AHMEDABAD MUNICIPAL CORPORATION AHMEDABAD HERITAGE DEPARTMENT EXCAVATION OF CENTRE WELL OF STEPWELL TO REVIVE IT & REPARING OF STEPS & PROVIDING SAFETY GRILLS AT BAPUNAGAR STEP WELL @ BAPUNAGAR WARD EAST ZONE. Project Estimate: Rs. 4,84,042.50 (Rupees Four Lacs, Eighty Four Thousand Fourty Two and Fifty Paise only). Project Duration: 5 Months EXCAVATION OF CENTRE WELL OF STEPWELL TO REVIVE IT & REPARING OF STEPS & PROVIDING SAFETY GRILLS AT BAPUNAGAR STEP WELL @ BAPUNAGAR WARD EAST ZONE. TENDER NOTICE NO15 /2014-15./ 47. Page 1 of 17. Tender Fee Rs..600.00 Earnest Money Rs : 4845.00 Contractor’s Name& Address Last Date of submission of Tender------Dt. 24/ 11 / 2014 at 16.00 Hrs. Date of Opening of Tender-------------- Dt. 24/ 11 / 2014 at 17.00 Hrs TENDER FORM AHMEDABAD MUNICIPAL CORPORATION HERITAGE DEPARTMENT NAME OF WORK:- EXCAVATION OF CENTRE WELL OF STEPWELL TO REVIVE IT & REPARING OF STEPS & PROVIDING SAFETY GRILLS AT BAPUNAGAR STEP WELL @ BAPUNAGAR WARD EAST ZONE. Sr.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Item Erection and dismantling of free standing tubular scaffoldings at different locations, including transportation charges from store and back on completion of work. Excavation for centre well of step well at a depth from 10m.To 14m.incl.sorting out & stacking out useful material & disposal of unuseful material outside premises of stepwell.excavation of centrewell should be carried out carefully without causing damage to structure of stepwell.only manual and mechanical process will be allowed no machinary will be allowed to cleanup the well.After cleaning (excavation) all debries to be disposed lead up to 10 km with all lead,lift,carting etc comp. Providing and laying lime concrete bedding in prop. 1:1:2(one part of lime, one part of sand, two part of brick aggregate) including processing of lime in rational manner and mixing with additives - gugal, jaggery, methi, etc. upto a lead of 50 mts and lift upto 12 mts including ramming, compacting, curing, etc complete as directed by the Architect/Engineer in charge. Dismantling of lime bedding conc./ brick masonry/any material of the otla and stacking the debris at a designated place with in lead of 50mts, including cleaning, sweeping the work area, as directed by the engineer/ Architect in charge. (a) Brick masonry Providing and laying New Dhangdhra quarry sand stone, duly fine dressed and fixed in lime sand surkhi mortar 1:1:1, laid in appropriate pattern and level to match the old character of the monument, including lime pointing, Re.Dressing , Re.moulding with hearting masonary , curing etc. as directed by the Engineer /Architect in Charge. Refixing old Dhangadhra sandstone, in lime sand surkhi mortar 1:1:1, laid in appropriate pattern and level to match the old character of the monument, including lime pointing, Re.Dressing re.moulding ,where neccesare with hearing mesonary curing etc. as directed by the Engineer /Architect in Charge. Qty. Rate. Unit. Amount. 95.00 58.00 Smt. 5510.00 1.00 26105.00 Job. 26105.00 1.00 4325.00 Cmt. 4325.00 2.50 157.00 Cmt. 392.50 1.00 41211.00 Cmt. 41211.00 6.00 22023.00 Cmt. 132138.00 EXCAVATION OF CENTRE WELL OF STEPWELL TO REVIVE IT & REPARING OF STEPS & PROVIDING SAFETY GRILLS AT BAPUNAGAR STEP WELL @ BAPUNAGAR WARD EAST ZONE. TENDER NOTICE NO15 /2014-15./ 47. Page 2 of 17. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Replastering with traditional lime mortar to centre well of step well & side otla walls(25 mm avg. thick), in prop. 1:1:1 (one part of lime one part of surkhi one part of coarse sand) including using additives such as jaggery, gugal, chopped hemp, methi etc. including processing of lime in traditional manner, applying in three or more coats, including creating bands, grooves, minor molding as per original finishing with neat lime slurry, curing etc.with all lead lift complete as directed by the engineer/ architect in charge. Manually carving in New or old Dhangadhra Sandstone in appropriate pattern and design to match the old character of the monument, as original as directed by the Engineer /Architect in Charge. Providing and fixing M. S. grill and safety door/ Gates at any level in required pattern to frames etc. with M.S. channels, angles, flats at required spacing and frame round, square or round bars with round headed bolts and nuts or by Screws, incl. nece. Holdfast & locking arrangement etc. complete. Painting Two Coat (Exculuding Priming Coat) over new/previously painted and other metal Surfaces with enamel paint, brushing,interior to give an even shade including Cleaning the surface of all dirt, dust and other foreign matter. Finishing wall with weather proof exterior emulsion paint on wall surface (two coats) to give an required shape even shade after thoroughly brushing the surface to remove all dirt, and remain of loose powdered materials.etc complete Reinstatement or labour work for any kind of paving or kerb with cement pointing in CM 1:2 incl.watering,ramming etc.comp.