Downloaded from on November 17, 2014 10.1098/ rspa.2003.1146 Elasticity and onset of frictional dissipation at a non-sliding multi-contact interface By L. B u r e a uy, C. Ca r o li a n d T. B a u m be r g er Groupe de Physique des Solides, 2 place Jussieu, 75251 Paris Cedex 05, France Received 24 October 2002; accepted 4 March 2003; published online 5 September 2003 We measure the elastic and dissipative responses of a multi-contact interface, formed between the rough surfaces of two contacting macroscopic solids, submitted to a biased oscillating shear force. We evidence that, beyond a linear viscoelastic regime, observed at low shear amplitude, the interface response exhibits a dissipative component that corresponds to the onset of frictional dissipation. The latter regime exists, whereas the tangential force applied, far from the nominal static threshold, does not provoke any sliding. This result, akin to that of Mindlin for a single contact, leads us to extend his model of `microslip’ to the case of an interface composed of multiple microcontacts. While describing satisfactorily the elastic response, the model fails to account quantitatively for the observed energy dissipation, which, we believe, results from the fact that the key assumption of local Coulomb friction in Mindlin’s model is not legitimate at the sub-micrometre scale of the microslip zones within microcontacts between surface asperities. Keywords: contact sti®ness; frictional dissipation; Hertz{M indlin contacts 1. Introduction The frictional response of the contact between two macroscopic solids submitted to a shear force is commonly described, in the framework of Amontons{Coulomb’s law, in terms of (i) a static force threshold, Fs , below which no relative displacement is supposed to occur, and (ii) a dynamic friction coe±cient de¯ned when stationary sliding is established. However, it is known that frictional dissipation in mechanical contacts starts to build up for shear forces lower than the nominal static threshold. This behaviour, which is important in mechanical engineering, for instance in problems of fretting or damping in structural joints (see, for example, Goodman 1959; Olofsson 1995), is also of fundamental interest in understanding the microscopic mechanisms responsible for macroscopic friction. This issue was ¯rst extensively studied by Mindlin et al . (1951), Johnson (1955, 1961), Courtney-Pratt & Eisner (1956) and Goodman & Brown (1962), who evidenced that the displacement response of Hertzian macroscopic contacts submitted to an oscillating tangential force of amplitude F ½ Fs exhibited a hysteresis loop attributable to an interfacial dissipative process. In order to account for this energy loss, Mindlin et al . (1951) proposed a model of `microslip’ y Present address: LPMC, Collµege de France, 11 place Marcelin Berthelot, 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A (2003) 459, 2787{2805 2787 ° c 2003 The Royal Society 2788 Downloaded from on November 17, 2014 L. Bureau, C. Caroli and T. Baumberger x (µm) 2.0 0.30 0.20 g ac 1.0 (ii) (i) (iii) 0 4.6 0.10 0 .00 4.7 t (s) 4.8 Figure 1. Time-plot of the instantaneous (solid line) and averaged (²) displacement response of the slider to a biased oscillating shear force of increasing amplitude. On the right-hand scale is plotted the reduced shear amplitude (±) ® ac (t) = F ac (t)=W , where W is the normal load. The bias used for this experiment is ® d c = Fd c =W = 0:36 and the frequency of oscillation f = 80 Hz. within the contact zone, based on the following description (Cattaneo 1938, pp. 342{ 348, 434{436, 474{478): wherever in the contact zone the tangential (½ ) and normal (¼ ) local stresses obey ½ < · ¼ (with · the friction coe±cient), no relative tangential displacement occurs. Otherwise, shear provokes slip so that, in the corresponding region, the stresses satisfy locally a Coulomb friction law, ½ = · ¼ . It is predicted that the sheared contact is composed of a circular non-sliding zone surrounded by an annular slipping region, whose width increases with the applied shear force. Still, Mindlin’s description of incipient sliding raises a question: down to which length-scale is such an assumption of local friction valid? Indeed, macroscopic solids generally exhibit rough surfaces, which, when brought into contact, form a multicontact interface (MCI), i.e. an interface composed of a dilute set of microcontacts between asperities. When addressing the problem of friction at such an interface, one may therefore wonder whether the use of a local friction law is legitimate when dealing with the micrometre-sized contacts between surface asperities. This, in turn, raises the question of the spatial scale of the elementary dissipative events responsible for solid friction, a cut-o® length below which a local friction law cannot be meaningful. Recently, experiments performed on such MCIs showed the following results (Berthoud & Baumberger 1998). (i) For tangential forces F ½ Fs , the pinned interface responds elastically, via the reversible deformation of the load-bearing asperities. In this regime, the shear sti®ness µ of the interface can be measured and is satisfactorily accounted for in the framework of Greenwood’s model of contact between rough surfaces (Greenwood & Williamson 1966). (ii) For F . F s , a creep-like irreversible sliding of the solids occurs. A detailed study of this regime of incipient sliding, below the nominal static threshold, should therefore provide information about the physical processes underlying Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A (2003) Downloaded from on interface November 17, 2014 Frictional dissipation at a non-sliding 2789 frictional dissipation. In order to achieve the force control and the displacement resolution required to perform such a study, we have developed an experimental set-up that allows us to probe the response of an MCI to a biased oscillating shear force, of amplitude Fac about a ¯nite mean value Fd c , while the maximum force applied Fd c + Fac = Fm ax . Fs (Baumberger et al . 