KIRKWOOD CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Kirkwood City Hall November 6, 2014 – 7:00 p.m. I. MEETING PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE LED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BIEDENSTEIN II. ROLL CALL III. PRESENTATIONS IV. INTRODUCTIONS AND RECOGNITIONS V. PUBLIC HEARINGS PLEASE NOTE: The City Council will decide after the Public Hearing is closed if first reading of the legislation will be added under New Business. The City Clerk will advise of the Bill Number at that time. 1. 2. A request for a Special Use Permit to expand the legal non-conforming use known as Lindell Study Center at 700 West Essex Avenue and Site Plan Review to construct a 960 square foot addition A request for a Special Use Permit for a restaurant with outdoor seating for Domino’s Pizza at 11240 Manchester Road. The petitioner’s agent is Mark Ratterman. VI. PUBLIC COMMENTS – 3 MINUTE LIMIT PER PERSON VII. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA VIII. CONSENT AGENDA The Consent Agenda is a meeting method that many City Councils use to help make City Council meetings more efficient and meaningful to the members of the audience. The City Council voted to begin using the Consent Agenda method as of June 1, 1998. All matters listed within the Consent Agenda have been distributed to each member of the Kirkwood City Council for reading and study, are considered to be routine, and will be enacted by one motion of the Council with no separate discussion. If separate discussion is desired, that item may be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed on the Regular Agenda by request of a member of the City Council. The expenditures listed in the consent agenda are items already approved in the current city budget. a) Approval of the October 16, 2014 City Council Meeting Minutes b) Resolution 121-2014, accepting the parking permit fees for the Downtown Business District in accordance with Section 14-334(2) of the Kirkwood Municipal Code of Ordinances for 2014 c) Resolution 122-2014, transferring funds from Account #509-2310-482.66.37 to Account #509-2315482.75.03, Project #SA1403 for additional work to the Recycling Transfer Station ($5,338) d) Resolution 123-2014, accepting the bid of Zones, Inc. for SolarWinds Network Analyzer Maintenance for the MIS Department and authorizing and directing the Director of Purchasing to issue a Purchase Order ($8,923.75) e) Resolution 124-2014, accepting the proposal of Arbor Pro, Inc. for a term of five years for Street Tree Inventory Services and authorizing and directing the Mayor to enter into a contract (total initial cost not to exceed $10,000) IX. X. OLD BUSINESS 1. Bill 10379, changing the zoning from R-5 (multiple family) to B-1 (neighborhood business) at 500 North Kirkwood Road 2. Bill 10380, appropriating funds and directing the Mayor to enter into a three year agreement with PatientCare for services related to the City’s health, dental and vision plans ($6,805) 3. Bill 10381, amending the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 17 “Miscellaneous Offenses”, to be in compliance with Senate Bill 656 on openly carrying a weapon with appropriate permits NEW BUSINESS 1. Bill 10382, appropriating donations for the Urban Forestry Commission to the Donations Revenue Account and then to the Urban Forestry Account ($550.00) 2. Bill 10383, approving the subdivision plat of a four-lot subdivision known as Craig Manor, a tract of land in Section 11 Township 44 north Range 5 east on property known as 756 Craig Drive in the City of Kirkwood, St. Louis County, Missouri 3. Resolution 125-2014, opposition to the enactment of Missouri Senate Bill 656 regarding openly carrying weapons and encouraging citizens to voice their opinions to Missouri Legislators XI. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION (IF ANY) XII. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS XIII. CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER REPORTS 1. *Other Items may be added after the publication of the agenda. Please contact the City Clerk’s Office at 8225802 for any additional information that may have been added after the publication of the agenda. XIV. CITY CLERK REPORTS 1. Report of the November 5, 2014 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting 2. Destruction of Records form submitted by Assistant Chief Administrative Officer Georgia Ragland *Other Items may be added after the publication of the agenda. Please contact the City Clerk’s Office at 8225802 for any additional information that may have been added after the publication of the agenda. XV. CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS XVI. MEETING ADJOURNMENT PLEASE NOTE: The next regular meeting of the Kirkwood City Council will take place at 7:00 p.m. on November 13, 2014. UPCOMING PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE CONTINUED ITEMS NONE TABLED ITEMS Bill 10243, vacating a water utility easement at 603 West Jewel Avenue PERSONS REQUIRING AN ACCOMMODATION TO ATTEND AND PARTICIPATE IN THE MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY CLERK AT 314-822-5802 AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE THE MEETING. THE CITY OF KIRKWOOD IS INTERESTED IN EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION FOR ALL PERSONS. UPON REQUEST, THE MINUTES FROM THIS MEETING CAN BE MADE AVAILABLE IN AN ALTERNATE FORMAT, SUCH AS CD, BY CALLING 314-822-5802.
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