Name __________________________ Date ______________________ HUMAN ANATOMY - STUDY GUIDE FOR MODULE #6(a) 1. Review your vocabulary words! 2. Several muscles work together to laterally rotate the thigh. What do we call an entire group of muscles that work together? (1 pt) 3. One of the jobs of the flexor digitorum superficialis is to flex the wrist. When working in this fashion, does the muscle form a first-class lever, a second-class lever, or a third-class lever? (1 pt) Human Anatomy Study Guide – Module 6 Page 2 of 8 4. Identify the muscles in the figure. (15 pts) This picture is also in your book on pg 192 a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. 5. Of the muscles labeled above, put a checkmark in the box of the ones that are involved in mastication. (4 pts) Human Anatomy Study Guide – Module 6 Page 3 of 8 Name __________________________ Date ______________________ HUMAN ANATOMY - STUDY GUIDE FOR MODULE #6(b) 6. Name the “kissing muscle”. (1 pt) 7. Identify the structures in the figure below: (8 pts) a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h Human Anatomy Study Guide – Module 6 Page 4 of 8 8. Which structure above would not be considered a muscle? (1 pt) What is it? (1 pt) 9. Which of the muscles in the figure above act on the arm? (2 pts) 10. Which of the muscles in the figure above move the vertebral column? (3 pts) 11. Identify the muscles in the figure below: (12 pts) a. g. b. h. c. i. d. j. e. k. f. l. Human Anatomy Study Guide – Module 6 Page 5 of 8 Name __________________________ Date ______________________ HUMAN ANATOMY - STUDY GUIDE FOR MODULE #6(c) 12. Identify the structures in the following figure: (11 pts) a. g. b. h. c. i. d. j. e. k. f. 13. Which of the structures in the figure above would not be considered a muscle? What is its job? (1 pt) (1 pt) Human Anatomy Study Guide – Module 6 Page 6 of 8 14. What is the difference between extrinsic hand muscles and intrinsic hand muscles? (2 pts) 15. Label the muscles in the figure below: (14 pts) a. h. b. i. c. j. d. k. e. l. f. m. g. n. Human Anatomy Study Guide – Module 6 Page 7 of 8 16. List all of the muscles that are involved in flexing the thigh. (4 pts) I promise, these are listed together in your book. List their antagonists. (5 pts) 17. List all of the muscles that are involved in abducting the thigh. (4 pts) List their antagonists. (3 pts) 18. There are two muscles that flex the forearm. List them. (2 pts) List their antagonist. (1 pt) 19. There are two supinators of the forearm at the elbow. List them. (2 pts) Human Anatomy Study Guide – Module 6 Page 8 of 8 List their two antagonists. (2 pts) 20. Label the structures in the figure below: (9 pts) a. f. b. g. c. h. d. i. e. 21. Which of the structures in the figure above are not muscles? (3 pts)
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