ICAN MAXWELL Certification Programme Develop The Leader In You Cost: R42,000.00 inclusive Start date: February 2015 Register at www.johnmaxwellafrica.com Who should enrol? What you will learn? Speakers, Mentors, Coaches, Facilitators, Training Consultant, Assessors, Moderators, SDF's, Quality Assurance Partners, Public Speakers, Community Leaders, Motivational Speakers To develop your leadership skills, to market, administrate and sustain your Leadership business. What it covers? Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ 6 month programme from February - July 2015 2 days face to face sessions per month Manuals, CDs, DVDs, Audio CD Books, Lunch & Learn Guides Teas, sandwiches and lunches included Who the faculty is? Ÿ Local, national, international leaders and entrepreneurs Ÿ Coaches, mentors and guest speakers from renowned universities Accreditation: John Maxwell Company USA, Services SETA and SABPP Level 1 1) Maxwell Philosophy a) 21 Videos b) Audio CD book c) 7 Worksheets Course Aim: In this course you will learn how to develop the Leader in you. You will also learn how to market, administrate and sustain your Leadership business. 2) Marketing Training a) Mastermind Training i) 7 Videos ii) 6 Worksheets iii) 21 Mastermind Guides on the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership iv) 1 Flyer and a Pitch and Survey for your Course Outline: The course is made up of two focus areas 1. Core Competencies - Knowledge, Skills and Attributes 2. Entrepreneur Competencies - Knowledge, Skills and Attributes Mastermind Group v) Mastermind Group Certificate of Completion document 3) Access to all Prerecorded Training Calls 4) Archived Training and Q&A Callsl 5) Meet the Faculty 6) Calendar of Events Level 2 1) Coaching Training a) Modules 1 & 2 b) 9 Videos c) 9 Worksheets d) Associated Training Calls and Q&A Calls 2) Speaker Training a) Modules 0 & 1 b) Worksheets c) Lunch and Learn Workshop Script (21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership) 3) Sales Training a) Module 1 - Part 1 b) Worksheets Address: 21, 9th Road, Chartwell North Estates, Broadacres Cell: +27 83 326 2099 Email: [email protected] Website: www.johnmaxwellafrica.com Level 3 1) Marketing/Social Media Training 2) Coaching Training a) Module 3 b) Videos c) Worksheets d) Wheel of Life Workbook 3) Speaker Training a) Module 2 b) Worksheets c) John Maxwell's Prerecorded Event Video Training Level 4 1) Mentorship Programme a) Key elements of a Mentoring Program b) Roles of mentors and mentees c) Qualities of mentors and mentees d) Benefits of mentoring 2) 5 Learning Systems (BONUS) a) On-line streaming of the DVDs for: i) Put Your Dream to the Test ii) Becoming A Person of Influence iii) How To Be A REAL Success iv) Leadership Gold v) Everyone Communicates, Few Connect b) Facilitator's Guide and Participant's Guide for the 5 Learning Systems c) Lunch-N-Learns for the 5 Learning Systems 3) Attendance at 2-Day Live Event Motivational Talks, Training Programme and Graduation Face-to-face workshops: February - 2 days March - 2 days April - 2 days May - 2 days June - 2 days July - 2 days *NB: Actual dates to be confirmed 4) Sales Training a) Module 1 - Part 2 and Module 2 b) Worksheets 5) Courses by Dr John C. Maxwell a) Priority management b) 5 Levels of Leadership c) 360 degree Leader d) Winning with people e) 17 Laws of Teamwork f) How to lead in difficult times Bonus 1. **Personal Discovery Master 2. **Training in Communication 3. Personal Finance a) Money Mindset b) Importance of Planning c) Financial Checkup **The Federation for Neuro Linguistic Programming Coaching Professionals (NLPC) and Let’s Live Coaching Institute only. Achievement Methods: There are two methods of Achievement 1. Full Qualification – Complete all Modules in the Course 2. RPL – This course is also capable of Recognizing Prior Learning Entry Level Requirements: Full Qualification 1. Grade 12 Certificate 2. Minimum One year Tertiary qualification or three years experience in the Training or any Communications industries RPL 1. Grade 12 Certificate 2. Minimum three year Tertiary qualification or five years experience in the Training or any Communications industries Course Roll–out Face-to-face workshops: 1.Register February - 2 days 2.Attend a two day workshop 3.Receive Courseware 4.Courseware includes Manuals, CDs, DVDs, Audio CD Books, Lunch & Learn Guides and Assignments March - 2 