CURRICULUM VITÆ FEDERICO BELOTTI ADDRESS Faculty of Economics Tor Vergata University Via Columbia, 2 00133 - Roma, Italy tel: (+39) 06.72595627 e-mail: [email protected] web: PERSONAL DETAILS Place of birth: Rome Nationality: Italian Languages: English (fluent), Italian (native) CURRENT POSITION 02/2011 → today Post-Doc Researcher CEIS - University of Rome “Tor Vergata” RESEARCH INTERESTS Microeconometrics methods with applications in health, spatial and production economics CURRICULUM VITÆ FEDERICO BELOTTI 2 EDUCATION 9/2006 − 7/2011 Ph.D. in “Econometrics and Empirical Economics” (EEE) University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Title: Three Essays on Applied Econometrics Supervisor: Prof. Vincenzo Atella Examinators: Prof. Partha Deb (CUNY and NBER) Prof. William Greene (Stern School of Business, NYU) 9/2004 − 8/2005 M.Sc. in Economics University of Rome Tor Vergata Major: Quantitative Methods (MEI) 9/1996 − 7/2004 Degree in Economics, Financial Markets and Institutions University of Rome Tor Vergata Major: Econometrics (Supervisor: Prof. Franco Peracchi) Title: The Smoking behavior in Europe: evidence from ECHP microdata PUBLICATIONS “Measuring Spatial Effects in Presence of Institutional Constraints: The Case of Italian Local Health Authority Expenditure”, with Atella V., Depalo D. and Piano Mortari A., (forthcoming Regional Science and Urban Economics). “Estimating Two-part Models”, with Deb P., Norton E.C., Manning W.G., (forthcoming Stata Journal). “Testing for Time-invariant Unobserved Heterogeneity in Generalized Linear Panel Data Models”, (2015), with Bartolucci F., Peracchi F., Journal of Econometrics, 184(1), 111-123. “Stochastic Frontier Analysis using Stata”, (2013), with Daidone S., Ilardi G., Atella V., Stata Journal, 13(4), 719-758. “Translation from Narrative Text to Standard Codes Variables with Stata”, (2010), with Depalo D., Stata Journal, 10(3), 458-481. “Technology Adoption and Innovation in Public Services. The Case of E-Government in Italy”, (2010), with Arduini D., Denni M., Giungato G., Zanfei A., Information Economics and Policy, 22(3), 257-275. CURRICULUM VITÆ FEDERICO BELOTTI 3 MANUSCRIPTS UNDER REVIEW “Consistent Inference in Fixed-effects Stochastic Frontier Models”, with Ilardi G., (R&R, Journal of Econometrics). “The Role of Drug Adherence in Therapy Effectiveness: A Double Fixed-effects Approach”, with Atella V. and Depalo D. WORKING PAPERS “Technology Adoption and Innovation in Public Services. The Case of E-Government in Italy” with Arduini D., Denni M., Giungato G., Zanfei A., Working Papers, 0804, Universit` a di Urbino Carlo Bo. “Disentangling true determinants of drug therapy effectiveness: A double fixed effects approach”, with Atella V. and Depalo D., CEIS Research Papers, 186, Tor Vergata University. “Cost-containment policies and hospital efficiency: evidence from a panel of Italian hospitals”, with Atella V., Daidone S. and Ilardi G., Marini G, CEIS Research Papers, 228, Tor Vergata University. “Consistent Estimation of the “True” Fixed-effects Stochastic Frontier Model”, with Ilardi G., CEIS Research Papers, 231, Tor Vergata University. “Stochastic frontier analysis using Stata”, with Daidone S., Ilardi G., Atella V., CEIS Research Papers, 251, Tor Vergata University. “Measuring spatial effects in presence of institutional constraints: the case of Italian Local Health Authority expenditure”, with Atella V., Depalo D. and Piano Mortari A., CEIS Research Papers, 278, Tor Vergata University. “Testing for time-invariant unobserved heterogeneity in generalized linear panel data models”, with Bartolucci F, Peracchi F., EIEF Working Papers Series 1312 WORK IN PROGRESS “Minimum Density Power Divergence Estimation of m-Components Mixtures Regression Models”, with Deb P. “Spatial Panel Data Models using Stata”, with Hughes G. and Piano Mortari A. CURRICULUM VITÆ FEDERICO BELOTTI 4 “Productivity of the National Health System: A Comparison of Italy and UK”, with Atella V., Bojke C., Castelli A., Grasic K., Kopinska J., Piano Mortari A. and Street A. “Reconciling ML and TSLS Estimators in Spatial Models”, with Atella V., Depalo D. and Piano Mortari A. “Inference in Spatial Stochastic Frontier Models”, with Atella V., Ilardi G. and Mladenovi´c S. “Smallholder Productivity under Climatic Variability: Adoption and Impact of Widely Promoted Agricultural Practices in Tanzania”, with Arslan A., Lipper L. “Welfare Impacts of Climate