EAES Electronic Bulletin 1. Fall 2014 Edition Presidential Address Dear EAES members, dear colleagues, 2014 has been a very successful year for our association. Mario Morino In June this year, the EAES had the privilege to host for the 4th time the World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery. After Bordeaux 92, Rome 98 and Berlin 06 the WCES was held in Paris, la Ville Lumiere. The Congress was a great success and I would like to express my deep feelings of gratitude to the Congress President Abe Fingerhut, to the Program Committee’s members, to the EAES Secretariat and to all the EAES officers and the Congress Faculty for their fantastic contribution to this historic scientific event. We are now concentrating on the 2015 EAES Congress that will take place in Bucharest in June. The Program Committee, under the chairmanship of Nicola Di Lorenzo and Giovanni Zaninotto, is working hard to complete an attractive scientific program. I would like to remind you that the most important part of the congress is represented by the contribution of each EAES member. Scientific communications, videos and posters represent the core of our congress and I will do my best to reserve a central role to original contribution by our members. The best contributions will be included in the main sessions. Prizes will be assigned to the best abstracts, videos best technological contribution, best videos and best European paper in the already famous “European Cup”. We are looking forward to receive your best scientific work and research. We should also remind that EAES has the privilege of sharing with SAGES the most important journal in endoscopic and minimal invasive surgery: Surgical Endoscopy. Thanks to the unique effort and competence of Sir Alfred Cuschieri, the Chief Editor representing EAES. Surgical Endoscopy is rated among the best surgical journal and represents one of the most important achievement of our association. The best contribution to our Congress will be published on this prestigious journal together with our 2014 Consensus Conferences on Early Rectal Cancer coordinated by myself and on Robotic Surgery coordinated by Amir Szold. Don’t forget that you and your contribution to the scientific life of our Association represent the strength of EAES and only thanks to your active contribution, EAES will be able to maintain its leadership in the world of Endoscopic and Minimal Invasive Surgery. Besides the Paris Congress, many activities have been initiated or continued during this year. I’m very proud to announce the success of the EAES Clinical Fellowships: 8 young surgeons from all over the world have been selected among over 70 CVs to receive an EAES Grant for a 3-months fellowship to be completed in the best MIS European Centers. I’m hosting at the Center of MIS of the University of Torino, a brilliant young surgeon from New Delhi, India since the first of October and I really believe that the Clinical Fellowship Program represents a milestone in EAES history. Let me thank our Past President Karl Fuchs for having brought up the project, our General Secretary George Hanna for having set up the protocol and Roberto Bergamaschi, chair of the Education Committee, for having successfully managed the candidates selection process The last initiative that I would like to highlight is the partnership that we have established with the European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP). Creating strong partnership with the best “organ devoted” European surgical societies is one of the major objectives of my Presidency. I strongly believe that, in order to maintain and reinforce our leadership in the field of technologies and techniques in MIS, we should cooperate with the group of specialist surgeons devoted to HPB, upper GI, lower GI, bariatric etc. We have started with ESCP by involving this society in our Consensus Conference on Early rectal cancer, establishing joint sessions in our respective congresses and initiating common research and educational programs. This model will be soon replicated with other specialties and I strongly invite all the members that have prominent role in other surgical European societies to help me in achieving this goal. In the complex and competitive arena of surgical scientific societies EAES is strong and in good shape; it has build a solid tradition and history; it is as usual projected toward the future trying to foresee and to shape the future of surgery. Dear EAES Member, Dear Friend, EAES needs your help and your best energies to continue its history of scientific excellence. I look forward to working with you in 2015 and beyond. Mario Morino EAES President 2. WCES2014 Paris - evaluation th Abe Fingerhut th Since the curtain ran down on the 14 World Congress meeting in Paris June 28 , many of you have regained your jobs, families and other activities, while others have taken advantage of coming to Paris, France to take some time off, visiting or seeing friends, or to start your vacation. The Paris meeting was memorable, scientifically outstanding, and I thoroughly enjoyed being your president. The hard work that went into this was well compensated by the excellent attendance (just under 2000 participants, see below), the clockwork organization (thanks to Ria Palmen and her entire team), and the wonderful site that is Paris. The success of the meeting, however, is yours; you as the program committee, you as the faculty, you as the attendee, you as a colleague and friend, have made this meeting what it was. I would be remiss if I did not mention the excellent support we had from Industry, and I wish to acknowledge them here publically. Paris