days April - 2 days May - 2 days 5.Complete and submit assignments June - 2 days 6.Electronic feedback sessions July - 2 days 7.Attend a two day live event including Graduation *NB: Actual dates to be confirmed ICAN MAXWELL LEADERSHIP AFRICA ICAN MAXWELL APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATION PROGRAMME Certification Programme Admissions PO Box 2700, Fourways, Johannesburg E-mail: [email protected] Please read the notes on pages 5 to 7 before completing this application form. Incomplete or incorrect information will delay consideration of your application. PLEASE RETURN THE COMPLETED FORM WITH APPROPRIATE SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION ALL APPLICANTS are required to sign the INDEMITY FORM on page 5 Personal Details Surname / Last name First name Title / Prex Mr Miss Ms Mrs Other Middle name Gender (please tick p) Date of birth Female Male South African Identity Document no* * See also ‘citizenship details below Citizenship details Are you a South African citizen? Yes No If No, are you a permanent resident? Yes No If Yes, Permit number and date obtained Day Month (eg Dec) Year If Yes, country of permanent residence If not South African resident, please state nationality If no SA identity number, please supply Passport number Are you a refugee? Yes No Are you an asylum seeker? Yes No If you are a refugee/asylum seeker, please attach valid certied permit FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application processed by .....................................................................Date........................................... Please return the form to: [email protected] CERTIFICATION APPLICANTS General background Black Population Group (Required for statistical purposes) Home language (please tick p) Coloured Indian White Asian Marital status Single (please tick p) Married Afrikaans Sepedi English SeSotho Chinese Setswana Widower French Seswati Divorced German Sixhosa Separated Greek Sizulu Ndebele Tshivenda Italian Xitsonga Portuguese Other (Please specify) Disability / Special needs* (please tick p) Blindness Partially sighted Learning disability Cerebral palsied Paraplegic Speech impediment Deafness Partial hearing Dyslexia Impaired mobility Quadriplegic Other (Please specify) Every reasonable attempt will be made to provide you with the assistance you may need as the result of your disability. You must provide the ICAN MAXWELL Co. with the necessary information about your disability status at the time of your application. If you do not, the ICAN MAXWELL Co. cannot undertake to provide assistance. Name change (if applicable) Previous last name / surname (if applicable) Previous rst name (if applicable) Date of name chan ge Reason for Day Month (eg:Dec) Year Name change (If degree certicates were issued in a previous name, a certied copy of the appropriate legal document is required) Previous activities What has been your main activity during the last year? (eg work / study) ICAN MAXWELL CERTIFICATION PROGRAMME ACCREDITED BY JOHN MAXWELL CO. USA CERTIFICATION APPLICANTS Contact Details Please include postal code with all addresses 1. Applicant Postal address Postal code 2. Applicant Residential / Street address Postal code 3. Business address Postal code 4. Preferred address for correspondence (please tick p) Postal address or Business address If neither of the above, please provide alternative address for correspondence and give start and end date for use of this address To use from Postal code To Day Contact numbers Home Tel no: Business Tel no: Cellphone no: E-mail: Month (eg Dec) Year Day Month (eg Dec) Year Fax no: 5. Next-of- Kin Full name Title Relationship to applicant e.g. Mother or Father Postal address Postal code Home Tel no: Cellphone no: Business Tel no: Fax no: E-mail: 6. Person liable for settlement of fees Full Name ID/Passport Number Postal address Postal code Home Tel no: Business Tel no: Cellphone no: E-mail: ICAN MAXWELL CERTIFICATION PROGRAMME Fax no: ACCREDITED BY JOHN MAXWELL CO. USA CERTIFICATION APPLICANTS ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS Tertiary education (begin with most recent qualication):Academic transcripts must be attached for all applicants. You are required to disclose all tertiary registrations even if you de-registered in the course of the year. DEGREE/DIPLOMA FT or PT* DATES OF REGISTRATION from DATE OF GRADUATION STUDENT