9/18/2008 11:19 AMError! No table of contents entries found. PERSONAL SERVICE AGREEMENT MANUAL REV. 9/18/2008 11:19 AM TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. II. III. Introduction 3 A. B. C. 4 5 5 Purpose Assistance Outline of a Legally Sufficient Contract The Personal Service Agreement 6 A. B. C. 6 7 Definition Contacts When (and When Not) To Use A PSA 7 Procedures, Rules and Regulations 8 A. B. The Personal Service Agreement (PSA) Request The PSA Process 8 8 C. Affidavits from State Contractors, State Employees Awarding Contracts 8 D. E. F. The Bid Process Signatures of Approval State Code of Ethics 9 9 10 IV. Completing a Personal Service Agreement (PSA) – “How to Complete the Form CO-802A” 10 V. Personal Service Agreement Late Submittal 16 VI. The Certified Resolution-Authorization of Contractor Signature 17 VII. Term of Contract for Individual Contractors 17 VIII. Amending a Personal Service Agreement 17 IX. Canceling a Personal Service Agreement 18 X. Income Tax Withholding for Athletes and Entertainers 19 XI. Payment of Personal Service Agreements 19 XII. Obligations 20 1 A. B. C. Responsibilities of the Requesting Department (Including What to Send in your PSA Package) Responsibilities of the Office of the Vice President for Operations Responsibilities of the Office of the Attorney General 20 21 21 XIII. General Guidelines - Four Points to Remember 21 XIV. Where to Call for Help 22 A. B. C. PSA Process and Approvals RFP Process Invoice Payments 22 22 22 EXHIBITS 23 Exhibit A Personal Service Agreement (PSA) Request Form Exhibit B Electronic Personal Service Agreement Form 802A Exhibit C Amendment Templates Exhibit D Personal Service Agreement (PSA) Late Submittal Form Exhibit E PSA Justification Exhibit F Corporate Resolution Guidelines and Sample forms for Corporate and Certified Resolutions Exhibit G University Signature Authority as directed by an “Excerpt from the Minutes of the Meeting of the University of Connecticut Board of Trustees” Exhibit H Invoice – Voucher for Goods or Services Form CO-17 2 NOTE: CONTRACTORS MAY NOT BEGIN SERVICE PRIOR TO RECEIVING A FULLY EXECUTED CONTRACT. ♦ If you are preparing a “GRANT FUNDED” Personal Service Agreement please click here: http://www.osp.uconn.edu/subawards.php I. Introduction The process for preparation and review of Personal Service Agreements can be time-consuming and at times, frustrating. However, while many unanticipated variables could delay the final approval of a Personal Service Agreement (PSA), a consistent use of this manual and attention to detail when preparing the PSA Request Form and the PSA Form itself will reduce contract review and approval time and prevent unnecessary returns for revision. It is also important that sufficient time be given when determining the contract period to insure that the contracted services do not begin prior to the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Thorough preparation of the PSA and its required documentation; Execution (original signature) by the Contractor; Return and execution by the Department; Review by the University Administration for form and procurement of Signatures; 5. Review and execution by the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) in Storrs for legal sufficiency of contracts over $3,000 and submission for approval to the Associate Attorney General in Hartford of contracts $100,000+; and, 6. Return to the University for distribution to Accounts Payable for payment authorization, and the return of copies of the PSA to the originating department. To expedite the proper completion and approval of University Personal Service Agreements, this manual has been prepared in conjunction with an Electronic Personal Service Agreement (MS Excel format) to assist University staff in the preparation of a University contract that is legally sufficient and approved in a timely manner. Personal Service Agreements will NOT be reviewed if they are not prepared on the current, Electronic PSA Form, which can be found at http://www.psa.uconn.edu/. A. Purpose: 3 The purpose of this manual is to present the University of Connecticut (UConn) administrative and academic departments with procedures and guidelines necessary for successful acquisition of personal services that are not available within the State employment system. As such, Personal Service Agreements serve as a vehicle for the employment of contractors for a term of not more than one year. Note: Personal Service Agreements may be extended or renewed, provided the Provost or appropriate Vice President/Vice Provost, are notified of such extension or renewal. Before requesting the services of an outside contractor, all State agencies are expected to first consider alternatives that include the services of existing University staff, those from other State agencies, non-compensated assistance from outside resources and/or purchasing services in cooperation with other State agencies. Note that retired members of the State Employee Retirement System cannot be placed on Personal Service Agreements. Instead, they are to be placed on Special Payroll in 120-day positions. They cannot work more than 120 working days in a calendar year. For your convenience we have provided the following Exhibits located at the end of this manual: ♦ Personal Service Agreement (PSA) Request Form (Exhibit A) ♦ Electronic Personal Service Agreement Form 802A (Exhibit B) with prompts for easier use ♦ Amendment Templates (Exhibit C) ♦ PSA Late Submittal Form (Exhibit D) ♦ PSA Justification (Exhibit E) ♦ Corporate Resolution Guidelines and Sample forms for Corporate and Certified Resolutions (Exhibit F) ♦ University Signature Authority as directed by an “Excerpt from the Minutes of the Meeting of the University of Connecticut Board of Trustees” (Exhibit G) ♦ Invoice – Voucher for Goods or Services Form CO-17 (Exhibit