Richard Johnson Anglican School No. 14 Week 5 Term 4 - 4 November2014 From the PRINCIPAL INSIDE THIS ISSUE: From the Principal - 1 School Rules, OK! - 2 Primary Section/ Secondary Section - 2-11 P&F Association - 12 Prayer Points - 13 Dates to Remember - 13 Community Announcements - 14 - 15 Over recent weeks many of our students have been busy with exams and other assessment tasks. We look forward to seeing how much they’ve developed their learning during the year. An excellent ‘Surviving Year 12’ Night, as well as productive Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews, have resulted in the next Year 12 cohort creating purposeful goals to establish helpful study patterns for building towards the 2015 HSC. It was fantastic to see the whole School community participate wholeheartedly in the Student Forum/Houses generated pink mufti day for breast cancer last Thursday. A total of $2,337.15 was raised through donations and the purchase of pink ribbons. Well done everyone! Our third annual RJ Bike Challenge is only several weeks away so make sure you have your bike ready for a great Saturday morning. This event caters for all ages, from Kindergarten through to adults, and provides fun challenges for short distances through to longer ones. Notes are distributed this week – make sure you sign-up a.s.a.p. House points can be earned – it’s the final House event for 2014. It’s a whole family occasion, finishing with a big Morning Tea at Nurragingy Reserve. We look forward to welcoming new 2015 students at upcoming Orientation Days: Year 7 this week; and Kindergarten soon after. Our Orientation programs are usually very successful. Please note that, due to ongoing demand, we’ve increased Year 7 maximum numbers to 98-100 students. The transition into ‘high school’ is handled most capably by our staff. A number of excellent staff appointments have been made for 2015 to both replace several teachers leaving and to increase staff numbers. Staff leaving: Secondary - Mrs Cathy Phipps, Mr David Hyde, Miss Erin Moore (temp. contract), Miss Dominique Glazier (temp. contract); Primary – Mr Calum Henderson, Mrs Alison Wheldon (part-time); on maternity leave – Mrs Rebecca Zakhia. Sincere thanks is offered to them on behalf of the School community. Two new positions related to School growth: Director of Service Learning/Special Events – Mr Stewart Rowe; Director of Secondary Welfare – Mr Stuart McCormack. We congratulate both on their new appointments. Our new building (Block G) of 5 classrooms is progressing well and is due to be completed around Christmas time. Details for our next building project (new Block F in 2015) will soon be finalised, ready for the public tendering process. Please be aware that this project and subsequent significant changes to external spaces, starting with Pioneers Way towards the end of 2015, will really challenge us as a School community. In every way – physically, operationally, financially – we’ll be stretched incredibly to undertake the final parts of the Masterplan. The active support of every RJ family is being sought so that we can finish external works projects in 2016. When confronting difficult challenges we may worry, we may despair, we may crumble; but, in allowing our minds and hearts to be overwhelmed by God’s authority, grace and power, our circumstances may appear more resistable and more achievable: “God set the earth on it’s foundations... How many are His works? In wisdom God made them all; the earth is full of His greatness.” (Psalm 104:5,24) Best wishes Paul Cockrem Principal PRINCIPAL’S AWARD Congratulations to the following students who received Principal’s Awards at recent Assemblies: Isaac Chryssafis Leam Gault Caleb Castle Joel Johnston Jade Rawlings Amber Bell Olivia Zabel Natalya Lanteri Harmony Millard 1J 1J 2R 2J 2J 3R 3J 4R 4R RJ Development Appeal $0 $81,011 Progressive Amount $200,000 Target Richard Johnson Anglican School School RULES, OK! Page 2 - 4 November 2014 SPORT POINTS AFL Paul Kelly Cup 10 Boys Representative Soccer Team 10 Captain's Cup Rugby League Gala Day 10 CIS Athletics 30 CIS Open Girls Football (Soccer) Championships 20 CIS Rugby League 7's Gala Day 15 CIS Rugby League Trial Under 15s 20 CIS Rugby League Trial Under 18s 20 CIS Soccer Cup 15 CIS State Cross Country 30 CIS Swimming 30 CIS Touch Football Championships 20 CIS Under 15s Trial 