November 2014 M Visit: Celebrating the Lifestyle! COREY N Y IL AR 2014 Board of Directors ELECTION! November 12, 2014 V DA GR OM N E GENE RYA A L AK BO N B HA N SEL M A Community Association Information 3 • Activities 8 • Interest Groups 12 Chartered Clubs 16 • Defibrillator Locations 25 • Calendar 26 community association information Spruce Creek GCC-HOA, Inc. 13601 Del Webb Boulevard Summerfield, FL 34491 Hours of Operation Community Center Weekdays Weekends 8am -10pm 9am -10pm Horizon Swimming Pool Weekdays Weekends 8:30 am -10pm 8:30 am -10pm HOA Accesories Sales Monday - Friday Resident IDs Tuesday & Thursday 8am -12pm By appointment Fitness Center Monday-Friday Saturday & Sunday 6am - 8pm 7am - 7pm Peninsula Park Pickleball Courts Pool Tennis Courts 7am -10pm 8am -10pm 7am -10pm Important Numbers Gate Telephone Numbers: Visitor Scheduling/Entry 347-3759 Patrol Front 347-0375 Patrol Back 245-8781 Community Association 307-0696 Fax 307-0695 Emergency 911 Lake Vista Fitness Center 307-3443 Maintenance Dept. 307-7138 ER Golf Course 307-1668 Toppers Tavern 307-0261 Marion County Utilities 671-8510 Duke Energy 800-228-8485 Teco Gas 877-832-6747 Cablevision 854-0408 Waste Pro 624-3100 Pulte Customer Care Line 291-7350 The Association provides this publication for informational purposes only, and does not guarantee, endorse or promote any of the products or services advertised herein, and assumes no responsibility or liability for the statements made in this publication. Information regarding advertising rates may be obtained by contacting the Activity Office at 307-0696. Board of Directors Bob Carter President Marilyn Corey Vice-President Gene Ryan Secretary Jim Honhart Treasurer Gary Burd Director Jim Houtz Director Terry Rasmussen Director Workshop Nov 5 Meeting Nov 12 & E-mail Addresses, Phone Ext: 307-0696 HOA Resident Communication [email protected] Sean Casey, ext. 224 General Manager [email protected] Linda Dalgewicz, ext. 227 Activities Assistant [email protected] Jim Dean, 347-0159 Director of Gate Operations [email protected] Tina Hillenbrand, ext. 226 Architectural Review Manager [email protected] Pat Hixson, ext. 254 Activities Assistant [email protected] Kim Lunday, ext. 222 Administrative Assistant [email protected] Bob Moody, ext. 223 Facilities Manager [email protected] Kim Osburn, ext. 259 Member Services Manager [email protected] Judith Ponder, ext. 225 Activities Director [email protected] Cindy Rogers, ext. 237 Community Standards Director [email protected] Michael Tresslar, 307-7138 Maintenance Director [email protected] Ryan Van Fleet, ext. 233 Communications Manager [email protected] Committee Meetings Nov 11 - Finance Committee (10 AM, GR) Jack Little - Chairman Nov 5 - C.O.T. Committee (10 AM, MR) Diane Brandley - Interim Chairman Nov 3 - Community Programs & Activities Com. (9 AM, GR) Ross Brackett - Chairman Dec 10 - Covenants Committee (2 PM, MR) Mark Parise - Chairman Nov 4 - Property & Grounds Committee (10 AM, GR) Ted Brandley - Chairman Jan 7 - Entertainment Committee (9:30 AM, GR) Sharon Allman - Chairman Nov 10 & 24 - Architectural Review Committee (1 PM, CR) Andy Pawlowski - Chairman Channel 12 Phone # 347-5917 [email protected] Please stay tuned to Channel 12 for Community Association News. If you would like information about an activity posted on our information channel, please drop it off at the Activities Office. Announcements are posted for a maximum of thirty days. Newsletter If you would like information about an activity published in our monthly newsletter, please have the information to Activities Office by the 1st of the prior month. Resident Departure Info This form stops the Fountain delivery and/or provides the HOA with an alternate address. Please complete an “Additional Resident Departure Information” form when leaving the community for an extended period of time and return the form to the receptionist. Please inform the Activities Office, upon your return, for restarting delivery of the Fountain. Defibrillator Refer to the back of the monthly calendar for defibrillator locations. Lake Vista Fitness Center 307-3443 Maritza Acevedo Fitness Director [email protected] community association information What’s Happening During the month of October, two town meetings were held. The first was to discuss a potential update on the Association by-laws. The Board of Directors is recommending resident approval of the changes which provide for consistency with Florida state laws and removal of multiple references to the developer. The recommended changes will not reflect a change in operations or function, but provide for an updated and a more understandable document. The second town meeting was provided to provide residents to review a proposal for the treatment of all our roads. The current condition of our roads, the proposed method to improve their longevity, and the potential costs were discussed. The subject will be on the agenda for the November Board workshop and the November Board Meeting. An open budget meeting was held during the month. As a result of increased expenses for existing services and maintenance, an assessment increase of $2 per month for 2015 was passed. This is the first increase in four years and still maintains our monthly assessment well below the fees charged at other Active Adult communities. During the recent 2015 budget meetings the Finance Committee reviewed the impact of the financial effect of the gate system which was placed in use in the spring of this year. The cost of the system was $35,700. The savings reported by the Committee for 2014 was $26,622 and $31,622 for each and every year thereafter. The system was paid for in less than a year and a half and is providing longterm cost reductions. Two projects which were approved for added restrooms at the Softball field and Peninsula Pool are underway. Permits for construction have been filed with the county and have been approved. Initial construction will begin in November, with both facilities to be completed before the end of the year. Monthly inspections of all facilities continue to insure that we are maintaining the highest standards possible throughout our community. Have a great day today and an even better tomorrow! Bob Carter, President - SCG&CC HOA Election Committee The Election Committee for 2014 is proud to announce the following candidates Marilyn Corey (incumbent), Dave Gromalak, Bob Hanselman, and Gene Ryan (incumbent) have declared their candidacy for 2014 election. The required number of proxy votes (326) have been received and been verified by Leland Management as members in good standing. The proxy votes are only used to have a quorum for the Annual Meeting. The Candidate Forum on Sunday, October 12th, was very well attended. Questions were provided to the candidates from the Election Committee and audience, after the Forum many residents were able to personally meet the candidates and ask additional questions. Monday, October 13th, the ballots were mailed out and the ballot box was filling up quickly with walk-in/mail-in ballots. The outside envelopes, containing the ballots, have been verified as residents in good standing by Leland Management. No ballots are open until November 12th. The deadline for the walk-in or mail-in ballots is 5:00 p.m. on November 11th. In person voting is November 12th from 9:30-11:30 a.m. On November 12th Managers from Leland Management Corporate in Orlando, Election Committee Monitors, and appointed Candidate Observers, (if so desired), will be at the Horizon Center to begin opening all the ballots and tally the totals for announcement at the Annual Meeting at 3:00 p.m. on the 12th of November. 4 november 2014 community association information There has been some comments made and some misunderstanding on a motion that was made at the September 24th Board meeting regarding the proposed low frequency FM Station for the Community. If you attended the Board Meeting, watched it on Channel 12, the website, or read the "Fountain Extra" that is the insert in the Fountain magazine that recaps the Board meeting you probably heard or read that a motion was made by Marilyn Corey under the Communications, Operations & Technology Committee report. The proposed FM Station was tabled at the March 26th Board Meeting and the COT Committee was asked to go back and research to see if there were other options of technology that could serve the same purpose for the Community. After their second report, it was decided to bring the FM Station back to the table for a vote of the Board to approve or disapprove the proposal. The proper procedure in making motions by the Board is normally made by the Board liaison to the Committee who in this case was Ms. Corey. The motion is made by the Board Member to "approve", the motion is then seconded, and a discussion is held. After the discussion, the Presiding Officer calls for a vote. In this case the vote was taken on the FM Station with (6) members voting "NO" including Ms. Corey and (1) member "Abstained" meaning they did not vote "Yes" or "No" for their own reasons. I hope this clears up any misunderstandings on what took place on this particular vote. As a reminder, Sunday, November 2nd Daylight Saving Time ends and due to SJWMD regulations, you need to go back to watering your lawns and landscape one day per week. We continue to be on a variance from Marion County to allow us to water on different days of the week in the different neighborhoods due to pressure issues throughout the Community. Below I have listed the neighborhoods and the days for you to water. COMMUNITY HOUSE# COMMUNITY Even Odd Alamosa MON WED Olympia Avenel MON THU Reston Bermuda Dunes TUE WED Sawgrass Candlestone MON TUE Sherwood Castle Pines WED THU Spyglass Hill Eagle Ridge MON THU St. Andrews Echo Glen TUE WED Starr Pass Firethorne WED THU Tamarron Hampton Hills TUE WED Torrey Pines