1 March 2015 FAITH METHODIST CHURCH - ORDER OF WORSHIP 1 March 2015, 11AM | Holy Communion Service Second Sunday in Lent ACT OF PREPARATION Opening Prayer ACT OF PRAISE *Opening Worship ACT OF PROCLAMATION *Prayer of Illumination All: Glorious God, who caused all Holy Scripture to be written for our learning and growth in grace, grant by your Holy Spirit, the grace both to hear and to respond to your Word as it is read and proclaimed, so that we may become more and more like your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we pray. Amen. Scripture Text Sermon *Song of Response Philippians 3:18-19 7 Deadly Sins - GLUTTONY And You Shall Seek Me ACT OF PRAYER Invitation Confession Silent Prayer Prayer on Behalf Pardon (*) Congregation to stand UMH 12 ACT OF PRESENTATION Welcome/Greetings *Exchange of Peace Offertory Prayer/Offering Anthem Family News *Doxology Communion Song Second Offering Endless Song Voices of Faith UMH 95 Methodist Welfare Society ACT OF PARTICIPATION The Great Thanksgiving The Lord’s Prayer (Wesley Tulus) *Partaking of God’s Love in Christ UMH 13 ACT OF PARTING *Closing Song *Benediction *Congregational Response Altar Ministry Three-Fold Amen UMH 898 Highlights at Faith TO ALL OUR FIRST TIME VISITORS ! 1 INVEST & INVITE 5 We’re so glad you’re here with us today and we’d like you to remember this worship experience with a welcome gift which you can collect at the Welcome Corners. Praise God that we witnessed 11 salvations and welcomed 94 newcomers to our Mandarin Harvest Service last Sunday at ACJC! The Welcome Corners are at: Level 1 Faith Corner (8am Service) Level 4 Lift Lobby (9am Service) ACJC CPA Foyer (10am Service) Level 4 Shalom Corner (11am Service) Please continue to pray alongside us as we follow up with these new believers. To God be the glory! As our guest, you do not need to participate in the offering. 4 people from the village of DonTaNin, NE Thailand were baptised at DonTanin Church on 7 Feb 2015. GET CONNECTED TO A SMALL GROUP IN 2015! MISSION MOMENTS 2 Sign up: the Information Counter OR email [email protected] OR register at www.faithmc.sg/getconnected PRAYER MEETINGS - MARCH 3 4 & 11 Mar House Of Prayer 7.30pm, Prayer Chapel, Level 1 18 Mar No prayer meeting. 25 Mar Corporate House Of Prayer 7.30pm, Worship Hall, Level 4 Do your part to prevent paper wastage and start using the online version of our weekly bulletin! To start using, visit the link: www.faithmc.sg/haf or scan the QR code located outside the Service locations. HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH 1 We praise God for their baptism and we continue to pray for the growth of the new believers and the church. SECOND OFFERING TODAY 7 Methodist Welfare Services (MWS) has served thousands of needy individuals and families through caring and compassionate services since 1981. Every month, they provide services to the community through the 14 centres and outreach services island-wide. MWS is registered under the Charities Act and is an Institution of Public Character (IPC). CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED 4 ONLINE BULLETIN 6 8 As the Pastoral and Admin team will be away on a retreat, the church office will be closed from 3 to 6 Mar. During this period, please contact Ms Shirley Yeo (Cairnhill Methodist Church) at 6887 4812 if you require urgent pastoral assistance. www.faithmc.sg ODMC 3 : REGISTRATION OPENS ON 8 MAR! 9 One Day Membership Conference is a full day course for persons intending to be baptised and/ or initiated into Membership in our church. The core