AGENDA PLANNING/ PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE 11/13/2014 Henry E. Darby, Chairman Colleen Condon Anna B. Johnson Teddie E. Pryor Joe Qualey Vic Rawl Herb Sass Dickie Schweers Elliott Summey AGENDA PLANNING/PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE NOVEMBER 13, 2014 5:00 PM 1. ZREZ-8-14-19171, 2456 Savannah Highway - Request to Change Taylor/Pennick 2. ZLDR Amendments A) Mt. Pleasant Overlay District Amendments B) Folly Road Corridor Overlay District Amendments C) Towing & Salvage Yard Use Amendments Taylor/Pennick - Request to Approve - Request to Approve - Request to Approve RETURN TO AGENDA 1. ZREZ-8-14-19171, 2456 Savannah Highway ZONING MAP AMENDMENT CASE ZREZ-8-14-19171 HISTORY PLANNING/PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE NOVEMBER 13, 2014 CASE INFORMATION: Area: St. Andrews: 2456 Savannah Highway Parcel Identification: 310-06-00-032 Council District: 7 Parcel Information: The subject property is approximately 0.88 acres in size and is vacant. Approximately 0.4 acres of the subject parcel is zoned Neighborhood Commercial (CN), and approximately 0.48 acres is zoned Mixed Style Residential 12 (M-12). Application: The applicant is requesting a zoning change from the Neighborhood Commercial (CN) and Mixed Style Residential 12 (M-12) Districts to the Community Commercial (CC) District. Zoning History: Prior to the current submittal, there have not been any rezoning applications for the subject parcel. Adjacent Zoning: Adjacent parcels to the east and west are zoned Community Commercial (CC) and contain primarily commercial uses; however, the parcel to the west of the subject property does contain a single family home. To the north and south, properties are located in the City of Charleston and contain multi-family residential and commercial uses. Municipalities Notified/Response: The City of Charleston was notified of the request but has not responded. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends approval of this request. According to Section 3.4.6 of the Zoning and Land Development Regulations Ordinance (ZLDR), zoning map amendments may be approved by County Council only if the proposed amendment meets one or more of the following criteria: A. The proposed amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the stated purposes of this Ordinance; Staff response: The Charleston County Comprehensive Plan (the Plan) recommends Commercial future land use for the subject property and adjacent properties that front on Highway 17/Savannah Highway. The requested zoning district is consistent with this recommendation. B. The proposed amendment will allow development that is compatible with existing uses, recommended density, established dimensional standards, and zoning of nearby properties that will benefit the public good while avoiding an arbitrary change that primarily benefits a singular or solitary interest; Staff response: The subject property is surrounded on the east and west sides by properties zoned Community Commercial (CC) and recommended for Commercial use; therefore, the request is consistent with zoning and future land use recommendations in the area. C. The proposed amendment corrects a zoning map error or inconsistency; Staff response: Not applicable. D. The proposed amendment addresses events, trends, or facts that have significantly changed the character or condition of an area. Staff response: This part of Highway 17 is largely comprised of more intense commercial uses such as boat and vehicle sales, hotels/motels, auto repair, etc. The requested zoning district will keep in character with the existing commercial corridor. Planning Commission Meeting: October 13, 2014 Recommendation: Approval (8 to 0) Speakers in support: 1 Speakers in opposition: 0 Notifications: A total of 297 notification letters were sent to owners of property located within 300 feet of the boundaries of the subject parcel and individuals on the St. Andrews Interested Parties List on September 26, 2014. Additionally, this request was noticed in the Post & Courier on September 26, 2014. Public Hearing: November 6, 2014 Speakers: 0 Notifications: A total of 297 notification letters were sent to