15-11-26 Begreppet fysisk aktivitet Örjan Ekblom, docent Åstrandlaboratoriet, GIH • Kolesteroler • Insulin • LPL Muskel • Myokiner • Transportörer DNA • Telomerer CNS • Hos 15 åringar minskade tiden i MVPA från 52 till 40 minuter per dag hos flickor och från 56 till 46 minuter per dag hos pojkar mellan 1998 till 2004 • Ca 20 minuter ökning i tid i stillasittande under samma tid. Blodfettrubbningar CVD NIDDM Kognitiva förmågor Depression Demens Cancer Ung Livsstil 2009 (Blomdahl och medarbetare) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Pojkar Mellan Flickor Mellan Pojkar Hög Flickor hög Pojkar Gy Flickor Gy 1998 Ortega et al PLoS One 2013) Hypertoni Dålig sockerkontroll Obesitas Hormonella rubbningar • BDNF - Styrka - Balans Trender hos barn och unga Plaque Utfall Hjärta/kärl Riskfaktorer - Intensitet - Typ - Frekvens Stillasittande - Breaks Prestation - VO2 Mekanism Fysisk aktivitet Exponering Fysisk aktivitet för barn och ungdomar 2008 Räcker medlemskap? Hos nioåringar ger en fotbollsmatch ca 25% av behovet MVPA (=”träning”)! (Schaeck et al 2011) 1 15-11-26 Indirekta tecken på trender i aktivitet Metabola konsekvenser Andel överviktiga och feta Trends in aerobic fitness in Swedish adolescents Ekblom et al. Table 1 Number of subjects, anthropometric characteristics and ages for subjects in the three samples Sample N (girls ⁄ boys) 1987 2001 2007 Height, cm Mean (SD) Body mass, kg BMI, kg ⁄ m2 Age, year Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) 221 (125 ⁄ 96) 170.7 (8.8) 61.5 (10.2) 537 (264 ⁄ 273) 170.4 (8.4) 63.1 (10.3) 264 (105 ⁄ 160) 172.2 (8.2) 64.5 (11.9) 21.0 (2.3) 16.3 (0.9) 21.7 (3.0) 15.8 (0.3) 21.7 (3.3) 15.8 (0.3) 3.4 Girls Boys Aerobic capacity (1/min), 95% CI 3.2 3.0 2.8 2007, respectively. In girls, corresponding values from 1987, 2001 and 2007 were 45.9 (44.1–47.8) mL ⁄ min, 40.4 (39.2– 41.6) mL ⁄ min and 36.6 (34.7–38.4) mL ⁄ min ⁄ kg, respectively. Significant gender (p < 0.001) and sample (p < 0.001) differences were found, but no gender-by- sample interaction (p = 0.09). After adjusting for the clustering effect from the sampling procedure, both the gender difference (p < 0.001) and the difference between samples were still significant (p < 0.001). Post hoc analyses revealed that compared to 1987, values for estimated relative and absolute maximal aerobic capacities were lower in 2001 and 2007, and values in 2007 were lower compared to 2001, in both boys and girls, except for absolute capacity between 1987 and 2001 in girls. The 10th, 25th, median 75th and 90th percentiles for absolute and relative aerobic capacity in girls and boys from each sample are shown in Table 2a and b. 2.6 2.4 2.2 DISCUSSION The main result from this study is that there is a difference between the three samples in both absolute and relative esticapacities between girls and boys of 16 years of age during the last 20 years. The differences between samples were rather general and not dependent upon an Table 1 Number of subjects, anthropometric characteristics and ages for subincreased range or change in either extreme of the distribujects in the three samples tion. The post hoc analyses also revealed differences Height, cm Body mass, kg BMI, kg ⁄ m2 Age, year between all⁄ boys) groups Mean but (SD) one, indicating aMean steady evenly (SD) and Mean (SD) Sample N (girls Mean (SD) distributed change over time. However, the trends seem 1987 221 (125 ⁄ 96) 170.7 (8.8) 61.5 (10.2) 21.0 (2.3) 16.3 (0.9) somewhat more decreased between 2001 and 2007, but 2001 537 (264 ⁄ 273) 170.4 (8.4) 63.1 (10.3) 21.7 (3.0) 15.8 (0.3) boys and girls⁄ 160) do not differ change 2007 264 (105 172.2 (8.2)in64.5 (11.9) over 21.7time (3.3) (evident 15.8 (0.3) by the absence of gender-by-sample interactions). Secular trends in aerobic capacity in Swedish adults 3.4 between 1990 and 2001 have been reported previously (24). The gap in aerobic fitness between Swedish men and Girls 3.2 women has been reduced over the period betweenBoys 1990 and 2000, partly attributable to a more pronounced decline in 3.0 physical fitness levels among men, compared to women. Trends in aerobic fitness among Swedish adolescents and 2.8 adults thus seem to differ. During the period between the late 1980s and about 2.6 2000, prevalence of overweight and obesity has increased steeply. Since then, the