November 9, 2014 The Dedication the Lateran Basilica ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI 29 Northgate Drive, Greenlawn, NY Telephone: 757-7435—FAX #757-0469 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Parish Staff: Rev. Peter F. Kaczmarek, Pastor Msgr. Patrick Armshaw, Pastor Emeritus Deacon David Campbell Deacon Jean Cantave Deacon Allan D. Longo, Faith Formation Deacon James Byrne Office Hours: Monday-Thursday: 9:00am– 3:30pm; Friday 9:00am-12:30pm Closed 12:30pm—1:15pm Daily Evenings: By appointment only Parish Mass Schedule: Saturday: 4:30pm Sunday: 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00 noon 5:00pm Youth Mass (Christian Rock Mass) Monday—Friday: 8:30am Holy Days of Obligation: as announced. Faith Formation (1st through 8th grade) Religious Education Coordinator: Deacon Allan Longo: 754-6436 Sacramental Life Baptism: Scheduled Sundays at 1:30pm Parents should contact the Rectory before the birth of the child. Both parents must come for an interview with the priest or deacon. Class also required after the interview. Sacrament of Matrimony: Please call the rectory at least six months in advance for an appointment with a parish priest. A marriage preparation program is required. Penance/ Reconciliation: Saturdays 2:00—3:30pm Also by appointment Anointing of the Sick: Every second Monday after the 8:30am Mass. Also anytime by calling the rectory at 757-7435. Music Ministry Adult Choir Director: Lynn M. Wilson Junior Choir Director: Marianne Craven 368-3141 [email protected] Youth Band Coordinator: Greg Gullotti: 516-449-4346 [email protected] Organists: Theresa Bissex 759-1372 Shira Fishkin Youth Ministry Program Ivonne Porpora: 499-3780 [email protected] Pastoral Care Road Angels: 261-4837 Communion to the Homebound: 514-9916 Ministry of Consolation & Bereavement Diane Lake: 499-0395 Liturgical Ministry Lector & Eucharistic Ministers Marilyn Reilly: 261-2093 Ushers Paul Sepp: 368-7673 New Parishioners Every family should be properly registered. Please stop in the sacristy after Sunday Mass or at the rectory office during office hours to pick up a census form. Devotional Life First Friday 9:00am—10:00am 8:00pm—10pm with Benediction Catholic Conversion R.C.I.A. Parish Programs Trinity Regional School 1025 Fifth Avenue E. Northport Principal: Jeanne Morcone Office: 261-5130 Please call the rectory. Liturgy of the Hours In church Wednesday at 8:00am Rosary: Daily at 8:00am and 9:10am Holy Hours In the church Wednesdays: 7:00pm—8:00pm Fridays: 2:00pm—3:00pm Pastoral Advisory Council Neil Coscio, Chairperson: 261-0816 Haitian Mass Every 3rd Saturday: 6:30pm Deacon Jean Cantave :923-0556 St. Vincent de Paul Society Meets semimonthly in the auditorium. 651-2655 In-Home Pre-Cana Seasonally in hosts home Coordinators: 271-3566 Deacon Allan & Lorraine Longo Little People’s Liturgy Sundays at the 10:00am Mass. Louise Mordarski: 796-2070 Rosy Mandel: 651-8431 PB&J Gang 3rd Sunday of the month Leslie Kulewicz: 754-2132 Ivonne Porpora: 499-3780 November 9, 2014 2 Mission Statement: St. Francis of Assisi Parish is a Christ-centered family of believers, celebrating Christ alive in our lives through the inspiration of the Gospel, church teachings and traditions and the Sacraments. We are sensitive to the spiritual and temporal needs of God’s people, acknowledging their uniqueness and dignity and are dedicated to reaching out and serving them through prayer, liturgical celebrations and social ministries. Guided by the Holy Spirit and nourished by the Holy Eucharist, we welcome all people with, respect and compassion. We are vigilant in protecting the rights of the most vulnerable. In the tradition of our patron, St. Francis of Assisi, we put the “good news” of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ into action. MASSES FOR THE WEEK Sunday, November 9, 2014 8:00am St. Francis Parishioners 10:00am Edward Thompson, Sr.