1 SEATTLE RECORDER SOCIETY Recorder Notes November 2014 Vol. XLVI, No. 2 From the Music Director (Peter Seibert) Our November meeting will be held on Friday, November 14th. Please note the date! Ever wonder where all that music we play comes from? And w hat it looked like in the original? These questions will be addressed in our November opening program, and we will play some of that music together following the program. Miyo A oki is a professional recorder player and early music scholar who recently moved to Seattle. As part of her research, she has come up with an interesting source of English Renaissance ensemble music, most of which is not yet in modern performing edition. Published during the 1 570’s, the source is called A Book of In nomines and other Solfainge Songes of v: vi: vii: and viii: pts. For voices or Instruments. There is some mystery about this source: Who played it? W as it sung? Conjectures about these and other questions will be part of Miyo’s presentation. Playing Session: Miyo has provided me w ith several of these works, and I have adapted them for use by recorders. These include “A Knell,” a five-‐part work by the Scottish composer Robert Johnson, and two six-‐part pieces by Philip van Wilder, a Netherlandish composer w orking in the English court, “Arousez vo vi, vo vi, vo violette” and “Vidi civitatem sanctam.” To start the playing session, we will read the four-‐part Tallis piece “If ye love me,” a work contemporaneous with the other w orks and familiar to us both at SRS meetings and at Port Townsend. Back Room: For those w ho prefer a small, supportive setting, Sally Mitchell will continue work on her repertory chosen for the year. SRS Meeting Friday, November 14th, 2014 @ 7:30 p.m. Opening Program Miyo Aoki presents: “A New Source of Consort Music” Playing Session (Peter Seibert) English Renaissance Consort Music Recorders in 4 to 6 parts The Backroom Gang (Sally Mitchell) Music will be provided. SRS Board Meeting Reminder The next meeting of the SRS Board w ill be on Monday, November 10th, at 7:30 pm. Hanan’s house 2 1 From the Music Director (Peter Seibert) (continued) Looking Ahead: Our December 5 th program will feature baroque oboist and recorder player Curtis Foster. I will lead the playing session in a brand new setting of Medieval Carol melodies. On Friday, January 2nd, we w ill welcome in the New Year with a grand Telemann bash. I have arranged numerous dances from his orchestral suites that are fun to play and musically rewarding. Baroque ensemble music at its best! Port Townsend Early Music Workshop: The dates are July 5 th – July 11th. Mark your calendars! A great faculty is lined up. Meeting Notes: October 10th, 2014 (Molly Warner) Our president for 2014-‐2015, Kathleen Arends, opened our new season with a big welcome for folks joining us for the first time. A quartet from Olympia had come to join the fun, and w e were delighted to have at least one of them become a member of the Seattle chapter of the ARS. After announcements, Nancy Gorbman and Ann Stickney held a short meeting on the benefits of joining the American Recorder Society (Nancy was recently elected to the ARS board, and Ann is the ARS treasurer). Because our music director Peter Seibert w as vacationing in Italy, Vicki Boeckman led the playing for the evening. We were introduced to a “Concerto Pastorale” by Johann Christoph Pez (1664-‐1716), a German musician, Kappellmeister, and composer who spent some time in Italy studying with Arcangelo Corelli. This piece was originally written for string orchestra with two solo alto recorder parts (you can hear it in the original version at the New Baroque Orchestra concert – Sunday, November 16 th, at 3 pm at Trinity Parish Church). Margriet Tindemans started making a version of Concerto Pastorale for recorder orchestra, which Vicki completed. The original