Highland Falls MON WED Turnberry Monarch MON WED Windward Hills Wellington HOUSE# Even Odd MON THU MON THU TUE WED MON TUE TUE WED MON TUE MON WED MON WED MON TUE MON WED TUE WED TUE WED “Thanksgiving dinners take 18 hours to prepare. They are consumed in 12 minutes. Half time takes 12 minutes. This is not coincidence.” ~ Erma Bombeck I wish everyone a Very Happy Thanksgiving! Sean Casey, General Manager november 2014 5 community association information Architectural Review Committee ARCHITECTURAL APPROVAL COVENANT 9.7 In order to enhance, maintain, and preserve values of the Properties and all Residences, no building, fence, wall, patio, paved area, pool or pool enclosure, or other structure or improvement (including landscaping) shall be commenced, paved, erected, or maintained upon the Properties, nor shall any exterior addition to or exterior change, alteration, modification, addition or deletion be made to any existing improvement or structure on a Lot; nor shall an awning, canopy or shutter be attached to or placed upon outside walls or roofs of buildings or other improvements until the plans and specifications, showing the nature kind, height, materials, color selection and location of the same shall have been submitted to and approved in writing as to harmony of exterior design and location in relation to surrounding structures and topography by the Association and until the Association has received assurance acceptable to it that any damage to the Properties as a result of such additions or alterations will be repaired in a timely fashion. The Association shall review such information to determine harmony of exterior design, color and location in relation to surrounding structures and topography. In order to assist the Property owner, with this process, the Association has a set of Design Standards covering the requirements for any type of exterior modification. The Architectural Review Committee has developed a Palette of Paint Colors for the exterior of the Homes. The Palette is on display in the Community Standards office in the Horizon Center. Samples are available for the Homeowners to take with them. The Homeowners receive a copy of the Design Standards at the Orientation Meetings for new Homeowners. One can also get a copy of the Design Standards at the reception desk in the Horizon Center. If Owners do not adhere to this process and the modifications do not fall within the guidelines, they will be in violation of this covenant. You will be required to bring the modification into compliance or, worse case; required to remove the violating modification at the Owners expense. Communications, Operations & Technology Committee Interested? Looking for an interesting opportunity? The Communications, Operations and Technology Committee is looking for new members. The HOA Board will delegate relevant research and planning projects to this committee, with recommendations to the board. Qualifications: We are interested in members with tech skills relating to the above activities, including electronics, computer skills, graphics, photography (The Fountain) and/or other relevant assets. Anyone who is interested can pick up an application at the reception desk in the Horizon Center. The committee meets monthly on the first Wednesday of each month; subcommittees meet separately when necessary. We welcome your questions and invite you to attend a meeting or two without obligation. (Residents are welcome at every meeting.) If you have questions, feel free to call Diane Brandley, Interim Chairperson. Entertainment Committee The tickets for the 2015 Entertainment Series go on sale Friday, November 14. If your name was selected in the lottery, you will be receiving a phone call sometime after October 31 to advise you what time to come to pick your seat selection and get your ticket. The Committee is already at work previewing possible shows for the summer of 2015, as well as the 2016 Entertainment Series. We hosted two promoters in late September and will be attending several showcases in upcoming months. We will also keep our CD/DVD players busy as we review many acts at home. But, the good news is... we enjoy it! The Committee is currently seeking member(s). Rather than bore you with a job description or expound on “qualifications”, we’ll just let you hear a little bit about how we think and our diversity. To begin with, we have members that live in St. Andrews, Bermuda Dunes, Firethorne, Reston, Turnberry and Torrey Pines. • One of our members is a “red neck North Carolina chicken farmer who thinks he can fly (a plane), and really enjoys Broadway Musicals.” • Another is a “small town gal from the Midwest who married a big town city slick and is a big Beach Boys fan.” • Can’t pass over the “Joisy gal that sang at a wedding when she was only 12…later became a teacher and taught for 36 years...still singing in musicals, chorus, and choir. • Then there’s the guy that was “Iowa born, Iowa raised, Iowa educated, married an Iowa girl and “surprise”, likes country music.” Examples of work include: • Got a member from “upstate New York and her favorite music is the sound, any sound that she hears on a shopping trip, as well as Jazz and Motown.” Communications: Channel 12 Activities, Spruce Creek Online, upgrading sound systems at the softball field, Fitness Center and Peninsula Pool. CERT collaboration on signal transmission. • We head back South…“comes from Sweet Home Alabama with a banjo on his knee…can listen to Jimmy Buffet anytime and digs the sounds that generate from Muscle Shoals.” The Fountain Magazine: Planning and execution of monthly issues, with emphasis on fresh and innovative ways to inform residents of community happenings and resources. • Last, but not least, is “the Indiana lady…she’s very sweet and intelligent, but when asked what is an “Indiana Hoosier”, she responded… say what! Likes any and all music and loves to dance.” Operations: Gate Operations, i.e. recent completion of conversion to the CapSure method of entry and exit to/from the community, So, ladies and gentlemen, you can tell we are a diverse group with different tastes. Our common threads are enjoying music, willingness to work for nothing and the ability to disagree from time to time without any hurt feelings. If YOU think that you might enjoy our Committee, fill out an application available at the front desk in the Horizon Center. Technology: Evaluation of emergency generation capability in the event of power outages due to weather or other hazard; Evaluation of WiFi problems within the Horizon Center; training and mentoring of volunteers to handle soundboard and lighting for stage productions at the Horizon Center. 6 Happy Thanksgiving! november 2014 community association information Community Programs & Activities Committee The CPAC Committee is very proud to announce the 71st chartered club and the newest club is The Lap Swimmers and President David Greenberg. Lap Swimming is quickly becoming a great form of exercise and what a better place to enjoy the new club but at the Peninsula Park Pool on Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday mornings from 8 to 9 A.M. The Association and Facility Rules, Regulations and Procedures (AFRR&P) document was approved by the HOA Board of Directors at the September 24th Board of Directors meeting. Copies are available from the Receptionist at the Horizon Center. CPAC will begin reviewing and updating the Chartered Club Rules, Regulations and Procedures. Updates will be available to the Chartered Club Presidents prior to presenting the document to the HOA Board of Directors. Just a reminder: Chartered Club officer elections are to be completed by November 15, 2014 and form CC5: New Club Officers must be completed within 14 business days after the election of officers to the Activities Office. This is especially important as the January issue of the Fountain lists all the new officers and the CPAC liaison list is updated at the same time. CPAC meets the 1st Monday of each month at 9:00 A.M. in the Meeting Room. All residents are welcome to attend. Around Town We are happy to bring you a few glimpses of the community. Thanks to the many residents who have shared photos with us. We invite you to send us your favorite photo In 300 dpi format. november 2014 7 activities / fitness The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles approves this AARP-sponsored course. The new edition covers aggressive driving, road rage, freeway driving, and car phones, as well as age-related changes that affect your driving skills. The class will be on Monday, Nov 17th and Tuesday, Nov 18th, (Game Room) from 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM. You must attend both days of instruction to qualify for a "certificate of completion." Tuition is $20 for Non AARP Members per person payable by check only (No cash) to AARP. Tuition is $15 for AARP Members per person payable by check only (No cash) to AARP. You may register at the Activities Office, Monday through Friday, between 9:00 AM and Noon. Registration is limited to 15 persons (residents only). Angel Volunteers Are A Year ‘Round Thanksgiving Blessing! At this most appropriate time of year, all the residents who have been helped by acts of kindness performed by Angel volunteers,extend a BIG THANK YOU!Angel volunteers give unselfishly of themselves and their time to make someone else’s life a little better. For that, everyone can be proud and thankful. The Angels organization recently held its annual volunteer get-together at the Community Center. Volunteers gathered to socialize and share experiences. It was an enjoyable afternoon of conversation and tasty appetizers! We are also grateful the snowbird volunteers are returning…you were missed. Thankfully, other volunteers stepped up to help us get through an extremely busy summer. We are always looking for new volunteers; so if you’re interested in volunteering, please contact us. The Angels group continues to offer transportation service and respite care to Del Webb residents in need. While the number of volunteers has grown over the past year, the number of requests for assistance has increased dramatically as well. For complete details on either becoming a volunteer or requesting assistance, call Karen at 454-5933, or JoAnne at 245-8692. Hope everyone enjoys a Happy Thanksgiving with family and friends! Can you see the Spruce Creek Senior Games? They’re on the horizon! February 22nd through March 12th, 2015 Hope to see you there. Spruce Creek Got Talent is a new event being included in the 2015 Spruce Creek Games. We are encouraging any member of the community with talent to participate in this event. We are looking for singers, dancers, instrument players or other talents to participate. An audition will be held in early February to qualify for the contest. The only fee is the cost of entering the games. The Spruce Games will be held from February 22 March 12 in 2015. Further information can be obtained from Peggy Scharf or Kim Osburn, Member Services Manager. 