H) B. Assistance: 4 If you have any questions concerning this process, or need assistance in completing any of the forms for non-grant funded PSAs, please contact the Office of the Vice President (860) 486-4340. C. Outline of a Legally Sufficient Contract 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Outline format must be used consistently and correctly (no bullets please); No attachments. Every term and condition of the contract must be included on the face of the PSA or on continuing pages that are sequentially numbered from Page 1 of the PSA; A thorough, yet concise description of services explaining in detail – who, what, when, where, why and how services will be provided. Services should be listed in chronological order, avoiding any vague or technical language and/or undefined acronyms; If the contract is with an out-of-state contractor, it must state that it will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with Connecticut law (see page 3 of the PSA). In no event should a contract state that it will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the law of another state; The contract must not contain a provision obligating the state to mediate or arbitrate any dispute arising under the contract, or to bring or defend a suit arising out of or in connection with the contract in another jurisdiction (as this may be interpreted as a waiver of the state’s sovereign immunity); Hold harmless provisions are not granted by the State of Connecticut, as it would constitute a waiver of sovereign immunity. Specific questions regarding such requests should be brought directly to the Storrs Office of the Attorney General for discussion prior to final recommendation; Payment section must indicate a maximum payable amount, itemizing HOURLY services [i.e. $250 per eight hours of service], costs, travel expenses, equipment costs, etc; Any corporate certifications or resolutions must be adopted prior to the execution of the contract, have an original corporate seal affixed near the original signatures [if none, “L.S.” may be used], must be executed by someone authorized to do so, and if it states only the title of a person, a certification by a corporate officer stating the officer’s name is required; and, Amendments to a PSA must be completed prior to the existing contract end date, have a copy of the original PSA and all prior amendments attached and clearly define the revisions. An expired contract CANNOT be amended. 5 II. The Personal Service Agreement (PSA) A. Definition The Personal Service Agreement (often referred to as a PSA) is a contract for professional or technical services between the University and individuals, partnerships or corporations. These contractors are not employees of the State, but are hired for a fee to provide services that are infrequent and unique, and primarily noncompetitive in nature. A Personal Service Agreement between the University and a contractor shall have a term of not more than one year. All contracts over $3,000 require review for legal sufficiency and execution by the Assistant Attorney General in Storrs and approval of an Associate Attorney General in Hartford for all Personal Service Agreements valued at $100,000 or more. Personal Service Agreements (Form 802A) must be executed and approved PRIOR to the performance of service. All Personal Service Agreements for the University of Connecticut must be submitted on the revised electronic PSA form (Rev. 10/2003) as follows: ♦ OVER $3,000 – 60 DAYS PRIOR TO THE START OF SERVICES ♦ $3,000 OR UNDER – 30 DAYS PRIOR TO THE START OF SERVICES The electronic PSA form eliminates older versions of the form that no longer conform to State laws. It will also expedite sign-off and save delays and postage by enabling departments to e-mail the completed PSA to a contractor for review, signature and return to the department and then processing through the Office of the Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. The Personal Service Agreement form clearly states that no liability for payment shall occur until the contractor is notified that the agreement has been accepted by the University and approved by the Attorney General of the State of Connecticut. 6 B. Contacts Personal Service Agreements are to be submitted to Office of the Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Unit 2014 – (860) 486-4340. A PSA Justification (Exhibit E) must accompany every Personal Service Agreement listing: 1) 2) 3) The source of funding & program associated with the contract; The reason for procuring services outside of the University; and, The consequences to the University of not entering into the agreement with the contractor. The original signed Personal Service Agreement, Corporate/Certified Resolution, NonDiscrimination Certification and PSA Justification must be forwarded for approval, in writing, to the Office of the Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Unit 2014, 60 days prior to the start of services being rendered. C. When (and When Not) To Use a PSA The PSA (Exhibit B in PSA Manual) is used for the commitment of funds concerning all non-employment contracts for personal services that are over $2,000 and are not issued on a Purchase Order. In addition, the University must utilize Personal Service Agreements if a contractor has been paid $2,000 during a calendar year. Personal services include assistance performed by individuals, partnerships or corporations of a professional or technical nature. All contracts over $3,000 require review and execution by the Education Division of the Office of the Attorney General in Storrs and require approval of an Associate Attorney General in Hartford for all contracts valued at $100,000 or more. Personal Service Agreements (Form 802A) must be executed and approved PRIOR to the performance of service. PSAs are not to be used in place of hiring regular full-time, part-time or temporary employees. PSAs will not be authorized for work that has been recognized as belonging to one of the collective bargaining units within the State System. PSAs are not the appropriate method to use for hiring temporary staff services. Such services include temporary or emergency assistance, typically in an effort to provide aid to a department until a vacancy is filled. If your department requires any temporary or emergency services, please contact the Department of Human Resources for information and assistance. In addition, the PSA is not the appropriate method for the hiring of an individual(s) to teach a class(es). The Adjunct Faculty process is the appropriate method for hiring part-time teaching services. Adjunct faculty are to be hired utilizing Special Payroll. 