Action Plan for Sports Funding 2013-2014 A full audit has been completed and the following areas are key for the development of PE across the school. A meeting has been carried out with current and future PE co-ordinators to establish a vision for allocating the money. A teacher skills audit to be carried out very soon so as needs of staff can be identified. VP to do this. Initial meeting held with VP and LP on 8/11/13 Presented to SLT 13/11/13 Second meeting with VP and LP 21/11/13 Vision presented to NA Governor 21/11/13 Final plan agreed by SLT /1/13 To present at CFC in January 2014 Outcomes of first term meeting VP and AD 16/1/14 Report to Governors 21/1/14 Review meeting with VP, view to booking summer events and website update 14/3/14 17th October 2014 – review of last year and planning for 2014-2015 AD Present to SLT Objective: To raise the profile of sport and promote healthy lifestyle options for life and develop projects that involve all children across the school and celebrate PE. Key staff involved in the funding- Anna Davies, Victoria Palmieri and Lauren Priestaff only until Dec 13 Actions Outcomes Lead Person Time scale Costing Co-ordinator release time *To have 10 release days for the PE co-ordinator this will be used for teaching in other classes, developing teacher skills and knowledge in PE *VP and LP to devise a detailed plan as to how the 10 days will be used *This will provide key time for the co-ordinator to fully develop the subject and imbed key teaching strategies across the whole school *This would enable the appropriate skilled sports experts to come into school and help skill up staff *The impact would be seen across the whole school in the development of PE * would provide time to assess the Gifted and talented children in sport at school and devise plans to cater for the needs of these children *Exemplary model lessons would be demonstrated in each year group *Help teachers with planning and ensuring that there is progression and continuity in PE * Staff meeting time is devoted to promoting the subject area and sharing the PE vision VP,LP Autumn Term 13 To be formulated by Autumn term VP, LP VP Summer Term * Report back to governors and SLT on the outcome of the release days *AD to oversee the 10 day plan Provision for 2014/15 – coordinator release time. How the 10 days will be spent 1 day – sports equipment, resources, ordering and monitoring. 1 day – sports fixtures and matches and hand over with other coordinator. 2 days – sports day planning. 2 days – observing and teaching physical education. 2 days – taking children to competitions – football, cross country, netball, rugby 1 day – update, refine and review physical education policy, funding and research into new initiatives, planning providers and specialist coaches. 1 day – organising the specialist coaches and timetables for assembly promotions. In addition, time also needs to be added for Other teachers should be attending courses when applicable. School sports council meetings to be held every half term. Sports Leader coaching and feedback. AD Summer Term Review in spring term £2000 New initiatives *Buy in GUGA Fit for 2 days to provide workshops from Nursery – Year 6 * Setting up a school sports council * Having sports leaders in year 5 * getting parents on board with the initiative by inviting them in to watch workshops * whole school Assembly to promote the key messages *All children would experience the multi skills activity with key focus on the nutritional advice and promoting the physical literacy * Sports council will help raise the profile of sports across the school and keep the Guga Fit ethos at the for front of children’s minds * Sports leaders will become ambassadors for Sport at Fern Hill promoting and supporting VP in all key areas * Parents are engaged and help support their child in selecting healthy life options * in delivering whole school assemblies the message of the importance of being healthy and active is a collective one Meeting 29/11/13 with GUGA representative £2240 15th and 17th January 2014 Provisional booking VP to devise a rota for the workshops for year groups *AD to support VP during the 2 day workshop *To develop new sports in school that will offer the children different experiences, such as Hand ball, Footsal and Frisbee *AD to assess the outcomes of the workshop and feedback to SLT on the quality of provision provided by Guga Fit and any follow up actions required AD Spring term first half *Children are introduced to new activities that could engage and motivate them to continue with that sport and provide alternative activities for them * staff are introduced and trained in some new sports that can be implemented across year groups and enhance the curriculum VP to research and £500 select resources for new initiatives Spring 13 * Sports council will help raise the profile of sports across the school * Sports leaders will become ambassadors for Sport at Fern Hill promoting and supporting VP in all key areas *Children are introduced to new activities that could engage and motivate them to continue with that sport and provide alternative activities for them – ultimate Frisbee, futsal and pop lacrosse. *Maintain equipment – order and update. * Staff are introduced and trained in some new sports that can be implemented across year groups and enhance the curriculum – staff INSET VP to book the trip and provide risk assessments. Book transport Rock Climbing *To provide an enriching experience for year 3 children focussing on adventurous activities. Children would attend a rock climbing session at Tolworth centre