8 november 2014 interest groups There is help for anyone who may be in an unhealthy or abusive relationship. It’s not easy, but no one should have to live in constant fear. The Marion County Sheriff’s Office is willing and able to assist you. COMMUNITY WATCH NEWS Since 2005, Marion County organized community programs and activities to increase awareness about domestic violence in an effort to create a community environment that promotes and supports non-violent, healthy relationships. “DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AFFECTS EVERYONE” For more information, you may contact Monica Bryant at (352)438-5993 or e-mail [email protected]. Domestic violence affects everyone regardless of age, race, education or financial status…it does not discriminate! Domestic violence is a pattern of controlling behaviors that may include physical, sexual or emotional abuse. The violence can cause severe physical or emotional harm to adults and children. At our September meeting, guest speakers Cindy Turner and Monica Bryant, of the Marion County Sheriff’s Office, made a presentation on the subject of Domestic Violence. The following information was presented by Monica Bryant, Family Violence Prevention Coordinator: In 2013, Marion Country had 2,020 reported cases of domestic violence and the City of Ocala had 540 reported cases. Unofficially, six people in our community were killed and in Florida, 187 women, children and men died as a result of domestic violence last year. Domestic violence is not an individual problem, but a community problem. Just like it takes a village to raise a child, it will take a community to help raise awareness and reduce domestic violence where we work, live and play. Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women between the ages of 15 and 44 in the United States, more than car accidents, rapes and muggings combined. Would you know what to do, who to contact or how to help a Family member or Friend if they confided in you that they were in an unhealthy or abusive relationship? If not, don’t feel bad, most people don’t and far too many others choose not to get involved. 12 Other numbers to call within Marion County: Domestic Violence Center – 24 hour hotline (352)-622-8495 Marion County Sheriff’s Office Crisis Intervention Specialist (352)732-9111 Remember that help is a phone call away! Our next meeting is on Friday, November 14th at 9:00 AM in the Ballroom. Residents are always welcome to attend these meetings. For information on joining Community Watch, contact Joe Favata at 307-6925. “HAVE A HAPPY THANKSGIVING!” Wood Workers Interest Group We are attempting to form a Wood-Workers Club. If you are interested in wood-working, please join us for an organizational meeting. The meeting will be November 10th at 2:00 pm in the Meeting room at the Community Center. november 2014 chartered clubs 2-Bit Shufflers Club It’s Shootout Time! Saturday, November 08, 2014 is the club’s semi-annual covered dish luncheon and shootout. The action starts at 12:00 noon with a covered dish luncheon. The club provides the entre’ and the members bring their special covered dish to share with the group. Immediately following the luncheon will be the business meeting and the election of officers for 2015. This is an important election as the membership will be voting on a new operating policy. All members have received a draft copy of the proposed set up rules. With the work out of the way, it’s time for the shootout. Everyone adjourns to the Shuffleboard courts for an exciting time. If you would like to give shuffleboard a try, come out either Tuesday or Wednesday evenings at 6:30 PM. All Faith Bible Study and Charity Club Arts & Crafts League Everyone in the Arts and Crafts League would like to wish all of our Residents and their Families a very Happy Thanksgiving. We trust your “turkey” and “pumpkin pie” was beyond delicious. You are to be reminded that your “annual dues” are coming for renewal. They are the usual $5.00 and can be paid at any time. You will be issued a new membership card upon receipt of your payment for 2015. Mondays are open for various projects (please check the “Red Book”) with the exception of the first Monday which is geared to pottery. Wednesdays feature our assorted painting classes, with Thursdays set aside for pine needle basket weaving. There will be a jewelry class which will be displayed in our cabinet. Make sure to check the “Red Book” for the details. Happy crafting to all and we hope, if you have not given us a try, that you will find your way into the Craft Room and join us for some fantastic crafting. Our appreciation to these generous hearts for their commitment and generosity in October: • Residents who brightened the lives of others by giving to the Food Drive. • Substitute teachers Allyson Suydam, Mary Ceccio, Janet Fritz, Stellia Phiri and Gale Kerley during Linda’s absence in October. • Elaine Umbel and Patti Van Natten for service at the Club Fair. Calendar Notes: • Linda will teach a special Thanksgiving lesson on November 25th. • No Bible study December 9th. • Member ticket sales close November 11th for our Christmas Pot Luck on December 11th and community ticket sales will begin November 18th. Gentlemen are invited to join the men’s Bible study Thursdays at 3:00 in the Meeting Room. Ladies meet on Tuesdays at 2:30 in the Game Room as our study continues on the life of Hezekiah from 2 Chronicles and Isaiah. May you joyfully embrace Thanksgiving celebrations with contentment, gratitude and safe travel. 16 Billiards - Ladies Any time of the year is a good time to come up and check out playing billiards. We play Wednesday night at 6:00 PM or Friday 1:00 PM. Don’t worry if you’ve never held a cue stick, we’ll get you started. We usually play 8-Ball, but also various other billiard games. In October, we participated in the annual Computer Club Rummage Sale and had a very successful day. Thanks to Helen Plush for all her hard work organizing our table and to all the members who helped. Throughout most of the 1800’s, the chalk used on the new leather cue tips was carbonate of lime, the same blackboard chalk you used in school. Even though today’s chalk is composed of fine abrasives and does not contain a speck of chalk, we still call it chalk. Check the bulletin board frequently for the latest news, holiday schedule and sign up sheets for upcoming events. Many times news and events happen after the monthly article has gone to press. Any questions please call President Carol Magyarits: 307-9224. Book Discussion Group The Book Discussion Group discusses one Fiction and one Non-Fiction work each month. Members may attend either or both discussions. The General Meeting with election of officers will be Friday, November 7 at 10:00 AM, in the Meeting room followed by the discussion of the Fiction group’s November selection The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom. The Fiction selection for December is Sandcastle Girls by Chris Bohjalian. The Club owns two copies of each Fiction selection. Please call Librarian Nancy at 307-2882 to put a book on reserve. Note the date and time of the non-Fiction group discussion, Flash Boys by Michael Lewis Tuesday, November 18 at 1:00 PM in the Meeting Room. Remember: due to the Holidays, the date of the December Meeting is changed to Tuesday, December 16 at 10:30 AM. Check the Spruce Creek website, under Clubs, Book Discussion Group for current information. ( If you have any questions, please call President Bernice Wernick at 347-5184. “The greatest gift is the passion for reading. It is cheap, consoles, excites, gives you knowledge of the world and experience of the wide kind.” Bridge - Social Join us for Social Bridge where you can enjoy playing the ever challenging game of Bridge in a casual and relaxed manner. Our playing times are: Tuesday - 6:10 p.m. Wednesday - 9:00 a.m. Wednesday - 12:15 p.m. Partner’s Bridge is played October through April, every third Sunday of each month, at 6:00 p.m. You must sign up with a partner. Advanced sign-up is requested for both Social Bridge and Partner’s Bridge. The sign-up sheet is in the Card room. It’s a SLAM dunk of fun when you play Social and Partner’s Bridge. november 2014 chartered clubs ers of SCG&CC to join CERT. We need you, and you will be helping your new community remain prepared. Regards, Don Dake Buddies Club We are all about “healthy living.” We are a group of men and women who want to stay healthy as long as we live. We talk about the food we select to eat, the exercises we do, the tests we should have done or do not need, to the latest medical information, just to name a few topics we share with each other at each meeting. Club 36 Thur, Nov 6th - 9:30 - 10:30 AM – Experienced Excel Fri, Nov 14th - 10 AM - 12 Noon – Picasa Photo Editing Thurs, Nov 20th – 1PM - 3 PM – iPad for Beginners A big THANK YOU to our Veterans, November Wed, Dec 3rd – 1PM - 3 PM – Android Forum 11th and every day! Thur, Dec 4th - 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM – Happy Thanksgiving - safe travels to those ven- Experienced PowerPoint turing out to visit family and friends! *To Register for Computer Club Classes,” logon What a fun Bagel-and-more Breakfast we had to Click “Activilast month! (Again - thank you to all the volun- ties” tab, click “Computer Ed” then “Class SignUp. You will see a list of classes being offered. teers who helped set up and clean up.) Follow instructions to register. Our November schedule includes a speaker Upcoming Members’ Event: on pain management, exercise and balance Saturday, November 15th information, a video on healthy people-healthy Election of Officers planet, and some weight loss tips. Delicious Pot Luck Dinner Come join us each Friday in the Card Room at 6:30-pm - 9:30pm 9 AM. You can weigh in if you are watching Card Room your waistline at 8:45. Please call Evelyn (352-347-6367) to let her know what entree or side dish/appetizer you will be bringing. Keep an eye out for a more Thanks to all who visited our booth during Octodetailed email coming soon. ber’s rummage sale. It was a great success and (IT’S ALL ABOUT BEING PREPARED) the funds will be used wisely. (Remember to turn those clocks back Saturday Hello everyone, can you believe it’s November night, November 1st.) Now that fall is here, we are up to full speed. already? November is the last month of the hurriElection of new officers for 2015 is on the agencane season and perhaps CERT’s busiest month. da as well as plans for enjoyable holiday parties. We continue our twice monthly visits to nursing We are having our last hurricane drill of the year on Saturday, Nov 8th, 10AM at the Thank you to all who took part in, contributed homes. Preparations are underway for our annual Bocce Ball Courts. You don’t need to bring to, or otherwise helped with last month’s Annual show. It will be presented this spring and is filled any 1st aid equipment; CERT will provide all Rummage Sale. Many people working togeth- with new and exciting songs. Stay tuned!! Diamond Dixie Cloggers CERT Computer Club the needed equipment. Please wear your CERT shirt, (if you didn’t get a shirt from the club yet, we’ll have one for you at the drill). I encourage every CERT member, certified and non-certified alike, to attend this last drill of the year. I would like to have enough members present to form five CERT teams, and man our hurricane assessor table. Please come and help out. “Ham” radio members, please bring your hand held radios. If you can come early (say, 9:00 am) and help with the “set-up” it would be appreciated. Prior to the drill we will hold a brief (five minute) CERT Club meeting to elect club officers for 2015. (Don’t worry we already have a slate of nominees.) Finally, I would like to invite all new homeown- november 2014 er, for many hours, helped make this year’s sale a success. And thank you to, Jim Fitzreiter, Dave Withers, Al Bevilacqua, Mark Devaney and Judy Devaney for facilitating our Tuesday Night, Q & A Forums November 19, 2014 Monthly Meeting at 7 PM Presenting our Community’s New “Club Connection” Ryan Van Fleet, Communications Manager will talk about how “Club Connection” allows clubs to easily communicate with their members and the residents of the community. Upcoming Computer Classes - Note: *Registration is required for all classes Wed, Nov 5th – 1 PM - 3 PM – Android Forum Duplicate Bridge All of us, in the Duplicate Bridge Club, would like to wish all of our Residents and their Families a very Happy Thanksgiving. May the turkey and the trimmings go beyond what you expected. There is a new sign-up sheet on our bulletin board. If you would like to find a partner with whom to play, please put your name and phone number in the designated spaces along with your preferred days to play. cont. page 18 u 17 chartered clubs Our playing times are as follows: Mondays...Duplicate Bridge...12:15PM Tuesdays ...Social Bridge...6:15PM Wednesdays...Social Bridge...9:00AM Wednesdays...Social Bridge...12:15PM Thursdays...Duplicate Bridge...6:15PM There is a Refresher Bridge Group that meets every Thursday at 1:00PM. This is open to everyone, and it is hosted by Chotz Delbos. She gives a formal lesson on the first Thursday of each month with play following. As our dear friend “BG” tells us ... “THINK SLAM!” We hope to see you in the Card Room thinking “Slam”. tal Cup. Hope you signed up for this fun filled, action packed, three day event. It’s also that time of year for the election of 2015 officers. The slate of officers is posted on the bulletin board and the election will take place on November 13th, the second day of the Crystal Cup. Club information and forms can always be found on Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Events for November are: 6 SCRAMBLE. Team event. Mixed tees. Play regular scramble using one drive per player per nine. 11, 13, 15 CRYSTAL CUP - Meeting and elections on the 13th. 20 TURKEY SHOOT - Individual gross and net play. (Post as tournament score.) Eagle Ridge Ladies 9-Hole Golf It is November already, where did the time go!! The weather is getting cooler and more conducive for golf. We have already had two GAR and the one for November will be at Rainbow Springs, Thursday, November 13th. Of course, we have Thanksgiving coming and we can be thankful for the 4 beautiful courses we have to play on. We would like to welcome another new player, Jazelle Trotter. Our games for November are: November 6 - Threes and Puts - Individual November 13 - Low Gross/Low Net Individual November 20 - Tee to Green - Team (Meeting After) November 27 - HAPPY THANKSGIVING 27 THANKSGIVING DAY - No golf. Have a great day with family and friends. 18 Jack Cherry 347-3541 Everything & Swing Happy November, Eagle Ridge Men’s Golf Association November 2014 Schedule Nicklaus Division – Blue tees 11/5/2014 - Individual Stroke Play with OSG Blackston - Eagle Ridge Cup II - Qualifier #1 11/12/2014 - Point Quota with OSG Blackston - Eagle Ridge Cup II - Qualifier #2 11/19/2014 - GOLD CUP Day 1: 2 Man Team Scramble (No regular Wednesday Play Day is scheduled) Green is the color of the month, Fifty Shades of Green that is, the theme of this year’s Crys- Message from the President… A special thank you to all our Members who registered for our annual Gold Cup Tournament that starts mid-month and for those who also supported our Blackston-Eagle Ridge Cup that just finished its inaugural season. Our second B-ER Cup season has just started which is bigger and better since our seasonal residents are back to join the competition, the fun and play for the prize money. These events are just two of the many reasons why you should be a member. Membership applications for 2015 can be found in the Pro Shop starting after November 24. Happy Halloween Dancers 11/18/2014 - GOLD CUP Captain’s BBQ Eagle Ridge Ladies Golf Association Palmer Division – White/Lav tees Same games as the Nicklaus Division 11/21/2014 - GOLD CUP Day 2: 2 Man Team Best Ball 11/23/2014 - GOLD CUP Day 3: Singles Match Play 11/26/2014 - 2 Man Shamble (Mixed tees/1 Ball Net) Our 2nd Annual Senior Prom, November 21st, is a sell out. A special thanks goes out to all those who purchased tickets and awaiting this fantastic event. The formal plated evening is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate being “Seniors“. If you believe you ordered tickets and have not yet received them, please call me to check (Connie Tarsook 978-886-7868). All tickets should have been delivered by now. We will be offering pre-reservations for our February 2015 Sweetheart Dance at this event. Don’t forget to sign up as we expect to be 80% sold out at the end of the evening. We will also be once again holding a raffle. These proceeds allow us to give a Christmas donation to the Community of Gratitude Food Bank. Please bring your cash to purchase tickets. We hope to have some great items including golf and dining packages. A list will be sent out to attendees prior to the event. Our December date is the day after Christmas. We will be considering canceling that dance. Please provide feedback if you have a preference about that evening. New officers will be listed in the December Fountain. Until we see you…Live, Love, Dance! november 2014 chartered clubs Fountain Singers Gardening Tips for November: Clean up declining bulb portions this time of Elections. Elections everywhere. First, on Tues, year. If you have not planted your bulbs yet, Nov 4 you get to vote for local officials in the this is a good month to plant amaryllis, crinums Horizon Center. Don’t care who you vote for, and daylilies. but vote! Plant cool, dryer weather herbs, including basil, Same thing on Sunday, Nov 9 at 6:00PM in dill, fennel, parsley, sage, cilantro and thyme. the Craft Room. The Fountain Singers’ officer Continue to watch lawns for fungal disease. candidates were kind enough to offer their time Watch for scale insects, spider mites and to run your Club for you next year. So be there mealy bugs on ornamental plants with the dryer to elect them and show your support for them. weather. In addition, the Steering Committee is schedCool weather annuals can still be planted, uled to deliver their initial report to the membercarnations, digitalis (foxglove), pansy, petunia, ship on possible new directions for the Club. Shasta daisy and snapdragon. We hope that you will be there to give them some guidance on what you like about what WEBSITE: they’ve come up with, and what you don’t like. Perhaps even offer some new things to look at. In this way, you will be participating in the decision process of where we are going. 