can be proud of a record attendance for EAES and World meetings: 1994 participants from 95 different countries: The Top Ten are: Japan UK Italy Russia Greece Romania The Netherlands China Israel France 289 112 106 74 72 59 55 53 51 48 This year, the EAES will be innovating in two respects: 1) the summaries of most of the sessions will be on the web site, something new allowing all members to refresh their memories of what went on during the meeting and 2) EAES is asking the members of the EAES to participate in what can be assimilated to a Delphi process, adding your insight to the two consensus conferences that were elaborated during the meeting. One is on the Use of robots in general surgery, the other on Early rectal cancer. The drafts (PDF) are available to read on the website (click on names to access). Thank you for your cooperation, Click here to access And, as in the past, most of the videos presented during the meeting will be available as soon as the Webcast goes online Let me then say thank you from the bottom of my heart and wish the next president, Professor Catalin Copaescu and our Romanian colleagues and friends, the same success for the EAES meeting in Bucharest June 3-6, 2015 in th conjunction with the 8 RAES Congress at the Palace of Romanian Parliament. The theme of the congress: "Breaking through the frontiers of endoscopic surgery". Click here to learn more Catalin Copaescu Abe Fingerhut WCES2014 Congress President 3. News from the Program Committee: 23rd EAES congress Bucharest 2015 The Scientific Program of the XXIII EAES Congress, has already been prepared and will be published soon. It has been prepared in close cooperation with the local organizing society, the Romanian Society for Endoscopic Surgery (RAES) and the congress will incorporate joint meetings with the European Society of ColoProctology (ESCP) and the European Society for Diseases of the Esophagus (ESDE). rd Nicola di Lorenzo 5 Pre-congress, postgraduate courses will be held on Wednesday the 3 of June, including 2 hands-on courses and the “last minute” Amazing technologies sessions, with the aim of giving an advanced educational opportunity to participants. These courses will provide a comprehensive overview and update on several challenging surgical treatments and technologies. th th th The core congress (Thursday 4 , Friday 5 and Saturday 6 June) will give a complete overview of the most updated information on basic and advanced techniques and technologies for minimally invasive treatments, provided by best experts from Europe and Extra-European countries. The program includes a consensus conference, lectures, award sessions dedicated to young surgeons and researchers, and more than 30 scientific sessions, including face to face debates, unedited videos, 3D videos, panel sessions and reports on scientific papers of highest quality published on our journal Surgical Endoscopy, A wide range of personal experiences and surgical techniques will be presented in oral, video and poster presentations. The opportunity to create close relationships with worldwide renowned scientist will be provided during a “Meet the Professor” luncheon. Join us in Bucharest, Romania 3-6 June 2015! Nicola Di Lorenzo EAES Program Committee Chairman 4 EAES Education & Training (E&T) Committee Activity Roberto Bergamaschi The EAES Education & Training Committee has been concentrated on various activities. Concerning education two new courses have been endorsed by the EAES Education & Training Committee. Training Course in Laparoscopic Procedures for Bariatric Surgery organized by Turkish Association for Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery (TAELS), held in Acibadem University Training Centre (CASE), Istanbul, Turkey, 19-20th September and 21-22nd November 2014 and International Surgery Workshop for Visceral and Gastrointestinal Emergencies (Other than Trauma) organized by University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carola Davilla, held in Bucharest, Romania, 5-6th February 2015. More details as well as the endorsement criteria are listed on EAES webpages. The EAES was delighted to launch the Travelling Fellowship Program this year. These are three month Travelling Fellowships to institutions across Europe and the United States. It was a highly competitive process with applicants from over 30 countries! Following a matching scheme prepared by Education & Training Committee, nine Fellowships were awarded in 2014 and we wish the successful candidates well in their forthcoming placements. EAES hopes to continue this program in 2015 - watch the website for details on how to apply! As more and more women enter the field of surgery, it is imperative for any surgical society that wishes to stay relevant to be an attractive option for them, in the era of fierce competition over surgeon’s time and attention. The European Association of Endoscopic Surgery has therefore decided to launch an initiative to increase participation of women surgeons within the society. This initiative is led by the Education & Training Committee of the EAES. At first the effort will focus on reaching out to women surgeons who are already members of EAES, encouraging them to put their names forward as speakers and moderators at the annual congress; to work with the hosting country of the annual congress to recruit high quality women speakers and moderators from the local societies and to encourage women to apply for positions within the EAES committees. Secondly, the EAES hopes to recruit more women surgeon as members. Last but not least the members of the Education & Training Committee contribute analysis of recent