Agile architecture - how can we approach constant change? This presentation was made for Sveriges Arkitekter and their breakfast seminar #arkfrukost in April 2015. The topic was about exploring the differences and similarities between being a digital agency and/or digital start-up and being an architect and see if we together could find more agile ways to approach architecture. Anna Gullstrand, CEO Fröjd Interactive @AnnaGullstrand @FrojdAgency Challenges in the digital business (might be the same challenges as today architects have?) Outsourcing Quality comes second Price pressures “Anyone” can make a website Platforms solves “everything” out of the box Constant change Hard to get paid for creativity & value “The machines are taking over...” – Både gotikens arkitekter och Le Corbusier lät göra skalmodeller för att kunna förstå hur material och design interagerar. 3d-visualiseringar kan däremot vara rätt frustrerande, de är som luft, helt virtuella när det i slutänden handlar just om tyngd, om hur fysikens lagar påverkar din design. Vi tog hjälp av dataspelsprogrammerare för att modellera fram knutpunkterna och hur de ska appliceras. De är sedan utskrivna i metall via en 3d-printer. Reed Kram, Kram/Weisshaar, from Tidningen Arkitekten, March 2015 What is happening? The disrupters, how do they do it? MVP Time to Market Doers Pivot Lean The old way Strategy Concept Structure Design Implementation One of the new ways Hypothesis Agile Concept Development Agile Technical Development Agile Agile Manifesto Individuals and interactions over processes and tools. Something that is working over comprehensive documentation. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation. Responding to change over following a plan. Lean Start-up ideas Learn Build data code Measure The design sprint by Google Ventures How can we apply the “do & test” mentality on our business? Draw Build Future of modelling - 3D-printing Future of modelling - 3D-printing – Bilder är en sak, men alla vet att de kan manipuleras. Att kunna visa en fysisk modell i ett tidigt skede för beställare och för stadsbyggnadskontoret är en fördel, samtidigt så kan vi laborera på ett annat sätt än vad man kan på en skärm. Mi Inkinen, vd på Kjellander + Sjöberg, i “Tidningen Arkitekten” March 2015, on 3D-printing. 3D-printing in real size The design sprint by Google Ventures Invite your users to your vision before it is buildt. Oculus Rift. Image by Sergey Galyonkin, Flickr, Creative Commons How can we apply the “do & test” mentality on our business? Draw Build Can we design a park the “agile way”? Let people walk - then build the roads. Try out several “prototype” cafés and restaurants - let the most successful one florish. Figure out where people like to sun bath - before giving them sun chairs. Personal qualities Hands on Sense of overall responsibility Knows the material Flexible Interested in technique No prestige Curious Loves testing Wants to improve Fast Design everyday work Agile coach: Removes obstacles. Makes sure the team have what they need to be able to be innovative and creative. Interactive tools: High individual responsibility and action oriented web based tools as for example Trello. Clarity & mindset: Be clear on expectations on each other, and every persons responsibility. Everyone has to test, measure and fail to be able to succeed. One tool to try - Trello Get inspired! Joakim Jardenberg @Jocke @hbgstad has a Trello board for the development of the city of Helsingborg. Let’s connect! @AnnaGullstrand @FrojdAgency
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