. 5 November 2014

Term 4 2014
4-10 Nov
5 Nov
7 Nov
8 Nov
12 Nov
26 Nov
1-2 Dec
4 Dec
5 Dec
9 Dec
10 Dec
12 Dec
17 Dec
Term 1 2015
Book Fair
Kindergarten Orientation
OC Orientation
P&C Social Night
Kindergarten Orientation
P&C Meeting 7pm - Staffroom
Yr 6 Production
Coffee, Cake and Chat
Carols Night
3-6 Presentation Day
K-2 Presentation Day
Yr 6 Farewell
Picnic Day/ Last Day Term 4
27 January
28 January
29 January
2 February
23 February
25-27 February
18-20 March
Staff Development Day – no students
Yrs 1- 6 return to school
Yr 5 OC classes begin
Kindergarten begins
School Swimming Twilight Carnival
Yr 5 Great Aussie Bush Camp
Yr 6 Canberra Excursion
Library Resources funded through
Voluntary Contributions
1910 -2010
McMillan Road, Artarmon, NSW 2064
9411 1950 / 9411 1996 (McMillan Rd) 9411 1062 (Abbott Rd)
9415 1243
Email: [email protected]
Website www.artarmon-p.schools.nsw.edu.au
Kids Cottage 9777 1082 0419 604440 Fax 9419 4487
5 November 2014
Don't forget... The school social event of the year is on in the school hall !! This year's theme is
"Countdown" and the night will be full of dancing, prizes and pop rock! So get your tables of 12 together tickets are limited and close on 6 November.
Intention to apply notes have gone out to Yr 5 families and the website is open for applications. I would
like to remind families of the following changes :
• ALL applications must be made online
• Late applications WILL NOT be accepted
• Only three choices of schools can be made
• Family placement claims are not considered
• Information booklets are available but they are NOT applications.
Application website closes on 17 November ( no late applications will be accepted)
On Monday 3 November the finals of the school Public Speaking Competiton were held. The standard
seems to get higher each year and it was obvious the time anf thought that each student put into their
speeches. Congratulations to all who competed. The winners were:
Kindergarten – Harrison Wall KGL
Yr 1 & 2 – Felix Lin 2NH
Yr 3 & 4 – Adrian Widjaja 4LK
Yr 5 & 6 – Keegan Pinto 6NK
A big thank you to Mrs Chosid and Ms Sawyer for their organisation of this competition.
Ii is quite common for children to have disagreements in the playground. Part of their development
involves them learning how to resolve their own issues and often what seems like a big problem one day
can be quickly forgotten the next day.
All teachers ask students to speak to them immediately if they are concerned about anything happening to
them and then the teacher will investigate and resolve the issues.
Parents are not to approach other parents in the playground to intervene on their childs behalf. The school
will manage the conversations because often you will not have all the information.
Please see your child’s class teacher if you have any concerns.
L Green
Green Tip
by recycling 1 plastic bottle, students can save enough energy to power their computer for 25 minutes.
glass can be recycled over and over again. Today approximately 25% of your new glass jars and bottles are made from
recycled materials. If you put your glass in landfill, it can take 1 million years to break down.
Strings News
• Application for the Strings Program 2015 has now closed, for all application forms which are
received onwards will be put on our waiting list. Try-out confirmation will be sent out to you
• **For current hirers only ** ( Not for new applicants )
• All the hired Strings instruments will be recalled on 11 & 12 Dec and reissue on 16 Dec.
• All the instruments have to be returned and checked with the parent on that day, please mark in your
• Instruments to be reissued and collected on 16/12 only if full payment of hire fee is received or proof
of bank transaction is showed. All further detail will be sent out by the end of Nov.
Important dates in your diary
4 Nov (Tues) Annual General Meeting for the Strings program will be held at 6:30pm at school
staff room. This is the time when the committee discusses how all our 3 ensembles went over the
year, when decisions are made for the program next year and committee members are elected.
It’s your chance to find out what happens behind the scenes and make a contribution if you want
5 Nov (Wed) Senior String performs on the Kindy Orientation Day 9:30 am. All SS students should
wear their full summer uniform.
7 Nov (Fri) Senior String performs on the OC Orientation Day. All SS students should wear full
summer uniform.
