VÉÜÑâá V{Ü|áà| ctÜ|á{ Rev. Msgr. Eugene S. Ostrowski, V.F. Pastor 1508 Warwood Avenue * Wheeling, WV 26003 Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Parish Office (304) 277-2911 School Office (304) 277-1220 Parish Center (304) 277-3900 www.CorpusChris Wheeling.org Office@CorpusChris Wheeling.org The Dedication Of The Lateran Basilica November 9, 2014 MASSES: Saturday: 5:30 PM Vigil Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:30 AM with a Children’s Liturgy of the Word Holy Day Masses: Please consult bulle n. Weekday Masses*: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8:30AM Wed. 11:00 AM during the school year * A funeral replaces a weekday Mass. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday at 4:30 PM and by individual appointment ANOINTING & VISITATION of the SICK: Call the Rectory any me to make arrangements. Please contact the Parish Office regarding any aged or sick who are confined. INITIATION/BAPTISMS: Rites of Ini a on of Adults and Bap sm of Children can be arranged by contac ng the pastor. Parents must complete a Bap sm Prepara on session prior to their child’s Bap sm. Call the office to make arrangements. MARRIAGE: Engaged couples should contact the pastor at least six months before the wedding date to arrange for pre-marriage prepara ons. NEW PARISHIONERS: We welcome all new members. Please register in person at the parish office or e-mail us at the above address. PARISH STAFF: 304-277-2911 Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Eugene S. Ostrowski, V.F. Deacon: Rev. Mr. Douglas Breiding Business Manager: Mrs. Kelly Clark Parish Secretary: Mrs. Cindy Becker Building & Maintenance: Mr. John Main Music Director: Mrs. Deborah Breiding "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up" PARISH SCHOOL: GRADES PRESCHOOL –8 School Principal: Mr. Dick Taylor School Secretary: Ms. Trina Pissos 304-277-1220 PARISH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM: Grades K-8 Sunday Mornings Sept. through May 9:00AM-10:20AM In the School Cafeteria Director: Mrs. Cindy Becker 304-277-2911 BULLETIN DEADLINE: Announcements must be submi ed in wri ng or by e-mail to cindy@corpuschris wheeling.org by 3:00PM on Wednesday. T D O T L exyÄxvà|ÉÇá ÉÇ à{x extw|Çzá "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up" What can keep us from the presence of God? Jesus’ drama c cleansing of the temple was seen by his disciples as a prophe c sign of God’s ac on. The temple was understood as the dwelling place of God among his people. When God delivered his people from slavery in Egypt, he brought them through the sea, and finally to Mount Sinai where he made a covenant with them and gave them a new way of life embodied in the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17). God gave Moses instruc on for worship and for making the Tabernacle, or tent of mee ng, which was later replaced by the temple. The New Testament tells us that these “serve as a copy and shadow of the heavenly sanctuary” – God’s Temple in heaven (Hebrews 8:5). Jesus’ cleansing of the temple is also a prophe c sign of what he wants to do with each of us. He ever seeks to cleanse us of sin and make us living temples of his Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19). Do you want to be holy as God is holy? Jesus referred to the temple as his Father’s house which was being made into “house of trade” (John 2:16) or “den of robbers” (Mark 11:17). That is why he used physical force to expel the money-chargers. The prophecy of Malachi foretold the coming of the Lord unexpectedly to his Temple to “purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and silver, ll they present right offerings to the Lord” (Malachi 3:1-4). Jesus' disciples recalled the words of Psalm 69: “Zeal for your house will consume me.” This was understood as a Messianic prophecy. Here the disciples saw more clearly Jesus as the Messiah who burned with zeal for God's house. The Jewish authori es, however, wanted proof that Jesus had divine authority to act as he did. They demanded a sign from God to prove Jesus right, otherwise, they would treat him as an imposter and a usurper of their authority. Jesus replied that the sign God would give would be Jesus' death on the cross and resurrec on from the tomb: "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up." The Jews did not understand that the temple Jesus referred to was his own body. The “tent of his body” had to be destroyed to open the way to the presence of God for us. Through his death and resurrecon, Jesus not