DAY 1 (10 DEC 2014) AM TIME AUDITORIUM TLHE 2014 SEMINAR ROOM 1 SEMINAR ROOM 2 08:00 Registration & Morning Coffee 09:0009:15 Opening Remarks Prof Tan Eng Chye 09:1510:15 Session I Keynote Lecture Mick Healey Students as Partners in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education 10:1510:45 Coffee Break Session II Assessment Session III SoTL Alice Christudason, Ashwin Khambadkone, Stephen Lim Wee Hun, Laksh Samavedham Innovative Assessment Practices and the Grade-free Semester Dong Chaoyan, Chong Yap Seng, Lee Su Mei, Matthew Gwee, Yeo Su Ping, Dujeepa Samarasekera SoTL in Medical Education: Four Case Studies Sachin V. Jangam, Agus P. Sasmito, Jundika C. Kurnia, Arun S. Mujumdar Research Project-based Learning (RPBL) in Higher Education Ernest K Adu, Danny Poo Smart Learning: A New Paradigm of Learning in the Smart Age Sandeep Narayan Kundu, Grahame Oliver, Cao Kai Factors Influencing Spatial Thinking Capabilities in a Geoscience Classroom Duong Hai Minh, Eric Markus Challenges and Teaching Improvement of Engineering Classes: Meeting Student Expectations Anthony Joseph, Mabel Payne, James Lawler Modern Workforce Skills and Knowledge Development in Computing Curricula 10:4512:15 12:1513:30 Lunch Session IV Curriculum Design DAY 1 (10 DEC 2014) PM TLHE 2014 TIME AUDITORIUM SEMINAR ROOM 1 SEMINAR ROOM 2 13:3015:30 Session V Educational Management Session VI Classroom Innovation Session VII Assessment Eva Heinrich Mapping Organisational Structures Against Actual Teaching Collaborations Wee Hwee Lin, Tan Mui Ling, Ong Pei Shi, Wong Li Lian, Yong Sock Leng, Chan Sui Yung, Yau Wai Ping Incorporating Web-based Learning in the Teaching of Pharmaceutical Compounding and Dispensing Akash Kumar, Rajesh C. Panicker, Ashraf Kassim Pedagogy and Technology to Enhance Formative Assessment and Feedback: Pilot Study for an Undergraduate Large Class in Digital Fundamentals Peggie Chan, Hari K. Garg Embedding Matters in Engineering: Learner and Instructor Views Olena Zhadko Learning Spaces: To Maximise Student Learning Stephen Lim Wee Hun Testing is Learning: Re-assessing “Assessment” in Higher Education Today Victor Tan, Chan Wai Meng, Narayanan Ganapathy, Johan Geertsema, Lim Lum Peng, Farooq Shamsuzzaman A Revised Peer Review of Teaching Protocol: A Case Study at the National University of Singapore Roxanna J. Esguerra Collaborative Learning Exercise to Establish Scope and Content for a Web-based Tutorial for a Second Year Module in Dentistry Volker Patzel Implementation of a Technology-supported Three-stage Classroom Feedback System for Promotion of Self-regulation and Assessment of Student and Teacher Performance David Kwok, Manik Gujral, Janice Chan Work Readiness: A Study of Student Intern’s SelfPerception and Supervisor Evaluation Misty So-Sum WaiCook What Can Students Gain From Multimodal Feedback? Vivien Wu Xi, Wang Wenru, Pua Lay Hoon, Doreen Heng, Karin Enskär Nursing Students’ Perspectives on Clinical Assessment Practices and Tools 15:3016:00 Coffee Break 16:0017:00 Session VIII Keynote Lecture Lisa Emerson Scientists as Writers: Implications for the Classroom 17:00 End DAY 2 (11 DEC 2014) AM TIME AUDITORIUM TLHE 2014 SEMINAR ROOM 1 SEMINAR ROOM 2 08:00 Registration & Morning Coffee 09:0010:00 Session IX Keynote Lecture Karen Inkelas Enabling Data-driven Decision-making of Living-learning Programs 10:0010:30 Coffee Break 10:3012:00 12:0013:00 Session X Learners’ Perspective Session XI Classroom Innovation Mohamed Effendy, Stephanie Lo-Philip, Chris McMorran, N. Sivasothi Roundtable: Teaching and Learning in the Field Gareth Morgan Providing a Variety of Forms of Classroom Input to Ensure the Fulfilment of Learning Potential Andrea Chew, David Kwok Students’ Perceptions of Online Learning Environment and its Influence on Test Achievement Hong Song-Iee Sensitising Undergraduate Students to Positive Attitudes Towards Older Adults Melvyn W.B. Zhang, Cyrus S.H. Ho, Roger C.M. Ho Psychiatry Education Using Technological Innovations: A Feasibility Study Emelyn Tan, Simon Watts, Xu Hairuo A Relational Approach to “Wet Chemistry” Laboratory Learning: A Cultural Transformation Tool Felicia Zhang The Role of a Facebook Closed Group in Spreading Support in a First Year Foundation Course Lunch Session XII ICT TLHE 2014 DAY 2 (11 DEC 2014) PM TIME AUDITORIUM SEMINAR ROOM 1 SEMINAR ROOM 2 13:0015:30 Session XIII Learners’ Perspective Session XIV ICT Session XV Classroom Innovation Laksh Samavedham, Farnaz Rajabi Mehr, Tan Tai Yong An Exploratory “Baseline” Development Study on the Impact of the NUS University Town Residential College Experience on Students’ Holistic Development Ganthimathi Viswanathan Designing and Facilitating a Constructivist Online Module: Reflections and Lessons Learnt Amy Choong Experiential Learning Through Community Outreach Projects Suyoun Byoun Exploring the Effects of Living-Learning Centres in the Korean Context: A Case Study of a Korean University Lee Kim Seng, Ho Yihan Automarking of CAD Tutorials Mrinal Musib Teaching Ethics by Adopting a Roleplay, Scenario-based Learning Approach for an Authentic Learning Experience Andi S. Putra, Lim Fang Ming, Liaw Hwee Choo Assessing Students’ Learning Experiences Using Reflection Essays and Word Count Application Goh Poh Sun Using a Digital Knowledge Repository to Personalise Learning in Medical Education: A Follow-up Report to TeL2013 Alberto Corrias, Jane Quek A Case Study of Blended Learning for Mathematically-intensive Topics in a Large Engineering Class Sarah W. Kimani, Victoria J. Mabin, John Davies Exploring the Impact of Undesirable Student and Staff Experiences on the Performance of a Business School in Kenya Lynette Tan The Impact of Meaningful Gamification on Students’ Motivation: A Proposed Pilot Study Andrew Yew, Ong Soh Khim, Andrew Nee Interactive Lecturing Using Laser Pointers Tan Mui-Ling, Chan SuiYung, Yau Wai-Ping Perceptions of Pharmacy Students Towards Peer Cross-checking of Dispensed Medications During Practical Classes Zhang Jianwen Applying Wikis To Project-based Modules With Large Classes Elizabeth M. Remedio Innovations in Philippine Higher Education: A Timely Response to ASEAN Economic Cooperation 2015 15:3016:00 Coffee Break 16:0017:00 Session XVI Keynote Lecture Chng Huang Hoon Why Resist Technology? One Administrator’s Journey into the Great Unknown 17:00 End
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