Newsletter A Pastor Jennie Thrash-Crichlow 440 Main Street Shrewsbury, MA 01545 VERSE OF THE MONTH “The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 “Indeed the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal Life” - John 4:14 A Newsletter Our newsletters are available online at November 2014 ““Real generosity toward the future lies in giving all to the present.” Albert Camus A Stewardship Moment “Generosity” " We are called to be a generous people because our God is a generous God. Everything we have, everything we are, is a gift from God." - Phil Maynard The Wellspring United Methodist congregation has an excellent record of practicing generosity. Generosity means that we will live on less than what God has provided in order to bless others. Practicing generosity as a lifestyle frees us from our dependence on finding our security in "stuff" and from being enslaved by our creditors so that we can have more stuff. It is hard to experience the blessings of God when we are having trouble paying the bills for the things we couldn't afford. 82% of the American people are feeling anxious about money. In 2014 our pledge giving to Wellspring UMC only covered one half of our expenses. That means we covered the salaries of our staff., nothing else! The rest of our budgeted items: rent, office supplies, mission giving, Sunday School supplies, etc. were all paid by other means, mainly our savings account. The Wellspring church family is living beyond their means. We love to gathering each Sunday to praise God and enjoy the fellowship, but we are forgetting to be generous to God for this pleasure. We need to balance our budget and at the same time thank God for his goodness. I encourage all of you to pledge if you aren't already doing so, or to increase your current pledge for 2015. On November 9, 2014, Stewardship Sunday, let all of us celebrate the generous support needed for our church ministries and God's love. GOD BLESS WELLSPRING UNITED METHODIST CHURCH. Jean Folsom Finance Team member NOVEMBER WORSHIP SCHEDULE November 2, 2014 All Saint’s Day (11/1/14) Color: Green Joshua 3:7-17 Psalm 107:1-7, 33-37 (UMH# 830) 1 Thessalonians 2:9-13 Matthew 23:1-12 Preaching: Pastor Jennie November 9, 2014 Remembering Our Veterans Color: Green Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25 Psalm 78:1-7 (UMH# 799) 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Matthew 25:1-13 Preaching: Pastor Jennie November 16, 2014 Color: Green Judges 4:1-7 Psalm 123 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 Matthew 25:14-30 Preaching: Pastor Jennie November 23, 2014 Christ the King (Thanksgiving Potluck) Color: White Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24 Psalm 100 (UMH# 821) Ephesians 1:15-23 Matthew 25:31-46 Preaching: Sophia Cooper November 30, 2014 1st Sunday of ADVENT (UMC Student Sunday) Color: Purple Isaiah 64:1-9 Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19 (UMH# 801) 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 Mark 13:24-27 Preaching: Pastor Jennie NOVEMBER DAILY PRAYER O God, you have made us for yourself and have called us to be a covenant people, a people set apart. We are set apart not for privilege but for service, not for special rights but for responsibility. Let our loyalty be to you and your kingdom. Amen. PASTOR JENNIE’S NOVEMBER 2014 OFFICE HOURS Pastor Jennie’s office hours for November will be by appointment. To schedule an appointment and/or in case of an emergency, she may be reached on her cell (781) 801 – 0908). November 2014 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 Roadies Team 3 (Peter’s) 9:45am: Worship WL: Harry 11:30am: Sustaining Hope Adult Bible Study 11:am: Bell Choir Practice 4 5 9 10 Stewardship Sunday Roadies Team 4 (Sybil’s) 9:45am: Worship WL: Floyd 11 30 Roadies Team 3 (Peter’s) 9:45am: Worship WL: Sabina 8 13 14 15 6:30pm: Choir Rehearsal Tilander’s 7:15pm: Book Club Panera Bread 18 12 3pm: Growing In Discipleship Folsom’s 7pm Visioning SubTeam Google Chat with Mike Davis 7:50pm: Combined V&L, Finance/Trustees Meeting 19 6:30pm: Youth Group 20 21 22 27 28 29 3pm: Growing In Discipleship Folsom’s 6:30pm: Choir Rehearsal Tilander’s 11:30am: Sustaining Hope Adult Bible Study 23 24 Roadies Team 2 (Jeff’s) 9:45am: Worship WL: Peter Potluck 7 3pm: Growing In Discipleship Folsom’s 11:30am: Sustaining Hope Adult Bible Study 16 17 Roadies Team 1 (Floyd’s) 9:45am: Worship WL: Gina 6 25 26 Wellspring-On-A-Card