The StarSeeker Newsletter of the R.A.S.C. Calgary Centre, Member of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada November 2014 Inside the StarSeeker: Editor’s Message, p.2 President’s Message, p. 2 Astro-Imaging Round-Up, p. 3 RAO Open House, p. 3 RASC Calgary Centre Contact, p. 4 Observing Groups Report, p. 5 Discover the Universe, p. 5 Solar Eclipse Photos, p. 6-7 Telescopes for Rent Program, p. 8 Welcome New Members, p. 8 Calendar, p. 9 IMAGE CREDIT: Larry McNish, Calgary Centre of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. The Moon at Totality during the Lunar Eclipse of October 8, 2014. Also, the distant planet Uranus (the little blue dot below, left) which was positioned opposite the Sun near the same spot as the eclipse (a very rare occurrence). Image taken at the Rothney Astrophysical Observatory at 05:06am MDT using a Celestron NexStar 8 inch telescope, an f/6.3 focal reducer, and a Canon 60D DSLR at prime focus. It took 8 seconds at ISO 3200 to capture this (unenhanced) image through a stubborn cloudy sky (which is why very few stars are apparent). Volume LV Number X Editor’s Message President’s Message By Carole Benoit By Jason Nishiyama Welcome to the November edition of the StarSeeker. This month we are looking forward to elect a new council. If you are interested in volunteering for a position, the event will be held at the November 20 General Meeting, at the Kerby Centre. November is also the time to start thinking about the Annual Awards Night. If you would like to participate in the Astro-Imaging Round-Up, Jack Milliken will be accepting your submissions. Find out more on page 3. Some of our members were very busy during last month’s solar eclipse and would like to share with you their photos. The solar eclipse was captured by using different techniques. I hope that you will enjoy their great work. See page 6 and 7. You will find the latest Observing Groups Report from Jack Milliken on page 5. The Rothney Astrophysical Observatory is having their Open House on Saturday, November 15, from 8-11 p.m.. The topic is “Dark Night Star Light”. This is a whole family night event. For up-to-date information and upcoming events, visit the calendar of activities in this newsletter (P. 9) and/or on our web site for more details. (http://calgary.rasc. ca/calendar.htm). To find out about last minute astronomy evenings or activities visit the rasccalgary Yahoo discussion group: Until next month! As I write this we have just finished our annual Fish Creek star event which was highly attended with about 400 members of the public being there to listen to talks and look through telescopes. Coupled with a relatively warm and clear evening it was a great outreach event. Helping out at public events is a great way to share and learn astronomy. You don’t need a lot of knowledge or experience to show the public the night sky and you can learn more about the night sky from your fellow astronomers! If you are interested in helping out at a public event, check out the upcoming events calendar on our website for opportunities to volunteer. Speaking of volunteering, our Annual General Meeting is coming up in November. As part of this we are looking for members to provide small 5-10 minute mini-talks on whatever astronomical topic strikes your fancy. If you’re interested in giving a talk, contact Steve Donaldson. Also with our AGM are our annual elections. Serving on council is a great way to help out and only requires an additional night a month in terms of a time commitment. If you’re interested in running for council, feel free to contact me. Finally as a reminder for our November meeting we return to the Kerby Centre. So until next month, clear skies! Thanks To All Who Contributed Articles This Month –––––––––––––––––– Don’t Forget, We Would Like To Hear From You! All RASC members are invited to submit your ideas, new equipment reviews, current projects, photos, etc. Let us know what you would like to read in the newsletter. Would you like to start a column? Please send your submissions to Carole at: 2 R.A.S.C. CALGARY – STARSEEKER Annual RASC Calgary Centre Astro-Imaging Round Up Deadline: January 17, 2015 By Jack Milliken Many of you have been working away through the spring and summer, including a few star parties, and this fall has had pretty good weather so we hope you will submit a few of your best efforts for all of us to enjoy at the banquet. It’s best if the images are given to me electronically via email: or copied onto my computer at a NOVA or OG meeting. Sketches should be scanned using full depth colour settings to retain as much of any subtle shading as possible. If video files are too big for email then just burn a CD and get them