increase seems to have stopped 2.4 (21,22). One possible explanation may be that, in the late 1980s, physical activity decreased, but energy intake 2.2 remained on an unchanged level, leading to decreased aerobic 2.0 fitness and increased rates of overweight and obesity. The0.0discrepancies between secular trend in overweight or 1987 2001 2007 obesity and aerobic fitness between 2001 and 2007 may Year come from a continued reduction in physical activity, but with a matched energy intake. Figure 1 Mean and 95% CI for absolute aerobic capacity adjusted for age, in The reason for a decline in aerobic fitness in adolescents girls and boys in samples 1987, 2001 and 2007. Significant gender and samEkblom,et al in Acta Paediatrica 2011 ple were found, which remained after adjusting for the clustering is differences not known. Changes lifestyle are naturally central. effect (both p < 0.001). Unfortunately, objective data on trends in type, frequency or intensity of the physical activity performed are lacking. The50increase in prevalence of overweight and obesity may Girls to some extent explain the decline in relative fitness, but not 48 in absolute values. It seems logical to conclude thatBoys physical Trends in aerobic fitness in Ekblom al. matedetaerobic 2.0 0.0 1987 2001 2007 – Janssen I, Leblanc AG. IJBNPA, 2010. Armstrong N, Medicine and sport science 2011 48 46 44 42 40 38 Girls Boys DISCUSSION The main result from this study is that th between the three samples in both absolut mated aerobic capacities between girls an of age during the last 20 years. The dif 32 samples were rather general and not de 0 1987 2001 2007 increased range or change in either extrem Year tion. The post hoc analyses also rev between all groups but one, indicating a Figure 2 Mean and 95% CI for relative aerobic fitness, adjusted for age in girls distributed change over time. However, and boys in samples 1987, 2001 and 2007. Significant gender and sample somewhat more decreased between 200 differences were found, which remained significant after adjusting for the clusboys and girls do not differ in change ove tering effect (both p < 0.001). the absence of gender-by-sample interactio Secular trends in aerobic capacity in The relative aerobic capacity in boys decreased from 46.5 between 1990 and 2001 have been reporte (44.6–48.5) mL ⁄ min ⁄ kg in 1987 to 44.1 (42.9–45.2) The gap in aerobic fitness between S mL ⁄ min and 38.0 (36.5–39.5) mL ⁄ min ⁄ kg in 2001 and women has been reduced over the period b 46 2000, partly attributable to a more prono 44 physical fitness levels among men, com ª2011 The Author(s)/Acta Pædiatrica ª2011 Foundation Acta Pædiatrica 2011 100, pp. 565–569 567 Trends in aerobic fitness among Swedish 42 adults thus seem to differ. During the period between the late 40 2000, prevalence of overweight and obes 38 steeply. Since then, the increase seems (21,22). One possible explanation may b 36 1980s, physical activity decreased, bu 34 remained on an unchanged level, leading t bic fitness and increased rates of overwe 32 The discrepancies between secular trend 0 1987 2001 2007 obesity and aerobic fitness between 200 Year come from a continued reduction in phy with a matched energy intake. Figure 2 Mean and 95% CI for relative aerobic fitness, adjusted for age in girls The reason for a decline in aerobic fitn and boys in samples 1987, 2001 and 2007. Significant gender and sample is not known. Changes in lifestyle are differences were found, which remained significant after adjusting for the clusUnfortunately, objective data on trends i tering effect (both p < 0.001). or intensity of the physical activity perfo The relative aerobic capacity in boys decreased from 46.5 The increase in prevalence of overweight (44.6–48.5) mL ⁄ min ⁄ kg in 1987 to 44.1 (42.9–45.2) to some extent explain the decline in relat mL ⁄ min and 38.0 (36.5–39.5) mL ⁄ min ⁄ kg in 2001 and in absolute values. It seems logical to conc 36 34 Relative aerobic fitness (mL/min/kg), 95% CI • 50 Relative aerobic fitness (mL/min/kg), 95% CI • Kontinuerlig träning och intervallträning, exempelvis löpning, simning, cykling. • Intensitet: I medeltal ≥ 85 procent av maximal puls under passet. • Duration: 30–60 minuter per gång. • Frekvens: 3–4 dagar i veckan. • Träningsperiodens längd: Minst 12 veckor Figure 1 Mean and 