+, Barbara Kelly+, Anne & James DeCarmine+, Kate Porto+ 12:00pm Florence Peluso+, Carmelo Zaccaria+, Josephine Tortorice+, Josephine Hurtisova+ 5:00pm Youth of St. Francis Monday, November 10, 2014 8:30am John Neuner+ Tuesday, November 11, 2014 8:30am Catherine & Frank Lobasso+ Wednesday, November 12, 2014 8:30am Lucia Mc Clarey-Triolo Thursday, November 13, 2014 8:30am Michael Lorenz+ Friday, November 14, 2014 8:30am Lucille Preta+ Saturday, November 15, 2014 4:30pm Eleanor Timmes+, Mildred Klemfuss+ Sunday, November 16, 2014 8:00am St. Francis Parishioners 10:00am Kate Porto+, Joan Montaigne+, Diane Riggs+, Lorraine Fiordelis+, James Gargiulo+ 12:00pm Helen Czech+ 5:00pm Youth of St. Francis, Joey Geiss+ Ministers for Saturday and Sunday November 15th & 16th Saturday 4:30pm Eucharistic Ministers: Deacon Jean Cantave, Lisa Love, Anne Attivissimo, Ingrid DeJoie, Lois Greaux Lector: Mary Schlaikjer Altar Servers: Christian & Michael Finnegan Sunday 8:00am Eucharistic Ministers: Rosemarie Esteibar, Joan Collins, Germulee Osse, Helen Flanders, Carol Queally Lector: Gawaine Esteibar Altar Servers: Vincent, Anthony & Nicholas Alfiero 10:00am Eucharistic Ministers: Deacon Allan Longo, Lorraine Longo, Louise Mordarski, Carol Nucci Lector: Joe Dissler Altar Servers: Lucas & Giancarlo Porpora 12:00pm Eucharistic Ministers: Deacon Jim Byrne, Barbara Beller, Jeannine Tiemann, Kathleen Dyckes, Lynda Kremmelbein Lector: Paul Papa Altar Servers: Elias Smith 5:00pm Eucharistic Ministers: Ivonne Vega-Porpora, Judith Torchon Lector: Michael Kitakis Altar Servers: Michael Young, Olivier Michel Saint Francis Parish/Huntington Hospital Eucharistic Schedule First, Third, Fourth and Fifth Sundays of the Month Meet at 9:15am in Hospital Lobby November 16th: *John Bligh, Joe Clines, Charles Giordano, Bob Kiley, Tom Lemp, Lisa Love, Ivonne Porpora, Chris Torns Please pray for the sick of the Parish Bruna Ambrose, Albert Arbeeny, The Bauge Family, Susan Bitonti, Frank Bitonti, Josephine & Christopher Caiozzo, Elizabeth Caroll, Ruperto Caruajal, Patrick Cashin, Gianna Cerulli, Roy Chowdry, Nina Crilly, Patricia Davis, Walter Dichurt, Susan DiSalvo, Joseph & Peggy Dissler, Walter Fay, Liam Forstor, Paul Gabel, Joe & John Geiss, Kathleen Gleason, Sandra Henrich, Mary Ellen Hess, Victoria Hren, Gus Hueber, Bonnie Inzalaco, August Justesen, Courtney Kane, Frank Kotasek, Don & Eileen Lammers, Kathy La Russo, Janice A. Lewis, Peter LoRe, Gil Lorenz, Clementina Maldunado, Carol McDonald, Sean McGrath, Danielle Nicosia, Barbara Nigro, Joan O’Neil, Felix Perkowski, Philip “Gene” Phelan, Debby Quartin, Regina Rakowski, Mark Russell, Lillian Sanchez, Eleanor A. Thompson, Rose Varghese, Leslie Malone Walker, Frank Ward, Daniel Wilbur, Marlene Wyleczuk, Flori Young November 9, 2014 Ministry Fair This weekend we continue our Stewardship of Time, Talent & Treasure with a Ministry Fair - a showcasing in the lower church after all Sunday morning Masses of our various opportunities for Christian Service offered here at St. Francis. We combine the “Fair” with a very nice Hospitality Continental Breakfast and coffee, tea, etc. Don’t miss out, join us downstairs, meet friends and neighbors and experience the warmth of parish life. No pressure, this is not a “recruitment” drive, but a number of members from different ministries will be standing near the signs indicating their ministry ready to explain them with you. The following Sunday we will have an opportunity at all the Masses to “sign up” for a ministry. A “sign up” means that you get a “thank you” note from myself as Pastor and a phone call from the head of the ministry. Only if you are then satisfied that you can handle the ministry do you begin to get called upon, get assigned or go to the appropriate lists. No sudden commitments imposed without you being fully aware. We want you to not only come aboard but stay aboard and truly enjoy your ministry. The Christian life is all about “true joys”-yes, there are crosses and burdens but ministries are “joys” because the right ministry for you is an exercise of the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit. He is always a spirit of joy, peace and fulfillment! Meet me at St. Louis, Louie, Meet me at the fair! Meet me at St. Francis, Frannie, Meet me at the Fair! Faith-Sharing (Small Groups) for Advent Prepare spiritually for Christmas. Everybody knows how hectic Christmas can be. Take time out this year for a low pressure but structured way to prepare your soul for