whole world. lnspired by a true story, KINKY BOOTS features a joyous, Tony-winning score by CYNDI LAUPER, direction and Tony-winning choreography by JERRY MITCHELL and a hilarious, uplifting book by four-time Tony winner HARVEY FIERSTEIN. Come join the sold-out audiences who've discovered why - sometimes - the best way to fit in is to stand outl fuL c C ormit F"ut I{u feto's Menu Penne Pasta with rock shrimp & Bay scallops in an Alfredo sauce Grilled Mahi Mahiwith lemon butter sauce served with mashed potatoes & sautded vegetables Stuffed Chicken Breast with goat cheese & fresh herbs To sign up, please drop or send a check to 1581 Regent Drive, Brentwood, CA 945 13. Make checks payable to Summerset III. Dessert For more information contact Jennifer Gomes at vistaactivities @ gmail. com. Tickets are non-refirndable unless a replacememt is found. Vanilla Bean lce Cream with an almond cookie 29 Summerset III Trip Maine's Rugged Coast Double $3,079; Single $4,129; Triple $3,049 lncluded in Price: Round Trip Air from San Francisco lntlAirport, Air Taxes and Fees/Surcharges, HotelTransfers Not included in price: Cancellation Waiver and lnsurance of $205 per person LimitedAvailability. All space is on a first come first sen'e basis. 8 Days r 12 Meals: 7 Breakfasts, 1 Lunch, 4 Dinners HIGHLIGHTS... Boston, Boston Harbor Cruise, Bar Harbor, Acadia National Park, Reeport, Boothbay Harbor, Lobster Dinneq KennebunLpott Travel Presentation: November Ath at 4:30pm! Call Jennifer Gomes at 925-516-7397. Day I : Saturday,.fuly 25, 2015 Boston, Massachusetts - Tour Begins Welcome to Massachusetts, the beginning ofyour ioumey through New England's channing and vibrant northern states. Relax during a two-night stay in ihe hean of lJostorL Day 2: Sunday,July 26, 2015 Boston Start your day with a sightsceing tour tlat featu€s the Old South Meeting House, Public Gardens. Old North Cturch and Beacon Hill. StoD at the famed Faneuil Hall Markeblace. bustlins with various street performers and colorfirl kiosks of local handiwork Later, hop aboard a barbor cruise ?md yisit one 6f Boston's most treasuied landmarkq the USS Constitution. This informative cruise b'rings you up-close and personal with "Old konsides' at her home in the Charlestown Naqr Yard and offen the opporh:nity+ t6 disem6a* for a toiu oftle famous ship and accompanying Naval Museum. Tonight, the atmosphere bei:omes veiy 'Ye Olde New England" when you enjoy a welcorire rlinn-er at America's oldest -oydter house, Iocated on the histriric Freedom Tr l. (8, D) Day 3: MondanJuly 27, 2015 Boston - Bar Harbor, Maine Travel nor& through Maine to the resort town ofBar Harbof, yolu home for the ne)(t rhree nichts. Bar Harbor (or as the locals sav it "Bah Hahbuh') has the charm of a cuainl New England fishing village with allthe atbactions ofa maior port, andlts touristy downtoinn area is hard to resisl Ttie town is nesled on tbe east siile ofMount Dese{ Island,.s}ellerql h_om the Atlantic Ocem by Frenchman Bay and surrounded on three sides by the mountains of Acadia Natiodl Park @, D,) Day 4: TuesdanJuly 28,2015 Bar Harbor Enbark on an in.odtbt" in the gulf ofMaine, in search ofwhales and North Atlantic Puffins. Durins your cruise, you'll visit Petit Manan National Wildlife Refuee. Within tle wildlife retuse is the island of Pait Manan, onddf several aloire the Maine coast which hosb a larse breedinE colonv of Atlantic Puffinsl These colorfirl bkds sD€trd most of their livesln the ocean. usine land onlv to raide their voins. anil can be seen onlv bv boat. After viewinc die wilt ife, indieenous on the island, and Maine's sebond tallest lisftthorEe, we will proceed dth6 whale grounds forlhe ppportunity toiee humpback, finbick and Minke whales. During-your lei6ure time'today, you may choose-io waich the lobSfemren ri'ork, browse the s<iuvenir shops or perhaps explore a -m:useum. @) Day 5: Wednesday,July 29, 2015 Bar Harbor - Acadia National Park - Bar Harbor Join us today as we tour Br Harbor and Acadia National Park featuring the best scenery-alland stories thb axea has to offer. There is more to Acadia than meets the while.omvidine vou with the stories behind the scenerv. Stons the eve! We'll take vou to the olacds vou must see. will include tbe too bf Cadilla6 Mouritain. the hishest Doint on tlie eastem- Seaboard, Tbundet Hole and Northeasf Harbbr. L,ater, retum to yoir hotel wher€ the remiinder o-f youi day is at leisure. @, DJ Day 6: Thursday,July 30, 20 I 5 Bar Harbor - Freeport - Pordand, Maine Depart for beautiful Portlaod atrd stop en route in Freebort. Maine's most-visited destination. Much ofthe current otosoeritv ofFreeoort rests on the invention bv Leon L. Beari L.L. Bean has sown inm a multi-national clothine consldmeate. 'frrith an eiormous store on Maine Str6et that literally nwer closes.Tnjoy lunch at Jameson Tavern, a-nestoftd historibal inn. After, enjoy time to visit Freeports' many outlets'before heading oi t6 Portland. (8, L,) Day 7: Friday,Juty 31, 2015 Portland View the rugged coastline on a drive alolg picturesque Ocean Point Road. Enjoy a visit m Railwav Village which hosts historic village displays and the operating live sEarn narrow qause train. This afternoon expErience-a relaxine cruise throueh Bdothbiv ftflbor for siectacrilar views ofthe coai. ii'cludins lishthousessuinmer homis. and even localA dife. such-as the hadror seals. Learfi about New Engltrd's lobster industri arid watch ' as a lobster trali is pulled aboard the boat to view the day's catch. Tonight join your fe-llow tavelers for a veiy special farewell dinnei fedturing the fiesh native lobster for which coastal Maiie iJ ren6wned- (B, D) Dav 8: Sanudav. Aucust l. 2015 Pordand - KennebunkDort - Boston MA - Tour Ends Todav vou travd tlroush the seaiide