95% CI for absolute aerobic capacity adjusted for age, in girls and boys in samples 1987, 2001 and 2007. Significant gender and sample differences were found, which remained after adjusting for the clustering effect (both p < 0.001). Aerobic capacity (1/min), 95% CI Indirekta tecken på trender i aktivitet Est. VO2 1987-2007 Year Kondition kan tränas hos barn. 2007, respectively. In girls, corresponding 2001 and 2007 were 45.9 (44.1–47.8) mL 41.6) mL ⁄ min and 36.6 (34.7–38.4) mL tively. Significant gender (p < 0.001 (p < 0.001) differences were found, but no ple interaction (p = 0.09). After adjusting effect from the sampling procedure, both ence (p < 0.001) and the difference betw still significant (p < 0.001). Post hoc analyses revealed that compar for estimated relative and absolute maxim ties were lower in 2001 and 2007, and va lower compared to 2001, in both boys an absolute capacity between 1987 and 2001 The 10th, 25th, median 75th and 90 absolute and relative aerobic capacity in g each sample are shown in Table 2a and b. 2 ª2011 The Author(s)/Acta Pædiatrica ª2011 Foundation Acta Pædiatrica 2011 100, pp. 565–569 15-11-26 Kondition och metabola konsekvenser Styrketräning • Det finns i tvärsnittsstudier ett positivt samband mellan muskelstärkande träning och muskelstyrka hos både barn och ungdomar. • 2–3 gånger i vecka i minst 8 veckor • Tyngden på vikterna/motståndet hade ingen säkerställd betydelse. – Behringer M. Pediatrics 2010 Rizzo et al J Pediatr 2007 HUR KAN DESSA SKILLNADER UPPKOMMA? • Muskelmassa och –typ är kopplat till skeletthälsa, sockertålighet och hjärthälsa. • Styrka är viktigt för att klara rörelser och minska skaderisk Skeletthälsa Funktion i ämnesomsättningen • Friska barn som i experimentella studier utför regelbunden och viktbelastande aktivitet (exempelvis hopp, styrketräning, acceleration och inbromsning) har uppvisat positiva effekter på benmineraltäthet. • Aktiviteten utfördes minst 2–3 gånger i veckan och durationen var 3–60 minuter. Träningsperiodens längd var 2 månader till 2 år. • Insulinkänslighet • Janssen IJBNPA, 2008 – Styrketräning och konditionsträning påverkar gynnsamt • Fedawa FA Pediatrics 2014, Berman LJ, Diabetes 2012,Kim Y, Int J Edocrin 2013 • Blodtryck – Konditionsträning tycks ge säkrast blodtryckssänkande effekt, men träningens utformning behöver undersökas närmare. • Blodfetter – Gynnsamma effekter av konditionsträning i kombination med kostrestriktioner på HDL och LDL, större än de som erhölls av enbart kostrestriktioner. – Ho M, et al JAMA, 2013 3 15-11-26 Mental hälsa – hur barn mår Sammanslagning av studier, meta-analys • Brown HE Sports Med 2013, Biddle, S, Br J Sport Med 2011, Larun L Cochrane Rev 2006 Study (year) Norris et al., [35] 1992 Subgroups within study Comparison Outcome Combined Control Depression Statistics for each study 202 • Studier på samband mellan mental hälsa/ohälsa hos barn och ungdomar och fysisk aktivitet är ännu förhållandevis få. • I de studier som redovisats finner man positiva effekter av fysisk aktivitet på självkänsla och självuppfattning. Hedges’ g and 95% CI Hedges’ g Standard error Variance Lower limit Upper limit Z-value p-value 0.071 0.194 0.037 − 0. 308 0. 450 0. 367 0.71 4 0.659 Melnyk et al., [33] 2009 Combined Combined Depression − 0.103 0.233 0.054 − 0.588 0.353 − 0.441 Bonhauser et al., [36] 2005 Experimental Control Depression − 0.111 0.142 0.020 − 0.388 0.167 − 0.780 0.435 Mendelson et al., [34] 2010 Intervention Control Depression − 0.131 0.209 0.044 − 0.541 0.280 − 0.624 0.533 Hilyer et al., [31] 1982 Combined Combined Combined − 0.164 0.190 0.036 − 0.537 0.208 − 0.865 0.387 Petty et al., [32] 2009 Combined Combined Depression − 0.173 0.120 0.015 − 0.409 0.064 −1.432 0.152 Annesi, [38] 2005 Treatment Control Depression − 0.429 0.212 0.045 − 0.845 − 0.013 − 2.020 0.043 MacMahon and Gross, [37] 1988 Combined Combined Depression − 0.588 0.244 0.059 −1.065 − 0.111 − 2.414 0.016 Daley et al., [30] 2006 Combined Combined Depression − 0.627 0.105 0.011 − 0.834 − 0.420 − 5.949 0.000 − 0.257 0.090 0.008 − 0.433 − 0.080 − 2.853 0.004 –1.00 –0.50 Favours A 0.00 0.50 1.00 Favours B Bättre Sämre Brown et al Sportscores Med, 2013 Fig. 2 Meta-analysis of depression in included studies. Forest plot of the mean overall standard mean deviation (95% confidence interval [CI]) and