piece is in six movements, of which we played four this evening, with the o rder of movements adjusted to begin with two slower ones that could be easily sight-‐read by players at all levels. We began w ith the Pastorale, a lovely slow movement w ith long notes that moved from one key to another. Vicki coached us to improve intonation and expression. As a group we sounded really quite good – it is a beautiful movement. Next came an Aria Grave, w hich we d ecided was really a Loure, a slow dance in three. We worked on expression with lifting, lightening the pickup notes, and making air pockets between the notes. Another beautiful movement! At this point, the Backroom Gang moved down the hall to work on some new music with Sally Mitchell. Sally reported afterwards that she coached eight people, including one who was new to SRS. “These folks have made huge progress with their recorder playing,” Sally praised. “They kept switching instruments!” They w orked on “Gathering Peascods” from the Playford Collection, and “Ta Bonne Grace” by Roquelay, a sixteenth century composer about whom virtually nothing is known. They also began a piece by Obrecht that they will work on over time and present next spring. 2014/2015 SRS Meetings Meetings are usually (but not always) held on the first Friday of each month, October to May, at 7:30 p.m., Maple Leaf Lutheran Church, 10005 -‐ 32nd NE, Seattle. Meetings include a short performance or lecture of interest to recorder and viol players, ensemble playing for all levels of recorder players, and a beginning recorder ensemble. A $5.00 donation is requested for non-‐members. October 10, 2014 November 14, 2014 December 5, 2014 January 2, 2015 February 6, 2015 March 6, 2015 March 27, 2015 May 1, 2015 Refreshments (November) Cookies Hanan Bell Mystery Person (You know who you are.) Fruit Nobody yet. If you can bring some fruit, please contact Mike Woolf. [email protected] Veggies Mike Woolf Thank you for volunteering! 2 Meeting Notes Recorder Classes (Continued) (Laura Faber) Meanwhile, back in the main room, the big group coached by Vicki tackled the Aria Presto movement of the “Concerto Pastorale.” This involved quite a bit of call and response between voices. W e w orked o n dynamics, with attention paid to the big basses which needed to be light and on time. “Keep those piano parts short! This is a happy little piece!” Vicki encouraged. “It's getting better and better!” The final movement was a w onderful Passacaglia (Chaconne), with variations on a four-‐measure repeated theme. “This would be the grand finale where the whole company played, with all the stops pulled, and little sections for each part of the dance troupe.” It was indeed a big movement, all 232 measures of it, and w hat fun it was! This was a wonderful w ay to wrap up our playing session. Thanks so much, Vicki, for your super coaching skills! Bonus: For those who missed the O ctober meeting, check out this orchestral version of the beautiful Pez Passacaglia: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsDxg4ftKbg SRS Members on Stage! Vicki Boeckman & Students Present: The Modern Recorder Saturday, November 15th at 7:30 pm Music Center of the Northwest, Recital Hall 901 North 96 th Street, Seattle Vicki Boeckman and her students w ill present an exciting evening of contemporary music written specifically for the recorder. Several of the composers are recorder virtuosos w ho understand the parameters and sonoric capabilities of the instrument. We will play beautiful unaccompanied works by Markus Zahnhausen, challenging duets by Matthias Maute and Osvaldo Lacerda, and chamber works w ith guitar and voice by Felicitas Kuckuk and Jacques Ibert. The performance also features special guest Michael Partington on guitar. Please join us for this evening of music that sheds new light on the recorder as a