From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. 1993 81: 2735-2743 A novel syndrome of severe neutrophil dysfunction: unresponsiveness confined to chemotaxin-induced functions D Roos, TW Kuijpers, F Mascart-Lemone, L Koenderman, M de Boer, R van Zwieten and AJ Verhoeven Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved. From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. A Novel Syndrome of Severe Neutrophil Dysfunction: Unresponsiveness Confined to Chemotaxin-Induced Functions By Dirk Roos, Taco W. Kuijpers, Francoise Mascart-Lemone, Leo Koenderman, Martin de Boer, Rob van Zwieten, and Arthur J. Verhoeven We have identified a patient with a number of neutrophil dysfunctions. The patient was a female baby who lived for 8 months. During her life, she developed severe bacterial infections and showed omphalitis, impaired wound healing, and a pronouncedleukocytosis. She was not a patient with leukocyte adhesion deficiency, because all leukocyte CD18 complex proteins were expressed at normal levels. Yet, neutrophil polarizationand chemotaxisto platelet-activating factor, leukotriene 84, or formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (FMLP) were completely absent. We found a strong defect in actin polymerization in response t o chemotactic stimuli, but only a retarded or even normal reaction with other stimuli. This indicates that the cellular dysfunctions were not due t o an intrinsic defect in actin metabolism. Instead, the regulation of actin polymerization with chemotactic stimuli seemed to be defective. We concentrated on FMLP-induced responses in the patient's neutrophils. Functions dependent on activation of complement receptor type 3, such as aggregation or adherence to endothelial cells, were normally induced. Binding t o serum-coated coverslips was normal in cell number; however, spreading was not observed. Exocytosis from the specific granules was readily induced. In contrast, FMLP failed to induce a respiratory burst activity or degranulation of the azurophil granules. FMLP induced a normal increase in free intracellular Ca2+, but a decreased formation of diglycerides (especially the 1-0-alkyl.2-acyl compounds). Thus, w e have described a patient whose neutrophils show a severe defect in functional activation via chemotaxin receptors, resulting in a selective absence of NADPH oxidase activity, exocytosis from the azurophil granules, and actin polymerization. Our findings show that actin polymerization for neutrophil spreading and locomotion is regulated differently from that for phagocytosis. Also, the release of azurophil and specific granule contents is clearly shown to be regulated in a different way. 0 1993 by The American Society of Hematology. I granules, and increase in intracellular Ca2+)were not significantly affected. Together, these data suggest a severe neutrophil dysfunction at the level of intracellular signalling. "AMMATION involves a complex series of events, including vasodilatation, increased vascular permeability, and exudation of fluids and plasma proteins. These processes are followed or coincide with an influx of inflammatory cells. Several inflammatory mediators are generated at the site of the lesion, eg, the bacterial tripeptide formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (FMLP), the complement fragment C5a, the lipid mediators leukotnene B4 (LTB4) and platelet-activating factor (PAF), and the cytokines interleukin-8 (IL-8) and monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP- 1). These mediators have chemotactic activity, ie, they bind to specific receptors on the surface of neutrophils and monocytes and thus induce these cells to move to the inflammatory site. After a coordinated repertoire of adherence to vascular endothelium, diapedesis, and subsequent migration, the neutrophilic granulocytes are the initial cells found at areas of tissue damage.'