the standard mean deviation and associated 95% confidence interval and the associated standard estimations and variance for each study included in the analysis. The individual study effect sizes are represented by the centre of the square symbol associated with the study, a study’s contribution toward the overall mean effect size (or weight) is represented by the symbol size and the precision of the study is represented by the length of the line associated with each symbol. A negative effect size denotes a programme that favoured the intervention group (e.g. a significantly greater decrease in screen time in the intervention group compared with the treatment group). Generally accepted criteria for effect-size magnitude are 0.2 \ small, 0.5 \ medium and 0.8 \ large H. E. Brown et al. Fysisk aktivitet påverkar hjärnan Interventioner hos barn 120 fp Ca 66 år Promenader 10 -40 min Erickson et al PNAS 2011 Kamijo at al 2011 4 15-11-26 CONCLUSIONS Skolprestation eller kognition Icke-linjärt samband kondition-kognition • I tvärsnittsstudier liksom i experimentella studier har man funnit tydliga positiva samband mellan kondition och skolprestation, men mer sällan direkta, tydliga samband mellan grad av total fysisk aktivitet och skolprestation. Begränsat vetenskapligt underlag. Castelli DM, Journal of sport & exercise psychology 2007. Fedewa AL Research quarterly for exercise and sport 2011. Hillman CHDevelopmental psychology 2009. Hillman CH, Neuroscience 2009. Kamijo K. Developmental science 2011. FIGURE 1—Predicted achievement scores and trend lines for mathematics and spelling. APPLIED SCIENCES • • • • • • In this study, PA was not significantly correlated with AA, either linearly or nonlinearly. There could be several reasons for this ‘‘null finding.’’ First,etPAalmay not have a direct relaHansen MSSE 2014 tion with AA. However, given the obvious role that moderateto-vigorous PA over time plays in improving or maintaining aerobic fitness, it seems more likely that this null finding is attributable to other factors. It could be that the unit of measure for PA in this study—aggregate of 3–4 d of accelerometer data with valid data across four consecutive days—may not have adequately represented the full scope of these children’s ‘‘typical’’ activity levels. Valid PA data were also missing for a substantial proportion of children in this study (41.5%), and thus, this smaller subsample may not have adequately represented the relation of PA and AA for the entire sample. The present findings, however, point to the need for longitudinal designs that assess PA over longer periods or on multiple occasions to unmask any potential relation between PA and AA. This study has particular strengths and should be noted. Although the cross-sectio any evaluation of how/if PA and aerobic fit to AA over time, the findings indicated tha in this study were below the recommended levels. Barring hereditary and maturationa dren’s fitness levels, most children should be ing recommended levels of PA and aerobic fit present findings suggest that increases in th benefit their AA. (Increasing PA is argued increasing fitness.) The use of salient covari ses, including gender, race, ethnicity, parenta household income, and BMI, strengthened ruling out their potential influence on the re aerobic fitness with AA. We suggest that res mum, measure and evaluate the influence of t future studies in which AA is included. It sho that this study’s sample was homogeneous (predominantly White) and there was a relati tion of high-income families (21%), which ability. Lastly, there is limited validity evidenc 20-m PACER in 7- to 8-yr-old children and confounding by motivation to perform or o due to the age of the sample is possible. Overall, the present study contributes to erature linking aerobic fitness and PA wi search implies that providing more opportun and improve fitness could improve AA, a and schools are uniquely situated to provid nities. With recent financial constraints on gets and increased pressures on schools to achievement standards, educators may be tem their focus on academics, perhaps to the det portunities for children in school. The findin along with existing research, suggest that th ultimately be detrimental to children’s AA. research is needed to better understand the lo of increasing