Leap for Life Programme *To buy into a programme that is focussed on children’s fundamental early learning developmental movement skills *The children would be inspired and motivated by taking on an exhilarating experience like rock climbing *This could become an activity that is repeated each year and parents are asked to contribute towards the cost of the trip *A programme is developed and delivered to the EYFS and KS1 team *Children are confident and competent in movement skills by the end of year 2 and able to demonstrate this via PE lessons * AD to review this programme and report to SLT To deliver training and to develop further. Bringing in Expertise into school *To provide qualified coaches to help support in lessons *giving quality expertise that can develop new teaching skills for teachers *aiming at upper KS2, rugby, football *The curriculum is extended and developed *Teachers feel confident in delivering competitive sports and are provided with structure and ideas for future teaching in these areas *AD to monitor this provision for quality of coaches and arrange drivers (booked) To be booked (repeated activity) VP to purchase the scheme and make a plan for delivering the programme to staff Spring term VP to book and organise 2014 £530 £500 £100 £0 £1000 £0 To be planned in accordance with topical or world sporting events Katie Cannon – gymnastics promotion and assembly then to work with Year 2 – this is a view to booking her afterwards. Assess the outcomes and impact on teacher’s professional development. David Weir (to look into) VP and AD to plan in Spring term key focus and book relevant workshops £2000 £2000 Sporting focus Spring/ Summer term *To organise 2 whole school sporting projects celebrating sport across the school *To promote sport for life in the chosen activities * Active Week – getting active Examples*Skipping workshops across the school, getting active programme, guest speakers into school, interhouse competitions, KS competitions, Rugby tournaments, football tournaments * New sports into school and all children have a session learning that sport or just key year groups * Gymnastics demonstrations, inspirational speakers *All children come into school in their sports clothes, rugby, football, cricket, golf, dance, ballet as a celebration *Needs a focus for each term, planning time would come from the 10 release days provision *VP to book inspirational speakers and develop ideas for themes/ World cup next year *The children feel they have experienced a fun enriching and collaborative activity VP to arrange visit to see other schemes of work £1000 Inter-house competitions Promotion of keeping active – aerobic time daily. Active Week – getting active Walk to school / 8:45am in the playground all the teachers / children and parents to get involved in skipping/Zumba etc activities to promote keeping active. £200 Walking bus? Scheme of work for PE ?? * To provide an alternative scheme of work for PE, current scheme is 10 years old. This will need research and investigating speak with PE coordinator at St Luke’s/ Latchmere re scheme they are using. *Coverage of the curriculum is better *Teachers feel greater support in the teaching of PE £200 PE Programme *To buy into a programme that is focused on children’s progression and that is easy to follow for all teachers. £700 Is the scheme going to provide something different? Do we need it? To use Ben Skelton and his expertise to inform planning – coordinator to develop the planning for Key Stage 1. Pupils and PESP MAGAZINE *A magazine that provides ideas and *Teachers use the ideas from the magazine to promote PE in their classrooms activities, posters for teachers on a *It supports VP in her development of the subject, providing innovative ideas for monthly basis increasing the planning and enrichment of PE awareness of PE across the school Swimming?? *Introducing swimming in year 3 for the next 2 years VP to subscribe to the magazine Autumn 13 £200 *Promoting a life skill for children and greater chance of being able to swim 25 metres by the end of Primary school *Over the 2 years it would target 150 children in helping them swim Is this sustainable after the Sports funding has stopped would depend on school budget? However I do feel it is something we could continue with after funding by asking parents to make a small contribution towards the costs. Jo Tatum has been booked (costing to be finalised) To provide provision for those children by the end of year 6 that cannot swim 25 metres. 10 from Year 6 AD to discuss and confirm Year 3’s to start swimming. AD to confirm with Jo and to book and get costing Will need booking ASAP£2709 Fitness and Fatness / change for life Outdoor learning Purchase £210 pack TA to run three sessions a week – promoting change for life – activity and healthy lifestyles. Children selected via survey and then invited to attend this club. The club will be fully funded. On the back of their training Year 5/6 chn can become leaders – help to set up games in the playground at lunchtime. They will also be invited to help with KS1 playtimes and PE times. Coordinator - Train up playground leaders. Outdoor coordinator to receive training to become an outdoor learning specialist. Upon completion they will purchase the resource pack with the orienteering packs. Day trips to Surrey Outdoor Learning. £500 – map of the school Playground markings – hop scotch / snakes and ladders / maps / number grids / etc to promote activity. AD to consult SLT and confirm costings / timings / TA support. £2000
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