• r ^ ? ! ? ^ ^ 16 ? v « W SK^W*? : > * • - . : • : - : • : . Sunday, Oct. 8, 1967 Niagara Falls Gazette* Lli W SHf % : JSP* 'i -iri'?*--J ^ ^ s - , :&?£.•* $£* ,•>.•>; . , - - v 4 V «.*• ^iaini (The TV *rohor*« a « responsible tor the accurocv of these schedules which art Printed tn occordonce with information provided by thev stotfon; themselves.) -Morning^ 6:30 (>) (7) Window on the World. (4) Sunrise S e m c s t e r.. CO. "(11) Ontario News. (C) 7:00 (2) Today. (C). (4) News. (7) Rocketship 7. (C); 8:00 (4) Captain Kangaroo. ., (11) - Schnitzel House. (C) 8:30 (4) You and Your Family. . (C) (9) TV University. 8:55 (7) Dialing for Dollars. 9:00 (2)' Pat Boone Show. (C). (4) Carlton Fredericks (C). (9) Romper Room. (C). (11) Fd Allen Time. 9:30 (4) Love of Life. (C). (9) Cartoon Playhouse. -~fH>-Donna-^Reedr 9:55 (2) News, Weather. 10:00 (2) Snap Judgment. (C). (4) Candid Camera. (9) Uncle Bobby. (11) Movie — "Miranda:" 10:30 (2) Concentration. (C). (4) Beverly Hillbillies. (7) Temptation. (C). 10:55 (7) Children's Doctor. ! JliQ0_a)_Eexs.analltj:.^(£L „ (4) Andy Griffith. (7) How's Your MotherJnJAw?_(jQl, (9) Tugboat Annie. IVM (2) Hollywood Squares — Game. (C). (4) Dick Van Dyke Show. (7) Family Game. (9) Mr. and Mrs.—Game. = « & _ . — ^ _ . : _ _ „ _ , (11) Marriage CoDfidential. 11:55 (6) News;, Weather. Afternoon 12:00 (2) Jeopardy. (C). (4) News. (6) Luncheon Date. (7) M o n e y M o v i e — "Wait 'til the'Sun Shines • Nellie,'-' Part 3. (9) Toronto Today, ,H)-TfaHM 11 te=Pt>opl 12:25 (4) Doctor's House Call, 12:30 (2)'Merv Griffin Show. \ (4) (6) Search for Tomorrow. ( O . (11) Photo Finish. 12:45 (4) (6) Guiding Light. (C). 1:00^(-4) Meet .the Millers. (6) Luncheon Date. . (7) Fugitive. (9) Movie ~ 'Thunder on .. the Hill." (11) Mike Douglas. (C). 1:30 (4) (6) As the World Turns. (C). 2:00 (2) Days of Our Lives. (C). (4) Love Is a Many Splendored Thing. (C). (6) Cuisine.— Cooking. (7) Newlywcd Game. _^l3JL(2)__Doctors. (C). (4) House Party, (6) Coronation Street. (7) Dream Girl. (9) People In Conflict. _(11V Perrv Mason. 2:55 (7) News. 3:DO (2) Another World. (C). (4) To Tell the Truth. (C). (6) Take 30. > _____ (7) General Hospital. ~"T9V Magistrates court. 3:25 (4)-News. -3T30-(2)-Y^)u-DonU-Say4-(-C^— (4) (6) Edge of Night;; (7) Commander Tom. (C). (9) It's Your Move. (11) Bullwlnkle. ' 4:00 (2) Mike Douglas Show. (4) Secret Storm. „,—(6) Comnntnicater™™—~ -(0) I Love Lucy; (11) Super Heroes. (C) 4:30 (4) Truth or Consequences. (6) Barney Boomer. (9) Movie —"Bright Victory." (11) Gilligan's Island. (C). 5:00 (4) Perry Mason. , (6) Shazzan! (C) (7) Flint'stones. (C). LET'S RIDE - W i l l Sonnett (Walter B r e n n a n , right) a n d his g r a n d s o n , Jeff (Dock Rambo), hit the t r a i l w h e n they l e a r n t h a t l e g e n d a r y g u n f i g h t e r J i m Sonnett — JefFTTatrYer—is I n a t o w n o n l y a d a y ' s ride a w a y o n the n e w w e s t e r n - a d v e n t u r e series, THE GUNS OF WILL SONNETT, in color, f r o m 9:30 to 11 p . m . Friday o n C h a n n e l _7V..._..._.._ (11) Please Don't Eat The •'.* Daisies. (CK 5:30^(2) Of Lands and Seas. _JCfc (6) Let's Go — Variety. (7) N.ews - — Peter Jen-nmgSr-(G)— —-—— (11) My Three Sons. Evenifig^ 21 C^ . 