u 12th November, 2014 Dear Parents/Caregivers, Staff, Students and Friends of St Thomas’, Our St Thomas’ School is supported by two effective parent groups – the School Board and the Parents and Friends Association. Monday evening saw the AGM of our P&F and this provided us with an opportunity to thank all those wonderful parents who have supported the P&F and thus the school during this year and in particular those who have held positions on the P&F Executive. Our thanks to Siobhan Carroll – President for the past 2 years and Melinda Covill – Vice President, Kyle-Ann Walsh – Treasurer and Amanda Hawes – Secretary, for their wonderful work, commitment and support during 2014. What a privilege it was to congratulate our 2014 P&F Executive, committee members and convenors and welcome those stepping into the roles for 2015. Our St Thomas’ community thanks you. Congratulations to the 2015 Committee on their election. President: Richard Armitage Vice-President: Allannah Traill Secretary: Lisa Moroney Asst. Secretary: Amanda Hawes Treasurer: Jo Lindsay Asst. Treasurer: Tracy Cox Communications: Kirsty Catalano and Caitie Duncan Events: Loretta Jordan-Vieira Sponsorship: Monica Phillips It is your willingness and generosity which ensures St Thomas’ is a vibrant and active school community. Those involved on the School Board also deserve our thanks for their commitment and support of St Thomas’. We, as a school community are very blessed with the generosity of spirit of many within our community and we thank God for such blessings. Newsletter 34 Coming Events November 13 Volunteer Induction 8:40am (Last of the year) 14 Public Holiday G20 24 Prayer Service Thank you to our Volunteers led by Year 4 students 8:30am Noble Tree Centre Hall 28 Summer Celebration 6pm followed by end of year BBQ December 3 Graduation 5 End of school year 12noon January 2015 Wednesday 28 Term 1 commences Tonight is the final School Board meeting for this 2014 school year. My thanks to our Board Chair – Louise Power and all Board members: Fr. Peter Casey, Elizabeth Jones, Penney Taylor, Louise Power, Amanda Yeates, Madonna King, Brendan McLearie, Di Ames and Noel Covill for their wonderful efforts and support for all we try to achieve here at St Thomas’. We especially thank Madonna King who steps down from the Board at the end of this year. Madonna has been a most valued member and offered support through her wisdom, expertise and by challenging our ideas. Our St Thomas’ community thanks you. As the end of the year quickly approaches, many end of year activities are on the agenda, including year level excursions. On Tuesday our Preps will visit Twelfth Night Theatre to enjoy a live theatrical production, followed on Friday, 21st November by a trip to Dreamworld for our Year 6 and 7 Leaders whilst the Year 5s will enjoy a day at the Chermside Aquatic Centre. Included with today’s Thomatalk you will find our review of the 2014 year. In March this year you will have received our St. Thomas’ School Renewal Plan Goals for 2014 and today’s report lists some of the achievements towards attaining those goals. Brisbane Catholic Education’s 5 year Strategic Renewal Framework, upon which we have based our goal setting, the framework for Catholic Schooling in the Archdiocese of Brisbane and forms our priorities for the 2012-16 period. Be sure to take time to read the published achievements document to celebrate our school’s continuing journey. Preparations for 2015 are well under way with enrolments for Years 1-6 still occurring regularly. To enable families the opportunity to prepare for the 2015 school year our uniform shop has been opening for additional hours. We are very grateful to Paula Lisignoli who singlehandedly runs the uniform shop and gives up much of her own time to ensure all families have an opportunity to visit the shop during this busy time. Many