only reconciles us with God, but he fills us with his Holy Spirit and makes us temples of the living God (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). God's word enlightens our minds and purifies our hearts that we may offer God fi ng worship and enjoy his presence both now and forever. Do you burn with zeal for the Lord’s house? "Lord Jesus Christ, you open wide the door of your Father’s house and you bid us to enter confidently that we may worship in spirit and truth. Help me to draw near to your throne of mercy with gra tude and joy." h p://www.rc.net/wcc/readings N B 9, 2014 Dedica on of the Basilica of St John Lateran (Feast) Most people probably think that St Peter’s is the pope’s main church in Rome. But actually it is the Church of St John Lateran which is the cathedral and hence the Pope’s church as Bishop of the Diocese of Rome. On the façade of the basilica there is an inscrip on in La n which reads, “the mother and mistress of all churches of Rome and the world”. We tend to forget that the Pope is primarily a Bishop, a first among equals, and that this church has a special and symbolic importance for the whole Church. The first church building on this site was built in the 4th century when the Emperor Constan ne gave land he had received from the wealthy Lateran family. That church and others which replaced it suffered over the centuries from fire, earthquakes and war but it remained the church where popes were consecrated un l they returned from exile in Avignon, in the south of France. When the Avignon papacy formally ended and the Pope could return to Rome, the Lateran Palace and the basilica were in a serious state of disrepair. The popes took up residency at the Basilica of St Mary in Trastevere and later at the Basilica of Saint Mary Major. Eventually, the Palace of the Va can was constructed and has been the pope’s residence un l now. The present Lateran basilica was erected in 1646. It ranks first among the four major basilicas in Rome (with St Peter’s, St Mary Major’s and St Paul’s Outside the Walls) as the Ecumenical Mother Church. On top of its facade are 15 large statues represen ng Christ, John the Bap st, John the Evangelist and 12 Doctors of the Church. Underneath its high altar are the remains of a small wooden table on which tradi on claims St Peter celebrated the Eucharist. St. John Bap st and St. John the Evangelist are regarded as copatrons of the cathedral, the chief patron being Christ the Saviour himself, as the inscrip on at the entrance of the Basilica indicates, and as is the tradi on in the patriarchal cathedrals. The Basilica remains dedicated to the Saviour, and its tular feast is the Transfiguraon. Its full tle then is Archbasilica of the Most Holy Saviour and of Sts. John Bap st and John Evangelist in the Lateran. Celebra ng the dedica on of the Pope’s cathedral today is a way of expressing the unity of the whole Church with the Pope, the Bishop of Rome. And the union of each local church with this church is an expression of the unity of all churches both with Rome and with each other. (Site: www.sacredspace.ie) Corpus Christi Mission Statement We, the Catholic Community of Corpus Christi, are called to continue the work and teachings set forth by Jesus Christ. We are committed: • • • • • To make the Eucharist the center of our lives by celebrating it joyfully and meaningfully as a community, To grow as an involved and loving community, To preserve church and family traditions, To provide a Catholic education and opportunities for spiritual growth to all age groups, To reach out to those in need. As a parish, we dedicate ourselves to live out our faith through service where each member shares with others the gifts and talents received from God. T D O T L B N 9, 2014 Parish Events & Community Activities SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION Bap sm: Parents wishing to have their child bap zed must schedule and complete a prepara on session prior to scheduling their child’s Bap sm. Please contact the Parish Office to make arrangements. 