7:00 (2) News, Weather, Sports. (4) People Are Funny. (6) The Day It Is. (9> Off To See The Wizard (11) Tarzan. :20 (7) News, Sports. :30-(2)-Tarzan iiT-he-BlueStone of Heaven." P a r t 2. Tarzan faces.dea,th after helping an archaeologist innocently deliver a valuable carved'stone to a power-hungry army leader. (C). _ „ _ . U . - ; i , - ^ _ (1) Wild", Wild-West—Secret agents West and Gordon hunt for a stolen samurai sword. (C). (6) Political Talks. (7). Off to See the Wizard —"Who's Afra;d of Moth-, er Goose?" A.n original musical with a new look •at nursery rhymes. Mau. reen O'Hara stars. (C). ~4 6:00 (4) News/Weather. Sports! (6) Sports Magazine. ^(7) Movie ^ "The Gam— - - bier from Natchez.'-' (11) PieVre Berton. 6:30 (2) News — Huntley, Brinkley. (C). (4) News—Walter Cronkite. (C). (6) (9) News, Weather, Sports. (11) Petticoat Junction. (C) Educational Programs (Channel 17) TODAY ~ 00 p.m. The French Chef. . 30 p.m. Book Beat, 00 p.m. Regional Report, 00 p.m. Viewpoint, 30 p.m. N.E.T. Journal, no p.m. The Creative Person, 8:00 p.m. Forty - Five Years with Fitzpatrick. 8:^0 p.m. Conversations, 9:00 "i.m. The Play of t h e Week. MONDAY, . 6:30 p.m. New York's Revised Penal Law — "Sentencing." 7:00 p.m. Discovery a t t h e Brookf'eld Zoo. 7:30 p.m. What's New — "Animal Ward."' 8:00 p.m. Ski School. 8:30 p.m. M?n In the News. 9:00 p.m. N . E . T . J o u r n a l — "T>m Right of Privacy." A -documentary on the grow;ng threats to the privacv of the American ind vidual. 10:00 p.m. Flaherty and Film. 10:30 p.m. Spectrum — "A Matter of A c c e p t able Risk." A report on the . machines and men that . control the flow of air traffic across the North Atlantic. TUESDAY 6:30 p.m. Reports to the Den• tist — "Dental Diagnostic • - Pitfalls." 7:00 p.m. Just Imagine. 7:15 p.m. The Friendly fliant —"Georgie to the Rescue." 7:30 p.m. What's New—"Folk Songs # i . " Tracy Newman, a past member of the "New Christy Minstrels," start-s a series of six ' programs on f o l k music. . 8:00 p.m. The French Chef — "The Case for Salmon."' 8:30 p.m. Talk of the Town. 9:00 p.m. To Be Announced. 10:00 p.m. Flaherty and Film. 10:30 p.m. The Dissenters. WEDNESDAY 6:30 p.m. H u m a i i i ties: The D'scourse of Western Man —"The Odyssey." College credit course. 7:00 p.m. Discovery at t h e Brookfield Zoo — "Store Ways Than One." 7:30 p.m. What's New — "Below Sea Level." 8:00 p.m. News^ In Perspective. $:00 p.m. The Creative P e r son — "Fred Rogers'*. A look at the man behind "Misterogers," the television hero of the preschool set; 9:30 p.m. It's A W o n d e r f u l World — "Panama." 10:00' p.m. Flaherty and Film. 10:30 p.m. Book Beat — Writer James Leo Herlihy talks about his new collection of short stories, "A-Story that Ends "with a Scream and Eight Others." THURSDAY 6:30 p.m. Reports to the Phys- • ician — "Radiologic Approaches to D i a g n o sis ,.#1." 7:00 p.m. Just I m a g i n e — "Music and Musical- In• struments." ' . . 7:15 p.m. The Friendly Giant — "A Bell for Ursli." . 7:30 p.m. What's New—"Folk Songs # 2 . " 8:00 p.m. Antiques V — "Chinese Export Porcelain., n 8:30 p.m. Viewpoint. 