curriculum (6 lessons pertaining to F.A.I.T.H.) will be taught during the day and participants will be received into our church membership by the end of the same day at the Baptism & Membership Reception Service. Participants must have been attending a small group at Faith for at least 6 months to sign up. After ODMC 1 and 2, 245 new members have experienced the goodness of this simplified process. So can YOU! What’s more – membership is also open to all nationalities that have joined a small group at Faith for at least 6 months. So prepare to sign up for ODMC 3 next Sunday! ODMC 3 Date : 16 May (Briefing & rehearsal 9 May) Time : 9am – 5pm Cost : $30 (working adults), $10 (non-working, retirees and students) Payment required only upon confirmation of membership. Registration will be opened for 4 Sundays only (8, 15, 22 & 29 Mar) at the Information counters or online at www.faithmc.sg/baptism For inquiries, email [email protected] Congratulations to all the participants of the One Day Membership Conference (ODMC 2) that took place yesterday on 28 Feb 2015! CAFÉ IN AND OUT - FUNDRAISING 10 Café In and Out (CIAO) is a collaboration with Local outreach, Missions and the Chicken Bank Team. A cafe with live music performances by friends and youths of the Chicken Bank team, who will be sharing their mission moments in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Small groups are encouraged to invite pre-believer friends to have an enjoyable evening and contribute to the fundraising project Proceeds from song dedication, food and beverages will go towards supporting the travelling expenses of the Chicken Bank youths to embark on mission journey to bless the community in Cambodia. Sun 15 Mar | 5 - 7pm Venue: Faith Methodist Church (Attic) Song Genre: Oldies Registration via email: Anna - [email protected] and indicate the number of seats needed If your small groups would like to help or contribute to the food and beverages, contact Pauline Shan at [email protected] or call 8102 0511 by 11 Mar. 2015 SMALL GROUP CONFERENCE 11 "Catching the Second Wind" Date : Sat 21 Mar Time : 8.30am - 5.30pm Venue : Worship hall (Level 4) Faith Methodist Church Small group members please sign up with your small group leaders. Non-small group members are welcome too, please sign up with Su-ming at [email protected]. Closing date for registration: 13 Mar 2 HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH FAItH KINDERGARTEN 信心幼稚园 400 Commonwealth Drive Singapore 149604 Tel: 64795409/64713141 Fax: 64796569 Email: [email protected] GST Registration No: M90368701J REGISTRATION FOR 2016 ADMISSION 1) Pre-Nursery Class (children born in 2013) Nursery Class (children born in 2012) Date of Registration: Monday 2 March 2015 This registration date is for children whose older sibling is at the present moment in Faith Kindergarten. 2) Registration for PN /N /K1 & K2 Date of Registration: Tuesday 3 March 2015 This registration date is for: Children whose parents are members of Faith Methodist Church or Queenstown Chinese Methodist Church Former students’ children & or siblings. PLEASE REGISTER before the public phase starts as vacancies are limited especially for the 1st session i.e.8:30 am to 11:30 am. 3) REGISTRATION FOR THE PUBLIC: Date of Registration: Wednesday 4 March 2015 Please take note: Pre-Nursery – children born in 2013 Fees for Pre-N - $975 (per term of 10 weeks) Registration fee - $50 (one time registration fee) One month down-payment - $325 (GST included in the above fees) Nursery – children born in 2012 and Kindergarten