2015 will be a year of change for us and we want it to be for the increased enjoyment of the Club members and an incentive for our other residents to join in song with us. November 20, 2014 1:00 pm • Ballroom “Growing Your Own Fruits and Vegetables from Tower to Table” Judy Quenzer with The Juice Plus Company and a Garden Club Member Whether you’re an experienced gardener or have never grown anything in your life, Judy will share how the Tower Garden® will help you and your family eat healthier and it is better for the environment too. This state-of-the-art aeroponic vertical gardening system allows you to “grow good health” on your patio, lanai or enclosed screen room with no soil required. Election of Club Officers takes place at this meeting. november 2014 an important meeting because we will need to elect officers for 2015. We will have a business meeting to discuss other business. Hopefully all our members will be back safely. Dan Sauro, of the O.S.A., will be available to answer questions about the future of the gun range. Ron Barr - President Happy Tails Dog Club German-American Friends We’re happy to have many of the snow birds returning and once again attending our meetings. Please note there will be no meeting in November. The holidays, and especially Christmas, are times of long-established traditions. Here, in Del Webb, we are no different, for we do love our traditions. The German-American Friends have traditionally initiated the Christmas season with our annual “Gluehwein-Christmas Party.” It is a festive and sentimental evening, held in the Horizon Center Pavilion. So mark your calendars and get ready to start the holiday season with camaraderie and hot German Gluehwein. If you’ve never had Gluehwein, you will love how this spicy-sweet wine drink warms you from head to toe, as well as creating that wonderful glow of seasonal joy and generosity. We will be having a combined Nov./Dec. meeting on MONDAY, December 15th. This will be our annual holiday pot luck dinner in the Meeting room. We have the room from 4-9 pm. Set up will be 4:30 pm and the pot luck will begin at 5pm. Please bring a dish to pass and your own beverage. Plates, silverware, cups, napkins will be provided. There will be a drawing for door prizes too! All members are welcome as are potential new members. Please mark your calendars now for the date so you don’t forget. You may also pay your 2015 ($5) dues at this time. Friday, December 6th, 2014 4:00 p.m. till 6:00 p.m. Tickets: $5.00 (Members) $10.00 (Non-Members) Oodles of Surprises, Fun, & Goodies See you all at the pot luck! Tickets for the Gluehwein Party will be sold in the Community Center from 9 a.m. till 11:00 a.m. on November 17th, 19th and 21st. Hearts Club HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!! Gun Club And a big thanks to all the people who show up every Monday night to play Hearts. You The November Gun Club meeting is upon us. make the game that much more enjoyable. To It will be held on Nov 12 at 4:00 in the Craft all our players, who are under the weather, get Room. We will have free Pizza for all. This is better and hurry back. We miss all of you. 19 chartered clubs Last Month’s Winners: WEEK ONE: Pete Kallos WEEK TWO: Peggy Scharf WEEK THREE: Melvin Peed WEEK FOUR: Ken Beam WEEK FIVE: Peggy Scharf Enjoy the holidays. Stay safe. Horizon Players March 2015 Broadway Review Auditions November 23, 24, 2014 Open to all Del Webb Residents The Horizon Players hope to present an evening of songs from various Broadway Musicals for our March 2015 production. Information regarding the auditions is fully explained in a flyer in this issue of The Fountain. In addition, the flyer contains information about a meeting for interested residents on November 10, 2014 in the Ballroom at 12:00 Noon. CDs of selected songs will be distributed at the meeting. The review will be directed by Nancy Brassert, an experienced musical comedy director. Rehearsals will begin in January of 2015. If you are a singer, please consider auditioning. All club members are reminded that the election of 2015 officers will take place at our November General Meeting, Wednesday, 11/12/14, at 7:00 PM in the Ballroom. Please be sure to attend. Information regarding our December Holiday Party will also be discussed at that time. If you are interested in any aspect of theater, please join us. Election of officers will take place at this meeting. Finalize the plans for the Christmas party. As we continue to explore the counties of Ireland, there will be a presentation of county Monaghan. New residents are always welcome. When was the USS Shamrock launched? A. St. Patrick’s Day 1863 B. Christmas Day 1902 C. St. Patrick’s Day 1903 D. Jan. 1st 1929 Answer: A. St. Patrick’s Day 1863. The ship was christened with Irish whiskey. Kitchen Club NOVEMBER 2014 MENUS Serving from 4:30-6:00 P.M. or until sold out November 4th – NO MEAL – ELECTION November 11th – Meat Loaf Mashed Potatoes, Vegetable, Bread in the Card Room), and on Thursday evenings in the Lobby (6:00 pm to 9:00 pm). Cost is $10 for members and $20 for non-members. It will take place in the Card Room. Sign-in will start at 10:00 am; play will begin at 11:00 am. There will be lunch and snacks served between rounds of play. We are in need of additional volunteers for this event. If you are interested, please contact Gail Kratz. Our Annual Member Holiday Party will take place at Glenview Country Club on Tuesday, December 9. Tickets are on sale at the same time and place as the Tournament Tickets. The choices for lunch are a Burger, Chicken Sandwich or Cobb Salad; cost is $16. There will be plenty of prizes and fun! For additional information, check with any of the club officers. Metaphysical Group 10 a.m. – noon in the Card Room November 10 - Marge Brown aka “Miraculous Marge” What is “New Thought”? Who are the people who follow it and why do they lead healthier, happier, more prosperous lives? Don’t miss this. The rest of your life may depend upon it. November 24 - No meeting. November 18th – Roast Pork Mashed Potatoes, Vegetable, Sauerkraut Applesauce, Bread Enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday with family or friends. November 25th – Chicken Parmesan over Penne Pasta, Salad, Bread Everyone is welcome. Never a membership fee. Hamburgers/Cheeseburgers also available. Patriots Club HAPPY THANKSGIVING Come to Metaphysical to relax, learn and enjoy. NNNNNNNNNNNN Irish American Emeralds Mah Jongg Cead Mile Faite...Since the Oct meeting was cancelled; Nov 1st will be the first meeting of the season. Irish coffee will be served, so remember to bring your favorite glass or mug. Tickets are on Sale for our Annual Tournament to be held on November 4; Mondays during play (6:00 pm to 9:00 pm in the Card Room), Tuesdays during play (12:00 noon to 3:30 pm 20 The 11th Annual Golden Oldies Trivia night will be held on FRIDAY night, January 16, 2015 at 6 PM in the Ballroom. This popular event is a trivia game related to music from the 50’s and 60’s with emphasis on songs from the golden decade of 1955 through 1965. Audio is employed to present the questions and answers in an entertaining manner. cont. page 21 u november 2014 chartered clubs To accommodate preparations and holiday travel, tickets will be sold from 9 am to noon in the Horizon Center on M, W, and F from 11/3 to 11/21/2014. Tickets are still only $5 per person and may be purchased as a team of 8 or individually. Any one person will be limited to a maximum purchase of two tables. Dessert and coffee will be served. All profit will be donated to the Moffitt Cancer Research Center. Please join us and make your table selections early. Remember, this event sold out in just over an hour last year and a number of teams could not be accommodated. Any questions can be directed to Ken or Jeanette Boyer, 352-245-5540. Interested in playing Trivia on Thursday afternoon at 4:00 PM in the Ballroom? Contact: Geri Zuccarino 352 307 0868. Don’t forget Trivia for Dummies on the 3rd Friday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Game room. Walk ins are welcomed. NNNNNNNNNNNN Paula’s Clown Alley We have added some new Clowns and we should introduce how we have met and found at least two more of our newest. Sparkles come to us from South Carolina and of course just loves it here in Del Webb with her husband. Cee Cee and her husband moved here from Maine and also just love living in our great community. Turns out our own Bingo the clown was at a party with these two who are friends and after a few cocktails, and conversations, wouldn’t you know it, more clowns! What fun they are having, and us with them. We have had a bake sale at Bingo, Rummage Sale, and many gigs. We are busy, busy and like it that way! Wishing you a Healthy Happy Thanksgiving! Paula’s Clowns november 2014 Many new members have asked, “Is there any program for new players just learning the game?” Linda Torgeson has posted a schedule on the bulletin board with all the leagues and levels of play, as well as the league cocoordinator. Laurie Bryant also gives lessons for women at 9:15am on Fridays after league GOOGLE play. This is no charge, but to play in leagues, I was going to write a little article about how you do have to be a member. to make interesting photos and to this end, I “GOOGLED” “How to make photos interest- In the near future, the shade shelter will be taking”. As I perused some of the websites, it hit ing shape by the courts. The shelter will conme…YOU Google it. As I wrote in a previous tain storage and additional restrooms, as well article, if you really want it, “all of the informa- as seating and grilling equipment. All clubs are tion is available”. Make “GO…DO” your motto. invited to use this facility as well as residents of Del Webb. Moving a bit off photography…You can get ANY information from GOOGLE. Have a Many activities are planned for