-6 The signal transduction induced by binding of chemotactic stimuli to neutrophil receptors is only partly understood. After agonist binding, these receptors couple with guanosine triphosphate (GTP)-binding proteins (G-protein~),~,' which may then activate phospholipases and protein In some of the intracellular pathways, diglycerides and arachidonic acid metabolites are generated and calcium ions are liberated, which aids in the activation of these e n z y m e ~ . ~ - Sort' ~ ~ '1ng ~~'' out which intracellular pathway leads to the activation of each neutrophil function induced by chemoattractants is now in full progress. Cells deficient in one or more of these pathways would provide a powerful tool for such studies. We have investigated the neutrophil responses of a patient who shortly after birth developed several bacterial infections, impaired wound healing, and a marked leukocytosis. Some neutrophil functions were almost absent (actin polymerization, chemotaxis, respiratory burst, and release from the azurophil granules), whei eas other responses (phagocytosis, intracellular killing, release of proteins from the specific Blood, Vol 81,No 10 (May 15).1993:pp 2735-2743 CLINICAL HISTORY The patient (female) was the first child from nonconsanguineous healthy parents, both originating from India. From the second day oflife, she developed periods clinically suspect for sepsis. She presented an umbilical hernia with chronic omphalitis (cultures positive for Staphylococcus aureus). She suffered from otitis media (cultures positive for S aureus) and from buccal candidiasis. Poor response to antimicrobial agents was noted, except for the oral candidiasis, which remitted. In vitro investigations shortly after birth were indicative for a diagnosis of severe combined immunodeficiency disease (SCID), but the lymphocyte population progressively normalized. At 4 months of age, the diagnosis of SCID was ruled out on a normal lymphocyte count, on the basis of normal positive cutaneous hypersensitivity responses to candidin and pokeweed mitogen (PWM), and on positive in vitro proliferation to phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and OKT3. The patient's neutrophil counts were very high, fluctuating between 15 and 60 X 109/L. In contrast, neutrophils were not observed on direct examination of material collected from the umbilical lesion. From the Central Laboratory of the Netherlands Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service and Laboratory for Experimental and Clinical Immunology, University ofiinsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; and the Laboratory of Immunology, Brugmann Hospital, Free University of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium. Submitted February 19, 1992; accepted December 28. 1992. Address reprint requests to Dirk Roos, PhD, % Publication Secretariat, Central Laboratory of the Netherlands Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service, PO Box 9190, 1006 A D Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The publication costs ofthis article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in accordance with 18 U.S.C. section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 0 1993 by The American Society of Hematology. 0006-4971/93/81 IO-0024$3.00/0 2735 From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. ROOS ET AL 2736 This led to analysis of neutrophil chemotaxis. In vitro analysis of neutrophil chemotaxis under agarose performed in autologous and allogeneic serum (activated with zymosan) showed on two separate occasions a total absence of migration of the patient’s neutrophils. In contrast, phagocytosis of serum-opsonized yeast and S aureus was normal (microscopicassay), as was the intracellularkilling o f S aureus. As the patient’s neutrophil count remained high with an absence of in vitro neutrophil migration, blood was sent to Amsterdam for further investigations (May-July 1989). Approval was obtained from the Institutional Review Board for these studies. Patients and volunteers were informed that blood samples were obtained for research purposes, and that their privacy would be protected. Several B-cell functions (clustering, proliferation, and Ig production) as well as T-cell functions (proliferation, homotypic aggregation, cytotoxicity,and T-cell receptor (TCR)/CD3 