(a) for only kerb Supplying of daily wages labour for Cleaning of Vav And surrounding Area like Removing Vegetation Small Trees,and roots of big trees,carefully and any other non measurable items as per inst. of engg. Incharge. Conveyance charge of earth, lime, murrum, building, rubbish, manure, garbage, sludge, excavated, rock, flyash , aggregate of any kind including spreading and levelling etc. complete. (Upto 5 Km.) 100.00 495.00 Smt. 49500.00 5.00 1710.00 Rmt. 8550.00 2150.00 74.00 Kg. 159100.00 270.00 62.00 Smt. 16740.00 340.00 75.00 Smt. 25500.00 60.00 11.00 Rmt. 660.00 30.00 350.00 No. 10500.00 25.00 152.44 Cmt 3811.00 Total 484042.50 %ABOVE OR % BELOW CONTRACTOR’S SIGN ADDL. CITY ENGINEER (C.ZONE - HERITAGE) EXCAVATION OF CENTRE WELL OF STEPWELL TO REVIVE IT & REPARING OF STEPS & PROVIDING SAFETY GRILLS AT BAPUNAGAR STEP WELL @ BAPUNAGAR WARD EAST ZONE. TENDER NOTICE NO15 /2014-15./ 47. Page 3 of 17. AHMEDABAD MUNICIPAL CORPORATION HERITAGE DEPARTMENT "Sardar Patel Bhavan", Danapith , Ahmedabad - 380 001. Municipal Commissioner invites Percentage Rate sealed tenders from interested contractors for NAME OF WORK:- EXCAVATION OF CENTRE WELL OF STEPWELL TO REVIVE IT & REPARING OF STEPS & PROVIDING SAFETY GRILLS AT BAPUNAGAR STEP WELL @ BAPUNAGAR WARD EAST ZONE. 1 Name of work EXCAVATION OF CENTRE WELL OF STEPWELL TO REVIVE IT & REPARING OF STEPS & PROVIDING SAFETY GRILLS AT BAPUNAGAR STEP WELL @ BAPUNAGAR WARD EAST ZONE. 2 Time Limit 5(Five) months. 3 4 Tender Validity Period Eligibility Criteria 5 6 Estimated Cost put to tender Earnest Money Deposit 180 days Register “E2” class in PWD in Govt. R&B/CPWD/AMC or equivalent registration with any other state Govt. or institutions and(Registration in A.M.C.is Compulsory As per City Engg.circular No-14 /2013-14 Dt.23/08/13 ). Rs. 484042.50 7 Security Deposit 8 Tender fees (Non refundable) Submission of EMD and Tender Fees 9 10 Tenders issue date 11 Date of submission of Tender Document Date of Opening 12 13 Mode of sending the Tender Documents 14 15 Terms, Condition, & Specification Compansation for Delay 16 Retention Rs. 4845.00/- (Demand Draft or pay order or Bank Guarantee in favor of Municipal Commissioner, AHMEDABAD/) To be submitted as prescribed in 8.0 below. Demand Draft or Bank Guarantee shall be from Nationalized Bank / Scheduled Bank and valid for 180 days.(As per AMC finance dept.circular No-14 Dt.04/06/13 attched ANNEXURE - 1 5 % of the Tender Amount in form of Bank Guarantee / Demand Draft / Local MICR Cheque. Rs.600.00 Demand Draft in favour of Municipal Commissioner, Ahmedabad) In separate sealed cover each for EMD and Tender Fees along with Tender as described in the invitation of tender and submitted to Assistant Manager(Project), P.W.A.Office, Second Floor,B-Wing Old Building, Ahmedabad MunicipalCorporation "Sardar patel Bhavan", Danapith , Ahmedabad - 380 001 Tenders from the AMC website http://www.egovamc.com shall be down loaded from Dt.12 /11/2014. Dt.24/11/2014 at 11.00 to 16.00 Hrs. only. The tenders received after this date and time will not be entertained under any circumstances. Dt.24/11/2014 at 17.00 Hrs to Assistant Manager(Project), P.W.A.Office, Second Floor,B-Wing Old Building, Ahmedabad MunicipalCorporation "Sardar patel Bhavan", Danapith, Ahmedabad - 380 001. Document shall be submitted in sealed envelope systems By RPAD/Speed post/ Hand Delivery in sealed covers in Duplicate ( One Original & One Duplicate) duly sign & seal by contractor Tender Fee,EMD & Document sealed to qualifying criteria should be submitted.. All general condition of contract of Form B1 Will be Applicable in case of dispute with contracter. The penalty of 10% of the Cost of the incomplete work shall be recovered from the immediate bills payable to the contractor . @ 2% of the value of work done will be deducted from each RA bill. It will be released along with release of payment of Final Bill. Seal and Signature of the Bidder Addl City Engineer (C- Zone/Heritage) EXCAVATION OF CENTRE WELL OF STEPWELL TO REVIVE IT & REPARING OF STEPS & PROVIDING SAFETY GRILLS AT BAPUNAGAR STEP WELL @ BAPUNAGAR WARD EAST ZONE. TENDER NOTICE NO15 /2014-15./ 47. Page 4 of 17. FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE Where as M/s. ........................................................................................................... (here in after called the Tenderer) is desirous and preferred to tender for works in accordance with the terms and conditions of tender for the work of .................................................................................................................. 1 .Therefore. We hereby affirm that -we are guarantors on behalf of the Tenderer up to total rupees.................................