contemporary instrument. Admission is free. New Baroque Orchestra Fall Concert Sunday, November 16th at 3:00 pm Trinity Parish Church 609 – 8th Avenue, Seattle Come hear beautiful works of Pez, Handel, Torelli, and Bach! Numerous SRS members w ill be playing in NBO for this concert, including Hanan Bell (baroque bassoon), Karen Berliner (baroque violin), Jill Carlsen (recorder), Sabine Endrigkeit (viola and recorder), Gerrity Shupe (harpsichord), Carolyn W allace (recorder), Molly W arner (baroque flute), and Nancy Wright (viol). Don’t miss it! Note: New beginners are welcome at any time. Contact Laura to get started. Beginner Ensemble Thursdays – 10:00 to 11:00 am Advanced Beginner/Lower Intermediate Ensemble Tuesdays – 7:30 to 9:00 pm Advanced Beginner/Lower Intermediate Ensemble Thursdays – 12:30 to 2:30 pm Bass Class Saturdays – 10 am to 12 pm * * * Class Descriptions Beginner Ensemble (SATB) For new recorder players ready to play simple ensemble music in a small group Advanced Beginner/ Lower Intermediate Ensemble (SATB) Comfortable w ith all common fingerings and rhythms Bass Class Any player interested in learning more about bass technique may join at any time. 10-‐10:30 Beginners/technique 10:30-‐11:15 Everyone together 11:15-‐12:00 Intermediate Players are welcome to attend any or all sections of this class. * * * People who are interested should contact Laura by email at [email protected] or by calling (206) 619-‐0671. Save the Dates! The 2015 Port Townsend Early Music Workshop is set for July 5th – July 11th at the beautiful campus of the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma. Bass Recorder for Sale The Oregon Coast Recorder Society w ould like to sell their Roessler bass. It is direct blow, and we think it is pear w ood. It was reconditioned by Von Huene Workshop in 12/11 and has a padded suitcase-‐style case. We are asking $450. Call Jane at 541-‐994-‐5198. Viols: Brent Wissick, Mary Springfels, David Morris, and Ellen Seibert Percussion: Peter Maund On-‐line registration will go live on December 1, 2014! Music Director: Peter Seibert (206-‐329-‐2774) [email protected] Officers: President: Kathleen Arends (425-‐649-‐9869) [email protected] President-‐Elect: Hanan Bell (206-‐695-‐2276) [email protected] Past President: Ellis Hillinger (206-‐547-‐0718) [email protected] Secretary: Molly Warner (206-‐523-‐5192) [email protected] Once again, we have fabulous faculty lined up in 2015 for your learning pleasure. Recorders/Buzzies: Adam Gilbert, Clea Galhano, Nina Stern, Frances Feldon, Louise Carslake, Gayle Neuman, Phil Neuman, Miyo Aoki, Peter Seibert, and Vicki Boeckman SRS Board M embers (2014/2015) Treasurer: Richard Ginnis (206-‐633-‐1969) [email protected] SRS Dues Reminder If you have not yet paid your membership dues for the current season, please check out the SRS website (www.seattle-‐recorder.org) for helpful information. Both online and mail-‐in payments are available now. Thanks! * * * * Membership: Betty Swift (206-‐323-‐3879) [email protected] Newsletter: Karen Berliner (206-‐550-‐3384) [email protected] Refreshments: Mike Woolf (206-‐300-‐6623) [email protected] Viol Representative: Ellen Seibert (206-‐329-‐2774) [email protected] Webmaster: Charles Coldwell (206-‐328-‐8238) [email protected] Ex-‐Officio Member: Vicki Boeckman (206-‐985-‐9916) [email protected] Members-‐At-‐Large: Katie Sprugel [email protected] Carolyn Wallace (206-‐782-‐6898) [email protected] “Recorder Notes” is published monthly, October through May, for its members by the Seattle Recorder Society. 