304-277-2911 NO ADULT SCRIPTURE SESSION THIS WEEK Due to the upcoming holiday schedule Scripture Sessions will not resume un l Wednesday, January 7, 2015, at 7:00PM. “The Life & Le ers of St. Paul” will be the new topic. Tuesday, November 11, 2014 The Parish Office will be closed in observance of Veteran’s Day. ♦ REMEMBER TO BUY YOUR GROCERY STORE SCRIP WHEN MAKING YOUR SHOPPING LIST FOR “GOBBLER TOM” AND ALL THE FIXINGS! SCRIP can be purchased Mondays from 8:15AM — 9:00AM and Fridays from 2:30PM — 3:30PM in the school cafeteria. You can also purchase SCRIP a er all masses on the week-end. Special Orders or large orders must be received by Monday @ 10:00AM to assure delivery by Friday. Market Day: paper orders due to the school by November 25,2014, on-line orders due no later than November 29, 2014 11:00PM. Pick up date: December 5, 2014 3:00-3:30PM ♦ Monday, November 10—Early Dismissal @ Noon Parent/Teacher Conferences ♦ Tuesday, November 11—No School Veteran’s Day ♦ Thursday, November 20—PTG Mee ng @ 7:00PM in the cafeteria. ♦ The 8th Grade class is sponsoring their Annual Poinse a Sale. Orders are due December 8, 2014. Delivery will be December 12 in the a ernoon. Order forms available in back of church, in the school or church office. Proceeds go towards the 8th grade class trip to Washington, DC in May. Knight’s Corner Wednesday, November 12, 2014 K of C Officers Mee ng In the K of C Mee ng Room @7:00PM Cantor Prac ce Thursday, November 13, 2014 @ 6:00PM in the Church CONFIRMATION PREPARATION SESSION Sunday, November 16, 2014 @ 6:00-7:30 in the School Cafeteria This session is for parents and their children, in Corpus Chris School and in the PREP program, preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirma on. Monsignor Gene will be addressing the candidates and their parents at this session. The Sacrament of First Reconcilia on will be celebrated here at Corpus Chris Parish on Monday, November 17, 2014 @ 6:00PM. Parents & Children need to be in church no later than 5:45. Please keep these young members of our Parish in your thoughts and prayers as they take this important step in their faith journey. College Planning Night will be hosted by CCHS Guidance Office on Nov. 19. Don't miss out on our "College 101" Program for Juniors and Seniors (and their parents) on Wednesday, Nov. 19 (6:30-8:00 pm, CCHS Great Hall)! Learn about Central Catholic's new and improved college planning services and everything you need to know for a successful college planning process for your child. Discussion Topics to include: Junior and Senior College Planning Timeline; SAT and ACT Tes ng Informa on; Available Dual-Credit College Courses; College/University Admissions Visits; College Applicaon Procedure and Timeline; Transcripts and Recommenda on Le ers; PROMISE and Other Available Scholarships; NCAA Eligibility; and Financial Aid. Light refreshments will be served. Hope to see you there! In celebra on of the Thanksgiving Holiday, CCHS will dismiss early on Wednesday, Nov. 26 and be closed on Nov. 27-28. Classes will resume on Monday, Dec. 1. We wish everyone a blessed Thanksgiving! Mark Your Calendars! The annual CCHS Freshmen Christmas Show will be held the evening of Dec. 7 in the Great Hall. Super Bowl Board squares are available $50 each. . Contact Tom Fauls ck 304- 277-5255. SAVE THE DATE MARK YOUR CALENDARS Ladies Guild Christmas Party Sunday, December 14, 2014 @ 2:00PM in the Parish Center. All Ladies Guild members are cordially invited. See back inside page of bulle n for complete details. T D O T L B Monday, November 10, 2014 Ti 1: 1-9; Ps 24: 1b-4b, 5-6; Lk 17: 1-6 Tuesday, November 11, 2014 Ti 2: 1-8, 11-14; Ps 37: 3-4, 18, 23, 27, 29; Lk 17: 7-10 Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Ti 3: 1-7; Ps 23: 1b-6; Lk 17: 11-19 Thursday, November 13, 2014 Phlm 7-20; Ps 146: 7-10; Lk 17: 20-25 Friday, November 14, 2014 2 Jn 4-9; Ps 119: 1-2, 10-11, 17-18; Lk 17: 26-37 Saturday, November 15, 2014 3 Jn 5-8; Ps 112: 1-6; Lk 18: 1-8 Sunday, November 16, 2014 Prv 31: 10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Ps 128: 1-5; 1 Thes 5: 1-6; Mt 25: 14-30 N 9, 2014 11:00AM Monday, November 10 Funeral Memorial Mass for Robert Philabaum 8:30AM Tuesday, November 11 Philip Garbark 11:00AM Wednesday, November 12 Rose & Frank Bogolin 8:30AM Thursday, November 13 Robert Philabaum 8:30AM Friday, November 14 Peg Straughn 5:30PM Saturday, November 15 Edmund “Mac” McGinley 8:00AM Sunday, November 16 Mary Becker (A) 10:30AM Sunday, November 16 For All Parishioners Special Prayer Intentions Sarah Czapp, Phyllis Grob, Abby McGowan, CJ Reinacher, Richard Rinschler, Norma Roth, Joseph Wavra, and John Vdovjak Last Week’s Collec ons November 2, 2014 Offertory Collec on: $ 4,842.75 Archdiocese of Military Services Collec on: $ 530.00 All Saints Day Collec on $ 503.00 Total $ 5,875.75 Thank you for your generosity! Entered into Eternal Life: Gloriann Clara Bober Schuetz October 9, 1927 — November 4, 2014 Mother of Karen (Michael) Klemm, and Nancy (Richard) Schell