St. Joseph Parish A Ministry of the Capuchin Franciscans since 1877 404 W EST L AWRENCE S TREET · A PPLETON , W ISCONSIN 54911 · P HONE : 734-7195 · F AX : 734-0227 W EBSITE : November 9, 2014 · Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Pastoral Staff Capuchin - Pastor, Fr. James P. Leary, O.F.M. Cap., [email protected] ............................. 920-419-8738 St. Joseph Parish is a member of St. Francis Xavier Catholic School System 735-9380 Inter-Parish Religious Formation 738-7413 Director/Coordinator, K-4/Eucharist: Deacon / Pastoral Associate, Mark Farrell; [email protected] Deacon / Pastoral Minister, C.F. Dedman; [email protected] Interparish Adult Enrichment (739-5119) Carol Jensen; [email protected] Music Director, Jill Beyer; [email protected] Bookkeeper, Linda Baumruk; [email protected] Secretary, Barb Mauthe; [email protected] Mass Schedule Saturdays: 4:00 p.m. Sundays: 8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m., 6:30 p.m. Weekdays: Mondays, Tuesdays & Fridays: 12:05 p.m. Holy Days: Check the bulletin. Coordinator 5-8/ Reconciliation: Andrew Russell Jennifer Schubring Youth Ministry 6-12,/ Coordinator 9-11/Confirmation: Peter Leitermann Celebration of the Sacraments Marriage: Active parish membership of 6 months is required before a wedding date may be set. Reconciliation: Saturdays from 9 — approximately 9:30 a.m. or call for an appointment. Baptism: Please call the Parish Office 2 months in advance. Anointing of the Sick: Please call the Parish Office anytime. OFFICE HOURS Mondays—Thursdays: 9 a.m.—4:30 p.m. Fridays: 9 a.m.—2 p.m. S T . J O S E P H P A R I S H , Fr Jim’s Jottings A P P L E T O N , W I Pictorial Directory A lot of good things are taking place here at St Joe’s. We sure have a lot to be proud of! Our Pictorial Directory is a huge undertaking, but the positive spirit of our parishioners is a guarantee that the effort will be worth it. There are a lot of ways that parishes are trying to get people more involved in the parish. I believe this directory is a very effective way for that to happen. When we get the actual directory, I am sure that many of us will get to know each other better. So thanks again for everyone’s efforts. And I want to acknowledge how impressive the music is at our liturgies. Jill Beyer deserves a lot of credit for selecting our music each week and, especially, for her accompaniment and direction of our cantors. We are also blessed with two choirs….the adult and contemporary choirs. On top of this our Sunday eve Mass is strongly supported by the music provided by Tom Walter and others. While all of us make a good effort at singing, we could make this even more uplifting to the Lord. We need to keep in mind the suggestion to “sing like we mean it”. If everybody made a little more effort to sing, I know our worship would be even more invigorating. Finally, a word of thanks to those generous people who help after Mass with coffee & cookies/donuts. You provide us not only with something to eat but the chance to get to know one another better. In some sense the following could be true of St Joe’s Parishioners. We enjoy eating, singing, and getting our picture taken!!! THANK YOU to so many parishioners who have chosen to be involved in our Parish Pictorial Directory. We’ve begun taking photos this past Thursday, Friday and Saturday. So far so good!!! Thanks to those volunteers who have been making “reminder calls” for appointments. And thanks to those who are calling parishioners who have not yet signed up. (We are making an all-out-effort to get as many parishioners pictured in our book as possible. PLEASE don’t be offended by our calls. We just want this project to be a great success.) A few reminders: Photos are being taken on the 2nd floor of the Parish Center. Please arrive on time for your photo appointment. Plan on your appointment lasting one hour. We’ll have cookies for you! Finally, if you have not signed up yet, please do so after Masses this weekend or go to our website and sign up on the “Pictorial Directory”. Remember…if you have your photo taken, you get a “free” copy of the Pictorial Directory and an 8 x 10 portrait. Pick Up Your RAFFLE CALENDARS SCRIP SALES for Christmas The Calendar Raffles are in the Great Hall waiting for you to pick up. Every parishioner has an envelope with their name on it. We ask you to please pick it up. (We can no longer mail them out…government regulations!) This has been our most successful fundraiser each year. For $20/ ticket a person can win $25 for a year. We ask parishioners to buy/sell three calendars. (If you can sell more than that, we have extras in the back of church or at the parish office.) Thank you ahead of time for your efforts! Congratulations to Our Weekly Calendar Raffle Winners October 26 —Jessica Branson—$25.00 October 27—Ed & Barb Grygleski—$25.00 October 28—Kelena Bechler - $25.00 October 29 — Joan Milhaupt—$25.00 October 30 — Ed Hubbard — $25.00 October 31 — Tim Sauter —$25.00 November 1 — Ralph Ulman — $25.00 Please Pray For... Please pray for all our parishioners who are ill: Jean Hahn, Tom Nygard, Joe Strick, George Floodstrand, Marvin Filz, Tom Harp Please also remember our nursing home residents and shut-ins. Please remember to pray for our parishioners or family members of our