comnrinitv oTfenirebunkoort. alonc soectaculdr Ocean Driv'e. See Walker's Poinl foimer President deorpe H. W. Bush's srunmri home, which G sitirated-onr-a rocky promontory. Then, r€turD to the Boiton airpon The many p-leasant mernories of your Maine''s Rugged Coast adventure riill last a tifeiime. @) o*etr, 30 Summerset III Trip Rtfl"ctio?r,s of ltaly DONOT MISS OW! BOOKNOW Double $4,499 *; Single $5,399; Triple fi4,449 Regular rates: Double $4,699; Single $5,599; Triple $4,649 lncluded in Price: Round Trip Air from San Francisco lnttAirport, Air Taxes and Fees/Surcharges, Hotel Transfers Not included in price: Gancellation Waiver and lnsurance of $260 per person * All Rates are Per Person and are subject to change l0 Days o 14 Meals: B Breakfasts, I Lunch, 5 Dinners HIGHLIGHTS... Rome, Colosseum, Assisi, Perugia, Siena, Florence, Chianti Winery, Venice, Murano Island, Milan Travel Presentation: November 4th at 4:30pm! Call Jennifer Gomes at 925516-7397. Day l: Monday, October 19, 2015 Overnight Flight Welcome to ltaly, a land rich in history, culture, art and romance. Yoqr journeybegins with an ovemight flight. Day 2: Tuesday,-Octobcr 20, 2015 Rome, Italy - Tour Begins Welcome to Rorne, '"The Et€rnal City." This evening, join your fellow travelers fot a special welcome dinner dt a popular local restaurant feaauing regional delicdies and fine ltal-iiri wiies. (D) Day 3: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 Rome TbS mornlng you'll come to how the historf, cnd trrditiom of Rom€ while on a locelly*uided prnorrmic tour ferforing tte impresliye Pir.zs Veneda, the Circnj Msrlmw. the Arch of Conrtrndne, tte frmour Pilzza Nrvonr rnd r visit to the Colosreun This afternoon it's vour -on choici:! P€rtaDs I triD to Vatican City, with an optiooal tour to the Vaticm Museums aad St. Petet's Basilica., will be your personal sightseeing list. (B) Day_4; Thunday, October 22, 20 15 Rome - Assisi - Pcrugia Ease your way into the locsl cultur€ as your tour Eauag€r slrares a few key Italian pbnses. Travel to Assisi, birthplacc of SL Francis. Take in the old-world atmosohere on a cuided walkinc tour ofthe old city, focluding the Basilics ofSt. Francis. Then you are offto medieval Penrsia,-palaces rhe f,istoric caDital of Unbria--Behold one ofthe griurdest squares in ltaly, the Piaza IV Novem6rre, and deligbt in the medieial and oniate cathedrals. @, Dj Day 5: Friday, October 23,,?015 Per-rlgia - Sicna - florcnce A scenic joumey through Tuscaay's gracefirl lowJying hills brings you to the mystical city of Siena. DeliClt in its narrow Gothic st€et$ m'lFificent Dalaces and historic Piazza del CamDo, Aft;r a watking toir with a local experq take sof,re time to explore the nedieval comers bf Siena. You arc sure to find manv'surorises among its shops and outdcor Caf€s. Arrive in Florcnce and enjoy some fiee tine before gathering for dinner. (8, D) ' Day 6: Saturday, October 24, 2015 Florence In f,'lorence, the aCredle ofthe Italhn Renairerncert vlrit lhe world-frnous Academy Gallery to rc€ MlcheLngelo's incredible ltrtue ofDcrid. During your cultrual tour ofFlorcnce vou'll also view the Cathedral_ of $ania Maria del Fiorc, fte Palazzo Vecchio and the Church of S-arita Croce. The rcmainder of th-e day is at leisure to enjoy this fascinating city on yoir own. @,) Day 7: Sundan October 25, 2015 llorence - Veaice Stsrt your dry wlth r virit to r hlstorlc winery ln lte heart ofthc Chland resion. In the ihrdow oflt! l2th-cenhry-ioumery cestle. learn rbout the winery's faned Thgcan wines end enlov r lfuht lunch fitreil with locd rpecialtier. This afternoon tbmugh cenhal Italy, ciosqinq the wooded ADennin€ Mduntainsioward th€ Valley ofthe ?o. Enchanting Venice ailrits wiih I l7 dny islands airi its lattic-ewo* of 150 cinels and /t00 bridges. (8, L, D) Day 8r MondaJr, October 26, 2015 Venice . Murano Island - Venice See Venlce fron the water thir nornfug ai we borrd r boat'r (werther permltthg) bound for Munno lthnd for rn uP.clore glrrs msldns demonstrsfior. Discover thc secrets ofthis ancient art and marve-l at tbe inhicate desims of each one-of-a-kind oiece. Nort. i€tum to V€nice and visit livelv St Mark's Squarc, the cultural hub ofthe city. Uncoier the stories ofVenice ai a local exixrt euidcs vou on a walkine torir ofthe ares featriing St Mark's Basilic4 the Dolge's Palace, the Bridge of Sighs and tle Clock To:wer with its famous M;on. (B) Day 9: Tuesday, Octob et 27 ,2015 Veni(f-, - Milan Malpensa Today you trsv€l to Milarl Take in sorne ofthe citv'e amazinc sighB on a locally-guided panoramio tour including the Duomo - this meqnific€nt Cothic cathedral is the third [arcest chuih ir Eumoe. the Operb House La Scala and Vittorio Enanuele Gallerv. Lat€r.-D€rhaDs vou will indulce in some shonohs at the 'Quaifril-atero'rtella Modq]' Milan'e high-frshion district. Continire to Milin Millinsa for a fare' ell dimer cetitrafing the ena of an unforgettable trip. @, D) Day l0: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 Milan Malpensa - Tour Eads Your tour com€s to norning. (B) 31 a close in Milm Ivhlpensa this Summerset III Trip Australia Front. the Outbaek to the Glaciers Cail Optional 3-day F{i Tour ,J##:fi?ix:ft^,*,, March 3 -23,2016 2l Days r 30 Meals: lB Breakfasts,2 Lunches, l0 Dinners DON'T MISS OUT! BOOK NOW AT{D SAVE $4OO!! Double $8,899 *; Single $10,899; tiple $8,799 Regular rates: Double $9,299; Single $ I 1,299; Triple $9,199 lncluded in Price: Round Trip Air from San Francisco lntlAirport, Air Taxes and Fees/ Surcharges, Hotel Transfers Not inclu.ded in price: Cancellation Waiver and lnsurance of $300 per person * All Rates.are Per Person and are subject to change o loc. ;;''t{'- t-18-r.*f"""'"f *4 **f / fl *of \ nrtsrcc*t \ \ ) lusrnalrl j*il4q NOUNACEAIV O r * .