owners of property located within 300 feet of the boundaries of the subject parcel and individuals on the St. Andrews Interested Parties List on October 17, 2014. Additionally, this request was noticed in the Post & Courier on October 17, 2014. A sign was also posted on the property on October 17, 2014. Charleston County Zoning Map Amendment Requests Public Hearing – November 6, 2014 Planning & Public Works Committee – November 13, 2014 Rezoning Case ZREZ-8-14-19171 • St. Andrews Area: 2456 Savannah Highway Charleston, SC 29414 • Parcel I.D.: 310-06-00-032 • Request to change from Neighborhood Commercial (CN) and Mixed Style Residential 12 (M-12) Zoning Districts to the Community Commercial (CC) Zoning District • Applicant/Owner : Barbara S. Howard 2907 Sussex Road, Augusta, GA 30909 • Acreage: 0.88 acres • Council District: 7 Rezoning Case ZREZ-8-14-19171 History No zoning map amendment applications have been submitted for this property prior to this request. Subject Property Subject Property ZREZ-8-14-19171 Area Description The subject property is split-zoned Neighborhood Commercial (CN) and Mixed Style Residential 12 (M-12) and is currently vacant. Adjacent parcels to the east and west are zoned Community Commercial (CC) and contain primarily commercial uses; however, the parcel to the west of the subject property does contain a single family home. To the north and south, properties are located in the City of Charleston and contain multi-family residential and commercial uses. Subject Parcel to the North Subject Property Subject Parcel to the South Subject Property ZREZ-8-14-19171 2 – Adjacent Property 1 – Subject Property ZREZ-8-14-19171 4 – Adjacent Parcel 3 – Adjacent Parcel (across Hwy 17) ZREZ-8-14-19171 Typical Allowed Uses M-12 CC • Density: 12 dwelling units/acre • Density: 12 dwelling units/acre • Single-family detached • Multi-Family • Duplex • Day care services • Multi-family • Health care services • Retirement housing • Community recreation • Family day care home • Financial services • Bed and breakfast inns • Catering service • Rooming or boarding houses • Offices • Special trade contractors • Retail services • Retail or personal services • Wholesale sales Approval Criteria—Section 3.4.6 According to Section 3.4.6 of the Zoning and Land Development Regulations Ordinance (ZLDR), zoning map amendments may be approved by County Council only if the proposed amendment meets one or more of the following criteria: A. The proposed amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the stated purposes of this Ordinance; Staff response: The Charleston County Comprehensive Plan (the Plan) recommends Commercial future land use for the subject property and adjacent properties that front on Highway 17/Savannah Highway. The requested zoning district is consistent with this recommendation. B. The proposed amendment will allow development that is compatible with existing uses, recommended density, established dimensional standards, and zoning of nearby properties that will benefit the public good while avoiding an arbitrary change that primarily benefits a singular or solitary interest; Staff response: The subject property is surrounded on the east and west sides by properties zoned Community Commercial (CC) and recommended for Commercial use; therefore, the request is consistent with zoning and future land use recommendations in the area. Approval Criteria—Section 3.4.6 (cont’d) C. The proposed amendment corrects a zoning map error or inconsistency; Staff response: Not applicable. D. The proposed amendment addresses events, trends, or facts that have significantly changed the character or condition of an area. Staff response: This part of Highway 17 is largely comprised of more intense commercial uses such as boat and vehicle sales, hotels/motels, auto repair, etc. The requested zoning district will keep in character with the existing commercial corridor. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval PC RECOMMENDATION: Approval (vote: 8 to 0) ZREZ-8-14-19171 Notifications/Responses • Notifications: – September 26 & October 17: 297 notifications were sent to owners of property located within 300 feet of the boundaries of the subject parcel and individuals on the St. Andrews Interested Parties List. – September 26 & October 17: Request advertised in the Post & Courier . – October 17: A sign was posted on the subject property. Charleston County Zoning Map Amendment Requests Public Hearing – November 6, 2014 Planning & Public Works Committee – November 13, 2014 RETURN TO AGENDA 2. ZLDR Amendments PROPOSED TEXT AMENDMENTS TO THE CHARLESTON COUNTY ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ORDINANCE (ZLDR) PLANNING/PUBLIC WORKS COMNITTEE: NOVEMBER 13, 2014 Summary of Proposed Amendments: Article 5.5, MP-O, Mount Pleasant Overlay Zoning District: Clarify allowed and prohibited uses. The full text of the proposed amendment is attached. Staff Recommendation: Consideration of amendments to the ZLDR. Planning Commission Recommendation: October 13, 2014 Approval (8 to 0) Speakers: No citizens spoke during the meeting. The Town of Mount Pleasant sent a letter of support prior to the Planning Commission meeting (attached in this packet). Notifications: The Planning Commission meeting was noticed in the Post & Courier and notifications were sent to more than 300 people on the ZLDR/Comprehensive Plan Interested Parties’ List on September 26, 2014. Public Hearing: November 6, 2014 Speakers: No citizens spoke. Notifications: The public hearing was noticed in the Post & Courier and notifications were sent to more than 300 people on the ZLDR/Comprehensive Plan Interested Parties’ List on October 17, 2014. Page 1 of 1 Legend: Proposed deletions shown in strikethrough text; Proposed additions shown in bold, italic, red text CHAPTER/ARTICLE/SECTION #: Article 5.5 MP-O Mount Pleasant Overlay District, Section 5.5.14, Uses REASON FOR AMENDMENT: Clarify and amend uses allowed in the Mont Pleasant Overlay District DATE: 10/3/2014 ______________________________________________________________________________________ PROPOSED AMENDMENTS: §5.5.14 A. B. C. D. USES The following principle uses shall be prohibited on parcels included in the Mount Pleasant Overlay Zoning District: 1. Auto Dealers, New and Used 2. Vehicle Storage 3. Boat/RV Storage Sexually Oriented Businesses 4. Billboards 5. Gun Shops and/or Indoor/Outdoor Shooting Ranges 6. Liquor, Beer, or Wine Sales (as defined in this Ordinance) The following use is uses are subject to the Special Exception procedures of this Ordinance: 1. Bar or Lounge 2. Liquor, Beer, or Wine Sales (as defined in this Ordinance) 3. Gun Shops and/or Indoor/Outdoor Shooting Ranges 4. Boat/RV Storage The following use is uses are allowed on any Industrial (I) zoned parcel located west (inside) Interstate 526 if a Special Exception is granted by the Board of Zoning Appeals. Otherwise, these uses shall be prohibited. 1. Warehousing and Freight Movement Warehousing, Distribution and Freight Forward Facilities 2. Freight Container Storage Yards 3. Fuel Storage Facility 4. Stockpiling of Sand, Gravel or other Aggregate Materials All uses other than Single Family Residential uses must complete the Site Plan Review process as detailed in Article 3.7 of this Ordinance. PROPOSED TEXT AMENDMENTS TO THE CHARLESTON COUNTY ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ORDINANCE (ZLDR) PLANNING/PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE: NOVEMBER 13, 2014 Summary of Proposed Amendments: Article 5.6, FRC-O, Folly Road Corridor Overlay Zoning District: Amend the boundaries and clarify uses in the South Village Area. The full text of the proposed amendment is attached. Staff Recommendation: Consideration of amendments to the ZLDR. Planning Commission Recommendation: October 13, 2014 Approval (8 to 0) Speakers: Two citizens spoke in support of these amendments. No speakers spoke in opposition. Notifications: The Planning Commission meeting was noticed in the Post & Courier, and notifications were sent to more than 300 people on the ZLDR/Comprehensive Plan Interested Parties’ List on September 26, 2014. Public Hearing: November 6, 2014 Speakers: One citizen spoke in support of these amendments. No speakers spoke in opposition Notifications: The public hearing was noticed in the Post & Courier, and notifications were sent to more than 300 people on the ZLDR/Comprehensive