The Role of Sensing, Estimation and Communications in the Emerging Electric Energy Systems Marija Ilić [email protected] Electric Energy Systems Group (EESG), Director Invited keynote talk IEEESmartGridComm2014 Venice, Italy November 2014 Outline Basic vision for the emerging energy systems; new challenge Today’s use of sensors, estimation and communications Lessons learned from recent pilot experiments Remaining major open problems/challenges: --Need for new operating paradigm --Bridge physics-based modeling and automation design to the architecture design of communication networks Toward new paradigms --Standards/protocols for operating the emerging power grids; and/or --Business models in support of innovative technologies at value Some open problems to support performance of new paradigms CMU on-going work: DyMonDS and simulations test beds Basic Vision for Smart Grids: Massive Systems Integration Opportunity and Challenge [1,2] Multi-national scale integration of coordinated complex systems: - energy system (power grid, power electronics, energy resources) - communication system (hardware and protocols) - control system (algorithms and massive computation) - economic and policy system (regulation and stimulus) Why? On-line IT enables: - 20% increase in economic efficiency (FERC estimate) - cost-effective integration of renewables and reduction of emissions - differentiated Quality of Service without sacrificing basic reliability - seamless prevention of blackouts - expanding the infrastructure (generation, T&D, demand side) for maximum benefit and minimum intrusion Who? - Huge intellectual challenge – must be university led - industrial partners include leading technologists in all four systems - government partners Key R&D Challenge— CPS Design of Future Electric Energy Systems New technical problem:At present the physical energy system, including its communications and control, does not readily enable choice and multiparticipant information exchange and processing for aligning often conflicting goals. It is essential to design intelligence for T&D operations to align these goals and consequently to make the most out of available resources while simultaneously offering robust and affordable quality of service. New flexible energy processing equipment will also be needed to handle increased variety and bandwidth of many participant requests. Key R&D Challenge— CPS Design of Future Electric Energy Systems (2) New social science problem: The culture of managing vital services in a robust way by assigning responsibilities and expectations, in addition to technical and institutional design. New institutional problem: Integration can be achieved through different institutional design which will have qualitatively different impacts. Options include: -Fully regulated monopolies and centralized planning and operations. -Complete, carefully designed markets. -Common set of interface standards and protocols. -Common regulator level and/or lose cooperation of distributedregulators. The biggest challenge is to capture the interdependence of the technical, social and institutional problems so as to reconcile the need for choice, and affordable and robust electric energy services. 5 Basic cyber system today –backbone SCADA The Role of State Estimation Measurements Static: State Standard Deviation Visualize System Operating Point on Monitor. Power System Measurements AC State Estimation Estimated Measurements On-line DC OPF Input System State to Security Analysis Programs. 7 8 Today’s state estimation (SE) Assumption: Power System Changes slowly Solution: Previous State Estimate Newton’s method Current Global Optimum 8 Physical and Information Network Graphs Today Network graph of the physical system Information graph of today’s SCADA Local serving entities (LSEs) Load serving entities (LSEs) Local Distribution Network (Radio Network) PQ Dies el PQ Predicted 𝑃𝐿 ,𝑄𝐿 Backbone Power Grid and its Local Networks (LSEs) PQ Wind PQ Information flow: MISO State information exchange Backbone LS E LS E LS E LS E LS E LS E LS E LS E LS E LS E LS E LS E LS E LS E LS E LS E LS E LS E LS E LS E LS E Redundant measurement sent to Control center (hub) LS E Potential of Measurements, Communications and Control DLR Constrained Line Line-to-Ground Clearance