(in words................................................................) Rs. (in figures) and we undertake to pay to Municipal Commissioner, Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation, A'bad specified up to his first written demand, without demur without delay and without the necessity of a previous of judicial or administrative procedures and without the necessity to prove to the Bank the defects or short comings or debits of the contractor any sum within the limit of Rs..................................................... 2. We further agree that the Guarantee herein contemned shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be taken for the acceptance of tender. However unless a demand of claim under this guarantee is made on its in writing on or before the (Date to be specified will not he less than 180 days from the stipulated date of receiving the tender) we shall be discharge form all liabilities under the guarantee thereafter. . 3. We undertake not to revoke the guarantee during it currency except with the previous consent of the Municipal Commissioner, Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation, A'bad in writing. . 4. We lastly undertake not to revoke the guarantee for any charge in constitution of the Tenderer or of the Bank. Date: Signature & Seal of Guarantor........................... Bank Address....................................................... . 5. The contractors shall have to furnish income tax clearance certificate before his tender is accepted and intimate assessment number and ward under which he is assessed. 6. Copies of certificate as regards previous experience, if any, must accompany the tender. Signature of Contractor Date Add.C.E (C.Z-Heritage) EXCAVATION OF CENTRE WELL OF STEPWELL TO REVIVE IT & REPARING OF STEPS & PROVIDING SAFETY GRILLS AT BAPUNAGAR STEP WELL @ BAPUNAGAR WARD EAST ZONE. TENDER NOTICE NO15 /2014-15./ 47. Page 5 of 17. Finance dept. circular No-14 Dt.4/6/13 ANNEXURE – 1 (A) Guarantee issued by following banks will be accepted as SD/EMD on permanent basis. (1) All Nationalized Banks including the Public Sector Bank-IDBI LTDP (2) Private Sector Banks authorized by RBI to undertake State Government Business (at present : AXIS Bank, ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank) (B) Guarantees issued by following Banks will be accepted as SD/EMD for the period up to March 31, 2014. (1) Commercial Banks : (1) Kotak Mahindra Bank (2) Yes Bank (3) IndusInd Bank. (4) Ratnakar Bank (2) Regional Rural Banks of Gujarat (1) Dena Gujarat Gramin Bank (3) Co-Operative Banks of Gujarat (1) The Kalupur Commercial Co-Operative Bank Ltd. (2) Rajkot Nagarik Sahakari Bank Ltd. (3) The Ahmedabad Mercantile Co-Operative Bank Ltd. (4) The Mehsana Urban Co-Operative Bank Ltd (5) Nutan Nagrik sahakari Bank Ltd. Seal and Signature of the Bidder Addl City Engineer (C- Zone/Heritage) EXCAVATION OF CENTRE WELL OF STEPWELL TO REVIVE IT & REPARING OF STEPS & PROVIDING SAFETY GRILLS AT BAPUNAGAR STEP WELL @ BAPUNAGAR WARD EAST ZONE. TENDER NOTICE NO15 /2014-15./ 47. Page 6 of 17. mexe Rsluh (Jtu.he.bu.) mhfgwjh lk. 14/ 2013-14 yt&e <btb Ítul/v{tusufxlt yuze mexe Rsluh©eytulu sKtJJtlwkfu ybœtJtœ Bgwrlrmvj ftuvtuohuNlbtk swœt swœt Ítul <&t «tusufxtubtk rJftmlt <&t ytuvhuNl, bhtb<lt meJejftbtult ftuLx[tfxhfu suytu yLg mhfthe mkM&tbtk hSMx[uNl ^htJ<t ntug ylu Bgwrlrmvj ftuvtuohuNlbtk hSMx[uNl ^htJ<t l ntug <uJt ftuLx[tfxhtu xuLzh v{r¢gt œhBgtl yuj 1 ytJu <tu <uytulu <u ftblwk «&b vubuLx bu¤Ju <u vnujtk btl. Bgwrlrmvj frb§h©e le bkswhe bwsc ybœtJtœ Bgwrlrmvj ftuvtuohuNl btk hSMx[uNl fhJw sYhe ntuR <ult ybj btxu œhuf Ítul/«tusufx rJCtdlt <btb yr^fthe©e ylu fboatheytuyu ltuk^ juJt rJlk<e Au. sd/mexe yurLslegh(Jtu.he.bu) <t.23/08/2013 EXCAVATION OF CENTRE WELL OF STEPWELL TO REVIVE IT & REPARING OF STEPS & PROVIDING SAFETY GRILLS AT BAPUNAGAR STEP WELL @ BAPUNAGAR WARD EAST ZONE. TENDER NOTICE NO15 /2014-15./ 47. Page 7 of 17. AHMEDABAD MUNICIPAL CORPORATION HERITAGE DEPARTMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION The work shall be completed within Five months after the order to start the works. The contractor shall have to maintain account of steel, cement and other materials that may be brought by him on site. This account shall be regularly maintained and kept open for inspection by Municipal Staff. Watering of all the items shall be as per instructions. Mixing of concrete shall be done by contractor as per instruction of Engineer in Charge. The contractor shall be remaining responsible for Workmen’s compensation if any when such case occurs. The contractor shall arrange fencing and pagi and shall be responsible for any damage of life and limb or property if any happen, during the execution of work. In case of dispute for unseen or overlooked items the decision of the higher Authority of Department shall be final. The contractor shall have to give site clean of all rubbish on completion of work and handover the building/site with final finishing of the work as directed. All the rejected materials shall be removed from site within 24 hours by contractor at his risk and cost. For mixing mortar either for masonry or for plaster or for any other purpose contractor shall have to prepare through of bigger size and mix the mortar in the required proportion. In no