One – children born in 2011 Fees for K1 & Nursery - $750 (per term of 10 weeks) Registration fee - $50 (one time registration fee) One month down-payment - $250 (GST included in the above fees) Timing for the Pre N/N & K1 classes: 1st Session: 8:30 am – 11:30 am & 2nd Session: 11:45 am – 2:45 pm HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH 3 Kindergarten Two - children born in 2010 Fees per Term of 10 weeks - $960 (4 hour programme) Registration fee - $50 (one time registration fee) One month down-payment - $320 (GST included in the above fees) PLEASE NOTE the timing for our K2 classes: 1st Session: 8:30 am – 12:30 pm & 2nd Session: 10:45 am - 2:45 pm Vacancies are available only in the 2nd session for all levels. The 1st session for Year 2016 has been reserved for children from our existing classes. Any request for the 1st session will have to depend on vacancies available. WHAT TO BRING FOR REGISTRATION: 1) a Registration Fee of $50 2) a One month’s down payment for the level you are registering for 3) a copy of the child’s Birth Certificate REGISTRATION TIME: 9:00 am to 11:00 am OR 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. BALANCE OF SCHOOL FEES: The balance of the school fees will be payable in January 2016 when your child reports for kindergarten. BABY BONUS SCHEME (CDA) Parents are allowed to use any of their children’s CDA account to pay for the Term fees. This can take effect only after your application for CDA deduction has been approved by the processing bank. Please check with the office on the day of the registration. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE SCHEME: – is available to students who need support in paying the school fees. For queries and application, please approach the Principal directly. FOR MORE DETAILS: Tel: 6479-5409 / 6471-3141 Email: [email protected] Website: www.faithkindy.edu.sg 4 HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH TAKE 5 MINS TO UPDATE YOUR PERSONAL RECORDS 12 The last time we carried out a church wide personal record update was in 2004. As part of PDPA requirement, we will be sprucing up our database and collecting your records to ensure that we have your updated details. Please do your part to help this exercise by visiting http://members.faithmc.sg or scan the QR code below, and spend five minutes to update your records with us. If you have any questions on this exercise, a list of frequently asked questions is available at http://members.faithmc.sg/faq For those who wish to submit your details in hard copy, please obtain a form at the information counter. We recommend updating your details online to minimise errors. CONDOLENCES TO… 14 Mr Richard Seah Boon Chye, Mr & Mrs Seah Peng Koon, Mrs Laura Tang-Seah Poh Tian and Mrs Lilian Koh-Seah Poh Luan on the demise of his wife, their daughter-in-law and their sister-in-law, the late Mdm Stacy Teo Poh Chew who passed away on 24 February 2015. Mr & Mrs Lee Pui Wai on the demise of his father, the late Mr Lee Ah Kow who passed away on 16 February 2015. FLORAL THANKSGIVING 15 In loving memory of our gracious and beloved late mother, Mdm Loh Eng Keow from Eunice Yeo and family. In appreciation of God’s love from Richard Tan, Elsie, Amanda and Jayden. In loving memory of his beloved father Tan Chwee Boon and his beloved mother Gan Eng Neo from May and Kelly Tan. http://members.faithmc.sg CONGRATULATIONS Closing date: TODAY FELLOWSHIP LUNCH @ ACJC 13 TODAY’s fellowship lunch after the 10am service at ACJC will be served by FLAME small group. Etiquette to observe