1998). We thus showed that the displacement response of a macroscopic slider submitted to such a harmonic tangential force exhibited three di®erent regimes, depending on the amplitude Fac (Bureau et al . 2001). These are illustrated in ¯gure 1, which shows the response to a shear force modulation of slowly increasing amplitude. In region (i), at small Fac , the centre of mass of the slider oscillates about a constant average position, which means that no irreversible sliding occurs. In region (ii), corresponding to higher shear amplitudes, the slider enters a creep-like regime where the slipped distance increases continuously, up to a ¯nal regime of abruptly accelerating motion (region (iii)). We report an experimental study that focuses on the ¯rst regime of small shear amplitudes, in which the interface is pinned, i.e. oscillates about a ¯xed position. In x 2, we brie°y present the principle of operation of the experimental set-up. By measuring the in-phase and out-of-phase components of the displacement response of an MCI submitted to a harmonic shear force, we can probe accurately both the elastic and dissipative responses of the interface (see x 3). We evidence that the following points hold. (i) The shear sti®ness evolves with the `age’ of the interface, i.e. with the time elapsed since the solids were brought into contact, in agreement with the creep ageing of the load-bearing asperities already identi¯ed for such MCIs, which results in the slow logarithmic increase in microcontact radii (Dieterich & Kilgore 1994; Berthoud et al. 1999a). (ii) Frictional dissipation appears at shear forces well below the nominal static threshold, while no gross sliding is detected. This latter point leads us to propose an extension of Mindlin’s model to the case of an MCI, within the framework of Greenwood’s description for the contact of rough surfaces. We ¯nd that such a model of microslip within the contacts between asperities largely overestimates the energy dissipation, which we believe points out that a local description of friction is no longer valid at the sub-micrometric scale of the slip zones within the microcontacts forming multi-contact interfaces. 2. Experiments (a) Samples The multi-contact interface studied here is formed between a slider and a track of commercial grade poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA). PMMA is a glassy polymer at room temperature (Tg ’ 120 ¯ C), with dynamic shear modulus G0 = 2 GPa and loss angle ¯ such that tan ¯ = 0:1 at 100 Hz (Ferry 1980), and with quasi-static Young modulus E ’ 3 GPa, Poisson ratio ¸ = 0:44 and hardness H ’ 300 MPa (Berthoud et al . 1999b). The nominally °at surfaces of the slider (20 £ 20 mm 2 ) and of the track (25 £ 30 mm2 ) are lapped with an abrasive aqueous suspension of SiC powder (mean Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A (2003) 2790 Downloaded from on November 17, 2014 L. Bureau, C. Caroli and T. Baumberger slider (a) (b) x G mg track mG q G counterweights Figure 2. Principle of operation of the inertial tribometer. (a) Side view: the slider on the inclined track is submitted to a constant tangential force F d c = mg sin ³ on which is superimposed a harmonic shear force of amplitude m¡ , where ¡ is the imposed acceleration amplitude of the track. We measure the displacement x of the slider with respect to the track. (b) Front view of the slider sample and its holder. The position of the counterweights is adjusted to place the centre of mass (G) of the slider + holder at the interface level, so that no torque is applied to the system. particle size 23 mm). This leads to a root-mean-squared (RMS) roughness of the samples Rq = 1:3 mm, as previously characterized (Berthoud & Baumberger 1998). Using Greenwood’s result (Greenwood & Williamson 1966), assuming that (i) the summit heights of asperities follow an exponential distribution of width s = 1:3 mm, and (ii) their mean radius of curvature = 20 mm (taken, as a conservative value, of the order of magnitude of the abrasive particle size), one can estimatey, under the p normal load W ’ 2 N, the number N of microcontacts, pN ’ W=( º s E ¤ s) ’ 100 (where E ¤ = E=[2(1 ¡ ¸ 2 )]), and their mean radius a ¹ ’ s ’ 5 mm. (b) Experimental set-up: an inertial tribometer The experimental set-up, described extensively elsewhere (Baumberger et al . 