20 Nov (Thu) 8:45-10:00 am Strings Try-out at the small bandroom.
5 Dec (Fri) Carols Night
Rehearsal time and Supervision roster
Junior Strings – Thursday 7:50 – 8:50am in the Hall
6 Nov Family of Maximus Cai
13 Nov Family of Antony Chen
Training Strings – Tuesday 12:55- 1:40pm in the bandroom
11 Nov Family of Michelle Tao
18 Nov TBC
Senior Strings – Tuesday 3:00-4:00pm in the bandroom
11 Nov Family of Jason Lui
18 Nov Family of Joshua Lee
Senior Strings co-ordinator : Erica Clancy [email protected]
Junior Strings co-ordinator:
Training Strings co-ordinator : Mary McCarthy [email protected]
Instrument hire co-ordinators : Atsuko Porman [email protected]
Anney Cheung [email protected]
Please let us know if you have changed your correspondent contact.
For enquiries: Edith Lau Convenor [email protected]
2014 Dates for your Diary
Senior Concert Band – 23 November 2014 in the afternoon at NYSW Concert at the Conservatorium of
Music – further details to be provided
• Carol’s night – 5 December 2014
Audition Schedule
Auditions for the bands for 2015 have been scheduled as per the dates below. To manage these auditions, we need
many parent volunteers. Please contact Rachel Yao (Band Convenor - [email protected]) if you
are able to help.
• Training Band and Beginner Bands – 1 December & 2 December – We will need 3 parent volunteers for
about 2.5 hours on each day to help with the students and instruments.
• All other Bands – continuing band students - 8 December & 9 December – We will need at least 1 parent
volunteer to help with the students. Further information on these auditions will be provided to the
continuing band students closer to the date.
• OC Students – 5 December
Return of Instruments
Band students will need to return their instruments and music at the Band Rehearsals on 11 December and 12
December. We will need 2 parent volunteers at each rehearsal to mark off the instruments as they are returned
and to help file the music.
Students are able to keep their instruments over the holidays and can pick up the instruments on 15 December and
16 December. We will need one volunteer from each band to help handing out the instruments on these days.
Please contact [email protected] if you can help.
2015 Band Volunteers Needed!
Many of the Year 6 parents and band committee members will be leaving their roles at the end of the year and the
Band Committee needs more volunteers for 2015. Please consider being a volunteer in the school band – it is good
experience to be involved and see all the bands work and grow together! The following positions need volunteers
for 2015:
1. Convenor = co-convenor with Rachel for first half of 2015
2. Secretary
3. Instrument Co-ordinator
4. Music Co-ordinator
5. Competition Co-ordinator
6. Band Newsletter Co-ordinator
If you are interested in one of the positions for 2015 or have any questions, please write to the band email address
- [email protected]. The existing committee members will provide support and help with the
handover of these roles.
Band Rehearsal / Supervision
Below are the Band rehearsal times and supervision schedule. Please ensure you sign the supervision book in the
Band room as this is a requirement for our insurance.
Term 4
Thurs 6 Nov
Junior Band - 7.50am – Shelley & Ben Richards
Concert Band - 12.50pm – Laura Li & Bob Shen
Senior Band – 2pm – Vivian Ye Zhang
Jazz Band 1 – 12.50pm - Cathi Firth
Fri 7 Nov
Training Band – 7.50 am - Akemi & Takeo Nakajima
Mon 10 Nov
Tues 11 Nov
Wed 12 Nov
Junior Band - 12.50 – Linda & Chris Sang
Senior Band - 7.50am – Madhu Narayanan
Concert Band -7:50am – Leesa Torrington
Change of Contact Details
It is really important if your contact details change, such as your email address, that you let us know, either through
your band coordinator or the band convenor. We use email to communicate important information about
upcoming events.
Band queries: Rachel Yao (Band Convenor): [email protected]
Tutor Co-ordinator: Suse Mitchell - email: [email protected]
Instrument Co-ordinator: Aemy Khor - email: [email protected]
Canteen News
Canteen Ph: 9411 1425
[email protected]
CANTEEN USERS – Your canteen is operated by volunteers! We have a long list of vacancies for volunteers in the
canteen for Term 4. If you haven't volunteered before, we'd love to see you in the canteen and our canteen
manager will happily show you what to do. If you have any special requests just let her know (eg. you do not have
to handle meat). The children love to see their mum, dad or grandparent at school! CONTACT DETAILS ABOVE!
Current Vacancies
10 Nov (2), 17 Nov (4), 24 Nov (3), 1 Dec (4), 8 Dec (3), 15 Dec (4)
25 Nov (2), 2 Dec (2), 16 Dec
19 Nov (2), 26 Nov (2), 3 Dec (2), 10 Dec (2), 17 Dec (3)
6 Nov, 13 Nov, 20 Nov (1+P), 27 Nov (1+P), 4 Dec (1+P), 11 Dec (3)
21 Nov (2+P), 5 Dec (2+P), 12 Dec (1+P)
*NOTE “P” means Packer. On Thursdays and Fridays we often need help for a short time packing
lunches. If you can’t do a whole shift (9.30 - 1.40) pm perhaps you could help from 12pm for 45 minutes?
