CHARLESTON COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Committee Room (B-225), 2nd Floor, Lonnie Hamilton, III Public Services Building 4045 Bridge View Drive, North Charleston, SC AGENDA FEBRUARY 9, 2015 2:00 P.M. ________________________________________________________________________________ I. CALL TO ORDER & INTRODUCTIONS II. COMPLIANCE WITH THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT III. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FOR THE JANUARY 12, 2015 MEETING IV. CORRESPONDENCE V. ZONING MAP AMENDMENT REQUEST: a. ZREZ-12-14-19983: Request to rezone property located at 7409 Rock Street, North Charleston (TMS 484-14-00-087) from Single Family Residential 4 (R-4) to Residential Office (OR). (Property size: 0.32 acres) VI. PRESENTATION: RIVERLAND DRIVE CORRIDOR MANAGEMENT PLAN Guest Speaker: Nick Pergakes, Senior Planner, BCDCOG VII. PRESENTATION: COUNTY TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS UPDATE Guest Speaker: Steve Thigpen, Director, Charleston County Transportation Development Department VIII. COMMITTEE REPORTS: a. Historic Preservation Committee Report b. Spring Grove Development Review Committee Report c. Affordable Housing Committee Report IX. DIRECTOR’S REPORT X. CHAIRMAN’S REMARKS XI. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: CHAIR AND VICE-CHAIR XII. NEXT MEETING DATE: MARCH 9, 2015 XIII. ADJOURNMENT DRAFT CHARLESTON COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 12, 2015 Chair Eric Meyer called the Charleston County Planning Commission meeting to order at 2:05 p.m. in Room B-225 at the Lonnie Hamilton, III, Public Services Building, 4045 Bridge View Drive, North Charleston, SC, 29405. Planning Commission members in attendance included: Chair Eric Meyer; Vice Chair George Freeman; David Kent; Amy Fabri; Warwick Jones; Kip Bowman; Sussan Chavis; Charlie Smith; and Cindy Floyd. County staff in attendance included: Dan Pennick, Director of Zoning/Planning; Joel Evans, Planner IV; Austin Bruner, Assistant County Attorney; Andrea Pietras, Planner II; Lisa McCray, Planner II; Luz Agudelo, Code Enforcement Officer; Andrea Harris-Long, Planner I; and Wilma Singleton, Administrative Assistant II. Public in attendance included: Jeremy Gilbert; Ellen Carroll; Linda Blanchard; Lynn Mefford; Susan Thompson; Susan Griffin; Carmen Nash; Frances Waite; John DeStefano; Christine Yriart; Richard Yriart; and Christine Holderness. Chair Meyer briefly explained the function of the Planning Commission and introduced the Commissioners, then asked Dan Pennick to introduce the County staff. After reviewing the meeting’s compliance with the Freedom of Information Act, Chair Meyer requested a motion to approve the December 8, 2014 meeting minutes. Warwick Jones made a motion to approve, which was seconded by Charlie Smith. The motion resulted in a vote of 8 to 0 for approval with no abstentions (Kip Bowman arrived after the vote.) CORRESPONDENCE: Chair Meyer announced that there was no correspondence. ZONING MAP AMENDMENT REQUESTS: Chair Meyer announced that there were no zoning map amendment requests. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ORDINANCE (ZLDR): Chair Meyer asked for the next item on the agenda, which was the discussion of proposed amendments to the Zoning and Land Development Regulations Ordinance (ZLDR). a. Article 5.12, Highway 61 Overlay Zoning District: Add a new overlay zoning district for development from Ashley Hall Road to Church Creek along the Highway 61 Corridor in the St. Andrews Area. Joel Evans reviewed the proposed amendments and upon completion of his presentation, a discussion among Planning Commission members ensued. Commission Member Warwick Jones inquired whether or not the City of Charleston had adopted the proposed overlay. Mr. Evans responded that the City had attended the public meetings and then introduced Sue Griffin, a City employee present to speak on the top. Ms. Griffin stated that the City is aware and in support of the overlay. She also spoke briefly regarding the code enforcement issues and inconsistencies among County and City regulations that could be addressed by enacting the overlay zoning district. Commission Member Charlie Smith voiced concern about the City of Charleston not adopting similar regulations in coordination with the County. 1 DRAFT Commission Member Kip Bowman then voiced concerns about the Village Commercial area specifically and the proposed limitations on building heights for multi-family development in the area. Mr. Evans responded that the community was very persistent that buildings be capped at 35 feet to remain in character with the existing development. He stated the community also did not want to see any new multi-family development occur in this area unless it was part of a mixed use development. Mr. Bowman stated that using a stepped approach to accommodate higher buildings, as allowed in other sub-areas, may be suitable in this area. Mr. Smith then requested that staff consider limiting the ingress and egress of interior nonresidential lots to residential streets. Mr. Pennick stated that this is something that could be beneficial for many areas of the County, not just this particular corridor, and staff will look into amending the Zoning and Land Development Regulations Ordinance to address this. After all Planning Commission questions were answered and discussion complete, Chair Meyer recognized the following speakers who spoke in favor of the proposed amendments. • • • • Richard Yriart – 2428 Vaucluse Road; Lynn Meffert – 2196 Pierpont Avenue; Susan Thompson 1716 Ashley River Road; and Jeremy Gilbert – 1991 Ashley River Road. There being no one else to speak in favor of or against this amendment, Chair Meyer asked for a motion. Charlie Smith made a motion to approve, which was seconded by Cindy Floyd. The motion resulted in a vote of 8 to 1 for approval with no abstentions (Kip Bowman voted in opposition). b. Prioritize ZLDR amendments to implement the Comprehensive Plan Annual Work Program Andrea Pietras reviewed the proposed prioritization of work plan items. Following Planning Commission’s discussion, Chair Meyer recognized the following speakers who spoke in favor of work plan items in the DuPont Road, Wappoo Road, and Betsy Road Areas: • • Carmen Nash – 507 Risher Street; and Frances Waite – 1816 Pebble Street. There being no one else to speak either in favor or against this work plan, Chair Meyer moved on to the committee reports. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT: Committee Chair David Kent reported that the completed grant application was included in the Planning Commission binders. After all questions were answered regarding the application, Chair Meyer asked for a motion to approve the submittal of the application to the State Historic Preservation Office. Cindy Floyd made a motion to approve, which was seconded by Charlie Smith. The motion resulted in a vote of 9 to 0 for approval. SPRING GROVE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT: Committee Chair Cindy Floyd reported that the Committee members are still waiting to hear from MWV’s attorneys regarding staff’s recent comments on the application materials and the revisions to the proposed Development Agreement. AFFORDABLE HOUSING COMMITTEE REPORT: Committee Chair Charlie Smith noted that he did not have anything new to report. 2 DRAFT DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Mr. Pennick briefly reviewed the Director’s Report with Commission members. CHAIRMAN’S REMARKS: Chair Meyer announced that elections for Chair and Vice Chair will be held at the next Planning Commission meeting which will be on Monday, February 9, 2015, at 2:00 p.m. in Council Committee Room, Room B-225, located on the second floor of the Lonnie Hamilton, III Public Services Building. There being no further business before the Commission, Chair Meyer adjourned the meeting at 4:18 p.m. Wilma Singleton Recording for the Planning Department Ratified by the Charleston County Planning Commission this 9th day of February, 2015. Eric Meyer Chair Attest: Dan Pennick, AICP, Director Zoning & Planning Department 3 DRAFT PLANNING COMMISSION DISCLAIMER: UNRATIFIED MINUTES OF JANUARY 12, 2015 MEETING This document is a draft of the minutes of the most recent meeting of the Charleston County Planning Commission. The members of the Planning Commission have neither reviewed nor approved this document; therefore, these minutes shall only become official meeting minutes after adoption by the Planning Commission at a public meeting of the Commission. 4 Daniel C. Pennick, AICP Director ZONING & PLANNING DEPARTMENT 843.202.7200 Fax: 843.202.7222 Lonnie Hamilton, III Public Services Building 4045 Bridge View Drive North Charleston, SC 29405-7464 CHARLESTON COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION February 9, 2015 Zoning Map Amendment Case Summary: ZREZ-12-14-19983 Council District: 6 Overview: The applicant is requesting a zoning change for property located at 7409 Rock Street, North Charleston (PID: 484-14-00-087). The applicant is requesting to rezone from the Single Family Residential 4 (R-4) Zoning District to the Residential Office (OR) Zoning District. The subject property is approximately 0.32 acres in size and contains a residence. History: No zoning map amendment applications have been submitted for this property prior to this request. Adjacent Zoning: Adjacent properties to the north and east are also zoned Single Family Residential 4 (R-4) and contain primarily residential uses. The adjacent parcel to the south is zoned Community Commercial (CC) and contains a residence. Adjacent parcels to the west are zoned Light Industrial in the City of North Charleston and contain commercial uses. Staff Recommendation: According to Section §3.4.6 of the Zoning and Land Development Regulations Ordinance (ZLDR), zoning map amendments may be approved by County Council only if the proposed amendment meets one or more of the following criteria: A. The proposed amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the stated purposes of this Ordinance; Staff response: The Charleston County Comprehensive Plan (the Plan) recommends Urban/Suburban Mixed Use future land use for the subject property and adjacent properties located in the County. This recommendation “encourages compatible mixed use development and a general land use pattern that includes a variety of housing types, retail, service, employment… to allow growth to occur within the Urban Growth 1 Boundary [Page 36].” While there are some commercial uses near the subject property (closer to Ashley Phosphate Road), the Rock Street area is primarily residential in nature. B. The proposed amendment will allow development that is compatible with existing uses, recommended density, established dimensional standards, and zoning of nearby properties that will benefit the public good while avoiding an arbitrary change that primarily benefits a singular or solitary interest; Staff response: Properties to the west of the subject property are zoned Light Industrial within the City of North Charleston and contain commercial uses; however, properties in the County adjacent to the subject property are zoned for and contain primarily residential uses. While the requested zoning district, Residential Office (OR), requires that structures are compatible with the established