1998), is based on the following principle. The track, on which the slider sits under its own weight mg, is ¯rst inclined at a given angle ³ such that the ratio of the tangential (Fd c ) to normal (W ) load Fd c =W = tan ³ ½ · s . A harmonic motion, of controlled amplitude and frequency, is then imposed on the track, which results in an inertial oscillating shear force acting on the centre of mass of the slider (see ¯gure 2). In order to avoid torques and tilt motion, the slider sample is clamped in a metal part specially designed so that the centre of mass of the slider is located in the plane of the interface. The harmonic shear force on the interface thus reads, in the low-frequency limit where the slider responds quasi-statically (see Baumberger et al . 1998), F (t) = Fac cos(!t); y This estimation assumes p that contacting asperities are deformed elastically. Actually, Greenwood’s plasticity index à = (E=H) s=¯ ’ 2:5 for our surfaces, which indicates that most contacting asperities have started to yield plastically. However, since à is still of order unity, the set of asperities is, in fact, in an elastic{plastic state of deformation (Berthoud et al . 1999b), far from the fully plastic limit. We therefore use, for our rough estimate of N, the expression corresponding to the elastic limit (evaluating N in the fully plastic limit would lead to a number of microcontacts à times larger). Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A (2003) Downloaded from on interface November 17, 2014 Frictional dissipation at a non-sliding 2791 0.020 x0 (µm) 0.015 0.010 0.005 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 g ac 0.04 0.05 0.06 Figure 3. In° uence of the protocol of interface preparation on the reproducibility. In-phase response x0 (® ac ) obtained: ±, with protocol (i); ², with protocol (ii). Four sets of measurements are plotted, performed at f = 60 Hz, with ® d c = 0:27 and after tw = 300 s. with Fac = m¡ , where ¡ de¯ne is the imposed acceleration amplitude of the track. We Fac Fd c : and ® ac = W W These control parameters can be set in the ranges 0 6 ® d c 6 0:58 and 0 6 ® ac 6 0:6. The frequency of the oscillating tangential force can be chosen between 15 and 100 Hz, this upper limit ensuring the quasi-static condition for the slider motion. We measure, in response to this excitation, the displacement x(t) of the slider relative to the track, by means of a capacitive gauge. Its signal is sent to a lock-in ampli¯er, which allows us to detect, to within 1 nm, the in-phase (x0 ) and out-ofphase (x90 ) components of the displacement with respect to the harmonic input. We thus have access to the elastic and dissipative responses of the multi-contact interface. ® d c = (c) Reproducibility The scattering of the results thus obtained depends crucially on the way the interface is prepared. We have tested two di®erent protocols. (i) After the slider is put into contact with the inclined track, a time tw is waited, during which the interface is left under constant normal and tangential loads. At the end of this waiting time, ® ac is turned on for a time much less than tw , during which we measure x0 and x90 . When performing several such experiments in the same nominal conditions, the relative dispersion observed is of the order of 25%. (ii) The second protocol consists, as soon as the interface has been created, of applying a large amplitude harmonic shear force to the slider in order to make it slide a few micrometres in the direction of Fd c . The oscillating shear force is then suddenly stopped and a time tw is waited, after which measurements are performed. The dispersion observed when using this second protocol is reduced Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A (2003) 2792 Downloaded from on November 17, 2014 L. Bureau, C. Caroli and T. Baumberger x0 (µm) 0.12 0.08 0.04 0 0.05 0.10 0.15 g ac 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 Figure 4. In-phase displacement amplitude x0 as a function of ® ac , at f = 80 Hz and after tw = 600 s. ², ® d c = 0; ±, ® d c = 0:09; ¤ , ® d c = 0:27. 0.03 x90 (µm) 0.02 0.01 0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 g ac 0.25 0.30 0.35 Figure 5. Out-of-phase displacement amplitude x90 as a function of ® ac , at f = 80 Hz and after tw = 600 s. ², ® d c = 0; ±, ® d c = 0:09; ¤ , ® d c = 0:27. to 11%. We will therefore present, in the rest of the paper, results that have been obtained on interfaces prepared this way. This e®ect of the interface preparation on the reproducibility is illustrated in ¯gure 3. To understand, at least qualitatively, the origin of this e®ect, note the following. When the slider is put into contact with the inclined track, the only mechanical condition that constrains the state of the MCI is that the total tangential force F = W tan ³ . This is obviously insu±cient to uniquely de¯ne the distribution of shear forces on the various microcontacts. Hence a huge number of local con¯gurations are possible: the interface is a highly multi-stable system. Adversely, sliding produces a reproducible distribution that is maintained during the elastic recoil following a stop (Caroli & Noziµeres 1996; de Gennes 1997). Preparing an interface by interruption of sliding can therefore be expected to improve the degree of reproducibility. The Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A (2003) Downloaded from on interface November 17, 2014 Frictional dissipation at a non-sliding 2793 D x / g ac (arb. units) 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 200 400 600 f (Hz) 800 1000 1200 Figure 6. Spectral response: the slider is submitted to an acceleration of constant amplitude and variable frequency. The ratio of the displacement amplitude ¢ x to the acceleration amplitude is plotted, in arbitrary units, as a function of f . The bias ® d c = 0. remaining scattering of 11% is indeed in agreement with the statistical dispersion ¹ N ¡1=2 ¹ 10% due to the ¯nite number of microcontacts estimated above. 