modulation) were indeed normal (C.J. Jochems, C.J.M. van Noesel, K.C. Kuijpers, R.A.W. van Lier, T.W. Kuijpers, unpublished observations). The apparent phagocyte dysfunction is described in the present study. At 5 months of age, she developed an internal fistulation from the cecum extending along the rightside musculus iliopsoas. The ileum was surgically exteriorized, and daily transfusions of leukocytes were administered. No cicatriciation was observed and the surgical wound became necrotic. Because of unremitting clinical deterioration with periods of septicemia (gram-negative bacteria), it was impossible to try a bone marrow transplantation. The child died at 8 months of age. MATERIALS AND METHODS Reagents. FMLP, PAF, cytochalasin B (Cyto B), phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), and fluorescein isothiocyanate (FIX)-labeled phalloidin were purchased from Sigma Chemical Co (St Louis, MO). Indo-1/AM and NBD-phallacidin were obtained from Molecular Probes (Junction City, OR). Except for the phallacidin and phalloidin, the agents were dissolved in dimethylsulfoxide(DMSO) at 1,000 times the final concentration, and were stored at -20°C. Serum-treated zymosan (STZ) was prepared according to Goldstein et al.I2RANTES was a kind gift of Dr T.J. Schall (Genentech Inc, South San Francisco, CA). The basal incubation medium for cell suspensions contained 132 mmol/L NaC1, 1 mmol/L MgS04, 1 mmol/L CaCI2, 6 mmol/ L KCI, 1.2 mmol/L KHzPOl, 20 mmol/L HEPES, 5.5 mmol/L glucose, and 0.5% (wt/vol) human serum albumin (HSA), pH 7.4. Antibodies. The following monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) were used: CDI laCLB-LFA1/2,I3 CDI Ib CLB-B2.l2,l4 CDI I C (LeuM5; Becton Dickinson, Mountain View, CA), CD18 CLB-LFA1/l,l5 CD32 IV.3,I6W6/32 (HLA class I), and 7D5 (directed to the small 22-Kd subunit of cytochrome bSssl’). Leukocyte isolation. Blood was obtained from the patient and healthy volunteers by venapuncture, and was anticoagulated with 0.4% (wt/vol) trisodium citrate (pH 7.4). Granulocytes were purified as described before’* and were resuspended in incubation medium at a final concentration of IO6 cells/mL. Purity of the granulocytes was more than 9896, with greater than 95% neutrophils. Lymphocytes and monocytes were purified from the mononuclear cell fraction by countercurrent elutriation’’ (cell punty was more than 90%). Determination ofsurface antigen expression. In the experiments for surface antigen expression,19 lymphocytes or neutrophils were incubated with primary antibody for 30 minutes at 4°C. Thereafter, the cells were washed twice in excess of ice-cold phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), and the procedure was repeated with FITC-labeled goatantimouse-Ig for another 30 minutes at 4°C. The cells were analyzed with a FACScan (Becton Dickinson, San Jose, CA). Data were collected from 10,000 cells. Measurement of oxygen consumption. Oxygen consumption was measured at 37°C with an oxygen electrode, as described before.” The results are expressed as maximal rates of O2 consumption obtained after activation. Determination of degranulation. Degranulation was measured as described b e f ~ r e . ’The ~ ~ ’activity ~ of vitamin B12-binding protein, P-glucuronidase, and lactate dehydrogenase were measured in cellfree supernatants and expressed as percentage of the values found in Triton X-100 (0.5%,vol/vol) lysed cells. Phagocytosis assays. Phagocytosis was measured with four different methods: a turbidimetric assay?’ microscopic inspection,” an enzymatic assay (see below), and at the ultrastructural level by electron microscopy. In the turbidimetric assay, the increase in light transmittance at 400 nm was measured. In the absence of extracellular Ca2’, this assay measures exclusively light transmittance changes due to phagocytosis, because cell aggregation is prevented under these conditions.20 Bacterial killing. The assay to determine the capacity of neutrophils to kill Escherichia coli uses the E coli mutant ML35. This organism lacks the lactose permease, but constitutively forms the cytoplasmic enzyme ,&galactosidase. The kinetics of the P-galactosidase assay give a direct indication for intracellular uptake (k, ), perforation of the bacterial envelope (k2),and the inactivation of P-galactosidase (k3),respectively. Perforation of the bacterial envelope correlates with the loss of colony-forming capacity of the bacteria.” Turbidimetric assay jtlr neutrophil aggregation. Neutrophil aggregation was determined by measuring the light absorbance at 400 nm.” Experiments were performed under continuous stirring at 37°C in siliconized cuvettes. After 5 minutes of preincubation, the stimulus (dissolved in DMSO) was added to the cell suspension and the change in light transmittance was recorded. DMSO content never reached values above 0.1% (vol/vol). Adherence to endothelial cells. Adherence of neutrophils to monolayers of endothelial cells was determined as described by Hakkert et aLz3 Neutrophil chemoiaxis. Chemotaxis was measured with the leading front method of Zigmond and H i r s ~ h . *Neutrophils ~ (2 X IO5 in 0.2 mL of incubation medium) were incubated for 70 minutes at 37°C on top of cellulose ester filters with a thickness of 1 I O to 150 pm and a pore size of 3 pm (Millipore S.A., Molsheim, France; type SS). Afterwards, the filters were fixed in absolute ethanol and stained with Hams hematoxylin. Cell penetration was measured as the distance between the top of the filter and the plane in which two to more nuclei of the fastest neutrophils were in focus. This procedure was performed at five different places in the filter with five filters per test. The mean of these readings was taken as the chemotactic response. The variance of this test is 9%. Neutrophil polarization. Polarization was measured according to Ciancolo and Snyderman.” Neutrophils (2 X 106/mL)in Earle’s medium in siliconized tubes were incubated for 5 minutes at 37°C with lo-’ mol/L FMLP, IO-’ mol/L PAF, or IO-’ mol/L LTB4, fixed with 2% (vol/vol) paraformaldehyde, and centrifuged. The preparations were stained with May-Grunwald-Giemsa and scored microscopically for round or polarized appearance (200 cells counted per coverslip). Cell spreading. Neutrophils (5 X 1O5/mL)were placed on top of coverslips coated with fibronectin or heat-treated serum. Adhesion was induced by addition of the same amount (50 pL) of incubation medium containing FMLP ( 1 pmol/L). After 15 minutes, the coverslipswere washed three times with PBS and the adherent neutrophils were fixed with PFA (1% [wt/vol] in PBS). Spreading was visualized by staining of F-actin with phalloidin-FITC after permeabilization of the adherent cells with lyso-PC (0.2 mg/mL). Actin polymerization. Actin polimerization in intact neutrophils or lymphocytes was measured by FACS analysis of NBD-phallacidinstained cells as described by Howard and Meye?6 Results were scored From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. 2737 A NOVEL SYNDROME OF NEUTROPHIL DYSFUNCTION Table 1. Expression of Surface Proteins on Neutrophils Control CD1 l a CDllb CDl l c CD18 W6/32 (HLA) 7D5 (cyto B) CD32 Patient Control 10 78 303 32 251 235 72 136 10 41 185 120 138 159 68 166 Values are the mean fluorescence intensity e 0-251 0.20 0 0 a 0.16 W Y !f B 2 0.1 0 0.05 4 as percentage of cells with a fluorescence level above the unstimulated control (10,000 cells measured). Measurement of cyfosolicfreeCd’. Cytosolic free Ca2+([CaZ+],) was measured as described before.” In short, prewarmed neutrophils (5 minutes at 3 7 T , 25 X IO6 cells/mL in incubation medium) were incubated with 0.5 pmol/L indo-I/AM for 40 minutes at 37°C. After two washes, the cells were resuspended to 2 X lo6 cells/mL in incubation medium and kept at room temperature. Fluorescence measurements were performed at 37°C under continuous stimng in a spectrofluorometer (model RF-540 Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan). Excitation and emission wavelengths were 340 nm and 390 nm, respectively. Calibration of indo- 1 fluorescencewas determined by saturation of trapped indo-1 with Ca2+after permeabilization of the cells with digitonin (5 pmol/L), followed by quenching with MnZ+ (0.5 mmol/L).’