Want to live longer?? Volunteer!!
If you have volunteered you know it feels good. However, there is even better news and even more reason to
bolster the flagging ranks of the volunteer sector. Volunteer and you'll live longer. Academic research supports that
view. Professor George Vaillant followed Harvard graduates for 40 years, and found altruism to be one the major
qualities enabling graduates to cope with the stresses of life.
His longitudinal study of 2,700 American males who volunteered their services to community organisations was
found to have much better longevity than those who didn't volunteer. They were 2.5 times less likely to die from
any cause as compared to the control group. Helping others also seems to result in a boosted immune system,
fewer colds and headaches and better sleeping habits.
If living longer doesn't stir you to action then consider this. Ebony Frost, Alumni Volunteer Networks Manager
at London Business School, advises that volunteering is a good career move. "More and more, employers…are
looking to community service to be the distinguishing factor among applicants. Putting your volunteering
experience on your resume shows commitment, experience in the field and a willingness to go the extra mile in
order to finish a job.
"Volunteering is fast becoming an essential part of a stand-out resume. Employers are looking for evidence of
commitment, loyalty and a strong desire to contribute to the success of society, all of which volunteering
demonstrates. It also aids personal growth and the development of transferable skills," Ms Frost advised.
So the experts agree – volunteering is good for your longevity, your health and your career. It is also good for your
We know time is precious, but if you can afford it, you can help yourself as much others – and that is good for
Author: Brian O'Heir © VolunteerTeam 2010
Kindergarten Public Speaking Winners
Yr 1 & 2 Public Speaking Winners
Yr 3 & 4 Public Speaking Winners
Yr 5 & 6 Public Speaking Winners
Merit Badges
Maddie Fletcher
Stanley Tarling
Antony Foufas
Aradhana Rao
Sander Ellis
Ivan Lai
Alisa Jaijong
Matthew Wang
Chloe Leung
Lily Ikawa
Luke Yang
Anirudh Chawla
Claudia Fischl
Syed Haider
Shion Endo
Jenny Fung
Elyn Ip
Pragati Gupta
Fergus Fung
Emily Lovll
Emi Takeda
Anya Sharma
Lily Vant Erve
Simon Magner
Corben Meany
Oscar Feeney
Oscar Chen
You Can Do It Awards
Arda Gullu
Alisha Ly
David Herath
Amelia Bennett
Damien Sugandhi
Lily Gibbon
Ashley Jee
Vicki Liu
Max Lynn
Karsten Muller
Samriddhi Bhandari
Jiah Shydu
Teagan Wong
Frederick Richards
Kimberley Samuel
Hugh Gordon
Oliver Herath
Raya Fattahi Moein
Bronte Appleyard
Jessica Gill
Brooke Francis
Scarlett Johns
Sophia Li
Saloni Jaiswal
Chan-Yang Park
Jenna Kim
Justin Qiao, Nathan Chan
Hamza Gillani
Angelina Kisahwan
Kai Wen Hu
Jack Mitchell
Noah Chin
Portia Simon
Jasmine Lee
Kai Fung Ong
James Teng
Samuel Price
Jack Mitchell
Harrison Fulton
Kang Guo
Jihhad Farache
Felix Qian
Elliana Zhang
It’s a COUNTDOWN Party……
Silent and Live Auction Catalogue
If you’d like to get in early or you simply can’t make the Countdown Party and don’t want to miss
out on the fun, take a look at the items on the following pages that will be on offer…
To get involved email [email protected] with your bid/s. For your bid to be valid you must include:
1. Your name & Contact phone number
2. Lot number
3. Lot name
4. Bid value
5. Name & class of your eldest child at Artarmon Public School
6. Advise a screen name, if you would prefer for your bid to be anonymous
All bids will be cleared at the end of the week. This catalogue will then be reposted on the P&C website (www.artarmonpandc.org.au ) with top bids after one week so you know if you’re in a winning position. You will then have the opportunity to
bid again in the following week if you have been outbid.
All online bidding will be closed from 12 midnight Thursday 6th November 2014 and will reopen as silent or live bidding at the Countdown Party on Saturday 8th November 2014.
All lots, or voucher equivalent, will be available for pick up on the night of the auction. If you are not in attendance you will be notified by email or SMS and goods can be picked up on Sunday 9th November in Artarmon.
