USA ‘HD‘ HEAVY DUTY SUPPLEMENT PRESS BRAKE PRODUCTIVITY (&9&14, ABOUT WILA INTRODUCTION ABOUT WILA INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION Our vision is simple but powerful: we live Press Brake Productivity! Everything we do is driven by this vision and meant to make the sheet metal industry more productive. Be it our research and development to engineer new products or our manufacturing process to produce our products, we always have the value and the benefits for the customer in mind. Always looking for new opportunities, this time we focus on plate and the specific challenges this industry faces. We proudly present the New Standard “HD” Heavy Duty line with a number of features addressing speed, comfort and safety. We trust this innovative product line will make plate industry reach for a productivity level second to none. Hans Willemsen Managing Director Wila B.V. 3 ABOUT WILA PRODUCT INDEX 4 1-888-696-9452 INTRODUCTION 3 NEW STANDARD ‘HD’ HEAVY DUTY TOOLING SYSTEM 6 NEW STANDARD ‘HD’ HEAVY DUTY CLAMPING 8 NEW STANDARD ‘HD’ HEAVY DUTY BOTTOM TOOL HOLDERS AND CROWNING 10 NEW STANDARD TOOLING 13 ACCESSORIES 15 More information on Press Brake Productivity: 5 PRODUCT INDEX ABOUT WILA PRODUCT INDEX 3*<89&3)&7) NEW STANDARD ‘HD’ HEAVY DUTY TOOLING SYSTEM “Gooseneck” shaped New Standard top tool with E2M® making it extremely easy & safe to exchange. New Standard top tool with E2M®, making it extremely easy & safe to exchange. CLAMPING NEW STANDARD NSCR-HD-II-HC-CNC-E2M-250/UPB Bottom Tool Holder with Crowning with a max tonnage of 800 tons/m (269 tons/ft). Suitable for all OZU V-dies with and without E2M®. NSCR-HD-II-HC-CNC-E2M-250/UPB is connected to the Press Brake with the UPB Universal Press Brake principal which makes it easy and fast to mount and align. Pillars are optional and support wide bottom tools to guarantee a save bending process. 6 Tx alignment of the NSCR-HD-II-HC-CNC-E2M-250/UPB to adjust the centerline. Hydraulic Lifting mechanism which makes it easy, safe, and much faster to move bottom tooling with E2M® bearings in and out. 1-888-696-9452 3*<89&3)&7) NSCL-HD-II-HC/UPB is connected to the Press Brake with the UPB Universal Press Brake principal which makes it easy and fast to mount and align. All New Standard BIU top tools can be used in HD ‘Heavy Duty’ Tool Holder. NEW STANDARD CLAMPING NSCL-HD-II-HC/UPB has a Guard with a safety mechanism for save loading and unloading of upper tools with E2M® bearings. In combination with the Press Brake Productivity ToolStation the movable arm of the ToolStation will lock and unlock the Guard. NSCL-HD-II-HC/UPB has max allowable tonnage of 800 tons/m (269 tons/ft) with a New Standard Adaptation for New Standard Tooling with E2M®, SafetyClicks® or Safety pins. NSCR-HD-II-HC-CNC-E2M-250/UPB has a Guard with a safety mechanism for safe loading and unloading of bottom tools with E2M® bearings. 