Sydneyy, 5 Novemb ber 2014 COMM MONWEAL LTH BANK OF AUSTR RALIA ISSUE OF F A$1 BILLION TIER 2 CAPITAL SUBORDINATED SE ECURITIES N NOTICE UN NDER SECT TION 708A A(12G)(e) CORPORAT TIONS ACT 2001 (CTH H) Commo onwealth Ba ank of Australia (“CBA””) is pleased to confirm m that, on 5 November 2014, it issued A$1 billion Tier 2 Cap pital subord dinated note es due 5 November 20024 pursua ant to its A$ deb bt program m (“Subord dinated Se ecurities”). Terms use ed but noot defined in this announ ncement arre defined in the Infformation Memorandu M um dated 28 Octobe er 2014 (“Inform mation Memorandum”). The Subordinated Securities potentially p e exchange in nto fully paid d ordinary sshares of CBA (“Ordina ary Shares””) if a Non-V Viability Trig gger Event occurs. o This no otice is a cle eansing notice prepared d for the pu urposes of section s 708A A(12G)(e) of o the Corpora ations Act 2001 2 (Cth) (“Corporatio ( ons Act”) (as s inserted by b ASIC Insstrument 14-1133). C CBA has elected to giv ve this noticce to enable e Ordinary Shares S issu ed on exchange to be sold without dissclosure und der Chapterr 6D of the Corporation ns Act and iincludes: in schedule 1, a descriptio on of the rig hts and liab bilities attaching to Subbordinated Seccurities that is based on n the descriiption in the e Information Memoranndum (as app plicable to th he Subordin nated Securrities and as s supplemented by thee Pricing Sup pplement for the Suborrdinated Seccurities date ed 3 Novem mber 2014; in schedule 2, commercial particularss of the Sub bordinated Securities, S pprovided in the Priccing Supplement; and in schedule 3, a descriptio on of the rig hts and liab bilities attaching to Orddinary Share es. CBA co onfirms that: (a) (b) (c) (d) Subordinated Securitie es were issu ued withoutt disclosure to investorrs under Part 6D.2 of the Corp porations Ac ct; the informa ation in this notice rema ains currentt as at today y’s date; this notice (including th he Schedul e) complies s with sectio on 708A of tthe Corpora ations Act, as notiionally modified by AS IC Class Orrders [CO 08/35] 0 and [[CO10/322], and further mod dified by AS SIC Relief In nstrument 14-1133; and d CBA has co omplied with section 70 o the Corpo orations Actt as inserted d by 08A(12H) of ASIC Relie ef Instrumen nt 14-1133. Commonwea alth Bank of Ausstralia | ACN 12 23 123 124 EFFECT T OF THE SUBORDINA ATED SECUR RITIES OFF FER ON CBA A The issue of Subordinated Se ecurities by CBA will no ot have a material impaact on CBA’s financia al position. If I a Non-Via ability Trigge er Event oc ccurs and CBA issues O Ordinary Sh hares, the imp pact of Exch hange on CB BA would b e to increas se CBA’s sh hareholderss’ equity. Th he numberr of Ordinarry Shares is ssued on Exxchange is limited l to the Maximum m Exchange e Number. The Maxiimum Excha ange Numb ber is 6,446.5472 Ordin nary Sharess per Suborrdinated Securityy (with a no 000), based ominal value e of A$100,0 d on the Issue Date VW WAP of A$7 77.5609 per Ord dinary Share e. ADDITIO ONAL INFO ORMATION g entity for the t purpose es of the Co orporations Act and, ass a result, is s CBA is a disclosing subject to regular reporting r an nd disclosurre obligation ns under the Corporati ons Act and d the ASX Lissting Rules.. In addition n, CBA musst notify ASX X immediate ely (subjectt to certain exceptio ons) if it beccomes awa are of inform mation about CBA that a reasonabble person would w expect to have a material m effe ect on the prrice or value e of its secu urities includding Ordina ary Shares. Copies of documents lodged with w ASIC a and ASX ca an be obtain ned from, orr inspected at, an ASIC offfice and ca an also be obtained o fro m www.asx The prin ncipal risks affecting CBA’s C busine ess are set out in its an nnual financcial reports. ed from the Shareholde er Centre att The following inforrmation can be obtaine CBA’s half--yearly and annual fina • ancial reportts; continuous disclosure notices lod dged with AS SX; and • other general informattion provide • ed to investo ors. CBA will provide a copy of any of the follo owing docu uments free of charge tto any perso on upon their wrritten requesst: the Information n Memorand dum; CBA A’s annual financial f rep port for the year ended d 30 June 20 014; anyy continuouss disclosure e notices givven by CBA A in the perio od after thee lodgementt of its ann nual financia al report for the year en nded 30 Jun ne 2014 and d before thee date of this notice; and CBA A’s constitution. Written requests fo or copies off these docu uments should be made to: Commonwea alth Bank of Ausstralia | ACN 12 23 123 124 Investor Relations Commo onwealth Ba ank of Austrralia Level 18, Tower 1 201 Susssex Streett Sydneyy NSW 2000 0 Tricia H Ho-Hudson Head off Capital an nd Regulato ory Strategyy Telepho one (02) 9118 1319 This anno ouncement do oes not constittute an offer to o sell, or the solicitation s of an a offer to buyy, any securitie es in the United S States or to, orr for the accou unt or benefit o of, any U.S. pe erson (as defin ned in Regulaation S under the t U.S. Securitiess Act of 1933 3, as amended d (the “Securitiies Act”)). The e Subordinated d Securities hhave not been, and will not be, re egistered unde er the Securitiies Act or the ssecurities law ws of any state or other jurisddiction in the United U States. A Accordingly, th he Subordinate ed Securities m may not be off ffered or sold in the United S States or to, or for the account o or benefit of, any a U.S. perso on (as defined d in Regulation n S under the Securities Actt) unless they have been reg gistered under the Securities s Act, or are offfered and solld in a transac ction exempt fr from, or not su ubject to, ements of the Securities S Actt and applicab ble U.S state securities lawss. the registtration require Commonwea alth Bank of Ausstralia | ACN 12 23 123 124 SCHED DULE 1 – SU UMMARY OF F SUBORDIN NATED SEC CURITIES The folllowing is a brief summary only an nd should be e read in co onjunction w with the Info ormation Memora andum, whiich contains s the full Co onditions of the Subord dinated Seccurities. Cap pitalised terms n not otherwiise defined