15 CSSA Boys Basketball Gala Day 20 CSSA Girls Basketball Gala Day 20 CSSA Girls State Softball Trial 10 CSSA Netball Gala Day 10 CSSA Primary State Basketball Gala Day 15 CSSA Rugby Trial 10 CSSA Secondary 15 and Under Girls Netball Trial 10 CSSA Secondary Rugby Union Carnival 20 CSSA Secondary State Triathlon 10 CSSA Soccer Trial 10 CSSA State Athletics 20 CSSA State Cross Country 20 CSSA State Gymnastic Competition 30 CSSA State Metro Cup Soccer Gala Day 20 CSSA State Swimming 20 CSSA Touch Football Gala Day 10 CSSA Touch Football Trial 10 CSSA Under 15 Cricket Competition 10 CSSA Volleyball Gala Day 10 CSSA Zone Athletics 10 CSSA Zone Swimming 10 Secondary Girls Representative Soccer Team 15 Joel Brown And Tim Mannah Rugby 9's Cup 10 Milo T20 Blast Cricket Gala Day 10 NSW All Schools Athletics Carnival 30 NSW All Schools Secondary Girls Football Championships 30 Any student who has received 4 Principal’s Awards, please hand them into the office to qualify for a School Plaque at Presentation Night. NSW PSSA Athletics Championships 30 NSW State Volleyball All Schools Cup 30 Primary AFL Gala Day 10 Awards need to be received by Friday 14 November. Primary CIS Athletics 25 SPORTING AND CULTURAL MEDALLIONS In the previous edition of the RJ Review, I indicated that a list of students would be ready by 31 October. I apologise that this was not possible. Please refer to a list of all the activities for which points are scored this year, as well as how many points each activity counts. Please note the following when checking your points: • For each different activity, it is the highest points which count and not a total of the group. For example, if a student goes to Zone Athletics (10 points), CSSA State Athletics (20 points) and CIS Athletics (30 points), he/she scores 30 points and NOT 10+20+30 points. • Points for SPORT and CULTURAL are calculated separately. • The RickyJ Singers and Dancers as well as the RJ DanceStars and RJ SingStars score a separate 10 points under “Primary Musical Song or Dance Group” if they were involved in the Primary Musical. • The qualification levels for medallions are as follows: o PRIMARY: 50 points – BRONZE; 65 points – SILVER; 80 points – GOLD. o SECONDARY: 60 points – BRONZE: 75 points – SILVER; 90 points – GOLD. • You can use the sheet below to enter your points as well. • Students who have obtained these levels will receive a note from their teacher by Thursday 7 November. Where possible, parents will also be informed by e-mail. • If a student does not receive a note by Friday 8 November and you are of the opinion that a medallion has been earned, please email me - [email protected]. If I can receive that e-mail by Tuesday 11 November, I will be able to respond to you by Friday 14 November. • A final list of medallion winners will appear in the Week 7 edition of the RJ Review. Michael O’Hare Deputy Principal SCHOOL PLAQUES SCORE Richard Johnson Anglican School SPORT POINTS Page 3 - 4 November 2014 SCORE CULTURAL POINTS Primary CIS Swimming 30 J Crew 10 Primary CSSA Girls Hockey Trial 10 Library Monitor 10 Primary CSSA State Athletics 20 NSW Schools Constitutional Convention 10 Primary CSSA State Cross Country 20 Open Day Tour Guide Primary CSSA State Swimming 20 Primary Assembly Technician 10 Primary Zone Athletics 10 Primary Captain 30 Primary Zone Athletics Helper 10 Primary Chess Club Primary Zone Swimming 10 Primary Guitar Ensemble 10 Primary Zone Swimming Carnival Helper 10 Primary House Captain 20 PSSA AFL 15 Primary House Leader 10 PSSA Junior Boys' Soccer 15 Primary Musical Main Actor 20 PSSA Junior Netball 15 Primary Musical Song or Dance Group 10 PSSA Senior Boys' Soccer 15 Primary Public Speaking Finalist 10 PSSA Senior Girls' Soccer 15 Primary Vice Captain 25 PSSA Senior Netball 15 RickyJ Dancers 10 PSSA Sports Helper 10 RickyJ Singers 10 Secondary Representative Netball Opens 10 RJ DanceStars 10 Secondary Representative Netball Under 15s 10 RJ SingStars 10 Secondary Representative Soccer Opens 10 RJ StringStars 10 Secondary Representative Soccer Under 15s 10 School Captain 2013/14 30 SASC Netball Gala Day 10 School Chapel Captain 2013/14 25 Secondary Wiburd Shield Cricket 10 School Vice-Captain 2013/14 25 Secondary Guitar Ensemble 10 Stage 2 Ukulele Ensemble 10 Stage 3 Ukulele Ensemble 10 Student Forum 10 Student Leadership Conference 10 Technical Support Team 10 