1-888-696-9452 NSCL-HD-II-HC/UPB has a guard with a safety mechanism for safe loading and unloading of upper tools with E2M® bearings. Bottom tool with E2M® bearings for fast, easy and safe moving. 7 3*<89&3)&7) NSCL-HD-II-HC/UPB UPPER TOOL HOLDERS NEW STANDARD NEW STANDARD ‘HD’ HEAVY DUTY CLAMPING TYPE PREMIUM NSCL II 3dO]L`WTNNWLX[TYRLYOLWTRYXPY_ZQ9Pb>_LYOL]O-4@^XX`[_ZLXLcTX`XbPTRS_ZQVRX"WM^Q_ HC Equipped with the New Standard UPB fastening system for NSCL-HD UPB Standard Upper tool holder CNC-Deephardened surfaces Tx adjustment for optimum centerline correction Maximum load, head load or shoulder load respectively HD 250/800 T/Mtr #!$?1_ Cover strip with ruler Guard E2M®, guard is equipped with a roll-out safety device Optional Guard E2M®-TS, this guard is equipped with a roll-out safety device that is operated by the ToolStation transport arm 8 1-888-696-9452 UPPER TOOL HOLDERS NEW STANDARD 1-888-696-9452 9 BOTTOM TOOL HOLDERS NEW STANDARD NEW STANDARD ‘HD’ HEAVY DUTY BOTTOM TOOL HOLDERS AND CROWNING TYPE PREMIUM PRO Lower tool holders OB CNC-Deephardened surfaces II / I Hydraulic clamping and alignment HC Equipped with the New Standard UPB fastening system for NSCL-HD UPB Tx adjustment for optimum centerline correction >`T_LMWPQZ]NWLX[TYR:E@AOTP^bT_S_LYRc"7XX 800 T/meter 500 T/meter !$?1_ !#?1_ alu black Standard Maximum Load HD Cover strip with ruler Guard Optional Manual clamping and alignment (E2M® not possible). MC CNC E2M B2 Ty Guard E2M equipped with roll-out safety device Guard E2M equipped with roll-out safety device operated by the transport arm on the Press Brake Productivity ToolStation >`T_LMWPQZ]NWLX[TYRbLdOTP^ Pillars for supporting the lower tooling Equipped with centrally adjustable crowning system .9.O]TaPYXZ_Z]QZ]`[_ZVR#$!WM^_ZZWTYRbPTRS_&LMZaPVR#$!WM^bPTRS_]P\`T]P^SdO]L`WTN adjustment ® 3dO]L`WTN7TQ_TYRQZ]:E@08XLcVRX"WM^Q_TYNW`OTYR2`L]O08 equipped with roll-out safety B2 tang mounting to lower beam instead of UPB bolt-down ?dLOU`^_XPY_QZ]Z[_TX`X[L]LWWPWT^XZQ_SP_Z[LYOMZ__ZXMPLX&YZ_[Z^^TMWP TQ_SP_ZZWSZWOP]PcNPPO^ XX $¯TYbTO_S Guard 10 1-888-696-9452 NEW STANDARD OB-HD-I-HC-E2M/UPB OB-HD-II-HC/UPB OB-HD-II-HC-E2M/UPB OB-HD-I-HC-TY/UPB OB-HD-I-HC-TY-E2M/UPB OB-HD-II-HC-TY/UPB OB-HD-II-HC-TY-E2M/UPB NSCR-HD-I-HC-CNC-TY/UPB NSCR-HD-I-HC-CNC-E2M/UPB NSCR-HD-II-HC-CNC-TY/UPB NSCR-HD-II-HC-CNC-E2M/UPB 1-888-696-9452 NEW STANDARD BOTTOM TOOL HOLDERS OB-HD-I-HC/UPB Example with B2 Tang 11 NEW STANDARD CLAMPING HYDRAULIC POWER PACK 3dO]Z`YT_38LYO38 HYDRAULIC POWER PACK FOR USE IN COMBINATION WITH CROWNING OR BOTTOM TOOL HOLDERS WITH E2M® TYPE REMARKS 383= Manual operation A 3e;S 38. 