case he shall be allowed to mix the mortar either on floor or any finished surfaces. The contractor shall have to make his own arrangement for water & Electricity required for the work and shall pay the water charges as per water meter,and electric bill as per torrent power bill. If any extra item occurs during the progress of work the same shall be carried out by the contractor and he shall be paid at the rate fixed by Department as per the rate analysis based on current market rates. If in the interest of the Corporation it is necessary to change either any site or the design of the propose work the contractor shall carry out the same at his quoted rates without charges any extra and the contractor will have to carry out the works and he will be paid at the rate quoted by him and no claim for extra for subsequent changes may be entertained. The cubical contents of the cement bag shall be taken as 1.20 cft. Per bag and the contractors shall have to prepare the measures boxes according to these measures. The R.C.C. or specified work shall not be done on Sunday and holiday excepting emergency or when technical requirements are such that continuity of work should be maintained and that to will be with prior permission of the competent authority. Retention money at the rate of 2% shall be deducted from every running bill of the contractor and which will be paid at the time of final bill, for works costing less than Rs. 10-00 lakhs.Contractor will be fully responsible for compliance of the various provision under contract Act. 1970 and the Rules framed as under. The tender for the work shall remain open for a period of (180) days from the date of opening of the tenders for this work and that the tenderer shall not be allowed to withdraw on modify the offer on his own during the period. If any tenderer withdraw or makes any modifications (s) or addition (s) in the terms and conditions of his tender not acceptable to the Municipal Corporation the Municipal Corporation shall without prejudice to any right or remedy be at liberty to forfeit in full the said earnest money absolutely. As per Circular No. MCR 2176 (96) 2418 (ii) GHH dated 31-03-77 issued by Government of Gujarat contractors are requested to produce their quarry materials for construction work through legal sources. i.e. only form the quarry lease holders, permit holder or middle man who satisfies the contractor as to the legality of the source of purchase by him on these materials. If the work is not carried out within the specified time limit. (i.e. within Five months)from the date of order to start the work. The penalty of 10% of the Cost of the incomplete work shall be recovered from the immediate bills payable to the contractor. EXCAVATION OF CENTRE WELL OF STEPWELL TO REVIVE IT & REPARING OF STEPS & PROVIDING SAFETY GRILLS AT BAPUNAGAR STEP WELL @ BAPUNAGAR WARD EAST ZONE. TENDER NOTICE NO15 /2014-15./ 47. Page 8 of 17. i) Conditional tender will not be accepted. ii) All tenders are to be submitted in duplicate without which the tenders are liable to be rejected. iii) In case of tender downloaded from website, tender fee & EMD should be submitted in form of demand draft or in cash. iv) Condition of form B1and Standard Specification of material & code of practice will be applicable. Contractor shall follow all the rules & regulation for Child Labour Act & others Labour Act As per labour welfare cess act 1996. Contractor’s Sign Addl. C.Engg. (C.Zone-Heritage) EXCAVATION OF CENTRE WELL OF STEPWELL TO REVIVE IT & REPARING OF STEPS & PROVIDING SAFETY GRILLS AT BAPUNAGAR STEP WELL @ BAPUNAGAR WARD EAST ZONE. TENDER NOTICE NO15 /2014-15./ 47. Page 9 of 17. SPECIFICATIONS OF WORKS NAME OF WORK:- EXCAVATION OF CENTRE WELL OF STEPWELL TO REVIVE IT & REPARING OF STEPS & PROVIDING SAFETY GRILLS AT BAPUNAGAR STEP WELL @ BAPUNAGAR WARD EAST ZONE. Item No. 1: Erection and dismantling of free standing tubular scaffoldings at different locations, including transportation charges from Contractor’s store or site and back on completion of work including loading and unloading etc. No scaffold or centre to be hooked to the existing masonary. The scaffolding centers to be adequately supported for lateral stability as directed by Engineer In charge. Payment will be given on Sq. meter basis. Item No. 2: Excavation for centre well of step well at a depth from 10m.To 14m.incl.sorting out & stacking out useful material & disposal of unuseful material outside premises of stepwell.excavation of centrewell should be carried out carefully without causing damage to structure of stepwell.only manual and mechanical process will be allowed no machinary will be allowed to cleanup the well.After cleaning (excavation) all debries to be disposed lead up to 10 km with all lead,lift,carting etc comp.Payment will be given on Job basis. Item No. 3: Providing and laying lime concrete bedding in prop. 1:1:2(one part of lime, one part of sand, two part of brick aggregate) including processing of lime in rational manner and