parishioners who have died. Many parishioners have been participating in our SCRIP program that benefits the parish. With Christmas coming, would you consider using the purchasing power of SCRIP to pay for your Christmas gifts? We can receive 5%-10% on many purchases. It does not cost you anymore. It only involves a slight inconvenience of buying the SCRIP certificates and using them at the appropriate stores. From now till Christmas we will be selling SCRIP in the Great Hall after all our weekend Masses. Thank you for at least considering using SCRIP for the Christmas season. Mass Stipends for Nicaragua Recently one of our parishioners wanted to have Masses offered for a deceased loved one. (We have a limited number of openings here at St Joe’s.) I suggested that she might have some Masses offered by our Capuchin missionaries in Nicaragua. Besides the reassuring graces of the Masses, the $10 Mass stipend is a great help for the livelihood of the missionary. Last week I got a note from Bp. Paul Schmitz in Nicaragua thanking us for the Mass stipends that were sent to him. He particularly said, “these stipends are really a great support for the guys who don’t get much financial help”. If you ever want to have Masses offered by our Capuchin priests in Nicaragua, just let Fr. Jim or the Parish Office know. Thank you. NOVEMBER 9, 2014 | DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA Financial News Adult & Young Adult Enrichment Opportunities The Prophets: Nov. 11, 6:30-8:00 p.m. Nov. 11 – Ezekiel. Join us to learn more about The Old Testament Prophets. ns ($5/per session). St. Joseph Holly Hall. Instructor: Rabbi Sid Vineburg. Please pre-register -739-5119 or [email protected]. Please bring a Bible with an Old Testament to class. Young Adult Gathering (folks in their 20’s and 30’s) Young Adult Gathering for Tuesday, Nov. 18, at St. Joseph Parish Center Holly Hall needs to be rescheduled Watch next week’s bulletin for more information. Questions? Call Carol at 739-3700 x22 or e-mail: [email protected]. Tithing Needed ..................... $15,700.00 Last Week’s Tithing............ $11,913.94 Children’s Collection ............... $75.89 Thank You! Your special offering to help keep us on target would be appreciated. Readings for the Week of November 9, 2014 Sunday: Spiritual Book Clubs Our book clubs will meet again on Nov. 12 and 13. The Wednesday morning group continues to read Prayerfulness by Robert Wicks ( pp. 47-82). The Thursday evening group will begin reading Radical Gratitude by Mary Jo Leddy, chapters 1-3 for Nov. 13. You are always welcome to join us! Monday: An Evening for Men - Thursday, Nov. 20 St. Mary Parish Center – Community Room, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Wednesday: When Life Throws You a Curve: The Vern Sumnicht Story: A Blessing Born from Tragedy! In 1976 Vern was a victim of a car accident. He was left paralyzed – a C-6 quadriplegic. But he graduated at the top of his class and went on to become a successful business entrepreneur. Through the adversity he drew strength from Christ and from his wife. Pre-Registration is Required by calling Carol at 739-3700 x 22 before Nov. 19. There is no fee for this presentation because of your generosity to the Bishop’s Appeal. Heavy Hors d’ oeuvres” will be served prior to the presentation (5:45 – 6:30 p.m.) and after (until 8:30 p.m.). A free will offer will be taken for the food only. Save the Date: Tuesday, December 9 Our Annual Advent Evening of Reflection. 5:30 p.m. - Advent Evening Prayer in Church 6:10 p.m. - Supper 7:00 p.m. – Fr. Maximos from Holy Resurrection Monastery in St. Nazianz will be with us to talk about the Jesus Prayer. This short prayer, not only finds different expressions in the Gospels of Luke and Mark, but was also a popular prayer among early Christians. As we celebrate Advent and approach Christmas discover how this prayer can be put into great spiritual effect in your life. Watch for Registration flyer next week. Memorial Gift from the Derfus Family St. Joe’s received a gift of $500 in memory of Alice Derfus who died on October 27, 2014. Along with the gift was the following note: “Please accept this donation in memory of our mother, Alice Derfus. This memorial is in honor of her wedding day at St Joseph’s Church. Alice L. Geottlicher was married to Werner Derfus on May 18, 1946 by Fr Oliver O’Conner.” Memorial Gift from Audrey Ertl The parish received a very special gift of $10,000 from the estate of Audrey Ertl. Audrey died on September 15, 2014. Thanks to her family for sharing this gift with St. Joe’s. May God reward Audrey for her generosity. Job Opening: “Maintenance Person” We are still looking for candidates for a part-time maintenance person here at St. Joe’s? This is an immediate need. It would be 1520 hours a week. The job requires overall electrical, plumbing, heating skills and an ability to do basic repairs of equipment. If interested in applying, send a resume or call the Parish Office at 734-7195. Thank you! Tuesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17 Jn 2:13-22 Ti 1:1-9 Lk 17:1-6 Ti 2:1-8, 11-14 Lk 17:7-10 Ti 3:1-7 Lk 17:11-19 Phlm 7-20 Lk 17:20-25 2 Jn 4-9 Lk 17:26-37 3 Jn 5-8 Lk 18:1-8 Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31 1 Thes 5:1-6 Mt 25:14-30 or 25:14-15, 