Sons of Norway RUNER Volume 37 Issue #9 November 2014 Eidsvold Lodge 7-53 FRA PRESIDENTEN Ernette Hutchings-Mason is studying at the University of Ottawa. This fall she is entering her 4th year in a Honours Bachelor of Art specialization in GeograI wish to thank Jette and those phy. In the future Ernette would who helped her with the Founda- like to be an Urban Planner. tion Night on October 18th, and those who made donations to the Karl-Erik Sonvisen is studying at the Camosun College in Victoria. Sons of Norway Foundation in Canada. Your donations provide This fall he is entering his final grants for Cultural Programs and year of study in Bachelor in Business Administration with Scholarships. This year we received grants for Syttende Mai Marketing major. In the future and Cultural Days, unfortunately Karl-Erik would like to continue in none of our members applied for UVICs law program or use his degree to start a business. a scholarship. As the District The Officers of our lodge are what keep us going thru the year either through Cultural Programs or Social Events that we all enjoy. If there’s a position you’d like and just can’t wait for a phone call, please let Joani or Vance know. Upcoming Events Scandinavian Craft Fair on Saturday, November 15. 10am – 2pm Lutefisk Dinner (meatballs are also available) on Saturday November 29. Seatings at 4pm and 6pm. This is usually a sold out event, if your plan on attending I suggest you get your ticket sooner rather than later. For tickets, Cultural Director, Judith also th Please join me on November 11 , contact Jan 250-590-1414 or received grants for District and 11am at the Cenotaph, B.C. Legis- Curt 250-479-1972 Zone programs. Keep up the good work and encourage those lative for the Remembrance Day Juletrefest, Saturday December ceremony. I will be laying a younger members attending 6th 10am-2pm. Crafts, Lunch, wreath on behalf of Eidsvold University or will be in September Singing around the tree and Lodge, Sons of Norway in 2015 to apply for a Foundation remembrance of Norwegian and Santa. By donation. Scholarship. Canadian Military Forces. I hope to see you at some or at all Congratulations to our 2014 these events. Eidsvold Bursary winners Ernette November is election month. Expect a phone call in the coming Hutchings-Mason and Karl-Erik Tusen Takk weeks asking if you’re willing to Sonvisen. Ernette and Karl-Erik serve as a Lodge Officer for 2015. Vance Hanson are both members of the lodge. PAGE 2 RUNER NOVEMBER 2014 Wednesday, November 12 16th. Annual ing t e e M Lodge Refreshments: Jenteklubben Tuesday Luncheon 12 Noon $8.00 SCANDINAVIAN CRAFT FAIR November 25 Lapskaus Norma Berg RESERVATIONS REQUIRED If you need to cancel or change a reservation, please let Muriel know as soon as possible. She can be reached at 250-384-6499. Saturday, November 15th. 10 – 4 PM NORWAY HOUSE Norwegian, Swedish, Danish and Icelandic Crafts, Baking, Jewellery, Norwegian sweaters & more Organizers are needed for the monthly lunches. Please let Judith know if you’d like to host a luncheon. (250)477-2249 or [email protected] Free Admission Vikings The invasion begins 2014 General Meeting Refreshments Lives Beyond The Legends {ends November 11th, 2014} Nov 12 Jenteklubben Dec 10 All members attending the meeting Runer Deadlines Kia Charko Nov 18 Dec 16 Leif Kristiansen Jette has Cookbooks for Sale! Normanna Celebrating 70 Years Nov 12 Lodge General Meeting Nov 15 Scandinavian Craft Fair Nov 18 Runer Deadline Nov 25 Tuesday Luncheon Nov 29 Lutefisk Dinner Dec 6 Juletrefest Dec 10 Lodge General Meeting Dec 16 Luncheon cancelled Dec 16 Runer Deadline 21 of the Ladies' Auxiliary, have put together a coil-bound cookbook of favorite, tried and true recipes. The fund raiser helps the Normanna Rest Home. These are only $10.00 each and would be an excellent gift. You'll want one for yourself as well. See them at the Hall when you see me, or phone to place your order, 250-595-3375. NOVEMBER 2014 RUNER PAGE 3 Juletrefest Saturday, Dec 6 Crafts, dancing around the tree and Santa. Lunch by donation. Lutefisk Dinner Saturday, Nov 29 4 PM and 6 PM For tickets contact 10 AM—2 PM RSVP Judith 250-477-2249 or [email protected] Jan 250-590-1414 Curt 250-479-1972 December Luncheon Jenteklubben Maria Skadberg