mixing with additives - gugal, jaggery, methi, etc. upto a lead of 50 mts and lift upto 12 mts including ramming, compacting, curing, etc complete as directed by the Architect/Engineer in charge.Payment will be given on Cubic meter basis. Item No. 4: Dismantling of lime bedding conc./ brick masonry/any material of the otla and stacking the debris at a designated place with in lead of 50mts, including cleaning, sweeping the work area, as directed by the engineer/ Architect in charge(a) Brick masonry. Payment will be given on Cubic meter basis. Item No. 5: Providing and laying New Dhangdhra quarry sand stone, duly fine dressed and fixed in lime sand surkhi mortar 1:1:1, laid in appropriate pattern and level to match the old character of the monument, including lime pointing, Re.Dressing , Re.moulding with hearting masonary , curing etc. as directed by the Engineer /Architect in Charge. Manually fixing New Dhangadhra sand stones of similar colour, texture, properties and size, shall be duly approved by the engineer in charge. Sizes of each stone shall be varying as per the size of decayed original stone. Damaged sandstone, if found shall be replaced with matching new sandstone,. New sandstone, used have to match the old sandstone, in size ,shape,colour and composition. The proportion of lime mortar shall be decided after opening of the existing stone masonry and suitable material analysis is done. Generally traditional mortar includes 1:1:1 lime sand surkhi mortar in (i.e. 1part of lime, 1 parts of surkhi and 1 part of sand) and also adding and mixing additives- jaggery, gugal & methi. Mortar should be well mixed for minimum seven days of mixing, turning, curing etc. The work includes scaffolding, temporary supports and shoring, loading, unloading and stacking of materials for allheights. Payment shall be done on Cubic meter basis. EXCAVATION OF CENTRE WELL OF STEPWELL TO REVIVE IT & REPARING OF STEPS & PROVIDING SAFETY GRILLS AT BAPUNAGAR STEP WELL @ BAPUNAGAR WARD EAST ZONE. TENDER NOTICE NO15 /2014-15./ 47. Page 10 of 17. Item No. 6: Refixing old Dhangadhra sandstone, in lime sand surkhi mortar 1:1:1, laid in appropriate pattern and level to match the old character of the monument, including lime pointing, Re.Dressing re.moulding ,where neccesary with hearting masonary curing etc. as directed by the Engineer /Architect in Charge. The proportion of lime mortar shall be decided after opening of the existing stone masonry and suitable material analysis is done. Generally traditional mortar includes 1:1:1 lime sand surkhi mortar in (i.e. 1part of lime, 1 parts of surkhi and 1 part of sand) and also adding and mixing additives- jaggery, gugal & methi. Mortar should be well mixed for minimum seven days of mixing, turning, curing etc. wherever Refixing old Dhangadhra sandstone is adjoining the existing as per design as per instruction of Conservation Architect. The work includes scaffolding, temporary supports and shoring, loading, unloading and stacking of materials for allheights. Payment shall be done on Cubic meter basis. Item No. 7: Replastering with traditional lime mortar to centre well of step well & side otla walls(25 mm avg. thick), in prop. 1:1:1 (one part of lime one part of surkhi one part of coarse sand) including using additives such as jaggery, gugal, chopped hemp, methi etc. including processing of lime in traditional manner, applying in three or more coats, including creating bands, grooves, minor molding as per original finishing with neat lime slurry, curing etc.with all lead lift complete as directed by the engineer/ architect in charge.Payment will be given on Sq. meter basis. Item No. 8: Manually carving in New or old Dhangadhra Sandstone in appropriate pattern and design to match the old character of the monument, as original as directed by the Engineer /Architect in Charge. Payment shall be done on One Running meter basis. Item No. 9: Providing and fixing M. S. grill and safety door/ Gates at any level in required pattern to frames etc. with M.S. channels, angles, flats at required spacing and frame round, square or round bars with round headed bolts and nuts or by Screws, incl. nece. Holdfast & locking arrangement etc. complete.with one coat of Red oxide (primer).Payment shall be done on Kg basis. Item No. 10: Painting Two Coat (Exculuding Priming Coat) over new/previously painted and other metal Surfaces with enamel paint, brushing,interior to give an even shade including Cleaning the surface of all dirt, dust and other foreign matter. Payment shall be done on Sq. meter basis. Item No. 11: Finishing wall with weather proof exterior emulsion paint on wall surface (two coats) to give an required shape even shade after thoroughly brushing the surface to remove all dirt, and remain of loose powdered materials.etc complete. Payment shall be done on Sq. meter basis. Item No. 12: Reinstatement or labour work for any kind of paving or kerb with cement pointing in CM 1:2 incl.watering,ramming etc.comp.