19-21 ©Liturgical Publications Inc. "What sign can you show us for doing this?" Jesus answered and said to them, "Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up." But he was speaking about the temple of his Body. Therefore, when he was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this. - Jn 2:18b-19, 21-22b Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD. Xavier Catholic Schools News On Tuesday, Nov. 11, our nation commemorates Veteran's Day. Xavier Catholic Schools thank all the veterans who have sacrificed to keep our country free and strong. Thank you! If you or someone you know is interested in a great, faith-filled education, please contact us for more information and a tour of our schools. Call Xavier Catholic Schools at 735-9380 to set up appointment The St. Francis Xavier High School Performing Arts Department Fruit Sale runs until November 10. Delivery date is set for Saturday, December 6. Please call Xavier High School at 733-6632. ST. JOSEPH · APPLETON, WI Weekly Liturgical Calendar Monday, November 10 12:05 p.m. Dec. Ken Weber Tuesday, November 11 12:05 p.m. Dec. Tom Oudenhoven 12:30 p.m. St. Anthony Devotions Wednesday, November 12 12:05 p.m. Mass at St. Mary’s Thursday, November 13 12:05 p.m. Mass at St. Mary’s Friday, November 14 12:05 p.m. Dec. Al & Eleanore Nowak Saturday, November 15 4:00 p.m. Living & Deceased Members of the Geraldine Hoffman Family Sunday, November 16 8:00 a.m. Dec. Don & Joyce Byrne 10:00 a.m. Members of St. Joseph Parish 6:30 p.m. Dec. Leo & Laura Tousignant This Week in Our Parish Monday, November 10 7:00 p.m. Faith & Light Class, Rm. LL11 Tuesday, November 11 5:30 p.m. Chime Choir, Church 6:15 p.m. Worship & Spirituality Mtg. 6:30 p.m. ADFF Prophet Series, Holly Hall 6:30 p.m. Men’s Bible Study, Rm. LL09 7:00 p.m. Baptismal Prep Session, Rm. 209 7:00 p.m. Parish & Family Life Mtg., Rm. 205 Wednesday, November 12 10:00 a.m. Spiritual Book Club, St Mary’s LL07 IPRF Classes 5:00 p.m. Memorial Mass Thursday, November 13 6:30 p.m. Choir Practice, Church 7:00 p.m. Spiritual Book Club, Rm. LL09 Saturday, November 15 9:00 a.m. Private Reconciliation, Church SCRIP Sales after Mass Next Sunday, November 16 SCRIP Sales after Masses 9:30 a.m. RCIA Gathering, Rm. 209 1:00 p.m. OFS Gathering, Holly Hall 3:00 p.m. OFS Inquirers, Rm. LL11 Please Support our Advertiser of the Week! Outdoor Living & Landscapes, LLC They help support the printing of this bulletin Thank you! NOVEMBER 9, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS 1) SCRIP is on sale after all weekend Masses through December 21st. Buy those Christmas Gift Cards now! 2) A thanks to all who have already taken a portrait or scheduled an appointment for a portrait for our “Family Directory.” If you haven’t already signed up, call the Parish Office or go to our website: and click on the Online Registration piece on the bottom right side of the front page to sign up. “PAST PASTORS” of St Joe’s Past Pastor # 18 Fr. Crescentian Voelpel (1930-1933) was the second Pastor of St. Joe’s born in America. His life began in New York City in 1875. At the age of 55 he became our 18th Pastor. If he had a nickname, it could have been Fr. Crescentian “the painter”. He was often seen in overalls with a paint brush in his hands. During his three years as Pastor he had most of the woodwork refinished through painting and varnishing. In the summer of 1932, attention was given to the ventilation of the church and hall, which had been the cause of many complaints. A ventilating system was installed for the church and the hall. It seems that many positive comments followed. Much work was also done on the cemetery during these three years. A new imported crucifixion group was dedicated. It forms the principal monumental attraction of the cemetery as it stand in the middle of the cemetery to this very day. One of the main interests of Fr. Crescentian was the promotion of a Catholic high school education. After the debacle of a Catholic high school in the parish, he was determined to have such an education for as many young people as possible. He made arrangements with St Mary’s High School in Menasha. To help persuade the parents of ninth grade graduates to send their children to that school he offered to pay part of the tuition and to make arrangements for transportation. He was disappointed when only seven girls and one boy responded to his invitation in 1930. The next year the number was advanced to twentythree. In 1932 forty pupils were registered at St Mary’s. The continual prodding of the pastor had the effect of producing some added interest for the plan of a central Catholic high school in Appleton. At a meeting of the Appleton pastors in October, 1931, the matter was thoroughly discussed. However, when the bishop stated that no diocesan funds were available for such a project, the enthusiasm was diminished. It was felt at that time the parishes of St Mary and St Joseph would have to bear practically all of the costs. This was not considered equitable and the matter was dropped. When Fr. Crescentian left as pastor in l933, he had served the parish well through the constant care he gave to the parish buildings and his stressing the importance of a Catholic high school.
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