2 November 2014 Fourth Sunday before Advent 8.30am

Welcome, Worship, Exploring Faith, Generosity and Caring
2 November 2014
Fourth Sunday before Advent
Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
Holy Communion (CW1)
Tim Pullen
Brenda Barber
Revelation 7:9-end; Matthew 5:1-12
Elizabeth Wild
Gordon Fletcher
Tim Pullen
Preacher Laura Ward
Richard Burnet
Jo Ratan
Philip Brooks
Graham Birkett
Revelation 7:9-end’ Matthew 5:1-12
Children’s Activities today during the 10.00.am service
Scramblers(age 3-7); Climbers(age 8-11); Navigators (age 11+)
the children will gather with the congregation at the beginning of the service and then go out to
their respective groups.
Prayer Ministry
If you would like prayer following the service someone will be
available behind the altar after communion.
Baptism of Mia Glenton
Servivce of Thanksgiving and Remembrance
Evening Prayer (BCP)
Tim Pullen
Preacher Peter Welsh
Charlotte Bolton and Jo Young
Isaiah 65:17-end; Hebrews 11:32-12:2
God of holiness, your glory is proclaimed in every age:
as we rejoice in the faith of your saints,
inspire us to follow their example with boldness and joy;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Please would you switch your mobile phone off or to ‘airline mode’ before the start of the service.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Visit us at www.stleonardswollaton.org.uk
Join the campaign to share the real Christmas story...
The Read Advent Calendar communicates the real story of Advent and
Christmas to all generations. Behind each window there is a high quality
Fairtrade Belgian chocolate and behind the first window there is an
interactive Christmas story booklet. A great gift for grandchildren, your own
children, friends, Sunday school members and work colleagues.
Available from the Parish Office and following the 10.00am service on
SPECIAL ST LEONARD'S 2015 CALENDARS are now on sale, featuring stunning local photographs taken by members of the congregation. At £4.90 they will make ideal Christmas presents
or be a striking addition to your home. There are some of last year's Christmas cards which are
being sold at 50p for a pack of 5. These will be on sale in church at some services or from the
Parish Office.
Please note next week our
Rememberance Service
will begin at 10.50am.
Prayer First on Thursday 6 November at 7.00pm
Come along to The Rectory and pray for an hour for the life and ministry of St Leonard’s and
for the wider world.
Centering Prayer - There are still a few places on the Centering Prayer Workshop
Saturday 22 November. Further information and contact details are on the notice board.
The next National Trussell Trust Food Bank
collection days will be held at Tesco stores at
Beeston & Toton in November. Could you spare
an hour on Friday 28 or Saturday 29 from 9am5pm? We need your help giving out shopping
lists and collecting in donations from the public
in store. If you’d like to help at the Beeston store
please contact Sue Hillier (Volunteer Manager)
on 0115 9436081 or via
[email protected].
For Toton Extra store please contact Liz Stead on
07812787949 or via [email protected].
November is Will Aid month. Your Will can be
drawn up by a local solicitor for free in return
for a voluntary donation to charity.
For further information see www.willaid.org.uk
or contact [email protected]
The most obvious shortages at
St. Martha's food bank are, as so
often, milk, juice or squash, small
bags of sugar and potatoes.
Volunteers will also be welcome.
Operation Christmas Child is the world’s largest children’s Christmas project, run
by the Christian relief and development organisation Samaritan’s Purse.
The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God’s love in a
tangible way to needy children around the world, and together with the local church
Worldwide, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Leaflets available in the Porch.
Please note the suggested donation is £3 this year. If you would like to take part
please drop your box at the Parish Office before Monday 24 November.
Help for Broxtowe
We have been unable to find a treasurer for
St Martha's but now have a willing volunteer
to help with weekly recording. There is still no
-one to present the end of year data.
However, £118 per annum would secure the
services of Community Accounting.
They provide expertise for charitable organisations, would oversee the monthly figures
and present the annual accounts.
If you feel able and willing to contribute in a
practical way towards their payment, please
speak to Anne Walters on 984 1551.
Daniel Taylor and his extended family wish to
thank everyone for their prayers and messages of
goodwill and support when he was so ill. Dan is
now out of hospital and under the care of the
District Nurses and his family and gradually
for a talk to mark the 400th anniversary of the death
Pete Smith
retired English Heritage Inspector
will speak on
The 'Difference' is:- You can use one
mobile phone per team to access the
internet for answers - or use your own brain
power - the choice is yours!
