VI FESTIVAL OF ARTS CONVOCATION The University of Arts of the Republic of Cuba calls to participate in the VI Festival of Arts, which will be celebrated from 22 nd to 29thMarch, 2015. As part of the festival will take place several events such as performances, exhibitions, projections, contests, talks, lectures, demonstrations and workshops. The main goals of the festival are: To ease and promote the work of young creators. To create dialog spaces between writers and artists of different expressions, with different educations and origins. To show the teaching processes of students or graduates from the University of Arts, from conservatories and academies of the art schooling system in Cuba, as well as from art schools overseas. ARTISTIC PRESENTATIONS 1. Cuban and foreigner creators under 35 may participate with individual or group projects, as long as their submissions had been accepted by the Organizing Committee. 2. Each creator or group may register with one or several artistic proposals. 3. Projects of any kind will be admitted, in any format and within any art expression. Those interested must submit (in a free format) the entire or partial documentation of the project(s). The submissions must contain: authors, members, theoretical basis, location needed for the presentation, duration, technical and production requirements. 4. Each participant must specify: name and last name(s), nationality, identity number or passport number (concerning to the foreign participants), address, email, phone number and curriculum vitae. WORKSHOPS, DEMONSTRATIONS AND LECTURES The Organizing Committee of the VI Festival of Arts invites college professors, cultural managers and Cuban and foreigner artists to develop workshops, demonstrations and lectures. 1. The topics must be related to the creation, to the education within the artistic training or to other similar disciplines, provided that links with art history, art theory and art criticism are established. 2. Those interested must send title, theoretical basis and methodological program of the proposal. 3. Must be enclosed: personal information, curriculum vitae, university, artistic group or cultural center of provenance. 4. The Organizing Committee will form a team that is going to evaluate the proposals and to determine their inclusion in the festival. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS The submissions must be sent before 20 December 2014 by email or post to the following addresses: [email protected] Dirección de Extensión Universitaria, Universidad de las Artes, Calle 120, No. 904, entre 9na y 23, Cubanacán, Playa, La Habana. Código postal 11600, Zona Postal Habana 16 The Cuban participants who don’t belong to the University of Arts must pay a subscription fee of 50.00 MN and the foreign participants of 50.00 USD. This payment will be effective at the time of accreditation and it will give you the right to: documentation, free pass to every event, basic transportation service and arrangement of the locations required for the artistic and academic presentations. The Organizing Committee does not guarantee food nor lodging, but if this services are requested, the necessary arrangements will be made. Please contact us through our email [email protected] or call (537) 2087615, (53-7) 208 2446 y (53-7) 208 9771 for more information. Organizing Committee of the VI Festival of Arts. Follow us on: Website Social Networks Twitter/@isa_Universidad Blog
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