have the meaning given g to th hem in the Conditions s of the Subordinated Secu urities. A. PRO OVISIONS APPLICAB BLE TO A ALL SECUR RITIES (IN NCLUDING SUBORDIINATED SEC CURITIES) Issu uer: Com mmonwealth h Bank of Au ustralia (CB BA or the Isssuer) Desscription: An Australian A D Dollar denom minated deb bt issuance program under whic ch the Issu uer may is ssue Mediu um Term N Notes (MT TNs), Tran nsferable C Certificates of Deposit (TCDs) o r Subordinated ether, Sec Secu urities (toge curities). Securities may represent eithe er unsubord dinated obliigations of the Issuer (in the cas se of MTN Ns and TCD Ds) or subo ordinated ob bligations oof the Issue er (in the case c of Sub bordinated Securities). S Prog gram size: Unlim mited Dire ect issues Issu uer: by The Issuer ma ay issue Securities S directly d to purchasers s or inves stors (as a applicable) procured by it. Such purchasers s will be re equired to cconfirm and d acknowled dge to the I ssuer in wrriting that the issue o of Securitie es resulted from the S Securities being b offerred for iss ue as a re esult of ne egotiations being initiated publicly in elecctronic form m (eg Reuters or Blooomberg) or o in hat was use ed by financial marketts for dealin ng in anotther form th debe entures. Reg gistrar: Austtraclear S Services Limited L AB BN 28 0003 284 419 (Aus straclear) a and/or any other perso on appointeed by the Issuer Supplemen for a series (in ncluding, if the relevant Pricing S nt so contemplates, tthe Issuer ittself). Calcculation Age ent: The Calculation n Agent is CBA or the person sspecified in n the relev vant Pricing g Suppleme ent. The Calculation C A Agent mus st be the same s for alll Securities in a series. Commonwea alth Bank of Ausstralia | ACN 12 23 123 124 Form m: Each h Security w will be: • denomin nated in Australian A Dollars D (unnless otherw wise agreed);; • registere ed on a register r loc cated in S Sydney (un nless otherwisse agreed) (Register); ( • a debt o obligation off the Issuer constitutedd by, and ow wing under, th he relevant Deed Poll; • subject to the re elevant Con nditions (sset out in this Informattion Memo orandum) as a supplem mented by the applicab ble Pricing Supplement S t for that Seecurity urities of a ny series may m be described by any marke eting Secu name specified in the relev vant Pricing Suppleme nt. e: Title Entry y of the na me of the person p in th he Registerr in respect of a Secu urity constiitutes or passes p title e to the S Security and is conc clusive evid dence of th hat person’’s entitlemeents to rec ceive interrest and rep payment off principal in n the mannner provided d for in th he Conditio ons. No ce ertificates will w be issuued unless the Issuer is requi red to do so by app plicable law w or regulation. Secu urities that are held in the Austraclear S System will be e name of Austraclearr and title too the Securrities regis stered in the will be determ mined in accordanc ce with thhe Austrac clear Regulations. Den nomination: urities will b omination sspecified in n the Secu be issued in the deno relev vant Pricing g Supplement. Commonwea alth Bank of Ausstralia | ACN 12 23 123 124 Clea aring System: Secu urities may be traded either withiin or outsidde any Clea aring Systtem (as defiined below)). The Issuer wiill apply to o Austracle ear for appproval for the Secu urities to be e traded on n the settlement systeem operated d by Austtraclear (Au ustraclear System) unless u otheerwise spec cified t. Such appproval of the in th he relevan nt Pricing Supplemen S Secu urities by Austraclea ar is not a recom mmendation n or endo orsement byy Austraclear of the Se ecurities. Secu urities mayy also be traded on n the settllement sys stem operrated by Euroclear Bank S.A A./N.V. (Eu uroclear), the settlement systtem operated by Clea arstream Baanking, soc ciété anon nyme, Luxe embourg (C Clearstream m) or any other clea aring syste em outside e Australia ifi so specified in the rrelevant Priicing Supp plement (to ogether with h the Austrraclear Sysstem, Euroc clear and Clearstream m, each a Clearing C Sy ystem). urities held in a Clearring System m are subjeect to the rules r Secu and regulationss of that Cle earing Systtem (provid ed that notthing in th hose rules and regullations affe ects any prrovision of the Conditions wh ich relates s to the eligibility e off Subordinated Secu urities as Tiier 2 capitall of the Issuer). Payyments: Paym ments will b be made in n accordanc ce with detaails recorde ed in the Register b by 5.00 pm m local Reg gistry Officce time on the relev vant Recorrd Date (ie e the date seven dayys prior to the relev vant payme ent date). For a Security rregistered in the name e of Austracclear, payments Regulations will be b made in accordance e with the Austraclear A s. If a Security i s not regis stered in the t name of Austraclear, paym ment will be e made to the person n whose naame appearrs in the Register R ass the holderr of that Sec curity on thee relevant book b closiing date eith her: • by electtronic transfer to an account in A Australia, which w account must be sp pecified not less than 7 business days d prior to tthe due date for payme ent: or • by A$ ch heque poste ed to an address in Auustralia, a with the latest paym ment instruuctions of that in accordance pers son. For join nt holders, payments will w be madee to the person whos se name ap ppears first in the Register. Commonwea alth Bank of Ausstralia | ACN 12 23 123 124 Tran nsfer: Secu urities can only be transferred in accorddance with the Conditions. m will be made nsfers of Se ecurities held in a Clea aring System m Tran in accordance with the ru ules and re egulations of the rele evant Clea aring System m. Secu urities may only be transferred witthin, to or frrom Australlia in the denominati ons specified in the Pricing P Suppplement an nd if on payable e at the tim me transferr is a minim mum the consideratio amo ount of A$50 00,000 (in either e case, disregardinng moneys lent by th he transfero ror or its as ssociates) or o if the offfer or invita ation givin ng rise to th he transfer otherwise o does not connstitute an offer o or in nvitation