+ oanirxv lrbl Surdrdtoq o'|jdrrfl ft$. .-ur*t*rd|rrC*l HIGHLIGHTS... Cairns, Great Barrier Reef, Daintree Rainforest, Ayers Rock, Alice Springs, Melbourne, Christchurch, FranzJosef Glacier Region, Queenstown, Milford Sound, Mt. Cook National Park, Dine with a New Zealand Family, Sydney, Sydney Opera House ITINERARY AT A GLANCE Days 1,2 Qvernight Flight Days 3 - 5 Pullman lnternational Cairns, Cairns Day 6 Desert Gardens, Ayers Rock Days 7, 8 Doubletree by Hilton Alice Springs, Alice Springs Days 9, 10 Radisson on Flagstaff Gardens, Melbourne Day 11 Rendezvous Hotel Christchurch, Christchurch Day 12 Scenic Franz Josef Glacier Hotel, Franz Josef Glacier Days 13 - 15 Novotel Queenstown Lakeside, Queenstown Day 16 The Hermitage, Mount Cook Natl. Park Day 17 Rendezvous Hotel Christchurch, Christchurch Days 18 - 20 Menzies Hotel, Sydney 32 Advertisements John Fjeldstad Summerset Ill Resident Candidate for the Brentwood Union School District Governing Board Every child is entitled to an excellent education led by an excellent teacher. Let's work together to make that happen. I was a teacher, trained as a school administrator, and longtime experience in software engineering management. Here is who I am: Endorsement: Endorsed by the Contra Costa County Democratic Party and Evolve California Education: BA (English), MA (Secondary School Administration) National Science Foundation scholarships in Math, lnorganic/Organic Chemistry Work Background: 2 yrs. railroad yard clerk (midnight shift in Minnesota can be very cold) 4 yrs. teaching and athletic coaching experience (Very young, not very wise) Former PTA chairman (Still young, still not very wise) 39 yrs. computer software engineering experience, the last three as a teacher and ry o " * iil ::?.T : [ :; !: ll,1 projects built for the National Security Agency i: :T :1',i ;:h11 ; ;::: ), ::' o o *.,e mg r of 4+ yrs. as a volunteer Sth gr.de teacher aide in BUSD (current) - (5th graders are smarter now than ever before including when I was , sth grader) Personal Background: Married to wife, Kathleen, 7 children, L1- grandchildren, 1 great grandchild Resident of Brentwood (SS lll)for L4 yrs. oiverseffi].ffi lllH' ranian, Brazitian American in-taws Mexican American granddaughter is a Captain in the USMC Yes, you can vote for someone whose name you can't pronounce. I Ask For Your Vote 33 Advertisements June 2Ol4 5UE'5 IiOBILE I|ANI/PEDI SERVICE CERTIFIED MASSAGE THERAPIST Ucerwd, ntofEsslosl Teri Gater/Kennealy Specinltsiqg in IN- l{OltiE Jblanbure, (e25) 464-0527 Pdicr$es and Shelhc 6el Relax Summerset Special $50.00 for one hour at $ummerset lll 727 Richardson Drive Home od Enirf mf Fierdly Ssrricc qnd Gnforfing Torch 9et-t49-t616 fr fiohlnmt u Enait rcnipcdk*€grlil.con erory hanG e*f, frlll4ificotrc lfi z2eE5t €cll 9n Amway NANNYCHH}A Home Beauty Nutrition Barbara Graff PAINTII{G Commercial & Residential 1871Trenton Place Brentwood, CA 93413 760 Jerurifer Street Brentwood, CA 94513 925-285-5393 925.833,6025 BashaGraff @gmail.com www.Amway. com/BLG raff Lic. *765579 Bonded FACTORY Amway-affiliated Independent Business Owner IRECT GIITI GBIIIIN No One Can Beat Our Prices! "Get Clean" is the name of our cleaning prod completely safe for the environment Featured in Redbook, Los Angles Tirnes, Self Magazine Surnrnerset Resident Dori McN a;ry Tubs . ExpertTwo Day lnstallation 'llitl'Z'Zt ) . Nd Hidden costs . One Call - We Do ltAll . Walk-ln . True Lifetime Warranty . No Subcontractors st ... 440-gagg dorijirn I 6 I 6@sbcglob =ftlbt]|,Ho Made in USA 'conrnctork Lic.#77o781 Check out :i. 34 al. net Advertisements m "f couldn't askfor anytbing more and neither could Mom." Visit Cortona Park and see whf h "l wanted a caring and friendly environment for Mom, with personal attention and great quality of life. lfound it all right here. Each day Mom gets help with activities of daily living, home-cooked meals, and opportunities to socialize. Since she moved in, she's discovered a renewed sense of energy." Discover why our community is such an exceptional place to call 'home.' Contact Cortona Park today. Please Join Us: Cortona Park Annual Holiday Fair Saturday, November Com plimentaiy Ad mission 22 | 9 a.m. to 2 p.rtt. Call (925) 24O-O733 for details -nBnooKDALE SIY '/ {# tF {:} C .O a c(u O. x lr I (u ('il CJ \\ to E c) (5 ll:r -{Il #t {[} {ra ir 5 ts tql (fi lel f,J lrFt c) E o) E (n c) 3no '6 'r(f, o {I:} H tl-il (} o cc) sFl sg :a: # Eftt # d.{ K cl * c' ttt fl- .{3 r{r # (;3 sh :*J t5 rfG. -L lt) -CD '*ooroG L-iLb 6 A{i lb: 3gHsr6 83 't:l c(tI S :i;a;r 4Llq F rba, 6 ho<t g € aE * ;(-)-a= t, FS HF€ 8. -s,ie-!a Eot - .g 5- FP {! q, *-, $"H E-E' {ct 6rs)a rrJ = -LD -(:, cn Es rttrd E e Ae E 5; F*8€ €SE.'$ O >arU -E'H E$ Ct, tn h bE b5 EF€ E 2t5,, u 9." .n E E6= FSrS €8e E ooE r:h;s ;? Htr HH gP s€ F(lr= fFl.rg; EEfiE Eg $E *15 E;. F 15 .5'E €sa3 eO- $E€E m $dAE E HE fr 6s cE co 1! ggE$ ctogo- (l' EA;6 F: F A s ti b E E 6Et fEt Cr. clt (J ft r, u "{-,1 ffiJ tlr sENtoR LlvtNc soLUrroNs -ALL THE PLACES LIFE CAN GO" o' (l) Xs ?t v fr h b '8 Fg€,E -H .n 3i. 6,, ,(l, VLd-41 '= aii.E .c gt E€l*E€. at = 'ttt. c FsHg <r0E o) c g (u # EE S (u (tt {-) IEU =E {l,i} -t= {(t lIt is ;= cu aqlg !5r r^ fi' E.lj fA Fv, ()(O 5op {rr rf} .= = (\l uit .Fc't = - '\:a tt;,':h !,- Fl I . b, ,*-rv 'e G sE [!