during lunch: We would appreciate it very much that the following be done Consume the food at the AC canteen and fellowship with other worshippers. Take what is necessary to be eaten and avoid packing the food home. Help to dispose of the waste and keep the tables and surroundings clean. HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH 5 16 Mr Benedict Ng Dyi En and Cindy Ding Choon Ee on the birth of their baby girl Thea Ng Yun Xian born on 24 February 2015. Mr Shaun Van Hoe Kit and Ms Chen Xiuying Joanne on the birth of their baby girl Berlyn Sarah Van, born on 8 February 2015. ATTENDANCE 22 Feb TOTAL 11am CNY Family Service 10.15am Mandarin Harvest Service 17 1663 475 2,138 18 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - FAITHACTS TUITION PROGRAMME FaithActs is looking for volunteers with a passion for youth to help out in the tuition programme. Schedule (Choose 1) a) Every Wednesday, 7.30 - 9.30pm (Primary School) b) Every Thursday, 7.30 - 9.30pm (Secondary School) c) Every Friday, 3 - 5pm (Primary School) A minimum commitment period of 4 months is required. Come join us in making a positive difference in the lives of our youths! KIDSLEAP Do you enjoy interacting and working with children? Join the next run of our FaithActs KidsLEAP programme as we seek to help children in our community to read, speak and understand English better. Schedule: 1 Jul - 16 Sep, every Wednesday, 3 - 5pm Training will be provided. Volunteers should be fluent in English. For more details on the above, please contact: Ivan Lam at 63397611 or email [email protected] 19 PARKING ON SUNDAYS 8 AM/ 9 AM/ 11 AM Members and worshippers are reminded to park only at level 3 on Sundays. The basement carpark is reserved for Queenstown Chinese Methodist Church. 10 AM and 10.15 AM Members and worshipers are encouraged to park at HDB carpark just behind CPA. Parking is free on Sundays. Access is via the back gate which is unlocked on Sundays. 6 HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH I. BAPTISM (28 Feb 2015) ADULTS A. BY IMMERSION 1. Rayan Alsuwaigh 2. Wendy Chia Tong Hwee 3. Patrick Goh Soon Aik 4. How Siew Wee 5. Koh Kar Yan 6. Wilson Kwan Yu Hang 7. Lim Pei Yee 8. Priscilla Lim 9. Lim Yong Tah Bryan 10. Manjunath Murdeshwar 11. Neo Xueli 12. Jenny Oh Chen Li 13. Tan Chong Yew 14. Tay Sze Min Eleanor 15. Chloe Ting Qi 16. Zhang Yun Tao Alexander B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. BY SPRINKLING Bay May Yen Low You Seng Ng Chin Mei Ng Suat Min Jasmin Lloyd Ong Bin Seng Pang Kwai Chee Tan Mui Hwa, Sandy INFANT/CHILD C. BY IMMERSION 1. Joey Khong Yuting D/O Khong Chee Wee Yeo Siew Khim 2. Cheyanne Sie Kim Hoon D/O Calvin Sie Ee Sang Helene Lee Gek Hwa 1. Claire Chan Hui Yi D/O Chan Ming Tze Dawn Chuang Beng Li 2. Joshua Chan Yi Kai S/O Chan Ming Tze Dawn Chuang Beng Li 3. Jeremiah Chan Yi Yang S/O Chan Ming Tze Dawn Chuang Beng Li 4. Rebecca Kuah Rui En D/O Roger Kuah Teck Tze Adelene Ang Kwee Kheng 5. Zheng Rong Hui S/O Thant Zaw Lwin Peter Yin Myint Swe D. BY SPRINKLING 1 One Day Membership Conference Feb 2015 II. CONFIRMATION (28 Feb 2015) A. REMEMBERING BAPTISM BY IMMERSION 1. Joshua Kooi Han Wen 2. Lim Wen Qi, Dominic 3. Darius Loh Yeok Teng 4. Ong Song Ian Benedict 5. Shu Kit 6. Samuel Yew 7. Minal Urankar One Day Membership Conference Feb 2015 B. LAYING OF HANDS BY PASTORS 1. Kelvin Choo Shi Hao 2. Gan Tze Yi 3. Giang Wei Hao Melvyn 4. Giang Su Lynn Melissa 5. Kan Yin Li Juliana 6. Brendan Koh Jian Wei 7. Lee Foo Lee 8. Lee Yi Wei Shawn 9. Lim Huimin Ariel 10. Ong Thian Hock Timothy 