arranged for lovely weather on October 2nd so 9 of us went to Mattick's Farm to mini-golf (what a show-off, she had 2, or was it 3, holes-in-one) and a lovely lunch at the Club House Restaurant. Thank you, ladies, for making my birthday a special one. By the time this is published the ladies, spearheaded by Elsa Grude, will have put on the Oktoberfest-themed luncheon and our next get together on November 6th for crafting will be hosted by Annabelle Beresford. Submitted by Joani Knapp Bowling Sports and Recreation Walk Saturday Nov 1 11AM Meet at Montana’s and walk the Colquitz Creek Park. Lunch afterwards. Congratulations to Oz Nilssen on his high triple of 686; the high single was 284 (he had 4 strikes in a row in that one) and is currently our Turkey leader with 3. Also congratulations to Harold Beck on his high game of 222. Fraternally, Joani 2015 Calendars The 2015 Norwegian calendars are now Leikarringen available. The price has ETHNIC and RECREATIONAL DANCE been kept the same, $15 PERFORMANCES each or if you buy 6 or more at the same time, TUESDAY, Dec 9 End of season social the cost will be $12 each. The calendars will be on sale at the monthly luncheons, dropFRIDAY, Dec 12 6—8 PM ins, Foundation Night, the Craft fair and I will have a few in the Christmas in the Village car at bowling. Catch me at the hall, at home (250) 382-4097 or Saanich Historical Artifacts Society send an email [email protected] (again, that's a zero). on Lochside Drive Fraternally, Joani off Island View Beach Road PAGE 4 RUNER NOVEMBER 2014 Unsolicited Real Estate Proposal In August (2014) the lodge received an unsolicited real estate proposal to sell our properties. After the matter was discussed with our lawyer, the Lodge Officers and members present at the October general meeting, the proposal was turned down as not in the best interest of Eidsvold Lodge. VIKING SPECIALTIES If you’re in need of an item, Daphne can be reached at 250-477-1836 Viking Age Fortress Found in Denmark In an exciting new discovery not researchers measured magnetic Gratulerer med dagen seen in more than 60 years, archae- field variations found in soil to ologists have found a fifth, ringed, identify disturbances. Their research 1 Caleb Mickelson Viking fortress in Denmark. Although provided a detailed “ghost image” 4 Rune Lea there were Vikings in other of the fortress site. “The technique 7 Rowan Stewart countries, these circular fortresses gave us a surprisingly detailed 9 Alan Drengson are unique to Denmark. Many have image of the fortress in no more 9 Griffin Goodyear given up hope that there were many than a few days," Søren Sindbæk, a 11 Alexandra Comber of them left,” said Lasse Sonne, a professor of medieval archaeology 11 Joanne Frang University of Copehagen historian in at Denmark's Aarhus University and 12 Angel Start an interview with Danish newspaper a member of the research team, 12 Fred Erickson Politiken. Located in a field belong- said in the statement. "So we knew 13 Gary Pearson ing to the Vallø Diocese estate exactly where to dig the excavation 15 Theresa Cecil roughly 30 miles southwest of trenches with a view to learning 15 Kirsten Daly Copenhagen near the Danish city of as much as possible about the 15 Emilie Henrikson Køge, the fortress is the third largest fortress." Similar in construction to 16 Ann Young ever found, measuring 145 meters the other four ringed fortress sites, 17 Emma Haagensen (475 feet) in diameter. Also known it is likely that samples collected 17 Alvilde Bell as Trelleborgs, the fortresses have from the Vallø site will date back to 17 Thelma Fayle perfectly circular designs with four same time period—the late 900’s— 21 Abigail Langford evenly placed gates and a central during the reign of King Harald 23 Caledonia Wilson courtyard divided into four Bluetooth. “We can’t wait to find 25 Ellen Coates quadrants, which held longhouses out whether the fortress dates back 25 Mildred Mainwood set in a square pattern. to the time of Harald Bluetooth, or 27 Amanda Holmes whether it was built by a previous 28 Isaac Anderssen Discovered through the use of king. 30 Leslie Bergman archaeological geophysics and a technique called gradiometry, A military fortification from the Viking Age may shed more light on the links between Zealand, ancient