7 If it is determined that an employer/employee relationship exists and the contractor is acting as an employee, the requesting department will be instructed to contact the Department of Human Resources for information and assistance. III. Procedures, Rules and Regulations A. The Personal Service Agreement (PSA) Request It is recommended that all departments submitting requests for the preparation of a PSA to their staff be asked to complete a “Personal Service Agreement (PSA) Request Form,” which can be found at the end of the manual as Exhibit A. This form will provide specifics of the contract, including names, addresses, FEIN and SS numbers, description of services, schedule of payments, etc. to those preparing the PSA. B. The PSA Process Whenever possible, all services that are not unique to an individual, partnership, or corporation should be competitively bid or proposals (Request for Proposal – RFP) sought through the University Purchasing Office. Competitive bidding is required for any service in excess of $10,000 in accordance with C.G.S. 10a-151b. Please refer to Section III. Procedures, Rules and Regulations, D. The Bid Process for further information regarding competitive bidding for personal services. C. 1. PSAs of $3,000 or less must be approved and signed by the contractor and forwarded to the Office of the Vice President and Chief Operating Officer at least (30) business days prior to the actual contract starting date. 2. PSAs of $3,000 or more must be approved and signed by the contractor and forwarded to the Office of the Vice President and Chief Operating Officer at least (60) sixty business days prior to the actual contract start date. The administration will subsequently forward all PSAs over $3,000 to the Office of the Attorney General on the Storrs campus for legal review and execution. All contracts of $100,000 or more will be submitted to the Hartford Attorney General’s office for approval prior to the start of contracted services. Affidavits from State Contractors and Agency Certification forms must be included for large State Contracts above $50,000. Pursuant to Connecticut Statute 4-250 to 4-252, policy and forms concerning gift affidavits and certifications may be found at: http://www.ct.gov/opm/cwp/view.asp?a=3001&Q=386584&opmNav_GI D=1791&opmNav=| 8 Please note: It is in violation of State Policies and Procedures to split a contract for the purpose of avoiding the above process. UConn shall assume no liability for payment of services until the contractor is notified that this agreement has been accepted by UConn and, if applicable, the Attorney General. D. The Bid Process Whenever possible, all services that are not unique to one individual, partnership or corporation should be competitively bid via sealed bid or request for proposal (“RFP”). The bid process is initiated by calling the Purchasing Department at (860) 4862616. Prior to hiring an outside contractor, the requesting department should consider the following alternatives: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Use agency staff; Request resources from other state agencies; Seek non-compensated assistance from outside resources; Purchase services on a cooperative basis with other state agencies. 1. PSAs with a cost of more than $10,000 but less than or equal to $50,000 and a term of one year or less are to be based on competitive sealed bidding whenever possible. 2. PSAs with a cost of more than $50,000 are to be based on competitive sealed advertised bidding, and notice of such sealed bid shall be posted on the Internet. 3. The following are non-competitive situations: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ E. Entertainers and topical speakers Contractor is another government agency The contractor has proprietary services/patent rights A contractor has been specifically designated by the General Statutes or a public or special act Signatures of Approval Agency approval of Personal Service Agreements is limited to officers of the University designated by the Board of Trustees as having contract signing authority. For a current list of approved University signatories, please refer to an “Excerpt from the Minutes of the Meeting of the University of Connecticut Board of Trustees,” (Exhibit G) All non-grant funded PSAs are managed, reviewed and University approved signatures obtained through the Office of the Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for final approval by the Office of the Attorney General, as necessary. 