thanks Paula. Though we still have 3½ weeks of this 2014 school year remaining filled with work to complete, activities, concerts etc. our focus is also on the 2015 school year. Staffing is yet to be finalised but the class teachers are meeting with Ros Kelly, our Learning Support Teacher, on class placements for 2015. Reflective of year level numbers the following classes will be in place during 2015: Prep Year Year Year Blue, Prep White 1 Blue, Year 1 White 2 Blue, Year 2 White 3 Blue, Year 3 White Year Year Year Year 4 Blue, Year 4 White 5 Blue 5/6 White 6 Blue Once again this year all students will get together in their 2015 class groups and teacher during the final week of term. During the busyness of this time of the year and in the frantic lead up to Christmas let us not allow ourselves to become too lost in all the demands. Every now and then, we all need a little “stop and ponder” moment, just to take stock of how our life is going along. The following few lines might give us a “ponder” or two on an all too familiar topic: “We’re too busy it seems to take time for dreams or to go for a walk in the sun. Too busy today, no time for play too busy just getting things done. Too busy to watch the children play we don’t hear half the things they say. Will our hearts be filled with misgivings, when we learn we’ve been too busy for living?” Adapted. Too Busy. Hilda It is true that the more we expect of life the busier it becomes and the more complicated and cluttered it gets. Inevitably, this leads to less time we have available to appreciate the good things we have in life. Confucius definitely had it right when he said, “Life is really simple, but we insist in making it complicated.” How much of our business and life-clutter is brought about by our being caught up in the consumer culture that focuses on making money and then spending it on what we think we need. What were once considered to be luxuries are now seen as necessities and, as we scramble to maintain and pay for all these new “necessities”, we might ponder the words of the Monk, Thomas Merton, who in 1968 said that, “Rather than be dazzled by all the new gadgets offered in each year’s new automobiles, we might do better to ask how we had come to build a society in which we are so dependent on cars in the first place.” When St James wrote his letter to the new Christians in about 50 A.D., his words were directed towards practical wisdom and guidance for Christian attitudes and conduct and contained the following, “….. those who avidly pursue riches will disappear like a flower in the field, in the midst of a busy life, they will wither away.” There is a danger that family life can be affected, for at the end of a busy day each family member is both tired and overstimulated; each person is seeking love in the family as well as healing and emotional nourishment. All too often weariness, frustration and irritation boil to the surface and family conversation can become bitter and sharp instead of gentle and kind. It’s a true case of not being able to give what we do not have, even when it is our loved ones who are in need of our giving. When we look at the Gospels that tell of Jesus’ life, it does appear that he was a very busy person. However, Jesus was also a person who celebrated life with enthusiasm from the beginning of his public life at the marriage feast at Cana to after his Resurrection, when some of the Apostles came ashore after fishing all night and found Jesus cooking breakfast for them. Our “wants” and “desires” can cause our life to rush past us. Probably, we all need to spend time on ourselves to ensure our physical and spiritual welfare and so that: “…. Our hearts will not be filled with misgivings, and we’ve not been too busy for living.” Adapted version God’s blessings. Lorraine Walker R.E. NEWS St Vincent de Paul Christmas Hamper Appeal On Monday