€ P )r 'rl:' ;58 F :* L-e =asc, s 5E a8 l6 SE Eii .ttE I:r -= !t EE €.3 g5 ;e $E -g ;E ag EH -lF uEl .EE $F Advertisements pfrftm CENY A. D[JLT}ULAO Realtor Realty World Cal Homc (925) 323-2639 (888) 333-0322 (rell) (fax) [email protected] www,cenyhomes.com CaIBRE# 00633513 Call or email me for your renl estate llome sales, Short sales, Foreclosures lircb ollicc ir inlcpcndoil.v osnrd Sandi & Kit Carson 925.337.2791 Sumuerse.t Resirlgut Rod's Handyman Service No lob too SmalL Genwal Horne Mnfurt enance fa Inryrc a ement * Sruing 9*trcwt Cowtamity for OauSYemsNow." kitnsandicarson.com RofunyReizerctein CaIBRE# 0l 105337 /00967A85 ,',,,:::*Tff:-*, Proud Member of Silent Soldier Real Estate Network ffirffrffifi$$ffi {$*-WrpY$*ry} ,Sui, .3*u**l* ft Tdtlr -$,r*d $*'f#tn-"$'r-d,r/ ffrnnrln ftrlntflnrl $slon $uft*s Jtr0 sd opcnl.d &{f*t Bd., Sts, GJ Srunmud; fl* *{51$ #all fg.il-f6$"I ffg S* $rrg*firr$l Summerset I Activities m I f,iif," ls.mnamsr I IsuMMERSET llrrl*"*-.,,nl I IG r NEws F{ovember zot7l| -l ;r*;&r*w Summerset I Events NoY.4-Movie Mlltlo Nov. 8-The Rat Pack Show Nov. 9-Sunday Bingo Nov. l0-Veterans Day Program Dec. 2-Travel Presentation Dec. 6-Christrras Dinner Parly Dec. l4--Sunday Bingo Dec. l7-Summerset Singers Concert Dec. 31-NewYearos Eve Party Uyou are interested in any of the trips or would like more information on Summerset f functions, please csll Diane Mclean, SSI Aetivity Director at 513-0740. Additional through the life and times of the world's most celebrated band. This expanded RAIN adds even more hits that you know and love from the vast anthology of Beatles classics such as ool Want To Hold Your Hand," "Hard Day's Night," "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band,o' u'Let It Be," "Come Together" and "Hey Jude." This stunning concert event takes you back in time with the legendary foursome delivering a note-for-note theatrical event that is the next best thing to the Beatles. Don't miss the Broadway smash that's taking the world by storm. Coming to the Sacramento Community Center Theatre. We have to the Thursday, March 19 matinee performance. We'll be having lunch at The Old orchestra seats Spaghetti Factory in Sacramento before the show. Please see flyer for meal choices and detailed itinerary. Veterans'Day Program Veterans' Day will be commemorated at Sum. I on Mon., Nov. 10 at 1 I AM. Our guest speaker is Dr. Leslie Harold, former Marine Medic. The event honors all veterans. Our own Summerset Singers will be honoring our veterans with us. The program is open to all Summerset communities. and Event yoar Rec. Center/Lodge. were living and working at the center of Paris at the turn of the last century. Through a variety of paintings and other materials, visitors will explore the nightlife of cabaret theaters, elaborate circus performances and intimate cafe concerts that helped to define Paris as an iconic modern city. On February 17, Summerset I has scheduled a 10:00 AM docent tor.u of the exhibit at the Crocker Art in Sacramento. After our visit to the museum we'lI have time in Old Sacramento for exploring and lunch on our owrr. Please see flyer for itinerary. Thunder YaIIey Casino We're off to Sacramento's ultimate Las Vegas style casino on Wed., Jan. 14. We'll be eqioyng the spacious gaming floor feafuring more than 2,500 state-of-the-art slot machines. Thunder Valley has 4 restarrants, a food court and a 24-hour all-you-can-eat buffet. Cost of kip is $28 and includes busing, $15 slot credit & $5 food coupon. Dining & gambling is on your own. 37 Sutter Creek Holiday-D ec. 12 Dirty Dancing Musical-Jan. 3, 2015 Thunder Valley Casino-J an. 14 Toulouse-Lautrec/Old Sac-Feb. 17 Rainr Tribute to the Beatles-Mar. 19 Canadian Rockies/Glacier Natl Park if you have ary Henri Toulouse-Lautrec-who Museum There's still room on these trips: Oct.25 -Nov.4,2015 in your newsletter or Rec. Centerllodge. Call Diane, 513-0740, Toulouse-Lautrec & La Vie Modeme: Paris 1880-1910 This exhibition celebrates avantgarde artists-including the legend- scene J;;:-, q **#*1 t Don't Miss Out! See flyers Toulouse-Laatrec Exhibit & Old Suc of the artistic and cultural i*ii,i sooil Iuly 22 - 28, 2015 Prague & Danube River Cruise -'ae*l$* Raih: A Beatles Tribute This show is acknowledged to be the first, longest running and most successful Beatles tribute show in the world. A live multi-media spectacular that takes you on a musical journey frip Flyers are available in ,,s*,Ere:.,*,"^ a dEF.:Ei::fi i I B any questions. aclryard Birdwatchers Proposed New Summerset Group ! ! Do you want help identifring what birds come to your feeder or are in your yard? Do you want to go to a local park and see birds migrating through our area? Curtis Stuteville (8.S. Zoology) wants yorn help forming a new Summerset club. I need twenty people to sign up to begin this group. Please send me an email if you would be interested. Thanks. c.stuteville @att.net Travel Presentation Mark your calendar for a special Summerset I travel presentation by Premier World Discovery on the following trips: Canadian Rockies/Glacier Park Featuing 3 nights in Banff Ialy 22-28,2A15 Prague & Ilighlights of the Danube 7 night cruise on the Amadans Royal October 25-Novemb er 4, 2015 Let Diane know at 513-0740 if you can attend on Tuesday, December 2, 11:00 AM Sum. I Rec. Center CN / -{ F SI]MME,RStrT I AT BRT.i\TWOOD H November 20L1 o |1 Monday Sunday Tuesday Thurcday Wednesday -t{ t{ >) Friday O o f+ Saturday I 8:30 Tennis Round Robin at Sum 2 C^) I @ 3 6:48 Ladies 9 Tees 9:00 Tennis @ lV 9:00 Silver Strivers 12:30 Duplicate Bridge 12:30 Dominoes 10 6:48 Ladies 9 Tees 8:30 Tennis @ IV 9:00 Silver Strivers ll:00 Yeterans Program l2:30 Duplicate Bridge 4 8:30 Tennis @ II 9:00 Tai Chi 1:00 Bridge l:00 Poker Movie Night (MiIIion Dollar Armoo 11 8:30 Tennis @ II 9:00 Tai Chi 1:00 Bridge l:00 Poker 12:30 Dominoes 6:30 Events Update 7:00 Board Meeting t6 t7 6:48 Ladies 9 Tees 8:30 Tennis @ IV 9:00 Silver Strivers 10:30 Kare Bears 12:30 Duplicate Bridge 12:30 Dominoes 5 8:00 Men's Golf 8:30 Tennis @ III 9:00 Silver Strivers 12:30 Duplicate Bridge 6 8:00 Ladies Colf 10:00 Women's Bible Study l:00 Mah Jongg 1:00 Poker l2:30 Dominoes 7:00 Pinochle 30 24 6:48 Ladies 9 Tees 