* A kd of 250 nmol/L was used for the indo-1/Ca2+ complex for the calculation of [Ca2+],.29 Measurement ofdiglycerides. The determination of I -O-alkyl,2acyl glycerides (EAG) and di-acyl glycerides (DAG) was exactly as described by Tyagi et In this assay, the total diglycerides are extracted and converted to 32P-phosphatidicacid (PA) by the method of Preiss et a13’ (30°C for 90 minutes). Subsequently, lipase from Rhizopus arrhizus was added to one part of the samples, which selectively degrades the 1-acyl-containing species (DAG) leaving the ether lipids (EAG) intact. The lipids were separated by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and visualized by autoradiography. The radioactive spots corresponding to a mixture of 1-alkyl and I-acyl PA (representing total diglycerides)or only I-alkyl PA (reflecting EAG) were scraped from the plates and counted. RESULTS As the clinical history shows, the patient presented with persistent neutrophilia (>15 X 109/L) and omphalitis from the first day of life. She showed impaired wound healing and developed severe bacterial infections in the first 2 months. Because the patient was suspected to suffer from leukocyte adhesion deficiency (LAD), leukocyte adhesion molecules were measured. However, deficiencies in these proteins were not found. In particular, CD1 la, CD18, and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) were normally present on the lymphocytes (not shown), and CD 1 1a, CD 1 1b, CD I 1c, and CD18 were present on the neutrophils in normal amounts (Table 1). Thus, the patient did not suffer from the LAD syndrome. We then measured several neutrophil functions that depend on a normal function of adhesion proteins. Homotypic aggregation induced by PMA or FMLP was normal, except that the usual desaggregation, with its onset about 3 to 5 minutes after FMLP addition, was not observed with the 0 5 0 10 16 TIME (mid Fig 1. Aggregation of neutrophils. Neutrophil aggregation was turbidimetrically determined. Neutrophils (5 X 1Oe/mL in incubation medium) were preincubated for 5 minutes at 37°C before the addition of FMLP (final concentration, 1 pmol/L). Patient neutrophils (0)responded with a long-lasting aggregation, in contrast to the normally observed transient response (B). Addition of cyto B at t = 5 minutes after FMLP caused a reaggregation of control cells to about twice the maximal value found with FMLP alone, but had no effect on patient cells. patient’s neutrophils (Fig 1). Cyto B, which reverses the desaggregation after FMLP in normal cells, had no effect on the patient’s cells. Adherence of neutrophils to endothelial cell monolayers, induced by IL-lP pretreatment of the endothelial cells for 4 hours or by FMLP treatment of the neutrophils, was normal (not shown). In contrast, migration ofthe patient’s neutrophils either spontaneously or in a gradient of activated serum or casein was totally absent when measured at four different occasions (Table 2). Also, when FMLP, PAF, or LTB4 was tested as the chemotactic agent, no migration was measured (not quantified). Neutrophil spreading on glass, fibronectincoated or inactivated serum-coated coverslips was totally ab- Table 2. Chemotaxis and Polarization Addition Patient Control Normal Range Chemotaxis None Casein (1 mg/mL) 56°C serum (5%, vol/vol) Fresh serum (5%. vol/vol) 0 0 0 0 30 84 68 121 19-43 >54 26-74 62-1 18 Polarization None FMLP (10 nmol/L) PAF (10 nmol/L) LTB4 (1 0 nmol/L) 0 0 0 0 5 82 32 30 1-6 72-86 - Values for chemotaxis in micrometers travelled by the leading front cells in 70 minutes. Values for polarization in percentage of cells examined (n = 200). From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. ROOS ET AL 2738 100 -aR 100 A A 80 80 60 60 i? J w 0 c Z w 0 B 40 5 3LL 20 0 0 2 4 6 8 0 10 2 -aR 6 8 10 8 10 TIME (mid TIME (mid 100 4 100 C 80 80 60 60 B 0 B K 40 40 3 LL 20 20 D 2J w 0 c 0 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 TIME (mid 0 2 4 6 TIME (mid Fig 2. Actin polymerizationof neutrophils. Neutrophils (107/mL in incubation medium) were activated for the time indicated and instantaneously fixed, permeabilized, and incubated with NBD-phallacidin,essentially as described.