to me at WCO or general meetings. Tycho – Terraced Walls & Floor by Harry Roberts Our annual awards banquet will be held in late January next year and once again we would like to invite members to submit their astronomy related images taken over the last year or so. We display all the images during the cocktail hour and everyone enjoys seeing them. Plaques are awarded to entries deemed to be the best in each of the following categories: 1. Sketch–a drawing made at the eyepiece 2. Tripod–an image taken just using a camera, no telescope or mount involved 3. Piggyback–an image taken with a camera mounted on some form of tracking platform The Rothney Astronomical Observatory Open House “Dark Night Star Light” Saturday, November 15 8 to 11 P.M. Preserving the wilderness of the night sky is an important mission of astronomers. This is the easiest form of pollution to mitigate, yet light abatement is the one of the most misunderstood. Join us to learn more about the dark night sky and what can be viewed with the benefit of properly designed lighting. 5. Eyepiece Projection–an image taken through an eyepiece in a telescope In the sky–The eternal chase continues with Taurus fleeing from Orion the hunter in the eastern sky, letting us know that winter is on its way. The open house event will also feature access to an array of telescopes operated by University of Calgary astronomers and members of the Royal Astronomical Society. Attendees will have the opportunity to look through the telescopes and Astronomers will be on hand to answer questions. 6. Light Pollution–images showing examples of good or bad lighting practices ENTRANCE FEE: $20 per car or $10 per person* *all proceeds go towards our educational programming. 7. Video–time lapses or pure video showing some astronomy related action No need to pre-register 4. Prime Focus–an image taken using a telescope as a lens for the camera 8. Open–this category was created for more experienced imagers who no longer participate in the other categories in order to encourage new people to contribute images There is also an award for Best Overall selected from the entries. This image is also known as the ‘Wall Hanger’, an image that the judges would like to see hanging on their wall. Sky viewing is out of doors, so please dress for the weather. You are welcome to bring a flashlight (red or dim is preferred). If the sky is cloudy then we will not be able to operate the telescopes. If very poor weather conditions persist then the observing event is canceled. Watch this website for sky conditions and updates. WWW.CALGARY.RASC.CA 3 R.A.S.C. Calgary Centre Executive, Councillors & Other Contacts Executive President .............................................................. Jason Nishiyama ................................... Past President ...................................................... Andrew Jones ....................................... First Vice President .............................................. Steve Donaldson ................................... Second Vice President......................................... Victor Barbu .......................................... Secretary .............................................................. Robyn Foret........................................... Treasurer .............................................................. Greg Bridger ......................................... Councillors Councillor ............................................................. George Cavanaugh .............................. Councillor ............................................................. Logan Kameda ...................................... Councillor ............................................................. Heather Laird......................................... Councillor ............................................................. Luke MacMillan ..................................... Councillor ............................................................. Larry McNish Councillor ............................................................. Katherine Peterson ................................ Councillor ............................................................. Ed Reddy............................................... Councillor ............................................................. Doug Thorp .......................................... Directors & Other Contacts Alberta Star Party ................................................. Nic David ............................................... Donations Coordinator ........................................ Luc MacMillan ....................................... ERO Site Director ................................................. David Brown .......................................... Financial Scrutineer ............................................. Nic David ............................................... Financial Scrutineer ............................................. George Grant ........................................ Librarian ............................................................... Carole Benoit ........................................ National Advisory Council ................................... Heather Laird......................................... National Advisory Council ................................... Roger Nelson ........................................ NOVA /Observer Group Chairman ...................... Jack Milliken .......................................... StarSeeker Newsletter Editor ............................... Carole Benoit -– 403.201.0357 ............. TS Volunteer Coordinator.................................. Robyn Foret........................................... WCO Site Director/C-14 Bookings ...................... Jason Nishiyama -– 403.289.3903 ........ Webmaster ........................................................... Larry McNish ......................................... Youth Group Director ........................................... Doug Thorp ........................................... RASC Memberships/Address Change/National Office ....................................................... .............................................................................. 1.888.924.7272 ERO: Eccles Ranch Observing Site WCO: Wilson Coulee Observatory TS: TELUS Spark 4 R.A.S.C. CALGARY – STARSEEKER Observing Groups Report By Jack Milliken The main focus of the OG is observing and I give a talk that covers what is currently up in the sky which covers planets, comets, asteroids, special events, etc. There is also a presentation on the Constellation of the Month that shows pictures of the major deep sky objects in that constellation. I also hand out an observing list and a chart that shows the location of those objects. Anyone wanting more information about the Calgary Centre observing groups please contact me at: NOVA (New Observers to Visual Astronomy) The first NOVA meeting of the season was held at the WCO on October 4 and over 20 people attended including several new members of the Calgary Centre. About 10 telescopes were set up and we enjoyed excellent views of a gibbous moon and some of the brighter deep sky objects like M13 and the Andromeda galaxy. NGC457, the Owl Cluster, was a real hit as most attendees had not seen it before and it is a great target for small telescopes. Clear skies! Discover the Universe By Robyn Foret The main talk was about observing the Moon and a map showing the main features was handed out. The target list for the fall Explore the Universe program was also handed out. By the time most people see this article the next NOVA meeting will be on November 14 and the topics will include a discussion on eyepiece field of view (FOV) and a description of how we measure observing conditions like transparency, seeing, etc. I will also hand out ‘Hopping around Andromeda’ which will help identify the constellations around Andromeda. If you are interested in attending NOVA meetings please send an email to my address at the end of this article. I send out an email about a week before each meeting with the agenda and the distribution list is also used to send out cancellation notices if bad weather makes the roads dangerous. Observing Group (OG): By the time this article is published the next OG meeting will be on November 15. Hopefully the OctoberQuest observing event was successful in late October and I will describe the highlights next time. The OG meetings are open to all members and I encourage people to come out for a meeting if you have not been there before. The main difference from NOVA is that the OG is not designed to be instructional but you will always get help if needed. Discover the Universe activities are back after the summer break and it is now time to register. Please share this information to anyone who might be interested, especially teachers. And remember, all our workshops are offered online, in English and French and are completely free! This information can also be viewed online at: SPECIAL WEBINAR: The TMT and the Canadian contribution – November 26th, 2014. The next generation of telescopes will have mirrors 30 or 40 metres across. Canada has been involved in the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) project for many years and construction is now beginning on the summit of Mauna Kea in Hawaii. For this webinar, our guest speaker will be Luc Simard, an astrophysicist involved with the