Shocks: Evidence from Tanzania”, with Arslan A., Lipper L. PUBLICATIONS (in italian) “Discussione” a “Assicurazione sanitaria di Barigozzi F.”, con Atella V., Rivista di Politica Economica, IX-X (2006), 257-273. “L’innovazione nelle amministrazioni pubbliche: evidenza sulla diffusione dell’eGovernment in Italia” with Arduini D., Denni M., Giungato G., Reggi L., Zanfei A., Economia e Politica Industriale, 2 (2008), 173-186. “La diffusione dell’eGovernment presso i Comuni italiani: il ruolo dei legami fra servizi di back e front office” with Arduini D., Denni M., Giungato G., Reggi L., Zanfei A., Economia dei Servizi, 3 (2008), 337-360. On-line periodics: 15/02/2007 “Ma l’Authority non serve”, with SISPER research group published on 14/06/2007 “Gli sconti non sono uguali per tutti”, with Atella V., published on 08/2008 “Prevenzione farmacologica e spesa. Un’analisi a livello regionale”, with Atella V., D’Amico F., published on Care BOOK CHAPTERS “La spesa sanitaria privata in Italia: le evidenze empiriche”, with Atella V., in La sanit` a in Italia (2008), edited by Pedone A., Il Sole24ore, Roma. CURRICULUM VITÆ FEDERICO BELOTTI 5 “La (nuova) nota 13 AIFA e i suoi effetti professionali, clinici ed economici” with Atella V., Battaggia A., Brignoli O., Cricelli C., Filippi A., Giustini S., Pasqua A., Piano Mortari A., Medea G., Disease Management, Serie editoriale della Societ`a Italiana di Medicina Generale (2011), Pacini Editore, Pisa. “I costi delle cure nel Sistema Sanitario: un’analisi disaggregata”, with Atella V., Piano Mortari A., Kopinska J., Lischio P., in Il Sistema Sanitario in controluce (Rapporto 2011), edited by Franco Angeli, Milano. “Le attivit` a di prevenzione come elemento per la sostenibilit`a del SSN”, with Atella V., Piano Mortari A., Kopinska J., Conti V., in Il Sistema Sanitario in controluce (Rapporto 2013), edited by Franco Angeli, Milano. “Crisi economica, diseguaglianze nell’accesso ai servizi sanitari ed effetti sulla salute delle persone”, with Atella V., Piano Mortari A., Kopinska J., Conti V., in Il Sistema Sanitario in controluce (Rapporto 2014), edited by Franco Angeli, Milano. AWARDS 2012 Best Italian PhD thesis on Applied Statistics and Demography discussed in year 2011 46th Italian Statistical Society Scientific Meeting, Rome, IT 2011 Best “Young Researcher” Paper “Consistent Estimation of the “True” Fixed-effects Stochastic Frontier Model” European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, Verona, IT REFEREE FOR Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Journal of Probability and Statistics, Labour, Stata Journal, Journal of Productivity Analysis, Value in Health, International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, Journal of Applied Economics PRESENTATIONS AT CONFERENCES AND SEMINARS 2013 Italian Stata Users Group meeting, Firenze, IT German Stata Users Group meeting, Potsdam, D Fifth Italian Congress of Econometrics and Empirical Economics, Genova, IT CURRICULUM VITÆ FEDERICO BELOTTI 6 Royal Economic Society conference, London, UK Spatial Econometrics Seminars, Department of Economics, Catholic University of Rome, Rome, IT 2012 Annual Health Econometrics Workshop, New York, NY Seminar, Department of Statistical Science, University of Padua, IT Italian Association of Regional Science Conference, Rome, IT Italian Economic Association conference, Matera, IT Italian Association of Health Economics, Rome, IT Health Econometrics Workshop, Siena, IT 2011 European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, Verona, IT 2010 Annual Health Econometrics Workshop, Detroit, MI 2009 Italian Stata Users Group meeting, Firenze, IT VISITING POSITIONS 9/2010 − 4/2011 Visiting scholar The City University of New York (Hunter College) Department of Economics TEACHING 06/2014− 07/2014 Tor Vergata University, Rome Module: Stochastic Frontier Analysis ERASMUS Intensive Programme on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (EPASP) 09/2013− 09/2013 LUISS University, Rome Econometrics pre-course 09/2012− 09/2012 LUISS University, Rome Econometrics pre-course CURRICULUM VITÆ FEDERICO BELOTTI 7 03/2012− 04/2012 LUISS University, Rome Stata pre-course 11/2011−12/2011 Tor Vergata University, Rome Module: Introduction to Stata Master in Development Economics and International Co-operation 10/2009−12/2009 Tor Vergata University, Rome Module: Introduction to Stata Master in Development Economics and International Co-operation 10/2008− 6/2009 LUISS University, Rome Teaching assistant, Macroeconomics Prof. Vallanti G. 3/2007−9/2008 LUISS University, Rome Teaching assistant, Econometrics and Statistics for Economics Prof. Vallanti G. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 03/2013 → 12/2013 FAO (Supervisor: Aslihan Arslan) Activities: Econometric analysis of survey data and report writing: i ) Adoption of sustainable agricultural practices and their impact on productivity of smallholder farmers: evidence from Tanzania ii ) Welfare impacts of climate shocks: evidence from Tanzania 09/2008 → today SIMG / Health Search (Supervisor: Prof. Atella V., Prof. Cricelli C.) Activities: Economic analysis of EPR data, microsimulation and report writing: i ) Design and development of a simulation model for National Health System costs ii ) Epidemiological and economic analysis of type II diabetes mellitus ii ) Epidemiological and economic analysis of dyslipidemia CURRICULUM VITÆ FEDERICO BELOTTI 8 05/2008 − 02/2009 Confcommercio (Supervisor: Dr. Bella M.) Research office Activities: Economic analysis of statistical data and report writing: i ) Estimation of an error correction Almost Ideal Demand System ii ) Forecast households consumption with ARIMAX models to compute ICC index 07/2008 − 12/2008 ISTAT (Supervisor: Dr. Giungato G.) Directorate of Structural Economic Statistics Project:“Data collection and analysis on ICT adoption and use in enterprises” Activities: Econometric analysis and report writing Eurostat Grants 2008 10/2007 − 12/2007 ISTAT (Supervisor: Dr. Giungato G.) Directorate of Structural Economic Statistics Project:“Data collection and analysis on ICT adoption and use in enterprises” Activities: Econometric analysis and report writing Eurostat Grants 2007 6/2006 − 12/2006 ISTAT (Supervisor: Dr. Giungato G.) Directorate of Structural Economic Statistics Pilot survey on: “ICT Expenditures and Investment in Local Governments” Activities: Survey design and management Eurostat Grants 2006 04/2006 − 04/2007 Faculty of Economics, University of Urbino (Supervisor: Prof. Zanfei A.) Project: “The Diffusion of ICT in the italian Public Sector” Activities: Econometric analysis and report writing 9/2005 − 07/2007 ISTAT (Supervisor: Prof. Zamaro N.) Directorate of Structural Economic Statistics Project:“Sistemi informativi per la predisposizione di un rapporto annuale su determinazione delle dotazioni organiche, analisi dei fabbisogni e rilevazioni delle eccedenza nelle pubbliche amministrazioni” (funded by Dipartimento della Funzione Pubblica) CURRICULUM VITÆ FEDERICO BELOTTI 9 Activities: Economic analysis of statistical data and report writing: i ) Design and development of a simulation model for manpower planning ii ) Evaluation of italian hospitals’ technical efficiency by means of stochastic frontier and data envelopment analysis COMPUTER SKILLS OS: Linux, MacOSX, Windows (Server 2003/2008, 7,Vista, XP) Stat-programming: Stata and Mata (advanced programming, certified), R (advanced), SAS (intermediate), SPSS (intermediate), Eviews (intermediate), Matlab (intermediate), C++ (intermediate), Octave (basic), Sage (Basic), Mathematica (basic), Maple (basic), Fortran90 (basic) Scripting: BASH (advanced), Python (intermediate) Database: MS Access, MySQL, MS SQL, PosgreSQL Word processing: MS Word, LATEX Presentation - drawing: LATEX beamer, MS Powerpoint, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw Web-Server: Apache, Zope Web Design: PHP (basic), HTML, DHTML. Advanced use of Dreamweaver, Flash, Fireworks, MS Frontpage. Webmaster and Co-founder of the and web sites. Developer of the web-based interface to the Economics and Accounting student database and temporary maintenance of the CUNY (Economics) website CMS: Plone, Joomla, WordPress CURRICULUM VITÆ FEDERICO BELOTTI REFERENCES Professor Franco Peracchi Department of Economics and Finance University of Rome “Tor Vergata” [email protected] Via Columbia, 2 00133. Rome, IT Professor Partha Deb Faculty of Economics Hunter College, CUNY [email protected] 695 Park Avenue New York, NY 10065 Professor Vincenzo Atella Department of Economics and Finance University of Rome “Tor Vergata” [email protected] Via Columbia, 2 00133. Rome, IT Professor Francesco Bartolucci Department of Economics University of Perugia [email protected] Via A. Pascoli, 20 06123. Perugia, IT Rev: Nov 2014 10
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