Christmas. The true “Christmas spirit” must be nurtured and coaxed along! Hence this parish-based Advent program hosted here at St. Francis by our corps of deacons (and pastor). Last year the Lenten Program was a huge success and we tried to add more to it this year. The other period of preparation during our liturgical year is called Advent. It is fast upon us and offers us four weeks of preparation. Sign-up sheets will be available in the bulletin. Fill out one and get it back to us in the collection basket or drop it off at the rectory or mail. But this year, just do it, sign up and don’t miss out. After all, even in Bethlehem on the first Christmas night everybody did not get to see the Christ Child. Be among the shepherds and the kings this year! 3 St. Francis of Assisi Ministry Fair At TODAY After the 8, 10 & 12:00 Masses Come and hear about the different ministries at St. Francis *EMs, Lectors & Ushers are sponsoring this hospitality EM & Lector MEETING Monday, Nov. 17th at 7:30pm Lower Church The Rectory, Pastoral Care and Religious Ed Offices will be closed Tuesday November 11th for Veteran’s Day November 9, 2014 4 Time, Talent & Treasure Fostering Stewardship as a way of life (Regular Sunday Offertory) Last Sunday’s weekly offering: TBA Last Year’s Sunday offering: $8,398.00 10/26/2014: $9,412.50 Thanks for Giving First Fruits & Taking a Step!!! Bulletin Reflection As we pray today for an increase of spiritual gifts, we are reminded by the Bishops’ Pastoral on Stewardship that good stewardship of the Church “means cherishing and fostering the gifts of all, while using one’s own gifts to serve the community of faith.” Living Stewardship We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who use their God-given gifts to serve others, especially through our parish’s ministries as well as out into the wider community. November 9—Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time: In today’s Gospel Jesus challenges us to “stay awake” by taking time to seriously look at ourselves, the priorities of our lives, and how we are growing spiritually. Ask yourself “What would Jesus Christ do?” and then put your gift in the Society of St. Vincent de Paul poor box so that those who are suffering will be able to celebrate Thanksgiving. SUNDAY READINGS for next week, November 16th Proverbs 31:10–13, 19–20, 30–31 The author describes “a worthy wife” as holy and just, hard-working and generous. She shall be valued by her husband and praised by many. 1 Thessalonians 5:1–6 Paul urges the church to “stay alert” and prepared for the coming of the Lord, for we do not know the day, and Discipleship should be constant. MaƩhew 25:14–30 A parable: a master gives three servants different amounts to care for in his absence. Upon his return, he rejoices in the first two’s stewardship, but punishes the third’s laziness. Send us your email if you would like to start receiving “Bringing Home the Word”, a weekly message based on the Sunday Scripture readings. Healing Mass at St. Francis Wednesday November 12th Prayer & Praise 7:30pm Mass 8:00pm Celebrant: Fr. Peter Kaczmarek Pray overs after Mass November 9, 2014 5 All are welcome to bring a portion of their Thanksgiving Diner to Mass with them on the day. Suggested items: Bread, Baking, Apple Cider, Wine Father will bless the Thanksgiving Food and your Families during the Mass. Thanksgiving Blessings to All! Please keep in your prayers our deceased friends and relatives Stephanie O’Connell Robert Luna Jeff Froh’s book, “Making Grateful Kids is available for $10 at the Rectory November 9, 2014 6 Catholics for Freedom of Religion is honored to present: Most Rev. Bishop Andrezj Zglejszewski Come hear Bishop Andrezj Zglejszewski share his story of living in communist Poland in the 1970’s and 1980’s under oppression and denial of religious freedom. Despite these bleak circumstances, he found courage and strength with God’s grace and persevered in following his calling. Hear his message of hope and gratitude. Nov. 18th 7:30pm St. James Church 429 Rt. 25A Setauket, NY 11733 The Faith Direct program gives you: • A convenient and consistent way to support St. Francis of Assisi by electing to use direct debit from your bank or credit card account. • The opportunity to support our parish even if you are absent from Mass for travel or illness. • A solution to a situation I know many families face on their way to Mass: where did I put my envelopes?! 