aerobic fitness and PA on childr present findings suggest that a more proac increasing fitness is warranted. We wish to express our appreciation to the s pated in this study. This study was supported by the National I (R01-DK85317). This trial was registered at the US of Health Clinical Trials, NCT01699295. The authors declare that they have no comp form of payment was given to anyone to produce The results of the present study do not constitu the American College of Sports Medicine. REFERENCES 1. Ahamed Y, Macdonald H, Reed K, Naylor PJ, Liu-Ambrose T, McKay H. School-based physical activity does not compromise 2284 children’s academic performance. Med Sci S 39(2):371–6. Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine http://ww Copyright © 2014 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is proh Skolprestation eller kognition Motorisk utveckling • Effekter av motorikträning och muskelstyrka är inte tillräckligt undersökta för att slutsatser ska kunna dras. De genomförda studierna har generellt metodologiska brister. • Svag koppling till kognition, inlärning, betyg. • ”Akut” koppling till aktivitet, övervikt, hälsa • Upplevd • Stroth S. Brain research 2009, Themanson JR Neuroscience 2006., Martin A Cochrane Rev 2014. – Fysisk självkänsla, generell eller specifik • Verklig – Object control – Balance – Physical literacy • Framtida aktivitet 5 15-11-26 Övervikt följer inte med sittande, men med aktivitet Stillasittande • Vid mätning med objektiva metoder har man inte kunnat finna ett samband mellan TV-tittande och tid i stillasittande hos barn och ungdomar. • TV-tittande har däremot till exempel visats vara förenat med ohälsosamma matvanor såsom läskintag och småätande. • Samband mellan ohälsa och objektivt uppmätt total inaktivitet (med accelerometer) har inte kunnat bevisas i den här åldersgruppen Ekelund et al 2012. Ekelund et al JAMA 2015 l of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2014, 11:55 11/1/55 Page 7 of 10 1.00 0.86 0.80 Endotelfunktion – ett test 2 Lowest third N=158 Middle third N=153 Highest third N=157 -0.57 ference between groups analysed by GLM abolic risk score in thirds of total diometabolic risk score in lowest min/day) and highest (> 127 min/ ity adjusted for age and gender. vels of total PA, particularly igher levels of SB, especially and resting, were associated metabolic risk. The combination and higher levels of EMT was iometabolic risk. tudies on the associations of PA ometabolic risk and overweight 20]. However, few studies have hether PA and SB are related to and body adiposity independent or individual cardiometabolic risk the European Youth Heart Study 0.75 Cardiometabolic risk score 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.08 0.00 -0.20 -0.40 -0.41 -0.60 -0.80 -1.00 P=0.001 for difference between groups analysed by GLM -0.77 Low EMT High PA N=122 Low EMT Low PA N=109 High EMT High PA N=110 High EMT Low PA N=126 Figure 3 Combined association physical activity and electronic media time with cardiometabolic risk score. Combined association of total physical activity (categorised at median of 107 min/day) and electronic media time (categorised at median of 96 min/day) with cardiometabolic risk score adjusted for age and gender. among children and adolescents, PA was not associated with body adiposity, but it was inversely related to overall cardiometabolic risk independent of watching TV and body adiposity [27]. However, watching TV was directly related to body adiposity and the direct association of watching TV with overall cardiometabolic risk was partly accounted for body adiposity and the frequency of meals. In contrast to the results of the European Youth Heart Study [27], our findings suggest that the inverse association of PA with overall cardiometabolic risk is largely explained by body adiposity. Consistent with the results of the European Youth Heart Study, however, the direct relationship of SB with overall cardiometabolic risk was partly accounted for body adiposity and the number of meals. We also observed that the direct association of watching TV with body adiposity was partly explained by total PA. These findings together suggest that some unhealthy eating behaviours accumulate 6 15-11-26 Figure 1. Superficial femoral artery flow mediated dilation (FMD, %) before (Pre) and after (Post) the SIT and EX condition. Values are mean and standard deviations. The P values denote significance for the post-hoc pairwise comparison, Pre vs. Post EX and SIT. Figure 1. Superficial femoral artery flow mediated dilation (FMD, %) before (Pre) and after (Post) the SIT and EX condition. Values are mean and standard deviations. The P values Endotelfunktion hos ungdomar denote for the post-hoc pairwise Effekt av tresignificance timmars sittande (9 årcomparison, gamla)Pre vs. Post EX and SIT. McManus et al Exp Phys 2015 Corder et al. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (2015) 12:106 Page 5 of 8 Table 2 Adjusted associations between academic achievement and physical activity/sedentary variables from multiple multilevel linear regression models Total pointsa Β (95 % CI) P value In separate models Sedentary time (hr/day) 6·9 (1·5, 12·4) 0·016 MVPA (min/day) −1·8 (−7·5, 3·8) 0·497 Screen time (hr/day) −9·3 (−14·3, −4·3) 0·001 Non-screen sedentary (hr/day) 23·1 (14·6, 31·6) <0·001 (hr/day) 6·2 (0·6, 11·9) 0·033 This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. 28 Mutually adjusted Sedentary time (min/day) 1·0 (−5·7, 5·8) 0·996 Screen time (hr/day) −9·1 (−14·5, −3·7) 0·003 Non-screen sedentary MVPA (hr/day) 24·7 (17·3, 32·0) <0·001 Non-screen sedentary quadratic (hr/day)^2 −8·3 (−12·3, −4·3) <0·001 Non-screen sedentary (hr/day) 67·6 (44·8, 90·3) <0·001 Quadratic functions All models clustered for school and adjusted for MFQ, BMI z-score, deprivation, season of physical activity measurement, and sex Calculated to include GCSE and GNVQ results e.g., for GCSEs A* = 58, A = 52…G = 16, and similar for GNVQ grades Sedentary hr/day spent <1.5 METS MVPA mean mins/day spent in moderate and vigorous physical activity above 4 METS Screen time sedentary includes self-reported time spent in TV/DVD, Internet and Computer games Non Screen time sedentary includes self-reported time spent in homework and reading Quadratic functions are only shown if significant a more GCSE points (equivalent to one whole GCSE (e.g., Grade F = 22 points)). These associations are independent suggesting that irrespective of the amount of reading and homework, screen time is still detrimental to GCSE performance, to the extent of 9 points or half a GCSE (at Grade G). Contrary to our hypothesis, but similar to some recent findings [18], there was no association between academic performance and MVPA. Our findings are contrary to a recent British study which concluded a positive association between MVPA at 11y and GCSE results (at 16y) in English for boys and Science for girls [19]. These associations Stillasittande och skolprestation This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. Stillasittande 28 • Det finns otillräcklig evidens rörande stillasittande och dess effekter på hälsan under barn- och ungdomsåren. • Ofta har ”skärmtid” likställs med ”stillasittande tid”. • Studier tyder på ett samband mellan över två timmars TV- tittande/dag och flera mått på ohälsa • Tremblay et al 2011, LeBlanc et al 2012 Fig. 1 Results are from two level linear regression models adjusted for MFQ, BMI z-score, deprivation, season of physical activity measurement and sex. Results are shown for objectively measured sedentary time and moderate and vigorous physical activity (MVPA), and self-reported separate and composite screen time (TV, Internet and Computer Games) and non-screen sedentary behaviours (homework and reading). Values represent adjusted associations (Beta (95 % CI)) between academic achievement (total GCSE points) and sedentary variables (hours/day) and MVPA (mins/day) 7 15-11-26 Arenor • Familjebaserade interventioner – Begränsat stöd van Sluijs et al 2011 • Samhällsinterventioner – Stor spridning i genomförande ger svårtolkad data • Skobaserade interventioner – Mest flyttbara mellan länder? – Störst stöd (Kreimler et al 2011, Salmon et al 2007, Dobbins et al 2009) Rena träningsstudier (t ex Resaland et al 2011) • ca 200 nioåringar fick en timmes Idrottsundervising om dagen i två skolår • 5 minuters instruktion och 55 minuters aktivitet – – – – – – Bollspel ca 20% Raska promenader (ca 15 %) Lekar (12%) Skidåkning ( 11%) Gymnastik och stafetter (20%) Annat • Förbättrad objektiv mätt kondition (först visat!) Tack för er tid. 8
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