morning the Christmas Hamper Appeal was launched. The food collected is distributed to those in need in this area – and the need has not lessened in 2014 – so please give generously. Vinnies would like Christmassy food and food to make a meal for Christmas day. Here are some suggestions: tins of fruit/vegetables, biscuits, jellies, long-life custards, anything tinned, bottled or packaged that is festive – think what you would like to eat at Christmas. There will be boxes in the classrooms – hopefully every class can fill a couple or four! Start shopping this week and a token basket will be presented at our last day liturgy on Friday 4th December – 25 sleeps away. Thank you. APRE This Friday we will not be where we usually are: some may be up the coast, down the coast, on the bay or just relaxing in the backyard. Some very powerful people (and lots of others around them) won’t be relaxing at all. I am not sure what will come out of this event but I think a prayer for good decision making is in order – as well as for peace in our troubled world. Dear God, Let us pray for wisdom. May there be time to pause from thinking and let the minds empty, stop the noise and in the silence listen to the heart. May these leaders then mend this outer world according to the truth of their life and may their souls be shaped and nourished by nature’s eternal wisdom. Amen. Elizabeth Jones, APRE 2014 School Fee Finalisation Please note that Term 4 school fees were due on 31st October. In order to finalise our end of year financials in preparation for rollover to 2015 your cooperation is sought to have all outstanding school fee accounts settled as soon as possible. Please contact me at the office if you need to discuss any matter relating to school fees. Robyn Weston, Finance Secretary Music News Strings Concert 20th November All strings students are performing in our end of year concert. Details are: Date: Thursday 20th November Venue: Noble Tree Centre Time: Arrive at 6.45pm to tune up. Concert starts at 7.00pm. Dress: Free dress All welcome, especially any students wanting to start strings next year. Catherine Hertle P&F News SAVE THE DATE: Friday 28 November is the event of the year! The School Concert (Summer Celebration) followed by the End of Year BBQ! The concert will run from 6pm - 6.30pm followed by the BBQ. This year Carindale Rotary will be cooking up sausages, steak sandwiches and veggie burgers, (veggies please email me so I can get numbers)! There will be pizza, soft drinks, snow cones and a fully stocked bar. There will also be loads of glow toys for the children so please join us to celebrate what has been a terrific year. We are always looking for helpers on the night (bar, drinks, pizzas, set up etc.) so please email Loretta ([email protected]) if you can assist for half an hour or so. We are also looking for a soft drinks convenor (very easy job as all the work is already done but we do need someone to manage things on the night). Big thanks go out to Mel and Arj from the Pig & Whistle for the wine donation, Donna Leahy and our fantastic convenors who always so kindly help us out, Cherie & Miguel Jimenez and Leona & Matt Pearson! Scholastic Book Club Don't forget - Book Club orders (the last one for the year) are due back this Thursday 14th November at 3pm. If there are any special orders that parents would like to collect directly from the office - please make a note on the order form and include your name and phone number so that you can be contacted. Karen Wood, Book Club Co-ordinator Uniform Shop News All uniforms donated for sale MUST be laundered and ironed. No stained or damaged goods will be accepted. Second hand hats and shoes are not sold. EXTRA OPENING HOURS BEFORE 2015 SCHOOL YEAR Thursday, 13th November 2014 2:30pm – 3:30pm Tuesday, 18th November 2014 Thursday, 20th November 2014 2:30pm – 3:30pm 2:30pm – 3:30pm