7TYVPO_Z_SP.9.NZY_]ZWA 3e;S 38 !3=O`LWaZW_LRP Manual operation !A!3e;S^`[[WTPOL_!A 38 !.O`LWaZW_LRP 7TYVPO_Z_SP.9.NZY_]ZW!A!3e;S&^`[[WTPOL_!A PRICE 38 !3=O`LWaZW_LRP Manual operation !A!3e;S^`[[WTPOL_A 38 !.O`LWaZW_LRP 7TYVPO_Z_SP.9.NZY_]ZW!A!3e;S&^`[[WTPOL_A Extra hydraulic hose Hose L=2.5 meter equipped with straight fitting and T-connection for bottom Clamping if necessary Comments BTWWMP^`[[WTPObT_SL_S]PPbLd^bT_NS_Z^P[L]L_PWdZ[P]L_P_SPSdO]L`WTN7TQ_TYRLYOSdO]L`WTN.WLX[TYRQ`YN_TZY^ ?SP^P3dO]L`WTN;ZbP];LNV^SLaPLXXNZYYPN_TZYLYOL]P^`[[WTPObT_SZYPSZ^PZQ XP_P]^WPYR_S ?SP3dO]L`WTN;ZbP];LNV^bT_SO`LWaZW_LRPSLaPMPPYP^[PNTLWWdOPaPWZ[POQZ]_SP9Z]_S,XP]TNLYXL]VP_ 4QZYWd.WLX[TYRT^]P\`T]POLYOYZ7TQ_TYR_SP3dO]L`WTN;ZbP];LNV^Q]ZX[LRPZQZ`];]P^^-]LVP;]ZO`N_TaT_d.L_LWZRNLYMP`^PO 12 1-888-696-9452 NEW STANDARD BIU-038 BIU-E2M-037 BIU-E2M-038 α=60° α=60° BIU-025 BIU-E2M-025 α=80° TYPE PREMIUM Standard -4@" -4@" -4@" LENGTH WEIGHT E2M® SAFETY-CLICK® SAFETY-PIN MAX LOAD KG ## LBS 550 mm - sectioned !?8_] 200 mm - sectioned " ! ?Q_ -4@"! 200 mm " ! XX -4@# #$ " -4@# 550 mm - sectioned 20.2 225 T/Mtr. -4@# 200 mm - sectioned " ! "!?Q_ -4@#! 200 mm " ! XX XX PRICE -4@ "" ! BIU-025/2 550 mm - sectioned 29.6 65.2 ?8_] -4@ 200 mm - sectioned # " ?Q_ BIU-025/6 200 mm # " Optional ,MZaP-4@±^LYO! 1-888-696-9452 13 NEW STANDARD TOOTLING BIU-037 NEW STANDARD A(#XX OZU-372 A(XX$" OZU-373 α=60° OZU-E2M-372 α=60° OZU-E2M-373 TOOLING NEW STANDARD A(XX" OZU-HD-374 OZU-HD-E2M-374 TYPE A(!XX!$$ OZU-HD-375 α=60° α=60° OZU-HD-E2M-375 PREMIUM Standard :E@" :E@" :E@" :E@" LENGTH WEIGHT E2M® MAX LOAD XX KG LBS !$ 255 mm " α=90° XX 255 mm " 25.6 " ?8_]#?1_ :E@3/" :E@3/" XX 255 mm !$ $ !$ "?8_]$?1_ :E@3/" :E@3/" XX 255 mm " 58.2 " " ?8_]?1_ :E@3/"! 255 mm 98.9 $$$ PRICE ?8_]"?1_ α=90° α=90° α=90° ?8_]#?1_ α=90° Optional Above OZU’s 9Z_P%,WW:E@3/SLaTYRLAZ[PYTYRZQXXNZXPbT_S_S]PLOPOSZWP^_Z^`T_PdPMZW_^&_ST^LWWZb^^LQPPL^d_]LY^[Z]_L_TZY`^TYR_SP7,08® 14 1-888-696-9452 NEW STANDARD A(XX"#" OZU-HD-376 α=60° NEW STANDARD ACCESSOIRES OZU-HD-E2M-376 TSU-033 LA-E2M TYPE LENGTH ?>@ XX WEIGHT KG " LBS $ MAX LOAD 250 T/Mtr. #?1_ REMARKS PRICE Adapter New Standard to American Style. Top tang with New Standard Adaptation with safety pins. Bottom with American Style adaptation with clamping bolts. 7(" XX LA-E2M 2.0 - Allows easy lifting and moving heavy OZU bottom tools that are equipped with eye bolt holes within the press brake. Suitable for any NSCL Clamping System. Comes with E2M® as standard and WTQ_^XLc" VR!#WM^ ® :[_TZYLWbT_S08 . 1-888-696-9452 15 NEW STANDARD HU-134 RU-005 RU-006 HU-E2M-134 ACCESSOIRIES α=60° α=60° '' NEW STANDARD TYPE LENGTH 3@ XX WEIGHT KG LBS $" $" MAX LOAD 3@08 XX $" $" 500 T/Mtr. =@ XX 9.2 !?8_] PRICE REMARKS 500 T/Mtr. !#?1_ 3ZWOP]QZ]]LOT`^TY^P]_^=@ LYO=@!LYOSZWOP]3@"?Z[bT_S9Pb>_LYOL]O adaptation with safety pins or with E2M® adaptation. !#?1_ =LOT`^TY^P]_?ZMP`^POTYNZXMTYL_TZYbT_SSZWOP]3@Z]3@08 ?1_ =@! XX 255 T/Mtr. =LOT`^TY^P]_?ZMP`^POTYNZXMTYL_TZYbT_SSZWOP]3@Z]3@08 #!?1_ :[_TZYLWbT_S08®. HU-107 RU-007 TYPE LENGTH 3@" XX R H WEIGHT KG LBS 6.6 RU-107 MAX LOAD - =@"=( XX XX$# $XX ! =@"=( XX XX# XX$ # # 200 T/Mtr. =@"=( XX XX " XX"" " 28.5 ?1_ =@"=( XX XX$!