November 9, 2014 Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Matthew 17:4 "What sign can you show us for doing this?" Jesus answered and said to them, "Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up." But he was speaking about the temple of his Body. Therefore, when he was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this. - Jn 2:18b-19, 21-22b Welcome to the Church of the Transfiguration! We are a Roman Catholic Christian Community; We see ourselves as a unique expression of the People of God whose faith in Jesus Christ is rooted in the Roman Catholic tradition. We invite you to come and see what we do at worship, at work, at service and at play. Weekday Mass Schedule Monday, Wednesday & Thursday- 6:45 AM Tuesday - 9:00 AM Saturday– 4:30 PM Weekend Mass Schedule Sunday– 9:00 & 11:30 AM Page Two Church of the Transfiguration, Pittsford, New York November 9, 2014 Masses & Scriptures for the week Happening this week... Monday, November 10, 2014 ***Ti 1:1-9/Lk 17:1-6 6:45 am: Rueben Leroy Richardson by the Richardson Family Tuesday, November 11, 2014 ***Ti 2:1-8, 11-14/Lk 17:7-10 9:00 am: Peter Bausch by Ed & Mary Blasko Wednesday, November 12, 2014 ***Ti 3:1-7/Lk 17:11-19 6:45 am: For all the Veterans Thursday, November 13, 2014 ***Phlm 7-20/Lk 17:20-25 6:45 am: William Collins by Mary Collins Friday, November 14, 2014 ***2 Jn 4-9/Lk 17:26-37 Saturday, November 15, 2014 ***3 Jn 5-8/Lk 18:1-8 4:30 pm: Stella Welch by Terry & Sheila Klee Sunday, November 16, 2014 ***Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31/1 Thes 5:1-6/Mt 25:14-30 or 25:14-15, 19-21 9:00 am: Frank Sestito by Al & Sandra Pistocchi 11:30 am: Patricia Owens by Ron & Jan Maguire Monday, November 10 10:00 to 11:00 am: Chair Yoga– Ed. Ctr. 4:30 to 5:30 pm: Christian Formation Classes Tuesday, November 11 Veterans Day– No Christian Formation Classes 12:30 to 2:00 pm: Women’s Bible Study-Ed. Ctr. U.L. 7:00 to 8:30 pm: Choir Rehearsal-Church Wednesday, November 12 1:00 to 2:30 pm: Bereavement Support Group—PLC Dbl. Room 5:45 to 6:45 pm: Yoga-Ed. Ctr. L.L. 6:00 to 6:50 pm: Morning Star Rehearsal-Church 7:00 to 8:30 pm: Peace & Justice Cord. Meeting.-PLC Dbl. Room Thursday, November 13 1:00 to 3:00 pm: Work of our Hands Knitting– Ed. Ctr. U.L. Friday November 14 4:30 to 6:00 pm: CSA– Ed. Ctr. L.L. Saturday, November 15 Sunday, November 16 10:00 am to 12:00 pm: 1st Reconciliation Info Session #2-Ed. Ctr. 10:00 am: Meet & Greet for Care N’Share Groups # 2A,3,4,7,17B,6B & 28A 10:00 to 11:00 am: Gift Garden Meeting– PLC Living Room 10:15 to 11:15 am: JTYM– Teen Room 10:30 to 11:30 am: Bell Choir Rehearsal– Room 3. ◊ Altar Linens – Anne Gorman ◊ Merry Martha’s & Muscles Team 5 B. Horvath, G. Garrity, P. Johnson, A. Grealy & J. Dmochowski, R. Beel, R. Keller Flowers for the Altar In Celebration of 50 Years of Marriage Bob & Carol Hutchins Sanctuary Candles burn this week In Loving Memory of William Collins Dedicated by his daughter Mary To those who sold doves he said, "Take these out of here, and stop making my Father's house a marketplace." His disciples recalled the words of Scripture, Zeal for your house will consume me. - Jn 2:16-17 CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL Our goal is: $172,193 267 parishioners (16.6%) have pledged $101,281 (59%) of our goal THANK YOU If you have not returned your Catholic Ministries Appeal Pledge Card, please do it, it is needed. Find information: Page Three Church of the Transfiguration, Pittsford, New York From The Corner Office! Dear friends, Veterans Day is often overlooked for some reason, so I decided to look around and find out some facts about the holiday that is dedicated to the men and women who have served ourCounty. Praise and honor them, as we give thanksgiving for their service in protection of our freedom. Facts: (Census Bureau, 2013) Celebrated annually on November 11th, the anniversary of the end of World War I. There are 19.6 million veterans in the United States. There are 1.6 million female veterans. There are 9.3 million U.S. veterans are over the age of 65. There are 39,890 veterans of World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War still living. Timeline: November 11, 1918 - The armistice ending World War I begins at 11 am. 1919 - President Woodrow Wilson proclaims November 11 as Armistice Day. November 11, 1921 - The first Unknown Soldier is reburied at Arlington National Cemetery. The tomb has the words inscribed, "Here rests in honored glory An American Soldier Known but to God." May 13, 1938 - Armistice Day becomes a federal holiday. June 1, 1954 - President Eisenhower signs a bill changing Armistice Day to Veterans Day in order to include all U.S. veterans. May 30, 1958 - Unknown Soldiers from World War II and the Korean War are reburied next to the Unknown Soldier from World War I. 1968 - Congress changes the date of Veterans Day to the fourth Monday in October in order to give federal employees a three-day weekend. The change begins in 1971. September 25, 1975 - President Gerald Ford changes the date of Veterans Day back to November 11. The change begins in 1978. May 28, 1984 - An unknown soldier from the Vietnam War is reburied in Arlington National Cemetery. In 1998, he is identified through DNA tests as Michael Blassie, a 24-year-old pilot shot down in 1972 on the border of Cambodia. I realize these facts, dates and figures do not even begin to tell the story, but hopefully they remind us to express our appreciation for all those who served in the United States Military. On a lighter note here are notes about “What's Great About Aging?” "Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind it, it doesn't matter." Satchel Paige "Old minds are like old horses; you must exercise them if you wish to keep them in working order." - John Adams "Life gets more enjoyable the older you get. The hardest years in life are between ten and seventy." - Helen Hayes "One cannot help being old, but one can resist being aged." - Anonymous November 9, 2014 "There are three things that grow more precious with age: old wood to burn, old books to read, and old friends to enjoy." - Anonymous We are getting closer to our goal for this year’s Catholic Ministries Appeal and I know we can make our goal before December, but only if you return your pledge card as soon as you can. If you did not receive the material there are plenty of pledge forms in the Gathering Area of church. Thank you for your quick response! Let us continue to pray and sacrifice for peace in our world! In peace and courage, Fr. Mike The Church of the Transfiguration Perpetual Charity Fund Request for Proposals Guidelines In the fall of each year The Church of the Transfiguration issues a Request for Proposals (RFP) for an annual grant from the Transfiguration Perpetual Charity Fund. The RFP is issued in the Parish Bulletin and sent to the Director of Catholic Charities and Director of Catholic Family Center; and other agencies as requested. RFP’s are due in the office of The Church of the Transfiguration on or before November 30. The amount of the grant varies from year to year. The grant this year (2014) will be $11,000 and will be awarded before December 31. Guidelines for grant requests: Applications are due before November 30 The program, service or advocacy effort must be people centered and in keeping with Gospel values The program, service or advocacy effort must serve the needs of the greater Monroe County area The written request and explanation of the program, service or advocacy effort should be brief (no more than 2 or 3 paragraphs) The budget of the program, service or advocacy effort and an brief explanation of how the grant will be used must be included “Start up” programs, service or advocacy effort, will not be funded If the agency is not known by The Church of the Transfiguration as a nonprofit agency we reserve the right to ask for appropriate nonprofit documentation All applications should be mailed to: Transfiguration Perpetual Charity Fund Church of the Transfiguration 50 West Bloomfield Road Pittsford, NY 14534-9733 If you have any questions please feel free to contact Rev. Michael J. Bausch at 585-248-2427x224 or email: [email protected] Page Five Church of the Transfiguration, Pittsford, New York November 9, 2014 Youth Ministry News Formation Moment Senior High: Our weekly youth group for senior high, Destiny, meets on Tuesday from 7-8:30 PM in the youth room in the lower level of the Education Building and meets most Tuesdays during the school year except during school breaks. All 9th-12th graders are welcome to come and bring a friend! Continuing our weekly reflection on Sacraments and the renewed Sacramental Policy, we continue to explore Communion. Junior High: Our youth group for junior high begins on meets Sundays from 10:15-11:15AM in the youth room in the lower lever of the Education Building and meets most Sundays during the school year except during holiday weekends and school breaks. All 7th-8th graders are welcome to come and bring a friend! Youth Ministry Adult Leaders