Sister-in-law of Mary Jane Schuetz Please keep her and her family in your prayers. Mount Calvary Cemetery invites parishioners to join them for these upcoming events in November at the Bishop's Chapel : November 16: Evening Prayer for the Dead (featuring special music) will be celebrated at 5:30pm All are invited to par cipate as we lovingly remember those who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith. Please call the cemetery office (304.242.0460) for addi onal details. ♦ for our women and men and their families who serve in our military ♦ and all of those who are confined to home and nursing homes and on our prayer chain. Due to privacy concerns we cannot publish names of sick and/or hospitalized without the permission of the individual or their immediate family. To have someone placed on the prayer list please call the parish office. Names are leŌ on the list for 4 weeks unless we are otherwise noƟfied by the family. The Sanctuary Candle is burning this week in loving memory of: Mary Malinosky Weekly Sanctuary Candle An offering can now be made in memory of a deceased loved one. The Sanctuary Candle is the candle in the red and gold candle stand that is adjacent to the Tabernacle, which remains lit at all mes. Call or stop in the church office for more details, 304-277-2911. PLEASE RETURN MISSALS TO THE BACK OF THE CHURCH! If you use a missal to follow the liturgy at mass, please return them to the back of church each week so that they are available for others to use. We only have a limited amount of them on hand. T D O T L Saturday, November 15, 201Altar S 5:30 PM Mass Needs Filled N B Euch M Mascolino, N. Barbaley,J. 9, 2014 Hosp Lector 1 Kowalik,Walter Granato,Amy Kowalik,Eugene Myers,Tom Myers,Linda Lector 2 Musician Provenzano. F. Breiding,D. Cantor Pesi, D. Sunday, November 16, 2014 Altar S Euch M 8:00AM Mass Faulstick,Tyler Miller,L. Hosp Robson,C. Williams,J. Williams,L. Lector 2 Robson,T. Cantor Latos,C. Sunday, November 16, 2014 Altar S 10:30AM Mass Smay,Austin Riggs,Justin Children's Liturgy: Angius,Jesse K. Riggs & C. Contraguerro Hosp Lector 1 Lector 2 Musician Cantor Smay,C. Ripoly ,J. Remp,J. Bailey,Sue Hill, Angie Graebe,Mary Jo DiProsperis,Eleanor If you are unable to fulfill your ministry please find a replacement minister. It is very important Baker,S. to have all posi ons filled! Euch M Deacon Doug Smay, J. Blake, M. November 10 — November 14 Baron Vogrin & Jesse Angius A en on Lectors: The 2015 Workbook for Lectors are available to pick up in the Church Sacristy. Lectors please make sure you stop by and pick up your copy. THE MASS INTENTION BOOK FOR 2015 IS NOW OPEN ! You may s ll make requests for Mass Inten ons for 2015, dates are s ll available! S pend payment must be made when the mass and/or candle is scheduled. Please mail your requests with payment to the Parish Office or stop in to schedule. No phone requests please! Corpus Chris School will be selling Enjoy® Coupon Books again this year to benefit the general fund. Books are priced at $40 and will be on sale from October 6, 2014, through January 7, 2015. For more informa on, please contact Kelly at the Parish Office at (304) 277-2911. Lector 1 White,D. Musician Breiding,D. 18th Street Volunteers November 15, 2014 Steve Baker Ron Bogolin Tim Johnson Norma Mascolino Donna Polsinelli NOVEMBER HAPPENINGS @ St. Joseph Retreat Center 137 Mount St. Joseph Road, Wheeling, West Virginia. Holis c Weekend: Friday, November 14 —Sunday, November 16. Begins at 7:00PM on Friday; ends with Sunday brunch. Treat yourself to a weekend to experience the integra on of different modali es of prayer, wellness, and relaxa on. Wear comfortable clothing and shoes since you may want to spend some of your weekend outdoors. Sister Kathleen Durkin, CSJ, facilitator. Cost: $125.00; Commuter cost: $75.00. All are welcome! Enhance Your Life Through Drumming: Monday, November 24, 2014. 