• AUGUSTI 2015 Den man som våldtog svensk turist i Nederländerna 2010, greps och dömdes 2015 tack vare Prüm-samarbetet i Europa. Genom Prümrådsbeslutet som är en överenskommelse om fördjupat samarbete inom EU för att bekämpa gränsöverskridande brottslighet och terrorism får polismyndigheter inom EU rätt att söka i varandras dna-, fingeravtrycks- och fordonsregister. Nedan en notis som visar ett exempel på att sökningsförfarandet fungerar. Rape of a Swedish tourist in the Netherlands in 2010 www.europol.europa.eu, Kees van der Beek, 15/08/15 20:38 In July 2010 a female Swedish tourist was raped in Amsterdam. A DNA-profile of the rapist was obtained and included in the Dutch DNA-database where it did not result in a match. Also there was no match in the 8 European DNA-databases with which the Netherlands was comparing its DNA-profiles at that time. In 2012 however a match with a person born in Morocco was found during one of the regular Dutch article 4 mass uploads to the French DNA-database. The match was reported to the Dutch authorities which obtained his name from the French authorities and then started to look for him. In january 2015 his DNA was taken in the Netherlands and included in the Dutch DNA-database where the Prüm match from 2012 was confirmed. At this moment the case is in court and the public prosecutor has demanded a punishment of 30 months imprisonment.
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