3. Results We present in ¯gures 4 and 5 typical results obtained for the in-phase (x0 ) and out-of-phase (x90 ) components as a function of the reduced shear force amplitude ® ac . We do not observe any dependence of the elastic or dissipative response on the level of average tangential force ® d c (i.e. on the angle of inclination of the track, up to ® d c ’ 0:36), and do not note any frequency dependence in the explored range 15{100 Hz. Both x0 (® ac ) and x90 (® ac ) exhibit a linear regime at low shear amplitude, up to ® ac ’ 0:1, above which the interface responds nonlinearly. For all the results presented in this article, in the range of ® ac explored, no sliding is detected within an experimental resolution less than ca. 20 nm. (a) Linear response In the linear regime, we measure the interfacial shear sti®ness, µ = ® ac W=x 0 . Moreover, we know that, for an MCI, this sti®ness varies proportionally to the normal load, µ = W=¶ , where ¶ is an `elastic length’ that lies in the micrometre range (Berthoud & Baumberger 1998 (see also x 4 a for more details)). The slope of x0 (® ac ) is thus ¶ = dx0 =d® ac . We measure, after a waiting time tw = 300 s, ¶ = 0:26 § 0:015 mm. This length can also be determined by analysing the frequency response of the system. Indeed, we expect that the response of the slider, of mass m, sitting on the elastic foundation of sti®ness µ formed bypthe set ofpload-bearing asperities, exhibits a resonance at a circular frequency !0 = µ=m = g=¶ (with W = mg), as already observed by Sherif & Kossa (1991). When looking at the spectral response shown in ¯gure 6, one clearly identi¯es a peak at f0 = 1000 Hz, which corresponds to that resonance and leads to a value of the elastic length ¶ = 0:25 mm, in excellent agreement with the value reported above. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A (2003) 2794 Downloaded from on November 17, 2014 L. Bureau, C. Caroli and T. Baumberger 0.32 0.30 l (µm) 0.28 0.26 0.24 0.22 101 102 tw (s) 103 104 Figure 7. Decrease in the elastic length ¶ with the waiting time tw . f = 80 Hz, ® d c = 0:18, ® ac = 0:04. Let us now try to identify the origin of the dissipation in this regime of very small shear amplitudes. We note that the inverse of the quality factor 1=Q = 0:03 of the resonance of ¯gure 6 is comparable with the tangent of the loss angle tan ¯ ’ 0:05 of bulk PMMA at 1 kHz and T = 300 K (Ferry 1980). Besides, the ratio x90 =x0 = 0:18 is constant and of the order of tan ¯ º 0:1 at f . 100 Hz. This leads us to attribute the observed dissipation to the viscoelastic losses within the bodies of contacting asperities|more precisely, for each of them, within the volume, of order roughly a ¹3 (with ¹a the mean contact radius), in which stresses concentrate. The discrepancy observed between x90 =x0 and the loss angle measured on bulk samples can be assigned to the fact that these micrometric volumes lie in the interfacial region, and hence most probably present mechanical properties slightly di®erent from those of the bulk. Indeed, our method for surface abrasion (see x 2 a) makes use of water, known as a plasticizer of PMMA. (b) Ageing When performing measurements in the linear regime at various waiting times tw , we note that the interfacial shear sti®ness, or, equivalently, the elastic length ¶ , evolves slowly with tw : the longer tw , the lower ¶ , i.e. the higher the sti®ness. This ageing of the interface is illustrated in ¯gure 7. The elastic length decreases quasilogarithmically with the age of the interface, ¶ (tw ) = ¶ with the reference time t0 = 1 s, ¶ 0 0 ¡ ¶ ln(tw =t0 ); = 0:33 and the logarithmic slope ¶ (3.1) = 1:07£10¡2 . (c) Nonlinear regime: interfacial dissipation At shear amplitudes ® ac > 0:1, the in-phase and out-of-phase components of the response increase nonlinearly. In this regime, while the bulk response of the asperities remains linear (one can estimate a mean shear strain as the ratio of x0 to the mean Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A (2003) Downloaded from on interface November 17, 2014 Frictional dissipation at a non-sliding 2795 0.008 x90 - x0 tan d (µm) 0.006 0.004 0.002 0 0 0.1 0.2 g ac 0.3 0.4 Figure 8. Non-viscoelastic component of the dissipative response, x90 ¡ x0 tan ¯ , as a function of ® ac . f = 80 Hz and tw = 600 s. ², ® d c = 0; ±, ® d c = 0:09; ¤ , ® d c = 0:18; £, ® d c = 0:27; ¦, ® d c = 0:36. contact size a ¹ , which stays lower than 2%), the ratio x90 =x0 is no longer constant, and hence the energy loss cannot be attributed solely to bulk viscoelasticity. We show in ¯gure 8 the evolution, with shear amplitude, of the non-viscoelastic part of the dissipative response, which we de¯ne as x90 ¡ x0 tan ¯ , using for tan ¯ the value x90 =x0 = 0:18 determined in the linear regime. 