CALL FOR RESIDENCY APPLICATION 2015 ODYSSÉE PROGRAM PARC ROUSSEAU Jardin des Lumières July-December 2015 arts / literature philosophy / landscape Contact: Mélanie Garziglia responsable du programme culturel [email protected] +33(0)3 44 10 45 84 L’étang suspendu, Vincent Dupont, Cie J’y pense souvent (…) Festival des Fabriques 2014 – Parc Rousseau 1/6 PARC ROUSSEAU. Jardin des Lumières 1 rue René de Girardin – 60950 Ermenonville - France Tél. +33(0)3 44 10 45 75 – Parc Rousseau, 40 minutes from Paris hosts since 2013 a Cultural Center with a residency program. As part of the 2015 Odyssée program coordinated by the ACCR with the support of French Ministry of culture and communication, it launches a call for residency application. This call concerns artists and researchers from abroad. PURPOSE OF THE PROGRAM The program concerns three persons applying individually or in group with a project of creation or research in relation with the cultural and artistic project of the place: either echoing the spirit or intellectual legacy of the garden, or dealing with questions of landscape and environment underpin by the place. Fields requested • Oral or written literature: writer, poet, playwright, scriptwriter; • Philosophy: philosopher dealing with aspects such as Rousseau legacy, the Enlightenment, utopia, philanthropy, ecological philosophy ; • Arts and Landscape: garden historian, landscape gardener, architect, designer, botanist, ethnobotanist (around the themes of herborising, the pattern of the islands, Utopia, Arcadia); • Visual arts: video maker, illustrator, photographer, performer (note that there are no equipped workplaces); • Professional of culture committed in multidisicplinarity or specialized in outdoor production; • Performing arts: projects being Site specific • Other practices relevant with the place: crossdisciplinary approaches being welcome. 2/6 PARC ROUSSEAU. Jardin des Lumières 1 rue René de Girardin – 60950 Ermenonville - France Tél. +33(0)3 44 10 45 75 – Parc Rousseau. Jardin des Lumières Parc Rousseau is both an 18th century landscape garden and a Cultural Center located in Ermenonville (Oise department, France). The Cultural Center combines the heritage of this garden with contemporary creation. Since 1763, the Marquis de Girardin imagined for his land a huge master plan still considered as a reference in landscape garden history. Its unique arrangement offers a wandering for body and soul punctuated by little edifices called fabriques, paths and varied homage to poetry, philosophy, arts, and the presence of informal wild nature. With its precursory taste for landscape design and picturesque aesthetic this garden announces the coming of European romanticism. Jean-Jacques Rousseau spent the last weeks of his existence before being inhume on the Isle of Poplars. Thereon it became a pilgrimage destination and many of its patterns have been quoted throughout European gardens. Ideological garden par excellence, Parc Rousseau, provides food for thought to look at today’s society: physical space and real-time of sensitive perception ; garden as a world in itself ; presence of the arts : poetry, visual arts, performing arts ; Rousseau’s legacy and Enlightenment values: education, introspection, social progress, equality among men. 3/6 PARC ROUSSEAU. Jardin des Lumières 1 rue René de Girardin – 60950 Ermenonville - France Tél. +33(0)3 44 10 45 75 – CONDITIONS OF ACCOMMODATION Parc Rousseau provides, for the personal use of the resident, a house and a studio. The Guard’s house This early 20th-century-two-storey house offers 3 bedrooms, an equipped kitchen opening on a living room, 1 bathroom and a wireless connection. The Studio The studio is equipped with a kitchen-veranda, a bedroom, a bathroom and a wireless connection. 4/6 PARC ROUSSEAU. Jardin des Lumières 1 rue René de Girardin – 60950 Ermenonville - France Tél. +33(0)3 44 10 45 75 – WORKING CONDITIONS Resident artists or researchers can benefit from the use of the entire garden as well as an access to the intern library and data bases. The structure cannot provide technical devices or material since the place is not yet equipped with specific workplaces. However, insofar as the team of the Park is able, it can provide a general backup: logistical and intellectual resources, networking with cultural and artistic institutions, and professional advice. For the needs of the project during the residence period, a car is available, providing that the resident agree with the use conditions and shows an international driving license. Grant For the applicants with a team project, they should submit a complete file with biographical details of each and a description of the stakes of a collective project. The selected applicants will be offered a 1 200 € grant per month and the refunding of their travel fees (up to a determined level according to their country of origin). Moreover the candidate is accommodated for free in the structure. Agenda Application deadline: 22 novembre 2014 Odyssée Commission deciding on the application: January 2015 Reply to applications: February 2015 Residency period: July-December 2015 The candidates are selected on the basis of the relevance of their project towards the artistic and cultural program of Parc Rousseau. The residence is scheduled for a maximum duration of 2 months and should take place on a common agreement between July and December 2015. 5/6 PARC ROUSSEAU. Jardin des Lumières 1 rue René de Girardin – 60950 Ermenonville - France Tél. +33(0)3 44 10 45 75 – APPLICATION nd until 22 Novembre The applications must be written in French or in English, and should mention "Odyssée 2015" in object. Applications should include: curriculum vitae / short biography ; personal project for the residency period in line with the global project of Parc Rousseau ; cover letter ; recommendation letter ; copy of passport or national identity card ; copy of an acceptable driver's licence in France. Eligibility This call for project is open to writers, philosophers, culture professionals, professionals in the field of garden history and landscape, and visual or performing artists from a foreign country. Transverse practices are encouraged. There is no age restriction but the candidate must be a professional, therefor students’ applications. According to international commitments carried by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication, the applications of citizens of the following countries will be examined in priority: APPLICATION TO BE SENT by mail Algeria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar; Afghanistan, Burma, China, Korea, India, Japan, Philippines, Singapore ; Brazil, Haiti, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru ; Canada ; Hungary and Poland and other countries members of the European Union since 2004 ; Francophone Sub-Saharan Africa. Mme Corinne Charpentier, directrice Parc Rousseau - Jardin des Lumières " Odyssée 2015 " 1 rue René de Girardin 60950 Ermenonville – France Copy to: ACCR - Hôtel Massa " Odyssée 2015 " 38 rue du Faubourg Saint Jacques 75014 Paris - FRANCE APPLICATION TO BE SENT by e-mail Mme Mélanie Garziglia, responsable du programme culturel [email protected] mentioning "Odyssée 2015" in the object. Copy to: [email protected] mentioning "Odyssée 2015" in the object. 6/6 PARC ROUSSEAU. Jardin des Lumières 1 rue René de Girardin – 60950 Ermenonville - France Tél. +33(0)3 44 10 45 75 –
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