Apply online at www.HISDChoice.com | Apply to a maximum of 10 Magnet programs of which up to 5 may be Vanguard Magnet
MAGNET SCHOOL PROGRAM APPLYING TO:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
School Name
How to Apply:
• Do not use this form to apply to a Vanguard Magnet school. If you need a Vanguard Magnet application, contact your school or the
Vanguard Magnet program in which you are interested. Forms are also available at www.HoustonISD.org/Vanguard.
• An application to Magnet schools may instead be submitted online. Please visit www.HISDChoice.com for more details.
• To be considered in the first round of screening, this application must be postmarked or delivered in person no later than December 19, 2014. Applications
received after the deadline will be considered on a space-available basis. Out-of-district applicants may be considered on a space-available basis after
June 1, 2015. Nonresident employees are considered to be in-district residents.
• Complete one application for each Magnet program to which you are applying. A separate application must be submitted to each school to which you apply.
• You will be notified by mail of the status of your application on March 27, 2015. No status updates can be given before this date.
• For your application to be complete, you must supply copies of the following to each school to which you apply:
• Report card from first grading period of current year
• STAAR Scores
• Stanford Scores
• Final report card from previous year
If you wish to accept an offer of a seat you will need to visit your selected school to sign an entrance agreement after March 27, 2015 but no later than April 10,
2015. Failure to do so will mean your seat is no longer guaranteed. As part of the acceptance process, when you sign your entrance agreement, you will be required
to provide proof of residence within HISD boundaries. Failure to do so by April 10, 2015 or providing incorrect information may result in the loss of your seat.
1. Name of student:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
HISD Student I.D.#:__________________________________ Grade level for 2015-2016:__________________________________________________________
2. Date of birth: Month_________ Day_________ Year____________
Ethnicity*: q Hispanic/Latino
q Not Hispanic/Latino Sex: q Male q Female
Race*: q American Indian/Alaskan Native
q Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander
q Asian
q White
q Black/African American
4. Present address of parent or legal guardian (domicile):____________________________________________________________________________________
Street Address
____________________________________ City
_________________ State
Home Phone Number
Apt. #
_______________________________ ZIP Code
Emergency Phone Number, Name and Relationship to Child
6. With whom does student live as a permanent resident? q Both parents q Mother
q Father
q Other
Father’s name:___________________________________________________ Mother’s name:___________________________________________________
Guardian’s name:_________________________________________________ 7. _______________________________________________________________
Father’s Business Phone
(Documentation of guardianship will be required at time of registration.)
Mother’s Business Phone
Father’s Cell Phone
Mother’s Cell Phone
8. Is either parent/guardian an HISD employee? q Yes q No Employee I.D.#:
HISD email username
9. If eligible, are you requesting HISD bus transportation? q Yes q No
10. School currently attending:________________________________________________________________________________ Current grade level:_________
11. High school student zoned to attend:___________________________________________________________________________________________________
12. Does the student have a brother or sister attending this Magnet school? q Yes q No
13. Does the student have a brother or sister applying to this Magnet school? q Yes q No
If yes to either of the above questions, sibling’s name(s) and grade(s):_________________________________________________________________________
Parent Signature:___________________________________________________________________________ Date:_______________________________________
* The information is requested in accordance with the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) and federal regulations.
Date Received:
Out of District
Date Received:
General Information: Refer to the “Office of School Choice” catalog or Web site for additional information about programs. *Schools with an asterisk (*) require
testing or additional screening. HISD provides bus transportation for Magnet students in accordance with the Transportation of Magnet Students Guidelines.
HISD High School Magnet Programs by Focus Area
Austin HS (Teaching Professions)
Austin HS (Maritime)
Barbara Jordan HS (Careers)
Davis HS (Media for Culinary Arts/Hotel Management)
Indicate ONE Area__Culinary Arts __Hotel Management __Media
Lamar HS (Business Administration)
Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice HS
Yates HS (Communications)
__Graphic Design__Journalism__Media Production__Photography
Yates HS (Maritime)
Same Gender College Prep
Young Women’s College Prep Academy
Mickey Leland College Prep for Young Men 6-12*
Math, Science, and Technology
Chavez HS (Environmental Science)
DeBakey HS (Health Professions)*
Sterling HS (Aviation Science)
S.T.E.M.: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Energy Institute HS
Furr HS (Green Institute)
Kashmere HS (Chemical & Process Technology Institute)
Milby HS
Washington HS (Engineering Professions)
FUTURES Academies
Furr HS (Academy of Petroleum Engineering Tedchnology)
Jones Academy (Academies of Allied Health & Construction Technology)
Kashmere HS (Academy of Process Technology)
Long Academy (Academy of Pharmacy Technology)
Scarborough HS (Academy of Network and Computer Administration)
Sterling HS (Academy of Logistics and Global Supply)
Washington HS (Academy of Manufacturing Engineering Technology)
Westside HS (Academy of Health Sciences)
Humanities & International Studies
Sharpstown International School 6-12 (International Studies)
World Languages
Bellaire HS *
Indicate Language of Study __________________
Reagan HS (Computer Technology)
Indicate ONE Area
__ Business Applications __Video Editing
__ Information Technology __Computer Programming
Waltrip HS (Research & Technology)
Indicate ONE Area
__ Interactive Media
__ Networking Systems
Westside HS (Integrated Technology)
Indicate ONE Area
__ Business __ Computer Science __ Engineering
__ Fine Arts __ HST __ Media
Early College HS
Houston Academy for International Studies (HAIS)
North Houston
Vanguard (Gifted and/or Talented)
Please use the Vanguard Magnet application to apply to Carnegie Vanguard HS.
(available at schools or www.HoustonISD.org/Vanguard)
A student applying to the High School for the Performing & Visual Arts must audition and prepare according to the school’s published criteria.
Please rank the order of program preferences below:
____Creative Writing ____Dance ____Mariachi ____Instrumental Music ____Photography ____Theatre ____Visual Art ____Vocal Music
It is the policy of the Houston Independent School District not to discriminate on the basis of age,
color, handicap or disability, ancestry, national origin, marital status, race, religion, sex, veteran status,
political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression in its educational or
employment programs and activities.
HS Magnet Application—Revised 10/14