Litteraturlista_Finansieringsteori_Företagsekonomi C_HT15

Litteraturlista för Finansieringsteori (7,5 hp) inom
Företagsekonomi C med inriktning mot finansiering
HT 2015
Francis, Taylor, Investments (2 ed.), McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2000, ISBN-978-0071
34 84 92.
Hillier, Ross, Westerfield, Jaffe och Jordan. Corporate Finance (2nd European Edition). McGrawHill Higher Education, 2013 eller motsvarande.
Fox, J. The Myth of the Rational Market - A History of Risk, Reward, and Delusion on Wall
Street. New York: Harper.
Collins, 2009. Haugen, R. The New Finance - Overreaction, complexity, and uniqueness. Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall/Pearson, 2004.
Krugman, P. The Return of Depression Economics and the Crises of 2008. London: W. W.
Norton & Co, 2009.