Wellspring United Methodist Church Worship and Office 440 Main Street, Shrewsbury, MA 01545 508-842-4665 Pastor: Reverend Jennie Thrash-Crichlow 508-842-4665 or [email protected] Music Director: Sandra Tilander 508-853-9639 or [email protected] Lay Leader: Sabina Terrades 508-845-5032 or [email protected] Vision & Leadership Chair: Peter Bjork 508-798-8535 or [email protected] Staff-Parish Relations Committee Chair: Jean Folsom Treasurer: Michelle Harrison Lay Member to Annual Conference: Sophia Cooper Christian Education Director: Pat Fanjoy Youth Group Leaders: Cindy and Phil Henderson Hospitality Team: Tammy Krumpoch and Gina Saucier Caring: Julie Redfern Prayer Chain Leader: Tammy Krumpoch Roadies Team Leader: Peter Bjork Newsletter Editor/Communications and Project Abundant Life Team Leader: Sabina Terrades 508-845-5032 or [email protected] or [email protected] Church office hours: Please call the church office to schedule an appointment or drop by the office on the dates on page 3. Vegetarian Recipes Shared by Gina Saucier Spiced Chick Pea Stew Directions: In a 6 or 7 quart slow-cooker bowl, layer 1 ½ lbs. Yukon gold potatoes, cut into 1 inch chunks; 3 medium carrots chopped; 1 (15oz) can chickpeas, drained; and 1 lb. zucchini, cut into 1 inch chunks. Whisk 1 cup water, 2 tsp. fennel seeds, 1 tsp. each coriander and salt, and ½ tsp. each cinnamon and pepper in a bowl; pour over the vegetables. Top with 1 lemon, cut into quarters. Cover and cook on high 5 hours; 10 min. before serving, add 1 cup frozen peas to cooker and re-cover. To serve, remove and discard lemon. Divide among 4 bowls. Top each with 1 fried or poached egg and chopped fresh mint. Serves 4. About 365 calories. “I came so that all may have life, and have it abundantly” (John 10:10) Thanks to All who Helped with the Haiti Mission Trip Fundraisers Dear Wellspring Congregation and friends, On November 3rd, I will be leaving for Haiti and returning on November 17. This will be the third time I will be traveling to Haiti to help the people in that country. The first two times I traveled with another mission team from Colorado to help rebuild buildings that were destroyed by an earthquake. This time I will be traveling by myself to help rebuild the lives of orphans that were changed by that same earthquake that devastated that country 4 years ago. I am very excited about working with the children at God's Littlest Angels orphanage. I am so glad that I will be able to represent the Wellspring congregation by showing and sharing God's Love. The same love that I have been shown by your prayers, encouragement and support, and I am very grateful and appreciative to all who made this Mission Trip possible. First, I would like to thank those who cleaned out closets and drawers and donated their items and asked others to do the same! Can you believe that 1,932 pounds of clothing, shoes and accessories, bedding, and linens were collected? A special thanks to Alden and Sharon Miller, who helped us take the collected item from my house and brought them to the church on Friday . On Saturday, September 20th, a truck from Savers came and we loaded all the items collected. We will be paid $.20 per pound, which amounts to $386.40! Thank you to those who saved up your returnable cans and bottles! The totals still are still being tallied. I would also like to thank the many hands who helped receive items on Saturday, September 20 at the church, and helped turn in the cans and bottles. Besides myself, those also involved were, Pat Fanjoy, Stan and Dang Merrill, Ed Fanjoy, Jean Folsom, Thank to all who volunteered at the Spirit of Floyd Harrison, Lowell and Edna Crouse and Todd Shrewsbury!! Bloom! And thank you to all those who made monetary donations, and donations of diapers and other items to be taken to Haiti. I look forward to telling you all about this mission trip when I return! Michelle Harrison JOIN A WELLSPRING SMALL GROUP, OR TWO...OR THREE! S M A L L G R O U P S U P D A T E Small groups are a way we put our church and our faith in action. They serve both as support to our members and a place to cultivate our faith. Each group offers fellowship, prayer, service and study to its members but the focus of each group is different. All groups are open to new members and we cordially invite you to join us! Growing in Discipleship This group is for all those who would like to gather in an informal setting to ponder the scripture readings for the