St. Paul Cathedral 15 South 12th Avenue – Yakima, WA 98902-3169 (509) 575-3713 (509) 453-7497 (Fax) [email protected] October 23, 2014 “St. Paul Cathedral Parish is a diverse body of Catholic people whom God calls by name, given a mission by Jesus Christ to be a faithful sign, a realistic foretaste and an instrument of the Kingdom of God. As Cathedral Parishioners, we recognize our responsibility to show Leadership by example and to provide service to God’s people. My Dear Parishioners: Well, since my last letter, a great deal has transpired here in your parish and Diocese, including the renewal of our Cathedral Pastoral Advisory Council with the election of John Klingele, Bob Wilson and Kimberly Cree as president, vice-president and secretary respectively; a great representation of our parish and school in the Sunfair Parade, thanks to Mary and Tom Baker and their crew; our celebration of Bishop Tyson’s 25th Anniversary as a priest; our own convocation of priests in Richland; the St. Francis of Assisi Blessing of Animals; our kick-off with Theology on Tap (or more correctly, “Theology Uncorked”) for our young adults under the leadership of the “Haven” and Steve Easterby; the dedication of LaSalle Gymnasium; the Catechetical Congress; the Catholic Foundation “Celebration of Faith,” so professionally staged by Dan Fortier; and the homecoming visit and Mass with Cardinal George. We also bid farewell to many of our wonderful parishioners whom God called to himself; welcomed new children to the Faith in Baptism and rejoiced with our newly married couples and their families. What’s ahead for us now as a parish community? 1. In a few days we begin November, the month of the Holy Souls when we gather to remember and celebrate the lives of our deceased family and friends and all who have gone before us. In connection with this concern, there are several happenings we call to your attention: a) Our Altar for the Dead will again be available for you to place photographs of your deceased family members and friends. Pictures may be placed this coming weekend at Masses (in the baptistery area – South West corner of the Cathedral). b) All Soul’s envelopes, which will be placed on the Altar during this month for remembrance at all Masses. These are in your monthly envelope packets, with extras being available in the vestibule pamphlet racks. Please drop them in the collection baskets or to the parish office. c) The Commemoration of All Souls is Sunday, November 2nd and all Masses for that weekend are offered for our deceased. d) VETERANS’ DAY, with a special Mass to honor our own Veterans, both of our own parish and our community of Yakima and its environs on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11TH AT 8:00 a.m. (the earlier time is to allow participation in the usual Veterans’ Day Parade at 10:00 a.m.) A SPECIAL INVITATION TO ALL ACTIVE DUTY, RETIRED AND FORMER MEMBERS OF OUR ARMED SERVICES with remembrances of all our military who have died. e) Annual Mass for Deceased Bishops, Priests, and Deacons of our Diocese on Tuesday, November 18th at 5:30 p.m., this year at Christ the King Church at Richland celebrated by our Bishop, priests and assisted by our Diaconate Community of the Diocese. f) AS PART OF OUR 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF ST. PAUL CATHEDRAL PARISH DURING THIS MONTH OF ALL SOULS, WE WILL OFFER A SPECIAL MASS FOR ALL OUR DECEASED FROM OUR PARISH OVER THE PAST CENTURY, WITH SPECIAL REMEMBRANCE OF OUR PARISHIONERS AND FRIENDS WHO HAVE DIED THIS PAST YEAR. THIS MASS WILL BE OFFERED ON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20TH AT 7:00 P.M. IN OUR CATHEDRAL. ALL ARE INVITED TO JOIN US AS A PEOPLE THAT REMEMBERS AND CELEBRATES IN HOPE AND ASSURANCE OF RESURRECTION! 2. We also look forward to Thanksgiving when we offer, under the direction of Will Chichenoff, his family and crew a full Thanksgiving Dinner “on us” for our parishioners and their guests, especially those with no extended family in the area and those who might be alone for the holiday. THERE’S NO NEED FOR ANY OF OUR PARISHIONERS TO BE ALONE ON THANKSGIVING!! The dinner will be served in our Cathedral Center (3rd floor of the school) at 3:00 p.m. with hors d’oeuvres at 2:30 p.m. Like to help prepare, serve and/or clean up? Give Will a call at: 833-8677 and prepare to sign up beginning the week of November 9th, parish office 575-3713. It is a great dinner and party!! 3. Our parish effort for the ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL in support of our Bishop and Diocese is in full swing. WE NEED EVERYONE to have a share in this opportunity to participate more fully in the mission of our Bishop and Diocese and to support the Church of Central Washington, WHICH WE ARE!! Sunday, November 9th is Pledge Sunday, but opportunities are present now to take up our share of responsibility for teaching and reaching out to the Diocese and world. PLEASE BE AN ACTIVE PARTICIPANT IN THIS 2015 ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL!! 4. Bishops Tyson and Sevilla, Msgr. Siler, and Fathers Roy and Darell Mitchell all join me in expressing our deep gratitude for your unfailing prayers and support as we continually strive to better serve you and yours. Personally, I will be out of town on vacation beginning next Monday for 10 days and will return by Friday, November 7th in time to assist at the Diocesan Youth Convention the weekend of November 7th-9th at Holy Family Parish. Please keep us, parish and school in your prayers and concerns. Our Principal, Terry Faletto and his great and dedicated staff are doing a wonderful job in educating our young people as well as Sister Lulu and our devoted volunteer, catechists, who teach our religious education classes. I would be remiss, if I did not also acknowledge Shawn Exner and his team for high school and middle school ministry and Barbara Calhoun and John Klingele for Bible Studies and our outstanding RCIA Team. We are so blessed with so many who live the life of responsible STEWARDSHIP by sharing so generously their God-given talents with us. God bless and protect you all!! In Christ, Rev. Msgr. John A. Ecker Pastor
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