11. Seow Jun Pang Colin 12. Pablo Tan Siang Po 13. Joanna Tan Tian-Hui 14. Tan Yung Kyi Amos 15. Gabrielle Tay Wann Nii 16. Tiang Guo Feng Timothy 17. Theresa Tiang Shi Qian 18. Shaun Van Hoe Kit 2 III. MEMBERSHIP (28 Feb 2015) A. RECEIVED AS NEW MEMBERS 1. Rayan Alsuwaigh 2. Wendy Chia Tong Hwee 3. How Siew Wee 4. Koh Kar Yan 5. Neo Xueli 6. Jenny Oh Chen Li 7. Tan Chong Yew 8. Tay Sze Min Eleanor 9. Chloe Ting Qi 10. Zhong Yun Tao Alexander 11. Low You Seng 12. Ng Chin Mei 13. Tan Mui Hwa, Sandy 14. Joshua Kooi Han Wen 15. Lim Wen Qi, Dominic 16. Darius Loh Yeok Teng 17. Ong Song Ian Benedict 18. Shu Kit 19. Samuel Yew 20. Kelvin Choo Shi Hao 21. Gan Tze Yi 22. Giang Wei Hao Melvyn 23. Kan Yin Li Juliana 24. Brendan Koh Jian Wei 25. Lee Foo Lee 26. Lee Yi Wei Shawn 27. Lim Huimin Ariel 28. Ong Thian Hock Timothy 29. Seow Jun Pang Colin 30. Pablo Tan Siang Po 31. Joanna Tan Tian-Hui 32. Tan Yung Kyi Amos 33. Gabrielle Tay Wann Nii 34. Tiang Guo Feng Timothy 35. Theresa Tiang Shi Qian 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 3 Shaun Van Hoe Kit Boey Shu Liang Joanne Chan Sheot Harn Ryan Nicholas Cheah Tze-Wei Chen Zhan Feng Peter Christopher Chin Kuan Yew Fok Chui Kwan Cindy Melissa Giang Su Lynn Hang Shu Min Celestine Khoo Cheng Neo Roslind Victor Lee Lee Wan Hui Caitlyn Sarah Lim Eng Ling Lim Hui Ting Jaclyn Lim You Ya Loke Sau Yeen Mak Li Yun Raymond Ng Yatt Tong Flora Ngui Choo Moy Ong Yean Hong Johanna Janet See Soh Chin Siew Adeline Tan An Qi Anna Tan Xiang Yun Tan Xin Yi Dilys Nicholas Tee Kong Hui Thant Zaw Lwin Peter Catherine Toh Yoke Kwai Wan Wee Kee Tony Wong Wai Yen Rebecca Yeo Saw Yan Lee Yao Xing One Day Membership Conference Feb 2015 B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. TRANSFER FROM OTHER CHURCHES Chan Ming Tze Dawn Chuang Beng Li Cheong Ing Ing Leong Ai-Peng, Irene Maureen Lee-Pang Peow Kheng Alice Tay Sarah Thong Sin Lin - Ang Mo Kio Presbyterian Church Ang Mo Kio Presbyterian Church St Andrew’s Cathedral St James Church Trinity Christian Centre Orchard Road Presbyterian Church Christ Lutheran Church, KL C. TRANSFER FROM OTHER METHODIST CHURCHES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Jo Ann Chan Cheng Gaik Justin Jeyakani Ng Lily Calvin Sie Ee Sang Lee Gek Hwa Helene Swee William Tan Lay Hoon Esther One Day Membership Conference Feb 2015 - Wesley Methodist Church, Ipoh, Perak Living Waters Methodist Church Paya Lebar Methodist Church Geylang Chinese Methodist Church Geylang Chinese Methodist Church Telok Ayer Methodist Church Telok Ayer Methodist Church 4 Letting Go the Seven Deadly Sins Sermon Series 1 Mar - 3 April 2015 Fasting Guidelines You are free to fast as God leads you, but here are some options you can consider: 1.Total Fast - Abstain from solid foods and beverages for 24 hours. Take only water. • Esther Fast - Abstain from solid foods for 24 hours for 3 days. (Esther 4:16) 2. Partial Fast - Abstain from solid foods for an extended part of the day. Take only water. You may fast from sunrise to sundown or from breakfast to afternoon tea. • Beverage Fast - Abstain from solid foods for 24 hours. Take only water and liquid foods such as milk, milo or other health beverages. • Daniel Fast - Abstain from meats and other favourite delicacies. Take only small portions of fresh vegetables, fruit and juices. You may practise this as a 10-day fast. (Daniel 1:12) • 1-Meal Fast - Sacrifice one full meal a day. How to enjoy fasting: 1. Set aside the time you are fasting to seek God in prayer and His Word. 2. Turn your physical hunger for food into spiritual hunger for God. 3. Scale down your normal activities especially if you are doing a total /sustained fast. Avoid rigorous exercise like jogging, cycling or weights training. 