Sample Values Statements Southlake Hospital

Sample Values Statements
Southlake Hospital
Put Patients First
All of Southlake’s people—staff, physicians, students, and volunteers—are here to make our patients’
healthcare experience the best it can be.
Care with compassion – no one’s a number at Southlake.
Care with a commitment to safety and quality – nothing else will do.
Care with flexibility – each person’s needs are different and should be respected.
Give A Damn!
Care passionately about the safety and well being of our people. Without them we would not be whole.
Value each other’s contributions and expertise because on this team, each of us plays an important role.
Give and take, and understand that the needs of the many far outweigh the needs of the few. Respect
each other and, realizing the impact of your words and actions, accept the consequences. Stand by one
another and pull together through good times and bad. In doing so, realize we can accomplish just about
Care passionately about Southlake. Take great care to positively represent the organization and its
people whenever given the chance. Treat the facility and everything in it as if it were your own. Take
great pride in our programs and services and realize that one can only succeed with the support of the
Care passionately about our community. We proudly consider ourselves a part of each of the
communities we serve and, therefore, have a vested interest in the events that affect them and the
people in them.
Push The Envelope
Embrace new opportunities and don’t be afraid to seek out new and rewarding challenges. Together, we
must be fearless and courageous so we can make things happen. Take calculated risks, yet be the first to
recognize when they are not right for Southlake and learn from the experience.
Honour Your Commitments
Walk our talk. If you say you’ll do it, do it, and if you can’t, explain why. Follow through on your
commitments and remain accountable for your attitude and your actions.
York Regional Police
Our People
We foster a work environment of respect, open communication, empowerment and inclusivity
We engage our citizens and are dedicated to providing quality service
We are ethical and respectful in all we say and do
We are leaders in policing and all lead by example
We accept responsibility for our actions
We are committed to excellence, professionalism, learning and innovation
We succeed by working together and in partnership with our community
Peel District School Board
Our values, based on our character attributes, are the foundation of our genuine relationships with
students, parents and each other. Together, we create safe, positive climates for learning and working—
environments that prepare students to be empathetic citizens of the world.
 We care by being compassionate and kind towards all members of our community.
 We are cooperative—committed to working collaboratively and valuing the contributions of
others for a common purpose.
 We value honesty by demonstrating integrity in our words and actions. We are truthful and
 We respect differences, and treat everyone fairly and equitably—we are inclusive.
 By treating others, ourselves and our environment with high regard and value, we are
 Being accountable and reliable in our actions and commitments demonstrates we are
National Education Association
These principles guide our work and define our mission:
Equal Opportunity. We believe public education is the gateway to opportunity. All students have the
human and civil right to a quality public education that develops their potential, independence, and
A Just Society. We believe public education is vital to building respect for the worth, dignity, and
equality of every individual in our diverse society.
Democracy. We believe public education is the cornerstone of our republic. Public education provides
individuals with the skills to be involved, informed, and engaged in our representative democracy.
Professionalism. We believe that the expertise and judgment of education professionals are critical to
student success. We maintain the highest professional standards, and we expect the status,
compensation, and respect due all professionals.
Partnership. We believe partnerships with parents, families, communities, and other stakeholders are
essential to quality public education and student success.
Collective Action. We believe individuals are strengthened when they work together for the common
good. As education professionals, we improve both our professional status and the quality of public
education when we unite and advocate collectively.
NEA also believes every student in America, regardless of family income or place of residence, deserves
a quality education. In pursuing its mission, NEA has determined that we will focus the energy and
resources of our 3.2 million members on improving the quality of teaching, increasing student
achievement and making schools safer, better places to learn.
Calgary Board of Education
Students come first.
We believe that everyone can learn. Each student is unique and worthwhile. We acknowledge, recognize
and celebrate the diversity of our learners. Success for each and every student is the goal of our work.
Learning is our central purpose.
We believe that learning empowers students to achieve their potential. Attention to continuous
improvement, high expectations, innovation and relationships will enable all students to reach their
potential. Student learning is at the heart of everyone's work at the Calgary Board of Education.
Public education serves the common good.
Public education is essential for a vibrant democracy. The principles of democracy drive our
accountability to the public and the public's participation in our work. Our school system is owned by
and accountable to Calgarians and therefore, the Calgary Board of Education is accountable to Calgary
taxpayers for using resources wisely to meet students' learning needs.
Durham College
Our values drive our organizational culture and behaviour in delivering our vision and mission.
We value:
 Integrity and transparency – we behave and communicate sincerely and honestly;
 Respect – we treat everyone with dignity and offer superior service;
 Equal access and diversity – we embrace diversity, ensure accessibility and champion all
 Innovation – we are leaders in innovative and creative learning experiences and solutions;
 Personal and team accountability – we do what we say we will do; and
 Sustainability – we make decisions that ensure the integration of economic, environmental and
social factors.
Region of York
... I C A R E
Heart and Stroke Foundation
Collaboration – committed to working together collaboratively for a common cause across the
Federation and with our partners.
Excellence – committed to excellence in all we do.
Innovation – a passion for and the courage to explore, stimulate and engage in new ideas, behaviours
and approaches.
Integrity – acting ethically to ensure transparency, accountability and public trust.
Respect – respecting, appreciating and recognizing our donors, volunteers, staff and partners who help
us achieve our mission.