the coming blender with a broken part? GOOGLE (name year, so hope to see you at the courts! of blender) Parts List. Don’t know how to take a screenshot of your I-Phone? GOOGLE Taking Screenshot on I-Phone. Need to strengthen your wireless router signal? GOOGLE Strengthening Router Signal. Not sure how to take photographs at night? GOOGLE Night Photography. Thinking of replacing your lawn with artificial grass? You guessed it - GOOGLE Should I Replace My Lawn with Artificial Grass? Get my point? If you really want some information, GOOGLE will most likely give it to you. Pho- We welcome the cooler days of fall with their tographing Buildings, Dogs, Flowers, Llamas, beautiful colors. There is always something new Silhouettes, Swans, Whiskey…GOOGLE IT. to learn. Photography Club Quilters and Needle Artists The Photography Club meets at 7PM on the Tues., Nov 4 1:00 second Monday of each month; drop by. Go ahead…check out Llamas, you know you want to. Wed., Nov. 5 1:30 Sat., Nov. 9 C L U B Needle artists show and tell Meeting with election of officers and show and tell 9:00 a.m. Charity Quilts Tues., Nov. 11 1:00 Needle artists and Art Quilts Wed., Nov. 12 1:30 Quilters - project Mark your calendars, the Geezer Meister TourProject/Education Sat, Nov. 15 1:00 nament is returning. Bruce Cowling is chairing the event which will be held, March 19, 20, Tues., Nov.18 1:00 Needle artists 21, (22 if needed due to weather conditions), Wed., Nov. 19 1:30 Quilters 2015. Sat., Nov. 22 9:00 a.m. Charity Quilts He is gathering volunteers to help plan the event, so if you hate to see this tournament dis- Tues., Nov. 25 1:00 Needle artists continued, please let Bruce know you will be Wed., Nov. 26 1:30 Quilters and there to lend a hand. As more information is Art Quilts available, emails will be sent, as well as information in the Fountain. cont. page 22 u 21 chartered clubs If you would like to learn knitting, crocheting or quilting, there are many willing teachers. Just stop in on Tuesday or Wednesday and we will be glad to begin your lessons. Happy Thanksgiving!! Singles Club Here we are enjoying fall and heading into a busy season. Some will be traveling north to see family and friends or perhaps staying here to enjoy all our activities. Membership has grown to 137. WOW! Word has it that we are a nice group of people sharing interest, making new friends and having a good time together. We have entered 6 teams in the Men’s Sun n Fun League and 2 teams in the men’s Classic League (Men 70 and older). Please come out to support our teams and partake of all our food items at the concession stand. We promise an enjoyable experience supporting all of our teams. Election of officers will be this month. Please consider taking a turn as an officer. Rhythm & Notes Club WANTED…Persons that enjoy dancing as a form of exercise! Come out and meet the friendly group, you do not need to know how to dance…just a love of movement. Remember studies show that as we age, it is best to keep both our bodies and minds active. Dancing does just that! So place the date on your calendars Tuesdays 12 noon in the Ballroom…come join us for some fun! Linda J Morello First Friday of the month is our social. Nov. 7th, in the Game room at 6pm. This month will be Italian. Cost is $8.00 pre-paid and $10.00 at the door. All are welcome. Entertainment TBD. Meetings are the first Thursday of the month. Nov. 13th. Sign in starts at 9:30am and meeting at 10am in the Game room. A speaker TBD. Lunch to follow meeting at Fuji Japanese. Tickets are on sale for Christmas Dinner and Dance, December 14th in the Ballroom. Entertainment will be Steve Robinson Music. Dinner catered by Pasta Fair. As always, we bowl on Sundays at noon at Fiesta Bowl. Come and bowl for fun. Call John at 347-3220. Softball Club It’s that time again! Our fall travel schedule will begin this month. Men’s travel teams will begin play on Tuesday, Nov. 4th. There will be games (at least on every Tuesday and Friday until March). Check the softball club website ( for teams and times. Our ladies Tri-County Softball games will begin on Wednesday, Nov. 12th. There will be a game on Wednesday afternoon and Saturday mornings until approx. the 1st week in March. We are supporting teams in 3 ladies divisions this year (Div. 1, 2, and 3). 22 Welcome back snowbirds and here’s wishing that everyone is excited and busy getting ready for an active camping season. We hope your plans include our fun rallies we’ve scheduled. Officer Election Mark your calendar and please plan on attending our next regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, November 15th at 7:00 PM in the Ballroom as we will be electing our club officers for next year. Christmas Party The RV Club Christmas Party will be held on Wednesday, December 3rd, at 5 PM in the Horizon Center Ballroom. Rummikub Club If you are an old (former) player, we have missed you. If you have never played, let us teach you. Be forewarned, Rummikub can be addictive. It is like some forms of gin rummy, using two decks of cards, but with tiles instead. Your brain will get a workout, even when it is not your turn, as you mentally move the tiles around the table. We start at 1:00 on Thursdays in the Game Room. Please arrive by 12:50 so we can draw for groups. We will be looking for you. Spruce Creek RV Club Rummage Sale Thanks to all that contributed and helped with the October Rummage Sale. New and Old Web Addresses for the RV Club New: groups/rv-club/ Old: webmaster/myweb7/index.htm Remember, this is your club. Now it’s time to plan rallies for 2016. If you know of a great place that you think would be a good place for a rally, please inform the Rally Master. Here’s wishing everyone a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving with family and friends. cont. page 23 u november 2014 chartered clubs Upcoming Dates: Saturday, 9am, Nov. 8 and Highland Lakes on Dec. 13. Keep coming as a good audience cheering for the home team always helps. November 5 Monthly Meeting • 7:00 PM Ballroom November 10-14 Jetty Park, Cape Canaveral December 3 Christmas Party 5:00 PM Ballroom January 7 Monthly Meeting • 7:00 PM Ballroom January 12-16 John Prince County Park, Fort Worth Tea-Quila Rose Club Plans are in the works for the Christmas Tea with our Chair Sue Cianci. We send a great big THANK YOU to Dee Manin for a wonderful Chari-Tea Fashion show. We were able to donate $1300.00 to the Honor Flight. The food, fashions and fellowship was grand! Linda J Morello Straight Line Dancing On the last Friday evening in September, many of us gathered at the Horizon Center Lanai for games and picnic ably supervised by Christa Curtis. Also, put Friday, Feb. 6, 2015 on your calendar. It is the Tennis Club Annual Dinner Dance! The Club has been gearing up for the increased participation experienced every Winter Season. A third beginners class is being offered at the Fitness Center on Friday Afternoons 2:00pm to 4:00pm starting November 14th. This class compliments the strictly beginners level of dancing with very basic instruction geared to the new to line dancing. All residents interested are welcome to attend any or all of these opportunities for basic line dance exercise and fun!!! Can’t make the first class, no problem, new dancers are welcome to join in at any beginners class that meets their schedule. So stop by and give your feet and mind a treat. Already a line dancer? Check out our intermediate and advanced offerings below. All classes are $1.50 at the door except strictly beginners which is free. Beginners Monday Wednesday Wednesday Friday 2:00 to 4:00pm - Ballroom, 2:30 to 4:00pm - Fitness Center 4:00 to 5:00pm Strictly Beginners (free) - Fitness Center 2:00 to 4:00pm - Fitness Center Intermediate Tuesday 10:00 am to 12:00 noon Ballroom Advanced Tuesday 2:00 to 4:00pm - Ballroom SAVE THE DATE: the Holiday Party will be December 9th in the Ballroom 11:00am to 4:00pm. november 2014 We are working on a program to bring USTA league tennis back to SCCC. There are several possibilities with 55 and over as well as 65 and over divisions. We can play men’s and women’s doubles in January and in March, mixed doubles if sufficient interest is shown. Another program is “drop in” Tennis presently scheduled for Friday mornings at 8am wherein any players not otherwise scheduled may show up and get in a game. No particular attention will be paid to skill level so that all have the chance to play. Technology Club The club continues to meet on a regular schedule – the 3rd Friday of every month except December. Please mark your calendar. Come and bring your friends and neighbors. The November meeting, on the 17th, features a talk by Yosuke (Yoshi) Hirono on “Shrimp Aquaculture”. You’ll learn how to farm underwater! Future meetings will include discussions on technologies, used in weather observation and forecasting, crime scene processing, and navigating without modern technologies. Contact Dave or Jim if you want to propose a topic for a future meeting. Questions: Dave Withers (davidwithers@msn. com), Jim Fitzreiter ([email protected]). Tennis Club League play is underway for this quarter and the first well attended match of Intercommunity Tennis vs. King’s Ridge is in the books. Coming up are the home matches vs. Summit Greens on Travel Club All November and December trips are now sold out except for Biloxi for Christmas from 12/23-12/26/2014. These are the trips that have availability in 2015: January (3 trips) Show Palace to see “Crazy for You” on 1/18 A cruise on the Liberty 1/24-2/1 Englebert Humperdink with a meal on 1/31 February (4 trips) Boston Pops with lunch 2/3 Biloxi at The Beau 2/16-2/19 Early Bird Theater 2/21 to see “Caught in the Net” A 9 night cruise on the Explorer of the Seas 2/26-3/7 March (2 trips) Treasure Tavern variety show in Orlando with meal 3/20 Show Palace to see “King & I” 3/28 April (2 trips) Vision