fo r which dis sclosure is required tto be made to inves stors in a ccordance with Part 6D.2 or Part 7 of the Corp porations A Act and the transfer is not made tto a retail client c as defined d in ssection 761G of the Corporations C s Act and does d not require r lodg ging any do ocument und der Divisionn 5 of Part 6D.2 6 or un nder Part 7 of the Corp porations Ac ct. Secu urities mayy only be transferred d between persons in a jurisdiction (or jjurisdictions s) other tha an Australiaa if the tran nsfer and all conductt connected d with the transfer t com mplies with h the relev vant laws o of the relev vant jurisdic ction in whiich the tran nsfer takes place. Stam mp taxe es: duty and No stamp s duty is payable in Australia a on the isssue, transfe er or he MTNs orr TCDs. rede emption of th Commonwea alth Bank of Ausstralia | ACN 12 23 123 124 All payments of principa al and intterest in rrespect of the Secu urities will be made without w with hholding orr deduction for, any present or future taxes, duties, d asssessments or gove ernmental ccharges off whatever nature im mposed, lev vied, colle ected, withh held or asse essed by orr within Ausstralia or by any authority in orr of Austra alia having power too tax (toge ether Taxe es), unless such withholding or de eduction is required by y law or pe ermitted by the Conditiions. Whe ere a withho olding or de eduction is required r by law, the Issuer must pay add ditional am mounts to Holders off Subordinated Secu urities (Sub bordinated d Holders) so that thhey receive the amo ounts they w would have received had no suchh withholdin ng or dedu uction been n required, except, e broa adly: • • • • • • if the S Subordinated Holder is s liable to ssuch Taxes s by reason of its having som me connecction with the Commo onwealth of Australia; if the Su ubordinated d Holder is an a Offshoree Associate; if the Su ubordinated d Holder is party p to a sccheme to avoid a Taxes; if the Subordinatted Holder has nott supplied an approprriate tax file number or equivalent;; if the Au ustralian Co ommissione er of Taxatioon requires s the Issuer tto withhold pay to it amounts a in respect off tax payable e to it by the e Subordinated Holder; or on acco ount of any y withholding or deduuction requ uired pursuan nt to FATCA A (as defined below). Commonwea alth Bank of Ausstralia | ACN 12 23 123 124 FAT TCA: Holderrs mayy be subjectt to FAT TCA withhollding and information n repo orting: ce provisionns of the Hiring The Foreign Acccount Tax Complianc Restore Emp ployment Act (FATCA A) were enacted Incentives to R M 2010 in an efforrt to assist the United States Inte ernal in March Reve enue Servicce (IRS) in enforcing U.S. U taxpayyer compliance. More e specificallly, FATCA imposes a 30% withhholding tax x on certa ain paymen nts to certain n non-U.S. financial insstitutions which w do not n enter intto and comp ply with an agreement with the IR RS to prov vide certain information n on the ho olders of itss debt or eq quity (othe er than deb bt or equity interests th hat are reguularly traded d on securities market). an established e m In addition, F FATCA impo oses a 30 0 percent w withholding tax on “pa assthru payyments” of U.S. sourrce income from certa ain non-U.S S. financiall institutions to holders of deb bt or equity y that do not provide the neces ssary inforrmation and d certificatio ons. Unde er FATCA, a “grandfa ather rule”” exempts ffrom withho olding tax under FATC CA (i) payments of U.S. U source income (in nterest and proceeds)) on obligattions outstanding on 1 July 2014, and (ii) payments p frrom a non-U.S. issue er to hold ders of its s obligation ns, if suchh obligation n is outstanding six months aftter the adop ption of U.S S. Treasury final regu ulations add dressing the term “forreign passtthru payme ents” (unle ess the ob bligation is significanttly modifiedd, and is thus treatted as being g reissued for f U.S. fed deral incomee tax purpo oses, afterr the app plicable da ate). In addition, a uunder FAT TCA, withh holding on ““foreign pas ssthru paym ments” will bbe phased in no earlier than 1 Ja anuary 2017. The Australian Governme ent and U.S S. Governm ment signed d an interrgovernmen ntal agreem ment with re espect to FA ATCA (IGA A) on 28 April A 2014. The obligattions impos sed on Ausstralian finan ncial instittutions unde er the IGA were w implem mented intoo Australian n law on 30 June 2014 un nder the Tax Lawss Amendm ment (Imp plementation n of the FATCA F Agrreement) A Act 2014 (Cth) ( (Actt). With e effect from 1 July 20 014, Austtralian finan ncial instittutions whicch are Repo orting Austrralian Finanncial Instituttions unde er the IGA A that main ntain U.S. Reportablee Accounts (as defin ned in the e IGA) must m follow w specific due dilige ence proc cedures to identify their t accou unt holderss and pro ovide inforrmation abo out certain accounts a as s specified in the IGA and the Act A to the C Commission ner of Taxation. The C Commissione er of Taxa ation will p rovide that information to the IR RS. Underr the IGA,, an Austra alian financiial institutio on, which m may include e the Issuer, which iss in complia ance with its s obligationss under the e Act shou uld not gene erally be su ubject to witthholding unnder FATCA A on any payments it receive es. Further, a Reporrting Austra alian Fina ancial Institu ution would generally not n be requ ired to withhold Commonwea alth Bank of Ausstralia | ACN 12 23 123 124 unde er FATCA ffrom payme ents it make es (unless itt has agree ed to do so s under tthe U.S. “qualified “ in ntermediaryy,” “withholding foreign partnerrship,” or “withholding “ g foreign ttrust” regim mes). Therre can be n no assuranc ce that the Issuer will bbe treated as a Reporting Austrralian Finan ncial Instituttion or that it would no ot be requ uired to with hhold under FATCA or pursuant to the IGA A. To the extent amo ounts paid to or from the Issuerr are subjec ct to olding, there will be no “grosss up” (or any FATCA Withho additional amo unt) payab ble by way of compeensation to any Hold ders for the deducted amount. a The Issuer mayy determine e that it should or muust