9:00, p.m.. Wars of the Roses— The R o y a 1-Shakespeare Company stars. 18:00 p.m. Flaherty and Film. 10:30 p.m. Business Roundtable — "Business Careers—Creative or Organization Man?" FRIDAY 6:30 p.m. M a j o r American Books — "Herman . Melville." College c r e d i t course. 7:00 p.m. Discovery a t t h e Brookfield Zoo — "Home is Where You Find it." 7:30 p.m. What's New — "Beyond the Arctic Circle." 8:00 p.m. Washington Week in . Review. : 8:30 p.m. N.E.T. Playhouse — "The, Tale of Genji VI." 9:45 p.m. Speak'ng Freelv — President of the AFL-CTO. George Meanv. is the guest for an informal inierview with ho^t Edwin Newman. SATURDAY 9.00 a.m. Calculus & A n a l y t i e Geometry I. s. 11:00 a.m. Humanities I: The Discourse of Western Man —Ancient and Medieval. 11:30 a.m. M a j o r American Book*. 1:30 n.m. The R's* of t h e """ American Nation T. 3:30 n.m. T V HMorv of Lat'h Amer'ea. 4:30 n.m. H««r«'>*,,*,''s T* T^e D' c * v O".r« , '» A* w « " ( n r n ^'ofl —Ancient and Medieval. Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 ! » . • • • . • • • . • www.fultonhistory.com 8:39 (6) Get Smart (0). (9) Movie —"That Funny Feeling." (C). (11) Accidental Family — See 9:30 p.m., Ch. 2 for details. 8:30 (2) Star Trek-"The Ao- . pie." A landing party from the Enterprise d:s,covers a planet resembling Paradise. Keith An* des-ffif.sl-stars, fcv'(4) Gomef Pyle, USMC— " Sgt. Carter forces Gomer to audition for a Navy Re• lief show, in competition with a semi-professional singer. (C). (6) Tommy Hunter. (C). (7) Hondo — "Hondo and • the Apache Kid." Farley Granger and Nick Adams guest, as a cnusad'ng.. newspaperman and as the Apache Kid, souglit by Hondo, the Army and the - 'Apaches. (C); (11) Rufi for Your Life. ' (C). 9:M (4) Movie — "Spencer's. Mountain." .(C). (6) Movie — ''Never Too Late." (C). 9:30 (2) Accidental Family — • "Minnesota Tracy." To gam.bling habit. Jerry brings him to the farm to take the "cure." (C). (7-) Guns of Will Sonnett "Message at Noon." Jason Evers stars as T:m Sonnett. t h e legendary gunfighter being sought by h i s father and s o n, Jeff. (C). _(U)JDiagttej^(£L-. 10:00 (2) Telephone Hour—"^n the Road with Dnke F.'lington." A prof'le of Duke during a Midwest tour. (C). (7) Judd Tor the Dffc.se — "Conspiracy." C'^ton Judd defends a prominent architect who is h<?'?.% vilified,by a ruthle^^ private police force!'"(CTT (9) Big Valley. (C). (11) Merv Griffin Show. (C). 11:00 (2) (4) (6) (7) (9) (U) News, Weather, Sports. 11:10 (11) Pierre Berton. 11:30:(2) Tonight Show. ( C \ , (4) M o v i e — " G M " ' of Darkness." - (7) Movies — "Dracu'a's D a u g h t e r " a*id "The Stranglers of Bombay." 11:40 (9) Perry's Probe — "The Unexplained." (C). (11) Movie — "A French Mistress." 11:45 (6) Movies —"You Can't Take H With You" and "Mr. Moto Takes a'Vacation." 