(a) for only kerb. Payment shall be done on One Running meter basis. EXCAVATION OF CENTRE WELL OF STEPWELL TO REVIVE IT & REPARING OF STEPS & PROVIDING SAFETY GRILLS AT BAPUNAGAR STEP WELL @ BAPUNAGAR WARD EAST ZONE. TENDER NOTICE NO15 /2014-15./ 47. Page 11 of 17. Item No. 13: Supplying of daily wages labour for Cleaning of Vav And surrounding Area like Removing Vegetation Small Trees,and roots of big trees,carefully and any other non measurable items as per inst. of engg. Incharge. Payment shall be done on One No basis. Item No. 14: Conveyance charge of earth, lime, murrum, building, rubbish, manure, garbage, sludge, excavated, rock, flyash , aggregate of any kind including spreading and levelling etc. complete. (Upto 5 Km.) All the surplus earth etc. remained on site after sufficient watering shall be carried away immediately from the site of work to a place with in 5 km. distance as dire. and ordered by the Engineer so as not to cause any in convenience to the public or traffic failing with in the of public safety & traffic convenience the corporation shall carry out the work by any other agency at contractors risk and cost.if the instruction from the Engineer in charge of work are not followed within 7 days from the date of order to cart the material and to clear the site ,the work shall be carried out by muni. corpn. at the risk and cost of the contractor and any claim or dis oute shall not be entertained in this respect. etc.comp. as .dire.of Engineer in charge. Payment will be given on cubic meter basis. Contractor’s Sign Addl. C.Engg. (C.Zone-Heritage) EXCAVATION OF CENTRE WELL OF STEPWELL TO REVIVE IT & REPARING OF STEPS & PROVIDING SAFETY GRILLS AT BAPUNAGAR STEP WELL @ BAPUNAGAR WARD EAST ZONE. TENDER NOTICE NO15 /2014-15./ 47. Page 12 of 17. ybœtJtœ BGþrlrmvj ftuvtuohuNl ftb btxuLþk xftJthe >hJt¤wk xuLzh ylu ftuLx[tfx xuLzh btxule Nh<tu (1) y:- yt xuLzh su <u Jdolt ybœtJtœ BGþrl.ftuvtuohuNl y&Jt fuLî{ y&Jt htsg mhfthle btLg gtœelt ftuLx[fxhtu Che NfNu. dJobuLxlt btLg ftuLx[tfxhu ybœtJtœ BGþrl.ftuvtuohuNlbtk btLg ftuLx[tfxhtule gtœebtkk hSMxuNl fhtJJtlwk hnuNu. c:- btLg ©uKelt ftuLx[tfxh <hefu ltuk^Kelt «btKvºtle MJ «btKe< fhuj lfj xuLzh mt&u stuzJtle hnuNu. f:- xuLzhhle jtgft< ftb sJtc>th xuLzhh <ubs su xuLzhbtk mwaJuj ftuLx[tfxhle ©uKebtk ytJ<t ntug <ubs ftb fhJt mûtb ntug <ublu s ytvJtbtk ytJNu. ftb ytv<t vnujt ftuLx[tfxhu ftb mk<tu»tfthf <ubs xtRb jebexbtk ÃþY fhJt sYhe mJj<,ylwCJ, ûtb<t ylu VtgltLmegj hemtumo hsw fhJtlt hnuNu. z:- yb>tJt> Bgwrlrmvj ctuzo XhtJ lk - 3836,<t.25/11/2011 &e b¤uj bkswhe ylwmth <&t mexe.Rsluh mh¾gwjh,lk -17,<t.09/12/2012 bwsc yb>tJt> Bgwrlrmvj ftuvtuohuNlbtk ftuLx[t¾xh hSMxuN [ l Ve,heLgwyj Ve <&t yvd{uzuNl Ve ylu btv>kztu ægtlbtk htFe <u bwsc ybj fhJtltu hnuNu. E. xuLzh Ch<t vnujt xuLzhhu mtRx rlheûtK fhe juJwk. xuLzhh ftblt «fth, ngt< hM<t, vtKe btdo, mkath ylu JvhtNlt ceò hM<tytu&e mk<wÐ ntuJtlwk btle juJtbtk ytJNu. xuLzhhu ftblu mtRx ylu rcÕzekd(fu su ftb fhJt, ftb ÃþY fhJt <&t ftblt buRxulLm btxu cltJuj ntug).<ubs xuLzhhu yt mtRxlt ftb btxu, rcÕzekd btxu, gtzo, zevtu btxule søgt vtu<tle he<u bu¤Je juJtle hnuNu. (xuLzhlwk ftb fhJt, ftb vwhwk fhJt <&t ftblt buRxulLm btxule søgt) (h) yt ftble mbg bgto>t vtka (5)btm le hnuNu. (3) xuLzh Jujezexe rvhegz ( 180) r>Jm mw^ele hnuNu. (4) xuLzh Ch<e JF<u yluoMxble ChJtle hnuNu. (5) xuLzh Vtubo xuLzh Vtubo ylu ylwmwrabtkle >hufu >huf Ftje søgt xuLzh Chlthu Chuje yt mt&u btufjujt >M<tJus vh< fhJtlt hnuNu. (6) ftuLx[tfxhtuyu leaule ctc<tu ft¤SÃËJof JtkaJt rJlk<e Au. (1) J^w fu ytuAtle xftJthe lt >h Nç>tu <ubs ytkfztbtk ytvJt. xuLzh Chlthu yt he<u cl<e hfb vK Ftltbtk ltuk^Je ylu hfbltu fwj mhJt¤tu bwfJtu. (h) ftuR fkvlelu ltbu xuLzh juJtbkt ytÔgwk ntug <tu fkvle J<e xuLzh vh mne fhlth Ôgrf<lu yr^f]< fh<wk bwFðgthltbwk xuLzh mt&u hsw fhJtlwk hnuNu. (3) Bgwrl.ftuvtuohuNllt «Joðbtl rlgbtu ylwmth ylouMxble ChJtle hnuNu.ylu xuLzh mt&u cezJtle hnuNu. (4) ftuLx[tfxhu RLfbxuût mkckr^< vtl lkch <&t cukf zexuRj ytvJtle hnuNu. (5) ftuLx[tfxh ydtWlt ylwCJtu ykdult «btKvºttule lfj xuLzh mt&u hsw fhe NfNu. (6) xuLzh Nh<tu ylu MvuNeVefuNl <&t CtJ vºtflt >huf vtlt ylu rJd<tu vh ftuLx[tfxhu mne fhJe. (7) <btb mw^tht, AufAtf ylu Dwkxujt jFtK vh ftuLx[tfxhu xwkfe mne fhJe. (7) AufAtf:xuLzh Chlthlu sKtJJtbtk ytJu Au fu xuLzh >M<tJustult jFtKbtk ftuR AufAtf fu VuhVth fhJt >uuJtNu lrn ylu ytJe ftuR AufAtf fu VuhVth juJtNu lrn, <ultk jFtKbtk ftuR Cwj ntug <tu <ult vh l Dwkx<t Ftuxt jFtK fu ytkfzt vh Auftu bthelu <ult mtawk jFtK fu ytkfzt MvÐ Wfju <u he<u jFJt. «ðguf mw^tht vh xwkfe mne fhJe. EXCAVATION OF CENTRE WELL OF STEPWELL TO REVIVE IT & REPARING OF STEPS & PROVIDING SAFETY GRILLS AT BAPUNAGAR STEP WELL @ BAPUNAGAR WARD EAST ZONE. TENDER NOTICE NO15 /2014-15./ 47. Page 13 of 17. (8) y:- xuLzh hsw fh<tk vnujt Ftm fhelu xuLzhbtk >NtoJuj mwaltytulwk vtjl fhJtbtk ytÔgw lrn ntug <tu xuLzh ybtLg dKJtbkt ytJNu <ule ltuk^ juJt rJlk<e Au. J¤e yt Vtubolwk bwFv]ƒ ylu ftuLx[tfxhtult btdo>Nol btxu mtbtLg rlgbtu ylu mwaltytu vK ft¤SvwJof JtkaJt rJlk<e Au. (1) ftuEvK fthK >NtoÔgt rmJtg ftuEvK fu c^t xuLzhtu yMJefthJtltu