8:30 Tennis @ IV 9:00 Silver Strivers 12:30 Duplicate Bridge 12:30 Dominoes 9:00 Silver Strivers l L2 13 t4 t5 9:00 Men's Golf 8:30 Tennis @ III 9:00 Silver Strivers l2:30 Duplicate Bridge 12:30 Dominoes l:00 Mah Jongg 8:00 Ladies Golf 10:00 Women's Bible Study 1:00 Mah Jongg 9:00 Bowling 8:30 Tennis Round Robin at Sum I ?2 8:30 Tennis Round Robin at Sum I 9:00 Silver Strivers 1:00 Poker 2:00 Ping Pong 20 2t 9:00 Bowling 9:00 Tai Chi 1:00 Bridge [:00 Poker 9:00 Ladies Golf 10:00 Women's Bible Study 7:00 Book Club l2:30 Dominoes l:00 Mah Jongg 9:00 Silver Strivers l:00 Mah Jongg 2:00 Ping Pong 1:00 Poker 7:00 Pinochle "lerser Bavst' 25 8:30 Tennis @ 9:00 Tai Chi 1:00 Bridge 1:00 Poker II 26 8:00 Men's Golf 8:30 Tennis @ ilI 9:00 Silver Strivers l2:30 Duplicate Bridge l2:30 Dominoes l:00 Mah Jongg H o F} lio Fo t-+ lro 8:00 Men's Golf 8:30 Tennis @ III 9:00 Silver Strivers 12:30 Duplicate Bridge II 8:30 Tennis Round Robin at Sum RAT PACK SHOTI t9 18 8:30 Tennis @ I 1:00 Mah Jongg Newsletter Deadline 23 7 9:00 Bowling I 28 9:00 Bowling 9:00 Silver Strivers 29 8:30 Tennis Round Robin at Sum I o 0 fu,fuw ',.T:3kd I II II TITII rTl^. ,..^J ^ multi-media spectacular that takes you on a musical journey through the life and times of the world's most celebnated band. Going fudter than before, this ercpanded RAIN adds even more hie that you and love from the vast anthologt ofBeatles 6r"a* e{rt e/ht"'r* tu I know I classics "l Want To Hold Your Hand," "Hard Day's Night " "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band," Jude." This It Be," *Come Together$ and such as Oil t Between 1880 and Paris was a breeding ground for artistic and literary novemene that r stunning concert evont takes you back in time with the I legcrrdary foursome delivering a note-for-note I "Let l9l0 "Hoy carne to define a shifting complvx socicty. Modemity took various forms, including tho work of theNahraltstq the Symbotists, the Incohdrents theatricat event that is the next best thing to tlte and the Nabis, but the art of Henri de Toulouse-Laufec (.l) (o (I 864-1 901) epitomized fiie new tendencies. With his art as a cent-ral focuq this 9:4, - Depatt SUM I1:30 -Lua& at nThc 2. Spaghcui ritb MeetbEllr 3. ChickenParmfuieaa 4. Chickca Mareela I 7 / {,fr' $4s OH Spqhetti Fectory' 2:004:3O --'XAllrrlo 6:t0 -- WA SUM I m'Hff*m 'f*15.9;15 pm Old Sac-nmento. (Lunch on'Orn) pm Ardve Sum standards. A special focus is frc lntoxicating witers, performerg and garhering of artists, musicians in Montrnailre, whore everyone from Toulouse-Laufec-whose style utd subjccts embody the times-to circuses, and theatres. This exhibition is organized and circulated by Senices International, Alexandrig Virginia" 1 RSVP to Activity Director by January 21. Mala d<s pya&a to Sumnnrsal t $ony, no refunds Anount - Sarah B€mhardt and Paul Verlaine worked amidthe swirl of caf€s, concerts, 8:15 am Depart Sum.l 10:00 am Crodrer Ad Mu66um 6:15 exhibition lnvestigstss a generation of artists whq soughtto shake the cons[aints of French Academic Art a tt H F{ F{ -H t{ - o F.I 0 o Fl. E o f+ ldo lro Ff' Fo o O 0 tt 14TH ANNUAL VETERANS DAY ffiffiLffiffiffi&YfiffiruH Come to Summerset's 14th AnnualVeterans Day Celebratlont Join us for a time with our Veterans and their familles. Listen to the Summerset Singers do Tribute in Song to our Veterans. Listen to the inspiring words of a WW ll Herol..Ma rk y o u r Cole n d a r s o FhrtWourWhoma for the great event! There willbe Refreshments! hlovember L0, 2CI14 11:00 AM Summerset ! club house $UMMERSFf VETERANS CLUB Br.ntwoo4 CA.9451t 9?5"9807?69 | [email protected] I >l H t{ -H r{ P o tt 0 o t-f H o t'+ lto |ro t-f' Fo o (o Summerset II Activities $AsunlrtnnsuTrrPArrts Trips & Events s& Noyember 2014 - Summerset Palms Activities {}ffice M-F: 9 to 3:30 (925) 513-2913 [mail'- [email protected] November Events Nov. 5: Grrye Stomp. Come stomp grapes like Lucy and Ethel with Tenuta Winery Nov. 6: Ifiring Prcfessiowls Presentdion Learn how to protect yourself. 7 PM. RSVP with Jeanne at 5 I 3-788 1 or jeann edean4T 6I@aoL com. Nov. L2: Levi Toun See where the 49ers play! Our final tour. Do not miss out. Everyone has ' loved this tour. Nov. L4: Hsppy Hour with mwic by tlrc Nite Notes.s PM. Nov. 19: Gruw md Save $$$, Learn a better way to grow vegetables and save money. 3 pM to 4 PM. Please RSVP. Refreshments will be served. Nov. 2l: Pet Hrypy Houn Fairview Animal Hospital will be here to talk about all kinds of ways to keep your fur friends happy and safe. They will be serving wine and will have raffle prizes. 5 PM. UpcominqJvents Dec. 14: Surnmercet Singerc Christmas Conceft- 3 PM. $5.00 pp. Dessert and coffee will be served. Dec. l6: Holiday Lights of Sm Frmcisco with Craiy Smitlt Dec. 17: Surnmereet II lloliduy Pwty. Hosted Bar and catered turkey dinner. Cocktails 5 PM Dinner 5:30 PM, Carolers 7 PM. $5.00 donation requested for 'Feed the Children" Jan. 15: Winc, Lurch md More. Taur, tasting, and lunch at Sebastiani Vineyards. Olive oil, vinegar and wine tasting at B.R. Cohen, with one complimentary 200 ml bottle of B.R. Cohen olive oil. $118 pp. Jan. l7: Cruise Legends In Corcert See flyer. Feb. 19: Sut Frarrcisco's Grand Ladies. See Flyer 2015 T?ips Sunshine State, Florida-Feb I 9, 2015 Las Vegas & Death Valley Discovery-March 8, 2015 Spring Training, Arizona-March 9, 2A15 South Africa, Vctoria Falls and Botswana- April 22,2015 For Spring Training And See the A's d The Giants Play Great Tiains & Grand Canyons-May 3,2015 Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta-Oct 9, 2015 Do you have family/friends outside of Summerset who woutd like to go on our trips? You don't have to be a Summerset resident to travel with us. 'We welcome everyone! Invite family and friends. 