4. Discussion (a) Interfacial shear sti® ness Let us consider the case of an in¯nitesimal shear modulation. In this limit, the shear sti®ness of a single contact is simply given by the Mindlin expression calculated in the absence of slip, namely G a, with a the contact radius and G = 4G=(2 ¡ ¸ ), where ¸ and G are, respectively, the Poisson ratio and shear modulus of the contacting materials (Mindlin 1949). The shear sti®ness of the multi-contact interface then reads (Berthoud & Baumberger 1998) µ ¹= N G a ¹; (4.1) with N the number of microcontacts and a ¹ their mean radius (this result is re-derived in the appendix). An important feature of Greenwood’s description of the contact between rough surfaces is that the number of microcontacts varies linearly with the normal load W , whereas their mean size is independent of W . So the interfacial sti®ness is proportional to the load, i.e. µ = W=¶ , with an elastic length given by Hp s : ¶ ¹= (4.2) G Using, for the PMMA shear modulus, its quasi-static value G ’ 1 GPa, Berthoud & Baumberger found from (4.2) an elastic length ¶ ’ 1 mm, in agreement with their quasi-static measurements of the sti®ness during loading{unloading cycles. Our results, however, lead to values of ¶ ’ 0:25 mm much smaller than those previously reported. This marked di®erence may have two distinct origins. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A (2003) 2796 Downloaded from on November 17, 2014 L. Bureau, C. Caroli and T. Baumberger (i) First, we clearly see from our experiments that the linear regime of interfacial response corresponds to elastic displacements of the slider of at most 20 nm (see ¯gure 4). Such a resolution could not be achieved in the previous quasi-static experiments, and the sti®ness measured in that study was most probably underestimated, due to nonlinear e®ects, which thus led to overestimated values of ¶ . (ii) Moreover, note from expression (4.2) that the elastic length is inversely proportional to the shear modulus. We thus expect the elastic response of the multi-contact interface to be governed, in our experiments, by the dynamic modulus at the excitation frequency, i.e. G0 ’ 2 GPa (see x 2 a). With this latter value for the dynamic modulus, along with those for the hardness and the surface characteristics given in x 2 a, we obtain ¶ ’ 0:39 mm. The elastic length that we estimate from the elastic properties of PMMA at the excitation frequency is therefore in good agreement with our experimental results. (b) Ageing We now address the question of the time dependence of the elastic length. It is well established, since the pioneering work of Bowden & Tabor (1950), that the real area of contact (§ r ) between rough surfaces is, in general, a very small fraction of the nominal area. The normal stresses on the load-bearing asperities are thus of the order of the yield stress of the contacting materials, which results in bulk plastic creep of these asperities. As a consequence, the real area of contact slowly increases with the `age’ of the interface, i.e. with the time of contact between asperities, as unambiguously evidenced by Dieterich & Kilgore (1994). From an extensive study of the mechanical properties of polymer glasses, Berthoud et al . (1999a) have shown that creep of the load-bearing asperities results in a quasi-logarithmic growth of § r , ¶¸ · µ tw ¹ ; § r = § r0 1 + m ln 1 + (4.3) tc with m and tc two material parameters that can be identi¯ed from bulk mechanical tests. For PMMA at room temperature, m 2 [0:04{0:05], and a higher boundy for the cut-o® time is tc < 5 £ 10¡3 s. From expression (4.1) of the shear sti®ness µ = N G ¹a = W=¶ , and with the real a2 , we ¯nd that the elastic length is area of contact § r ¹= N ¹ ¶ ¹= G p W N§ r0 [1 To ¯rst order in m, this expression reads · W ¹ ¶ = p 1¡ N§ G | {z 0} ¶ : (4.4) ¶¸ (4.5) + m ln(1 + tw =tc )] 1 m ln 2 µ tw 1+ tc : 0 We thus expect the elastic length to decrease quasi-logarithmically with tw , with a logarithmic slope of 12 m. Indeed, when ¯tting the data of ¯gure 7 with an expression y The cut-o® time tc could not be determined accurately at room temperature, and was inferred from the velocity dependence of the friction force (Baumberger et al . 1999; Bureau 2002). Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A (2003) Downloaded from on interface November 17, 2014 Frictional dissipation at a non-sliding 2797 of the form ¶ = ¶ 0 [1 + ¹ ln(1 + tw =tc )], leaving ¹ and tc as free parameters, the best ¯t is obtained for ¹ = 0:024 and tc = 10¡3 s, these values being in full agreement with those expected. The observed dependence of the interfacial shear sti®ness on the waiting time tw thus results from the creep ageing of the microcontacts. It is interesting to note that, until now, this mechanism of interfacial ageing has always been characterized through the time dependence of the static friction threshold (see Berthoud et al . (1999a) and the references therein), which is a `destructive’ method in the sense that the set of load-bearing asperities is renewed by sliding when the measurement is performed. On the contrary, our low-amplitude oscillating shear experiments provide a way to probe accurately the slowly evolving viscoelastic response of a given set of microcontacts, without any macroscopic sliding at the interface. (c) Nonlinear