12:10 (9) Movie— "R'ood of the -Vampire." (C). Hopes for London Greg Morris is hoping that the Mission: Impossible hiaUis will come in January so he can jet to London for a costarring role in "The Ski-Bum." ••" TIRED OF YOUR OLD SHABBY RUGS? ' Shop at home for M O H A W K & BIGELOW CARPETS Expertly Installed CALL Niagara Fall* BE 6-0610 far appolntrr»»rm Evan Moxham Salts R«p,. NEMMER FURNITURE 606 Main St., Buff«t« • ft*»r» •< ff)M fumltur* Franklin Half Popular With BY MORT REED _ it was a sad day when the mint discontinued the Franklan half-dollar. It had lived "only r5^yeafs~^r"i!ts_legal'Trfg"' span of 25 years and was a popular coin among collectors. None of the issues^ever became rare but a few dates do show a nice premium in fine and uncirculated cohddtion. .The blue chip of the series would be the 1949 Philadelphia issue. Although there were 5% million minted, a scarcity exists in the numismatic field. In extra-fine condition a -1949 half-dollar lists at $3.50 to $3:75 and an uncirculated coin of the same date will strut a tag of $25 to $27. The 1949-S lists in the Red Book at $4.50 in extra-fine con= d^tion and $20 in uncirculated condittion. The 1950 Franklin averages only about $16 uncirculated but the Franklin Proof ~foT--t)he same year—TS—valuedat-$50. '' Proof coins are specimens of a. striking prepared on especial- Youth ]y polishe hydraulic ttie fast used for "mtnroirti* giving ei tail of tf It is £ either \to lection from 191 at rougl lections of five c 1936 to ] for an $50_ No pt at the 3 and non Howevei struck i Cisco ir sell for be acce] Mrs. —tion*—/ Your l: Liberty $15 eac] Beat By ROBERT MACLEt TEENS—The• latest word is that minute take up smoking! makes An that despite • really grim .. and ou smoking statistics. No doubt at before all that they are cutting an everexpanding life span appreciably. phasizcPsychiatrists have long talked tell, a about a "death wish." Now talk show turns to teens' death w i s h examp wonders whether cigare 11 e s, activit: marijuana and LSD are part of the same bag. Some seem to money •want to go faster Jhan parents. ties. S Recent survey by 'TEEN magvery I azine turned up mind-catching most. facts about smoking and teens. One out of six claimed they, HAL smoked - to • some degree^—averEman< age age 16. By and large, the New smoking example of mom and Edu< dad made kids think it was O.K. Why do teens "try that first^'. school long t drag? Mainly out of that old human curiosity. Oddest surREI prise finding of all? Thait many ^discon teens, despite what thundering port headlines say. of drugs, sex and gradir general generation execesses, more still consider smoking cigarettes schoo a daring activity. Many do it chang because they know it's forbidden . and harmful. More boys than DIE you'd believe don't dig the Amer smoking scene for girls at all. histor majoi WAR B A B I E S ' CRY—No overv secret any more—teens do not make the. best soldiers. Mythbreaking is a sweet sour byHe product of war; so no.w we Bu> know through experience that 38-and 19- year-olds aren*_t' all lie necessarily instant war ma- serie: chines." Majority of teens are earm buzzing about the possioNhy of so tli a universal tworyear. national and I service program. In it, all U.S. Mr. teens would be required to serve contr -their country for two.years in Rolls some definite capaoity aligned With irtdividual ttptitudes. Sid DON'T KICK--S bh o o 1 athletics has come In for* more than its share of censure in the last several years, now that brain Da scoirt kick ker,
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