TOTAL POINTS CULTURAL POINTS 2014 Music Tour 25 Beginner Band 10 Books for Breakfast - Secondary Helpers 10 Chess Interschool Competition 10 Christian Leadership Group 10 Concert Band 10 Creative Writing Club 5 CRU Camp Assistant Leader 10 Duke Of Edinburgh Award Scheme Bronze 10 Footsteps 10 Garden Club 10 General Knowledge Winner 10 General Knowledge Place In Top Three Global Dignity Day Representative 5 10 Heritage Day Food Stall 5 Heritage Day Performer 5 House Captain 20 House Leader 10 House Vice Captain 15 Intermediate Band 10 SCORE Usher for Primary Musical VOX Walker's and Runner's Club 5 5 5 10 5 World Vision Global Leaders Convention 10 Xylomania 10 Year 4 Pyjamarama Secondary Helper 10 Year 5 Camp Leader 15 Year 5 Leadership Program - Bronze 5 Year 5 Leadership Program – Silver 10 Year 5 Leadership Program – Gold 20 Year 6 Camp Leader 15 Year 6 Singing Group 10 Young Women's Seminar 10 Young Leaders Program Gold Achievement 20 Young Leaders Program Silver Achievement 10 Young Leaders Program Bronze Achievement 5 TOTAL POINTS SCORE Richard Johnson Anglican School Page 4 - 4 November 2014 Matters of PRIMARY IMPORTANCE ASSEMBLY Class 4R presented the first Primary Assembly of the term last week looking at the theme ‘Prophesies of the Saviour’. They presented Old Testament prophesies that foretold the birth of the Son of God and New Testament prophesy to Mary, telling her that she would be with child and give birth to the Son of God. What great prophesies to learn about as we head towards Christmas! This week (Friday 7 November) in Assembly, Mr O’Hare will be our special guest presenter, providing a Remembrance Day message. The Primary Band program will also be showcased with special performances by the Beginner and Intermediate Bands. Parents are welcome to join us at 11:30am in the Hall. 4J will present the Assembly item in Week 6 (Friday 14 November). EXCURSIONS AND INCURSIONS Next Tuesday 11 November, Kindergarten classes will welcome special visitors to learn all about responsible pet ownership as part of their studies in Personal Development and Health. On Wednesday 19 November, Year 3 students will have an excursion to Blacktown to learn more about the history of the local area to complement their studies in Human Society and Its Environment. FAMILY BIKE CHALLENGE Students are getting very excited about the upcoming ‘Family Bike Day’ at Nurragingy Reserve on Saturday 22 November. We had a fantastic day last year and are looking forward to a wonderful day again this year. Students will need a correctly-fitted bike helmet and bike to participate on the day. KINDERGARTEN ORIENTATION Kindergarten Orientation days are fast approaching and will be held on Wednesday 19 and Thursday 20 November. We look forward to welcoming our new Kindergarten children to RJ on these special days. Be sure to mark these dates in your calendar if you have children commencing Kindergarten at RJ in 2015. PERIPATETIC CONCERTS Peripatetic Concerts will be held tomorrow, Wednesday 5 November, at 6:30pm in the Drama Room and D Block classrooms. These Concerts are always a highlight, as they showcase the hours of practise needed to play an instrument. Congratulations to all the students who have worked hard on their chosen instrument this year. PRIMARY PRESENTATION NIGHT Primary Presentation Night will be held on Wednesday 3 December in the School Hall. This is a fantastic evening that celebrates the achievements of Primary students throughout the 2014 School year in a variety of areas, including performance, sporting, Christian character and diligence to learning. Student attendance is compulsory at Presentation Night so please mark this important date in your calendar. There will be performances by Kindergarten, Year 3, self-nominated Year 5 students, RickyJ Singers, RickyJ Dancers, RJ SingStars and RJ DanceStars, Primary Musical Actors, Combined Band and Guitar Ensemble. Student Semester 2 Reports and Portfolios will be issued at Presentation Night. STUDENT FORUM BREAST CANCER FUNDRAISING DAY It was great to see our usually very blue School transformed into a sea of ‘pink’ last Thursday as the Student Forum and School community raised money for Breast Cancer Research and Support. Thank you to all our families for supporting this very worthy cause by helping your children to turn ‘pink’ for the day and donating so generously. SWIM