publications in the surgical literature and provide their critical appraisal on EAES webpages. Roberto Bergamaschi Chair Education & Training Committee 5. Report Journal & Publication (J&P) Committee Professor Abe Fingerhut has joined the committee as Webmaster. The Journal & Publication Committee is looking forward to working closely with Professor Fingerhut. In addition, two new members have joined the committee, Professor Stravos Antoniou from Greece and Professor Philip Muysoms from Belgium. Jaap Bonjer The J&P Committee will organize the Consensus Conference which will take place during the annual EAES Congress in Bucharest June 3-6 2015. The topic of the consensus will be “Management of appendicitis’. Young members of the EAES will be invited to collaborate with experts. Involving the EAES membership will be an important component of the process. The work on the EAES Manual of Endoscopic Surgery is progressing steadily. The graphic artists are working hard to complete full colour illustrations. The J&P committee expects to present the manual in Bucharest. Jaap Bonjer Chair Journal and Publication Committee 6. Technology committee - Winter meeting 2015 th The EAES Winter meeting will take place in Rome, Italy on Friday the 30 January 2015. The theme for this half day meeting is: ‘Seeing is believing: expanding the visual world for better surgery’. Ample time is planned for a true open discussion during this event. Please keep an eye on the EAES website to find out what the program is and how you can register to participate. Amir Szold Amir Szold Chairman Technology Committee 7. Research Committee Activity This year the Research Committee will evaluate the new research projects and assess the advancements of the projects funded in the previous year. The Research Committee will be involved in preparing the scientific proposals for the 2016 EAES Congress in Amsterdam. The Research Committee will also focus on two new proposals: 1. Build up a Research Agenda for the EAES, involving all the EAES members and all the committees, using a questionnaire based on the Delphi methodology. The reason for this project is that, despite the Giovanni Zaninotto unprecedented expansion of research in minimally invasive and endoscopic surgery, most of these efforts remain uncoordinated and unfocused. A Research Agenda may help to coordinate the efforts of private investors, funding agencies and EAES itself, (that is investing €150.000/year in research projects) and obtain a better focus where to address the resources. Starting from next year a web-based open anonymous questionnaire will be sent to all the EAES members and all the answers will be categorized and summarized in uniform statements and circulate again to be scored. In the third round of the Delphi process the top scored 50 statements will be re-circulate again and re-scored to obtain the topics statements and build up the Research Agenda. 2. Verify the possibility to have one or more Research Fellowships for young scientists in some of the high-qualified research EAES centers. Giovanni Zaninotto Chairman Research Committee 9. 2014 Endorsed Courses Laparoscopic Advanced Digestive Surgery for Colon and Rectum Pathology Delta Hospital laparoscopic course http://www.endoscopictrainingcenter.ro International Surgery Workshop for Visceral and GI Emergencies (other than trauma) University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila http://www.umfcaroldavila.ro/ XL Course on Laparoscopic Suturing Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre (JUMISC) E-mail: [email protected] www.ccmijesususon.com Laparoscopic Procedures for Bariatric Surgery CASE Acibadem University, Istanbul, Turkey E-mail: [email protected] and [email protected] Laparoscopic and robotic surgery of the pancreas Moscow Clinical Scientific Center E-mail: [email protected] 10. 2015 Endorsed Courses International surgery workshop for visceral and gastrointestinal emergencies (other than trauma) University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila http://www.umfcaroldavila.ro/ CASE Acibadem University, Istanbul, Turkey E-mail: [email protected] and [email protected] Moscow Clinical Scientific Center E-mail: [email protected] 11. Events of Interest ESDE (European Society for Diseases of the Esophagus), 20-22 November 2014 ESDE ESGE/ESGAR/EAES Symposium GI Bleeding Berlin, 28-29 November 2014 GI Bleeding SAGES 2015 annual meeting, Nashville, 15-18 April 2015 SAGES 2015 23rd International Congress of the EAES Bucharest, Romania, 3-6 June 2015 EAES Bucharest 2015 World Congress of Surgery WCS Bangkok, Thailand, 23-27 August 2015 WCS EAES Advanced Laparoscopic GI Surgery Course, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 10-14 January 2015 EAES GI Crs Riyadh EAES advanced upper/lower GI courses & EAES Thiel colorectal/bariatric Cuschieri Skills Centre/University of Dundee EAES GI Crs Dundee 26th Annual Jagelman / 36th Annual Turnbull International Colorectal Disease Symposium 14th Annual surgery of the Foregut symposium Symp Cleveland Clinic Cleveland Clinic Florida during the DDI Week Contact: Office address: Luchthavenweg 81.211 5657 EA Eindhoven Netherlands Tel: +31 40 25 25 288 Fax: +31 40 25 23 102 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.eaes.eu Mailing address: P.O. Box 335 5500 AH Veldhoven Netherlands Tel: +31 40 2525288 Fax: +31 40 2523102 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.eaes.eu Editorial Office Surgical Endoscopy Surgical Endoscopy Editorial Office 12 Prosenroad Carnoustie DD7 BG2 Scotland, UK Tel/Fax: +44 (0) 1241 852112 E-Mail: [email protected]
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