.. ~.. ~ APTNUS MOST1!\1rw,ED~ TODAY GQVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH SCHOOL EDUCATION (PROG.II) DEPARTMENT Memo.No. 17QQ4LPE-Prog.II/A1/2014- pated: 12.11.2Ql1 Sub: School Education Department - Launclling of Swachh Balak Mission in all School and Anganwadis in the Country from 14th to 19th November,2014 by th Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Govt of India Certain instructions issued - Reg. Ref: 1 2 Copies From the Secretary, Minister of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Govt of India, Lr D.O. No. W11013/13/2014~NBA, dated 14.10.2014 From the Joint Secretary, Dept of School Edn & Lit, MHRD, Gol, New Olehi, Lr F. No. 7-115/2014 UT2, dated 03.11.2014. ...... of references 1st & 2nd cited are sent herewith. The Commissioner & Director of School Education A.P. Hyderabad and the State Project Director, SSA, A.P. Hyderabad are informed that children can plan a very important role in achievingSwachh Bharat by 2019. If children can be motivated In keeping themselves clean, their homes, schools and surrounding clean and given the right messages on the importance of sanitation. they can not only contribute immensely towards improving the sanitation situation in the country but also by becoming ambassadors of cleanliness in their homes and communities. In order to focus the above theme, Bal Swachhta Mission will be launched on 14thNovember,2014 and continuedupto 191h November. 2014. The themes of the Mission for the inaugural week starting 14th November 2014 are as follows;- . . . 14th November 2014 15th November 2014 . 18th November 2014 . 1ih November2014 19thNovember 2014 : Clean School/surroundings/play area. : Clean Food : Clean Self (the activities on clean' selUpersonal hygiene can be taken up on any day) : Clean Drinking Water : Clean Toilets 2. Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) will conduct online competitions are designed to encourage participation in the themes on different days ofthe week. (PTO) APTNUS .2. 3. Therefore, she/he is requested to take necessary action for participation of students in this endeavour in their own schools. Besides the suggested themes, innovative activities involving children in participating in 8al Swachhta Mission would also be appreciated. She/he is also requested to furnish action taken report to Government from time to time progress of the above Mission. 4. ADHAR SINHA PRL. SECRETARY TO GOVERNEMNT (SE) To The Commissioner & Director of Scho~ Education, A.P. Hyderabad& The State Project Director, SSA, A.P. Hyderabad (w.e.) All District Collectors (w.e.) Copy to PS to the Principal Secretary to Govt (8E). 1/FORWARDED BY ORDER /I c.,.~L---vri~ SECTIONOFFICE ItJ I"c L. 0( .-Aq !j\) ~ ~ iJ" l«vL '-\~ir7 ~rd~ ro P~uJ- offtu-?!:>ef t ~A ..J) E () '-5 J)Eo',s 1; l'V\Jh-v~~ g~J~ PD '~ ro c-?c., BH Shttlc0A}-~ JY) 12- 7Ytr~p~ V' /~ ~4kct 0"<) ro J..tr~ J.J~1\!~ v+cf~ P lC3-~~~~ Lf)-D~~rvlJ4 . - ./- /\ 'P)' APTNUS ~ i I - .I ( ~V // ,'., / VV 7./. ~", J/ /' ( :V ili / / /~~ p~~ ;~:Ei To \ F. No. 7-115/2014 UT2 Government of India Ministry of Human Resource Development Department of School Education and Literacy )i c{ :{ ~Shastri Shewan, New Delhi 2014 uu Dated: 3rt! November, o'0' "D. $chObIEdu~a«?nDe~ Shri Adhar Sinha, Principal Secretary (School Edu.), Govt. of Andhra Pradesh NorthH Block, 1sl Floor, RoomNo.G,AndhraPri1dest.Secr~tarlr.t Hyderabad - 500022 ANDHRAPRADESH I lv~, 7~~..i \: Dear Sir. As you are aware the Bal Swachhta Mission will be launched on 14th November 2014. In this regard a detailed letter by Ms Vljaylaxmi Joshi, Secretary, Government of ~>\India, Ministry ~C..~cen '2. The themes of the Mission for the Inauguralweek starting are as follows:- - . . . . \ \'"' '\. '1..'-" ,-' '\. of Drinking Water and Sanitation dated 14U\ October 2014 has already sent to Chief Secretary of your State ( copy enclosed). .--~.- . )/ - 3. 14th November 2014 14thNovember2014 : Clean SchooVsourroundings/playarea 15th November 2014 : Clean Food 17thNovember 2014 : Clean Self (the activities on clean self/personal hygiene can be taken up on any day) 18thNovember 2014 : Clean DrinkingWater' 19thNovember 2014 : CleanToilets Activities proposed to be conducted by Kendriya.Vidyaiaya Sangathan (KVS), Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NV8). National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERD and National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) etc, through their institutions are designed to encourage participation in the themes mentioned above. 4. Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) will also conduct an online competition on each of the above themes on different days of the week. 5. As most of our school going children study in Governmenl and Government aided schools in the States and UTs, It would be appreciated if you could consider in making children in schools of your State participate in this endeavour in their own schools. Besides the suggested themes, innovative activities Involving children in participating In \ Bal Swachhta Mission would be appreciated. .:. 6. We look forward to hearing from your Stale/UT about the activities that you may to sensitize and Involved school children in this important aspect of education and growth. decide to undertake Yours faithfully, Enel: As above ~~ (Dr Satbir Bedi) Joint Secretary Tele : 011 23387781 APTNUS 04:43PH HP LASERJET FAX 04023450563 p.04 ~lf~lq ~TTW ~'[ifiT'o( ffl ~(;r~ ~Tt \)'1 VIJAYLAXMIJOSHI --"~~ 1""":"~~~I''' ~iii(f(\ '''''I'' ~ 'J i ~ '\, ',~ j' / ~,', 21\7.'N Wino. Nirman Bhawill\ New Delhl-110011 leI. : 230!J1207. 230G1L~b Fnx: 230G2'115 E-mtlll; $I:[email protected](\ WebSHt; : www.ddwc:nlc.ln \\ ,(' -" Secretary Govornment of India Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation \ ..,,;'> '1\\.", ~~/ ""1'\ ',$, ;' ,':,1)'\ " .'P',' I ~lm:. J '-<VIP};.~. V~:, ,I' 'TT" ~~r"''''::;'f1' 1\\ ~'i'r- ...}..~ tl'J:j'\ifN ~l!' 'fij"lmiT 'i~TW,T , I fJ ~ ,*, ~ \".".f'i,'d ..~' ~~~,---<.,.,~ ; 1iI-M''I/P........ 'R' ~ 'JUffim o/(t1M ') P.O. No. W,11013/13/2014-NGA Dated 14/1012014 . Dear Chlof Secretary, . SUDi~ct: los!-:)nch of Ba! (Child) Sw~chtiliLM.L~~lQn_.YOO~1...!lill.~.'!J9.£tlh..!lb.s!rnt.Mi~sioQ , ,'.-1",.""",""',,",,"""""" ""\""",.,,;A~~~J..iAr,0.,,a-W~t..~~,!1~~/;iJ,Q,l.lj:4.I~;.,R,dr.na."MIf,}j£,teJ::,\h<ilIi:,",f.:\n..Q~ !,Q1)~Jh,Q)',2:O,14f'~~\)IW'~.g~;,",~"i,;("r::""" a N~tlonwide Sanitation Initiative, in the form of ttw Swachh Bharat Mission. The .. Swachh Bharat Mission foouses on improving cleanliness and hygiene in urban and ,. 'KJ ! " ( ~ e~~ / 1(7' ,.',) ::,., P(" :~/ :',.. ., rural areas, covering all work places. publicplaces, homes and curbing open defecation in the country. For this.the Hon'ble Prime Minister has called upon every citizenin H,e country to take individual and collective steps towards achievement of the goal. ~ , " /2:;.)i~-::~~, l... C' v'--- . Children c;~n playa vC!;ry importaiit role. ill achieving S'lJachtl Bha;'at by 2019. If (j? ildren can be motivated in ,keeping themselves clean, ttislr Ilomes, school~ and , rroundings clean and given the right messages on the importance of sanitation, they /can not only contribute immensely towards improving the sanitation situation In the \ country but also bY becoming ambassadors of cle'tmliness in their homes and Gommunitic;'J,It is in this context that it has been decided to launch a l3al Swachhta ~ JY ,1.>'[;, ' Missionon 14u',November2014bn the occasionof Children's Day (BC11 Divas), in which childrenwould be sensitizedand involved In different aSp8cts of hygiene and safe sanitation, There shall bo six main themes for the 8al Swachhla (I) (ii) (iii) (Iv) (v) (vi) ~ ... > I ' //( C\ , ~e £ , Mission, These are: " GleanSchool and Anganwadis Clean Surroundings e.g. playgrounds. Clean Self (Personal Hygiene/ChildHealth) Clean Food Clean Drinking Water Cla"n Toilets It,is proposed that on each day 14-19 November, 2014 (e daYG),one of 1118 above themes shall be focused across the entire country. Activities connected to the theme will organizedon the day. States are requested to take preparatory action through all relevant Departmcnt$ including Department of School EducatIon, Department of \9\°. . lJ ~tJ") . . ! '. APTNUS ~ - "'" -",-,' Women and Child Development, Department of Urban Development, MinJstry. of DrinkingWater and Sanitatl°lJ. Departmentof Information and Publicity etc, to ensure that these activities are ,organized in every School and Anganwadiof States. Events relating to the Hal Swachhta Mission csn be organized at S1ato,District and 810ck <.Inri Gram Panchayat L~,veI5 functions. 4. It is pointed oul that the week will culminate with the World Toilet Day on 19ttl November, 2014, thus giving the opportunity of spreading the message of ending open' defecation. 5. A pledge to b.e taken on the occasion by all children of the country Is being prepared and will be circulated to all Stales shortly. "~I!I.I!~"'I~_~..~"a""'(i...J.kis..u~G!.1JG/.&ta~J.tua.t, s!a.1Gk,~.OlIBJ'ig£..\.~-<.>La!r~<h~'''''\IG~.p,'!p:;"tQ"",>D.r.1.9IJ.1'~",app.r.oji) programs on the o'ccasion and give", maximum publicity and also ensure wide' . participation in the Bal SWachhta Mission and In its weeklong programme. With regards, Chief Secretaries/UT Administrators of all the States Copylo: 1. 'Ille Secretary, Wo HRD (Dcpll. of School Eduction) 2. '111CSecretary MIa Women and Child Development Fla1uli1\g Cm!U'nission . 4. The Secretary M/o Tl1fonnatiol1and Broadcasting 5. The S(:cretary, M/o Urban Development 3. '11)(~Socretary,
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