Items 1 – 3 and 21 – 24 (Green rows) will be auctioned live on the night. Get your bid in before the night and if yours is the highest, it becomes the reserve on the night and if you’re not beaten, it's yours!
The remainder of items (Yellow rows) will be up for silent auction on the night…your bid can be the starting reserve, and if it endures the night, it's yours!
The silent auction will include a small number of additional items, included only on the night.
Payment via Cheque, Cash or Credit Card accepted, at or prior to collection of goods.
Lot Name. Details
Look Out
This package sets you up for a healthy and fit journey through summer. Firstly fit yourself out with a $350 Rebel Voucher, then PlusFitness Artarmon, Rebel
get fit with a 6 month Fitness Plus Artarmon gym membership (includes 24/7 access, unlimited virtual classes and regular
and Ella Bache Artarmon
personal trainer sessions), and while you're getting fit treat yourself to a Triple Expresso Facial Treatment and 30min relaxing
massage courtesy of Ella Bache Artarmon. Value: more than $1000.
Star Capital
Get together 4 or 5 friends and join Gladys Berejiklian MP, Member for Willoughby, for a $500 dinner generously donated by
Dinner with
Star Capital Seafood Restaurant, Chatswood along with 3 bottles of wine donated by Dads of Artarmon Primary School to enjoy
Gladys B
at dinner. Value: more than $600
Star Capital Seafood
Restaurant Chatswood,
Gladys Berijiklian
Calling all A 2003 Wallabies World Cup Jersey signed by the entire team, framed (ex. Certificate of authenticity). Comes with Gilbert Official
Wallabies Fans Autograph Rugby ball with printed signatures of the current crop of Wallabies. RESERVE: $560.
Donated by the Gibbon
Make Life Easy
The ideas, the recipes and all the fresh ingredients delivered to your door on a Sunday of your choosing, ready for 5 family meals
throughout the week. Get a taste of what this might be like on a regular basis (www.myfoodbag.com.au). Value: $200
Cake by Clare
A birthday or event cake made fresh and to order by Clare Gill. Be a superstar parent in the eyes of your child when they see the
awesome cake you have for their birthday. Value: $250
Donated by Clare Gill
Treat yourself or your loved one to a gorgeous treat.. ..Donated by the Danish Jewellery Company Julie Sandlau
(www.juliesandlau.com/en), this pair of 22 carat gold plated sterling silver earrings are handset with cubic zirconia. Value: more
than $300.
Julie Sandlau Australia
You will not be disappointed by the top quality meat donated straight from Rangers Valley in northern NSW, a supplier to some
Connoisseur's of the best restaurants in Australia and overseas. This 6kg 400 days grain-fed Wagyu Striploin (Sirloin) will come cryovac packed
Listen Up – perfect for roasting as a whole or in half cuts, or as steaks cut to your desired thickness. Value: $390
Rangers Valley
Page 2 of 4
Lot Name: Details
Celebrating 50 Years Of Albert Productions, Good Times is a deluxe 5CD "book" box set covering the history of Alberts. Over 102 tracks, the
Good Times:
five discs cover the range and legacy of the label. The set begins with "Shakin' All Over," which contains mainly early Alberts music; disc 2's
listen up
"Let There Be Rock" is a collection of rock tracks; disc 3 "Ain't It Nice" focuses on more pop oriented cuts; #4's "Open That Door" looks at
Muso's out
some of the more diverse, non-album or seldom released tracks; whilst the final disc, "My Kind Of Music," is replete with live recordings
(except for a studio cut of Easybeats' "She's So Fine"). Value: more than $40
Donated by the
Dowling Family
You and your kids will love this gorgeous set of picture books. Included are "Wendy" and "Herman & Rosie", illustrated and written by Gus
Gordon, and "I am cow, hear me Moo" and "Big Pet Day" both illustrated by Gus Gordon. The 1 paperback and 3 hardcover books, all come
Books by Gus
signed by Gus. Value: more than $100
Donated by the
Gordon Family
Capturing the Aran Anderson has kindly donated a professional family portrait photography session and a matted 14"x10" portrait print…see his work at
www.arananderson.com.au it speaks for itself. Value: $400
Kids I
Aran Anderson
Capturing the Aran Anderson has kindly donated a second professional family portrait photography session with a matted 10"x7" portrait print …see his
work at www.arananderson.com.au , it speaks for itself. Value: $260
Kids II
Aran Anderson
Two tickets to see a performance of “Amadeus: Classic Mozart and Bach” by the Willoughby Symphony at The Concourse, Chatswood.