4554 -‐ 4th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98105. $35 Annual Membership Dues. www.seattle-‐recorder.org Concerts and Events Calendar N O V E M B E R – 2 0 1 4 D E C E M B E R – 2 Sat., Nov. 1 @ 8 pm: Seattle Baroque Orchestra presents: “The American Dream.” Matthias Maute, guest director. TH. EMG. Sun., Nov. 2 @ 3 pm: Sine Nomine presents: “Salve Regina.” TPC. EMG. Sun., Nov. 2 @ 7:30 pm: “Faure’s Requiem for the Feast of All Souls.” St. James Cathedral, 804 9 th Ave., Seattle. www.stjames-‐cathedral.org/music Tues., Nov. 4 @ 7:30 pm: Northwest Showcase presents: “Intimate Baroque.” J.S. Bach’s beloved motet, Jesu, meine Freude, is the centerpiece of this all-‐Baroque program. TPC. EMG. Fri., Nov. 7 @ 8 pm: Pacific MusicWorks presents: “Monteverdi Book 8 – Songs of Love and W ar.” Nordstrom Recital Hall at Benaroya Hall, Seattle. www.pacificmusicworks.org Sat., Nov. 8 @ 2 pm: Moss Bay Recorder Society Meeting. Redmond Library, 15990 NE 85th St, Redmond. www.mossbayrecorders.org Sat., Nov. 8 @ 7:30 pm: “Festival of Cathedral Choirs.” An evening of ancient and modern choral works.” St. James Cathedral, 804 9th Ave., Seattle. www.stjames-‐cathedral.org/music Fri., Nov. 14 @ 7:30 pm: Seattle Recorder Society Meeting @ Maple Leaf Lutheran Church, Seattle. Sat., Nov. 15 @ 7 pm: Vicki Boeckman and her students present: “The Modern Recorder.” Music of Maute, Zahnhausen, and James Howard Young. Music Center of the Northwest, 901 N. 96th St., Seattle. Sat., Nov. 15 @ 8 pm: Constantinople presents: “Metamorfosi Musicali.” Works of Barbara Strozzi and Johannes Kapsberger.” TH. EMG. Sun., Nov. 16 @ 3 pm: New Baroque Orchestra. Music of Handel, Torelli, Bach, and Pez. TPC. EMG. Sun., Nov. 16 @ 7 pm: Cornish Early Music faculty presents: “Baroque Music for the Theater: Purcell, Lully, and Handel.” Cornish Playhouse at the Seattle Center, 201 Mercer St., Seattle. www.brownpapertickets.com/event/832775 Sun., Nov. 23 @ 7 pm: Byron Schenkman & Friends present: “Mozart and Weber – Musical Cousins.” Illsley Ball Nordstrom Recital Hall, 200 University St., Seattle. www.byronschenkman.com Sat., Nov. 29 @ 7:30 pm: Byrd Ensemble presents: “A Baroque Christmas: Bach & Brass.” Music of Bach and Praetorius. St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral, 10th Ave E, Seattle. www.byrdensemble.com Sat., Nov. 29 @ 7:30 and Sun., Nov. 30 @ 3 pm: Gallery Concerts presents: “ Trio Capriccioso.” Queen Anne Christian Church, 1316 3 rd Ave W, Seattle. www.galleryconcerts.org Thurs., Dec. 4 @ 7:30: The Tallis Scholars present: “Music for Advent by Josquin and Byrd.” Blessed Sacrament Church, 5050 8th Ave NE, Seattle. www.tudorchoir.org Fri., Dec. 5 @ 7:30 pm: Seattle Recorder Society Meeting @ Maple Leaf Lutheran Church, Seattle. Sat., Dec. 6 @ 8 pm: Seattle Baroque Orchestra presents: “European Christmas Potpourri.” Eric Milnes, guest director and harpsichord; Hélène Brunet, soprano. TH. EMG. Sat., Dec. 13 @ 2 pm: Moss Bay Recorder Society Meeting. Redmond Library, 15990 NE 85th St., Redmond. www.mossbayrecorders.org Fri., Dec. 19 @ 8 pm: Pacific MusicWorks presents: “Bach Christmas Oratorio.” Cantatas 1, 3, and 6. St. James Cathedral, 804 9th Ave., Seattle. www.pacificmusicworks.org Fri., Dec. 19 @ 8 pm, Sat., Dec. 20 @ 1 pm and 8 pm, and Sun., Dec. 21 @ 2 pm: Seattle Symphony presents: “Handel’s Messiah.” Benaroya Hall, Seattle. www.seattlesymphony.org Sat., Dec. 20 @ 8 pm: Medieval W omen’s Choir presents: “Fountain of Life.” St. James Cathedral, 804 9th Ave., Seattle. www.medievalwomenschoir.org Sat., Dec. 27 @ 7:30 pm: The Tudor Choir presents: “Christmas Day.” Blessed Sacrament Church, 5050 8 th Ave NE, Seattle. www.tudorchoir.org. Sun., Dec. 28 @ 7 pm: Byron Schenkman and Friends present: “Bach Harpsichord Concertos.” Illsley Ball Nordstrom Recital Hall, 200 University St, Seattle. www.byronschenkman.com 0 1 4 EMG (Early Music Guild, 206-‐325-‐7066) www.earlymusicguild.org TPC (Trinity Parish Church, 609 8th Avenue, Seattle) www.trinityseattle.org TH (Town Hall, 1119 8th Avenue, Seattle) www.townhallseattle.org All events are subject to change.
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