WFP EBOLA RESPONSE Regional Situation Report 3 -10 NOVEMBER 2014 COMMON SERVICES IN GUINEA, LIBERIA AND SIERRA LEONE Highlights UNHRD facilitated the arrival of over 1,100mt of nutritious foods to the affected countries through its depot in Las Palmas. 73 light vehicles are being strategically airlifted from Dubai for the three Ebola -affected Countries, and WFP aims to deliver 86 vehicles by 1 December. The Logistics Cluster facilitated the transport of 22 tents and one box of tent accessories on behalf of MSF to Macenta , Guinea with three rotations of UNMEER Mi8 helicopters, based in Liberia Numbers Funding requirements: US$ 51.7 million (59% of US$ 87 million) UNHAS transported 2,002 passengers & 16mt cargo (323 passengers & 0.9mt in reporting period) UNHRD dispatched 751 mt (78mt in reporting period) 1 39,237m3 cargo transported 3 (1,237m during reporting period) 9,600m3 cargo stored 3 (2,150m during reporting period) Due to its expertise in logistics, engineering and telecommunications, WFP has been requested to provide dedicated Common Services to the Ebola Response. All activities are being implemented under Special Operation 200773. © WFP/Baptiste Burgaud Logistics Cluster facilitated: “Communication with our partners is essential to help organize the delivery of items to affected areas”. Mira Baddour, Liberia Cargo Tracking Officer WFP, due to its expertise and vast field capacity, was mandated to be the global lead of the Logistics Cluster. The Logistics Cluster is responsible for coordination, information management, and, where necessary, logistics service provision to ensure an effective and efficient logistics response takes place in each and every operation, through the lead agency, WFP. GUINEA During the reporting period, the Logistics Cluster facilitated the transportation of 651m3 of humanitarian cargo on behalf of Alliance for International Medical Action, MSFBelgium and the Government of Guinea. During the reporting period, 886m of humanitarian relief has been received for storage on behalf of MSF-Belguim, the Government of Guinea, WFP, Alliance for International Medical Action and WHO in the main hub in Conakry. The total volume of cargo in stock for the Ebola response is 1,181m3. 3 The Logistics Cluster facilitated transport 22 tents and one box of tent accessories on behalf of MSF to Macenta with three rotations of UNMEER Mi8 helicopter, based in Liberia. 16 small trucks (7-15mt capacity) have been contracted and will initially be positioned at the Forward Logistics Bases (FLBs) in Conakry, Kissidougou and Nzerekore for onward distribution of humanitarian cargo. The equivalent of six twenty-foot containers of Ebola relief items are being loaded and dispatched to Ebolaaffected areas on a daily basis on behalf of the Government of Guinea and humanitarian organisations. Cargo is being re-arranged to avoid congestion at Monrovia airport. © WFP/Brittney Titus Health and Social Welfare, USAID/OFDA, Save the Children, MSB, WHO, UNICEF, MAP international, and IMC, MDM and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. Since the beginning of the Ebola Response operation, the Logistics Cluster provided offloading assistance and transport for over 3,300mt of cargo that arrived at the airport. Two staff at the airport also help coordinate incoming flights in Monrovia. Four MSUs have been erected at the airport to augment storage capacity, ensuring that humanitarian cargo can be offloaded immediately, and is protected from potential adverse weather conditions while in transit to a warehouses or the common logistics hub. A prefabricated unit will also be established the week of 10 November to provide office space to Logistics Cluster and WFP airport staff. LIBERIA During the reporting period the Logistics Cluster facilitated the transport of 322m3 on behalf of USAID/ OFDA, Liberia’s Ministry of Health (MoH), WHO, UNICEF, MSF-France, ICRC, IMC, Save the Children, Project Cure, International Rescue Committee (IRC), Africans in Medicine (AIM), MedShare, MDM, Chinese Embassy, and MSB. The Logistics Cluster facilitated the storage of 672m 3 of humanitarian commodities on behalf of Ministry of 2 © WFP/Brittney Titus Due to its expertise in logistics, engineering and telecommunications, WFP has been requested to provide dedicated Common Services to the Ebola Response. All activities are being implemented under Special Operation 200773. established. Cargo from DFID and UNICEF is currently being stored. Space for a helicopter-landing site exists next to the hub. ICT equipment and three office prefabs will be installed the week of 10 November. © WFP/Jef Cuche One cargo flights arrived on 9 November from Brindisi, Italy, transporting equipment for the Buchanan and Harper FLBs. A second flight arrived from Oslo, Norway, transported 30 Mobile Storage