of the Seas cruise 4/11-4/26 Another Early Bird Dinner trip on 4/26 “Hot Bed Hotel” cont. page 24 u 23 chartered clubs May (2 trips) A cruise on the Brilliance of the Seas 5/4-5/30 A bus trip to Amish Country in Pa. 5/26-6/1 will stay on for the year 2016. You may nominate any member from the floor for any office if you wish. November (2 trips) Cruise on the Oasis 11/7-11/14 Cruise on the Equinox 11/30-12/11 Mark this date on your calendar, Friday, December 12th for our Annual Pot Luck Lunch and meeting. More details will follow in the December issue of the Fountain. The next General Membership meeting is on 12/2/14. Come on out to see what else is new. If you want to go a trip, check out our TRAVEL CLUB first. WE ARE ALWAYS GOING SOMEWHERE Veterans Association Monday, November 10, 9:00 a.m. Meeting Room • Board Meeting All members welcome to attend Thursday, November 13, Ballroom Membership Meeting 8 a.m. Breakfast, meeting at 9 a.m. Election Meeting Tree Climbers Genealogy Club Tree Climbers Genealogy Club Meeting Tuesday, November 18, 2014 9:00 am - 11:30 am SPEAKER - THOMAS J. NUNN Spruce Creek Del Webb resident Thomas J. Nunn, author and speaker, will feature a “Show and Tell” detailing the paternal side of his family. Told in simple terms and shunning the classic Family Tree Genealogy Program it’s written to answer questions: “Where are we from? What did our ancestors do? Were we rich and famous? Did we have servants?” Every effort was made to delve into meaningful history and terminology to support a point or a theory or create doubt or, in some cases, debunk a family myth. The trail was not clear but through innovation, logic, reasoning and plain good common sense, a realistic presentation was made. You will get a good feel as to how YOU can write your family story. Further discussion will include errors of facts and omissions, what to do about them and after writing the family story what will it cost to print and bind. Mr. Nunn has spent eight years researching his manuscript. An Industrial Manager/Professional Consultant by trade, Mr. Nunn has presented technical papers and seminars nationally and internationally; a BS Degree in Industrial Management and a Master’s Degree in Business. 24 November is Election Month for our Association. Volunteers are needed to serve as Association officers for 2015! Candidates are needed for Commander, Vice Commander, Financial Officer, and Adjutant. Contact Election committee chair Cindy Kuckel or committee members, Bill Kirsop or Jay Welty if interested. Veterans Day Celebration 11 a.m., Tuesday, November 11th Veterans Memorial Join the Spruce Creek Country Club Veterans Association Honor Guard to salute all the veterans of America’s armed forces, at the Eleventh Hour, of the Eleventh Day, of the Eleventh Month, at the Veterans Memorial at Veterans Park. Don’t forget to fly your flags high on Veterans Day! We want to extend our thanks to all our members who participated in the school supply drive for the Stanton Weirsdale Elementary School. We delivered $500.00 in much needed supplies and it was very much appreciated. See you at the pool. Rose Ann Peete, President Writers’ Bloc Yes indeed; the turkey-feast kicks off the holidays ahead; we’re giving thanks and counting our blessings as we celebrate with family or friends. Within the same spirit, Writers’ Bloc membership expresses gratitude and thanks to the Officers, who motivated their scribes to succeed in better writing techniques. Writers help other writers through invaluable critiquing and rewrites until a story ‘jells,’ and as Elmore Leonard once said: “I try to leave out the part that people skip.” Waterbugs Kudos to Writers’ Bloc 2014 Officers: Former President, Charles Pletcher. In business-like fashion, he delegated and drew members in to participate. Interim President: Joe Kinsella, you created our ‘roundtable’…a better seating pattern. Committees: Diane Brandley, where would Writers’ Bloc be without your guidance? SubCommittee: Barbara Mann and Joan Hutchinson…on board for Authors Night. Fountain Article Coordinator: Sherrell Phillips. Channel 12 and WEB updates: Judith Judd. Fifth Thursday Coordinator: Christopher Malinger. Recording Secretary: Joyce Mascatelli-Busnardo, she is a painter who interchanges her brush with a pen and made Secretary Ingeborg Knight’s Minutes submissions easy. Our election meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 12th at 9:00 a.m. poolside. All of our current officers and board members Keep on writing and Happy Thanksgiving to all. We meet on the first, third and fifth Thursdays of the month in the Game Room at 10 a.m. Adopt-a-Kid/Adopt-a-Vet: Our Association will again be visiting Stanton-Weirsdale Elementary School on November 7, 2014 to speak with 4th-graders about what it means to be a veteran. 15-20 Volunteers are needed for this visit! To volunteer, contact coordinator Sam Pappas at 347-1601, or see one of the Association officers. Villages Honor Flight Golf Tournament: Saturday, November 22nd. Info at Pro Shop. Happy Thanksgiving! november 2014 activities Movie Night Subscriptions Tuesdays • 7:00 PM The Community Center Ballroom Nov 4 NO MOVIE Supervisor of Elections - General Election Nov 11 Draft Day – PG-13 Kevin Costner Nov 18 The Fault in Our Stars – NR Shailene Woodley Residents of SCG&CC receive a copy delivered to your Spruce Creek residence monthly. If you plan to be away, please let us know so we can suspend delivery until you return. To subscribe to “The Fountain” by mail, forms are available from the receptionist or the Activities Office. Complete the form and return with your payment to the Activities Office. Subscriptions are for 3 months, 6 months or 1 year. This covers mailing and handling costs. Resident Directory Nov 25 Maleficent – NR Angelina Jolie Residents are responsible for submitting their information for the Resident Directory. Please fill out a Resident Directory form with your correct information and submit it to the Activities Office. Forms are available at the Reception desk or activities office. For a synopsis of each movie, visit: Defibrillator Locations Check Out the Community Website! » Horizon Center Lobby next to the water fountain by the Kitchen. Bookmark your browser to » Horizon Center Pool outside the gate at the main entrance on the left. » Peninsula Pool inside the main entrance gate on the left near the Men’s Room. for links to Channel 12 Online, the web pages of a growing number of clubs and activities, movie schedules, » Peninsula Pool outside the main entrance on the left as you face the entrance. » Between the Tennis & Pickleball Cts on the 130th Loop side near the parking lot. and other helpful information. » Ball Field near the Ladies Room across from the concession stand. E-mail: [email protected] » Fitness Center at the front desk. activities groups Group Angels On Request Bowling (co-ed) Breast Cancer “Chit Chat” Group Corvette Riders of Del Webb SC Democrat Group Eagle Ridge Riders (Motorcycle) Ladies Lunch Bunch/Sunset Dinners Model Yacht Club Republican Group Scrabble Group Spruce Creek Country Club Car Group Volleyball Sand Leader Karen McMillin JoAnne Caiazza Charlie Kines Al Earl Ellie Sherman Leo McCloskey Gary Green Randy Chartier June Albrizio Nick Quinn Frank Mason Janet VanHousen Larry McCabe Jerry Williams Phone 454-5933 245-8692 347-6447 307-9212 347-8616 508-208-9528 347-2481 347-9117 347-5527 245-7151 553-0470 347-8972 452-0742 307-4956 Meets TBA 12:30 PM, Mon (Sept-Apr) 12:30 PM, Tues (Sept-Apr) TBA 7:30 AM Tues. & Sat. Meet at the “Fountain” TBA 10 AM, Wednesday & Saturday Last Friday of the Month 2 PM Mon, Wednesday & Friday (Oct-Apr) interest groups Group Community Watch Geocaching Interest Group Plastic Model Interest Group Wood-Workers Interest Group Leader Joe Favata Tom Nunn Chris Olsen Jay Welty Phone 307-6925 245-2732 347-4495 307-1882 Meets 2 PM, 1st Thursday TBA TBA TBA Spruce Creek Golf & Country Club by Del Webb N2 O V M B4 E R 0E 1 MONDAY 9:00 am Diamond Dixie Cloggers (BR) (Nov 16,23,30) 2:00 pm Watercolor (CR) 6:00 pm Texas Holdem (GR) (Nov 9,23,30) 6:00 pm Fountain Singers (CR) 6:25 pm Euchre (CD) 8:00 am Outdoor Fun (PV) 8:30 am Ceramics Workshop (CR) 9:00 am Horseshoe Assoc (HP&PV) 9:00 am Computer Room Maintenance (CM) 9:30 am Fountain Squares (BR) 12:00 pm Horizon Players Workshop (BR) 12:00 pm Men’s Afternoon Pool League (BD) 12:30 pm Duplicate Bridge (CD) 1:00 pm Samba (GR) 2:30 pm Beginner Line Dance (BR) 5:00 pm Early Bird Bingo (BR) 6:00 pm Arts & Crafts (CR) 6:00 pm Mah Jongg (CD) 6:30 pm Bingo (BR) 6:30 pm Hearts Club (GR) CHANNEL 12 SPECIAL PROGRAMS Special Programs shown at 7AM, 12 PM, 4PM, and 7PM. See the scroll or the website for program listing. 