Thursday, 22nd January 2015 8:00am – 10:00am A reminder to Prep parents about uniform changes for your child in Year 1. Please don’t forget to remove the yellow hat ribbon and that anklet socks are not worn with our day uniform. Graduation Bear and Ball Order forms for these items are available at the school office or the Uniform Shop. Orders close on Friday, 21st November. Paula Lisignoli, Uniform Shop Convenor Tuckshop Rosters Tuckshop Roster for Thursday, 13th November Richard Armitage, Kate Miles, Kathy Pentland, Kathy Ralston, Nicole Wood. Home Bake Roster for Thursday, 13th November Amanda Hawes, Cathy Drummond, Helen Vickers, Julie Saunders, Kate Miles, Leah Coogans, Nicole Wood. Tuckshop Roster for Monday, 17th November Beth Bailey, Caitlin Duncan, Gina Shelley, Leah Coogans, Loretta Jordan-Vieira, Vicki Rossi. Home Bake Roster for Monday, 17th November Ange Glancy, Beth Reid, Denise Smith, Jo Genders, Kyle Walsh, Monica Phillips, Su-en Martin. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all those who have celebrated recently especially Bess Gosling, Max Gosling, Cooper Frangi, Katie Prove, Sarah Dove, Nick Greaves, Millie Price, Annie Shirley, Charlie Thomas, Xavier Webb, Gabrielle Cain, and celebrating today Thomas Kennedy. Hope your day was great. Library News This is the last week for library borrowing for 2014. All books to be returned to the school library by tomorrow, Thursday, 13th November please. Mrs Stewart, Mrs Irwin, Mrs Henricks Sports News LIVE YOUR LIFE TODAY!!! Tennis A number of our students are participating in the Pure Tennis primary school tennis challenge on Sundays from 11.00am to 12.30pm. This is a great opportunity to learn to play in a slightly competitive environment at a very reasonable cost. There are still places left for the next few weeks if you have not been able to make the last few weeks. HPE Lessons I have been concentrating on the basic skills and game play strategies for use in tennis. The students are showing improvements in their hand-eye co-ordination with both ball play and with the use of racquets. We have many talented players at St Thomas’. Swimming Lessons have commenced for Year 3. Could parents please ensure that your child has all necessary items for these classes-swim cap, towel, swimmers and sun-shirt. This is a good time to ensure that your child is water-safe and capable of saving themselves in a deep water situation. Beep Test Last week students in Years 4,5,6 and 7 performed a modified beep test to determine the student’s cardio-vascular fitness . Many of our students are of an average or above fitness level. Summer holidays are a great opportunity to improve on basic cardio fitness by enjoying the inherent values of swimming, cycling, running and walking for a few fitness activities. Janet McAfee, HPE Teacher. Road Safety As a community, we have worked diligently to eliminate unsafe traffic practices around our school that endanger the lives of our children. It appears some families are unaware of these practices and therefore I feel it is timely to be reminded again, so that we can all continue to be vigilant. These dangerous traffic practices include: Exceeding the speed limit in the vicinity of the school. Cars lining up at the pick-up point before 3:00pm when the children are dismissed and therefore parking dangerously at the corner of Stephen and Joseph Streets. Parking in the two-minute drop-off/pick-up zones and leaving the car to collect children. Ignoring directions from the crossing supervisor. Parking/stopping to collect children in the bus and crossing zones in Perth Street. Neglecting to use the crossings provided in both Stephen and Perth Streets. Ignoring street signage and traffic markings. We are all aware that traffic and children do not mix, but the risk to our children can be eliminated if parents/caregivers: Refrain from engaging