elasticity and energy dissipation: extension of Mindlin’s model Figures 4 and 5 clearly show that, for ® ac & 0:1, the interfacial elastic response becomes nonlinear, while no gross sliding is observable. In the same regime, a nonlinear dissipative response develops on top of the linear term attributable to bulk viscoelasticity (¯gure 8). This contribution must therefore be considered as resulting from interfacial dissipation proper. The decrease in the `local’ interfacial sti®ness, d® ac =dx0 , with increasing shear amplitude, may be interpreted qualitatively as follows. The diameters of the microcontacts that form the interface are statistically distributed about the average value ¹a. A ¯nite shear necessarily leads to the destruction of the smaller ones. The larger the shear amplitude, the smaller the number of microcontacts that are still able to sustain the stress, and hence a decreasing sti®ness. In order to describe quantitatively this regime, we now extend Mindlin’s description to the case of an MCI as follows. (i) The contact between the two rough surfaces is described µa la Greenwood, with the assumption of an exponential distribution of summit heights, and of elastic deformation of asperities. We believe the latter assumption to be inessential; indeed, we saw in x 2 a that, although contacting asperities are in an elasticplastic state, the value of the plasticity index Á is of order unity, which suggests that the normal stress pro¯le in microcontacts is still close to the Hertz pro¯le (Johnson 1985). (ii) Mindlin’s results give, for a given microcontact, the expression of the tangential force associated with a remote shear displacement x. This displacement, equal to that of the centre of mass of the slider, is common to all microcontacts. (iii) For any ¯nite x, there always exists a set of small microcontacts that are completely slipping. For these, the tangential force is saturated at its constant maximum value · w, where w is the normal load on the microcontact. (iv) The tangential force on the slider is simply the sum of those on the various microcontacts. The detailed calculation is performed in the appendix. It yields the results ¶4 ¸ ¶3 µ µ ¶2 µ · ® ac ® ac ® ac 5 ® ac ; x0 = 2· ¶ (4.6) +O + + 2· 4 2· 2· 2· Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A (2003) 2798 Downloaded from on November 17, 2014 L. Bureau, C. Caroli and T. Baumberger x0 (µm) 0.12 0.08 0.04 0 0.1 g ac 0.2 0.3 Figure 9. Experimental data for x0 (® ac ) at f = 80 Hz and ® d c = 0:09 (²). Solid line: extended Mindlin’ s model with ¶ = 0:23 mm and · = 0:49. x90 = = 4· ¶ º 2· ¶ 3º ·µ ·µ 1¡ 2· ¶ µ ln 1 ¡ ® ac ¶ ¡ 2 ¸ · ® ac ¶4 ¸ ¶3 µ ¶2 µ ® ac ® ac ® ac ; +O + · · · (4.7) with ¶ the elastic length de¯ned above. The local friction coe±cient of Mindlin’s model, · , is our single ¯tting parameter. Figure 9 shows the best ¯t thus obtained for the elastic part of the response x0 , which is seen to be excellent. It corresponds to · = 0:49. On the other hand, from the response to a linear ramp of shear amplitude (see ¯gure 1), we have estimated the (`global’) static friction coe±cient · s as corresponding to a threshold of accelerated sliding. We thus ¯nd · s = 0:59 § 0:03 (Bureau et al . 2001). This can only be considered as a rough estimate, in view of the arbitrariness in the de¯nition of the threshold. The agreement therefore appears quite satisfactory. At this stage, we have determined all the parameters of the model, and are thus in a position to truly check its validity by comparing its prediction for x90 (® ac ) with the experimental results. The dissipation calculated from (4.7) with · = 0:49 is plotted in ¯gure 10; it is seen to be much larger than the experimental one. In order to get a decent ¯t of the data, we have to use a value of · as large as 1.3, i.e. much larger than any value of the friction coe±cient ever reported for PMMA. The question therefore arises of what might be the physical reason for such a discrepancy that a®ects primarily the dissipative part of the response. In Mindlin’s model, dissipation results from the slip at the periphery of the contact. The inner radius of this annulus is, for an average microcontact, c = a ¹[1¡ f =(· w)]1=3 . For ¹a = 5 mm and taking f =w = 0:2y, we ¯nd, for · = 0:49 that the width of the annulus a ¹ ¡ c = 750 nm. Over this distance, the shear stress varies from its maximum value to zero at the edge of the contact. We have thus tacitly assumed that the Coulomb law is valid on a spatial scale much smaller than this width. y We use for the ratio f =w a typical value of the macroscopic ratio F =W . This amounts to assuming that N identical microcontacts of size ¹ a bear the same fraction of normal (w = W=N ) and tangential (f = F =N ) load. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A (2003) Downloaded from on interface November 17, 2014 Frictional dissipation at a non-sliding 2799 0.010 x90 - x0 tan d (µm) 0.008 0.006 0.004 0.002 0 -0.002 0 0.1 0.2 g ac 0.3 0.4 Figure 10. Experimental data for x90 (® ac ) at f = 80 Hz and ® d c = 0:09 (²). Solid line: extended Mindlin’ s model with ¶ = 0:23 mm and · = 0:49. Dot-dashed line: extended Mindlin’ s model with ¶ = 0:23 m m and · = 1:3. It is now well documented that frictional dissipation results from the depinning of structural elements located within the adhesive junctions between load-bearing asperities. The typical size of these elements is found to be nanometric (Nakatani 2001; Baumberger et al . 