$ XX! !# =@"=( XX XX$# $XX ! =@"=( XX XX# XX$ # # 500 T/Mtr. =@"=( XX XX " XX"" " 28.5 #?1_ =@"=( XX XX$!$ XX! !# 16 PRICE REMARKS 3ZWOP]^`T_LMWPQZ]]LOT`^TY^P]_^=@"LYO=@"_ZMP`^POTYNZXMTYL_TZYbT_S3@3@08 =LOT`^TY^P]_^YZ_SL]OPYPO=LOT`^ XX$#¯$!$¯_ZMP `^POTYNZXMTYL_TZYbT_SSZWOP]_d[P3@" Radius inserts, CNC-Deephardened. Radius 25 - 50 mm / $#$!$ _ZMP`^POTYNZXMTYL_TZYbT_SSZWOP]_d[P3@" 1-888-696-9452 NEW STANDARD CUSTOM MADE TOOLING Aside from the before mentioned standard tools and accessories, we can supply Custom Made tools which can be manufactured completely according to the customer’s needs. These tools can be made in any of the tooling style executions and to the specific length required, as well as with different methods of hardening. These tools can be equipped with the E2M® bearing system. It is also possible to segment the tools into the lengths desired by the 1Z]_Z[_ZZW^T_T^[Z^^TMWP_Z[]ZaTOP_ZZWTYR^P_^TYNW`OTYRSZ]Y^PN_TZY^ .`^_ZXP]bT_SLXTYTX`XZQXX " ¯_ZLWWZbQZ]PcLX[WP_SP (sections with a cut-out to accommodate parts with a reverse flange). bending of box-shaped products. 1-888-696-9452 17 NEW STANDARD ACCESSOIRIES TOOLING TOOLING ACCESSOIRIES PRESS BRAKE PRODUCTIVITY TOOLSTATION PRESS BRAKE PRODUCTIVITY TOOLSTATION The Press Brake Productivity ToolStation has been specifically designed to safely change and store heavy tooling. Tool changing and storage operates perfectly in combination withh BIUs and OZUs equipped with E2M® bearings. The loading arm, on which the required tools are rolled back and forth, is attached to a heavy duty uty guide rail. This creates a very stiff and stable transfer arrangement that ensures ower tool perfect alignment between the loading arm and the upper and lower ence holders. This is needed in order to guarantee safety and convenience when moving the tooling from the loading arm into the press brake. ake. ?SP;]P^^-]LVP;]ZO`N_TaT_d?ZZW>_L_TZYNLYMP^`[[WTPOTYXP_P]¯ P_P]¯ modules that can be connected to each other as required. The Toolstation module is suitable for: >_Z]LRPZQ`[_ZXP_P]^$Q_ZQ`[[P]_ZZWTYRLYO XP_P]^$Q_ _P]^ $ Q_ ZQWZbP]_ZZWTYR_ZZW^ZQ7( XXMPSTYOPLNSZ_SP] 8LcTX`XbPTRS_% @[[P]_ZZWTYRVRX$WM^Q_ 7ZbP]_ZZWTYRVRX"WM^Q_ 7ZLOTYRLYO`YWZLOTYRSPTRS_QZ]_SPWZbP]_ZZWTYRL[[]ZcTXL_PWd _PWd ##XX ¯LMZaP_SPQWZZ] 7ZLOTYRLYO`YWZLOTYRSPTRS_QZ]_SP`[[P]_ZZWTYRL[[]ZcTXL_PWd _PWd XX!¯LMZaP_SPQWZZ] 0\`T[[PObT_SXZMTWPWZLOTYRLYO`YWZLOTYRL]X^WPYR_S L[[]ZcTXL_PWd XX¯ 7ZLOTYRLYO`YWZLOTYR[Z^^TMWPL_LWW^_Z]LRP[Z^T_TZY^ .ZWZ]MWLNV ?ZZW>_L_TZYOTXPY^TZY^L[[]ZcTXL_PWd XXc XX¯c¯ (w x d) 18 1-888-696-9452 1-888-696-9452 19 USA WILA USA 7380 Coca Cola Drive Hanover, MD 21076 Phone: 443-459-5496 Phone sales: 1-888-696-9452 Fax: 443-459-5515 E-mail: [email protected] 11012
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