in these illegal and unsafe practices. Are considerate of others and put all children’s safety before a little bit of inconvenience or effort. Park in the numerous side streets around the school and walk 50 metres (or less) to collect their children. Arrive after 3:05pm to collect children when much of the traffic has dispersed. Pick Up Zones Please be aware that children are only to exit and enter the first two/three cars in the line. If the child you are collecting is not ready, please do not stay at the top of the line and impede the flow, instead do a lap and join the back of the queue again. I would ask that all in our community commit/re-commit themselves to the above. The safety of our children must always be paramount! Thank you A big thank you, to you, the wonderful people of St Thomas Parish and School for your support for the Melbourne Cup Fundraiser for the Good Samaritan Foundation. The day was a great success. Special thanks to all who joined in on the day, those who bought and sold raffle tickets, those who donated vouchers and hampers. Special thanks to you all for supporting us so generously with the raffle. The winners of the raffle were 1st Prize $500.00 Pat Lindsay, Bulimba. 2nd Prize $300.00 Ann Wendt, Bulimba. 3rd Prize $200.00 Alma Thompson, Charters Towers 4th Prize Framed painting “Poppies Aglow” Evelyn Neave, Camp Hill. Blessings in abundance to you all. Camp Hill Bowls Club helloworld Capalaba Ray White Morningside Xennox Diamonds Mary Randle sgs and all the Good Sam Sisters. 07 07 07 07 3398 3245 3638 3210 1297 www.camphillbowls.com 4377 [email protected] 4700 6288 www.xennoxdiamonds.com.au 10 Stephen Street Camp Hill, Qld 4152 Email: [email protected] Please support the wonderful sponsors that support our school! Camp Hill Bowls Club helloworld Capalaba Ray White Morningside Xennox Diamonds AJ Crossfit and Personal Training Carina Leagues Club Fruition Tuition - Camp Hill Highly Strung Imago Photography Langlands Park Memorial Pool Libertine Perfumerie Mama's Home McPherson Plant Hire Miss Cocoa Party Time Amusements Ray White Stones Corner Vivid Photography 0423 176 808 (07) 3843 9200 (07) 3843 0080 [email protected] (07) 3395 5800 (07) 3397 7436 (07) 3216 0122 (07) 3357 3333 (07) 3843 4147 (07) 3868 4488 (07) 5543 6328 (07) 3394 2338 (07) 3391 7999 Aaron Dillaway MP ADG Engineers (Aust) Pty Ltd Bakers Delight Camp Hill Brisbane Marriott Hotel Bryan Byrt Volkswagen Cineplex Australia CocoBelle hair studio Crusty Devil Bakehouse Pty Ltd Domino's Pizza Carindale Frances Suter Photography Goodlife Health Club Holland Park Granada Café Tapas Bar Harvey Norman - Carindale Ithaca Ice Works John Pearcy Audiology Katrina Christ Photographer McGuires' Hotels Olli Skin Pig ‘n’ Whistle Renaissance Retirement Living Councillor Shayne Sutton Southern Cross Protection (07) 3399 9492 (07) 3300 8844 (07) 3324 9485 (07) 3303 8000 0418 886 777 (07) 3899 3450 (07) 3161 5331 (07) 3890 1018 (07) 3109 2099 (07) 3899 0107 (07) 3849 9700 (07) 3844 4757 (07) 3398 0600 (07) 3348 7855 (07) 3398 8862 (07) 3891 5885 (07) 33998222 (07) 3395 1088 (07) 3832 9099 (07) 3820 7700 (07) 3407 8200 1300 136 102 (07) 3398 1297 (07) 3245 4377 (07) 3638 4700 (07) 3210 6288 www.camphillbowls.com [email protected] www.xennoxdiamonds.com.au www.ajcrossfit.com www.carinaleaguesclub.com.au www.tutorfruition.com.au/camphill www.facebook.com/HighlyStrungAUS imagophotography.com.au www.langlandspool.com.au www.libertineparfumerie.com.au www.mamashome.com.au www.mcphersonplanthire.com.au www.misscocoa.com.au www.partytimeamusements.com.au raywhitestonescorner.com.au www.vividphotography.com.au www.aarondillaway.com.au www.adgce.com www.bakersdelight.com.au www.marriott.com.au www.bryanbyrtvw.com.au www.cineplex.com.au www.facebook.com/cocobellehair www.crustydevil.com.au www.dominos.com.au/store/Qld/carindale/98063 francessuter.com.au