Transfer Capacity in Real Time PMU Control 10 From preventive to corrective management of future electric energy systems System Load Curve Every 10 min Real Time Load of NYISO in Jan 23, 2010 220 Forecasted Load Actual Load with Disturbance 180 160 Real Power Load P(p.u.) Real Power Load P (p.u.) 200 10 min Real Time Load of NYISO in Jan 23, 2010 140 120 0 5 Upper Bound 200 180 10 Lower Bound 0 10 Time (min) 15 Time (hours) 5 20 11 25 12 Predictable load and the disturbance NYISO August 2006 Load Reactive Power Data for 3 Hours, Measurement Frequency = 0.50 Hz,Power Factor = 0.8 24 Pre-planed Load Value Real Load Evolution, with 0.5Hz Sampling 23 NYISO August 2006 Load Data for 3 Hours, Power Factor = 0.8 21.1 Load Reactive Power Evolution (p.u.) Load Reactive Power Evolution (p.u.) 21 20.9 20.8 20.7 20.6 20.5 20.4 21 20 19 18 17 16 20.3 0 22 20 40 60 80 100 Time (mins) 120 140 160 180 15 0 20 40 60 80 100 Time (mins) 120 140 160 180 12 Issues with SCADA today Quite inaccurate transmission/sub-transmission SE (mix of algorithmic, sensing and communications problems); bad data, topology status and computing intertwined. Time synchronization problems (inconsistency of planning and EMS data; mapping of models with breakers into models w/o breakers) Disconnect between T&D data management Fast relays and primary controllers local; only some experiments with SPS/coordinated RAS 13 Implications on system performance Hard to implement corrective actions for enhanced efficiency and reliability Poor voltage/reactive power data prevent optimization of voltage support Disconnect of transmission/sub-transmission and distribution SEs disables use of demand response in operations The trade-off between local enhanced control/relays and faster communications 14 Utilities’ major concern: Reliability Dynamical problems Types of Component Small signal instab. Transienti SS nstab. R SSCI Freq. Volt. Power flow instab. Instab. imbalance Synchronous generators ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Wind generators ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Solar plants ? ? ? ? ? ? ? FACTS ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Storage ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Table 1. 15 Recent pilot experiments Industry-government(-academia) collaborations on hardware for smart grids University campuses (``micro-grids”) –UCSD, IIT Chicago Utilities deploying AMIs, synchrophasors (PMUs) Lessons learned—Familiarity with new smart hardware The remaining challenge (protocols for systematic integration of scalable technologies at value) 16 Lessons learned from pilot experiments—familiarity with new hardware (AMIs, PMUs, PHEVs, EVs, microgrids) Energy Sources Transmission Network Electromechanical Devices (Generators) Photo-voltaic Device Energy Sources Load (Converts Electricity into different forms of work) Electromechanical Device PHEVs Demand Respons e Future Smart Grid (Physical system) Contextual complexity ISO – Market Makers FERC Scheduling Power Traders Generator Generator Generator XC PUC Transmission Operator Distribution Operator Some Utilities Are all Three Supply Aggregators Customer Customer Customer Demand Aggregators Critical: Transform SCADA From single top-down coordinating management to the multi-directional multi-layered interactive IT exchange. At CMU we call such transformed SCADA Dynamic Monitoring and Decision Systems (DYMONDS) and have formed a Center to work with industry and government on: (1) new models to define what is the type and rate of key IT exchange; (2) new decision tools for self-commitment and clearing such commitments. \ New SCADA DYMONDS-enabled Physical Grid Aligning technical and social interactionsMaking the most out of the naturally available resources? [4] “Smart Grid” electric power grid and ICT for sustainable energy systems Core Energy Variables • Resource system (RS) • Generation (RUs) • Electric Energy Users (Us) Man-made Grid • Physical network connecting energy generation and consumers • Needed to implement interactions Man-made ICT • • • • Sensors Communications Operations Decisions and control • Protection • Needed to align interactions Typical challenge: From old to new paradigm— Flores Island Power System, Portugal [11] 26 Controllable