comply with certa ain obligatio ons as a result of the IGA. As succh, Holders s will be re equired to provide any y informatio on, tax docuumentation and waiv vers that th he Issuer determines d are necesssary to com mply with FATCA, t he IGA or rules implementing tthe IGA. The Issuer’s ability to satisfy such s obligattions will deepend on each e Hold der providin ng, or causing to be provided, p aany information, tax documenttation and d waivers s, includinng informa ation conc cerning the direct or ind direct owne ers of such H Holder, that the Issuer determin nes are nece essary to sa atisfy such oobligations.. The above disscussion is s based on n the IGA A, the Act and regu ulations and d guidance of the U.S. Treasury D Department and the IRS may ssupplementt or modify these reg ulations an nd/or guidance in a w way that wo ould alter the applicatioon of FATC CA to the Issuer and tthe Securities. The impact of the FATCA reg gime financial in for Australian A nstitutions will w also ddepend on any asso ociated guid dance issue ed by the Australian A T Taxation Office O (Guiidance). Ass at the da ate of this Information Memorand dum, final Guidance e has not yet been released. Holder should cons sult its ow wn tax ad dvisor to obtain a more deta ailed explanation of F FATCA and d the IGA an nd to learn how they might m affec ct such hold der in its particular circu umstance. TFN Ns and ABN Ns: The Issuer will deduct amounts from payments if an Austra alian resid dent Holderr or a non resident Holder H who is engage ed in carry ying on bu siness in Australia A att or throughh a permanent establishment o of the non resident r in Australia, A haas not supp plied an appropriate a tax file num mber, Austrralian businness numbe er or othe er exemption n details. Investors shoul d obtain the eir own taxation advicee regarding g the taxation status o of investing g in Securitie es. Commonwea alth Bank of Ausstralia | ACN 12 23 123 124 Pub blic offer tesst: The Issuer prop poses to iss sue Securities and to m make payments of in nterest in a manner that t will sa atisfy sectioon 128F off the Income Tax Asssessment Act A 1936 of Australia. T The public offer o test status of a Tranche of Securitie es will be sspecified in n the relev vant Pricing g Supplement. Govverning law:: New w South Walles Listiing: The Securities w will not be listed on any stock excchange Inve estment Rissks This paragraph h does not describe all the risks in investin ng in Secu urities. Prosspective inv vestors or purchasers p should con nsult theirr own finan ncial and le egal advisers about riisks associated with an investm ment in a particular tran nche or seriees of Securrities and the suitabi lity of inves sting in the Securities in light of their particular circum mstances. In addition to tthe credit risks r assoc ciated with the Issuerr, an inves stment in certain ty ypes of structured S Securities, the prem mium and/o or the inte erest on or o principaal of which h is dete ermined by reference to t one or more m valuess of currenc cies, commodities, in nterest rates or other indices i or fformulae, either direc ctly or indire ectly, may entail signifficant risks not associated with similar in nvestments in a con nventional debt secu urity, inclu uding the riisks that th he resulting interest raate will be less than that payab ble on a con nventional debt d securitty purchase ed at the same time e and/or th hat an inve estor couldd lose all or o a subs stantial porttion of the principal p of those Securrities. Neith her the cu urrent nor the historic cal value oof the relevant curre encies, com mmodities, interest ra ates or otther indices s or form mulae shou uld be ta aken as an a indicattion of fu uture perfo ormance off such curre encies, com mmodities, innterest rate es or othe er indices orr formulae during d the te erm of any S Securities. B. P PROVISION NS APPLICABLE TO S SUBORDIN NATED SEC CURITIES Issu uance in serries: Subo ordinated S Securities may m be issu ued in seriees provided that the Optional O Re edemption Date of any y tranche oof Subordinated Secu urities mus t not be le ess than fiv ve years affter the datte of issue e of the Su bordinated Securities as a specifiedd in, the Priicing Supp plement (Is sue Date). Issu ue Price Subo ordinated Securities may be issued at their princ cipal amo ount or at a d o their princcipal amoun nt. discount or premium to Commonwea alth Bank of Ausstralia | ACN 12 23 123 124 Stattus and rankking: Subo ordinated Securities will be direct, u nsecured subo ordinated ob bligations of o the Issuerr and rank: and • after the e claims in respect r of Senior S Rankking Obligattions including g claims pre eferred by applicable a laaws; • equally amongst th hemselves and a with claaims in res spect of Equall Ranking Securities; S and a • ahead of all claims in res spect of JJunior Ran nking Securitie es. “Sen nior Rankin ng Obligattions” mea ans all pressent and fu uture depo osits and otther liabilitie es, securitie es and otheer obligation ns of the Issuer whic h would be entitled to be admittedd in the winding up of o the Issue er (and inclu uding but not limited too obligation ns in resp pect of instr uments issued before 1 January 2013 as Tier 2 Capital) other than Equ ual Ranking Securitiees and Ju unior Ranking Securi ties. “Equ ual Rankin g Securitie es” means any instrum ment that ra anks in a winding up p of the Iss suer as the e most juniior claim in n the wind ding up of the Issuer ranking senior s to JJunior Ran nking Secu urities, and includes: (a) (b) if on isssue at the commencem c ment of thee winding up u of the Issue er: (i) t he JPY20,0 000,000,000 Perpetuaal Subordinated C Callable Fixed/Floatin ng Rate Reverse Dual D C Currency Se ecurities iss sued by the Issuer in 1999; a and (ii) t he JPY9,0 000,000,000 0 Perpetua l Subordinated I nstruments issued by the Bannk of Wes stern A Australia Limited in 1996 and aassigned to the Isssuer in 2012; and any othe er instrumen nts, present and futuree, issued aftter 1 Januaryy 2013 as instruments constituting c Tier 2 Cap pital. “Jun nior Rankin ng Securitties” means s any instruument, present