9 F. State Code of Ethics The General Statutes of the State of Connecticut make provisions for preventing one from using his/her public position or confidential information gained in State service for personal financial benefit. In accordance with C.G.S. 1-84(i), a State employee and his/her immediate family are prohibited from entering into contracts with the State with a value of $100 or more unless the contract has been awarded through an open and public process (bidding satisfies the requirement; compliance could take the form of placing an advertisement on the web site). Personal Service Agreements are considered one such type of contract. State employees may not use Personal Service Agreements for the purpose of contracting with a relative (father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, first cousin, nephew, niece, wife, husband, grandparent, father-in-law, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, stepfather, stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother, stepsister, half brother, half sister or domestic partner). Such action may be in violation of the State Code of Ethics and may be subject to an investigation. Personal Service Agreements may not be used to contract with any individual, corporation or other business entity in which the requester may have a financial interest. IV. Completing a Personal Service Agreement (PSA) – “How to Complete the Form CO-802A” BLOCK NO. A. CONTRACTORS MAY NOT BEGIN SERVICE PRIOR TO RECEIVING AN APPROVED FULLY EXECUTED CONTRACT. (CONTRACT SIGNED BY ALL PARTIES INCLUDING THE OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL, IF APPLICABLE.) B. To prevent error, PSAs MUST BE TYPED. The ensuing instructions refer to the sample PSA (Form CO-802A, Exhibit B). Following these instructions will help ensure successful completion of a PSA. (Please note: Each item number corresponds to the PSA Block #). C. Hold Harmless Clauses – Please note that hold harmless provisions are not granted by the State, as it would constitute a waiver of sovereign immunity. Specific Questions regarding such requests should be brought directly to the Office of the Attorney General for discussion prior to final recommendation. D. Any changes to a contract must be initialed by both the contractor and the agency-authorized official. INFORMATION: 10 (1) Mark PSA as either an ORIGINAL or AMENDMENT. If Amendment, refer to Section VIII “Amending a PSA” to determine when an amendment is required and which amendment is to be utilized for your particular situation. (2) IDENTIFICATION NO. Leave Blank – The Office of the Vice President and Chief Operating Officer will assign the PSA number. (3) CONTRACTOR NAME, ADDRESS and FEIN/SSN. Enter the contractor’s complete name and address as on file with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS); and Federal Employer Identification Number if the contractor is a corporation, or enter the contractor’s Social Security Number if the contractor is an individual. The FEIN/SSN is to be repeated in Block 20. ♦ If contractor is not a United States citizen please call the Accounts Payable Office at (860) 486-1644 to determine the appropriate documents necessary to pay the contractor. (4) ARE YOU PRESENTLY A STATE OF CONNECTICUT EMPLOYEE? Personal Service Agreements are not to be used for State of Connecticut employees or retirees. (5) AGENCY NAME AND ADDRESS. Enter the campus address for the University; including department name and unit number as appropriate (exclude names of individuals). i.e. University of Connecticut, Office of the Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, 352 Mansfield Road, Unit 2014, Storrs, CT 062692014 (6) AGENCY NO. 7301 (7) DATE (FROM) THROUGH (TO). List the full contract period, allowing a 30day grace period for postponement, review and approval of contract*. The month/day/year should be abbreviated to the numeric date (i.e. list June 24, 2004 as 06/24/04, etc.). Block (23) requires the contract period as well. If services are rendered on one day, repeat the date in both the FROM and TO on both blocks (7) and (23). *When completing the contract period, please consider possible postponements (i.e. inclement weather, etc.) and allow for enough “grace” days for such unexpected occurrences, as well as the required time for review and approval of the contract before payment can be processed by the Department. Doing so will avoid the necessity of preparing an amended PSA. (8) INDICATE MASTER AGREEMENT, CONTRACT AWARD, OR NEITHER. Check “Neither” 11 (9) (10) CANCELLATION CLAUSE. Enter the number of days written notice is required for cancellation of the contract. This is a mandatory entry. Generally, the notice for cancellation is 45 days. However, this can vary depending on the contract. Failure to indicate a cancellation period by way of a written notice may obligate UConn to the contractor’s terms and conditions of the contract. [Refer to Section IX – Canceling a PSA.] It should never say N/A. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: When composing your description of services: A. Avoid Jargon - Use Standard English: Please be certain the language used in describing the services is standard English, concise, specific and that no acronyms or technical terms are used without first providing explanation. B. Be Specific – Avoid Vague Terms: Language that is vague (i.e. "design improvement") may result in disagreements between the contractor and UConn regarding completion of the services. C. Choose Your Words Carefully: (Obligation vs. Discretion) When choosing words for your Description of Services, use language that presents an “obligation” on the part of the contractor [i.e. shall, will, or must], rather than vague language which presents “discretion” on the part of the contractor [i.e., may, or, is permitted to]. When possible, use definitive action statements, (on occasion, you wish to convey limited discretion on the part of the contractor). • Rather than: "is designed to" Say Instead: "will" or "shall" Rather than: "should include" Say Instead: "will include" • Rather than: "are anticipated to" Say Instead: "will be" • Rather than: "a variety of" Say Instead: list examples • Rather than: using no limiting factors Say Instead: "up to" "not to exceed" "a maximum of" 12 D. USE "WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE AND HOW" AS A MANTRA: Use of these words will help you cover all aspects