The origin of numerical weather prediction in Sweden and its position in the world Looking back in time 50+ years Lennart Bengtsson 2015-10-14 SMS MISU NWP Sweden 1 Content of talk • Rossby, Charney och von Neumann • IMI, BESK och barotropa modellet • Varför satsade vi på filtrerade modeller? • SMHI och 3-parameter modellen • Det internationella arbetet och vägen till ECMWF 2015-10-14 SMS MISU NWP Sweden 2 Wilhelm Bjerknes, 1862-1951 the father of modern meteorology • Das Problem der Wettervorhersage, betrachtet vom Standpunkte der Mechanik und der Physik, Meteorologische Zeitschrift, January 1904, pp 1-7. • Bjerknes postulated that the necessary and sufficient conditions for the rational solution of forecasting problems are: • 1. A sufficiently accurate knowledge of the state of the atmosphere at the initial time. • 2. A sufficiently accurate knowledge of the laws according to which one state of the atmosphere develops from another. 2015-10-14 SMS MISU NWP Sweden 3 Lewis Fry Richardson 1881-1953 2015-10-14 • Richardson was an English mathematical, physicist, meteorologist, psychologist and pacifist. • He published in 1922 “Weather Prediction by Numerical Process” that was the first attempt to numerically solve the physical equations. SMS MISU NWP Sweden 4 ( Figure courtesy, Norman Phillips) 2015-10-14 SMS MISU NWP Sweden 5 First real-time operational NWP in Sweden 2015-10-14 SMS MISU NWP Sweden 6 A 72 hr forecast and its verification The first ever operational forecast? Credit: B. Söderberg 2015-10-14 SMS MISU NWP Sweden 7 Prognosområden vid SMHI 2015-10-14 SMS MISU NWP Sweden 8 Varför 3-parametermodellen? • D21s hastighet och minne var begränsat så det gällde att optimera de resurser som fanns. • Baserat på numeriska experiment med baroklina vågor på ett beta-plan visade sig att en god approximation var att använda 1000, 500 och 300 hPa som nivåer. • Detta visade sig vara fallet och 3-parametermodellen spelade stor roll att övertyga meteorologerna att numeriska modeller var användbara och rätt väg att gå. 2015-10-14 SMS MISU NWP Sweden 9 Presentation of weather maps in the early 1960s 2015-10-14 The early computer at SMHI SMS MISU NWP Sweden 10 Varför inte primitiva modeller? • Dessa var inte bättre än de quasi-gestrofiska av samma skäl som gjorde att Richardson misslyckades, nämligen initialiseringen. • Det var först Bennert Machenhauer som löste detta dilemma vid ECMWF. • Alternativet var att använda en dämpande tidsintegration men detta tog musten ur de intensiva ovädren som man var mest intresserad av i prognostjänsten 2015-10-14 SMS MISU NWP Sweden 11 Låt oss göra ett tankeexperiment! • Antag att någon från dagens ECMWF hade stigit på H G Wells tidsmaskin och besökt SMHI 1 mars 1965 med denna dags prognosberäkning under armen • Vad hade detta visat? • Eftersom jag lyckades med detta magiska trick med hjälp av Patrick Laloyaux vid ECMWF så kommer här resultatet: 2015-10-14 SMS MISU NWP Sweden 12 1 March 1965 2015-10-14 SMS MISU NWP Sweden 13 Dåtid: Prognos vid ECMWF hösten 1975 2015-10-14 SMS MISU NWP Sweden 14 Observationer 1 Mars 1965 2015-10-14 SMS MISU NWP Sweden 15 Nutid: ECMWF sommaren 2015 2015-10-14 SMS MISU NWP Sweden 16 Predictions 1965 and 2015 At 80% + 5days, at 60% + 6 days 2015-10-14 SMS MISU NWP Sweden 17 Results Twenty-nine medium-range forecasts produced by the CERA system at 00 UTC between 20 February and 20 March 1965 have been used to compute similar forecast skill scores. The anomaly correlation of the CERA 500-hPa geopotential height forecast has been calculated as a function of lead time for the northern hemisphere extratropics with respect to the CERA analysis. The 80% anomaly correlation skill level is reached at 6 days and the 60% level at 8.5 days. This means that the use of a modern ECMWF assimilation and forecasting systems extends those skill levels by 4.5 and 5 days, respectively. 2015-10-14 SMS MISU NWP Sweden 18 Vad har hänt på 50 år? • Sedan 35 år har vi globala väderprognoser • Prognoskvaliten har förbättrats med 4-6 dygn • Extrema vädersystem som tropiska orkaner prognoseras rutinmässigt • Modellberäkningarna baseras på de primitiva ekvationerna eller icke-hydrostatiska ekvationer. • Vi kan kartlägga det globala klimatet baserat på dagliga väderanalyser där analysen sker i 5- dimensioner! 2015-10-14 SMS MISU NWP Sweden 19 End 2015-10-14 SMS MISU NWP Sweden 20 The evolution of meteorology around 1850 The scientific reasons • • • Studies of synoptic networks of pressure, temperature and weather had indicated typical structures in time and space suggesting that forecasts were feasible. A broad empirical understanding of the global climate had evolved over the years through different studies starting with Hadley in the previous century. The evolution of a theoretical framework in mechanics, thermo-dynamics and hydrodynamics had evolved with contributions by the leading physicists of the 19th century. A key role was played by Ecole Normal and Ecole Polytechnique in Paris, e.g Laplace ( 1749-1827), Cauchy (1789-1857) and Navier (1785 -1836). 2015-10-14 SMS MISU NWP Sweden 21 Richardson‘s dream 2015-10-14 SMS MISU NWP Sweden 22 Weather prediction according to Bjerknes • 1. The three hydrodynamical equations of motion. These are differential relations among the three velocity components, the density, and pressure. • 2. The continuity equation, which expresses the principle of the conservation of mass during motion. This equation is again a differential relation between the velocity components and the density. • 3. The equation of state of atmospheric air, which is a relation in finite form among the density, pressure, temperature, and humidity of a given mass of air. • 4. The two laws of thermodynamics, which allow us to set up two differential relations giving the rates of change of energy and entropy during the changes of state that are taking place. 2015-10-14 SMS MISU NWP Sweden 23 The principle of error reduction in data assimilation 2015-10-14 SMS MISU NWP Sweden 24
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