Denmark, and the Jelling dynasty – as well as teaching us more about the period during which Denmark became Denmark,” says Nanna Holm, archaeologist with the Danish Castle Center. NOVEMBER 2014 PAGE 5 RUNER Sons of Norway Foundation in Canada, Dinner & Presentations Saturday, October 18th, 2014 Jette welcomes guests and members to stand for dinner grace, led by Elisabeth Jensen. Meals were served by Janice Mason, Ruth Taylor, Sue Perwal, Martin Cownden, & Jette. Out-of-towners were Arvo Paivarinta from Nanaimo and Donna Walker from Cobble Hill. Jette announced the Eidsvold Bursary Recipients: 1. Ernette Hutchings-Mason. Janice Mason accepted on her daughter’s behalf. 2. Karl-Erik Sonvison, studying at Camosun College. Daphne Shaw presented some Milestone Membership Pins. Jette reported from Tore Pettersen and replacement by-laws for the Foundation. Re-registering under the new Not-for-Profit Act (NFP Act). Original was in 1971, the new by-laws to be filed and recorded by Industry Canada by October 17th, 2014. The Founders’ Award was once again given to Eidsvold Lodge, #53. Our Lodge Queen, Haley Hitchen was brought by her father, Terry Hitchen, just in time to help with Pin Presentations, so that was really great. Pin Presentations: • catch-up from 2013: -Elisabeth Jensen,- GOLD pin. • Life Members, -Certificate & Bronze Pin: -Donna Walker, • Silver Pins: - Theresa Cecil, Mel Klassen, & Marjorie Moeskau. • Gold Pin: - Marly Downey, • Platinum Pin: - Knut Moeskau. - I (Jette) was presented mine at Normanna Rest Home by Tore. For those who were not at the banquet, the pins will be presented at the Lutefisk Dinner. This year, 30 applications were received and 10 scholarships were awarded. Unfortunately, none were for the Island! Coin Bank Parade and Stamp Collection Parade with photos for the newsletter took place. Bids were made on the huge, exciting Silent Auction with tax receipts given to the donors. Unbid items will be out at the luncheon on October 28th, or again at the November 25th luncheon. There were 37 items to bid on which were donated by fourteen members. Daphne donated 15 % of the Viking Specialties Sales to the Foundation. A 50/50 ticket raffle brought in $65.00 and Theresa Cecil won the draw. Door prize winners were Marjorie Shaw and Knut Moeskau. The grand total of funds raised at the Foundation Night Dinner was: Silent Auction— $342.00, personal cheques $1,744.00 and rolled coins and cash $525.70 for a grand total of $ 2.611.84. There are still 15 Items in the Silent Auction and more to come. Next year’s Foundation Night Dinner will be on Saturday, October 24th, 2015. Thank you to Muriel for helping at the door, and as always, the fabulous set-up and clean-up crew. Thank you to all of you for coming and supporting Sons of Norway Foundation Night. Thank you very much for your generous support of the Foundation. Sincerely, your Foundation Director for Eidsvold #53, Jette Denluck Sons of Norway Eidsvold Lodge 7-53 1110 Hillside Avenue Victoria, British Columbia V8T 2A7 Lodge Meetings: Hall Rentals: Phone: 250-386-7792 Lodge e-mail: [email protected] Web site: 7:30 PM second Wednesday of each month [email protected] or call 250-386-9812 President: Vance Hanson 250-477-2249 [email protected] Vice President: Secretary: Daphne Shaw 250-477-1836 Cultural Director: Judith Hanson 250-477-2249 Sunshine: [email protected] Margarete Gilstein 250-598-7030 Sports and Recreation Director: Runer Editor Salli Vold [email protected] Contacts Bowling 4 PM—Thursdays @ Miracle Lanes, Sidney Joani Knapp Cell: 250-889-8891 Cultural Night 7 PM— 1st Wednesday of the month. Program varies each month. Judith Hanson 250-477-2249 Time & Location vary Joani Knapp Jenteklubben [email protected] Cell: 250-889-8891 [email protected] Leikarring {Folk Dancing} 7 PM every Tuesday ~ First visit is FREE ~ drop in $5.00 Mel Klassen Library Open during regular meetings and Tuesday Drop-In Jan Andreassen Norsk Klassen 250-595-7052 [email protected] 1 PM—Tuesdays Sessions—10 weeks Spring Session starting late January Fall Session starting early October Open House/ Drop-In 12:00—3:00 PM every Tuesday Jette Denluck Torskeklubben 6:30 PM last Wednesday of the month Jan Andreassen 250-595-3375
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