of the services you expect. You should be able to answer all of these questions in your description, keeping in mind that those reviewing your request may not be familiar with your program or your terms of industry. [If applicable, the contract must clearly identify who owns the developed product or service after completion of the PSA.] E. Be sure every paragraph of your contract is numbered (no bullets please). This allows for easier reference. F. DO NOT let anyone delete (or add) any language to pre-printed Terms and Conditions on Page 2 of the PSA, without prior approval of the Office of the Attorney General. G. WRITING YOUR DESCRIPTION: 1. CONTRACTOR AGREES TO . . . Enter a complete description of the services that the contractor will provide. Please be certain the language used in describing the service is specific and that no acronyms or technical terms are used without first providing explanation 2. You may continue the description of services on page 3; however, reference to the continuation of the description of services must be noted on page one of the PSA in section (10) as “Contract continues on page 3 of X” and all continuing pages must be numbered sequentially. 3. A contractor’s proposal or pre-printed forms should NOT be used as an attachment, unless it is a template in the form of a rider, subgrant agreement or affiliation agreement that has been approved by the Office of the Attorney General. Even this, needs to state on page one of the PSA in section (10) “Contract continues on page 3 of X”. 4. Provide a complete explanation of the need for the services. If the services are required by Statute, provide the statutory reference. 5. Since a Department Head cannot authorize a University contract, we have removed that signature line from the PSA and placed it instead on the new PSA REQUEST FORM, which initiates the contract preparation process. This form is kept within the originating Department and is not submitted with the PSA. 6. CONTACT NAME & PHONE - Provide a typed name and telephone number of the person to contact if there is a problem or question regarding the agreement during processing (e.g. Department Administrative Assistant or any other person who may have extensive knowledge of the agreement with the contractor.) 13 (11) COST AND PAYMENT SCHEDULE A. PAYMENT TO BE MADE UNDER THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE, UPON RECEIPT OF PROPERLY EXECUTED AND APPROVED INVOICES. The terms and conditions regarding the cost and schedule of payments to the contractor must be specific. B. Payment will not be made until the terms are met, a vendor’s invoice has been received and has been approved for payment and an Invoice – Voucher for Goods or Services form CO-17 (Exhibit H to PSA Manual) is provided to the Accounts Payable Department. C. If periodic (interim) payments for the contract are desired, you might consider indicating a hold back of a large enough sum for the final payment, which will offer the contractor an incentive to finish the work. Normal payment terms are Net 45 days from receipt of properly executed invoice. When paying in increments be sure to spell out exactly when payments are to be made, for how much and when (e.g. upon completion of a specific task or on a specific date). D. When Completing the Cost and Payment Section, Ask Yourself This Question: if the contract were terminated for any reason prior to completion, would a court be able to determine what portion of the services have been provided and how much the contractor is owed for those services? Therefore, if possible, it is always preferable to state a rate payable by the day, by the hour, or by the discreet task. E. For payments to athletes and entertainers, refer to Section X. Income Tax Withholding for Athletes and Entertainers for relevant tax withholding guidelines. F. If travel reimbursement is to be made part of the contract, it must be calculated in accordance with standard State of Connecticut regulations relating to travel. 14 G. The bottom of your cost and payment section must state: “MAXIMUM AMOUNT PAYABLE UNDER THIS CONTRACT IS $____.” The total dollar amount of the contract must be listed here. If expenses are included in total cost, it should clearly state: “Total maximum amount payable (inclusive of all expenses and any applicable subcontracts) is $____.” H. REMEMBER: If the contract value is $50,000 or more, gift affidavits and agency certification forms MUST accompany the PSA. The Affidavit forms are available at: http://www.ct.gov/opm/cwp/view.asp?a=3001&Q=386584&op mNav_GID=1791&opmNav=|. (12 – 19) Leave blank. (20) Same as Block 3. (21- 22) Leave blank. (23) CONTRACT PERIOD (FROM/TO). List the full contract period. The month/day/year should be abbreviated to the numeric date (i.e. list June 24, 2000 as 06/24/00, etc.). Block (7) requires the contract period as well. If services are rendered on one day, repeat the date in both the FROM and TO on both blocks (7) and (23). When completing the contract period, please consider possible postponements (i.e. inclement weather, etc.) and allow for enough “grace” days to allow for such unexpected occurrences. Doing so will avoid the necessity of preparing an amended PSA. (24-25) Leave blank. (26) List maximum dollar amount to be paid to contractor. (27) Leave as “7301” (28-29) Complete with your department coding. (30-31) Leave blank. (32) List the FRS account to be charged (ensure that there are adequate funds in the account to be encumbered). 