SCHOOL Swimming Lessons are well underway and students are already developing their swimming skills and learning the importance of water safety. Lessons continue for all students in Years 1-6 each Monday until Monday 24 November. YEAR 5 LEADERSHIP APPLICATIONS Congratulations to the Year 5 students who applied for a leadership position in Primary in 2015. We received a huge number of applications for Primary Captain and House Captain positions. Student responses to questions posed on the Application forms shows our Year 5 students have developed a high level of respect towards their School, teachers and peers. Sadly, we cannot interview or appoint every applicant to a position but RJ offers many opportunities for students to experience leadership and students not successful for positions in 2015 are encouraged to continue to pursue their leadership dreams through other opportunities as they present. Primary Captains and Vice-Captains will be announced at the Year 6 Graduation on Friday 28 November. Families of successful applicants will be informed prior. House Captains and Leaders will be announced at Primary Presentation Night. Richard Johnson Anglican School More Matters of PRIMARY IMPORTANCE YEAR 6 GRADUATION Year 6 Graduation will be held in Week 8, Friday 28 November, commencing at 9:00am. Parents with children in Year 6 should mark this date in their calendar. YEAR 7 ORIENTATION DAY Tomorrow, Wednesday 5 November, Year 6 students will enjoy a day of preparation for Secondary during the Year 7 Orientation Day. This is a great opportunity for students to familiarise themselves with the Secondary environment and teaching staff and to meet new students commencing at RJ in 2015. Narelle Taylor Head of Primary Page 5 - 4 November 2014 Richard Johnson Anglican School Secondary SEGMENTS It’s November…suddenly we are midway through the term, heading towards those final weeks of finishing units of work, writing and checking Reports, planning end-of-year activities and even beginning to think about holidays and long, hot summers. The dreams of lazy days and DVDs, trips to the shops and … boredom. What do you do when you don’t know what to do? This is a question I often pose to senior students when they are faced with an exam question that they don’t understand. We start with the simple process of underlining the key words and moving on from there. For our new Year 12 students, what to do over the next few months will be fairly straightforward. Mr O’Hare’s favourite comment is, “What’s the difference between an ordinary HSC result and an outstanding one? Answer: January”. There will be plenty of reading for English students to do, and I am sure that other subjects have clear expectations about what is required to be completed before students return in 2015. The last Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews we had were the best so far for Year 11/12 students at this time of the year, and the vast majority have made very positive decisions regarding their goals for next year and what they are hoping to achieve. The current Year 12 will be enjoying their Formal next week – the HSC exams finish on Wednesday 5/11/2014, and “life” beyond School beckons. They have managed the last few weeks very well, and many finished after two weeks of examinations. Next Wednesday 12/11/2014 is the day for returning all textbooks and other School equipment. References will be mailed to students at the end of the year, not distributed next week as previously advertised. APPLICATIONS FOR TAX FILE NUMBERS Any Secondary Students who require a TFN for employment in the coming months, may collect a TFN Request Form from the Careers Office, located in the School Library. Office hours are Monday and Friday lunchtimes from 1pm. Anna Robertson Careers Advisor Page 6 - 4 November 2014 Year 10 have finished their Subject Selections for 2015 and are also looking towards the changes that the new year will bring. For all students in Years 7-10, I would encourage you to look for some good books now, that you can read over the holidays. The Divergent trilogy is excellent, but perhaps for readers 14 plus. Same with books by Garth Nix – it depends on your interests. I’m in the process of finishing a trilogy by Margaret Atwood, one of my favourite writers – but it is definitely aimed at readers 17 plus. It’s quite funny, but my adult