upcoming week, related devotions, share reflections, and enjoy tea together. We meet in Lawrence Hall at Trinity Church, every Wednesday at 3pm. No prior experience is necessary. Drop in anytime. Devotional books are provided. CHOIR BELL CHOIR For more information, contact Sandra Tilander at 508-8539639. YOUTH GROUP Decisions, decisions, life is full of decisions. Lots of ideas are being kicked around for our next Youth Group Events. Watch the Fount for details. Contact Pat Fanjoy at 508-842-2186. BOOK CLUB All are welcome. We meet the second Tuesday of each month at 7:15pm at Panera Bread in White City, to discuss a book. November’s Book: Michelle’s Choice “The Bluest Eye” by Toni Morrison Pecola Breedlove, a young black girl, prays every day for beauty. Mocked by other children for the dark skin, curly hair, and brown eyes that set her apart, she yearns for normalcy, for the blond hair and blue eyes that she believes will allow her to finally fit in. Yet as her dream grows more fervent, her life slowly starts to disintegrate in the face of adversity and strife. A powerful examination of our obsession with beauty and conformity, Toni Morrison’s virtuosic first novel asks powerful questions about race, class, and gender with the subtlety and grace that have always characterized her writing. Contact Tammy or Sabina for more information. [email protected] for more info. SUNDAY SCHOOL We provide Sunday School during our 9:45am service. Kids start with their families and friends in the sanctuary for the beginning of worship. After the children’s message, they all go to their classroom for Bible lessons, craft activities and games. Sunday School starts at 10am. Please contact Pat Fanjoy at 508842-2186 to volunteer as a teacher or to register a child. Adult Bible Studies are available several times a year. Stay tuned for announcements. Announcements??? Please email to Tammy by Tuesday of each week and/or pass along to the Worship Leader before the Sunday Service begins and s/he will share your announcement(s) for you. Flowers??? If you would like to place flowers on the altar in Memory or Honor of, please purchase (with vase), forward Tammy information to be placed in The Fount or inform the Worship Leader to announce on that day. HOPE AND HEALING MINISTRY 6:00pm: Dinner and fellowship 7:00pm: Worship The Hope and Healing services will resume in December with our Blue Christmas service. Youth Group Calling all 8-15 year olds! Come have fun at the Wellspring Youth Group! Youth Group meets every third Saturday from 6:30 PM to 8 PM (if we are at the church). "Inside meetings" include prayer, snacks and fun games. Ideas being considered for outside events are: hiking, bowling, laser tag, archery and bouncing around at Sky Zone. Come join us. Sunday School News November Birthdays: 11/5 - Mary Shapazian 11/21 - Emma Fanjoy 11/26 - Isaac Cooper 11/29 - Lisa Harrison Wellspring Sunday School program is up and in full swing! We meet every Sunday from just after Children's time during worship until the end of worship. The children are having fun learning about Bible stories and what Jesus tells us to do in our lives. Children are quite creative in their questions and comments. At this time, we are still seeking one or two more Sunday School adult helpers. In order to be in line with our Safe Sanctuary Policy we must have two adults supervising the children every Sunday. Helper teachers assist only every 3-5 weeks. They discuss, they help with artistic creations and they nurture children. Donate a little bit of time and gain a wealth of smiles. See Pat Fanjoy to volunteer. November Anniversary: 11/13 - Sean and Sophia Cooper Not on the list? Contact Kris Smith to have your name included. COMMITTEES AND TEAMS Please consider joining Wellspring teams to contribute your gifts, talents and opinions! It can be for one meeting, one event, a few weeks, a few months. Your choice! This is YOUR church and many opportunities are available. COUNSELING CENTER OF MASSACHUSETTS The Advisory Board held their annual meeting in September. The Center now has a Future Planning Committee at work to see if the Center can be operated more efficiently. The Center is doing O. K. but there is always the question could we do better? Changing outreach communications is an example of one review. People helping people is our goal. The support by area churches a big help in this ministry.
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