components—today’s operations (very little dynamic control, sensing) H – Hydro D – Diesel W – Wind *Sketch by Milos Cvetkovic Two Bus Equivalent of the Flores Island Power System Generator Diesel 8.15 8.15 Transmission line From Diesel to Load bus 𝑅[𝑝𝑢] 0.3071 𝐿[𝑝𝑢] 0.1695 Base values 𝑆𝑏 = 10𝑀𝑉𝐴 𝑉𝑏 = 15𝐾𝑉 0.5917 State Equilibriu m 0.5917 0.9797 2.35 AVR Diesel Diesel 𝐾𝐴 [𝑝𝑢] 400 𝑘𝑡 [𝑝𝑢] 40 𝑇𝐴 [𝑠] 0.02 𝑇𝑔 [𝑠] 0.6 1.3 𝑟 𝑝𝑢 1/0.03 1 𝑇𝑡 [𝑠] 0.2 0.0173 2.35 𝐾𝐸 𝑝𝑢 1 2.26 𝑇𝐸 [𝑠] 0.8527 0.005 0.7482 Governor 𝑆𝐸 [𝑝𝑢] 0.1667 𝐾𝐹 [𝑝𝑢] 0.03 𝑇𝐹 [𝑠] 1 0 0.01 0 Base values 𝑆𝑏 = 10𝑀𝑉𝐴, 𝑉𝑏 = 0.4𝐾𝑉 Information exchange in the case of Flores---new (lots of dynamic control and sensing) Transmission grid PMU DSO DSO DSO Module PMU SVC Power-electronics Module Phasor Measurement Units Dynamic Purpose Communication Market and Equipment Status Communication Smart Grid: More Local Optima Problems—Open problems Smart Grid Components: Distributed Generator Plants Vehicle Charging/Discharging Various Demand Management Software Feature: More Uncertainties State Changes Fast Previous Estimate Current Global Optimum More Local Optimums Need for new operating paradigm Different cyber support for different evolving power grids (islands, micro-grids, distribution grids, transmission grids) Remaining major open problems/challenges: --Need for new operating paradigm --Bridge physics-based modeling and automation design to the architecture design of communication networks Toward new paradigms --Standards/protocols for operating the emerging power grids --Business models in support of innovative technologies at 31 value Our proposal: TCP/IP like standards Given specified disturbances and range of operating conditions within a known system: - specified with e.g voltage, power - similar to LVRT curves for wind turbines - with specified duration All components (synchronous gens, wind gens) should guarantee that they would not create any of the problems in Table 1. (Clear objectives goals for components, assigned responsibility for system reliability) Two key questions: Q1-- Why does it matter? Q2)--- Can this be technically done? Not one way to achieve these! 32 A1: Examples of iBAs—it matters for ensuring both reliable and efficient operations iBA 1 iBA 3 Storage iBA 2 33 Possible to create iBAs for meeting transient stability distributed standard [13] 18 21 22 17 16 Given disturbance Tripping of generator 1 20 19 15 14 13 11 24 23 12 iBA 3 9 10 6 4 5 8 1 2 7 34 Q2: Can we have a unifying theoretically sound approach to TCP/IP like standards for smart grids? Basic functionalities Simple transparent TCP/IP like functionalities Transparency based on a unifying modular modeling of network system dynamics Provable performance-difficult Proposal—use interaction variables to specify family of standards sufficient to avoid operating problems Measure of how well modules balance themselves in steady state Measure of rate of exchange of stored energy between a module and the rest of the system over different time horizons 36 Value of dynamic system-wide coordination Minimal coordination by using an aggregation-based notion of ``dynamic interactions variable” Zoom-in Zoom-out … 38 Interaction variable-based two-layer model [12] 39 Physics/Model Based Spatial Scaling Up CONFLICTING OBJECTIVES—COMPLEXITY AND COST OF COMMUNICATIONS VS. COMPLEXITY AND COST OF SENSORS,CONTROL -SBA: Smart Balancing Authorities (Generalization of Control Area) -IR: Inter-Region -R: Region -T: Tertiary -D: Distribution -S: Smart Component -The actual number of layers depends on needs/technologies available/electrical characteristics of the grid ``SMART BALANCING AUTHORITY” CREATED IN A BOTTOM-UP WAY (AGREGATION)--DyMonDS; --COMPARE WITH CONVENTIONAL TOP-DOWN DECOMPOSITION 40 Market solutions Fundamentally require alignment of technical and financial/economic/policy interaction variables Primal/dual decompositions define interaction variables in the generalized statespace IT essential to support Examples --- market-based integration of renewables and demand response at value 41 Information flow within- and among modules Based on the temporal decomposition of exogenous inputs and control Dynamic Monitoring and Decision Systems (DyMonDS)-basis for algorithms Working on computer platform Video demonstrating SGRS; send us request for more info. NIST funded activity. Will be Webex demos for industry, academia and government 42 Must simplify! Utilities are having hard time adding all these new components and their smarts for simulating system-wide dynamics Is there a ``smarter” way to model and define modular functionalities so that the interconnected system meets system-level performance (Table 1)? 