24/7 Prayer Ministry Call 631-514-9916 Pray With Deacon Dave Campbell Road Angels are needed to drive parishioners to and from doctor appointments. Please call the Pastoral Care Office if you can help! 261-4837 Our Lady’s Home Visitation Program At St. Francis of Assisi The statue of Our Lady of Fatima will be visiting the home of: 11/21/14 Rosy Mandel 11/28/14 Barbara Magali 12/5/14 Fran Azzara 12/12/14 Rosemarie Esteibar 12/19/14 Dawn Chaffin If you would like to be added to the list, please call Barbara 631-757-1794 or Louise 631-796-2070 Join us for prayer & coffee after Mass on Tuesdays in the lower church. November 9, 2014 The Most Reverend William Murphy Bishop of Rockville Centre The Sacred Heart Institute Invite you to the Annual St. Agnes Lecture 3pm Sunday, Nov. 16—Seminary Chapel Archbishop Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin “The Church in Ireland and the Future” Schedule 3:00pm Welcome and Introduction 3:15pm Presentation by Archbishop Diarmuid Martin 4:15pm Informal Reception 5:15 Evening Prayer Pre-Registration Required Seminary of the Immaculate Conception 440 West Neck Rd. Huntington, NY 631-423-0483x102 [email protected] Bible Study Wednesdays11:00am In the parish hall For information, call Jeanie 631-663-5191 The weekly St. Francis Booster Club Winner is: Cecelia McGann! 7 “…love one another with mutual affection; anticipate one another in showing honor. Do not grow slack in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, endure in affliction, persevere in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the holy ones, exercise hospitality.” Romans 12: 10-13 RESPECT LIFE NEWS “The joyful love with which our parents welcomed us and accompanied our first steps in this world is life a sacramental sign and prolongation of the benevolent love of God from which we have come.” Pope Benedict XVI, Homily of the Holy Father, On Occasion of the Fifth World Meeting of Families, July 9, 2006 National Night of Prayer for Life will be once again uniting parishes in an effort to end abortion through Eucharistic Adoration and prayers of reparation. Spanning the feasts of the Immaculate Conception and Our Lady of Guadalupe’s 1st apparition to St. Juan Diego, we shall pray 9 PM Monday, December 8th through 1 AM Tuesday, December 9th here at St. Francis of Assisi Church. Please save this date as we pray through the intercessions of Our Blessed Mother for the establishment of a Culture of Life. Intercession for Life: Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome For all those grieving from the loss of a child: that they may find in our loving God strength, refuge and help in this time of distress. We pray to the Lord. Word of Life: “Every person—no matter how vulnerable or helpless, no matter how young or how old, no matter how healthy, handicapped or sick, no matter how useful or productive for society—is a being of inestimable worth created in the image and likeness of God. This is the dignity of America…the ultimate test of her greatness; to respect every human person, especially the weakest and most defenseless ones, those as yet unborn.”—Pope John Paul II, “Apostolic Journey to the United States and Canada: Farewell Ceremony,” September 19, 1987 Our St. Francis of Assisi Baby Corner especially needs Pampers, Luv’s, and Huggies diapers sizes 4, 5, and 6, unscented baby wipes, unscented baby wash, and coupons for baby items. Our infants and toddlers are growing and need warm clothing for the winter months. We are happily anticipating the birth of a precious baby to be born anytime! Always, we thank Our Lord through the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe and St. Francis for your loving care of our precious babies. Need assistance? Wish to join our St. Francis of Assisi Baby Corner team? Please call our rectory at 631-757-7435. The Life Center of Long Island at 631-243-2373. Call for help with a crisis pregnancy, healing after an abortion, or to donate baby