Plan Interested Parties’ List on October 17, 2014. Page 1 of 1 Legend: Proposed deletions shown in strikethrough text; Proposed additions shown in bold, italic, red text CHAPTER/ARTICLE/SECTION #: Article 5.6 FRC-O Folly Road Corridor Overlay District, Sections 5.6.6 Development Standards And Requirements (All Areas) and 5.6.9 South Village Area REASON FOR AMENDMENT: Clarify and amend uses allowed in Folly Road Corridor Overlay District DATE: 10/3/2014 ______________________________________________________________________________________ PROPOSED AMENDMENTS: §5.6.6 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS (ALL AREAS) The following development standards and requirements apply to all parcels within the Folly Road Corridor Overlay Zoning District in addition to the requirements described below for each of the five Areas. All non-single family detached development applications shall, at the time application is made, provide proof that the following requirements will be met prior to the issuance of any approvals or zoning permits: G. Noise All Activity must comply with the Charleston County Livability Ordinance. There shall be no pick-up or delivery of trash or merchandise scheduled for businesses in these areas between the hours of 11:00 pm and 7:00 am. Any proposed outdoor use that provides live or amplified music shall comply with the Special Exception provisions contained in this Ordinance. H. Multiple Use Overlay Zoning District Parcels that meet the criteria of Article 5.8, MU-O Multiple Use Overlay Zoning District, may be developed in accordance with that Article. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- §5.6.9 SOUTH VILLAGE AREA (City of Charleston, Town of James Island, and Charleston County) The South Village area extends from Prescott Street to Rafael Lane South Grimball Rd / Grimball Rd. Ext. as illustrated on the FRC-O map entitled “South Village Area.” Parcels in this Area are within the jurisdiction of the Town of James Island and the City of Charleston, with a few parcels in and unincorporated Charleston County. This Area currently consists of mixed medium to high intensity commercial development, such as shopping centers big box stores and consumer services, along the west side of Folly Road and primarily small scale office and residential uses along the east side of Folly Road. This Area is intended for development similar to the North Village Area with less intense commercial development than the Commercial Core Area and a mix of medium to high intensity uses along the west side of Folly Road and lower intensity development on the east side of Folly Road. Future development in this Area is to be a mix of commercial and residential uses with increased right-of-way buffers along the west side of Folly Road and increased land use buffers on both sides of Folly Road when commercial development occurs adjacent to single family detached residential uses. The following regulations apply in addition to the requirements of Section 5.6.6 of this Article to unincorporated parcels along Folly Road as indicated on the map titled “South Village Area”: Legend: Proposed deletions shown in strikethrough text; Proposed additions shown in bold, italic, red text A. Permitted uses Permitted uses shall include those uses allowed in the zoning district(s) that corresponds with the “R”, “OR”, “CN,” and “CC” future land use designation as shown on the overlay zoning district map and as described in Table 6.1.1, Use Table. Civic and institutional uses as described in Table 6.1.1 shall be permitted for properties shown in the Civic/Institutional future land use designation. B. Prohibited uses Auto Dealers (New and Used) Billboards, Indoor/Outdoor Shooting Ranges, Liquor, Hotels or Motels (greater than ten rooms) and Tattoo parlors shall be prohibited in this Area. C. Uses Requiring Special Exception Vehicle Storage, Boat/RV Storage, Bar or Lounge, Consumer Vehicle Repair, Fast Food Restaurant, Gasoline Service Stations (with or without convenience stores), Indoor Recreation and Entertainment, Consumer Vehicle Repair uses shall require Special Exception approval in compliance with the procedures contained in this Ordinance. D. Buffers 1. A