and future, issu ued by the Is ssuer which h: (a) q qualify as Tier T 1 Capittal (or, in thhe case of any instrrument issu ued prior to o 1 Januarry 2013), w was treated d as Commonwea alth Bank of Ausstralia | ACN 12 23 123 124 cons stituting Tie er 1 Capita al in accord dance with the prude ential standards which h applied prior to 1 Jan nuary 2013 , irrespectiv ve of whetther or not such instru ument is treated as connstituting Tier 1 Capital in acccordance with w any transitional t arrangements prov vided by AP PRA or wh hich rank or o are exprressed to rank equa ally with succh securities in a winding up of thee Issuer; an nd (b) a all ordinary shares of th he Issuer. The e applicable e laws wh hich give priority p to certain cla aims inclu ude (but arre not limitted to) sec ctions 13A and 16 off the Bank king Act 19 959 (Cth) (Banking (B Act) A and seection 86 off the Rese erve Bank A Act 1959 (C Cth). These provisions provide tha at, in the event tha at the Issu uer becom mes unablee to meett its oblig gations or ssuspends payment, its assets in A Australia arre to be available a to meet its lia abilities to, among othhers, APRA,, the Rese erve Bank of Australia a and holders of proteected acco ounts held d in Australiia, in prioritty to all oth her liabilitiess, including g the Subo ordinated S Securities. Changes to app plicable law ws may exttend the deebts require ed to be preferred p b by law. Th he Subordinated Seccurities are not prote ected acco ounts or de eposit liabiliities of the Issuer forr the purp poses of the e Banking Act. A Ten nor: Subo ordinated S Securities shall be issu ued with a minimum te enor of fiv ve years (o r such grea ater amountt as otherw wise specifie ed in the relevant r Priccing Supple ement). Commonwea alth Bank of Ausstralia | ACN 12 23 123 124 Eve ents of Default: An event e of defa fault (Eventt of Default) broadly occcurs if: (a) ( the Issu er fails to pay any amo ount due in respect of the t Subordi nated Secu urities and such s defaultt continues for a period d of 15 Business Days (except wheere the non npaymen nt is in comp pliance with law or legaal advice); or o (b) ( an orderr is made by y a court off competentt jurisdiction n, or an effecctive resoluttion is passe ed, for the w winding up of o the Issu er in Austra alia (and not successfuully appeale ed or permane ently stayed d within 30 Business D Days). If an Event of D Default occu urs as descrribed in paraagraph (a), the Subo ordinated H Holders may y institute prroceedings:: • • • to recovver the amo ount the Issu uer has faileed to pay, provided d that the Is ssuer may only o be com mpelled to pay that amo ount to the extent that, immediateely after the paymen nt, the Issue er will be So olvent (as deefined in the e Corpora ations Act); for speccific perform mance of any other obliggation in respect of the Subo ordinated Security; or for the w winding up of o the Issue er in Australlia. If an Event of D Default occu urs as descrribed in paraagraph (b), a Subo ordinated H Holder may prove in the e winding upp of the Issuer in re espect of an n amount eq qual to the outstanding o principal amo ount plus acccrued but unpaid u Interest up to (bbut excluding) the date d of com mmencemen nt of the win nding up. Therre are no otther Events of Default, and a Suboordinated Hold der has no rright to acce elerate paym ment or exeercise any other o reme edy (includi ng any righ ht to sue for damages) as a cons sequence o of any Eventt of Default other than in the circu umstances d described above. a Commonwea alth Bank of Ausstralia | ACN 12 23 123 124 Interest: Subo ordinated Securities may be issued ass Fixed Rate R Subo ordinated Securities or Floatting Rate Subordinated Secu urities. A Subordina ated Securrity bears interest on n its Outs standing Prrincipal Amo ount, subjec ct to the Coonditions off the Subo ordinated S Securities an nd the relev vant Pricing Supplemen nt. Interrest is paya able in arre ears on eac ch Interest Payment Date. D No interest acccrues on Su ubordinated d Securitiess required to o be exch hanged forr Ordinary Shares in n the periiod from (and inclu uding) the In nterest Payment Date that immeddiately prece edes the Exchange E D Date or Wriite Down Date to the E Exchange Date D or Write W Down D Date (as ap pplicable). Stam mp duty No stamp s duty is payable in Australia on the issuue or transfe er of the Subordinatted Securities. No stamp s dutyy is payable in Austtralia on th he issue of o Ordinary y Shares tto a holde er of Subo ordinated S Securities on o an Excha ange (or onn a subsequent trans sfer), provid ded that no o person (alone or w with associa ates) obta ains an interrest of 90% or more in CBA. Commonwea alth Bank of Ausstralia | ACN 12 23 123 124 Red demption orr Rep purchase: Each h Subordina ated Security will be Redeemed R on the Matturity Date e specified d in the Pricing Supplement for its Final F Redemption Am mount unles ss previously Redeem med, Exchan nged or fu ully Written D Down. The Issuer ma ay elect to Redeem all a or somee Subordinated Secu urities on a n Optional Redemption Date in aaccordance with the Conditions C o of the Subo ordinated Se ecurities. Thhis option is s not exerrcisable beffore the fifth h anniversary of the Isssue Date off the Subo ordinated S Securities (o or such othe er later datee(s) specifie ed in the relevant r Priccing Supple ement). In certain c circu umstances following notice n by tthe Issuer, the Issuer may red eem all (bu ut not some e) Subordinnated Securrities if the ere is a matterial risk th hat, as a res sult of a ch ange in law ws of Austtralia (inclluding following any y announccement of a pros spective cha ange or am mendment which w has bbeen or will be intro oduced) the e Issuer wo ould be exp posed to a more than n de minimis adverrse tax consequenc ce in re lation to the Subo ordinated S Securities other than a tax connsequence the Issuer expected d as at the Issue I Date. In certain c circu umstances following notice n by tthe Issuer, the Issuer may red eem all (bu ut not some e) Subordinnated Securrities if it determiness that as a result of a change in