architectural character of the existing neighborhood, allowing commercial uses as you enter the existing Rock Street neighborhood may not be appropriate. C. The proposed amendment corrects a zoning map error or inconsistency; Staff response: Not applicable. D. The proposed amendment addresses events, trends, or facts that have significantly changed the character or condition of an area. Staff response: As the subject property is near a major thoroughfare in North Charleston (Ashley Phosphate Road), commercial uses have become more prevalent around this area in recent years; however, residential uses may be more appropriate for properties lacking direct access to major thoroughfares (such as the subject property). Staff recommends disapproval. Notifications: A total of 91 notification letters were sent to owners of property located within 300 feet of the boundaries of the subject parcel and individuals on the North Area Interested Parties List on January 23, 2015. 2 Charleston County Zoning Map Amendment Requests Public Hearing – March 10, 2015 Planning & Public Works Committee – March 19, 2015 Rezoning Case ZREZ-12-14-19983 • North Area: 7409 Rock Street North Charleston, SC 29420 • Parcel I.D.: 484-14-00-087 • Request to change from Single Family Residential 4 (R-4) Zoning District to the Residential Office (OR) Zoning District • Applicant/Owner : Jon and Heidi Sezginalp 303 Back Pond Court, Charleston, SC 29492 • Acreage: 0.32 acres • Council District: 6 Rezoning Case ZREZ-12-14-19983 History No zoning map amendment applications have been submitted for this property prior to this request. Urban/Suburban Area Future Land Use Recommendations Charleston County Comprehensive Plan (2015) Subject Property Subject Property ZREZ-12-14-19983 Area Description The subject property is currently zoned Single Family Residential 4 (R-4) and contains a residence. Adjacent properties to the north and east are also zoned R-4 and contain primarily residential uses. The adjacent parcel to the south is zoned Community Commercial (CC) and contains a residence. Adjacent parcels to the west are zoned Light Industrial in the City of North Charleston and contain commercial uses. Subject Parcel to the South Subject Property Subject Parcel to the West Subject Property ZREZ-12-14-19983 2 – Adjacent Property 1 – Subject Property ZREZ-12-14-19983 4 – Adjacent Parcel 3 – Adjacent Parcel ZREZ-12-14-19983 Typical Allowed Uses R-4 OR • Density: 4 dwelling units/acre • Density: 4 dwelling units/acre • Single-family detached • Medical office or outpatient clinic • Family day care home • Administrative or business office • Community recreation • Government office • Professional office • Counseling services • Court of law • Family day care home • Cemeteries or crematories • Funeral services Approval Criteria—Section 3.4.6 According to Section 3.4.6 of the Zoning and Land Development Regulations Ordinance (ZLDR), zoning map amendments may be approved by County Council only if the proposed amendment meets one or more of the following criteria: A. The proposed amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the stated purposes of this Ordinance; Staff response: The Charleston County Comprehensive Plan (the Plan) recommends Urban/Suburban Mixed Use future land use for the subject property and adjacent properties located in the County. This recommendation “encourages compatible mixed use development and a general land use pattern that includes a variety of housing types, retail, service, employment… to allow growth to occur within the Urban Growth Boundary [Page 36].” While there are some commercial uses and zoning near the subject property (closer to Ashley Phosphate Road), the Rock Street area is primarily residential in nature. B. The proposed amendment will allow development that is compatible with existing uses, recommended density, established dimensional standards, and zoning of nearby properties that will benefit the public good while avoiding an arbitrary change that primarily benefits a singular or solitary interest; Staff response: Properties to the west of the subject property are zoned Light Industrial within the City of North Charleston and contain commercial uses; however, properties in the County adjacent to the subject property are zoned for and contain primarily residential uses. While the requested zoning district, Residential Office (OR), requires that structures are compatible with the established architectural character of the existing neighborhood, allowing commercial uses as you enter the existing Rock Street neighborhood may not be appropriate. Approval Criteria—Section 3.4.6 (cont’d) C. The proposed amendment corrects a zoning map error or inconsistency; Staff response: Not applicable. D. The proposed amendment addresses events, trends, or facts that have significantly changed the character or condition of an area. Staff response: As the subject property is near a major thoroughfare in North Charleston (Ashley Phosphate Road), commercial uses have become more prevalent around this area in recent years; however, residential uses may be more appropriate for properties lacking direct access to major thoroughfares (such as the subject property). STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Disapproval ZREZ-12-14-19983 Notifications/Responses • Notifications: – January 23, 2015: 91 notifications were sent to owners of property located within 300 feet of the boundaries of the subject parcel and individuals on the North Area Interested Parties List Charleston County Zoning Map Amendment Requests Public Hearing – March 10, 2015 Planning & Public Works Committee – March 19, 2015
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