www.goodlifehealthclubs.com.au www.granadatapasbar.com.au www.harveynorman.com.au ithacaice.com.au johnpearcyaudiology.com.au/jpa/ www.katrinachrist.com.au www.mcguireshotels.com.au www.olliskin.com.au www.pignwhistle.com.au www.renaissancerl.com.au www.shaynesutton.com.au www.sxprotection.com.au Style Electrical Pty Ltd Suncorp Talentpath Teenie & Tiny Treetops Montville (07) 3343 8017 13 11 55 (07) 3221 7635 (07) 3395 3680 1800 087 330 [email protected] (07) 3398 2931 (07) 3265 8111 0413 339 845 (07) 3395 0725 (07) 3324 6200 (07) 3395 8555 (07) 3855 3966 (07) 3398 2107 (07) 3420 6120 (07) 3843 3011 (07) 5588 1111 (07) 3848 4000 (07) 3398 6945 (07) 3847 4106 (07) 3901 6577 (07) 3391 3530 (07) 3398 3153 aaliyahandi.com basilscoffee.com.au www.brisent.com.au bsorted.com.au (07) 3736 4400 www.jephsonhotel.com.au Aaliya and I Basils Pty Ltd Brisbane Entertainment Centre bsorted Café XS Carindale Hotel Carr Automotive Charlies Fruit Market Clem Jones Centre Clout and Turner Travel Danzart Dreamworld Espial Interiors + Gifts Fluid the Color Salon Green Earth landscaping Pty Ltd Happy Cakes by Kylie Mann Heinz Meats Idyllic Beauty Jephson Hotel & Covet Bar and Restaurant Learn Music McDonalds Coorparoo Morningside Picture Framing Norman Park Central Newsagency Officeworks Woolloongabba Pacific Golf Club Pizza Capers Queensland Festival and Events Shazzle Dazzle Face Painting Stuart Harland -Place Camp Hill Studio Pilates International Tans Taekwondo The Green Papaya Village Roadshow Theme Parks Watermark Plumbing (07) 3511 7602 (07) 3397 9956 (07) 3899 1088 (07) 3899 9255 (07) 3896 2300 (07) 3343 0888 (07) 3395 2111 0414 714 701 0423 15 9991 (07) 3107 2111 (07) 3899 4555 (07) 3311 1991 (07) 3843 5366 13 33 86 0417 620 502 www.learnmusic.biz mcdonalds.com.au www.pro-photography.com.au www.normanparknews.com.au www.officeworks.com.au www.pacificgolf.com.au www.pizzacapers.com.au www.qfe.com.au shazzledazzlefacepainting.jimdo.com www.eplace.com.au/staffmember.cfm?StaffID=97324 www.studiopilates.com/hawthorne.html www.tans.com.au www.greenpapaya.com.au themeparks.com.au www.watplumb.net.au Adorne Carindale Australia Zoo Big W Carindale Billabong Birdie and Mia's Bobbi Belle Style Carina Meat Supply Chris' SUPA IGA Coles Discount Drug Store Whites Hill Gardiner Chess Grill'd Camp Hill (07) 3843 1499 (07) 5436 2000 (07) 3115 3300 (07) 5589 9899 (07) 3395 4684 (07) 3394 1166 (07) 3398 3903 (07) 3398 1634 (07) 3308 6100 (07) 3398 7725 (07) 5522 7221 (07) 3843 4444 www.styleelectrical.com.au www.suncorp.com.au www.talentpath.com.au www.facebook.com/teenieandtiny treetopsmontville.com.au www.carindalehotel.com.au [email protected] www.charliesfruitmarket.com.au www.clemjonescentre.com.au www.travel-associates.com.au/clout www.danzart.com.au www.dreamworld.com.au www.espial.com.au www.fluidsalons.com www.greenearthls.com.au [email protected] www.heinzmeats.com.au www.idyllicbeauty.com.au www.adorne.com.au www.australiazoo.com.au www.bigw.com.au www.billabong.com www.facebook.com/BobbiBelleStyle www.igacarina.com.au www.coles.com.au www.discountdrugstores.com.au/stores/Qld/brisbane/whites-hill www.gardinerchess.com.au www.grilld.com.au Hairdressers of Camp Hill HART Sport Joanna Gianniotis – Place Bulimba John's Barber Shop Laserforce Little Grace Merlo coffee Mookie Designs Sirromet Stanley Road News Styles on Stanley Terri Butler - Member for Griffiths (07) 3398 1099 1300 764 719 [email protected] www.hartsport.com.au 0433 168 761 eplace.com.au 0413 519 845 (07) 3891 1031 (07) 3395 2125 (07) 3620 4200 (07) 3899 8492 (07) 3206 2999 (07) 3843 2099 (07) 3843 3100 (07) 3899 4031 The Rabbit Hole 0410 119 341 (07) 3432 5100 (07) 3168 1034 (07) 3252 0666 [email protected] www.facebook.com/JohnsBarberShopCampHill www.laserforce.com.au www.facebook.com/pages/Little-Grace/120112731438658 merlo.com.au 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