TMT since the beginning. He will give us an overview of the project and the role Canadian astronomers are playing in this international endeavour. Wednesday November 26th at 2pm (Eastern) - 11am (Pacific) Details: formations/webinar:-the-tmt-and-the-canadiancontribution-662.htm WWW.CALGARY.RASC.CA 5 Full Sun 20 minutes First contact The big sunspot group getting crunched at 15:49:52 10 minutes Maximum Eclipse at 16:06:52 Photo Credit: Larry McNish from the Rothney Astrophysical Observatory (RAO). Photo Credit: Wayne Casper – Skywatcher 80ED with a solar filter. Celestron vx mount.Canon 60Da. 6 R.A.S.C. CALGARY – STARSEEKER 1. Photo by Brian Fenerty at Invermere, moving thick clouds hence ragged “firey” Sun, left unprocessed, handheld smartphone thru unshaded 42mm 2” eyepiece on 90mm refractor. 2. Solar Eclipse October 23, 2014 Thank you all for your great photos! Wayne Casper Erich Krause Brian Fenerty Gary Irwin Larry McNish 3. Photo Credit: Gary Irwin 1. At the Glenbow Ranch with some RASC Calgary Centre Members 2. & 3. Projections of the solar eclipse Photo Credit: Erich Krause: Sidewalk astronomy – 75-300mm zoom lens with neutral density filters WWW.CALGARY.RASC.CA 7 Telescopes For Rent Program by Greg King Coordinator, Telescope for Rent Program Welcome! NEW MEMBERS Elizabeth Drew Denis Ter Berg Paul Lowther Yichi Fu Vivian Eddingfield Frank Rigsby Stephen Jeans Claudia Abbott Marc Abbott Ronald Craig Kerr Arvindh Viswanathan Robert Paradis The “Telescopes For Rent Program” is one of the many benefits of Calgary RASC membership. The Calgary Centre has a great ‘Scopes for Rent’ program and the rental rates are extremely low: $2.00 per inch of aperture, per month. Therefore a 6 inch Dobsonian telescope would rent for $12.00 for a month. That’s a “steal” for an astronomical telescope worth about $500! Not a Member Yet? Join RASC! More information at: Some membership benefits: • National Membership in the RASC • Membership Association with the Calgary Centre of the RASC • Subscription to the national publication, the “eJournal” (the printed Journal is optional) • Subscription to the national publication, the “eBulletin” • The national annual publication, the “Observers Handbook” (300+ pages) • Subscription to the Calgary Centre newsletter, the “StarSeeker” • Members will also receive a free subscription to “SkyNews”, the Canadian astronomy magazine. 8 The telescopes are rented for 1 month minimum and in increments of one month. Renters may keep the telescope for additional month(s) until another RASC member requests to rent it, in which case it will be recalled at the end of its current term by the program coordinator. If you want a particular telescope, request it up to a month ahead of the desired rental date, and it should be available. Interim payments may be required if telescopes are kept for extended periods. If you don’t already have a scope or are wanting to try something different, the Calgary Center has a diverse range of instruments ranging from astronomical binoculars to an 80mm Sky-Watcher Refractor to a 13 inch Truss Dobsonian. All telescopes come with finder scopes, eyepieces, and a moon filter. There are only two prerequisites for renting a telescope: You must be a member in good standing of the Calgary RASC Center, and you must be at least 18 years of age. For information and pictures of all the scopes we have to rent please see To rent one of these scopes contact Greg King at 403-239-5685, or via e-mail at R.A.S.C. CALGARY – STARSEEKER November 2014 MONDAY SUNDAY RASC General Meeting – Election Night Thursday, November 20 7:30 p.m. at the Kerby Centre TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY FRIDAY 1 Daylight Saving Time Ends Sunday November 2nd WCO Booked for Jason’s class Photo credit: Jerry Lodriguss, 2 3 4 6 7 8 13 14 15 5 FULL MOON CBC Radio One’s RASC Astronomy with Don Hladiuk 6:22 A.M. Daylight Saving Time Ends 9 10 11 12 LAST QUARTER RASC COUNCIL MEETING: 7:30 P.M. UOF C: SOCIAL SCIENCES ROOM SS06 REMEMBRANCE DAY 16 Leonid Meteor Shower 17 18 19 Leonid Meteor Shower 20 RASC GENERAL MEETING/ ELECTION NIGHT and Member Presentations 7:30 p.m. at the Kerby Centre RASC NOVA 7:30 P.M. at WCO RASC OG 8:00 P.M. at WCO (RAO) Rothney Astrophysical Observatory Open House Vulcan Star Night 7:30P.M. 22 21 NEW MOON RASC Youth Group 7:30 WCO Dec StarSeeker Article Deadline 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 FIRST QUARTER 30 Additional information on these and other public astronomy events can be found on our website: WWW.CALGARY.RASC.CA 9 All-Star Telescope Annular Solar Eclipse Tour May 19-21, 2012 Canyon de Chinle, Arizona 10 R.A.S.C. CALGARY – STARSEEKER
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