ST. PETER’S CHURCH NOVEMBER 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 ALL SAINTS 2 ALL SOULS DAY PANCAKE BREAKFAST 3 4 Bible Study 7 pm RCIA 7-8:30 pm 9 Dedication of the Lateran Basilica 10 Bible Study 7 pm 11 REMEMBRANCE DAY MASS 10 am 12 PREP 6:15-7:30 pm Seniors KeepFit 12:30 pm 16 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 17 18 Queen's Park 10 am 19 Pro-Life Prayers 12:30pm Seniors KeepFit 12:30 pm PREP 6:15-7:30 pm PREP 6:15-7:30 pm Bible Study 7 pm RCIA 7-8:30 pm 23 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe 30 1st Sunday of Advent 5 Seniors KeepFit 12:30 pm 24 Bible Study 7 pm K of C Meeting 7:30 pm 25 RCIA 7-8:30 pm 26 St. Vincent de Paul Meeting 12:30 pm Seniors KeepFit 12:30 pm PREP 6:15-7:30 pm 6 YAH Meeting 12:45 pm Legion of Mary 12:30 pm Choir Practice 7-8:30 pm 7 8 Eucharistic Adoration 12:30 to 2 pm CWL Bazaar 9 am to 3 pm 13 Kiwanis-10 am CWL Meeting 10am Legion of Mary 12:30 pm YAH Bingo-1 pm Choir Practice 7-8:30 pm 20 Legion of Mary 12:30 pm YAH Bingo-1 pm Parish Council Meeting 7 pm Choir Practice 7-8:30 pm 27 YAH Executive Meeting-10 am Legion of Mary 12:30 pm Finance Meeting 7 pm Choir Practice 7-8:30 pm 14 15 In the Care of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate since 1860 330 Royal Ave., New Westminster, BC V3L 1H8 Phone: 604-522-4611 Fax: 604-522-9142 Emergency: 604-522-0176; 604-522-5894 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: NOVEMBER 9, 2014 DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA Royal City Manor 10:30 am 21 22 Pastor: Father Martin Moser OMI 28 29 SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 5pm Sunday 9am 11am and 5pm WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE Tuesday through Friday 12 Noon Monday and Saturday, 9:00 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word at the 9am and 11am Masses Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 4pm to 4:45pm Tuesday thru Friday 11:40am – 11:55am Baptisms & Marriages: Please call the Parish Office 604-522-4611 Parish Organizations Catholic Women’s League St. Peter’s Young at Heart Senior Group Pro Life Society St. Peter’s Youth Group Choir Outreach Knights of Columbus St. Vincent de Paul Society Development & Peace Queens Park Mass Team Social Justice Legion of Mary Mass Lectors Sat. 5 pm L:Tracy MacKinnon C:Graeme MacKinnon Sun. 9 am L:Natalie Bradbear C:Maria Chakeredza 11 am L:Ligaya Temperatura C:Damilola Gittens 5 pm L:Nicole Oke C:Grace Villanueva MINISTRY SCHEDULING FOR NOVEMBER 15/16 Eucharistic Ushers Greeters Ministers (& Collections) Ed Wunderlich Rebecca Licas - U Peggy McNeil Thomas Fontaine Maricar Claudia Sison Danny Acosta Payot Mietek Nieradka John Simmer Domingo Almonte - U Wynne Simmer Renato Crespo Dan Domingo Almonte Akok Bol McGuire Vera Ellen Baughman Joseph Nguyen Peter Markin - U Felino Ponio III Thelma Cruz Dona Tess Marier Manny Cruz Anderson Joy Ponio Nora Riordan Tim Salvacion - U Arleen Eileen Brown Veronica de Guzman Acuna Louis de la Torre Lina Furminger Altar Servers Maya Becher Olivia Becher Morgan Denny Ryan Rizzo Morewa Adeyemi Yosola Adeyemi Samantha Ponio Tristan Comia Natasha Verzosa Jullianna Oke James Nicolas Aaron Wong COFFEE SUNDAY HOSTS & HOSTESSES / LITURGY OF THE WORD WITH CHILDREN FOR NOVEMBER 16 Sun. 9 am Sun. 11 am Coffee Sunday Hosts & Hostesses Tom & Giovanna Ciprian Sue & Gerry Spindor Liturgy of the Word with Children Mely Almonte, Annabelle Almonte, Krista Tibay Sunila Thomas, Angie Kok Prayers for the sick: Please remember those among our families and friends who are suffering the burden of illness or pain especially: Albertine de Cupyer, Fleur Ange Diemert, Jocelyne Bolt, David Gillmor, Patrick Manghi, Anna Bauer, Antonio Giacomini, Tena Colton, Lesli Balango, Eldie Guinomma, Nellie Cavell, Lorraine Cahill, Caferina Tolentino, Wynne Simmer, Sharon Courtnage, Tony Marino, Patrick Coll, Gerald Visutskie, Mary Beames, Christine Perrot, Daniel Gourlay, Kenneth Landale, Dolores Elamparo, Diane Elamparo, Fred Hoffer, Kathleen McGuire, Pat Munn, Marlene Colledge, Aline Nordstrand, Edgardo