November 9, 2014 Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church Sunday November 9 2014 From the Pastor Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome Dear parishioners: The third of the “Feasts of November” is celebrated on this day, the anniversary of the Dedication of the Cathedral Church of Rome, the Lateran Basilica of Saint John the Baptist. The inscription on the cornerstone bears the words “Mother and head of all churches in Rome and all the world.” While this event, presided over by Pope Saint Sylvester I on November 9, 324, might have seemed to be an obscure papal ritual, it marked the public acknowledgement that the Church of Jesus Christ was not an excommunicated sect of Judaism, but rather a vessel of God’s saving work. In this place, where Christianity became “legal”, five Ecumenical Councils were convoked and convened, and the Popes resided and reigned from the 4th through 14th centuries. We keep this feast to recall that we too are called to go “public” with our faith. And so we pray: “O God, who from living and chosen stones prepare an eternal dwelling for your majesty, increase in your Church the spirit of grace you have bestowed, so that by new growth your faithful people may build up the heavenly Jerusalem.” We give thanks in these days to our veterans as Tuesday’s annual celebration of Veteran’s Day is observed. Saint Martin of Tours, whose feast day is celebrated on that day, is known as the patron of soldiers (and of wine producers!). After serving in the military he converted to Christianity and founded a monastery. He was the first non-martyr to be canonized a saint. May the week ahead be filled with countless graces and blessings! 1 Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome Welcome If you are new to the parish and would like to register, please visit us in the Parish Office. Registration forms are also available in the Religious Gift Shop or from the Ministers of Hospitality. Cler g y Very Rev. Robert Webster Pastor Rev. Roy Eco Associate Pastor Rev. Augusto Cadavid Associate Pastor Rev. Mr. Rafael Gonzalez Deacon Rev. Mr. Fred Grant Deacon Rev. Mr. Luis Roman Deacon Wor ship [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Dir. Communications & Operations Michele Benigno Office Manager x108 [email protected] x122 [email protected] x109 [email protected] Teresa Rivera x100 [email protected] Administrative Assistant Louis Canter x115 [email protected] Director of Liturgy Director of Music Marie Messner x114 [email protected] Secretary to Worship Faith Form ation Denise Kriscunas x118 [email protected] Chris Stalnaker x103 [email protected] Director of Faith Formation Dorene Rodriguez Don Gursky Bookkeeper x107 [email protected] Coord. of Religious Education A dministr ation Bryan Hayes Sr. Linda Gaupin, CDP, Ph.D. Greg Nielsen Maintenance Supervisor Estella Vallejo Maintenance Coordinator Lilio Alvarez Maintenance Staff x113 Asst. Coord. of Religious Education [email protected] Kitty Pachucki Secretary to Faith Formation x120 [email protected] Parish Office 720 12th Street Clermont, FL 34711 (352) 394-3562 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00pm - 4:00pm Wednesday 9:00am - 7:00pm Closed daily 12:30pm - 1:30pm 2 Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church November 9, 2014 Praise & Petition Prayer Line BSCCW Within a few minutes of your calling, many people will be praying for you - 7 days a week, 9am-9pm. The Blessed Sacrament Council of Catholic Women (BSCCW) meets Tuesday, November 18th for their annual Thanksgiving Luncheon at 12:00 noon in the Social Hall. Members of the Sisterhood of Congregation Sinai will, once again, join them for lunch and fellowship. Hostesses for November 18th are Debbie Nodd, Ellen Quinn, Mary Usher, and Liz Hammert. blessed.sacrament.prayerline@ Toni (352) 787-3696 Stella (352) 243-5080 Oria (352) 242-3730 (Bi-lingual) Widows & Widowers Social group meets 2nd Mondays for lunch & camaraderie. Please join us. Contact Phyllis at (352)255-3449 or Peggy at (407) 614-8253. Bulletin Articles for the bulletin can be submitted to the parish office or online at communications. The deadline for the November 23 bulletin is Wed., November 12. Morning Prayer Join us as we pray the rosary and for morning prayer before daily Mass each weekday beginning at 7:40 am in the church. Weekly Schedule The BSCCW has begun making Little Dresses and Britches for children in Africa and collecting all types of plastic bottle/jar caps and lids for Caps of Love! Watch the bulletin for information on how you can help with these projects. BSCCW is open to all women of the