4. When fasting, don’t be distracted by items like Facebook, social media, phone games and watching television. 5. Break your fast gradually. For health reasons, you should consume small portions as you break fast, avoiding chilli or acidic foods. 6. Take a break from fasting on Sundays. CONTACTS FOR CHURCH CONCERNS - PASTORAL TEAM Pastor-in-Charge Pastor Edwin Wong [email protected] Mr Chow Tat Keong (Discipleship & Nurture) [email protected] Pastors Pastor Noel Goh [email protected] Mr Peter Foo (Discipleship & Nurture) [email protected] Pastor John Benedict Foo [email protected] Ms Janice Ong (Young Adults) [email protected] Pastor Raymond Fong [email protected] Ms Esther Ong (Language Ministry) [email protected] Managers Mr Lim Ewe Teik (Finance) [email protected] Mrs Pauline Shan (International Ministry) [email protected] Mrs Wendy Koh (Human Resource) [email protected] Mr John Sihoe (Youth Ministry) [email protected] Mr Andrew Seow (Admin & Operations) [email protected] Mrs Pearly Sim (Children Ministry - ONE JAM) [email protected] Assistant Manager Ms Andrea Low (Communications) [email protected] Pastoral Team Mr Peh Oon Thian (Senior Pastoral Team Member) [email protected] Mr Patrick Chua (Witness & Evangelism) [email protected] Ms Ng Soh Lan (Prayer) [email protected] Ms Godiva Ysip (FaithConnexion) [email protected] Ms Chong Ming Li (Counselling) [email protected] Mr Timothy Tan (Hospitality) [email protected] Dr Tay Hae Dar (Mandarin Ministry) [email protected] Ms Gloria F Wangsaputri (Worship & Music) [email protected] Ms Jimaia Wong (International Ministry) [email protected] CONTACTS FOR CHURCH CONCERNS - CHURCH LEADERS LCEC Chairperson Mr Lee Gee Aik [email protected] Church Governance Mr Patrick Pang [email protected] Worship & Music Ms Cindy Koh [email protected] LCEC Vice-Chairperson Mr Lim Boh Chuan [email protected] Children Ministry (ONE JAM)/ Church School Superintendent Mrs Magadalene Wee-Tan [email protected] Youth Age Group Coordinator Mr Kelly Lee [email protected] Discipleship & Nurture Mr Edmund E d&[email protected] FaithActs Executive Director Ms Shirley Ng 63397611 (O) Lay Leader Mr Albert Lim [email protected] Associate Lay Leader Ms Cindy Koh [email protected] Recording Secretary Ms Tan Lee Hia [email protected] Assistant Recording Secretary Mrs Yeo-Lin Yiting [email protected] Assistant Recording Secretary Mr Jonas Chow [email protected] Church Treasurer Mrs Lok-Loey Lai Lin [email protected] Assistant Church Treasurer Ms Christine Cheah [email protected] Church Archivist Mr Andrew Seow [email protected] Finance Committee/ Faith Kindergarten Management Committee Faith Kindergarten Mr Liaw Chun Huan Principal [email protected] Mrs Elsie Yee 64795409 (O) Hospitality Ms Tan Lee Hia Garden of Eternal Peace [email protected] Columbarium Facilities Manager Library/Communications/Media Mr Frank Yee Mrs Audrey Lim-Mok 64798122 (O) [email protected] Missions (International Ministry) Mr Lawrence Leong [email protected] Outreach & Social Concerns Mrs Koh-Ang Ley Keow o&[email protected] Property Management Committee/ Mandarin Ministry/ Prayer & Intercession Coordinator Mr Allan Poh [email protected] PPRSC Ms Cindy Koh [email protected] Small Groups Mr Paul Ong [email protected] Witness & Evangelism (Bridge Builders) Mr Jarold Yeo w&[email protected]
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