1999; Bureau et al . 2002). The friction force, as it is usually de¯ned, is an average over the dynamics of a large ensemble of such elements. So, a reasonably meaningful friction coe±cient cannot be de¯ned on a scale smaller than, say, a hundred nanometres. This must be understood as a cut-o® length below which the Mindlin stress pro¯le probably becomes inaccurate. The above estimate of a ¹¡ c therefore suggests that multi-contact interfaces with micrometric roughness might be out of the range of quantitative applicability of Mindlin’s model. Appendix A. Extension of Mindlin’s model (a) Mindlin’s results We ¯rst recall the results derived by Mindlin for the contact of identical elastic spheres submitted to a tangential force (Mindlin et al. 1951; Johnson 1985). When the contact is ¯rst loaded from zero, the relationship between the remote tangential displacement x and the applied shear force f reads ¶2=3 ¸ · µ f 3(2 ¡ ¸ )· w ; x= (A 1) 1¡ 1¡ · w 8Ga with G the shear modulus, ¸ the Poisson ratio, a the Hertz radius of contact, w the normal load and · the local friction coe±cient. If the shear force is then decreased, after having reached a maximum value fm ax , the displacement x& in this unloading phase is ¶2=3 ¸ ¶2=3 µ · µ fm ax fm ax ¡ f 3(2 ¡ ¸ )· w ¡ 1 : ¡ x& = (A 2) 1¡ 2 1¡ · w 2· w 8Ga Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A (2003) 2800 Downloaded from on November 17, 2014 L. Bureau, C. Caroli and T. Baumberger By symmetry, if the shear force is then reversed from a value ¡ fm ment x% (f ) = ¡ x& (¡ f ). ax , the displace- (b) Contact between rough surfaces The contact geometry is that of two rough surfaces of identical RMS roughness ¼ . We shall consider, within the framework of Greenwood’s model, the case of contact between a rigid ideally smooth reference plane and a composite rough surface whose p summit heights are distributed exponentially: ¿ (z) = s¡1 exp(¡ z=s), with s = 2¼ (Berthoud & Baumberger 1998). The coordinate z is normal to the mean plane of the random surface. The e®ective elastic modulus of the deformable material is de¯ned as E ¤ = E=[2(1 ¡ ¸ 2 )], and the equivalent p radius of curvature at the tip of asperities for the composite surface is R¤ = R= 2. For a given normal load on the solids, we note h as the distance between the mean plane of the rough surface and the reference °at. The compression of a contacting asperity of height z > h is thus ¯ = z ¡ h (Greenwood & Williamson 1966). (c) First loading of the multi-contact interface We now calculate the interface response when the shear displacement increases from 0 to xm ax . For each microcontact, the Hertz radius a and the normal load w depend compression ¯ = z ¡ h, p a = R¤ (z ¡ h); p E 2 4 E¤ 3 R¤ (z ¡ h)3=2 : a = w= ¤ 2 3 (1 ¡ ¸ ) 3R x ¯rst on the (A 3) (A 4) Plugging (A 3) and (A 4) into (A 1), and using G = E=(2(1 + ¸ )), we obtain µ 1¡ f · w ¶2=3 = 1¡ xs ; · ¶ (z ¡ h) (A 5) where ¶ = s(2 ¡ ¸ )=[2(1 ¡ ¸ )]. We note that the right-hand side term of (A 5) is greater than or equal to zero for z¡ h> xs : · ¶ (A 6) This means that microcontacts whose compression z ¡ h satis¯es condition (A 6) bear a tangential force f 6 · w. Microcontacts such that z ¡ h = xs=(· ¶ ) are totally sliding, i.e. f = · w. In the following, we will assume that `small’ contacts such that z ¡ h < xs=(· ¶ ) are also sliding and bear a tangential force equal to · w.y y Actually, when the interface is sheared, the smallest microcontacts are destroyed and replaced by new ones, the contribution of which we cannot calculate. We will see further that the interfacial response is not signi¯cantly a®ected by this assumption. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A (2003) Downloaded from on interface November 17, 2014 Frictional dissipation at a non-sliding 2801 Hence, for microcontacts such that (A 6) is veri¯ed, equation (A 5) leads to ¶3=2 ¸ · µ p xs f 2E 3=2 ¤ : R (z ¡ h) (A 7) 1¡ 1¡ = · ¶ (z ¡ h) · 3(1 ¡ ¸ 2 ) The total tangential force on the system is obtained by integration over the height distribution ¶3=2 ¸ ½Z + 1 · µ p xs F 1 ¡z=s 2E 3=2 ¤ R N0 z ¡ h¡ e dz (z ¡ h) ¡ = 2 s · ¶ · 3(1 ¡ ¸ ) h0 ¾ Z h0 1 + (z ¡ h)3=2 e¡z=s dz ; s h (A 8) where N0 is the total number of asperities and h0 is given by condition (A 6). The ¯rst integral corresponds to the contribution of microcontacts whose response is given by (A 7), while the second term corresponds to totally sliding contacts. Setting ¹ = (z ¡ h)=s, and noting that, according to Greenwood, the total normal load on the interface reads Z + 1 p ¹ 3=2 e¡¹ d¹ ; W = 43 E ¤ R¤ N0 s3=2 e¡h=s (A 9) } 0 {z | W0 we ¯nally get the following expression for the macroscopic shear force: F = · W (1 ¡ Inverting (A 10) yields µ e¡x=· x = ¡ · ¶ ln 1 ¡ ¶ F · W ): ¶ (A 10) : (A 11) In the limit of small tangential displacements, to lowest order in x=· ¶ ½ 1, F = W x=¶ . We thus ¯nd the expression of the interfacial shear sti®ness µ = W=¶ , where ¶ = s(2 ¡ ¸ )=[2(1 ¡ ¸ )] is the elastic length. For numerical purposes, we will, however, not estimate ¶ from this expression, but will rather make use of its experimentally measured value ¶ ’ 0:25 mm. Finally, evaluating, from equation (A 8), the relative contribution of totally sliding microcontacts, we ¯nd that they contribute less than 10% to the calculated shear forcey, while the tangential displacement stays lower than 60 nm (which corresponds to reduced shear force amplitudes ® ac . 