CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Per Staffan Kumlin Born September 7, 1972. Swedish Citizen. Resident of Norway. e-mail: [email protected] website: [Updated: March 2015] EDUCATION, DEGREES, TITLES Bachelor of Science, University of Gothenburg, 1996 (Political Science, Public Administration, English, Statistics, and Erasmus exchange at University of Limerick focusing on Irish and European studies) Filosofie doktor (four-year Ph.D) in Political Science, University of Gothenburg, 2002. Docent (associate professor) in political science, University of Gothenburg, January 2008. Research Professor (forsker I) at Institute for Social Research, Oslo, February 2013. Professor of Political Science, University of Gothenburg, February 2014. LANGUAGES Swedish (native). English (fluent for social and professional purposes). German (fluent, but perhaps somewhat rusty). ACADEMIC EMPLOYMENT (Between 2007 and 2011, I was on parental leave for a total of 9 months) August 1998-December 2002. Employment as PhD Candidate, Dept. of Political Science, University of Gothenburg. November 1998-April 2000. PhD Stipend from the European Commission’s TMR fund (“Training and mobility of Researchers”), employed at Social Science Research Center, Berlin (WZB). On leave from Gothenburg. January 2003-December 2006. Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Dept. of Political Science, University of Gothenburg. September 2003-August 2004. Postdoc fellow at the Robert Schuman Center for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence. Funded by STINT. On leave from Gothenburg. January 2007-March 2010. Tenure-track position (“Pro Futura Fellow”), employed as lecturer (bitr lektor) at Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study, Uppsala University. April 2010- Tenure-track position taken over by Dept. of Political Science, University of Gothenburg. Tenure evaluation passed successfully in May 2010. September 2010- Researcher Professor (forsker I) at Institute for Social Research; Oslo (part-time leave from Gothenburg). March 2011- Senior lecturer (universitetslektor), Dept. of Political Science, University of Gothenburg. 1 February 2014- Professor of Political Science, University of Gothenburg. PUBLICATIONS; Staffan Kumlin Peer-reviewed research monographs/volumes: 1. (2014). How Welfare States Shape the Democratic Public: Policy Feedback, Participation, Voting, and Political Attitudes. Edited by Staffan Kumlin and Isabelle Stadelmann-Steffen. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. 352 pages. (Co-author of introductory and concluding chapters; also single author of two further empirical chapters that are listed below). 2. (2004). The Personal and the Political: How Personal Welfare State Experiences Affect Political Trust and Ideology. New York: Palgrave–Macmillan. 260 pages. Textbooks: 3. (2014). Det politiska spelet. Medborgare, medier och politiker i den representativa demokratin. Lund: Studentlitteratur. (With Bengt Johansson, Elin Naurin, and Lena Wängnerud.) 250 pages. Other books: 4. (2001). Europaopinionen. (with Sören Holmberg, Per Hedberg, Henrik Oscarsson, Martin Bennulf, Maria Oskarson, Rutger Lindahl, and Martin Brothén (“The Swedish Public and the European Union”). Göteborg Studies in Politics. Peer-reviewed journal articles 5. (2012) “Scandal Fatigue? Scandal Elections and Satisfaction with Democracy in Western Europe, 1977-2007” British Journal of Political Science. 42(2):263-282 (with Peter Esaiasson). 6. (2011) “Blame Claiming and Credit-Giving: Unintended Effects of How Government and Opposition Frame the Europeanization of Welfare” European Union Politics 12(4):575-595. 7. (2010) “Questioning the New Liberal Dilemma: Immigrants, Social Networks, and Institutional Fairness.” Comparative Politics 43: 63-80. (with Bo Rothstein). 8. (2010). ”Essens, konvergens och komparativ forskning om välfärdsopinion.” Tidskrift for samfunnsforskning. 51: 565-571. 9. (2009). “Blaming Europe? Exploring the Variable Impact of National Public Service Dissatisfaction on EU Trust.” Journal of European Social Policy 19: 408-420. 10. (2006). “Learning from Politics: The Causal Interplay between Government Performance and Political Ideology.” Journal of Public Policy 26:89-114. 11. (2005). “Making and Breaking Social Capital: The Impact of Welfare State Institutions.” Comparative Political Studies 38:339-365 (with Bo Rothstein). 12. (2001) “Ideology-Driven Opinion Formation in Europe: The Case of Attitudes towards the Third Sector in Sweden.” European Journal of Political Research, 39:487-518. 2 13. (1997) “Folket och högervågen. Om opinionsbildning, samhällsstrukturer och ideologisk förändring i 1980-talets Sverige." Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift 100:411-440. (“Swedes and the Ideological Shift to the Right in the1980s”) Chapters in peer-reviewed books in English (*=peer-review also of individual chapters) 14. * (2014) “Policy Feedback in Political Context: Unemployment Benefits, Election Campaigns, and Democratic Satisfaction.” Pp. 181-197 in How Welfare States Shape the Democratic Public: Policy Feedback, Participation, Voting, and Political Attitudes. Edited by Staffan Kumlin and Isabelle Stadelmann-Steffen. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. 15. (2014) “Informed Performance Evaluation of the Welfare State: Experimental and Realworld Findings.” Pp. 289-307 in How Welfare States Shape the Democratic Public: Policy Feedback, Participation, Voting, and Political Attitudes. Edited by Staffan Kumlin and Isabelle StadelmannSteffen. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. 16. (2011) “Dissatisfied Democrats, Policy Feedback, and European Welfare States, 1976-2001.” Pp 163-185 in Political Trust: Why Context matters. Causes and Consequences of a Relational Concept, edited by Marc Hooghe and Sonja Zmerli. Colchester, UK: ECPR Press. (previously published as QoG Working Paper 2010:4”) 17. (2007). “The Welfare State: Values, Policy Preferences, and Performance Evaluations”, Pp. 363-382 in Oxford Handbook of Political Behavior edited by Russel Dalton and Hans-Dieter Klingemann. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 18. (2007). “Social Stratification and Political Articulation: Why Attitudinal Class Differences Vary Across Countries” Pp. 19-46 in The Welfare State, Legitimacy, and Social Justice edited by Steffen Mau and Benjamin Veghte. Aldershot: Ashgate. (with Stefan Svallfors). 19. * (2007).“Overloaded or Undermined? European Welfare States in the Face of Performance Dissatisfaction” Pp. 80-116 in The Political Sociology of the Welfare State. Edited by Stefan Svallfors. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. 20. (2005). “Value Orientations and Party Choice.” Pp. 124-65 in The European Voter. Edited by Jaques Thomassen and John Curtice. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (with Oddbjørn Knutsen; a book-long report was published earlier in the process by Department of Political Science, the University of Oslo. Research Report No. 3/2003. 143 pages). 21. (2002). “Institutions-Experiences-Preferences: Welfare State Design Affects Political Trust and Ideology.” Pp. 20-50 in Restructuring the Welfare State: Political Institutions and Policy Change. Edited by Rothstein, Bo and Sven Steinmo. New York: Palgrave–MacMillan. Non-peer-reviewed book chapters in Swedish 22. (2004) “Välfärdsmissnöje och EU-skepticism.” (Welfare State Dissatisfaction and Euroscepticism”). Pp. 385-412 in Kampen om euron. Edited by Henrik Oscarsson and Sören Holmberg. Göteborg: Livréna. 3 23. (2004). “Väljarna, välfärdsstaten och den europeiska integrationen.” (Voters, the Welfare State, and European Integration.) Pp. 17-40 in EU, skatterna och välfärden. Edited by Sverker Gustavsson, Lars Oxelheim and Nils Wahl. Stockholm: Santerus. 24. (2003). “Politiskt ansvarsutkrävande i Sverige 1986-2002.” (Political Accountability in Sweden 1986-2002). Pp. 161-70 in Fåfängans marknad. Edited by Sören Holmberg and Lennart Weibull. Göteborg: The SOM Institute. 25. (2003). “Finns det någon ansvarig?” (Anyone responsible?) Pp. 83-105 in Demokratins mekanismer. Edited by Gilljam, Mikael, and Hermansson, Jörgen. Malmö: Liber. 26. (2003). “Snedvridet ansvarsutkrävande?” (A negative bias in political accountability?). Pp. 31-54 in Demokratitrender. Edited by Henrik Oscarsson. Göteborg: The SOM Institute. 27. (2003) “Staten och det sociala kapitalet” (The State and Social Capital) Pp. 146-168 in Välfärdsstat i otakt. Edited by Jon Pierre and Bo Rothstein. Malmö: Liber förlag. (Together with Bo Rothstein.) 28. (2001) “Demokrati, socialt kapital och förtroende.” (Democracy, Social Capital, and Trust). Pp. 49-62 in Holmberg, Sören and Weibull, Lennart (eds.) Land, du välsignade? Göteborg: SOM-institutet. (together with Bo Rothstein). Also published in Solidaritet med undantag. (2002). Stockholm: Försäkringskasseförbundet., and in Fattigdom i välfärdsstaten. (2002). Stockholm: FAS. 29. (2000) “Opinionsbildning som dragkamp: företaget Sverige möter den svenska välfärdsstaten.” (Public Opinion Formation as a Struggle Between the Economy and the Welfare State) Pp. 73-86 in Nilsson, Lennart (ed.) Den nya regionen. Göteborg: SOM-institutet. (together with Maria Oskarson) 30. (1998) “Den bärkraftiga utvecklingen och opinionens globala underskott.” (Sustainable Development and the Global Deficit in Public Opinion). Pp. 93-106 in Holmberg, Sören and Lennart Weibull (eds.) (1998) Opinionssamhället. SOM-rapport 20. Göteborgs universitet: SOM-institutet (together with Sverker Carlsson) Book reviews: 31. (2010). “Review of Poverty, Participation, and Democracy: A Global Perspective, edited by Anirudh Krishna, Cambridge UP, 2008.” Acta Sociologica 53:293-295. 32. (2006). “Review of Steffen Mau’s The Moral Economy of Welfare States: Britain and Germany Compared. Routledge, 2003.” Journal of European Social Policy 16: 404-05. Newspaper articles: 33. ”Tillit och mångfald: En olöslig ekvation?” (“Trust and Diversity” An impossible equation?” with Bo Rothstein). Published in Axess Magasin, No. 9, 2010 34. “Den missförstådda folkviljan” (”The Misunderstood Public”). Svenska Dagbladet, September 23 2008 (Under strecket) 4 35. ”Väljarföraktet vid god vigör”, (”Contempt for Voters Still Alive”) Göteborgs-Posten (kultur) May 23, 2001. (The second largest daily [morgontidning] in Sweden). Datasets: 36. 2008. “The QoG Social Policy Dataset”. University of Gothenburg: The Quality of Government Institute, Available at (with Marcus Samanni, Jan Teorell, and Bo Rothstein). 37. (2006). ”Metodrapport från en sexstegs panelstudie i samband med riksdagsvalet 2006.” (Methodological report from a six wave panel survey during the 2006 Swedish Election Campaign.” (with Stefan Dahlberg and Henrik Oscarsson). Available at 38. (1996). “Riksdagsenkät. Dokumentation.” (Swedish Member of Parliament Survey 1996: A Documentation). Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, Göteborgs universitet (with Sören Holmberg, Peter Esaiasson och Martin Brothén). 5
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