** (e)Control cells; (0)patient cells. Stimulation with (A) FMLP (1 pmol/L): (B) PMA (100 ng/mL): (C)A23187 (1 pmol/L); (D) PMA (I00 ng/mL) -t A23187 (1 pmol/L). sent, with or without FMLP. Control neutrophils all reacted with a shape change after the addition of FMLP, and about 50% of these cells spread on the coverslips within 30 seconds. Moreover, staining of the control cells with phallatoxin-FITC showed a large number of condensed foci of F-actin in the periphery of these cells and also some in the pseudopods. This phenomenon was virtually absent in the patient’s neutrophils. Therefore, we quantified neutrophil polarization and polymerization of G-actin into F-actin induced by several stim- uli. Polarization induced by either FMLP, LTB4, or PAF was totally absent in the patient’s cells, which were tested on two different occasions (Table 2). The patient’s serum had no effect on the polarization of normal neutrophils. Actin polymerization with FMLP was also strongly deficient in the patient’s neutrophils (tested twice), but F-actin formation in response to PMA, A23 187, or the combination of PMA and A23 187 was only retarded or even normal (Fig 2). Thus, the patient did not suffer from a generalized actin polymerization defect. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electro- From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. A NOVEL SYNDROME OF NEUTROPHIL DYSFUNCTION 2739 100 100 80 B 80 L. * Y 60 60 W 2 1 40 40 20 20 0 0 K w 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 TIME (mid 10 15 TIME 20 25 30 (mid Fig 3. Degranulation of neutrophils. Neutrophils (5 X 106/mL in incubation medium) were preincubated for 5 minutes at 37°C before the addition of the priming agent cyto B (5 pg/mL) or a similar amount of vehicle DMSO (0.1 %, vol/vol). After 5 minutes, the cells were activated with FMLP (1 pmol/L). Samples were taken at the indicated times, and vitamin B,,-binding protein (A) or j3-glucuronidase (B) was determined in the cell-free supernatants. Open symbols, patient’s neutrophils; closed symbols, control neutrophils. (0,0 ) no additions; (A, A) FMLP; (0,w) cyto B FMLP. + phoresis (SDS-PAGE) of Triton X- 100 insoluble material showed no differences between control and patient neutrophils. Phagocytosis of serum-opsonized E coli, S uureus, Succheromyces cerevisiae, or zymosan was normal both in kinetics and extent as measured in a variety of ways (microscopically, enzymatically, turbidimetrically, or by electron microscopy [not shown]). Intracellular killing of E coli, measured by perforation of the bacteria (see Materials and Methods), was also normal. Degradation of bacterial P-galactosidase by the patient’s neutrophils was slightly depressed (patient k3 = 0.033; control k3 = 0.054; normal range, 0.040 to 0.160). We concentrated our further investigations on some FMLP-induced functions and signals. Exocytosis of vitamin Blz-binding protein from the specific granules was induced by FMLP in an enhanced fashion (Fig 3A). In the presence of cyto B, FMLP induced similar amounts of vitamin BIZbinding protein from the patient’s cells and from normal cells. This was corroborated by a normal upregulation of CD1 l b and CD18 on the patient’s neutrophils after addition of PAF ( 1 pmol/L) or FMLP ( 1 pmol/L) (not shown). In contrast, FMLP failed to induce release of ,&glucuronidase from the azurophil granules of the patient’s neutrophils (Fig 3B). The patient’s neutrophils also showed a strongly decreased respiratory burst after the addition of FMLP (Table 3). Priming of the cells by either cyto B, PAF, or PMA did not augment this response. The reaction of the patient’s cells to PMA was normal. The STZ-induced oxygen consumption was of short duration, but could be restored by PMA. Considering a defective or altered formation of secondary messengers in the patient’s cells, we measured free intracellular calcium and formation of diglycerides. FMLP induced a normal, fast increase in [Ca2’]i, followed by a depressed second wave of intracellular CaZi due to influx of extracellular Ca2+(Fig 