0:2 (see, for example, ¯gure 4)). Their contribution is at most 20% for x ’ 100 nm. (d ) Unloading from (Fm ax ; xm ax ) Let us now study the case where the tangential displacement of the slider is decreased, after having reached a maximum value xm ax , corresponding to a maximum shear force Fm ax . Two families of microcontacts must then be considered. y This estimate is done using ¹ = 0:49, the value that leads to the best ¯t of x0 (°ac ) (see ¯gure 9). A higher value of ¹ would lead to an even weaker contribution of sliding contacts. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A (2003) 2802 Downloaded from on November 17, 2014 L. Bureau, C. Caroli and T. Baumberger (i) Microcontacts such that (z ¡ h) < xm ¶ ) ax s=(· At the end of the ¯rst loading, these microcontacts are totally sliding. For x = xm ax , the shear force on one of them is fm ax = · w, and its response when x is decreased is given by (Mindlin et al. 1951; Johnson 1985) ¶ µ b2 3(2 ¡ ¸ )· w ; x& = xm ax ¡ (A 12) 1¡ a2 4Ga where b is the inner radius of the corresponding slip zone, b = a[ 12 + f =(2· w)]1=3 . We thus obtain ¶2=3 µ f (xm ax ¡ x& )s 1 : (A 13) =1¡ + 2· ¶ (z ¡ h) 2 2· w As in Appendix A c, this equation yields the following condition: z¡ (xm h> ax x& )s ¡ 2· ¶ (A 14) : Microcontacts whose compression satis¯es condition (A 14) respond according to equation (A 13), while those for which z ¡ h < (xm ax ¡ x& )s=(2· ¶ ) are assumed to be totally sliding and bear a tangential force f = ¡ · w. For the contacts that are not fully sliding during unloading, equation (A 13) yields f 2E = · 3(1 ¡ ¸ p 2) R¤ ½ · 2 z¡ (xm h¡ (ii) Microcontacts such that (z ¡ ax ¡ x& )s 2· ¶ h) > xm ¸3=2 ¡ (z ¡ h) 3=2 ¾ : (A 15) ¶ ) ax s=(· The response of these microcontacts, which were not totally sliding when x reached its maximum value, is given by (Mindlin et al . 1951; Johnson 1985) x& = · µ 3(2 ¡ ¸ )· w 2 1¡ 8Ga ¡ f 2· w fm ax ¶2=3 µ ¡ 1¡ fm ax · w ¶2=3 ¡ ¸ 1 : (A 16) From equation (A 5), we get µ 1¡ ¶2=3 fm ax · w =1¡ xm ax s ; · ¶ (z ¡ h) (A 17) which, once plugged into (A 16), leads to the following expression for the shear force on one of these microcontacts: f 2E = · 3(1 ¡ ¸ p 2) R¤ ½ · 2 z¡ h¡ (xm ¡ Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A (2003) ax ¡ x& )s 2· ¶ · z ¡ h¡ ¸3=2 xm ax s · ¶ ¸3=2 ¡ (z ¡ h) 3=2 ¾ : (A 18) 2803 Downloaded from on interface November 17, 2014 Frictional dissipation at a non-sliding (iii) Total shear force The macroscopic shear force when the interface is unloaded is the sum of the contributions (A 15), (A 18), and of that resulting from fully sliding microcontacts, F = W0 · ½Z + 1 xmax =· ¶ + · µ 2 ¹ ¡ Z xm ax ¡ x& 2· ¶ xmax =· ¶ (xmax ¡x& )=2· ¶ ¶3=2 · µ 2 ¹ ¡ ¶3=2 ¸ xm ax 3=2 ¡¹ ¡ ¹ ¡ ¹ ¡ e d¹ · ¶ ¶3=2 ¸ xm ax ¡ x& 3=2 ¡¹ ¡ ¹ e d¹ 2· ¶ ¾ Z (xmax ¡x& )=2· ¶ 3=2 ¡¹ ¡ ¹ + e d¹ ; µ 0 (A 19) which yields F = 2e¡(xmax ¡x& · W )=2· ¶ e¡xmax =· ¡ ¶ 1: ¡ (A 20) Setting ® = F =W yields x& with xm ax = xm µ ® ¡ ¶ ln 1 + ax + 2· ® 2· m ax ¶ (A 21) ; as given by (A 11), xm ax µ = ¡ · ¶ ln 1 ¡ ® m ax · ¶ (A 22) : Finally, by symmetry, the relationship x(F ) when the displacement, having reached a minimum value xm in , is reversed up to xm ax reads ¶ µ ® ¡ ® m in ; x% = xm in ¡ 2· ¶ ln 1 ¡ (A 23) 2· with the minimum value of the displacement µ xm in = xm ax + 2· ¶ ln 1 ¡ ® m ax ¡ ® m in · ¶ (A 24) : With a macroscopic shear force of the form F (t)=W = ® (t) = ® we obtain for the displacement response ¸ ¶ · µ ® ac (cos(!t) ¡ 1) ® m ax x& = ¡ · ¶ ln 1 ¡ + 2· ¶ ln 1 + · 2· and x% µ = ¡ · ¶ ln 1 ¡ ® m ax · Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A (2003) ¶ µ + 2· ¶ ln 1 ¡ ® · ac ¶ ¡ · 2· ¶ ln 1 ¡ ® d c +® ac cos(!t), (A 25) ac (cos(!t) 2· + 1) ¸ : (A 26) 2804 Downloaded from on November 17, 2014 L. Bureau, C. Caroli and T. Baumberger (e) In-phase and out-of-phase components The elastic and dissipative responses are given by Z 2 2º =! x cos(!t) dt x0 = T 0 ½Z º =! Z 2º =! ! x& cos(!t) dt + x% = º 0 º =! ¾ (A 27) ¾ (A 28) cos(!t) dt and x90 ! = º ½Z º =! x& 0 sin(!t) dt + Z 2º =! x% º =! sin(!t) dt : We expand in powers of ® ac =(2· ) ½ 1 the time-dependent logarithmic terms in equations (A 25) and (A 26), and ¯nally get for the in-phase amplitude ¶4 ¸ ¶3 µ µ ¶2 µ · ® ac ® ac ® ac 5 ® ac : x0 = 2· ¶ (A 29) +O + + 2· 4 2· 2· 2· The out-of-phase component can be calculated exactly and reads ¶ ¸ ¶ µ ·µ ® ac 2· 4· ¶ ¡ 2 : x90 = ln 1 ¡ 1¡ · ® ac º (A 30) References Baumberger, T., Bureau, L., Busson, M., Falcon, E. & Perrin, B. 1998 An inertial tribometer for measuring microslip dissipation at a solid{solid multicontact interface. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 69, 2416{2420. Baumberger, T., Berthoud, P. & Caroli, C. 1999 Physical analysis of the state- and ratedependent friction law: dynamic friction. Phys. Rev. B 60, 3928{3939. Berthoud, P. & Baumberger, T. 1998 Shear sti® ness of a solid{solid multicontact interface. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A 454, 1615{1634. 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