Amendment to IRC:112-2011 Amendment No. 2/IRC:112-2011/August, 2014 To IRC:112-2011 “Code of Practice for Concrete Road Bridges” S. No. Clause No. & Page No 1. Table 6.9 (Page 47) Age at loading to(days) For Read Table 6.9 Final Creep Coefficient [φ (70 yr)] of Concrete at age of t = 70 years. Table 6.9 Final Creep Coefficient [φ (70 yr)] of Concrete at age of t = 70 years Notional Size 2Ac/u (in mm) 50 150 600 Dry atmospheric conditions (RH-50%) 50 150 600 Humid atmospheric conditions (RH-80%) Age at loading to (days) Notional Size 2Ac/u (in mm) 50 150 600 Dry atmospheric conditions (RH-50%) 50 150 600 Humid atmospheric conditions (RH-80%) 1 5.50 4.60 3.70 3.60 3.20 2.90 1 6.00 4.95 4.05 3.95 3.50 3.15 7 5.50 4.60 3.70 2.60 2.30 2.00 7 4.20 3.45 2.85 2.75 2.45 2.20 28 3.90 3.10 2.60 1.90 1.70 1.50 28 3.20 2.65 2.20 2.10 1.90 1.70 90 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.40 1.20 90 2.60 2.10 1.75 1.75 1.50 1.35 365 1.80 1.50 1.20 1.10 1.00 1.00 365 2.00 1.60 1.30 1.30 1.15 1.05 Note : 1. 2. 2. The above table is applicable for M35 grade concrete. For lower grades of concrete the coefficients may be multiplied by 45 f cm For higher grades of concrete the coefficient may be worked out using equations given in Annexure A-2. Fig 10.4 (Page 84) Fig. 10.4 Shear Components of Increased Tension in Bonded Prestressing Tendons and Forces in Chord Members Inclined w.r.t. Axis of the Element Fig. 10.4 Shear Component for Members with Inclined Chords 3. 10.2.3(3) & (4) (Page 84 and 85) 3 In the elements of variable depth, where VEd’ MEd’ and NEd are concurrently acting forces, the design shear force VEd from sectional analysis shall be reduced by the favourable contribution from any inclined compression chord, tension chord and inclined prestressing tendons in case of bonded tendons as shown in Fig. 10.4. Any unfavourable contributions, depending on direction of inclination of chords and the prestressing tendons shall be added to VEd, in Fig. 10.4, VNS = VEd – Vpd – Vccd – Vtd with appropriate signs. 4. 10.3.1 (Page 85) VRd - The shear resistance of a member with shear VRd - The shear resistance of a member with shear reinforcement = VRdS + Vccd + Vtd reinforcement = Minimum of (VRds; VRd.max) + Vccd + Vtd 50 3 In the elements of variable depth, where VEd, MEd and NEd are concurrently acting forces, the design shear force VEd from sectional analysis shall be reduced by the favourable contribution from any inclined compression chord and tension chord as shown in Fig. 10.4. Any unfavourable contributions, depending on direction of inclination of chords, shall be added to VEd. In Fig. 10.4, VNS = VEd – Vccd – Vtd . INDIAN HIGHWAYS, October 2014 Amendment to IRC:112-2011 5. 10.3.3 (Page 90) Members requiring design shear reinforcement Members requiring design shear reinforcement (VRdc < VED) 6. (Page 90) For members with vertical shear reinforcement the shear For members with vertical shear reinforcement, the shear resistance VRd is the smaller value of .. resistance is the smaller value of …... 7. T /T + VEd/VRdmax < 1.0 Ed Rdmax Eq. 10.47 V is the design transvers force Ed (Page 108) TEd/TRdmax + VNs/VRdmax < 1.0 8. 16.5.4 (1) In certain cases, (e.g. clear cover to main reinforcement being (Page 180) larger than 50 mm and in webs) it may be necessary to provide surface reinforcement, either to control cracking or to ensure adequate resistance to spalling of the cover. In certain cases, (e.g. clear cover to main reinforcement being larger than 75 mm and in webs) it may be necessary to provide surface reinforcement, either to control cracking or to ensure adequate resistance to spalling of the cover. 9. 17.1 (6) Where longitudinal reinforcement is curtailed (e.g. in tall piers) Where longitudinal reinforcement is curtailed potential of (Page 192) potential of formation of hinge shall be avoided just beyond the formation of hinge shall be avoided just beyond the point of point of curtailment. curtailment. Not more than 1/3 of longitudinal reinforcement available at the section shall be curtailed. Errata to IRC:112-2011 Errata No. 3/IRC:112-2011/August, 2014 To IRC:112-2011 “Code of Practice for Concrete Road Bridges” S. No. Clause No. & Page No. For Read 1. Fig. 10.6 (Page 93) 2. (Page 116) C = 10 (π2) C =10 (≈ π2) 3. 18.8.9(1) (Page 228) 2nd line Clause 18.8.8(4) Clause 18.8.8(3) 4. Annexure-A2 Eq-A2-27 (Page 239) βRH = 1.55 INDIAN HIGHWAYS, October 2014 βRH = 1.55 51
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