4). We found subnormal formation of diglycerides (DG) after FMLP addition, especially the 1 -O-alkyl,2-acyl compounds (Table 4). In contrast to neutrophils, T-cell clones from the patient were able to respond to a chemotaxin called RANTES. This chemotactic substance has recently been characterized to act on the subset of CD4’ T lymphocytes only.32In accordance with the published data on lymphocyte chemotaxis, a rapid Table 3. Oxygen Consumption Patient Control Normal Range STZ (1 mg/mL) PMA (1 00 ng/mL) 5.5 6.2 9.4 4.5 6.1-11.7 3.8-8.2 PMA (1 00 ng/mL) FMLP (1 pmol/L) Cyto B/FMLP PAF (1 pmol/L)/FMLP 3.7 0.3 0.3 0.4 5.1 3.1 4.4 6.3 3.8-8.2 1.6-6.4 6.1-8.5 5.4-1 0.3 PMA (1 00 ng/mL) FMLP (1 pmol/L) Cyto B/FMLP PAF (1 pmol/L)/FMLP PMA (2 ng/mL)/FMLP 3.8 0.3 0.4 0.5 1.8+ 1.8 NT 3.3 5.8 7.1 3.8 + 8.0 3.8-8.2 1.6-6.4 6.1-8.5 5.4-10.3 Addition Values in nanomoles O2 consumed per minute by Abbreviation: NT, not tested. - lo6neutrophils. From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. 2740 -5 - ROOS ET AL 1000 500 -.- + N m u u 100 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 1000 - 500 .- + N m 2 100 TIME (min 1 Fig 4. Changes in intracellular free Ca +.Neutrophilswere loaded with indo-1/AM and brought to 2 X 106/mL in incubation medium. The cells were stimulated with 1 pmol/L FMLP (A) or 1 pmol/L PAF (B). Trace a, control cells; trace b, patient cells. Resting values of [Ca2+Ii did not differ between control and patient cells (mean, 88 nmol/L and 1 0 0 nmol/L, respectively). actin polymerization response was observed upon stimulation with RANTES in the patient’s CD4+ T-cell clones, in contrast to the CD8’ T-cell clones (Fig 5A and B). The same was true with control CD4+ and CD8’ T-cell clones. No actin polymerization (nor any change in [Ca2+li)was observed in these T cells either with IL-8, C5a, PAF, or FMLP. In addition, both the patient’s as well as four control Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-transformed B-cell lines did not react to any of these chemoattractants. Although the EBV-transformed B cells reacted with NADPH oxidase activity upon addition of PMA, no responses could be elicited either in the control EBVtransformed B-cell lines or in patient’s cells upon cross-linking of surface IgM or HLA-DR, in contrast to what has been reported.33 DISCUSSION The patient’s neutrophils displayed an almost complete deficiency in several chemotaxin-mediated responses. Most notable was the lack of actin polymerization and, as a consequence, the defects in polarization, spreading, and locomotion. However, the patient did not suffer from a true form of neutrophil actin dysfunction First, agents that bypass receptors for chemotaxins induced a slow or even normal response ofthis parameter. Second, the patient’s cells were perfectly able to phagocytize opsonized bacteria and even larger particles (STZ), in contrast to NAD neutrop h i l ~ , ’ ~or, ~normal ~ neutrophils that have been pretreated with Cyto B to prevent actin polymeri~ation.~’ Therefore, actin metabolism after engagement of Fcy or complement receptors was normal. Finally, we indeed found a similar enhanced release of specific granule contents from FMLPtreated neutrophils, but, in contrast to one NAD patient studied in this re~pect,’~ a total absence of degranulation of the azurophil granules and a lack of respiratory burst (measured as oxygen consumption). Treatment of the patient’s neutrophils with either Cyto B or PAF did not correct these defects. The defects were confined to some, but not all, chemotaxininduced functions. These functions were normally induced by other stimuli, thus excluding intrinsic functional defects in the patient’s cells. The receptors for FMLP, PAF, and C5a have been cloned; due to their seven transmembrane segments, they show strong homology to the G-protein-coupled receptors of the rhodopsin-like superfamily of cell surface receptor^.'