5:30 pm Water Volleyball Club Meeting (GR) 2 ROOM KEY SUNDAY BC BD BR CD CM CR1 CR2 ES FY GR1 GR2 HP TUESDAY Bocce Courts Billiard’s Room Ballroom Card Room Computer Room Craft Room (Front) Craft Room (Back) Exercise Studio Foyer Game Room (Front) Game Room (Back) Horseshoe Pits 9:00 am CPAC Committee (GR) 9:00 am United Healthcare Seminar (MR) 11:30 am Duplicate Bridge Meeting (CD) 3 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 8:00 am Diamond Dixie Cloggers (BR) 8:00 am Men’s Golf 9:00 am Fountain Woodcarvers (CR) 8:00 am Outdoor Fun (PV) 9:00 am Bocce - Fall League (BC) 9:00 am Bocce - Fall League (BC) (Nov 4) (Nov 5) 9:00 am Horseshoe Assoc (HP&PV) 9:00 am AM Bridge (CD) (Nov 4,11,25) (Nov 5,19,26) 10:00 am Improver Line Dance (BR) 9:00 am Diamond Dixie Cloggers 12:00 pm Rhythm & Notes (BR) (BR) (Nov 12,19,26) 12:00 pm Mah Jongg (CD) 12:00 pm Men’s Handicapped 12:30 pm Men’s Billiards Travel Team (BD) 8-Ball League (BD) 1:00 pm Bocce - Fall League (BC) (Nov 4) 12:30 pm Social Bridge (CD) 1:00 pm Quilters & Needle Artists (CR) (Nov 5,19,26) 1:30 pm All Faith - Notes of Faith (GR) 1:00 pm Bocce - Fall League (BC) 2:00 pm Advanced Line Dance (BR) (Nov 5) 3:00 pm Women’s All Faith Club (GR) 1:00 pm Triple Play (GR) 4:30 pm Kitchen Club Dinner (BR) 1:30 pm Quilters & Needle (Nov 11,18,25) Artists (CR) 5:30 pm Poker Club (GR) 6:00 pm Men’s Billiards League (BD) 5:30 pm Pay Me Club (CD) 6:20 pm Social Bridge (CD) 5:30 pm Diamond Dixie 6:30 pm Shuffleboard (SC) Cloggers (BR) 7:00 pm Fountain Singers (MR) 6:00 pm Ladies Billiards (BD) 7:00 pm Fountain Woodcarvers (CR) 6:30 pm Pay Me (GR) 7:00 pm Movie Night (BR) 6:30 pm Shuffleboard (SC) (Nov 11,18,25) LB LN MR PC PP PV SC SP TC VC VP FRIDAY 8:00 am 8:00 am ER Ladies Golf 8:00 am Arts & Crafts Basket Weaving (CR) 8:30 am 9:00 am Bocce - Fall League (BC) 9:00 am (Nov 6) 10:00 am 9:00 am Horseshoe Assoc (HP&PV) (Nov 13,20,27) 12:30 pm 12:00 pm Men’s Billiards 8-Ball Competition (BD) 2:00 pm 1:00 pm Bocce - Fall League (BC) 2:00 pm (Nov 6) 6:00 pm 1:00 pm Rummikub (GR1) 1:00 pm Dominoes (GR2) 1:00 pm Refresher Bridge (CD) 3:00 pm Men’s All Faith Study (MR) 4:00 pm Trivia (BR) 5:30 pm Poker (GR) 6:30 pm Duplicate Bridge (CD) 6:30 pm Dominoes (MR) 6:30 pm Bocce - Fall League (BC) (Nov 6) 6:30 pm Cribbage (CR) 7:00 pm Fountain Squares (BR) SATURDAY Arts & Crafts League (CR) Buddies (CD) Bridge Lessons (GR) Spirited Singers (CD) (Nov 7,14) Ladies Billiards Travel Team (BD) Arts & Crafts (CR) Pinochle (CD) Karaoke Club (CD) Lobby Lanai Meeting Room Pickleball Court Peninsula Park Pavilion Shuffleboard Courts Swimming Pool Tennis Courts Volleyball Courts Veterans Park 4 7:00 am Supervisor of Elections General Elections (BR) 10:00 am Property & Grounds Committee (GR) 7:00 am Horseshoe State Tournament (HP&PV) 9:00 am Oil Painting (CR) 9:30 am Board of Directors Workshop (BR) 5 9:30 am Computer Club Class (CM) 10:00 am Writers’ Bloc (GR) 12:00 pm ERLGA Meeting (BR) 2:00 pm Community Watch (CR) Discussion 6 10:00 am Book Group (MR) 5:30 pm Singles Club Social (GR) 7 12:30 pm Samba (GR) 7:00 pm Par Nine (GR) 1 9:30 am 10:00 am 4:00 pm 5:00 pm Arts & Crafts (CR1) Water Color (CR2) Angels on Request (GR) Tennis Club Meeting (BR) 8:00 am 9:00 am 12:00 pm 4:30 pm CERT Drill (BC) Charity Quilting (CR) 2-Bit Shufflers (CD) Reston Neighborhood Party (PV) 8 1:00 pm Arts & Crafts (CR) 9 16 5:00 pm Monarch Neighborhood (PV) 6:30 pm Partners Bridge (GR) 12:00 pm Rhythm & Notes Meeting (GR) 10:00 am COT Committee (MR) 6:15 pm Computer Q&A Forum (CM) 1:00 pm Android Forum (CM) 4:00 pm Irish American Emeralds (MR) 7:00 pm Paula’s Clown Alley (MR) 7:00 pm SC RV Club (BR) 10 9:00 am Veterans Officers Meeting (MR) 10:00 am Bocce Club Annual Meeting (GR) 10:00 am Metaphysical Group (CD) 1:00 pm AR Committee (CR) 2:00 pm Wood Workers Interest Group (MR) 7:00 pm Photography Club (MR) 17 9:00 am AARP Safe Driving Class (GR) 9:00 am Tea Quila Rose Club (CD) 10:00 am Travel Club Officers Planning Meeting (MR) 1:00 pm Arts & Crafts (CR) 23 10:00 am Metaphysical 24 Group (CD) 7:00 am ERMG Gold Cup (BR) 3:30 pm Rhythm & Notes (BR) 1:00 pm AR Committee (CR) 11 9:00 am Computer Club Officers Meeting (MR) 9:30 am Tree Climbers User Group (CM) 10:00 am Finance Committee (GR) 11:00 am Veterans Day Celebration (VP) 11:00 am ERLGA Crystal Cup (LN) 4:00 pm Resident Rental Gartman (CD) 18 9:00 am Veterans (BR) 12 10:00 13 am Pickleball Club 9:00 am Pen & Ink w/oil Rouging (CR) 9:30 am HOA Election Voting (MR) 2:00 pm Board of Directors Meeting (BR) 3:00 pm Convene Annual Meeting (BR) 4:00 pm Gun Club (CR) 6:00 pm Horizon Players Officers Meeting (MR) 6:00 pm Kitchen Club Officers Meeting (CR) 7:00 pm Horizon Players (BR) 7:00 pm Kitchen Club Meeting (CR) 19 10:00 am ER(MR)Ladies 9-Hole 20 7:00 am ERMG Gold Cup 9:00 am AARP Safe Driving (BR) Class (GR) 10:00 am Water Color (CR) 9:00 am Tree Climbers (CD) 1:30 pm Book Discussion Author 10:00 am ERMG Gold Cup Visit (MR) Cookout (PV) 7:00 pm Anglers (MR) 10:00 am Hearing Impaired 7:00 pm Computer Club Meeting (BR) Group (MR) 1:00 pm Book Discussion Non-Fiction (MR) 6:15 pm Computer Q&A Forum (CM) 2:00 pm SC RV Club Officers Meeting (MR) 25 Meeting (MR) 10:00 am Singles Club Meeting (GR) 11:00 am ERLGA Crystal Cup (LN) 12:00 pm Bocce Club Fall Play-offs (BC) 12:00 pm Community Watch Training (CR) 2:00 pm Club Presidents Meeting (CR) 26 9:00 am Decorative Painting (CR) 3:00 pm Happy Tails Dog Club (MR) 7:00 pm Paula’s Clown Alley (MR) 10:00 am Writers’ Bloc (GR) 1:00 pm iPad Forum (CM) 1:00 pm Garden Club Meeting (BR) 1:00 pm Thanksgiving Pot Luck (BR) 14 8:00 am Horseshoe League (HP&PV) 9:00 am Arts & Crafts (CR) 11:00 am ERLGA Crystal Cup (BR) 1:00 pm Beginners Quilting (CR) 6:30 pm Horseshoe Wine & Cheese Fundraiser (BR) 6:30 pm Club 36 Potluck Dinner (CD) 21 9:00 am Horseshoe Tournament (HP&PV) 9:00 am Machine Embroidery (CR) 11:00 am Honor Flight Event (BR) 28 29 9:00 am Community Watch (BR) 10:00 am Computer Club Class (CM) 5:00 pm German American Friends (BR) 7:00 am ERMG Gold Cup (BR) 10:00 am Garden Club Officers Meeting (CD) 1:30 pm Technology Club (MR) 6:00 pm Everything & Swing (BR) 7:00 pm Trivia for Dummies (GR) 27 15 22 THANKSGIVING DAY Fitness Center Closes at 1:00 pm 30 Community Center Closes at 3:00 pm Community Center Monday-Friday 8am - 10pm Saturday & Sunday 9am - 10pm Swimming Pool Monday-Friday 8:30am - 10pm Saturday & Sunday 8:30am - 10pm Fitness Center Mon-Thu 6am - 8pm Fri 6am - 8pm Sat 7am - 7pm Sun 7am - 7pm chartered clubs Club Contact Phone Meets All Faith Bible Study & Charity Club Bette Troike 245-5356 (L) 3 PM, Tue, (M) 3:00 PM Thu Arts & Crafts League MaryAnn Schuyler 245-8943 10 AM, Fridays Billiards (Men) Jim Brush 307-9837 6:30 PM, Tuesdays Billiards (Ladies) Carol Magyarits 307-9224 6:30 PM, Wednesdays Bingo Club JoAnne Weldon 347-6328 5 PM Early Bird & 6:30 PM, Mondays Bocce Ball Club Audrey Whitfield 347-5117 TBA Tue, Wed, & Thu Book Discussion Group Bernice Wernick 347-5184 10:30 AM 2nd Friday / N-F 4th Tues 10:30 AM Bridge John Portlock 347-0459 6:20 PM Tue/9AM &12:20PM Wed/Partners 3rd Sun Buddies (Healthy Lifestyles) Rita Pescrille 347-3405 8:30 AM Fridays C.E.R.T. Don Dake 245-7397 TBA Club 36 Cyndy Stern 245-8221 TBA Computer Club Judy Devaney 245-6878 7 PM, 3rd Wednesday Cribbage Carol Tetreault 774-328-0704 6:30 PM Thursday Diamond Dixie Cloggers Bette Fedio 307-8101 9 AM, Sun & Wed, 8 AM, Tue, 5:30 PM, Wed. Dominoes Norma McCoy 307-1264 1 PM & 6:30 PM Thursdays Duplicate Bridge Kenneth Jeffers 245-1115 12:30 PM Mon. & 6:30 PM Thur. Eagle Ridge Ladies Golf Club Sharon Spencer 407-766-7953 Play Thurs AM/ Mtg.1 PM, 1st Thur. Eagle Ridge Men’s Golf Club Jack Cherry 347-3541 Play Wednesdays Euchre Club (Cards) Jim Collins 347-8335 6:25, Sundays Everything & Swing (Dance Club) Caryn Rolin 307-5434 TBA Fountain Singers Tim Scully 307-0369 7 PM, Sundays Fountain Squares (Square Dance) Ron Libby 307-7798 6:30 PM, Thursdays Fountain Woodcarvers Bob Franza 245-9698 9 AM & 7 PM Tuesdays Garden Club Joan Raynor 347-2858 3 PM, 3rd Wednesday Heinz Backhus 347-5878 TBA German-American Friends of Spruce Creek Gun Club Ron Barr 347-2582 3:30 PM, 2nd Wednesday Happy Tails Dog Club Paula Inglee 245-1704 3PM, 4th Wednesday Hearing Impaired Group Steven Gershenoff 307-3688 10:00 AM, 1st Tuesday Hearts Club Chuck Compton 245-9902 6:30, Mondays Horizon Players Maurine Elliott 245-1307 6:45 PM, 2nd Wednesday In-Sync Swimmers Lenore Casey 307-8551 9 AM, Tuesday & 8 AM Thursday Gail Walsh 245-9928 4 PM, 1st Wednesday Irish American Emeralds Italian-American Club Sal Franco 245-3301 TBA Karaoke Club Phyllis Milton 307-3888 6 PM Fridays (CD) Kitchen Club Gene Ryan 307-7256 7 PM, 2nd Wednesday Ladies 9-Hole Golf Association Carolyn Herr 307-4121 Play Thursdays David Greenberg 245-4248 8 AM-9 AM, Tues., Sat. & Sun. (PP) Lap Swimmers Unlimited Mah Jongg Gail Kratz 307-8027 12:00 PM, Tues / 6:00 PM, Sun. & Mon. Metaphysical Group Sandy Okawa 203-494-8962 10AM 2nd & 4th Mondays Nature Explorers Gail Zippili 347-0709 TBA Par Nine Club (Cards) Ruth Frayer 347-8557 7:00 PM, Saturdays Patriots (Trivia) Jim Matrazzo 245-1123 4:00 PM, Thursday Catherine Ladimir Paula’s Clown Alley 245-4909 7:00 PM, 1st & 4th Wednesdays Pay Me Club (Cards) Arthur Whitfield 347-5117 6:30 PM, Wednesdays Photography Club Terri Pittman 423-503-0224 7:00 PM, 2nd Monday Sheldon Guss Pickle Ball Club 347-6232 10 AM, 2nd Thursday Pinochle Alan Lavine 347-0953 6:30 PM, Wed. & 2:00 PM, Fri. Poker Club Tony Trapani 245-5802 6 PM Tuesdays & Thursdays Quilters & Needle Artists Elaine Scully 307-0369 1 PM Tuesdays, 1:30 PM Wednesdays Susan Krohn 347-3786 12 PM Tuesdays Rhythm & Notes(Dance) Rummikub Karen Oldham 245-8126 1 PM Thursday SCCC Horseshoe Pitching Assoc. Robert Bernardo 347-5827 9 AM, Mondays & Thursdays Samba Club (Cards) Cindi Turner 307-1793 1 PM, Mondays, 12:30 PM Saturdays Singles Club Francine Scocca 240-441-9281 10:00 AM, 2nd Thursday Softball Jim DeLucia 245-6211 (M) M&TH 9 AM (W) Wed & Sat 9 AM Spruce Creek Anglers (Fishing) Peter Crick 245-4955 7 PM, 3rd Wednesday Spruce Creek RV Club Patty Judd 817-1334 7PM, 1st Wednesday Straight Line Dancing Jill Allaire 347-5833 TBA Table Tennis Assoc. Jim Shaffer 347-8689 5:30 PM, Mondays & Thursdays (Fitness Center) Tea-Quila Rose (Tea Club) Marge Borner 347-7799 9 AM, 3rd Monday (Even Months) Technology Club David Withers 233-7533 2 PM 3rd Friday Tennis Club Patsy Rucker 553-4192 8 AM M-W-F, 6 PM T&Th / 9 AM Sat Travel Club Frank Stuczynski 307-5604 1st Tue., Even Months,@ 7:15 PM Tree Climbers (Genealogy) Marian Fuchs 307-5382 9:00 AM 1st Tues CM, 9 AM 3rd Tues CD Triple Play (Cards) Maureen Britt 307-4565 Wed., 1:00PM Veterans Chad Norcross 307-2404 See Calendar Water Volleyball Club Clete Miles 307-9455 2 PM Mon-Sun, 6PM Sun, Tue, Wed, Thur Rose Ann Peete 245-1405 8, 9 & 10 AM, M-W-F Waterbugs (Aquacize) Writers’ Bloc Joe Kinsella 307-7813 10 AM, 1st & 3rd Thursdays Richard Chenette 245-5232 6:30 PM, Tuesdays & Wednesdays 2 Bit Shufflers Club (Shuffle Board)
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