daughters have a censorship rating for my reading and viewing – we talk about books and movies a lot, but those discussions are often prefaced with the rating MA (Mum Approved) or NMA (Not Mum Approved). They know what I value and hold important, and that is something we need to communicate clearly to our children, to guide them into the future. The verse from Joshua 24:15 has always been very important to us as a family. Joshua was speaking to the people of Israel when he said, “Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve… but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord”. Jenny Clay Assistant Principal/Head of Secondary UPDATE YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Have you changed your mobile number? Do you no longer have a landline? Have you changed jobs or email address? If this applies to you, it is important to contact the School to advise us. It is a requirement that the School is able to contact you! Families should also nominate 2 names and mobiles (Grandparents, friends, neighbours) to be listed as Emergency Contacts for their child/ren. Email updates or changes to: [email protected] or log in to the Parent Portal to update your details. Richard Johnson Anglican School Secondary SPORTS SNAPSHOT SECONDARY SPORTS SNAPSHOTS NOVEMBER 4 School Sport has continued well with the students participating positively in the different sports they play each week. I have been pleased with the fact that the vast majority of students are on time for their sport groups along with having the right equipment. This is particularly the case with swimming. Thank you for your support with reminding your child/ children when they need to bring their swimming costume and towel. I have included a Sport Roster for the next few weeks so that students can check when their group is doing swimming for sport. REP SPORTS Our Rep Sports teams have completed two rounds of the competition with all teams participating well in their matches. Our Girls’ Softball team has played Wycliffe twice. The first match Wycliffe defeated RJ by 8 runs. In their second match the team showed great improvement to draw 7-7 with Wycliffe. In Touch Football, the teams have also played 2 games each. The RJ ‘A’ team played Penrith CS ‘B’ and were defeated 3-1. In their second game they lost to the Penrith CS ‘A’ team 3-1. The RJ ‘B’ team lost their first round to Penrith CS ‘A’ 9-1 but bounced back to defeat the Lakes Page 7 - 4 November 2014 ’B’ team 3-2. In the final sport our 15 years Boys’ Cricket team defeated Wycliffe in their first match by 58 - 37. Two noteworthy performances were Jared Clarke scoring 22 not out and Jack Hawkes taking the wicket to fall during the Wycliffe innings.Well done to all our Rep players and best wishes for the next round of matches. END OF YEAR POOL DAY Thank you to all the parents who returned the forms for the End of Year Pool Day so promptly. Bookings will now be made at the venues and further details for the event will be distributed closer to the day. THOUGHTS FOR THE WEEK To succeed… You need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you. -Tony Dorsett (American Gridiron player) Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do. -Pele (Brazilian footballer) Stewart Rowe Secondary Sport Co-ordinator SCHOOL SPORTS ROSTER WEEKS 5-7 Gp 1 2 3 4 5 Teacher Mrs Cowling Mr Bunsell Miss Moore Miss Glazier Mr Harrison Week 5 4th Nov Hanna Reserve Swimming Mini Golf St Marys Indoor Ice Skating Week 6 11th Nov Swimming Mini Golf St Marys Indoor Ice Skating Hanna Reserve Week 7 18th Nov Mini Golf St Marys Indoor Ice Skating Hanna Reserve Swimming 6 7 8 9 10 Mr Taylor Mr Hughes Miss Brownlow Mr Cohen Mr Bemrose Don Bosco Hanna reserve Swimming Ten Pin Bowling Emerton Leisure Hanna Reserve Swimming Ten Pin Bowling Emerton Leisure Ice Skating Swimming Ten Pin Bowling Emerton Leisure Ice Skating Don Bosco 11 Mrs A. Robertson Ice Skating Don Bosco Hanna Reserve 12 13 Mr Napper Mr Webb 14 Archery Indoor Rock Climbing Dance Archery Indoor Rock Climbing Dance 15 Miss Goodman Mrs Sicard Mr Jackson Archery Indoor Rock Climbing Dance 16 17 Mr Glazebrook Mrs Zakhia Mixed Touch Football 15 Boys Cricket Open Girls Softball Mixed Touch Football 15 Boys Cricket Open Girls Softball Mixed Touch Football 15 Boys Cricket Open Girls Softball Richard Johnson Anglican School More Secondary SPORTS