NUMBER INSTITUTION IF FOREIGN INSTITUTION PROVIDE ADDRESS AND COUNTRY to Membership of professional bodies: (attach separate sheet if necessary) NAME OF PROFESSIONAL BODY NAME OF QUALIFICATION / TITLE CATEGORY OF MEMBERSHIP DATE ADMITTED / AWARDED (YY/ MM/ DD) Employment details 1. Are you currently employed? Yes No 2. How many years of full-time employment will you have completed by the end of this year? Please provide details: (attach separate sheet if necessary) NAME OF COMPANY /EMPLOYER (please provide details of different positions with same employer) PERIOD EMPLOYED (YY/ MM/ DD) from If you are an international applicant and currently employed, do you work: ICAN MAXWELL CERTIFICATION PROGRAMME JOB TITLE to in SA outside SA ACCREDITED BY JOHN MAXWELL CO. USA CERTIFICATION APPLICANTS INDEMNITY AND UNDERTAKING LEGAL DECLARATION OF INDEMNITY AND UNDERTAKING I, THE APPLICANT, (1) Acknowledge that the ICAN MAXWELL Co. does not accept responsibility for damage or loss in respect of property of the applicant or in respect of property brought onto ICAN MAXWELL Co. premises by the applicant. (2) Do hereby indemnify the ICAN MAXWELL Co. in respect of any damage caused by the applicant to ICAN MAXWELL Co. property or to the property of third parties, whether on or off the ICAN MAXWELL Co. premises, as a result of the applicant’s actions either whilst on the ICAN MAXWELL Co. premises or whilst engaged in any activity related to the ICAN MAXWELL Co. (3) Undertake, during the orientation period and for any period during which I am a registered student, to be bound by the rules and regulations of the ICAN MAXWELL Co. for the time being in force. (4) Certify that the information provided in this form and all supporting documentation is accurate and acknowledge that furnishing any false information may result in disciplinary proceedings being taken against the applicant. (5) Declare that I have furnished the ICAN MAXWELL Co. with all the information necessary to make an informed decision about my admission. (6) Undertake to pay unconditionally all fees upfront, charges and equipment surcharges payable to the ICAN MAXWELL Co. as they fall due for payment, for any period for which I am or may become a registered student or the applicant is or may become a registered student of the ICAN MAXWELL Co. ALL APPLICANTS MUST SIGN BELOW – Thank you Signature of applicant:.................................................................... Date:................................................................................... ICAN MAXWELL CERTIFICATION PROGRAMME ACCREDITED BY JOHN MAXWELL CO. USA CERTIFICATION APPLICANTS GENERAL INFORMATION All enquiries for admission to the ICAN MAXWELL Certication Programme should be emailed to [email protected] ACCREDITATION The Certication programme is accredited by: 1. The John Maxwell Co. USA 2. Services SETA 3. SABPP NB: The Certication Programme content and detail can be downloaded off our website: www.johnmaxwellafrica.com ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Entry Level Requirements: Full Qualication 1. Grade 12 Certicate/Matric (or equivalent for International applicants) 2. Minimum one year tertiary qualication or three years' experience in the Training or Communications industries Recognised Prior Learning (RPL) 1. Grade 12 Certicate/Matric (or equivalent for International applicants) 2. Minimum three year tertiary qualication or ve years' experience in the Training or Communications industries FEES Fees payable are R42 000.00 inclusive and they cover: - 6 month programme from February – July 2015 - 2 days face-to-face sessions per month - Webinars - Lunch and Learns - Audio CDs, DVDs and Books ICAN MAXWELL CERTIFICATION PROGRAMME ACCREDITED BY JOHN MAXWELL CO. USA CERTIFICATION APPLICANTS CLOSING DATES Registration closes on 30 January 2015. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Academic transcripts must be original copies. Degree/diploma certicates, ID/Passport copies must be certied by a Commissioner of Oaths. INTERNATIONAL APPLICANTS Invitation letters will be supplied to International students to help them obtain visas in their respective countries for the monthly 2 days’ face-to-face sessions that will be held in Johannesburg during the course of the programme. ICAN MAXWELL CERTIFICATION PROGRAMME ACCREDITED BY JOHN MAXWELL CO. USA
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