Saturday, 8th November 2014
Venue:- Wollaton Community Centre.
7.30 pm start (with a Refreshment Break half way
through the evening).
Tuesday 18 November
Tickets £3.oo per head from St. Leonard's Church
7.30pm in church
Tickets £5.00 including refreshments from
Parish Office
Mary & Malcolm Stacey (978 5718)
and at some services
Proceeds to Church funds.
TUESDAY? The Willoughby family first acquired the right to appoint the Rector of St
Leonard's. In 2014, 22 generations, later the
present head of the family, Lord Middleton,
retains this right, though now in conjunction
with the Bishop and the PCC. Turn to the November issue of Link if you can't wait to find
out more.
We are looking for an oil filled radiator if anyone
has one they no longer use. Please contact the
Parish Office.
Children's Society Collection Boxes
Thank you so much to all those box holders who
have returned their collection boxes please pick
your box up from the hospitality area.. The total
raised so far is a magnificent £318 with more boxes still to count.
If you still have your box, please can you bring it
into the church office as soon as possible, or contact me to arrange collection if you are unable to
get into church.
Office or Wollaton Community Centre Office.
You can enter individually or in 2's/3's etc. and join
others in making up a team - a maximum of 6
people per team.
A sign up sheet for helpers is now at the back of
the church as well as donations of soup, bread,
cake etc.
St John’s College Lecture 12 November with
John Drane ‘Spirituality for Mission’ - further
details on the notice board
The next Book Group meeting is on
20 November at 7.30pm at 25 May Ave . We
will be discussing 'Miss Garnet's Angel' by
Salley Vickers. Please contact Erica Bailey
939 4806 or Jo Pullen 998 2139 for details.
Simple Quiet Day Sat 22 November
There will be a simple quiet day at
31 Heckington Drive. For more information
or to book a place please contact Sally Smith
[email protected]
Eco Congregation
As the clocks have gone back and days grow
colder review your energy expenditure.
Wear an extra layer rather than upping the
heating; check draughts, insulation etc.
The Calendar
Please pray for
The Parish of Christ Church,
Sunday 2 November
Youth Café at the Community
Monday 3 November
Morning Prayer
Vestry Hour
Tuesday 4 November
Morning Prayer
10.00-11.30am Come for Coffee in the Centre
Wednesday 5 November
Morning Prayer
Alpha at The Rectory
Handbell Ringers
House Group at Valmont Rd
Thursday 6 November
9.45-11.15am Toddlers at the Centre
Holy Communion (BCP) with
coffee afterwards
1.30-3.00pm Toddlers at the Centre
Mothers’ Union
Prayer First at The Rectory
Bellringing Practice
Friday 7 November
Morning Prayer
Funeral of Marjorie Simpson
Junior Choir Practice
Full Choir Practice
Sunday 9 November
Holy Communion (BCP)
Remembrance Service
Evening Worship Taize Style
Community Centre Bookings 928 5778
[email protected]
Monday-Friday 9.00-12 Noon
Iglesia Episcopal de Cuba The Rt Revd Griselda Delgado Del Carpio and
Suffragan Bishop of Cuba The Rt Revd Ulises
Those people from St Leonard’s who are on
Escort Duty at hospital.
All those who are hurting, help them through
their time of loss. Touch them with every
comfort of your unfailing love and kindness.
Be their God to come alongside them in their
pain and strengthen them so that one day
they will be able to help others.
The Sick
Stella Hogden, Maxine Robbins, Jim Weston,
Hazel Waddingham, Sonal Marner, Brian
Noake, Lesley Thomas, Jan Leeming and Tony
We remember those who have died
recently and pray for the families of
John Dann and Marjorie Simpson.
Notice sheet deadline 9.00am Wednesdays
Carol Barber
Tel 0115 928 9963
[email protected]
Opening times:
Mon 9.00-11.00am, Tues 9.00am-1.00pm
Wed 9.00-11.00am, Thurs 11.00am-1.00pm
Fri 9.30am-1.00pm
Tim Pullen, Rector
998 2139
Elizabeth Wild, Curate
07758 407661
Laura Ward, Youth Co-ordinator
877 6769
Peter Price, Director of Music
952 4353
Anne Scothern, Toddlers Leader
928 9963