equipment. Please bring donations of baby equipment such as cribs, strollers, and car seats to their Deer Park location as we cannot accept them at our Church. The Life Center’s Life Line is open 24 hours, 7 days a week at 631-243-0066. Tickets are $50.00 and are available in the Rectory. Your ticket is entered to win Every Week! Please continue to pray each day for our precious babies—born and unborn—and their parents!!! Pray the rosary for the conversion of America’s heart to end abortion. November 9, 2014 8 St. Francis Youth Ministry St Francis Teen Ministry is committed to providing our teens with opportunities for growth through faith, fellowship, service and leadership. Youth Ministry events and activities are open to all high school students. Come and see what we are doing and bring a friend. Nov. 9, YM Meeting 6:30pm-8pm in the Parish Hall St. Francis Christmas Pageant December 21, 2014 During 10:00 Mass Sign-Up Sunday and rehearsal… November 23rd, in the Parish Hall, after the 10:00 Mass, for children 4 and over. Children should know what part they would like to play. Parts will be assigned by lottery during this rehearsal. Children need to be at all rehearsals. Volunteers will be asked to sign up to aid with rehearsals, Pageants and refreshments. Many hands make lite work! Next Rehearsal Dates: Dec 7 Dec. 14 If you have any questions, please contact Barbara Morgan at 757-1635. GOD - UNITED NEWS Please join us at our next PB&J Gang date: Sunday, November 16th 6:30-8:00pm Hip hip hooray! We made an amazing 522 sandwiches at our last PB&J Gang. Thank you to all who helped! Loving hands, Caring hearts, Spreading joy, is a very good thing. Come and join us in spreading the joy. PB&J gang can help satisfy your service hour requirements Please bring donations of Bread, Smooth Peanut Butter & Jelly! “I am only one but I can do something, and what I can do with God’s help, I will do” -St Francis of Assisi Jr. Choir Boys and Girls, grade 2-7—Come join the St. Francis Children’s Choir. Rehearsal will be from 11-11:30, after Sunday Mass. Marianne Craven—368-3141 [email protected] St. Francis Rocks ! Come check out the 5 pm Sunday Mass and see what it’s all about ! For information about the Youth Mass Contact our Youth Music Coordinator Greg at [email protected] November 9, 2014 Thirsting for Healing? Living Waters Center is a counseling center which provides the Healing Waters of Counseling, Prayer and Love to those who come through our doors. Our therapists are rooted in the prayer that is a basic part of our Catholic Tradition and Faith. Living Waters Center provides individual, family, couple and group therapy. Most insurance plans are accepted. For more information, please call 631-754-3990 or go to our website or email us [email protected] 9 PRAYER FOR OUR MEN AND WOMEN IN MILITARY SERVICE O prince of peace, we humbly ask Your protection for all our men and women in the military service. Give them unflinching courage to defend with honor, dignity and devotion the rights of all who are imperiled by injustice and evil, Please guard our churches, our homes, and our schools, our hospitals, our factories, our buildings and all who are within from harm and peril. Protect our land and its peoples from enemies within and without. Grant an early peace with victory founded upon true justice. Please instill in the hearts and minds of people everywhere a firm purpose to live forever in peace and good will toward all. Amen. Fall Open House Sun. Nov. 16,2014 1:00pm Molloy College Rockville Centre, NY 516-323-4000 PRESENTED BY LOONEY TUNES All Young Adults – you are invited to join us for Fellowship … Inspiriting Speakers … and Honest Answers …. At our next Faith on Tap! Monday, November 17, 2014 Topic: “Where is God Calling Me … How do we hear God through the Chaos” Speaker: Sr. Gina Fleming, OP Co-Director of the National College Preaching Conference and the Promoter of Youth for the Dominican Sisters of Amityville, NY Join us at Lily Flanagan’s, 345 Deer Park Avenue, Babylon, NY Doors open at 7:00 – come early – get something to eat – meet new friends – re-connect with old ones! Talk begins at 7:30
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