parish. Dues are $5 per year. It’s not too late to join. Just plan to come a little early to complete a membership form and pay your dues. Be the voice of Catholic Women! We look forward to seeing you on the 18th! Flowers Daily Mass Monday - Friday 8:30am Wednesday 7:00pm (sp) Weekend Mass Saturday 4:00pm, 7:00pm (sp) Sunday 8:00am, 10:00am 12:00pm, 5:00pm Reconciliation Saturday 2:30pm 6:15pm (spanish) The first Saturday of the month offers a communal penance service, in lieu of individual confessions, at 2:30pm Other times available by appointment. Garden of Blessings The Garden of Blessings Charismatic Prayer Group This weekend’s flowers at the Blessed Mother are donated will resume their meetings in honor of Michele Benigno’s special birthday. on Thursday, September 6 at 6:30pm in classroom 6. Floral arrangements may be requested in memory of a deceased person or in celebration of an event. For more Anyone needing prayers are information, contact Teresa Rivera at the parish office. always welcome. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process by which the Catholic Church welcomes those individuals, age 7 or older, into the community of the faithful! It is available to all individuals who are interested in learning about the Catholic Church and seeking sacramental initiation into the Catholic faith. For more information, contact Denise Kriscunas at (352) 394-3562, x118 or email [email protected].\mybscc 3 Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome Here are some of the upcoming events from the Office of Faith Formation Why be Catholic? When you can be anything else? Explore what matters most and rediscover the treasure and beauty of our Catholic Faith. A Day of Grace for Advent ~ a time of preparation. Thank You A time of prayer and discovery of the symbols of this season of hope and longing, of joyful expectation. Another fall festival has come and gone with this year being the best of the best!! Special thanks goes out to all those that worked so hard to make this event such a success. This would have never been possible without all of you coming together as a team which originated from the planning stages and followed suit all the way through until the very end. It was a wonderful time that provided lots of fun and excitement for all. Moving forward, my goal will be to make the next festival even better than the last and I look forward to working with all of you again. Adults with children track will be discovering the symbols of Advent in the Sunday Scriptures. Adult only track will be reflecting on the readings and psalms of Advent. All are invited to this Parish event on: Nov 2:00pm – 4:30pm In our journey of faith We will begin in the church what makes the Catholic Church unique among other Christians faiths? Why do Catholics sing at Mass? 23 Nov 9 6:30pm - 8:00pm Ministry Building -or Nov 12 6:30pm - 8:00pm St. John Bosco Hall Louis Canter, our Director of Music, will explore the music which celebrates the Seasons of the Liturgical Year. Nov 6:30pm - 8:00pm Church 17 Trunk or Treat 2014 4 Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church Dear Friends, With much appreciation, Michele November 9, 2014 Knights of Columbus Anniversary Dinner Parish Pastoral Council Needs You The Knights Of Columbus Council invite you to celebrate with them at their 12th Anniversary Dinner. The dinner is open to the Parish Community to celebrate with us another year and looking forward to increasing assistance in our community. We are in need of parishioners to join the Parish Pastoral Council in December 2014. We are asking you to prayerfully consider serving your parish on this important Pastoral advisory council. Saturday, November 15 The dinner is November 15th in the Social Hall. Contact Charlie Miller [email protected]. Coats for Kids The Blessed Sacrament Knights Of Columbus Council #13240 is participating locally in the nationwide Coats For Kids Program. In 2014 there are more than 2,700 children in Lake County Schools who are classified as “homeless.” Many attend school on the coldest of days without a warm coat. Morning Prayer Join us as we pray the rosary and for morning prayer before daily Mass each weekday beginning at 7:40am in the church. Cash donations or new jackets will be collected after Masses on November 1/2, 8/9, and 15.16. Coats are needed sizes 4-12, S, M, & L for girls and sizes 4-16, S, M, L, and XL for boys. For more information, please contact Don and Kay Morrissey at (352) 315-4166. If you are inclined to serve or just curious as to what we do, please fill out the Parish Council volunteer sheet that will be available in the Narthex. Someone from the current council will call you to discuss what we do, have done, and, hopefully encourage you to serve. Parish voting to select the final candidates will occur in November/ December 2014.