Arellano, Gerald Davis, Arlene Donato, Patricia Piper, Cora Viray, Emelita Tolentino, Ron Breslin, Lina & Saverio, Teresa Morabito, Christina Donovan, John Leeson, Anthony and Joseph Donovan. May they experience the love and warmth they need, to be healed in body and spirit. REMEMBRANCE DAY - November 11, Mass at 10 am, not at 12 Noon. NOVEMBER has traditionally been the month that we pray for our deceased relatives, friends and former parishioners. We will do this as a community by praying for people whose names are listed in our Book of Remembrance. Loose pages are located at the back of the Church and we invite you all to write names in the book. The Book of Remembrance will be placed in the Sanctuary. We remember our deceased parishioners who died since November 1, 2013. David Battle, Fortunata Bowie, Valeria Cirillo, Lidwina Cox, James Diodati, Veronica Golightly, Dave Hanas, Catherine Heder, Rose Helmink, Peter Hendriks, Krystyna Huitema, Baby Victoria Faith Lee, Maureen McCulloch, John McIntosh, Sister Mary Michael, Kathleen O'Gorman, Geraldine Pentecost, Edward O'Hara, Steve Skazlic, Rene Vanderkeerk. Today we ask for a blessing for all altar servers' We thank them for their time and dedication Saturday, 5 pm Mass: Maya Becher, Olivia Becher, Morgan Denny, Duy Nguyen, Benedict Pasag, Andrea Pasag, Callista Tolentino, Gabrielle Tolentino, Vincent Tolentino. Sunday, 9 am Mass: Morewa Adeyemi, Yosola Adeyemi, Mark Almonte, Anabela Chiu, Piero Ciprian, Mattias Ciprian, Autumn Johnston, Agnes Natoc, Ryan Rizzo, Isabella Satimbre, Emily VanderZalm. Sunday, 11 am Mass: Angelica Chua, Tristan Comia, Joseph Melliza, Deniece Orenzo, James Orenzo, Justine Palanog, Samantha Ponio, Mikhaella Teodoro, Natasha Verzosa, Clare Vu, Eric Vu, Frances Vu. Sunday, 5 pm Mass: Kyle Berry, Sabrina Berry, Etella Keenan, James Nicolas, Jullianna Oke, Aaron Wong. ST. PETER'S SEISMIC WORK UPDATE: Work was completed over the summer on the seismic upgrade work on the church’s roof area. Total costs to date for the seismic work is $180,000. To date we have collected $53,000 through the Building Fund envelopes. With additional seismic work still required we anticipate total costs to be upwards of $300,000. As a parish community we need to raise an additional $247,000 to cover this seismic work. We are looking to raise these funds over the next 36 months. We are requesting each parish family to donate an additional $20 per month towards this goal. Please use your Building fund envelopes for your donation. New registrants that don't have their 2014 envelopes, donations to the Building Fund can be made by filling out a Building Fund Envelope or a pledge sheet from the back of the church. Please put in your full information for a 2014 tax receipt. Thank you for your continued financial support of St. Peter’s. St. Peter’s Finance Committee PARISH LIBRARY: Our Parish CWL is sponsoring a parish library shelf for all parishioners. It is located at the entrance to the parish hall, and used on an honor system of self-checkout. Books may be signed out for 1 month, and renewed once, as our inventory is limited. A parish member may borrow 2 books per household reader at any one time. Returned books will be put on a “Return Shelf” and re-shelved by our volunteer. Topics : Scripture, Life of Christ, Lives of holy people, Church history, Vatican II, Parenting, Child level stories in any category, Christian Marriage, Sexuality, Media, Prayer, Sacraments, Eternal Life, Suffering/Death, Sin and Evil. STEWARDSHIP REFLECTIONS: We are called to help God build His kingdom on earth. We are His eyes, ears, hands and voice on Earth. By giving of our “first fruits” of our time, talent and treasure we help fulfill God’s call. Are you doing all you can to help? Do you spend time in prayer every day? Do you participate in one of the many parish ministries? Do you give generously in the offertory collection each week? Envelopes $ 5,076.00 LAST WEEK’S COLLECTIONS Loose Weekly Budget $ 851.45 $ 5,000.00 Building Fund $ 1,103.65
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