Needed! We are looking for a few good adult volunteers to be present with our junior high and senior high youth at their weekly gatherings. This is a very rewarding, FUN, and inspiring ministry! See Anne for details! Contact Anne Gallagher at [email protected] or 248-2467x239 with any questions about youth ministry. I love to hear from you! CYO CYO has a need for players for it's 7th and 8th grade Boys team. There are 6 available openings for parishioners. Registration forms are on the Church Web site. Deadline is November 12 Book Club for November 17th & 20th The book selection for November is Proof of Heaven by Eben Alexander, M.D. It is the story of Dr. Alexander’s journey into the afterlife. It is a true story of one man’s experience into what many of us question and/or wonder about. The only requirement for this Club is that you come having read the book and are willing to listen and share what you may have found interesting, controversial, puzzling, or meaningful. No registration is required. For more information, contact Sue Reed ([email protected] or 359-4024). The group will meet on Mon., Nov. 17 from 12:30-2:00 pm (please note the change in time) in the Parish Life Center OR Thur., Nov. 20 from 7:00 – 8:30 pm in the PLC Elsewhere The Gift and Pitfalls of the Internet Wednesday, November 19 7:00-8:30 pm SSJ Motherhouse 150 French Rd. Mark your calendar for Wednesday, November 19, when psychiatrist Dr. John McIntyre walks us through The Gifts and Pitfalls of the Internet , how they find their ways into our lives for better or worse. What do we do to be “ in charge” of our internet use? Hosted by Sister Joan Sobala Communion (part 2) Because Holy Communion is such an important part of our lives as Catholics, it is vital we do everything we can to ensure it is available and respected in all we do. A central part of that is having well formed Communion Ministers. The new policies clarify how we should train and form our Communion Ministers, ensuring we continue to have the best ministry possible here at Transfiguration. New, is what is being called a “missioning” or formal recognition of the ministry. Basically, we are being asked to publicly recognize our ministers of Communion. DEACON INFORMATION SESSIONS There are two Deacon information sessions coming up one at 7:00 PM Wednesday November 12, Church of the Assumption, 20 East Avenue, Fairport NY and on at 7:00 PM Tuesday December 9, Bishop Hickey Conference Center, 1150 Buffalo Road (Pastoral Center rear entrance and parking). The sessions will provide an overview of the 5 year application and formation process and the time commitment involved and answer questions about ongoing ministry. An eligible applicant for permanent deacon formation is a man of strong and active faith who can demonstrate a record of service in the communities in which he lives, works and worships. He must be at least 35 years of age and no more than 62 years of age at the time of ordination, in good health, emotionally mature and stable in his professional and personal relationships. Applicants may be single or married. Interested men and their wives are encouraged to attend. For more information speak with Fr. Mike or contact Deacon John Brasley, Director of Deacon Personnel & Director of Deacon Formation, Diocese of Rochester, 585.328.3228 or [email protected] 11th Annual Men’s Fellowship Dinner The 11th Annual Men’s Fellowship Dinner MondayNovember17th at 6:00pm in the Parish Life Center! All men of the parish are invited to a fantastic Dinosaur BBQ dinner and great conversation. No charge for dinner, but donations to the Kentucky Fund will be gratefully accepted. Please RSVP to Rob Kozarits ([email protected] or 329-8210) by 11/13 Page Four Church of the Transfiguration, Pittsford, New York Peace & Justice Annual Thanksgiving Turkey Drive Drop off Monday 11/24- 5 to 7 pm Our annual Thanksgiving turkey drive provides food to those in our community who are hungry and often marginalized. The communities we serve include St. Martin’s Place, Bethany House, House of Mercy, Dimitri House, St Andrew’s Food Cupboard and Eastern Service Workers. Help is needed for this very worthwhile ministry. We will be donating both uncooked frozen turkeys and roasted frozen turkeys to area shelters along with any extras you wish to provide. Non-perishable donations of canned gravy, canned cranberry sauce, canned vegetables, boxed stuffing and aluminum roasting pans are needed and appreciated. Strong cardboard boxes are also needed and welcome – thanks! We will accept