15 (33) F.Y. Enter the current fiscal year (34) STATUTORY AUTHORITY. C.G.S. 10a-104 and 10a-108 are the Connecticut General Statutes that pertain to UConn’s purchasing authority. This reference is printed on the University’s Electronic Form Rev. 10/2003. (35) CONTRACTOR (OWNER OR AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE), TITLE, DATE – The signature of the individual authorized to enter contracts on behalf of the vendor is required. This name must agree with the name provided on the corporate resolution. Refer to Section VI – The Corporate/Certified Resolution – for further information. The signature must be original and in blue ink. The contractor must date his/her signature of the contract. The title of the contractor, if an individual, is always “CONTRACTOR”. If the contractor is an organization, the title will be the signatory’s organizational title (i.e. President, Director, etc.). The capacity in which the contractor has signed the contract must be correctly stated: if an individual (even if a d/b/a) — contractor; if on behalf of a corporation — office held (president, etc.); if on behalf of an LLC — member or manager; if on behalf of a partnership — general or limited partner. (36) AGENCY (AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL), TITLE, DATE – Leave Blank. Agency approval of Personal Service Agreements is limited to officers of the University designated by the Board of Trustees as having contract signing authority. For a list of approved University signatories, refer to “Excerpt from the Minutes of the Meeting of the University of Connecticut Board of Trustees”. (Exhibit G to PSA Manual.) The Office of the Vice President and Chief Operating Officer will obtain the appropriate signature for Block 36. (37) OFFICE OF POLICY & MGMT/DEPT OF ADMIN. SERV., TITLE, DATE – Leave Blank. Public Acts 91-256, 92-154, 93-201, and 99-285 authorize Connecticut higher education to purchase commodities and/or services without having to obtain the consent of the State of Connecticut, Department of Administrative Services (DAS). (38) ATTORNEY GENERAL (APPROVED AS TO FORM), DATE: - Leave Blank. Contracts with a value over $3,000 require the review and approval of the Attorney General’s Office. Please note: No contracted services over $3,000 may commence prior to the Attorney General’s signature of approval. The Office of the Vice President and Chief Operating Officer will obtain the appropriate signature for Block 38. 16 V. Personal Service Agreement (PSA) Late Submittal Submitting a State contract for approval after the start of the contract period is a clear violation of State Contracting Policies and Procedures. During State audit reviews the University has been sited for such violations. It is extremely important that all departments submit PSAs for approval prior to the start date of the contract period. PSAs valued at $3,000 or greater must be submitted at least 60 business days prior to the start date of the contract. PSAs valued at $3,000 or less must be submitted at least 30 business days prior to the start date of the contract. If a PSA must be submitted after the start date, a completed PSA Late Submittal Form http://psa.uconn.edu/forms/latepsaform.doc (Exhibit D) must be completed, signed by the appropriate Dean, Director or Department Head and submitted with the PSA. If the PSA is received without this document, it will be returned unprocessed. (PSAs will not be processed after the end date of the agreement.) VI. The Certified Resolution - Authorization of Contractor Signature All certifications, whether they are for Resolutions, By-Laws or Minutes, should be updated annually. If the contractor is a corporation, a Certified Corporate Resolution from the Secretary/Clerk of the corporation, indicating authorization for an officer of the corporation to sign contracts on behalf of the corporation is required. An original Certified Resolution must accompany each PSA, as the Attorney General’s Office will not approve such a contract without evidence of the validity of the contractor’s signature. (If processing two PSAs with the same contractor, two original corporate resolutions must be provided – one for each contract.) When processing an Amendment, a new original Corporate Resolution is required. The Certified Corporate Resolution must bear the company’s raised or embossed corporate seal. If the corporation has no seal, the words “NO CORPORATE SEAL” must be typed on the Certified Corporate Resolution, or the letters “L.S.” may be written near the signatory. Examples of Certified Resolutions, as provided by the Attorney General’s Office, can be found in the Exhibit section of this manual (Exhibit C). 17 VII. Term of Contract for Individual Contractors In accordance with C.G.S. 4a-7a, Personal Service Agreements involving individuals shall not have a term of more than one year. Note: (Personal Service Agreements may be extended or renewed, provided the Provost or appropriate Vice President/Vice Provost, are notified of such extension or renewal.) VIII. Amending a Personal Service Agreement A Personal Service Agreement must be amended for any of the following reasons: ♦ The scope of the project has changed; ♦ The terms and conditions of the contract have changed; ♦ The contract dates have changed; ♦ The costs involving the contract have changed; ♦ The payment schedule has changed; ♦ The contract’s end date requires extension; or ♦ The contractor has incurred a “buy-out” and is now operating under another company. ♦ The contract amount has been increased to over $50,000, which requires the completion of a gift affidavit and agency certification form. When preparing an Amendment, the appropriate Amendment Template must be used. Amendment Templates for a Cost Extension Amendment, No-Cost Extension Amendment and Multi-Purpose Amendment (i.e. funding increased and new services added; funding decreased and services modified; budget and payment schedule modified; description of services changed, etc.) can be found in Exhibit C. 1. The Contractor’s name and the original contract identification number (PSA #) must be inserted on the first and second lines of the appropriate Amendment form. 2. You must insert the number of the Amendment (i.e. Amendment #1, Amendment #2, etc.) on the third line. 3. If the contract is extended, the new term of the contract is inserted on the fourth line. If the original contract date is not modified, the date of the original contract is inserted on the fourth line. 4. If the contract amount is increased or decreased, the new contract amount is inserted on the fifth line. The Office of the Attorney General must review all contract amendments. The Amendment must be submitted (with all prior amendments, if any, a copy of the original contract a new corporate resolution, new NonDiscrimination Certification, and PSA Justification attached) to the Office of the Vice President and Chief Operating Officer a minimum of three weeks prior to the expiration date of the original contract. Most importantly, the Amendment must specify clearly why the contract is being 18 amended. An Amendment is processed in the same manner as the original PSA and requires all new signatures (i.e. contractor, authorized University official and Attorney General). All Amendments must be submitted to the Office of the Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for review. It will then be forwarded to the Office of the Attorney General in Storrs for review as to legal sufficiency and approval (as appropriate). If the Amendment is for a contract over $100,000, it will be forwarded by the Office of the Attorney General in Storrs to an Associate Attorney General in Hartford for approval. An Amendment to a Personal Service Agreement CANNOT be processed if the original contract has expired. A new original PSA will need to be initiated. IX. Canceling a Personal Service Agreement If an approved Personal Service Agreement must be cancelled by the University, a letter of cancellation must be sent to the contractor from the appropriate signature authority of the requesting department (e.g. Department Head or Dean), with a copy to the Office of the Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. Failure to provide a written request of cancellation may obligate the University of Connecticut. Generally, the number of days regarding a written notice of cancellation is thirty (30). However, this clause may vary depending on the contract. It is the responsibility of the requesting department to provide documentation for appropriate cancellation notice. X. Income Tax Withholding for Athletes and Entertainers In accordance with C.G.S. 12-705(b)1, Connecticut income tax is to be withheld from athletes and entertainers where the payment exceeds $1,000. Such withholding is relevant to athletes, entertainers, or public speakers performing services within Connecticut that are not residents of the State of Connecticut. Such withholding is not relevant to persons treated, for federal income tax withholding purposes, as an employee. Please note that contractors or individuals may be registered directly with the Department of Revenue Services (“DRS”), and as such, will file directly with DRS. For additional information and on-line forms such as the Form 590 Request for Waiver of Withholding for purpose of “Declaration of Residency, Designated Withholding Agent or Connecticut Maintained Office” and Form 588 Request for Reduced Withholding for the purpose of itemizing expenses occurred, please refer to the DRS website http://www.ct.gov/drs/cwp/view.asp?a=1511&q=288470 19 If such taxes are relevant for withholding, the Personal Service Agreement should be modified to add the following wording shown in bold to the end of the statement above Block 34, and read: "Individuals performing services as independent contractors are not employees of the State of Connecticut and are responsible themselves for payment of all State and local income taxes, federal income taxes and Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA) taxes, except in the case of CT non-resident Athlete and Entertainer Tax." A statement relating to the withholding of such taxes should be included in the Cost and Schedule of Payments (Block 11 of Form CO-802A). Any questions regarding income tax withholding for athletes and entertainers may be addressed to the Accounts Payable Department, (860) 486-4137. XI. Payment of Personal Service Agreements To receive payment, the contractor’s invoice, along with an Invoice – Voucher for Goods or Services form CO-17 (Exhibit H), must be submitted to the Accounts Payable Department for payment to be made after services are rendered. A person authorized to charge against the FRS account in question must sign the CO-17, attesting that the services have been rendered. It is also a good idea to be certain both the invoice and voucher contain the PSA number of the contract. Please note: Be certain that the contractor has fully performed the required services before authorizing final payment. Full liquidation of a PSA closes the agreement; thus making it difficult to settle disputes involving the contractor's obligations. XII. Obligations A. Responsibilities of the Requesting Department The requesting department should have the following procedures and documents completed prior to forwarding a PSA to the Office of the Vice President and Chief Operating Officer: 1. 2. 3. A completed PSA with a detailed Description of Services; The PSA must be signed and dated by the contractor (original signature with blue ink); If the contractor is not an individual, a Certified Resolution must be completed by the contractor's organization and submitted with the PSA (sample certified resolutions are available at http://psa.uconn.edu/corpres.html; 20 4. 5. 