SNAPSHOT Page 8 - 4 November 2014 Richard Johnson Anglican School RJ HISTORY Page 9 - 4 November 2014 Page 6 - 9 September 2014 The moving of the first RJ students into the new building in March 1997 was cause for great celebration. During 1999, the next phase of building began with Bishop King ‘turning the sod’ for the new Science block. Sharing the honours were Mr Paul Cockrem, Rev. Trevor Ackman, Chloe Cifelli, Jasmine Sylvester, Michael Collins and Shane Kitchin. Construction began in November 1999 on the corner of Hyatts Road and Hedda Street. On 5 February 2000, the RJ community banded together for one of the first Working Bees to prepare the grounds for the Official Opening of the Science block on 21 May 2000. Kerrie Peterson Primary Librarian Richard Johnson Anglican School A Selection Of Photos From MUFTI DAY Page 10 - 4 November 2014 Richard Johnson Anglican School Page 11 - 4 November 2014 2015 TERM DATES TERM 1 (10 weeks) Monday 26 January Tuesday 27 January Wednesday 28 January Thursday 2 April Australia Day Kindergarten – 1/2 day; Years 6, 7, 11 & 12, and All New Primary & Secondary students commence Years 1-5 and Years 8-10 commence Last day of Term 1 Friday 3 April Monday 6 April Good Friday Easter Monday TERM 2 (10 weeks) Monday 20 April Saturday 25 April Monday 8 June Friday 26 June Students recommence Anzac Day Queen’s Birthday Last day of Term 2 TERM 3 (9 weeks) Monday 20 July Friday 18 September Students recommence Last day of Term 3 Monday 5 October Labour Day TERM 4 (9 weeks) Tuesday 6 October Thursday 3 December Students recommence Last day of Term 4 Student Travel Passes The majority of students who have bus or train passes will automatically receive new passes for 2015 at the beginning of the New Year. There is a 2 week grace period for these students where the 2014 bus or train pass is accepted as students wait for their renewal to arrive and be distributed at School. New applications are needed for those students moving from Year 2 to Year 3 or Year 6 to Year 7 as the eligibility requirements vary as a student gets older. Travel Pass forms 2015 Term Dates Website and RJ Review have been sent home to current Year 2 and Year 6 students who already have Travel Passes. Please complete these and return to Student Reception before Friday 28 November. Should you require an application, please enquire at Student Reception. Please note that due to the eligibility requirements set by the Transport Authority, some students who previously had passes may not be eligible as they move into older years. Parents have the option to purchase Travel Passes for their child direct from the relevant transport operator. Presentation Events at RJAS This is a reminder to all parents that end of year Presentation Nights are compulsory for all students. At the conclusion of each of Lathe Presentation Nights st Updated 8 October 2014 students are issued with their Semester 2 Reports. If any student is unable to attend their appropriate Presentation Night parents are asked to write to the Principal seeking exemption for their child’s attendance with an explanation as to why they are unable to attend. Richard Johnson Anglican School From the P&F ASSOCIATION The P & F will be busy in the next few weeks with Secondary and Kindergarten Orientations, the Bike Challenge and the last P&F meeting for 2014. We would love help at the two Orientations coming up. The Year 7 Orientation on Wednesday will see many students ready to get to know RJ. The P&F will sell Uniform items in the hall from 2:30pm. If you have time to spare please let us know or just come up on the day. The more people we have the less wait for the customers! It is also a good opportunity to meet new parents and welcome them to the RJ community. Page 12 - 4 November 2014 by parents. We need people to cut up cakes etc, provide ice chests, set up ice chests with drinks early in the morning so they are cold and help setting up and packing up. It would be great to have many helpers. Please complete the note, coming out soon, offering your assistance where possible or email the P&F. On Tuesday 18 November we will hold the last P&F meeting for 2014. It will be held at 7pm in the Secondary Library. You are more than welcome to come along and you could even make this your first meeting , that would be great! I would also like to urge parents to consider their