80% of each solution is modeling (PetarKokotovic, Chalenges in Control Theory, Santa Clara, circa 1982) 43 Must proceed carefully… The very real danger of new complexity. Technical problems at various time scales lend themselves to the fundamentally different specifications for on-line data No longer possible to separate measurements, communications and control specifications Major open question: WHAT CAN BE DONE IN A DISTRIBUTED WAY AND WHAT MUST HAVE FAST COMMUNICATIONS Thank you! Questions? 45 Smart Grid in a Room Simulator (SGRS) [] First demos of end-to-end SGRS Physics-based modeling of diverse power system components and their interactions over time Software embedded into modules Information exchange (learned/communicated); the rest private/secure *Huge* R&D—what information to exchange for what Ilic,purpose? M. DyMonDS Computer Platform for Smart Grids, PSCC 2014. 46 General Module Definitions 47 Information Exchange Between Modules 48 General Module Structure 49 Module Structure – Generator Example 50 51 Open questions Interactive on-line practical software to support system operator decisions and his interactions with the grid users Measurable software benefits (in terms of reliability, efficiency and environmental impacts) ***Academic challenge: Multi-physics verifiable emulator of real-world power systems*** Conclusions Our proposal: Interaction variable-based Standards/protocols for interactive iBAs can set the basis for plug-and-play in smart grids—bounds on stored energy change and on rate of change of stored energy for T of interest Standards need to define transparent protocols for all dynamic components Complexity of smart grids can be managed this way At the same time system performance is guaranteed With current NERC standards system performance cannot be mapped into responsibilities of different components 52 References [1] Ilic, M., Toward a Multi-Layered Architecture of Large-Scale Complex Systems for Reliable and Efficient Man-Made Infrastructures, Proc. of the MIT/ESD Symposium, Cambridge, MA, March 29-31, 2004. 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[7]MilosCvetkovic, “Power-Electronics-Enabled Transient Stabilization of Power Systems. PhD thesis, CMU. ECE Department, May 2014 [8] Kevin D. Bachovchin, “Electromechanical Design and Applications in Power Grids of 53 Flywheel Energy Storage Systems, PhD thesis, CMU, ECE Dept. May 2015. [9] M. Prica and M. Ilic, ” Maximizing Reliable Service by Coordinated Islanding and Load Management in Distribution Systems under Stress” Proc. of the 16th Power Systems Computation Conference, July 14-18, 2008, Glasgow, Scotland. [10] SiriphaJunlakarn, “Differentiated Reliability Options Using Distributed Generation and System Reconfiguration, PhD thesis, CMU. EPP Department, May 2015. [11] Ilic, M. D, Le, X., Liu, Q. (co-Eds) Engineering IT-Enabled Sustainable Electricity Services: The Tale of Two Low-Cost Green Azores Islands, Springer August 2013 [12] Ilic, et al, CDC 2014 tutorial. [13]S.Baros, M.Ilic intelligent Balancing Authorities (iBAs) for Transient Stabilization of Large Power Systems IEEE PES General Meeting 2014 [14] Smart Grids and Future Electric Energy Systems, 18-618, CMU, ECE, Fall 2014. [15] Marija Ilic, Integration of Heterogeneous Small Test Beds for Emulating Large Scale Smart Power Grids: The Emphasis on Cyber Architectures, MSCPES2014Workshop, Invited keynote Berlin, CPS week, April 14,2014 [16] Ilic, Marija; Xie, Le; Joo, Jhi-Young, “ Efficient Coordination of Wind Power and Price-Responsive Demand Part I: Theoretical Foundations, IEEE Trans. on Power Systems. [17] Marija Ilic, Jhi-Young Jho, Le Xie, Marija Prica, NiklasRotering, A Decision-Making Framework and Simulator for Sustainable Energy Services, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 2, No. 1, January 2011, pp. 37-49. 54
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