the law ws of Austtralia or a c hange in AP PRA’s prudential standdards (including follow wing any announcem ment of a prospecti ve change e or ame endment wh hich has be een or will be b introduceed) all or some or a percentage e of Subordinated Securities aree not or willl not be trreated as T Tier 2 Capital of the CBA C Group under APR RA’s prud dential stan ndards (as amended from time to time), other o than as a resu ult of a ch hange of tre eatment exxpected by the Issuer as at the e Issue Date e. The Issuer or a ny memberr of the CBA A Group maay, to the ex xtent perm mitted by ap pplicable law ws and regu ulations, at aany time purc chase Subo rdinated Se ecurities in the t open maarket, by tender to all or ssome of the e Subordina ated Holderss or by priva ate agre eement or o otherwise at any price. Early y Redemptiion or Repu urchase of Subordinateed Securitie es is subject to the p prior written approval off APRA. Hold ders of Su ubordinated Securities s should nnot expect that APR RA’s approvval will be given for any early Redemption or Commonwea alth Bank of Ausstralia | ACN 12 23 123 124 Repurchase of Subordinatted Securitie es. No S Set-Off: None of the Isssuer, any Subordinatted Holder or any person claim ming throug gh any of them has any y right of seet-off in res spect of an ny amountss owed by one o person to the otherr person ariising unde er or in conn nection with h the Suborrdinated Seccurities. Non n-Viability Trig gger Event: A “N Non-Viabilityy Trigger Ev vent” occurs s when APR RA notifies the t Issuer in writing g that it believes: (i) an E Exchange or, if the relevant Pricinng Supplem ment spec ifies, Write Down of all a or somee Subordinated Secu urities, or conversion c or write ddown of ca apital instru uments off the CBA A Group, is neces ssary beca ause, withou ut it, the Is ssuer wouldd become nonviable e; or (ii) a pu ublic sectorr injection of capital, or equiva alent supp port, is nece essary beca ause, witho ut it, the Issuer would d become non-viable. n APR RA may sspecify an aggregate e face vaalue of ca apital instrruments w which mustt be Exc changed, W Written Do own, conv verted or wrritten down (as applicable). Commonwea alth Bank of Ausstralia | ACN 12 23 123 124 Excchange or Write W Dow wn on the occu urrence of a Non n-Viability Trig gger Event: If a Non-Viabilit N ty Trigger Event E occurs s, the Issueer must: (i) Exch hange; or (ii) if the e relevant Pricing Su upplement sspecifies Write W Down n, Write Down, such h number off Subordina ated Securitties (or, if it so determines, such h percentag ge of the Outstanding O Principal A Amount of each e Subo ordinated S Security) as s is equal (taking intto account any conv version or w write down of other Relevant R Seecurities) to o the aggrregate face e value of capital c instrruments whhich APRA has notiffied the I ssuer mus st be Exchanged, Written Down D conv verted or w written down n (or, if APR RA has nott so notified d the Issuer, such n number or, if the Issuer so dettermines, such s perc centage of the Outstanding Prrincipal Am mount of each e Subo ordinated S Security, as is necessary to satisfyy APRA that the Issuer will no l onger be non-viable). n If a Non-V Viability Trig gger Even nt occurs in n circumsta ances where e APRA beelieves a pu ublic sector injection n of capital, or equivalent supporrt, is neces ssary beca ause, witho out it, the Is ssuer would d become non-viable, the Issuer must Exxchange or,, if the Pricing Supple ment speciifies, Write e Down all S Subordinate ed Securitie es. In determining d the numb ber of Subordinated Securities s, or perc centage of the Outstanding Prrincipal Am mount of each e Subo ordinated S Security, wh hich must be b Exchangged, or Wrritten Dow wn, the Issue er will: (i) first, exchange, convert or write downn the face value v of a ny Relevant Tier 1 Securities whose te erms requiire or perm mit, or are ta aken by law w to requirre or perm mit, them to be exchan nged, conveerted or wrritten down n before Exchange or Write Down of the Subo ordinated Se ecurities; (ii) seco ndly, excha ange, conve ert or write down the face value e of any Re elevant Tier 2 Securitiees whose te erms requiire or perm mit, or are ta aken by law w to requirre or perm mit, them to be exchan nged, conveerted or wrritten down n before Exchange or Write Down of the Subo ordinated Se ecurities; an nd (iii) thirdl y, if excha ange, conv version or write down n of those e securities s is not suffficient, Exc hange or Write W Down n (in the ca ase of the Subordinated S d Securities s) or exch ange, conv vert or write e down (in tthe case of any Commonwea alth Bank of Ausstralia | ACN 12 23 123 124 otherr Relevant Tier T 2 Secu urities) on a pro-rata basis b or in a manner that t is otherrwise, in thee opinion off the Issue er, fair and reason nable, the Subordinated Secu urities and any a other Relevant R Tiier 2 Securrities whosse terms req quire or perrmit, or are taken by la aw to requiire or perm mit, them to be exchannged, conve erted or w written down in that manner (suubject to such s adjusstments as the Issuer may m determ mine to take into acco unt the effe ect on mark ketable parc rcels and whole w numb bers of Ord dinary Sharres and anyy Subordinated Secu urities or other Rele evant Tierr 2 Securrities rema aining on iss sue), but such dettermination will not impede tthe immed diate Exch hange or Write Do own of th he relevannt numberr of Subo ordinated S Securities or percenttage of thhe Outstanding Princ cipal Amou unt of each Subordinated Securitty (as the case c may be). If, fo or any reaso on, Exchang ge of any Subordinated S d Security (or ( a perc centage of the Outs standing Principal P Am mount of any Subo ordinated S Security) req quired to be Exchangeed fails to take effec ct and the Isssuer is nott otherwise able to issuue the Ordinary Sharres require ed to be is ssued in re espect of ssuch Excha ange withiin five Bus iness Days s after the date of thee occurrenc ce of the Non-Viabilitty Trigger Event, or ifi the Pricinng Supplem ment spec cifies “Write e Down” the en the relevant Suborddinated Hold der’s rightts (includin