possible involvement in P&F next year. It is a great way to meet other parents, know more about the School and contribute to this great community from which we get so much. The Kindergarten Orientation will occur on Wednesday 19 November and Thursday 20 November. The P&F serve morning tea to the Kindergarten 2015 parents and then usually wait to sell Uniform items. We need helpers for the morning tea at 9:30am and then selling Uniform items from 11:00am. Please consider helping especially if you don’t have little ones home with you, as the morning tea requires serving hot beverages. The Bike Challenge is a great morning. The kids enjoy riding along the M7 or through Nurringingy Reserve. We then all gather for morning tea which is supplied and served Tanya White President OPEN DAY BOOK FAIR Many thanks go to everyone who visited Book Fair during Open Day and especially to those who generously donated books to our Library. Our total sales exceeded an amazing $5,300.00. This has given us a commission of $2,121.00 which will go towards purchasing books and other resources for the Library for all our children to enjoy. Kerrie Peterson Primary Librarian Richard Johnson ANGLICAN SCHOOL DIRECTORY Principal:Mr Paul Cockrem Telephone: 9677 2455 Deputy Principal: Mr Michael O’Hare Fax: 9677 2528 Assistant Principal /Head Of Secondary: Mrs Jenny Clay Location: 93 Hyatts Road Oakhurst Head Of Primary: Mrs Narelle Taylor Postal Address: PO Box 143 Plumpton 2761 Primary Co-ordinators (Yrs K-6): Mrs Karen McLeod & Website: Mr Michael Reed E-mail: [email protected] Stage 4 Co-ordinators (Yrs 7-8): Absences: [email protected] Mrs Kerrie Lyons Portal: Stage 5 Co-ordinators (Yrs 9-10): Uniform Shop: Tuesday 8:20am - 9:00am Mr Adam Bunsell & Mr Stuart McCormack & Mrs Jennie Bucco Wednesday 2:40pm - 3:30pm Stage 6 Co-ordinators (Yrs 11-12): Canteen: Mon – Fri Breakfast, Recess and Lunch Mr Michael Roper Counsellor: Mrs Debbie Beck (Tue - Thur) Learning Support Co-ordinator (K-6): Mrs Jennifer Jackson P&F Association:[email protected] Learning Support Co-ordinator (7-12): Mrs Kerrie Lyons Mrs Jennie Bucco & Dates to REMEMBER TERM 2, 2014 November 5 5 7 7 10 11 11 13 14 14 19 19-20 20-22 Year 7 2015 Orientation Day Peripatetic Student Concerts – Hall and B12 – 6:30pm 7 – 11 Assembly – 9:40am K-6 Remembrance Service and Special Band items – 11:15am CSSA Primary State Basketball Gala Day Remembrance Day Kindergarten ‘Responsible Pet Ownership’ Incursion Year 12 Formal 7 – 11 Chapel – 9:40am K-6 Assembly hosted by 4J – 11:15am Year 10 Coastal Environments Geography Excursion Kindergarten 2015 Orientation Days – 8:40am Duke of Edinburgh Silver Hike 21-22 21 21 22 24-28 25 28 28 29 Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Hike (concurrent with Silver Hike) 7 – 11 Assembly – 9:40am K-6 Assembly – special guests – 11:15am RJ Bike Challenge, Nurragingy Reserve Year 10 Service Week Kindergarten ‘Police visit – safety talk’ Incursion 7 – 11 Chapel – 11:50am Year 6 Graduation Assembly – 9:00am Year 10 ‘Mathematics at Luna Park’ Excursion December 3 3 4 4 5 Secondary Swim Day Primary Presentation Night – Reports and Portfolios distributed – 6:30pm Secondary Presentation Night – Years 7-10 Reports distributed – 7:00pm Students finish – Term 3 concludes. Staff Day and Parent/Teacher Interviews – bookings via School Office PRAY: • For our new student leaders, including School Captains, Vice Captains and House Leaders who have been appointed for 2015. May they see their roles as an important responsibility in the life of RJ, and undertake their positions with confidence and be willing to represent the School proudly and grow in their own faith. PLEASE BOOK THESE DATES: 5 November Year 7 Orientation Day 5 November Peripatetic Concerts 6.30pm 7 November K-6 Remembrance Service 19 -20 November Kindergarten Orientation 22 November RJ Bike Challenge 28 November Year 6 Graduation Assembly 9:00am 3 December Primary Presentation Evening 6:30pm 4 December Secondary Presentation Evening 7:00pm Prayer POINTS • For the building construction works to run to schedule and for safety of the workers involved. • For new students in Kindergarten and Year 7, 2015 who will attend Orientation Days soon, that they may feel excited, less anxious and encouraged about School life at RJ. Community ANNOUNCEMENTS
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