an unlimited number of frozen turkeys. All roasted turkeys must be received cooked, sliced, cooled and frozen by the individual donors. Please prepare turkeys as follows: Select a 14 – 20 pound turkey. Prepare according to label and roast WITHOUT stuffing. Package COOLED, SLICED meat, drumsticks and wings in zippered bags. Do NOT include gravy. FREEZE COMPLETELY. Sign-ups will continue the weekends of Nov. 15 & 16 and Nov. 22 & 23. Drop off is Monday the 24th from 5 to 7 pm at the Parish Life Center. Drive up to the PLC on Monday evening with your donations and our volunteers will be there to assist you at the curb. Volunteers are needed to help in the PLC kitchen during drop off time on Mon. evening, Nov. 24. This is a great opportunity for teens to earn community service hours. Volunteers are also needed to deliver the food to the agencies at approximately 9:00 am on Tuesday morning Nov. 25. Driving directions will be provided and the buddy system is encouraged. If you would like to get involved, please stop by the table in the Gathering Area this weekend or email Kathy Caren at [email protected] or Denise Nunziato at [email protected] Healthy Sister’s Soup Sale– This Weekend Please stop by after the Masses this weekend to sample delicious soups and dips from the Healthy Sisters Soup and Bean Works and to see the soups, bread and other products. Healthy Sisters’ Soup and Bean Works: A Healthy Meal for You…A Healthy Beginning for Others. Through this innovative microenterprise of Catholic Family Center’s Department of Workforce Development, women that are recovering from substance abuse earn a steady paycheck in a safe and nurturing environment and develop the self-confidence and job skills needed to enter or reenter the workforce. This program supports the women in recovery and allows them to work with a sense of dignity and selfesteem. Thank you for supporting this worthy cause. The Transfiguration gift garden will be selling garlic this weekend. Stop by the table in the Gathering Area. This is seed quality garlic….good for eating or plant your own! November 9, 2014 Clothing Drive Thank You Thank you to all the parishioners who graciously donated their time and energy to the Fall and Winter Clothing Drive. A project this large is only successful because of you!! To all the parishioners who donated clothing, household items, books and bedding and linens your donations have allowed us to provide 20 agencies/families in our Rochester community with much needed items. Many thanks to those who working behind the scenes calling agencies, calling the volunteers, soliciting for food donations, sorting and bagging the donations and delivering those donations to the agencies. Without your help or your assistance in the organization of this event a task this large would be impossible. Thank you! Judy Herlihy and Jan Maguire Christmas Basket Program CHRISTMAS BASKET PROGRAM Can you help? Plans are underway in organizing the 2014 Christmas Basket Program. If you are Interested in assisting with phone calls, clothes or grocery shopping, cooking baking, wrapping or delivery, a sign-up is available on the kiosk in the Gathering Area or contact Margie Benza @ 248-2427 x244 or [email protected]. We appreciate your willingness to share your time and talent in helping those in need this holiday season. Thank you. You are invited to attend our next LIVING IN HARMONY meeting Tuesday, Nov.11, 2014, 7 pm, Henrietta United Church of Christ,1400 Lehigh Station Road, Henrietta. “Sustainable Responsible Investing: Investing for People, Planet and Profit.” Our invited speaker will be Chuck Sawyer, CFP®. He is a financial advisor with Ameriprise Financial. He has over 20 years’ experience and is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional. Chuck specializes in sustainable responsible investing (SRI), a means of investing in companies that adhere to rigorous environmental, social and governance standards. Chuck is a founding member of the Rochester Chapter of Conscious Capitalism, and he is also a member of the Sustainable Investment Forum (USSIF), the Financial Planning Association and the Process Selection Committee of the Rochester Area Business Ethics Foundation’s (RABEF) Ethie Awards. Women in the Spirt for Jan 5th, 2015 At our January 5th Women in the Spirit Gathering I will be sharing….. It would be helpful, if you read my book Spirituality, Gift of Love before hand. Books are available in the office. We’ll discuss ‘absolute love’ and try to answer the question, ‘Can you love your