Amadeus in our
Includes superb young Australian violin sensations Phoebe Gardner and Harry Ward who will deliver a shimmering performance of Bach’s
splendid Concerto for Two Violins. Value: $90
The Concourse,
Go the
For the
This package includes Wildcats Auskick membership Wildcats shorts, socks + cap, jumper on loan for the season and a NAB AFL footy pack
including a ball…and a season of well organised, safe and fun winter sport for your kids to play with their mates. Value: more than $180
Willoughby Wildcats
Tickets for a Family of 4 to the Taronga Zoo, Sydney or Western Plains. Get ready for the summer holidays now. Value: $130
Coca Cola Amatil and
Taronga Zoo
Looking the 1 pair of ladies Leona Edmiston Fashion Sunglasses, perfect for looking gorgeous this summer. Sunglasses come with two $50 vouchers to
Eyes On Lane Cove. Value: $350
Eyes on Lane Cove
Page 3 of 4
Lot Name Details
Great meat, Waty and Stephen of the Artarmon Family Butcher have kindly donated supplies for your next BBQ or dinner party, or just to stock up on great
Great Service I quality meat with local service. Valued at $100, but remember Waty is always really generous when putting together meat trays….
Artarmon Family
Hampden Rd,
Great meat, Waty and Stephen of Artarmon Family Butcher have kindly donated a second opportunity for your next BBQ or dinner party, or just to stock up
Great Service II on great quality meat with local service. Valued at $100, but remember Waty is always really generous when putting together meat trays….
Artarmon Family
Hampden Rd,
A hassle free Not possible you think? Catering for Kids brings to life the magic of your child’s special day through fun-themed party food. Catering For Kids
birthday party? have donated a $250 voucher to provide fantastic kids party food for your next party. Take a look at www.cateringforkids.com.au to see the
gorgeous offerings.
Catering For Kids
19 Reading with the Kindle WiFi Paperwhite Next Gen: Includes WiFi capability, All-New Paperwhite display, high resolution, high contrast and the Next-Gen Built in
Light. Value: $160
A night at the Two A reserve tickets to an opera of your choice at the Sydney Opera House during 2015. The performance season is available at opera.org.au,
and booking will be subject to availability. (cannot be used for Opera on Sydney Harbour or Anything Goes). Value: $530.
Donated by the
Holmes Family
Opera Australia and
Rebecca Cuschieri
Hall naming
Put your family’s name up in lights….on a plaque with the annual naming rights for the School Hall. Donations for the Hall naming are tax
deductible via the School's Building Fund.
Infants COLA
Put your family’s name up in lights….on a plaque with the annual naming rights for the Infants COLA. Donations for the Infants COLA naming are
tax deductible via the School's Building Fund.
Primary COLA Put your family’s name up in lights….on a plaque with the annual naming rights for the Primary COLA. Donations for the Primary COLA naming
are tax deductible via the School's Building Fund.
24 Principal for the
Bid for the chance for your child to join Mrs Green, as Principal for the Day. Donations are tax deductible via the School's Building Fund.
Mrs Louise Green
Page 4 of 4
Approaching Your School
A parent and community guide for seeking
information and expressing concerns
From time to time parents or other members of the school
community may need to approach the school in order to:
Discuss the progress or welfare of own child
Express concern about actions of other students
Enquire about school policy or practice
It is therefore necessary to have procedures that will help
solve problems as soon as possible so that a safe and
harmonious school environment is maintained. The best results
usually flow from working together.
These guidelines aim to:
 provide a guide in order that concerns are dealt
with in an open and fair manner.
 ensure that the rights of students, teachers and
parents are respected and upheld.
 support sensitivity and confidentiality.
 help reach an agreed solution
On occasion, concerns may cause frustration and anxiety. At
such times it is always important to organise a time to talk
with school staff in an unhurried and confidential atmosphere.
 Trying to talk to teachers when they are trying to
teach, manage children or engaged in another
conversation is inappropriate.
Teachers, parents and community working
together for successful schooling
The academic
progress of own
* Directly contact the child’s
teacher either by note, by phone or
in person to arrange a suitable time
to discuss any issues.
The welfare of own * For minor issues directly contact
your child’s teacher to clarify
* For more serious concerns,
contact office. State nature of
concern and arrange a suitable time
to talk with class teacher or
appropriate staff member.
* To convey information about
change of address, telephone
custody details, health issues etc.
Please contact the office.
Actions of other * Contact the class teacher for a
classroom problem.
* Contact the stage supervisor or
principal for playground problems.
School policy or * Contact office. State nature of
concern and make an appointment
to see the principal and/or
appropriate member of staff.