ng to paym ment of th he Outstannding Princ cipal Amo ount and Interest) in relation to such Subordinated Secu urities or pe ercentage of the Outs standing Prrincipal Amount of th he Subordin nated Securrities are im mmediately aand irrevoc cably term minated (Wriitten Down). Subo ordinated H Holders sh hould note that the Issuer has s no oblig gation to isssue or ke eep on iss sue any R Relevant Tie er 1 Secu urities or Re elevant Tierr 2 Securitie es. Commonwea alth Bank of Ausstralia | ACN 12 23 123 124 Excchange Mecchanics On the Exchan nge Date, the Issuer will issue the Excha ange Num mber of Ord inary Share es for each Subordinatted Security y (or perc centage of the Outstanding Prrincipal Am mount of each e Subo ordinated Security) required to t be Exxchanged. The Exch hange Num mber is, subjject always s to the Excchange Num mber being no grea ater than the Maxim mum Exchaange Num mber, calcu ulated acco ording to the e following formula: f Exc change Num mber = Outstanding O Principal Amouunt P x VW WAP where: P me eans the nu umber spec cified in the Subordinateed Pricing Supp plement. VWA AP (expresssed in Australian dollarrs and centss) means, broa adly, the ave erage daily volume weighted pricees of Ordina ary Sharres traded o on ASX durring the rele evant VWAP P Period. VWA AP Period m means: (a) ( in the ca ase of the calculation c of o the Exchaange Numb ber, the perio od of 5 Business Days on which trrading in Ordinaryy Shares took place im mmediately ppreceding (but not inclu uding) the Exchange E Date; or (b) ( in the ca ase of the Is ssue Date VWAP, V the period of 20 0 Businesss Days on which w tradin ng in Ordinaary Shares took pla ce immedia ately preced ding but exccluding the Issue Da ate. Max ximum Exch hange Num mber means s a numberr calculated acco ording to the e following formula: f Maximum Excchange Num mber = Outstandingg Principal Amoount 0.20 x Issue Date VWAP P The Issue Date e VWAP (an nd according gly the Maxximum Exch hange Num mber) is subjject to limite ed adjustmeents for bon nus issue es and certa ain capital reconstructi r ions. Commonwea alth Bank of Ausstralia | ACN 12 23 123 124 If: • • • the Sub bordinated Holder H has notified n the Issuer that it does no ot wish to re eceive Ordin nary Sharess as a resultt of Exchang ge; the Sub bordinated Holder H is, brroadly, restrricted by applicab ble Australia an law from m holding Orrdinary Shares or is con nsidered by y the Issuer not to be a resident off Australia a; or the Issu uer has not received (fo or any reasoon whether or not due to the fault of that Sub bordinated H Holder) any y informattion require ed by it so as to impedee the Issuerr issuing tthe Ordinarry Shares, then, on the Excchange Datte, the Issue er will issuee the Excha ange Num mber of Ordiinary Share es to a nominee (which nominee may m not be b the Issue er or a Rela ated Entity of o the Issue r) for no additional consiideration on n terms thatt the nomineee will arran nge for th heir sale at market valu ue and pay the Attributtable Proce eeds to the relevant S Subordinate ed Holder. Commonwea alth Bank of Ausstralia | ACN 12 23 123 124 Add ditional NonViab bility Trigger Eve ent Risk With hout in any w way limiting g the sectio on above titlled “Investm ment Risk ks”, certain additional risks r arise in respect oof Subordinated Secu urities. As outlined o in the section ns above titled “Non-V Viability Trig gger Even nt” and “Excchange or Write W Down n”, Subordinnated Securrities are subject to a Non-Viab bility Trigger Event thaat could lea ad to Subo ordinated S Securities be eing Exchan nged or Wriitten Down. The inclusion of the Non-Viability N y Trigger Event in the cond ditions of ccapital securities is a new requuirement under APR RA’s pruden ntial standarrds that hav ve applied ssince 1 January 2013 3. It sh hould be no oted that whether w a Non-Viability N y Trigger Event will occur o is at the discrettion of APR RA and therre are curre ently no precedents p ffor this. The circumsta ances in whhich APRA may exerrcise its disccretion are not limited to when A APRA may have h a co oncern abou ut a bank’s s capital lev vels but maay also inc clude when APRA ha as a concern n about a bank’s b fundiing and liqu uidity levels. If on ne, or a co ombination, of general risks assoociated with h the Issuer’s busine esses lead ds to a significant ccapital loss s, or prolo onged difficculties in raiising fundin ng or maintaaining suffic cient liquid dity, the Isssuer believe es this may be the typee of situatio on in whic ch APRA be ecomes con ncerned and notifies thhe Issuer th hat it has become no on-viable. If Subordinate S ed Securitiies are Exchanged E following the occu urrence of a Non-Via ability Trigger Event, the numbe er of Ordinary Share es received is limited to o the Maxim mum Excha ange Num mber. There is a risk th hat Subordin nated Secu rity Holders s will rece eive a numb ber of Ordin nary Shares s with a vallue significa antly less than the O utstanding Principal Am mount. If a Non-Viabi lity Triggerr Event oc ccurs and W Write Dow wn is spec cified or Exxchange is not effectiive and thee Issuer is not othe erwise able to issue Ordinary O Sh hares withinn five Busin ness Days s, then Su ubordinated Security Holders’ H rigghts under the Subo ordinated Securities will be terminated. t Subordinated Secu urity Holde ers’ investm ment will lo ose all of its value, the Outs standing P Principal Amount A will not bee repaid and Subo ordinated Security Holders will not receive any compensation. If Subordinate S ed Securitiies are Exchanged E Commonwea alth Bank of Ausstralia | ACN 12 23 123 124 following the occu urrence of a Non-Viab bility Trigge er Event, saale of Ordinary Sharres issued on Exchan nge may be restrictedd by applic cable Austtralian law,, including,, if the Iss suer has nnot issued the discllosure requ uired by the t Corporrations Actt for the new Ordinary Share es, then restrictions apply on the ssale of the new Ordinary Share es to certain n investors within 12 m months of their issue e. Howeve er, these res strictions will not applyy if CBA ma akes certa ain complliant