Unit (MSUs). The Logistics Cluster will make the MSUs available to the humanitarian community. At the Kailahun FLB, the Request for Quotation (RfQ) has been closed and WFP is in the final stages of awarding a contract for clearing land for storage tents that has been allocated by the government. In the meantime, WFP is making space available in existing warehouses for NonFood Items (NFIs) that need to be stored from other organisations. The construction of six MSUs with about 1,440m2 storage space is expected by the end of November. A convoy of MSUs and Prefabs from UNHRD in Ghana arrived in Monrovia, after being at the Liberian-Ivorian border for multiple weeks. The Logistics Cluster and WFP organised a strategic Supply Chain meetings with USAID/OFDA, WHO and UNICEF, among others, to streamline the response and optimize the use of logistics resources. 73 vehicles will be airlifted to the Ebola-affected Countries from 10-18 November from Dubai. The first 16 vehicles arrived in Monrovia on 11 November. 40 DAF (10mt) trucks are en route to Monrovia by sea from the Netherlands. © WFP/Brittney Titus 15 light vehicles have been procured locally by WFP and six will be available to the Logistics Cluster. At the Makeni FLB, six MSUs (10x32) have been erected, with a total storage space of 1,920m2. The Logistics Cluster continues to produce regular schedules of incoming flights in order to coordinate and create visibility for flight plans. 10 DAF trucks have been donated by the Government of the Netherlands, with an ETA of 24 November in Freetown. The trucks will be used for the common transport services. SIERRA LEONE During the reporting period, the Logistics Cluster facilitated the transport and storage of over 264m3 on behalf of THW, WHO, UNMEER, UNICEF and WFP. Overall, 593m3 of relief items were transported on behalf of Child Fund, THW, WHO, UNMEER, UNICEF and WFP. At Lungi Airport in Freetown two MSUs with 480m2 storage space, as well as handling equipment are available for humanitarian organisations. Consultation with UNMEER and the Government of Sierra Leone is ongoing about relocating the staging area to reduce delays. At the Port Loko main logistics hub, eight MSUs have been 3 In-country flights of the UNMEER/UNHAS Mi8 helicopter began on 8 November. Air operators are working on procedures to take the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) packaged lab samples on in-country flights to decrease lag time for results of suspected EVD cases; modalities for carrying samples being finalised in consultation with UNMEER, UNHAS, WFP, and NERC (National Ebola Response Committee). The Logistics Cluster continues to coordinate with organisations on pipeline management and to discuss mechanisms for supply chain management, with the aim to streamline monitoring and reporting to avoid pipeline breaks. Due to its expertise in logistics, engineering and telecommunications, WFP has been requested to provide dedicated Common Services to the Ebola Response. All activities are being implemented under Special Operation 200773. WFP COMMON SERVICES UNHAS provides safe and reliable passenger and cargo air services to the humanitarian community, especially to remote locations where there are no commercial alternatives. During the reporting period, UNHAS transported 323 passengers and 0.9mt of cargo. Since 16 August, UNHAS transported 2,002 passengers and 16mt of light cargo on 474 flights. UNHAS is also currently facilitating the coordination of UNMEER movements on behalf of the humanitarian community. UNMEER has completed 19 flights, transporting 63 passengers and 1.1mt of light cargo. © UNHAS Via the regional humanitarian corridor, UNHAS is facilitating the movement of passengers to and from Accra, Ghana and Dakar, Senegal: 264 from Dakar, 77 to Dakar; 62 from Accra and 44 to Accra. UNHRD is prepositioning stockpiles of emergency supplies for humanitarian agencies in strategic locations to facilitate the rapid transportation of relief items. During the reporting period, UNHRD dispatched equipment for the set-up of Ebola Treatment Units (ETUs) in Guinea and also for the set-up of a staff clinic in Sierra Leone. Items included generators, office and accommodation prefabricated structures, water tanks, tents, IT equipment and other relief items. In total, 78mt has been dispatched for WFP. Since the beginning of the Ebola Response operation, UNHRD has dispatched 230mt of relief items and support equipment valued at US$ 1.7 million for WHO, Swiss Red Cross, Irish Aid, and JICA. A UNHRD response team is currently in Sierra Leone working on the installation of the UN clinic in Freetown. In Guinea, the UNHRD team is installing prefabs and MSUs. In Liberia, UNHRD personnel are supporting ground operations at the airport in Monrovia. Training of local staff on equipment set-up and installation across the region continues. Procurement of materials and equipment continues for the construction of logistics hubs, ETUs and Community Care Centres (CCCs) in all three affected countries. 