\mybscc St. Therese Circle Music Ministry Notes The next meeting for St. Therse Circle will be Tuesday, November 11 from 7:00pm to 8:30pm in Room 4. Christmas Help Would you like to sing during the Christmas Season? We need your help. The BSCC Music Ministry is looking for teens and beyond to support the 10:00am Choir during the Christmas Season. If you are interested, please let Louis Canter know. All members are encouraged to attend as we’ll be working on plans for “The Angel Tree”. If you have any questions about his ministry, which focuses on the principles of St. Therese of Lisieux and our parish rosary making, contact Meg Traynor at (352) 242-4467 or Kathleen Holt at (321) 229-5084. Open House Bishop Moore Catholic High School invites you to their open house this Sunday (November 9) from 12:30pm to 3:00pm. The school is located at 3901 Edgewater Drive, Orlando. We Remember those from our parish who have entered into eternal life. Luis Maldonado Velez Requirements: 1. A good heart and a desire to sing and want to have fun with others. 2. Begin coming to rehearsal on Wednesday, November 12 at 6:30pm in the Church. 3. Come to the Christmas Boot Camp rehearsal on Saturday, November 15, 9:00am - 1:00pm. Calling Young Singers and Instrumentalists We are looking for young singers and instrumentalists (guitar, violin, brass, winds) to help with 5:00pm Mass. If you play and sing at your school, would you consider doing so here at Blessed Sacrament? We meet at 4 pm on Sunday, in the ChurchYou may be able to get service hours as well. Junior high and up are invited, including College students. Please let me know by contacting Contact Mr. Canter at: (352) 394-3562, x115 or [email protected]. 5 Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome S u n d a y, N o v e m b e r 9 Events Community Breakfast Masses 6:30 pm Coffee/Conversation MB 6:30 pm Faith Formation 8:00 am † Joe Janusiak Blessings for Michele Benigno’s Birthday Guiseppe & Giovanni 12:00 pm † Barraveccia 10:00 am 5:00 pm M o n d a y, N o v e m b e r 1 0 Events 7:40 am Morning Prayer CH 9:00 am Food Addicts Anon 5:30 pm Schola Rehearsal DC Masses 8:30 am † Donald Simmons Ti 1:1-9 / Lk 17:1-6 6:30 pm Sacramental PREP CH 6:30 pm RCIA Parish Family Ez 47:1-2,8-9,12 / 1 Cor 3:9c-11,16-17 / Jn 2:13-22 T u e s d a y, N o v e m b e r 1 1 Events 7:40 am Morning Prayer CH 9:30 am Adoration DC Masses 8:30 am † Robert David Peraza Masses Events 7:40 am Morning Prayer CH 10:00 am Hospice Meeting R3/7 Ti 2:1-8, 11-14 / Lk 17:7-10 9:30 am WMO Study Series R3/7 W e d n e s d a y, N o v e m b e r 1 2 1:00 pm Bingo 8:30 am 7:00 pm SH 4:15 pm Faith Formation 7:00 pm Men’s Club MB 5:45 pm Children’s Choir CH 6:30 pm Choir Rehearsal DC † Sgt. Gerald Patton Ti 3:1-7 / Lk 17:11-19 SH 6:00 pm Cub Scouts † Memorial Mass Association 6:30 pm Faith Formation 8:00 pm Contemp. Ens. Reh. CH T h u r s d a y, N o v e m b e r 1 3 Events 7:40 am Morning Prayer CH 9:30 am Divine Mercy R6 Masses 8:30 am † Bill Timmins Events 7:40 am Morning Prayer 6:30 pm Garden of Blessings R6 6:30 pm Boy Scouts SH 6:30 pm Girl Scouts R1/5 7:00 pm KofC Assembly MB CH 9:30 am Centering Prayer & R5 Lectio Divina 6:00 pm KofC Lecto Series MB 7:00 pm Hispanic Ministry R3/7 Charismatic Prayer Phlm 7-20 / Lk 17:20-25 6:00 pm Handbell Rehearsal HB F r i d a y, N o v e m b e r 1 4 Masses 8:30 am † Roy Belton 2 Jn 4-9 / Lk 17:26-37 7:00 pm Hisp.Min Bible Study R4 7:30 pm Spanish Choir Reh. DC S at u r d a y, N o v e m b e r 1 5 Events 2:30 pm Confessions CH 5:00 pm KofC Anniv. Dinner SH Masses 4:00 7:00 pm pm S u n d a y, N o v e m b e r 1 6 Events Parish Family † Nila Santillan Caro 3 Jn 5-8 / Lk 18:1-8 Coffee & Donuts folloing 8am and 10am Mass 6:30 pm Coffee/Conversation MB 6:30 pm Faith Formation Masses 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 5:00 pm † Pete Wawrzenczak Joe Nanna & Family † Carmen Aurora Zambrana † Dolores Fitzgerald Prv 31:10-13,19-20,30-31 / 1Th 5:1-6 / Mt 25:14-30 Stewardship Weekend of November 2 Offertory Second Collection Catholic Charities 6 $26,973.00 $1,808.00 $1,919.00 Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church Automatic Contributions Save time and effort by using your debit card, credit card, checking, or savings account to have your offertory contributions processed automatically. Visit, call the parish office, or scan the QR code to register.
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