minimum 15-foot vegetated right-of-way buffer shall be required along the east side of Folly Road and a minimum 35-foot vegetated right-of-way buffer shall be required along the west side of Folly Road; 2. A minimum 20-foot vegetated rear buffer shall be required adjacent to residential uses; and 3. Fencing may be required to screen adjacent or surrounding residential uses. When a minimum 6-foot high opaque fence or wall is utilized, the Planning Director may reduce the land use buffer by up to one-half (1/2) its required depth when deemed appropriate; however, no required vegetated buffer shall be less than 10 feet in depth. COKE R AV MINOTT ST Folly Road Corridor Overlay Zoning District HA RB O UE A D AV E N O O TW S E W RD South Village Area BA LL RI M G RD X RD E B AL L GRIM RD OD KW O LA R City of Folly Beach Marsh LE E W AR Water D AV Water Features RD SC HO O NE R R D LYN NE AV DR RD R MA T A L S RT ON FO R IS R DR GA ON LI A TT BA T HA Z Z AR N NE S UR TR D SB R TE RN S D L FO LY RD DR EE NK T YA PS RIM SH L SO RE GA LE RD E 0.7 1.05 T 1.4 Miles RS 0.175 0.35 E NT CE Draft: Sept 22, 2014 0 TAB BY DR LIT TL E / DR OA KD R OA K IS LA ND Conservation Area D DR LE S ST I Town of James Island RD N A RD L US LN T LO Neighborhood Preservation Area EB ITAR Y OLD MIL LN LL R D SA LL IE ST RD City of Charleston RA INB BU R C OW R D L A RE RA FE DR AL L N SC OTT HILL S EL IA S GR IMBA N SO HN JO ER County of Charleston (outside OD area) OUS E MA R IN B LV D ER D R IR DC HE L AV U AV E N AV SE AS GR ID E EE L N NH IL L I AP TR Munic ipal B oundaries R LN PA ULINE R DR HE R M RT FO IR AC UB AR VA LE R SE A TD UR D TH AIL AR QU RE WAY FA KC RE S Community Commercial FRED ST BR UC E ST Water-Dependent Commercial R EAGLEW OOD TR DR LN AP E X OA Neighborhood Commercial RD IE W A NV OCE RD BE N L RD IL EY H RD ST HON O P NE ST O L AV R TE A ED A IR WN LN M ID General Office D MIKE LL DR LN BL A ZE Office Residential R ST K DE E TO RK YO DE V ON S AV LYN TON AV EW D SA V ITA GE AV CA M PR D VI R T ES ND DR L HA Commercial Area Residential R EI W DR T WI CK Overlay District Boundary WA MPL ER DR DR Future Land U se N DO ST NS DA MU D BRA NTLEY DR N CO R BE DA JOR YR A RIV E RL BRADH AM RD Overlay District Areas (revised) EL SW ANSON AV RD E RIL LUCK Y RD CA R M LIGH TH RK Legend RD PA Y DIL LS BL U FF L RA NT E C PW WOOD S IDE D R G IN I EX JUL IA ST DIL L A V KELL PL LL RD S ME JA SL D AN W RV IE CL E A HO S DR AV N TON GH CA RL I DR CA N U HO E YA L North Village Area ST AL R ES D R OD FL EMIN G RD Y STE FAN DR HOWL E AV HW V CH E K E LL AN YB MA ST Y XC MA RT MA ED IS TO AV CA RO L ST WOODLAND SHOR ES RD WA PP OO DR AV E AV A ON E R I E E UR H AV E C I T RC EA LE SH V YA O CO PE V RA R Folly Road Corridor Overlay Zoning District D R N Neighborhood Preservtion DE GR IM BA LL RA IN B O AD GL OT SC Future Land U se IL L TH RD South Village Area COMMUNTY COMMERCIAL NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL Munic ipal B oundaries County of Charleston (outside OD area) Town of James Island Water Features S TU LO MAR Y ROPER LN D AU R Neighborhood Preservation Area HA Z Z I PR RS EA CL AR D LN LN LN ILY IOL E S PR YL DA JA ME AR Y RD OL D MIL IT T SA LL IE S T D EX RD AL L RD S GR IMB R BA LL GRIM CE BRY NATHANIEL DR LN Marsh IS MA EL RD Water NIE DON City of Charleston FO L LY RD Overlay District Areas (revised) Ov erlay District Areas W RD BU R C L A RE DR ROS E PAR K D RA FE R AL L N Legend NG DR RY TE T BA Draft: Sept. 22, 2014 0.0325 0.065 0.13 0.195 0.26 Miles RD R DE UD CT N SC AI TW OLD FO LLY RD RD 0 N UR SB AR / D AN L S I ND AV SECESSION VILLE RD RD WES T M OR EL A DR Conservation Area Commercial Area City of Charleston Town of James Island Water Marsh N ST FO LLY Water Features WILT O AR U B County of Charleston (outside OD area) N SO HN O J RT FO RD BA RB AD OS WAY Munic ipal B oundaries D FIT H BLV AC IR G RIF GE ORG E NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DR X LN AP E COMMUNTY COMMERCIAL B BR ST DR S ON SA M G RI M BA LL RD OO T W F T RO ES C A W SE ST D EE ES D RD UE AVE N ST ST R R FR EE R WITT E R DS JE FF O South Village Area R DO WN ER PINNACLE LN Ov erlay District Boundary OA KC RE ST D PAU LIN E AV AV FO RD BR AD