6:30PM to 7:30 PM Come join our monthly drum circle as we share rhythm and get in tune with ourselves and others. Jennifer Hezoucky, facilitator. Cost: $10.00. All are welcome! To register for any of the events at the Retreat Center call: 304-232-8160 extensions 112 or 145 or email: [email protected]. T D O T L N B 9, 2014 Crea ve Ways to Give Thanks on This Thanksgiving Here are some simple, crea ve Thanksgiving ideas to help you and your family express thanks to God on Thanksgiving Day. With a li le advance planning new memories and tradi ons can be established. • • • • Together We Can Reach Our Goal! As we approach Thanksgiving, we also near the end of this year’s Catholic Sharing Appeal. We stand at 97% of our goal of $1.55 million, and your gi to the CSA can help us reach our goal! If possible, we ask you to visit our website and make a gi today! Your dona on will support your parish, as well as Catholic Educa on, Catholic Chari es West Virginia, and Diocesan Ministries. Please know how much we appreciate all gi s to the Catholic Sharing Appeal! Altar Servers Richard Rinschler Hospitality Ministry Tracy Robson RCIA Linda Rinschler Knights of Columbus William Wagner St. Vincent de Paul Ebbie Schuetz Youth Ministry Trina Pissos Ladies Guild Jackie McGlumphy 304-277-2807 304-905-0588 304-277-2807 304-336-7177 304-277-369 304-277-1220 304-277–5142 • • • • Set aside a few moments on Thanksgiving Day to sit down and read a Thanksgiving story. Read it alone or together with your family. Take on the family project of wri ng a Thanksgiving poem or prayer together. During Thanksgiving dinner, ask each family member to share a favorite Thanksgiving memory. Invite a widow, single person or someone who is lonely to share in your family Thanksgiving meal. Put on your own Thanksgiving Day parade or "pilgrim play" with family, friends and neighbors. Prepare a Thanksgiving offering to give to a needy family or one of your favorite chari es Adopt a family at Thanksgiving by providing their Thanksgiving meal or groceries in advance. Always remember to be thankful of all your blessings. Good Neighbor PTG Finance Council Cafeteria Rental Athle c Director CCGS Boosters Georgia Rudol 304-277-3961 Mike Howard 304– 277-1220 David Glatz 304-277-466 Tom & Peggy Dailer 304-277-2707 Kevin Heller, Jr. 304-277-4082 Ed Boudreau 304-277-2475 O Come All Ye Faithful To the Ladies Guild CHRISTMAS PARTY! Enjoy Fine Food and Wonderful Conversation With fellow ladies of the parish. Turkey and Ham Dinner With all the “fixins” Sunday, December 14th, 2014 In the Parish Center at 2:00 $5 Gift Exchange White Elephant Raffle 50/50 Raffle Paid-up Membership — Free Non-Members — $10 PTG ONE STOP SHOP & COOKIE SALE Join us in the Parish Center Saturday, December 13, 2014 9:00 — 1:00 Save your time and energy by purchasing your cookies at the PTG Cookie Sale! (Come early the cookies may run out!) Five Dozen for $15.00 One Stop Shop has tables available for vendors and crafters. Tables are $15. For more information contact: Trina Pissos 304-277-1220 or 304-639-6104 Have a cup of coffee as you choose your cookies! Check out the One Stop Shop for some great Christmas gifts! Some vendors include: Thirty-One, Tastefully Simple, Usborne Books, Origami Owl, Gold Canyon Candles and other crafters. Tickets will be sold after Mass in the back of Church (Nov. 8 – Nov. 30), can be purchased in the Parish Office or call Becky Gentle 304-905-8046 to make a reservation. Reservation Deadline is December 4th. Tickets will NOT be sold at the door. Eighth Grade Poinse a Sale The 8th grade class is once again sponsoring the poinse a sale to support their Washington, DC class trip in May. All orders need to be turned in by Monday, December 8, 2014. Orders will be delivered to the school and will be ready for pick-up on Friday, December 12, 3:00-5:00. Order forms are available in the back of church, in the parish and school offices. Poinse a prices range from $7.00 - $30.00. Fresh pine wreaths, centerpieces and grave blankets are available to order also. Suppor ng our Local Community Assaros’ Garage LLC “Where 1 Call Since 1965 Does it All!” ASE Cer fied Master Technician Towing Automotive & Commercial Truck Repair LOU ASSARO TONY L. ASSARO 2200 WARWOOD AVE. WHEELING, WV 26003 Triveri Aluminum & Vinyl Inc. 2222 Warwood Ave, Wheeling, WV 26003 304-277-2850 www.triverialuminum.com Saving Energy-Saving Money - Serving The Tri State Area Since 1959 ROHRIG HEAVY EQUIPMENT Maintenance LLC Wheeling, WV Robert & Joseph Rohrig– Parishioners 304-277-3400 THIS SPACE COULD BE RESERVED FOR YOUR BUSINESS AD! We are currently taking ad subscrip ons for the Corpus Chris Parish Bulle n. Please contact the Parish Office 304-277-2911 or e-mail cindy @corpuschris wheeling.org for affordable price quotes and informa on! The Law Offices of W. Eric Gadd PO Box 6882 Wheeling, WV 26003 W. Eric Gadd Responsible Attorney W. Eric Gadd Attorney-at-Law 304-280-4889 eric@gaddlawoffice.com gaddlawoffice.com Fahey-Leavi Insurance Agency G. Michael Fahey, Agent 1-304-242-8840 1203 Mount DeChantal Rd, Wheeling, WV 26003 Home - Auto - Life - Business
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