God the way you love your friend, spouse and partner? We’ll also address the issue where in heaven’s name will I find the time to “hear the whisper’. (I’m already multi-tasking to the nth degree). Books are available in the office $15.00. Peace Charlie Newton Minister Schedule October November 15 & 16 MINISTER Coordinators Greeters Commentator Lector 1 Lector 2 Min of Communion Cross Candle* Candle Hospitality Sun 11/15 4:30 PM Place B-1# B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 C-1* Sun 11/16 9:00 AM Blasko Erdle J. Brayer M. Rice L. Tschiderer Fisher Atwell/Frank L. Burruto L. Filipski R. Brandt G. Crissy Fr. Mike C. Clarke J. Desmann J. Dmochowski M. Collins Alex Repp Rahul Ribeiro Neil Nayaar S. Cosgrove Fr. Mike J. Wright J. Caselli M. Bessette R. Benza Ann Smith Ethan Hearne Heidi Insalaco Pegan Pastoral Council Members-at-Large: Laura Cutter ( Moderator & Trustee), Craig Rand, Dave Donnelly, Gerry Gacioch, Maria Herrera, Shannon Kozarits, G.A. Sheller, Jane Vallely and Charlie Zinn. Faith Formation – Lori Goorman, Alternate – vacant Evangelization – Vacant Peace & Justice – Bob Fien, Alternate – Trish Goodman Worship – Vacant Youth – Megan Tremaine, Alternate - Ted Rohrer. Staff – rotating among all staff members Finance Council Larry Buckley, Bill Burke, Peter Deckman (Chair & Trustee) Larry Filipski, Koen Goorman, John Hennessy Patty Lovallo, Sarah Pickhardt and Rich Spencer Pittsford-Mendon Planning Group Representatives Lisa Morris and Fr. Mike Bausch Parish Staff Secretary/Office Manager..................................................Rose Volker [email protected] Peace & Justice Coordinator………………………………….….Vacant Fr. Mike and Margie Benza covering Pastoral Associate.................................................................Tim Smith [email protected] Pastoral Associate……....................................................Margie Benza [email protected] Pastoral Associate for Youth ..................................... Anne Gallagher [email protected] Pastor............................................................................Michael Bausch [email protected] Music Minister....................................................................Sue Wallace [email protected] Maintenance Supervisor...........................................Chris Washington [email protected] Deacon......................................................................... Patrick DiLaura Deacon………………………………………………….….…Eric Bessette Christian Formation Director.............................. ………..Damian Zynda [email protected] Christian Formation Associate Director........................... Donald Smith [email protected] Business Manager ........................................................Sandi Lazzaro [email protected] Administrative Assistant for Formation……………….. Meg Kastner [email protected] Sun 11/16 11:30 AM Crawshaw Beck/Zuniga B. Flynn J. Brawley D. Flynn M.A. Corea Fr. Mike A.M. Guerra J. Hammele M. Kastner M. Finn Bella Wahl Gracianna Wahl Sarah Winfree New Parishioners Welcome to our Community of Faith! You may register as part of our Community by contacting the Parish Office by phone in person or our website. Please introduce yourself after Mass to one of the parish staff members. Church of the Transfiguration 50 West Bloomfield Road, Pittsford, New York 14534 Parish Office Phone: 585-248-2427 Fax: 585-385-9870 Email: [email protected] Christian Formation Phone: 248-2467 [email protected] Education Center: 585-248-3922 (during classes) Emergency Pastoral Care: 248-2427 wait for prompt and press 9. Pastoral Care: If you know of someone who is homebound, hospitalized, or in a nursing home and he or she would appreciate a visit from the Pastoral Staff, please contact the Parish Office. Your assistance will help provide care to all our parishioners. Sacraments Eucharist: Please check page 2 of this bulletin for Sunday, weekday and Holy Day Mass schedules. Anointing: In any emergency, at anytime, please call 248-2427 wait for prompt and press 9, or at your convenience or after any weekend Mass. Reconciliation: Saturday 3:30 p.m. or by appointment. Baptism: Please contact Tim Smith at the Parish Office three months in advance to register for the Baptismal Preparation Program. Marriage: Please contact Fr. Mike, Deacon Pat or Deacon Eric nine months in advance to arrange a tentative date. Catechumenate: Adults interested in joining the Roman Catholic Church, please contact Damian Zynda at the Parish Office.
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