6. ♦ Must contain an original signature by someone other than the individual who signed the PSA ♦ Signature must be dated the same date or later than the signature of the contractor on the bottom of page one of the PSA If space in Section (10) for Complete Description of Services is inadequate, Section (10) must continue on page 3. The statement “contract continues on page 3 of X” must then be inserted in Section (10) and the pages sequentially numbered; PSA Justification for expenditure of funds through a Personal Service Agreement must be submitted to the Office of the Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for approval of services; and For contracts valued over $50,000 Contractor and University notarized Affidavits and agency certification forms must be included. They are available at: http://www.opm.state.ct.us/policies.htm#Office_Secretary. ♦ It is also the requesting department's responsibility to monitor the performance of the contractor, and report any deviations of the contractor's obligations to the Office of the Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. ♦ In addition, it is the responsibility of the requesting department to prepare a written letter of cancellation, with a copy to the Office of the Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, in order to terminate a contract agreement. Refer to Section IX. Canceling a Personal Service Agreement for more information. ♦ Finally, it is the requesting department's responsibility to review and approve vendor invoices for payment. The requesting department must complete Voucher for Goods or Services, Form CO-17 (Exhibit H) clip it to the vendor's invoice and submit both to the Accounts Payable Department for payment after services are rendered. B. Responsibilities of the Office of the Vice President The responsibilities of the Office of the Vice President and Chief Operating Officer regarding the PSA process include: 1. 2. 3. 4. Review PSA, Certified Resolution, NonDiscrimination Certificate and PSA Justification for proper completion and accuracy; Obtain University Board of Trustees authorized signature on the agreement; Forward PSA(s) valued over $3,000 to the Storrs Office of the Attorney General for legal review and approval. Contracts valued $100,000 or more will be submitted to the Hartford AG for approval; Acting as UConn liaison between requesting department and Attorney General; and, 21 5. C. Forwarding authorized, fully executed PSA(s) to the originating department and the Accounts Payable Department. (Note: Department will receive two copies of the executed PSA – one for their files and one to be provided to the contractor.) Responsibilities of the Office of the Attorney General Pursuant to Connecticut General Statute §3-125, the Office of the Attorney General (OAG), located on the University’s Storrs campus, reviews and approves all contracts over $3,000 for form, substance and legal sufficiency and recommends contracts valued $100,000 or more for final approval by the Associate Attorney General in its Hartford office. XIII. General Guidelines - Four Points to Remember 1. State employees may not use Personal Service Agreements for the purpose of contracting with a relative (father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, first cousin, nephew, niece, wife, husband, grandparent, father-in-law, mother-in-law, sister-inlaw, brother-in-law, stepfather, stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother, stepsister, half brother, half sister or domestic partner). Such action may be in violation of the State Code of Ethics and may be subject to an investigation. 2. Personal Service Agreements may not be used to contract with any individual, corporation or other business entity in which the requester may have a financial interest. 3. In accordance with C.G.S. 1-84(i), a State employee and his/her immediate family are prohibited from entering into State contracts with a value of $100 or more, unless the contract has been awarded through an open and public process. 4. Travel Costs: Contractor Travel Costs: Contractors may be reimbursed for travel expenses only when these expenses are clearly defined within the Cost and Schedule of Payments (Block 11) on the PSA. In these cases, the contractor is responsible for settling all lodging bills (although a University representative may make the reservation, if requested). When doing so, however, University representatives should make it clear to the hotel that the contractor will settle the bill. The contractor must provide original receipts and reimbursement will be based in accordance with standard State of Connecticut regulations relating to travel. 22 When utilizing the Nathan Hale Inn and Conference Center located on the University of Connecticut Storrs campus, University departments may make reservations for contractors (often entertainers) and instruct the Inn to bill their Department directly. Agency Travel Costs: When the Department is paying for transportation costs outside of the contractor’s cost for services, it should be specified in Block #11 on the face of the PSA that “[T]he University of Connecticut will provide and make payment for local ground transportation from _____and to_____ and lodging for ___ nights at . . .” XIV. Where to Call for Help A. PSA Process and Approvals (860) 486-4340. B. RFP Process University Purchasing Department (860) 486-2616 C. Invoice Payments and Income Tax Withholding for Athletes and Entertainers Accounts Payable Department (860) 486-4137 23 EXHIBITS Exhibit A Personal Service Agreement (PSA) Request Form Exhibit B Electronic Personal Service Agreement Form 802A Exhibit C Amendment Templates Exhibit D Personal Service Agreement (PSA) Late Submittal Form Exhibit E Vice President Dreyfuss’ memo of June 6, 2002, regarding Memos of Justification Exhibit F Corporate Resolution Guidelines and Sample forms for Corporate and Certified Resolutions Exhibit G University Signature Authority as directed by an “Excerpt from the Minutes of the Meeting of the University of Connecticut Board of Trustees” Exhibit H Invoice – Voucher for Goods or Services Form CO-17 24
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