41 II Activities Summerset SUMMERSETII PALMS November 2014 Activities Director: Jill Proctor Sun Mon 925-st3-79r3 Wed Tue [email protected] Thu Fn *Architectural Sat I Meeting- Holiday Boutique Arch Comm. & Eake Sale H Please Note* Big Band is a Rehearcal. Not a performance 2 4 3 9:00 9:30 lndoorWalk Ceramics 10:00 1:00 Kare Bears Canasta 7:00 Bridge 5 9:30 Quilt Club 10:00 SocialClub 1:00 Mexican Train 6:00 Poker-Coed 6:30 Ceramics 6 9:00 lndoor Walk 10:30 Arch. Comm. 1:30 7:00 I 7 9:00 Kup of Java 10:30 Stompers 9:00 lndoor Walk 9:30 Ceramics Newsletter 1:00 Mah Jongg 1:00 Rummy Cube Big Band 6:30 Mens-Poker 1:00 Pool/Billiards 4:00 Rascals Grape Stomp Hiring Professionals Talk IPM o 10 10:00 1:00 7:00 Pilates 9:30 Quilt Club 1:00 Mexican Train 6:30 Ceramics 9:00 lndoor Walk 1:00 Scrapbooking 7:00 Big Band Canasta Newsletter 14 9:00 KupofJava 10:30 Stompers 10:30 Garden Club 1:00 Mah Jongg 7:00 Computer Bridge w 16 13 12 '11 9:00 lndoorWalk 9:30 Ceramics 1:00 1:00 lndoor Walk Ceramics Rummy Cube PoollBilliards Happy Hour 5-7PM Levi$tadium ffi omffin. Quilt Club t9 9:00 1:00 Mexican Train 10:30 Arch. Comm 6:30 Ceramics 17 18 9:00 lndoorWdk 9:30 Ceramics 9:30 10:00 Pilates 1:00 Canasta 7:00 Bridge 7:00 -iffi 2A lndoor Walk Big Band Grow & Save 3PM 10:30 Stompers 1:00 6:30 7:00 7:00 MahJongg Mens-Poker 9:00 lndoor Walk 9:30 Ceramics 1:00 Rummy Cube 1:00 Pool/Billiards Pet Happy Hour Computer Card Bingo 5PM ffi ffi 26 25 22 21 9:00 KupofJava Board Meeting 7PM 24 15 9:00 9:30 27 9:00 lndoorWalk 9:30 Ceramics 9:00 9:30 Book Club Quilt Club 1:00 Scrapbooking t0:00 Pilates 1:00 Mexican Train 7:00 1:00 Canasta 6:00 Poker-Coed 7:00 Bridge 6:30 Ceramics 9:00 lndoor Wdk Big Band 42 28 9:00 lndoor Walk 9:30 Ceramics 1:00 Rummy Cube 1:00 Pool/Billiards 29 (n />. loin Sutnmerset II to see the San Francisco's Grand Ladies See soms of San Francisco's most beautiful and historic Victorian Buildings Your step on guide, Craig Smith, rvill meet you at Peace situated in the largcst Japantorvn in the US. Your fitst stop will be the elegant Queen Anne Hotel located in Pacific Heights. Here you rvill see authentic art and antiques as you tour the hotel and guest r00ms. You r.rill |It l.t o f.t How to Protect Jburself With Craig Smith February 19,2015 F{ F{ Brenlwood Polire Deportmenl ond TRIAD of Summer:el Presenls; 0 o \[hen Hiring Professionals F+ Fr{ Fr{ continue your trip back in time at The Haas-Lilienthal I'louse which was designed by Peter R. Schrnidt in 1886' As the only period era home open to the public in $an Francisco, the house ireautifully exemplifies upper-middle class life in the Victorian era. Enjoy a wondeful San Francisco lunch at Pompei's Cnotto before ending your tour o t-f |to rvith a visit to The Reutlinger llouse, a treautifully restored 1886 ltalianate Victorian in historic Alamo Square. I'lere the homcs ormer will treat you to some lively tunes on his player piano's in the ballroom. A truly Grand Tour' 5 lro fro F+ o a Cost Per Person: $87.00 OJ Depat.t: 8:30arn &Ig& approximately 4:30 pm @ The Nine's South End Parking Lot Co$.t,includes: * Roundtrip Motorcoach Transportation * Step on Guide, Craig * Smith x Hosted Lunch at Pompei's Cvrotto Driver Gratuity f,"pntact: Jill Vance @(925) 513-7913 tq; Summerset Palms Make ebeclp Paypble Mail Clpckp",io: Summerset II @ 193 Summerset Drive, CA 94513 Many times we need to hire professionals to help us in our lives. \flhether it is getting work done on your house, repairs done on your car, or insurance t0 cover it all. V/e need to interact with professionals, ::ti+ but how do we know they are giving us the best service and not ripping us offl Come hear from a panelof 4 experts in their ftelds covering: Contractors, Mechanics, Heating and Air and Insurance. These experts ff p)= will take the time to tellyou what questions to ask to keep yourself pro All tripr and toun are anangcd for your pleasure. TravelCenler Toun mtl Travel, Jill Vance and Summersct Palns. &s$nE no liability for pasengers or thcir poseisionr. All trips and tours are sulrjccr to change and availability. lndividual ranq:llalions/chagcs mrst h; mrde minimum of7 dals prior to departure date. ficketssrenofl.refundable. Norcfundsunlsssareplacenrcntisfound.Specificconditionsapply.CST{1002945-40 tected. Theywill mlk about scams that occur in their profession and how to protect from them. TravelCenter, Tours and Travel, 1936 Oak Park Blvd., Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 (925) 931 -2223 / (800) 5?8-2223 Brentwood Police Deporlment ond IRIAD-Bringing people ond informotion together ---..--Detach&Return**Sunrnerset ll / Grand February 19,2015 Ladies SF Phone: Name(s): t_J Entree' Choice: (select one entree per guest) tr Shrimp Louie fl Chicken Piccata L] White Fish fl to protecf the residenis of Summersel. Dale: November 6,2014 - 2100 P.M. Locotion : Summersel ll clubhouse 193 Summerset Drivg Brentwood Pasta rvith Prarvns ::::::::-N RSVP: Jeonne Deon Phone 925-513-7881 E-moil: ieonnedeon4T6 I @ool.com ffi ffi 0 ?t ffi Wm*rw$*w &nimal *4mspitml ryrffiffiffints Pmts It l.t ,) em & P*ffi#t il*ppy Fdmffir H l-a )J ffiffiWWffi o f.I ffiro@tr Seminar will be held at@ Summerset ll Clubhouse o Fl Come Join us for a glass of wine aceompanied with pertinent lro information about our furry friends!!! fro c+ lro The seminar willfocus on the following: s o O *your pet's dental hygiene *foods that are "no-no's" *maintaining a healthy weight *safe dog pank etiquette * importance of vaccinations *Q &A session at the end of the seminar (& Raffle prizes) {tr^of t{suq*t1urifl receive gggg8ffi l$t{ffiffi* *gr}{it*l $} [$it}{ig]0{ 0nimal Hstnilsl ln attendance will be our Fairview spokes-dog Tink Shower her with love and affection as this is her Pleass f$yf Tink!l # lst seminar @Summerset!l Jflt Frortar-Vancs S4{6-$72,A by Friduy,JVoverxberl t'h far aur serninarl Fairuiew Anitll,ul llaspital 9A$-626-7 X84 31.77-C Sapur * o t-f lfi ffir: Fr€dny, &l *w R1*t #EryturG gll 5 0 fairviewanimalhospital.net frd, Srentwttd tA 94519 LegalShield is a 42 yearold.lompqrly protecting 1.4 million families w_ith 34,000+ companies offer it as a fringe or voluntary benefit in the US. Summerset IV Activities November 2014 S Orfua[s Trips Performances Activities Untouchables Concert Handcratters November 2 - 3:00 p.m. $10.00 Tuesdays at l0:00 a.m. Share your craft projects Travel Show with Collette Quilters'Bee November6-4:30p.m. Wednesdays at l:00 p.m. Create your family heirloom and visit with fellow quilters. "The Cemetery Club" play (Vagabond Players) November E - Doors Open 6:00 p.m. $10.00 Orchards liline Tasting ' *Save The l)ate* November 15 - 5 p.m. $10.00 Movie Matinee Summerset Singers Holiday Concert December 1l - 7;00 p.m. November 9 - 1:30 p.m. "The Book Thief' 0 New Yearns Eve Advance Ticket Sales 0 Bingo 23-h Advance Ticket Saleg - Appreciation Night December l3 - 9:00 a.m. to I l:00 a.m. 1 November 22-9:0A a.m. to 1l:00 a.m. $65.00 pp November with friends in the Pavilion. New Year's Eve ParB {} 00 p.m. ), Fitilgss December 3l - 8:00 p.m. Stop by the Activities Desk for more information! Class Cardio Chair Fitness David Orr Fitness Pilates Day Time Mondav 9:15 a-m. UppoFi$gPav Tliss Thursdav l0:15 an. Holiday Sweets & Goodies Tour - December l0 See Front Desk for Times Mouday Casino Trips in 2015 ll:15 a.m. Pilates Fridav 9:00 am. sitFit Moaday l0:15 a"m. iitFit titFit Tnesdav l0:15 a-m. Fridav 10:15 a"m. Mondav 6:30 n-m. Mondav 9:00 a-m. Steo & Sculot fai Chi Iotal Bodv Workout Tuesdar'& Thursday t:15 am. Iotal Bodv Wortout Wednesdav 9:00 am. Iotal Bodv Workout Wednesday 6:30pm. fotal Body Workout tilalkins Grouo Fridav l2:30 p.m. Tuesdar & Thursdav 9:00 a.m. p.n. Yoga Moaday Yosa Wednesdav 10;30 am. Zumba Monday ZumbaGold Sahrrday 4:00 o.m. 9:00 a.m. 5:30 Cache Creek - January 20 (Date Change) Red Hawk - April 28 (Date Change) Thunder Valley - July 2l Graton - November 10 Cn lifqqRi*. Pesti n afi pn T,rins & Pismo Eeach: November Uncomins Destination Trins Hearst Castle, Solvang 10-14,2014 Chr:istmas on the Danabe: November 29-December 7, 2014 Shades of lrcland: March 15-24,2015 New Yorh Crr! April g-13,2015 Ilashington, D.C.: April 15-21, 2015 Iloliday Tuhp River Cruise: April 24- May 2,Z0lS Amefican Cowbay Coantry: July 2l - 28,2015 Best of Eastern Canada: September 20 - 27 , ZOls Albuqaerqae Balloon Fiesta: September 30 - October 5, 2015 Spotlight on San Antonio: December 4 - 8, 2015 Crafts and Other Workshops Please contact us at (95) 513-2640 or stop by the Lodge for more information. Oil Painting Class w/Judy Thursdays at l0:00 a.m. Drop in and startyour masterpiece! $15.00 per class. 45 Summerset IV Activities SUMMERSET oR &qdn"y l4tvdp,y cltABDs Nove*nbe-r \tld*tp*d,wv Toet*da,+l nI4 m"trraa,v SMary Frdnat 1 Tennis Club 5S 9:00 Zrmba Gold 9ff] Bocce l2:OO Poker 9:OO 3 9:00 Tennis Club ss Udorechables Concert 3 p.m - 10.00 5 w' 9:{X}TaiChi 9:15 Cardio dRocky 1O:15 Sit Fit w/ Rocky 11:fi! Library Cornmittee 1:ff) Eridge 1:tX) Pedro 4:&]Zumba 5;SlYoga 6:3! $ep & Scr.rlpt 8:15Total Body Workout#Tamrny 9:O0Tennis Club SSll 9:80ARC Meding 6 c 9:@ Tennis Club SS lll 8:15Totd Body 9:ff1 Workout$Rocky 9:30 Bridge 10:00 Kare Eess 9:00 Bocce 10:30 Yoga 9:tl0Walking Grcup 12:00 Poker 't:(X) Mahjong 10:00 Handcrafters 10:15 Sit Fil rlith Brende 1:tll Quifiers' Bee I?:il) Duplicate Bridge 1:00 Pegs & Jd<ers 1:00CribbageSS lV 2:fl) Ping Pong 7:00 Delta Shrnrmers 6:30 TBWrvlRocky Workout udTammy 9:00 Bocce 9:00 Wafiting Group 10:0S Oil Painting 10:'15 Chair Fitness WTamrny 1:00 Mexican Train '1:00 Genealogy Mtg. 5:30 Poker 9:tX) Pilates 9:30 Bridge 1O:15 Sit Fit dBrenda 12:30Total Body Wor*out vlRocky 1S) 9:00 Tennis Club SS *08Zumba Gold 9:fX] Bocce 12:t]0 Poker I Pinochle Vagabond Players Pres€nts 1:ff) Hearts/Hand & Fod Cemeterydubo DoorcOpen 6pm s10 Travel Showwith Collette 4:3O p.m. 'tu l:10 p.n tu&y $hub ilatinee "qfra$oo6, ,rfriaf' 9;&) Tennis Club ss rv 9:$)TaiChi 9:15 Cardio w/Rocky 10:15 Sit Fit dRocky 10:3I Aqua dLynn 1:S) *idge t:&}JOMC Meeting 1:Ot) Pedro 4:{X}Zumba 5:30Yoga 6:30 Sep & Sculpt 6 17 *00 Tennis Club ss 9&]Tai Chi 8;15 Total Body WorkoutdTammy 4:tXlZrmba f0:15 Sit Fit dBrenda 5:3O Yoga 12:30 Duplicate &idge '!:08 Cribbage SS IV ?00 Board Meeting 7:O0 Delta Strurnmers Z{X} Chapeaux Rouge w 15 9:0O Tennis Club SS I 11:15 Filates 1:OO Bridge 1:tX) Pedro 6:3) $ep & Sculpt 24 9(X) Tennis Club ss tv . }fi}p.m. 14 9:00 Pilates 930 Bridge 9:00 Tennis Club SS ll 9:00 ARC Meeting 9-00 Bocce 9:00 VValking Granp '10:ff] Handcrafters '10:15 Sit FitMRocky BINGO 13 8:15Totd Body 18 ry 915 SardiodRocky z3 12 9:fi1 Tennis CNub SS lll Workout WTammy 9:fi) Workout wlRocky 9:00 Tennis Club SS ll 9:30 Bridge 9:00 Bocce 10:30 Yoga 9:00Walking Group 12:00 Poker 9:'t5 Sit Fit wlBrenda 1:ffi Mahjong tO:ffi Handcrafrers 1:@ Quilters'Eee 10:15 Sit Fit with Brenda 1:00 Pegs & Jd<ers 12:30 Duplicate Eridge Z:ff) Ping Pong 1;00CribbageSS lV 6:30 TBWwlRocky 2:O0 Board Meding 7:00 Delta Strurnmers 11 8:15Total Body 9:&] TaiChi 9:15 CardioVRocky 10:15Sit Fil w/ Rocky 11:15 Pildes 1:tXl Bidge 1:&] Pedro 4;S) Zumba 5:3{! Yoga 6:30 Silep & Sculpt 19 9:00 Tennis Club SS lll 9:00 Workout,rdRocky 9:30 Bridge '10:30 Yoga 12:CXl Poker 1:00 Mahjong 1:00 Quiltss'8ee 1:00 Pegs & Jokers 2:00 Ping Pong 6:30TBW u#Rocky Workout rdTammy 9:00 Bocce 9:00Walking Group 10:00 Oil Painiing 10:15 Chair Fitness wlTarnmy 1:00 Mexican Train 5:30 Poker 1O:15 Sit Fit dBrenda '12:30TdalBody 9{X} Zumba Gold 9:08 Bocce 1?:00 Poker WorkoutdRocky 1:00 Pinactrle 1:S0Hearts/Hand & Foc* WineTasting 