n¬ yctr^< hnu Au. (h) xuLzhhu ctujvtuELx vullt c>ju NtneJt¤e vul&e Chujt xuLzhtu ðþkh< s ybtLg dKJtbtk ytJNu. (8) c:- Wvhle ctc<tu Wvhtk< xuLzh leault mkstudtubtk <h< ybtLg XhJtlu vtºt &Nu. (1) xuLzh Chlth, rlg< ftb y&Jt ftb btxu bkswh fhuj y&Jt CtJ vºtflt ftuR ftuz y&Jt vîr< y&Jt rJd<tubtk bwfuj Nh< y&Jt mw^thtbtk ftuR VuhVth mwaJ<t ntug. (h) xuLzhlwk ftuR vtlwk fu vtlt ftZe ltkÏgwk/ltkÏgt ntug fu c>ÕGþ / c>Õgt ntug. (3) c^t mw^tht J^tht y&Jt atukxtzuje ftvjeytu Wvh xuLzh Chlthu xwkfe mne l fhe ntug. (4) xuLzhbtk <ubKu ftuR AufAtf fhe ntug, ylu (5) xuLzh Chlth y&Jt vuZele ctc<btk >huf Ctde>th y&Jt <u ykdulwk bwFðgthltbwk ^htJlth Ôgrf< mne l fhu y&Jt xuLzhbt <u btxu htFJtbtk ytJuje søgtbtk mne/mneytu Wvh ftuR mtûteyu mtF fhe l ntug. (8) f:- Nh<e xuLzh MJefthJtbtk ytJNu lne. (8) z:- xuLzh MJefthJw, h> fhJw, ftulu ytvJw ylu fgt CtJ&e ytvJw <u ykdu Bgwrl. frb§h©eltu rlKog ytFhe hnuNu. ftuR fthKmh stu ftuLx[tfxhlu ftb l ytve Nftg <tu <u ykdu ftuLx[tfxh ftuRvK «fthltu lwfNtle fu J¤<hltu nff>tJtuu fhe NfNu lrn fu ftg>tfeg ftgoJtne yt ykdu &R NfNu lrn. xuLzh bkswh >ltu y&o ftb ytve >uJtLþk Au <uJtu &R NfNu lrn.Nh<e xuLzh MJefthJtbtk ytJNu lne. (9) rJmkdr< ylu rnmtc stud: nt& ^hJtlt ftbtule ctc< >NtoJ<t CtJ vºtfbtklt sÚ&t ylu hfble ftuRvK Cwjawf leault rlgbtu ylwmth mhCh fhJtbtk ytJNu. (1) xuLzh Chlthu >hlt Ftltbtk sKtJuj Nç>tu ylu ytkfzt Jåau ftuR ymkdr<lt fumbtk Nç>tuubtk sKtJuj hfb btLg htFJtbtk ytJNu. (2) yufb >h ylu sÚ&tlt Ftuxt dwKtfthlt fthKu ftble ctc<tu >NtoJ<e CtJ vºtflt Ftltbtk&e hfbbtk Cwj sKtg <tu yufb >h btLg htFJtbkt ytJNu ylu >hlt yt^thu dwKtfth mw^thJtbkt ytJNu. (3) yufblt Ftltbtk&e <ubs ytd¤ Fuka<t mhJt¤tle <btb Cwjtu mw^thJtbkt ytJNu. (4) ctc<tu y&Jt mhJt¤t mtbu vwhu ytkfzu fhuj ftuR vK ctc< ægtlbtk juJtbtk ytJNu lrn. (10) y:- ftbltu «tud{um mbgbgto>t bwsc fhJtltu hnuNu. yt mbgbgot>t 10 jtF mw^elt ftb btxu yuj.ytu.ytR. ytÃgt <theF&e 10 r>Jm <&t 10 jtF &e Wvhltk ftb btxu yuj.ytu.ytR. ytÃgt <theF&e 15 r>Jm&e NY &guj dKJtbt ytJNu. <&t <u >hBgtl ftble 5% juFu zevtuÍex Che fhthvºt fhJtltu hnuNu. xuLzhbtk ftuLx[t¾xh îtht Chujt CtJ <btb «fthlt su <u «J<o<t mhfthe xuût mrn<lt CtJ dKJtbtk ytJNu. ylu <ubtk atjw ftb >hBgtl su ftuR VuhVth &Nu <ultu J^thtu awfJJtbtk ytJNu lrnk. c:- mûtb m•tt îtht Yt.10,00,000.00 (>m jtF) mw^elt xuLzhle bkswheltu XhtJ vtzgt ct> (LOI) ytvJtbtk ytJNu ðgth ct> r>l - 10 btk rm¾gtuhexe zevtuÍex sbt fhtJJtle hnuNu. rm¾gtuhexe zevtuÍex btuze ChJtlt rfMmtbtk Bgwrl.ftuvtuohuNlbtk «Joðbtl rlgb ylwmth ftgoJtne fhJtbtk ytJNu. f:- bkswh &guj xuLzhle mbgbgto>tbtk ftbdehe vqKo l &tg <tu suxjt r>Jm ftbdehe btuze vqhe fhuj ntug <uxjt r>Jmle vulÕxe xuLzh hfb (fhth rfkb<) lt 10% bwsc xuLzhbtk bkswh &guj mbgbgto>t ct>lt FhuFh ctfe ftble hfblt bn•tb 10% juFu vulÕxe Jmwj fhJtbtk ytJNu. EXCAVATION OF CENTRE WELL OF STEPWELL TO REVIVE IT & REPARING OF STEPS & PROVIDING SAFETY GRILLS AT BAPUNAGAR STEP WELL @ BAPUNAGAR WARD EAST ZONE. TENDER NOTICE NO15 /2014-15./ 47. Page 14 of 17. (11) y:- awfJKe:xuLzh Chlthu yu Jt< mbS juJtle hnuNu fu <uKu xtkfujt >h vwhtk &gujt ftb btxult Au ylu <ubtk bswhe, vtjF, ÃjtLx, >uFhuF, mhJem-ftbdehe, Jes¤e, htugÕxe ylu ytufx[tug Jduhu ykNu <btb Faoltu <&t sYh sKtg <tu ylu ðgthu ht<vt¤elt ftblu juJt c^t J^thtlt Faoltu mbtJuN &Nu ylu xtkfujt CtJ fu >h fh<t J^thtle ftuR awfJKe ykdult <ublt ftuR >tJt ægtlbtk juJtNu lnek ylu xuLzh Chlth Ftuxe hswyt<lu fthKu y&Jt ftuR Ôgrf<yu (vAe<u ctk^ftb rJCtdltu fboathe ntug fu l ntug) <ublu ytvuje btne<elu yt^thu vtA¤&e ftuR >tJt hsw fhJt nf>th hnuNu lnek. <ublw xuLzh ChJt <&t <ubtk sw>t sw>t CtJ ylu >h ChJt btxu sYhe yuJe <btb btne<e vtu<tlt vûtu l bu¤Je NfJtlu fthKu vtu<u xuLzh hsw fhJtlu je^u y&Jt <ubtk&e WCt &<t ftuR stuFb fu sJtc>thebtk&e Axfe NfNu lnek. m>h ftbbtk ftuR vK ò<lt ctk^ftblt bxehegj Wvh CtJ J^thtu ytvJtbtk ytJNu lrnk. c:- ftuLx[tfxhtulu vubuLx / hlekd cej Bgwrl. frb§h©elt su <u «Joðbtl rlgb bwsc fhJtbtk ytJNu. <&t Bgwrl. frb§h©e/mexe Rsluh©e lt su <u JF<ltk mh¾gwjh «btKu ftbdehe/ybj fhJt ckDlf<ot hnuNu. f:- ftuLx[t¾xhlt >huf hlekd cejbtk&e ftuLx[t¾xhlu awfJJtle &<e fwj hfb Wvh (xuLzh bwsclwk vubuLx + yu¾x[t ytRxb) 2 % juFu hexulNl ble ftvJtbtk ytJNu su VtRlj cejbtk vh< ytvJtbtk ytJNu. z:- htsg / fuL÷ mhfth©elt JF<tuJF<lt ftg>t bwsc su ftuR hfble fvt< fhJtle &Nu <u bwsc ftuLx[tfxhlt cejbtk&e fvt< fhJtbt ytJNu. (12) yu:- fhth mkc^e >M<tJustu fhthlt ydðglt Ctd dKtNu ylu <u mD¤t mne<lt fhth mbd{ ftblu jtdw vzNu. ce:- xuLzhbtk >NtoJuj ftb mkck^e >M<tJusbtk >NtoJuj rJd<btk rJmkd<<tlt rfMmtbtk leau >NotJuj ¢btlwmth >M<tJusbtk >NtoJuj rJd< d{tng htFJtbkt ytJNu.fhth mkc^e >M<tJustu fhthlt ydðglt Ctd dKtNu ylu <u mD¤t mne<lt fhth mbd{ ftblu jtdw vzNu. (yu) yufb ylu f>:(1) z[tu#d (2) xuLzh VtuboLþk CtJvºtf (3) MvuNeVefuNl z[tu#dbtk f>, ytfth, ytkfzt f>ta Ftuxt ntug <tu btvujt f>, ytfthlu yLþmhÔþk (ce) JKol:(1) z[tu#d (2) xuLzh Vtubole yLþMþra-ce (3) MvuNeVefuNl Cwj Chujt fu Ftuxt JKollt rfMmtbtk yt mkck^e Wvhefûttyu rJmkd<<t ykdule ltuk^ bwfe yuze.mexe yuLSlegh / zu.BGþrl.frbNlh©ele bkswhe bu¤JJtbtk ytJNu ylu <u bwsc fhJtbkt ytJuj rlKog ykr<b dKJtbkt ytJNu. (13) xuLzhhu