disclo osures at the tim me when the Subo ordinated S Securities arre issued. Subo ordinated S Security Holders may re eceive Ordi nary Shares on Exch hange. The e rights and liabilitie es attachinng to Ordinary Sharres are set out in the Constitution C and are alsso regulated by the Corporation ns Act, ASX X Listing Rules R and oother applic cable laws s. Ame endments The Issuer mayy amend the e Conditions s: • without the consent of Holders s, as set outt in the Conditio ons, includin ng if the am mendment iss of a forma al, technica al or minor nature; n to correct an errror and where there is no material prejudice and a if certa in condition ns are met , ssubstitute fo or itself a no on-operatingg holding ccompany (N NOHC) as th he debtor inn respect off the S Subordinate ed Securitie es and as isssuer of the O Ordinary Sh hares on Ex xchange; orr ssubstitute fo or itself a NOHC as thee issuer of the t O Ordinary Sh hares on Ex xchange; annd • with the e consent off Holders, by a Special Resolution n being pa assed at a duly d conven ned meetingg. Certain amendm ments may require prio or written appproval from m APR RA. Approva al is at the discretion d of o APRA andd may or may not be b given. Commonwea alth Bank of Ausstralia | ACN 12 23 123 124 SCHED DULE 2 – PR RICING SUPP PLEMENT The folllowing shou uld be read d in conjuncction with th he Conditions includedd in the Info ormation Memora andum. Commonwea alth Bank of Ausstralia | ACN 12 23 123 124 SCHED DULE 3 – SU UMMARY OF F CBA CONS STITUTION The con nstitution off CBA is datted 13 Nove ember 2008 8, and incorrporates am mendments up to and including all am mendments s passed at the Annuall General Meeting M on 113 Novembe er 2008 (Constitution). Th he Constituttion provide es for the folllowing: y Shares Rights attaching to Ordinary m be issu ued to Holde ers by way of Exchang ge. Ordinarry Shares may m also Ordinarry Shares may be issued to a nominee to ho old for sale e for your benefit b if Ex xchange occcurs and yo ou have notified CBA that you do no ot wish to receive Orrdinary Sha ares or youu are an In neligible Subordinated Hold der. Any Orrdinary Sha ares issued to Holders s by way off Exchange e will be fully paid and will rank r equally y with Ordin nary Shares s already on n issue in alll respects. Transfe ers Subjectt to the AS SX Settlem ment Opera ating Rules, transfers of Ordinarry Shares are not effective e until regisstered. Ordiinary Share es are trans sferable, subject to thee ASX Listin ng Rules and the e Constitutio on, and the right of the e directors of CBA to refuse r to reegister a tra ansfer of Ordinarry Shares in n limited circ cumstancess. Unless otherwise required r by y law or the e Constitutio on, CBA is entitled to ttreat the registered holder a as the abso olute owner of a share e. Ordinary y Shares he eld by a truustee may, with the directorrs’ consent, be identifie ed as being subject to the t relevantt trust. Except in limited circumstance es, CBA is n not bound to t register more m than thhree person ns as joint holders of an Ordinary Share. CBA d does not iss sue share certificates c uunless requ uired by law or the ASX Lissting Rules. Restricttions apply in respect of persons who becom me entitled to Ordinaryy Shares by y reason of a hollder’s death h, bankruptc cy or menta al incapacity y. In the cas se of the deeath of a holder, the survivorr or survvivors jointtly registe red as shareholders s and thee legal personal p represe entatives of a sole hold der are the e only perso ons CBA will recognisee as having g title to the mem mber’s interrest in the shares. s Dividen nds Holderss of Ordinarry Shares may m receive dividends if the directo ors determinne that a dividend is payab ble. CBA may m not pay a dividend unless CBA A’s assets exceed e its li abilities, the e paymen nt of the divvidend is fair and reaso onable to ho olders of Ordinary Sharres as a wh hole and the payyment does not materia ally prejudicce the ability y of CBA to pay its credditors. Paym ment may alsso be subjecct to the rights of holde ers of securrities carryin ng preferredd rights. CBA pays shareho olders with registered addresses a iin Australia, New Zeala and and thee United Kin ngdom cash divvidends by direct crediit. If a directt credit paym ment instruction is not provided, the dividend d will be he eld in a non--interest bea aring accou unt. CBA als so has a divvidend reinvestment plan for eligible shareholde ers. The dire ectors of CB BA determinne whether or not the divid dend reinve estment plan operates for each div vidend and their decisiion is annou unced to ASX.. Commonwea alth Bank of Ausstralia | ACN 12 23 123 124 Windin ng up On win nding up of CBA, hold ders of Ord dinary Sharres will partticipate in tthe division n of any surplus assets of CBA C (subjec ct to the righ hts of holde ers of shares carrying ppreferred rig ghts). Meeting gs Holderss of Ordina ary Shares are entitle ed to receiv ve notice of, o attend aand, subjec ct to the Constitu ution, to vo ote in perso on, by repre esentative, attorney a or proxy at g eneral mee etings of CBA. how of han nds, each holder (rega rdless of th he number of shares hheld) has one vote. On a sh On a po oll, each holder has one vote for e each fully pa aid Ordinary y Share hel d. Issue o of further shares The dire C control the issue o of shares. Subject S to the Corporaations Act and a ASX ectors of CBA Listing Rules, the directors d ma ay issue furrther shares s, and grantt rights or o ptions overr shares, on such h terms as they t think fitt. Restric ctions of ow wnership of o Ordinary y Shares Australiian laws inccluding fina ancial secto or and foreig gn ownersh hip and takeeover laws impose certain limitations on o the right of personss to hold, ow wn or vote on o Ordinary Shares. Variatio on of the Constitution C n CBA ma ay seek app proval by sp pecial resol ution of holders of Ord dinary Sharees (passed by at least 75 5% of the vo otes cast by y members entitled to vote v on the resolution) to vary the Constitu ution. Commonwea alth Bank of Ausstralia | ACN 12 23 123 124
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