Overlay District Areas (revised) Future Land U se RE NW OO DD WO R OD S ID ED R NEWBURY ST N DR RIVERLAND DR LYNTO N AV W YO RK TO LN EN RD BL AZ E DE XT ER LN ST Legend P TU RK EY Y NN DA Folly Road Corridor Overlay Zoning District T O VE S South ONE L Village Area WOODVIEW LN RD E UN RT ON ST LE DE FO R Draft: Sept. 22, 2014 0.19 0.285 0.38 Miles T SA LL IE S D B AL L R S GR IM RD BA LL M I R G E XT Neighborhood Preservation Area AR Y RD OL D MIL IT NATHANIEL DR D E LN ER AT W NI DON LN 0.0475 0.095 HIL IS MA EL RD S EL IA 0 T OT SC CU FF Y LN A SE / ST LN RD EL MU SA PAUL CHAVIS LN DR AY W ST WE D R T WES T L P OIN M OR SIGN A EL A N D AV RA IN B OW R D BU R C L A RE DR RA FE A L LN D LR PROPOSED TEXT AMENDMENTS TO THE CHARLESTON COUNTY ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ORDINANCE (ZLDR) PLANNING/PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE: NOVEMBER 13, 2014 Summary of Proposed Amendments: Table 6.1-1, Use Table, and Chapter 12, Definitions: Clarify towing and impound yard use regulations and definitions. The full text of the proposed amendment is attached. Staff Recommendation: Consideration of amendments to the ZLDR. Planning Commission Recommendation: October 13, 2014 Approval (8 to 0) Speakers: Four citizens spoke in support of these amendments. No one spoke in opposition. Notifications: The Planning Commission meeting was noticed in the Post & Courier, and notifications were sent to more than 300 people on the ZLDR/Comprehensive Plan Interested Parties’ List on September 26, 2014. Public Hearing: November 6, 2014 Speakers: Two speakers spoke in support of these amendments. No one spoke in opposition. Notifications: The public hearing was noticed in the Post & Courier, and notifications were sent to more than 300 people on the ZLDR/Comprehensive Plan Interested Parties’ List on October 17, 2014. Page 1 of 1 Legend: Proposed deletions shown in strikethrough text; Proposed additions shown in bold, italic, red text CHAPTER/ARTICLE/SECTION #: Table 6.1-1, Use Table, and Chapter 12, Definitions REASON FOR AMENDMENT: Clarify towing and impound yard use regulations and definitions DATE: 10/3/2014 ______________________________________________________________________________________ PROPOSED AMENDMENTS: Table 6.1.1, USE TABLE ZONING DISTRICTS TABLE 6.1-1 RM AG 15 AG 10 AG 8 AGR RR3 S3 R4 M8 M 12 MHS MHP OR OG CN CR CT CC I A A COMMERCIAL VEHICLE AND WATERCRAFT STORAGE Vehicle Storage, including Bus Barns, Boat or RV Storage, or Impound Yards Towing Facility Impound Yard A A §12.1, TERMS AND USES DEFINED Scrap and An establishment primarily engaged in the storage, retail or wholesale sale, Salvage Service assembling, dismantling, sorting, distributing, or other processing of scrap, used (or Junk Yard) equipment, mechanical components, or waste materials. This terms excludes impound yards and towing facilities. Vehicle Storage An establishment offering long or short term storage of operating vehicles or vehicles contracted for repair. This term excludes impound yards, towing facilities, and any dismantling, scrap and salvage service, or junked vehicle yards. Towing Facility An establishment that provides vehicle towing services and accessory temporary outdoor storage for the vehicles it tows, which shall only include: (1) mechanically operable/driveable, licensed vehicles that are to be claimed by titleholders or their agents; and/or (2) wrecked motor vehicles awaiting insurance adjustments and transport to repair shops. This term excludes: automotive services that have a tow truck on-site; scrap and salvage yards/services; junk yards; impound yards; vehicle storage; and accessory storage of inoperable vehicles. Impound Yard A facility that provides temporary outdoor storage for: (1) mechanically operable/driveable, licensed vehicles that are to be claimed by titleholders or their agents; and/or (2) wrecked motor vehicles awaiting insurance adjustments and transport to repair shops. This term excludes: scrap and salvage yards/services; junk yard; towing facilities; vehicle storage; and accessory storage of inoperable vehicles. Draft – October 3, 2014 Page 1 of 1 Condition
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