5 p.m. Sro,g0 ztJ 21 27 8:15 Total tsody 9{X} Pdates 9:0Q Tennis Club SS I WorkotrtvlTammy 930 kidge 9:00 Bocce 9:00 Wblking Grolp 10:0OOil Painting 10:1 5 Chair Fitness 10:15 Sit Fit wlBrenda 9:S Zumba 9:ffi Bocre l23tlTotalBody 1200 Poker dTamrny Wor*ont vdRocky 11]O PinEcfrle 1{X} FleartslHand & Fod Gold NewYear's Eve Advance Ticket 1:00 Mexican Train 5:30 Pd<er Sales 9 a.m. - 11a.m. $es pp Souper Potluck 5$5 p.m. % 26 2A 23 &l5TotalBody Vliorkcxlt dTammy 900 Tennis Club 5S ll 9:00Tennis dub SS lll 9:OO Pilates 9:30 Bridge 9:ffiTennis Club SS 9:00 Zumba Gdd 1&15St FitdBrenda l23OTotalBody Workerlt dRocky 9:{X} Bocce 9:80 Bocce 9:00 Walkng Granp 1000 Handcrafiers 1O:15Sit FitwlBrenda 12:30 Duplicate &i@e t:80 Cribbage SS lV I:80 Delta Strummers 9:00 Workout $Rocky 9:3O Bridge 10:3OYoga 12:01 Psker 1:00 Mahjong 1:00 Quilters' tsee 1:00 Pegs & Jokers 2;00 Ping Pong 6:30 TBWrdRocky 46 *{wy fAffityt't'n1y 1:0O Pinocfrle ltrOHeartslFland & Fool 1?O0 Poker I q, 0 / t-t l.{ >) )t l-t tsJ o E 0 o f-+ FI SUMMERSET ORCHARDS s{ TRAVEL PRESTNTATION COTLHTTH VACATIONS HICH LIGHTS OF UPCOMING SU M M ER TRIPS FO R 2015 Novrnnsrn 6, zau 4:30 PM BALLROOM RErnrsnuENTs wrLL BE SERVED Srct't up AT THE LoDcrlnu SuruuEnsrrs ARE wELcoME FoR MoRE INFoRMATToN coNTAcr: BerryRr y3-264o o FI lro )ro F+ Fo o 0 0 >i 1- tt l.a -) t{ F{ o E O o F+ H o F+ lro Fo F+ s ldo o (o @ For more information contact For more information contact Barbara Hansen, Summerset Orchards Barbara Hansen, Summerset Orchards (e25) 5l&20{0 [email protected] (e?5) 51$26c0 [email protected] a 1- -{ F t{ ,) tt l.{ ts) o fi O o F+ H o t-l lto l-o Ft' lio o 0 SPECIAL TRAVEL PRESENTATION Wednesday, May A7,2014 rime:4:00 PM Summerset 0rchards,770 Centennial Pl, Brentwood, CAlifornia, 94513 oate: For more information contact Barbara Hansen, Summerset Orchards (e25) 5l&26{0 [email protected] For more information contact Barbara Hansen, Summerset Orchards (e25) 5l&2640 [email protected] Sign r Up Slips HALLOWS' EVB - November L't at 5:30pm - $30 Name: Make checks payable Meal Selection: to: Phone: Social Club Hickory Grilled Salmon Hickory Grilled Pork Summerset III rr-rt-r:-r--------;---------i LT. D0UG sILvA & SAFBTY TrPS - November 13ft at 2pm - Free Name: Sponsored by the Kare Bears Phone: >€ CHAMPAGIIE & SNOWFLAKES - December 6tr at 5:30pm - $40 Name: Phone: ,;- Make checks payable to: Summerset III Social Club Meal Selection: Saknon d Champagne Sauce Beef Tenderloin wl Madeira Sauce - TRAYEL PRESENTATION - Tuesday, November 4th Name: Phone: at 4:30pm - Free I'm interested in: (Check all that apply) Maine's Rugged Coasr Italy MUSICAL PERFORMANCE by Robert Stanton - Sunday, November Name: Phone: KINKY BOOTS - Wednesday, December Name: Make checks payable Meal Selection: to: lTth at 4pm - $140 , Phone: Summerset ltrl Shrimp Pasta Mahi Mahi Stuffed Chicken HOLIDAY CONCERT - Friday, December Name: Make checks payable L2th at 7pm - $f Phone: to: POOL TOIIRNAMEI{T Summerset III - November L7th at lpm - Free Name: Phone: 50 9th at 2pm - $fO VEHICLE PARKING NOTICE Is your vehicle parked in violation of Summerset at Brentwood III Association RULES and CC&R's? Section 3.4 of the CC&R's states: "Vehicles shall not be parked anywhere in the Development except in areas designed and established for parking of passenger motor vehicles or wholly within garages or driveways. All parking areas shall be used solely for the parking of motor vehicles used for personal transportation. Garage doors shall remain closed except when entering or leaving the garage. Garages shall be kept sufficiently clear so as to permit parking of the number of vehicles for which the garage was designed. No part of the common area shall be used for the repair, construction or reconstruction of any vehicle. No resident shall park in areas designated as "guest" or "visitor" parking. Any vehicle which is in violation of this Declaration may be removed pursuant to the California Vehicle Code provisions." (Vehicles can be towed and the expense of the tow and storage is the owner's responsibility.) HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION RULES: Revised July 2014 to read as follows: Section 7.2.2: "Each Owner's garage shall be kept sufficiently clear so as to provide enclosed vehicle parking for the equivalent number of designated parking spaces. The driveway shall be considered a Parking Bay and may be used for parking if required by the owner. It is the intent that garages shall be used only for vehicles used for personal transportation. Any additional parking requirements shall be presented to the Board (state in the request what relief is being requested and why such relief from this rule should be granted) for a decision on a case by case basis." Section 7.2.3: "Special off street Guest Parking has been provided throughout Summerset III." "Guests shall be permitted parking provided a "Guest Pass", obtained from the main gate privacy officer, is placed inside the front windshield in a visible manner. Guest special off-street parking shall be limited to seven (7) days. Thereafter, guests shall park in the owner's driveway (A Guest Pass shall still be required." Section 7.2.4: "Residents shall use the off-street parking area across the street from the Recreation Building only when attending activities at the Recreation Building. Section 7.2.5: "No inoperable vehicle, boat, trailer, commercial vehicle, recreation vehicle shall be parked or stored in or upon streets, driveways or common areas." For a complete print out of the VEHICLE PARKING AND STORAGE Rules please refer to section 7.2 through 7.2.13 of the Homeowner Association Rules that are available on our website at www.summersetvista.org
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