z[tuRkd fu MvuNeVefuNlbtk hnuje ftuR ûtr< fu Ftbeltu duhjtC juJtle fturNN l fhJe ylu Rsluh Rlatsuo Ãjtl <&t MvuNeVefuNlle ûtr<ytu mw^thJe <&t <ulwk mtawk y&oDxl fhtJJwk. (14) yt Wvhtk< y.Bgw. ftuvtuo. lt slhj ftuLx[tfx fLzeNl vK btLg htFJle hnuNu. (15) yufe JF<u yuf fh<t J^w søgtytuyu ftb NY fhJtltu Jfo ytuzoh b¤u <tu ftb yuf mt&u s c^u NY fhJw vzNu. (16) atjw ftbu mrJom jtRllu lwfNtl l &tg <u he<u ftb fhJtlw hnuNu. stu ftuR mrJom jtRllu lwfNtl &Nu <tu <ule mkvwKo sJtc>the (òlbtj) ftuLx[tfxhle vtu<tle hnuNu. mtRx Wvh ftb >hBgtl bswhtu fu sl<tlt ftuR btKmlt òlbtj lu lwfNtl &tg <ule sJtc>the ftuLx[tfxhle hnuNu. vtujem Vrhgt> &tg <tu <ule sJtc>the vK ftuLxtfxhle hnuNu. CuFz Dme l vzu <ule sJtc>the vK vtujem Vrhgt>bt ftuLx[tfxhle EXCAVATION OF CENTRE WELL OF STEPWELL TO REVIVE IT & REPARING OF STEPS & PROVIDING SAFETY GRILLS AT BAPUNAGAR STEP WELL @ BAPUNAGAR WARD EAST ZONE. TENDER NOTICE NO15 /2014-15./ 47. Page 15 of 17. hnuNu. CuFz Dme l vzu <u btxu mjtb<elt vdjt (suJt fu >tuhzwk ctk^e bswh Ftztbtk W<thJt, mtuhekd ylu Mx[xekd fhJt rJduhu) je^t Jdh bsqhlu Ftztbtk W<thNu <tu ftuLx[tfxh s vtujem Vrhgt>bt sJtc>th hnuNu ylu Bgwrl.ftuvtuohuNlltu ftuRvK MxtV ytlt btxu sJtc>th hnuNu lrn. ytxjwk mbSlu s xuLzh ChJwk. bswhtultu rJbtu vK W<thJtu. (17) bxehegÕm fu ceò xuMxed hevtuxo ftuLx[tfxhu vtu<tlt Fauo ftuvtuohuNl sKtJu <u søgtyu fhtJJtlt hnuNu. bxehegÕm jtJJt fu jR sJtltu mkvwKo Fao ftuLx[tfxhu CtudJJtltu hnuNu. (18) M&¤ vrhrM&r< / sYhegt< bwsc ftb fhtJ<t xuLzhlt ytRxblt sÚ&tbtk J^ ^x &tg <tu rlgb ylwmth <u ykdu ftb fhJt ftuLx[tfxh ck^tgujt Au. (19) mtRx vh jtJJtbtk ytJuj btj mtbtl hesufx fhJtbt ytJu <tu <whk< r>l 1btk vh< jR sJtltu hnuNu. yLg&t <ule lwfNtlle sJtc>the ftuLx[tfxhle hnuNu. (20) ftuLx[tfxhlu su ftuLx[tfx ytvJtbtk ytJu Au. <ubt mhfth©elt «Joðbtl rlgb bwsc ve.yuV/juch yufx <&t bswhtu <&t MxtVle Jebt vtujeme jElu <ult ftg>tlw vtjl fhJtlwk hnuNu <&t yt ykdu Bgwrl.ftuvtuohuNl îtht su btne<e btkdJtbtk ytJu <u ytvJtle hnuNu. bu.BGþrl.frbNlh©elt mh¾âwjh Bþsc sYhe ctknu^he vºtf ytvJtLþk hnuNu. (21) ftuRvK ftg>tfeg jexeduNl yb>tJt> Nnuhle ftuxobtk hnuNu. (22) btj su <u Mxtumo Wvh y&Jt mtRx Wvh jtuftulu lz<h l &tg <u he<u mwalt bwsc W<thJtltu <ubs dtuXJJtltu hnuNu. (23) ftuR vK mhfthe fhJuht ChJtle <btb sJtc>the ftuLx[tfxhle hnuNu. (24) ftuLx[tfxh îtht xuLzhbt >NtoJuj MveNeVefuNl bwsc MxtLzzo bxehegÕm MvuNeVefuNl bwsc jtJJtlt hnuNu.<&t xuMxekd fhtJJtlwk hnuNu.<&t yt ykdu «Joðbtl Bgwrl.ftuvtuohuNlltk rlgbtulw vtjl fhJtlw hnuNu. (25) yt xuLzhbtk stu ftuR ytRxb hne dR ntug <tu <u y&Jt M&¤ vrhM&e<e bwsc xuLzhbtk mbtJuN l ntug <uJe J^thtle ftbdehe fhJtle &tg <uJt rfMmtbtk Bgwrl.ftuvtuohuNllt «Jo<btl rlgb ylwmth J^thtle ytRxblt CtJ lffe fhJtbtk ytJNu ylu <u bwsc awkfJKe fhJtbtk ytJNu. (26) atjw ftb >hBgtl «tuxufNlle mkvwKo sJtc>the ftuLx[tfxhle hnuNu. subtk vevzt, >tuhzt Cgmwaf ctuzo, ÃjtMxef vèe, rJ. ftuLx[tfxhu jtJJtlwk ylu mtaJJtlwk hnuNu. ylu ftuRvK yfMbt< &Nu <tu <ule mkvwKo sJtc>the ftuLx[tfxhle hnuNu. (27) M&¤ Wvh atjw ftbdehe >hBgtl ftb fhlth ftuLx[tfxhlt bswh / fboathe y&Jt yLg Ôgrf<lt yfMbt<lt rfMmbtk juch yufx bwsc fhJtle &<e ftgoJtne <&t vtujem ftgoJtnele sJtc>the ftuLx[tfxhle hnuNu. (28) stu MxtV mqalt ytvu <u bwsc mwalt vtu&e ftuLx[tfxhu htFJtle hnuNu. <ubtk >hhtus fhuj ftbdehe <&t yr^ftheytuyu ftb mw^thJt fu «tud{um J^thJtlt ltuk^ fhuj ntug <tu <ulwk ftuBÃjtgLm ytvJtlwk hnuNu ytJe ltu^lt sJtc l &gu fu <u «btKu M&¤ Wvh ybj l &gu ftuLx[tfxhlu vulÕxe fhJtle m•tt yuze.mexe yuLSlehgh©elu hnuNu. (29) >huf ytRxblt MvuNeVefuNl yb>tJt> Bgwrlrmvj ftuvtuohuNlltk bkswh &guj <&t btLg htFuj MvuNeVefuNl Nh<tu bwsc hnuNu su ytRxbbtk MvuNeVefuNl l ntug <uJt mkstudtubtk yuze.mexe.yuLSlegh©eltu rlKog ytFhe hnuNu.Jtuxhekd fhJtbtk lrn ytJu fu >hhtus J^thtltu zucheÍ WvtzJtbtk lrn ytJu <tu ftuLx[tfxhlt Fauo ylu sutFbu Jdh ltuxemu Jtuxhekd fhtJJtbtk <&t zucheÍ WvtzJtbtk ytJNu ylu cejbtk&e hfb ftve juJtbtk ytJNu. (30) juch JuÕVuh Vkz btxu ntjbtk htsg mhfth©eyu fhuj nwfb bwsc 1%(yuf xft) hfb cejbtk&e ftve juJtbt ytJNu.(JF<tu JF< cœjt<t rlgb bwsc Ve ftvJtbtk ytJNu) (31) ftuLx[tfxhu xuLzh Ch<e JF<u ve yuV,Jux mrxoVefux ylu muÕm xuût lkch rJduhu sKtJJtlt hnuNu. EXCAVATION OF CENTRE WELL OF STEPWELL TO REVIVE IT & REPARING OF STEPS & PROVIDING SAFETY GRILLS AT BAPUNAGAR STEP WELL @ BAPUNAGAR WARD EAST ZONE. TENDER NOTICE NO15 /2014-15./ 47. Page 16 of 17. yufhthlwk Vtubo (1) nwk/ybu yt&e yufhth fhwk Awk/fheyu Aeyu fu yt xuLzh hsw fh<tk vnujtk buk/ybu M&¤le bwjtft< je^e Au ylu ftblu jd<t btjmtbtl, bswhe ylu ceS ctc<tulu jd<e M&trlf vrhrM&r<le ò<-btne<e bu¤Je Au. (2) nwk/ybu yt&e yufhth fhwk Awk/fheyu Aeyu fu yt ftuLx[tfxhtule Nh<tu rJd<tu ylu xuLzhlu jd<t >M<tJustu ft¤SvwJof yÇgtm fgtuo Au ylu <u bwsc <ultu ybj fhJt mkb< Awk/Aeyu. ftuLx[tfxhle mne - rm¬tu btuctEj lkch mt&u yuze.mexe yuLSlegh (bæg Ítul - nuhexus) EXCAVATION OF CENTRE WELL OF STEPWELL TO REVIVE IT & REPARING OF STEPS & PROVIDING SAFETY GRILLS AT BAPUNAGAR STEP WELL @ BAPUNAGAR WARD EAST ZONE. TENDER NOTICE NO15 /2014-15./ 47. Page 17 of 17.
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