4 Cargo for the Swiss Red Cross has been airlifted by UNHRD for the Ebola Response Operation. UNHRD facilitated the arrival of over 1,100mt of nutritious foods to the affected countries through its depot in Las Palmas. One shipment went to Guinea and two airlifts were organized to Sierra Leone and Liberia respectively. Due to its expertise in logistics, engineering and telecommunications, WFP has been requested to provide dedicated Common Services to the Ebola Response. All activities are being implemented under Special Operation 200773. WFP COMMON SERVICES WFP Engineering Services SIERRA LEONE A WFP engineer is finalizing the setup of prefabs at the UNDP clinic in Freetown, which will be used as a holding and treatment unit for UN staff affected by Ebola Virus Disease (EVD). The contract for land clearing and fencing for the Kailahun FLB has been awarded and a contractor will mobilize equipment and staff for ground clearing on 11 November, with an expected time for completion within 710 days. A WFP engineer will be deployed to supervise the works. A WFP Logistics Officer has been deployed to support WHO with the supervision and construction of CCCs in Konadugu, in response to an urgent request for technical support. LIBERIA At Gbarnga FLB, all six MSUs are now fully operational. At Voinjama FLB, three out of six MSUs have been erected; plans are to have them fully operational by 12 November 2014. At Harper, land has been allocated and the tender for contractor launched for a FLB, which is expected to be operational by 24 November. The FLB in Buchanan is expected to be fully operational by 26 November. Additional equipment to meet UNDP specifications for the UN Clinic in Freetown has arrived via Brindisi and engineering works are ongoing. An additional Engineer has been deployed to Freetown to supervise the finalization of the UNDP clinic support. GUINEA WFP has been requested by the Government of Guinea to build four ETUs of a maximum 100-bed capacity each in Coyah, Kéraouné, Nzérékoré and Beyla: In Coyah, the construction works for an ETU have been suspended due to security issues. In Nzérékoré, two MSUs have already been erected. Construction is ongoing under the supervision of a WFP engineer and the NGO Alima, and should be finalized by endNovember. In Beyla and Kerouané, the construction of two ETUs has begun. The extension of the main hub in Conakry is underway and ground-leveling works are ongoing. The Emergency Communications (ET) Cluster provides timely Information, Communications and Technology services to support humanitarian community in carrying out their work efficiently, effectively and safely. In Guinea, one ET Cluster Deployment Team Leader has arrived in Conakry to manage installation of equipment and delivery of shared ICT services to the response community. The ET Cluster has confirmed a donation from Ericsson Response for ‘WIDER’ equipment, which will be used to manage and extend Internet connectivity in common operating areas providing access to humanitarian users. In Sierra Leone, one ICT Technician has arrived in Freetown to support provision of shared communications services by the ET Cluster. A shortage of vehicles and transportation is currently a major challenge, as it can take up to seven hours to reach the key ETU location in Port Loko. The ET Cluster is working closely with UNMEER, WHO and the Logistics Cluster to find a solution. Positive discussions with the Government of Liberia's telecommunications authority are ongoing to ensure sustainable and coordinated provision of services. 5 Ground works in the Kissidougou FLB are ongoing; MSUs are on site and will be erected this week. The site is already operational as the Logistics Cluster is operating on a temporary basis out of the WFP hub, where 500m3 of storage space is available. The FLB will be fully operational by mid-November. Contacts: Logistics Cluster Guinea - Elise Gibergues ([email protected]) Liberia - Brittney Titus ([email protected]) Sierra Leone - Katherine Ely ([email protected]) Global - Chiara Argenti ([email protected]) UNHRD Annette Angeletti ([email protected]) UNHAS [email protected] Air Coordination Cell [email protected] Emergency Telecommunications Cluster Michael Redante ([email protected]) WFP Common Services, Regional Cell Accra Amelia Stewart ([email protected]) Due to its expertise in logistics, engineering and telecommunications, WFP has been requested to provide dedicated Common Services to the Ebola Response. All activities are being implemented under Special Operation 200773.
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