^-^' However, the defect cannot be localized in the chemotaxin receptors, because several functional responses were normally induced via these receptors. Moreover, the defect seems to be phagocyte restricted, because all the Tand B-cell functions that were measured either in vivo or in vitro were normal, as exemplified in particular by the intact ability of actin polymerization in the patient’s CD4’ T-cell clones upon activation via the chemotaxin receptor for RANTES (Fig 5). Although the receptor for RANTES has not yet been cloned, the homology between RANTES and IL-8 renders it likely that both receptors belong to the same rhodopsin-like supergene family. The signal transduction mechanism via the chemotaxin receptors involves pertussis toxin (PT)-sensitive G-prot e i n s . ’ ~ ~Thus, ~ ~ ‘ one possibility would be a deficiency of a phagocyte-specificG-protein that would be specificly involved in the signal transduction leading to actin polymerization (necessary for shape change, spreading, and migration), fusion of azurophil granules with the plasma membrane, and NADPH oxidase activation. However, the defect may also be localized more distal from the chemotaxin receptors. A defect in key enzymes such as protein kinase C (PK-C) or phospholipase C (PL-C) seems unlikely because of the normal Table 4. Diglyceride Formation Control Patient Addition DAG+EAG EAG DAG+EAG EAG None FMLP (1 smol/L) Cyto B/FMLP PMA (100 ng/mL) STZ (1 mn/mL) 124 126 273 489 529 NT 38 53 NT NT 79 146 500 358 382 NT 16 274 NT NT ~ Values in picomoles per 10’ cells The reaction time for the experiments with FMLP and the combination of Cyto B/FMLP was 2 minutes The reaction time for PMA and STZ was 5 minutes Abbreviation NT, not tested From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. 2741 A NOVEL SYNDROME OF NEUTROPHIL DYSFUNCTION 100 100 9 CD8+ CD4+ n E B 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 cn 3 W o +z W 2 W 8 2 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 TIME (mid 0 2 4 6 a 10 TIME (mid Fig 5. Actin polymerizationof T-cell clones. T cells (107/mL in incubation medium) were activated for the time indicated and instantaneously fixed, permeabilized, and incubated with NBD-phallacidin, essentially as described.” ( 0 )Control cells; (0) patient cells. Stimulation with RANTES (1 pmol/L) of CD4+ T cells (A) or CD8+ T cells (B). Unimodalshifts in fluorescence levels wereobsewed, indicating that subpopulations were not present in these T-cell populations. PMA responsiveness and the (almost) unaffected increase of [Ca2+Iiupon the addition of PAF or FMLP (Fig 4), respectively. Although formation of PA from phosphatidylcholine correlates with NADPH oxidase activity and exocytosis from the azurophil g r a n ~ l e s ,both ~ ~ - of ~ ~which were disturbed in the patient’s cells, deficient PL-D activity, which catalyzes this formation of PA, cannot explain the absence of actin polymerization or chemotaxis; the Ca” requirements of PLD a ~ t i v i t ycontrast ~ ~ , ~ ~with the Ca2+independency of these functional r e ~ p o n s e s . ~Still, ~ . ~other ’ enzymes involved in P L D activation and actin polymerization (eg, tyrosine kinase^^^-^^) may be deficient. To summarize, we have characterized a severe neutrophil dysfunction of the chemotaxin receptor-mediated responses. Although we have been unable to localize the defect, our results show that these receptors share a common, as yet unknown, regulatory mechanism of actin polymerization, azurophil granule release reactions, and respiratory burst activity. The importance of signalling via the chemotaxin receptors for neutrophil function and clinical condition is clearly exemplified by the identification of this patient. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We thank Drs C. Cohen (HBpital des Enfants Reine Fabiole, Brussels) and A. Ferster (Brugmann Hospital, Brussels) for the clinical contribution; Dr B. Cantineaux-Magrez (Brugmann Hospital, Brussels) for the first studies of phagocytosis and intracellular killing; and Drs K.C. Kuijpers, C.J.M. van Noessel, G.J. Jochems, and R.A.W. van Lier (CLB, Amsterdam) for the lymphocyte studies; A.T.J. Tool (CLB, Amsterdam) for the diglyceride assay; Dr M. Tas (Free University, Amsterdam) for the polarization studies; and Dr J. 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